There are many causes for the current surge of
Islamic terrorism we see today. The role of Saudi Arabia’s
Wahhabism has been widely discussed since 9/11 as well as the role
of the Iranian Islamic revolution. In a
previous essay I
discussed the role of the Islamic media in brain-washing simple
Muslims. I genuinely believe that the West has played, and is
still playing an essential role in promoting Islamic terrorism. It
sounds bizarre to believe that the West can provide such support
to groups whose ultimate ambition is to destroy the Western
civilization. Bizarre may it be, but it is true.
It is important to emphasize that the root
problem of Islamist Terrorism is embedded in the violent
nature of Islam. But Islam is not new; it has been with us for
over 1400 years. History tells us that Islamic atrocities peak
only when Radical Muslims prevail. Examples are the atrocities
against the tribes of Bani Nadeer and Bani Quraiza,
committed during Mohammed’s time, then the atrocities against the
Arab tribes who left Islam after Mohammed’s death during what is
known as the Redda Wars. A more recent example is the
atrocities of the Turks against the Armenians at the end of the
First World War.
The peculiar thing about the current wave of
global Islamic terrorism is that it is taking place despite the
lack global Islamic dominance. In fact, the Islamic Ummah
currently, appears to be at the bottom of the list of nations in
terms of scientific, technological and industrial achievements.
Straightforward thinking will not expect today’s backward and
corrupt Muslim Nations to have any influence on the far more
advanced West. But they do, thanks to the politically correct,
apologetic and liberal left groups.
These groups are playing a dangerous game that
can only lead to more Islamist terrorism and more bloodshed and
could put an end to the western civilization, as we know it
currently. In a sense, they (these leftist groups) are worse than
the terrorists themselves, because of the valuable moral support
they give to the terrorists that actually fuels more terrorists’
attacks. The Islamic threat was dormant during most of the
twentieth century and only flourished recently as a result of
their campaigns. The political motivation of these leftist groups
cannot be excused and they have to be blamed for allowing the
Islamic violent ideology to thrive and become the menace that it
is today.
A lesson from recent
A pertinent question here
will be:
Why the Islamic terrorism
did not rise during most of the last century?
It is ironic that the current wave of Islamic
extremism came after a period when many Muslim nations were seen
to be heading towards a new age of secularism. In the heart of the
Middle East where Islam was born and where most of the current
Islamic movements originated, the scenario looked very different
about a century ago. The Arabs noblest cause was actually to
get rid of, rather than establish
Islamic khilafa! Both the Arabs and the Turks saw the
Ottoman’s Islamic Khilafa as an icon of backwardness.
There were enthusiastic movements to liberate
the Arabs from the dark ages associated with the Ottoman’s Islamic
khilafa. There were many attempts to modernize Al-Azhar,
the prestigious Islamic university. From the turn of the
century there was a proliferation of secular writings in various
Middle Eastern countries as well as active women’s liberation
movements. In the social field it was unusual to see in the
streets of big cities a woman with a scarf or a man with a long
Islamic beard.
On the other hand there were other Muslim
groups who were moving backwards. For example, the Muslim
Brotherhood movement was founded in 1928 with the slogan ‘Allah
is our God, Islam is our religion, Quran is our book and jihad is
our way’. It is generally accepted that this movement has
given birth to most of the radical Islamic organisations we see
today. Remember, this was in 1928 and a long time before the
creation of Israel in 1948, which says something to those
who argue that it (Islamic Terrorism) all has to do with Israel
and America!
The Saudi Influence
Saudi Arabia was formed in 1932 after a lengthy
civil war and after its inception adopted the strict Wahhabi sect
of Islam. This coincided with the discovery of oil and a wealth on
a scale never known to the Arabs before. The Islamists’ had the
Saudi financial and political muscle behind them but were largely
unsuccessful thanks to the wave of nationalism that dominated the
Middle East at the time. Nasser
of Egypt seized power in 1952 and
quickly became the undisputed nationalist leader of the Arab
world. He refused to be influenced by the Islamists, which
frustrated the Muslim Brotherhood movement who responded by
plotting to assassinate him in 1954. That assassination attempt
failed but signalled a crack down on the Islamic
movement and the imposition of complete ban on its activities.
Nasser built a very influential
propaganda machine and made sure that his voice is heard
everywhere in the Arab world. He also started a big modernization
programme for Al-Azhar promoting Egypt as a leading country
in the Islamic world. The political and social climate was not
simply suitable for the Islamic extremism to thrive. Ironically
those were the years when Saudi’s most powerful leader, King
Faisal, ruled the country.
The important keywords
from the above passage are: crack down and
propaganda machine. The lesson to be learned is that the
combined power of Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood movement
put together were not enough for Islamic extremism to rise in the
Middle East. That was the time when Muslim extremists were left to
the mercy of other fellow Muslims who knew Islam very well and how
the Islamic mind works.
Islam speaks only one language, the language of
fear. Muslims are best controlled by a policy of intimidation and
rewards, which is the policy adopted by Allah in the Quran. Allah
speaks the Islamic language fluently, which is why He never stops
talking about Hell and Paradise. Muslims cannot comprehend things
unless put to them in plain Islamic language. Speak to Muslims
about freedom and you get anarchy; speak to them about democracy
and you get corruption; give them tolerance and you get terrorism.
But if you crack down on them you get discipline! This is an
amazing observation that even the most radicals of Muslims can
behave like soft little lambs when they are under real
threat. Has any one of us ever heard of Muqtada Al Sadr
of Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s rule? I can bet that none of us
ever heard of him. This man had his father killed by Saddam’s
regime but his fear kept him quiet under Saddam’s rule. But
observe how, during the current American rule, he has managed to
emerge as a warlord with his Mahdi Army. All the thanks (or
no thanks) go to the Americans—they have helped to rear and
nurture this Islamist Terrorist.
The Role of the West
Are we witnessing the end of the Western
During the last few decades the West opened
wide its gate to Muslim immigration from all backgrounds. Some of
those Muslims were genuinely seeking good opportunities and
started good lives, and many integrated well in their adopted
countries. The Islamic movements, like Hizbul Tahrir and the
Muslim Brotherhood were quick to take advantage of the
favourable political and social climate in the West and started
sending waves of their extremist members to seek political asylum.
Soon the West was swarming with known extremists some of whom are
convicted terrorists who fled their own countries.
The West provided those Islamists with all
their needs: shelter, money and the means to spread their message
of terror and hate. The Islamists were very quick seizing control
of the rapidly growing network of mosques and Islamic centres
financed by Saudi Arabia. They embarked on an unrelenting
brainwashing process to radicalise the rest of the Islamic
communities. Muslim communities in the west locked themselves in
isolated colonies where they only see Muslims, visit Muslims and
befriend other Muslims. This Islamization of the society was so
powerful that it resulted in a process of
disintegration of those Muslims previously well integrated
in their societies.
The arrival of early Muslims to the west may
have been random; indeed many of them may have never harboured the
intention to rule or enforce their Islamic laws. Soon, they became
well-grouped and organized by richly-financed organizations which
knew very well how to make use of the west’s democracy and freedom
of speech and how to recruit, to their advantage, the
politically correct and liberals of the west. Radical
Muslims think of immigration to the West as a
jihad in itself, which brings to memory the example set by
Mohammed in 622AD when he immigrated to Yathreb and made
use of the political divisions among its chiefs to seize power.
Muslims organizations in the west operate with that piece of
history in mind. They follow the example of Mohammed and call
themselves Al Muhajeroon which is the name given to
Mohammed and his Meccan companions.
One of the fundamental beliefs to all Muslims
is that they are in a state of continuous perpetual jihad until
all other religions are eliminated and Islam rules the world. They
have the assurance from Allah that victory will be on their side
and they have the commitment to Allah to maintain the jihad.
Muslims make no secret of their intentions to rule the world and
have no doubt about how to achieve that. Muslims are constantly
reminded with a Hadith that says every Muslim is on an Islamic
frontier and has to defend it. Islamic organizations in the
West were successful in getting their message through to the rest
of Muslim society. Muslims in the West are no more sporadic
individuals; they became a united front. The recent events in
Denmark, Britain, France and many other countries around the world
prove just that. Muslims have now perfected the art of
continuously moaning and complaining and playing the victims role.
They murder, they torture and kill in thousands but never
apologize. Their usual response: why are you blaming Muslims or
Islamists made an even more important use of
the West by making it a platform from which they can launch their
attacks everywhere in the world. From the West they managed to
reach Muslims in other Islamic countries with the intention of
recruiting them to serve their cause and fulfil their Islamic
obligation to Allah; that is: eliminate everything that is not
Islamic; and that truly includes everything! The West did a
serious harm to other Islamic nations by allowing the Islamists to
spread their influence to those nations; we now see signs of
Islamic militancy in countries like Tunisia and Turkey, previously
known to be moderate.
Muslim extremists have
been making use of the West for few decades, they started by
testing the water and found that the west only responds with
tolerance and politeness, which when translated to their
Islamic language comes to mean weakness. They started
to hit harder and harder and watched the response. They realized
that the West is crippled by its laws and its politically
correct liberal lefts. They discovered that the West
is not willing to put a fight. They hit the west very hard
and loud on 9/11, soon they attacked the west in Sydney, Bali,
Istanbul, Madrid, and London and everywhere they could reach. That
was enough to wake up the dead, but not enough to wake up the
politically correct liberals who are still in denial even of the
existence of the Islamic threat.
Another major achievement of the Islamic
organizations in the west is the
missionary role. Many
Westerners couldn’t resist the money-temptation and fell into this
trap by publicly promoting Islam as a divine religion, while
others converted to Islam for various reasons. What matters here
is that each convert has given a tremendous moral boost to the
Muslims. Islamists used those conversions extensively in their
public relations to make ordinary Muslims cling even more to their
religion and make those who were considering leaving to think
again. Those conversions were seen by Muslims as surrendering
of the enemy and an ultimate sign that Islam is the straight path
to Allah and every Muslim must follow its teachings carefully.
Despite their obvious hatred, Muslims harbour a
feeling of inferiority towards the Christian West. So any positive
remark made by a Christian regarding Mohammed and Islam is always
welcome as it boosts their confidence in Islam. From its early
days, this had been an inherent inferiority complex in Islam.
After 1400 years, Muslims are still taught how the infidel Al
Waleed Ibn Al Mughira positively described the Quranic style,
or how some Jews expressed their admiration of Mohammed’s
knowledge. Other positive remarks made by some western writers in
recent centuries have been inscribed well in the history of Islam
as proof of authenticity. Even if we accept that all those stories
were true, which is doubtful, the fact that none of those infidels
actually embraced Islam doesn’t ring a bell in Muslims’ minds.
The current Islamic regimes who were under the
threat of Islamic terrorism in their respective countries adopted
policies to combat this menace in an effective way. Sadly, the
west’s policies have made those effective measures largely
ineffective. The spread of Islamic extremism was successfully
resisted by many Middle-Eastern countries. Unfortunately, the rise
of Islamic extremism was undoubtedly laid by the liberal and
democratic policies of the west. The behaviour of the Islamists
and their dress code only became acceptable in many Middle Eastern
countries after they had taken roots in the west. The successes
made by the Islamists in the west were echoed in other Islamic
countries. Middle-Eastern countries which still ban hijab, like
Tunisia and Turkey are under increasing moral pressure to lift the
ban, the usual argument is if they can wear it in the West why
not here? We must not forget that hijab is a political
instrument used by the Islamists to show their strength in the
street, the more of it the stronger the message they give to the
world about their popularity.
The bottom line is: the successes made by the
Islamists in the west have nothing to do with the strength of
their case. This has much to do with the support they received
from the liberal left groups in the west.