The Deceptive Translations of the Quran
10 Jul, 2007
- This article reviews only few verses where the translators’ careful selection of the words made enormous changes to the meaning of the verses. This has been a clear, deceitful attempt by the translators to present a good image of the Quran to the English readers. We look at two of the most respected translations; Yusuf Ali and Hilali/Khan, but that is no to say that other translations are better.
Example one from surat Al Nabaa (Q-78)
Q. 78: 33 Companions of equal age
Arabic: Kawa’eba atraba
In this Surat, the Quran describes the pleasures to be expected
in paradise with its gardens, grapes, drinks and women. In the above
verse, the Quran describes to the Muslims (men of course) the kind
of women they might expect to enjoy. The Arabic word ‘Kawa’eba’
means young virgin women whose breasts are firm and well shaped, as
opposed to the sagging breasts of older women. The word ‘atraba’
means ‘of equal age’. Therefore an appropriate translation would be:
‘Young women whose breasts are firm and well shaped and all of
equal age’. The translator decided to skip completely the erotic
description of the women’s breasts; instead used the word
companions, which can hardly mean women at all!
Example two from surat Al Imran(Q.3)
Q 3:14: Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet: Women and sons; Heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses branded and cattle and well-tilled land.
(Arabic: zuyyna li nnassi hubbu shahawati mina al nissaai walbanin ….)
The Arabic word ‘nas’ means a group of people, or this can refer to mankind in general. But in both cases it includes men and women. In the above verse, it is translated to mean ‘men’, which makes a huge difference to the meaning. The original verse is a big blunder, which reflects what was going on in the mind of Mohammed at the time of the ‘revealation’ of the verse. A more appropriate translation in plain English would be: ‘Mankind was made to love the desired things in life like women, children, money and cattle…’ In other words, Mohammed did not consider women to be part of mankind, but only a desired object for them, just like cattle! The original verse reflects an Arab man’s mind, and perhaps was acceptable to the seventh century Arabs, but today, it is a standing proof that the Quran is not the work of Allah but that of an Arab man.
The translator, in this case Yusuf Ali, must had noticed the blunder and tried to do his part to repair the damage, hence the above translation.
Example three from surat Al Naziaat.Q.79: 27-30
27. What! Are ye the more difficult to create or the heaven? Allah hath constructed it
28. On high hath He raised its canopy, and He hath given it order and perfection.
29. Its night doth He endow with darkness, and its splendour doth He bring out (with light).
30. And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse)
Everything in the above four verses is a disgrace to science and
logic. In plain language, the verses tell us that Allah created the
sky (verse27) and perfected it (verse 28) and created nights and
days (verse29) and then after all that He created the earth!
The verses do not only declare that the sky was created and
perfected before the creation of earth, but also they declare that
the days and nights were created much before the earth. The
translator tried his best to rescue the Quran from such an
embarrassing mix-up by committing some translations errors:
In verse 27, the word ‘heaven’ was chosen as a translation to the Arabic word (samaa), which doesn’t mean heaven at all, but means the sky! This certainly makes a remarkable difference in the meaning.
In verse 30, the word ‘moreover’ was chosen as a translation to the Arabic words (baada zalika) which actually means ‘after that’. The error seems to be a desperate attempt by the translator to distract the reader from noticing the scientific inaccuracy. It is clear in the above verses, that Allah is describing the sequence of creations, and confirms that after He finished all the creations mentioned in verses 27-29 He created the flat earth.
Example four from surat Al Nur (24)
Q 24:2 the woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allâh, if you believe in Allâh and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment.
The translators, in this case Hilali and Khan, choose the word punishment as a translation for the Arabic word ‘Azabahuma’ which is a gross error! The exact meaning of the word azabahuma is: ‘the torture of both of them’, but the translators want to distract the reader’s attention from the fact that Allah, who is supposed to be the merciful, actually sanctions torture!
Well, the bad news is that Allah does not only sanction torture, but He is also concerned that the human feeling of the people who implement His orders might influence and soften their cruelty. This is why He warns them not to succumb to their feelings (Let not pity withhold you in their case), and reminds them of a day they all know very well, which is the last day, also known as the judgement day, although the ‘torture day’ would be a more appropriate name.
To complete this sadistic picture, Allah orders the other
believers in the Islamic community to witness the merciless orgy by
saying: ‘And let a party of the believers witness their
punishment’. According to this order, it is a duty of the
Islamic society (fardh kefaya) to watch the torture, which is why
they announce it in mosques after Friday prayers so that people go
and watch!
Although translating the Quran is different from its interpretation (Tafseer), the translators often impose their own ‘wishful interpretation’ of many verses, which is not in line with the traditionally accepted interpretations. This is especially common whenever the Quran says something absurd, which alarms the translator to interfere immediately to stop the reader from thinking of the obvious meaning. In other words, they say to the reader: ‘please do not misunderstand Allah! He meant to say something else!’
The following two examples are demonstrations of such a bizarre practice:
Example five from surat Al Hajj (22)
Q 22:65 … Allah has made subject to you all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His Command? He withholds the sky (rain) from falling on the earth except by His leave…
The translator has deliberately inserted the word ‘rain’ to suggest that this is what is meant by the word sky. I never knew that ‘sky’ can have such a strange meaning, neither did the Muslim scholars who explained the verse during the past fourteen hundred years. Again, the translator tries his best to repair the scientific damage made by the verse, by distracting the mind from thinking of a falling sky!
Example six from surat Al Nissa (Q.4)
Q.4: 34 to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly)
Q.4: 34 ….As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful),
In the above verse, Allah speaks (to men of course) on how to deal with those women, whom they suspect may become disloyal, and asks men to caution those women and refuse to share their beds and beat them. The translators have added their own wishful thinking to the verse by inserting the word lightly immediately after ‘beat them’, as if they want to say to the reader: please do not misunderstand Allah!
The Quran did not say lightly at all, but the translator inserted it to instantly influence the perception of the verse by the English readers. Allah could have easily said ‘lightly’ if He meant to, but He didn’t. Also, Allah did not put any the conditions like the one suggested by Hilali/Khan when they added ‘if it is useful’.
The Quran behind the veil
The Quran is written in old Arabic style that is unfamiliar to most Arabs. It is sitting comfortably behind that veil of vagueness and ambiguity away from critical eyes. In a way, this is very much similar to a black veiled Muslim woman who goes to a beauty contest. Only those with non-existent IQ may vote for her as a ‘beauty-queen’ on the basis: ‘who knows? We do not know what is behind the veil!’ People with common sense will not even consider her for the contest.
Muslim scholars have promoted the Quran with its black veil, and convinced the unintelligent followers that it is the most beautiful book, Nevertheless, they cannot see the obvious because of the veil! They claim to their followers that the Quran says anything that suits their agenda, although they may not see it because of that veil! One would expect that translating the Quran to other languages would remove the ambiguity veil that shields its Arabic version, and present it in a clear and simple language to the non-Arab readers. Unfortunately, such conjecture is far from true because the translators’ choice of words and language style has maintained elusiveness and vagueness of the Quran.
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Mumin Salih is a Middle Eastern Ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at
Tuesday July 10, 2007
10:00:52 -0700
Well written in a concise and succint manor which makes the point about how the Quran has been manipulated by translation to make it more palateable - even then it still smacks of violence, inconsistences, contradictions, stupid logic etc... I guess there is so much a translation can do to "fix" the Quran!
Tuesday July 10, 2007
21:34:55 -0700
We greatly admire & congratulate MR Mumin Salih for posting this scholarly ,critical article on just one aspect of Qurran. All nonmuslims appreciate the courage displayed by Mr. Mumin Salih.We all salute him for telling the truth & facts. All the articles published on this forum/web site can be compiled into volumes & made available to the rest of the world. Even a cursory look at Qurran & even to a noncritical,average intellect person will immediately grasp the stark truth that Qurran lacks intellectual,philosophical,spiritual depth & quality - which are so necessary for any scripture or book claiming to represent / present a religion to the world. Qurran woefully fails in all respects. There is not a single original idea or metaphysical analysis,thought(s) in Qurran. Whatever originality there is in Qurran - it is Fatwas,JIHAD, Houris,Dhimmitude,Darul Harb,Kafir/infidel,Murtad - all carry negative,hatefilled,disgusting,violent connotations. Thus Islam is extremely negative ,violent,hateful,intolerant,fascist cult devoid of all kindness & compassion. Islam is based on inequality,gender bias/misogyny,cruelty/slavery, rape,murder etc. To substantiate this - are the examples( there are many of them ) - all those recent converts to ISLAM from west or African countries or INDIA have become terrorists - not hesitating even a second to kill kafirs/infidels. This shows conclusively - how ISLAM makes a saint to become a demon/murderer/killer/rapist. All the psychologists/psychiatrists must take note of this & study the problem. Islam is a negative ,fascist,totalitarian cult/ideology. Qurran is drab,repetitive,confusing,incoherent rant of a maniac.
Wednesday July 11, 2007
00:15:15 -0700
This is invaluable information. Many thanks to Mumin Salih for exposing this.
Dr. A. Gumi
Wednesday July 11, 2007
05:24:57 -0700
THE QURAN BEHIND THE VEIL The Quran says in Surah 17. Al-Israa (Bani Israel). Verse: 45. And when thou recitest the Quran We place between thee, and those who believe not in the Hereafter a hidden barrier; 46. And We place upon their hearts veils lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness; and when thou makest mention of thy Lord alone in the Quran, they turn their backs in aversion. (Meanings of the Holy Quran. Version 1.04 translated by M. M. Pickthall) NB: Pickthall is a white man Muslim convert. This veil is the source of the misunderstanding of the unbelievers of the beauty, elegance and purity of this GREAT WORD OF THE CREATOR OF UNIVERSE.
Wednesday July 11, 2007
08:18:15 -0700
Dr Gumi, Are you suggesting that God would purposely veil our hearts from beauty and truth? Surely Allah is all wise, all knowing? This makes absolutely no sense to me. The beauty, elegance and purity should be crytal clear to EVERYONE, ALL MANKIND, instead there is much doubt. And as soon as there is doubt, you say that God has decided to veil our hearts. Surely God is all wise, all knowing.
Thursday July 12, 2007
20:47:19 -0700
What is the use of the truth about islam being brought out, when it is not fashionable to criticize islam. if only all the media analysts and policy makers can spend some time to have an indepth understanding of this cult before they make reassuring statements to the public.
Nils Dacke
Sunday July 15, 2007
15:01:45 -0700
What this excellent article describes is just some other examples of the old Muslim art of Al-taqiyya.
Tuesday July 17, 2007
11:25:00 -0700
To Dr. A Gumi, I have a copy of Yusuf Ali's the glorious Quran who born a Muslim. Could you tell me how a translation of the Quran made by a Western Convert is better than someone who was an Arab Muslim since birth?
non existent allah
Wednesday July 18, 2007
00:45:32 -0700
allah is a mighty imaginary being concorted by muhammad the evil man. Both serve to delude people and keep them in the dark. it is such a shame that we have to waste our time and resources to educate the public due to this non existent allah. man is a social animal who wants to have a sense of belonging. Due to this only we belong to clubs, groups, etc. this is the normal inclination of men. however religion, caste etc have made this segmentation to solidify and create hatred amongst each other. today this has brewed over as terrorist acts, kidnapping and warring factions killing and disabling many. Valuable resources, people and time are lost. All this is due to the fictitious book al koran and its stupid followers. f**k allah and long live humanity
Sunday July 29, 2007
01:41:37 -0700
Only hear the good stuff!!!
Sceptical muslim (Muzzammil Hussain
Saturday August 04, 2007
18:13:12 -0700
Interesting article, misguided soul. The amount of rubbish that you have regurgitated, is a waste of time to refute. One of the clear claims muslims make is that no translation is correct, since the beauty and eloquence of the language cannot be expressed properly. I'm sure if any of you had learnt arabic(SOAS is a good place to go) you have have had a different perspective. I'll just refute one point: Q.4: 34 to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly) You say "The Quran did not say lightly at all, but the translator inserted it to instantly influence the perception of the verse by the English readers." My question is why would the translator feel the need to falsify lightly for the english reader, wouldnt you agree, whether lightly or severely, beating is still seen as a reprehenisble act. How would magically putting in lightly make god seem fairer to the wester world and make god seem more politically correct to 21st century standards that you follow, and do you think the translators would intentionally risk the trustworthiness of the whole muslim community by tinkering with "god's" word. The word daraba, means beating, but when it used in the arabic language, it means beating lightly, the meaning of lightly is contained within the word. Just like bismillah (there is no mention of "i begin in the name of allah", yet the meaning is contained within the ba)