Let Hamas Uphold Allah’s Words
23 Jun, 2007
It is shocking for Muslims to learn that, according to the Quran, both Allah and Mohammed, sided with Israel, although trees and stones side with Muslims!
After the dramatic events of June the 14th, when Hamas successfully seized control of the Gaza strip, they declared that Gaza is a liberated area and ready for the Islamic rule. Millions of Muslims in Gaza and around the world cheered to the news that, at last, real Muslims are in control of their struggle against the Jews. Hamas’s disgusting show of violence depicting mutilations and throwing of their opponents from the top of high rise buildings, was not allowed to spoil the Islamists party mood, even though the victims, this time, were fellow Palestinians—their own flesh and blood.
Hamas maintains that the war against Israel is a religious war, and must be fought on religious grounds. This view is shared by millions of Muslims around the globe. Nearly all Muslims are aware of a hadith, which has predicted the Muslims’ fight against the Jews. Even stones and trees, according to the hadith, will side with Muslims and trample the Jews. Muslims are adamant that these inanimate objects will communicate to them in Arabic and will reveal the positions of the hidden Jews. The readers may rightly think that only dumb and stupid people will believe such nonsense tales. But there are millions of such Muslims around. Even the late Palestinian leader, Yassir Arafat, before his death, quoted that hadith on television. A few months ago, Aljazeera was not ashamed to broadcast a report by one of its journalists that a tree disclosed the position of a Jew to a couple of Palestinian mujahideen!!
However, ahadith are only the second source in Islam and Muslims may suddenly choose not to believe the most authenticated hadith, if that helps their agenda.
What does the Quran say?
Let us focus to the Quran, Allah’s words, and see if Allah had said anything in relevance to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Please read on and prepare yourself for a complete surprise!
When we talk about the Quran and the Jews, most people think of the many insulting verses in the Quran describing the Jews as pigs and monkeys (Q.2:65, Q.5:60, Q.7:166). Those verses are Muslims’ favourite, especially, when loud speakers happen to be around. Since we are certain that the Jews are neither monkeys nor pigs, we have to assume that Allah was not serious when He revealed the above verses. It might be that Allah revealed such verses in moments of anger. This is the only way to explain the contents of many other verses, which say nice things about the Jews.
We do not know why suddenly Allah’s mood swings from one extreme to another, but most probably, this has something to do with Mohammed’s own mood at the time, and his relations with the Jewish tribes at the time of ‘revelations’. For those who are not familiar with the Quran, it is worth mentioning that stories of the Jews and their prophets occupy a large proportion of the Quran with boring repetitions. The name of Moses is the most frequently mentioned name in the Quran, probably mentioned more than all other prophets put together. Again, we have no explanation why Allah decided to speak repeatedly, but still briefly, and with no added information, about an issue of no relevance to our lives, such as the Jews and their prophets. This is especially true when He only touched briefly, or missed completely, on other matters of life and death.
Let us read some of what the Quran says about the Jews:
Allah preferred the Jews to all other ethnicities:
Q.2: 47. Children of Israel! call to mind the favour which I bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you to all others.
Allah chose the Jews above all others, a decision based on deep knowledge of everything:
Q.44: 32. And We chose them aforetime above the nations, knowingly.
Allah lists some of the privileges He gave to the Jews, which no other nation enjoys. These are: the Book, the Power, and the Prophethood. Everything Allah gives to the Jews is pure and of high quality. Allah makes it clear to every one that he favours the Jews to all other ethnicities—a real VIP treatment! Here is the proof:
Q.45: 16. We did aforetime grant to the Children of Israel the Book the Power of Command, and Prophethood; We gave them, for Sustenance, things good and pure; and We favoured them above the nations.
Above, I just cited three verses. There are many similar verses in the Quran, and they all indicate clearly that Mohammed’s Allah prefers the Jews to all other nations. Is Hamas willing to treat the Jews as a preferred nation to Allah? Can Hamas accept that Allah has chosen the Jews among all other people?
Now, please read this verse from Surat Al-Maeda (sura 5):
5:21. "O my people! Enter the holy land (Palestine) which Allâh has assigned to you, and turn not back (in flight) for then you will be returned as losers." (Tr. Hilali and Khan)
Q.5: 21. "O my people! Enter the holy land which God hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin."(Yusuf Ali)
Allah repeats His assertion in 2:58:
2:58. And (remember) when We said: "Enter this town (Jerusalem) and eat bountifully therein with pleasure and delight wherever you wish, and enter the gate in prostration (or bowing with humility) and say: 'Forgive us,' and We shall forgive you your sins and shall increase (reward) for the good-doers." (Tr. Hilali and Khan)
Surprisingly, the language of the above verses is plain and simple, verse 5:21 would appropriately be translated into simple English like this:
‘O my people! Enter the holy land (Palestine), which Allah has written for you’
The above verses are clear indications that Allah has assigned the holy land (Palestine, Jerusalem and Jericho—Jalayn and ibn Abbas) to the Jews. It is a clear statement that Allah had documented in writing in His protected tablet (Allawhul Mahfuz), presumably in the land registry section. Allah has not, at all, mentioned the Arabs, the Palestinians, or the Muslims as the inheritor of the land of Palestine. What Hamas is going to do with these verses? How can they uphold Allah’s words when they do not even recognize Israel? Logically, there are only two options for Hamas: either to recognize Israel or to denounce Islam.
Predictably, they will choose neither. As Islamists always do, they will come up with their own explanation, which has no relevance to the real meaning of the verses.
Theoretically and Quranically, the above verses should, on their own, settle the Arab/Israeli dispute for good. Ask Muslims about it and you get a very strange reaction. They go into a period of silence as if they hear the verses for the first time, although they probably had read it hundreds of times before, but without thinking of its significance and its relevance to our time. Then, to avoid the obvious damage, they resort to their unconvincing defence of twisting the meaning in any way they wish.
Needless to say, Muslims will be left with deep wounds when they realize that their Mohammed and his Allah have, probably unknowingly, sided with their enemy.
As said before, the Muslims’ reaction to the above verse is truly strange. However, the Jewish attitude is even stranger, as they hardly ever use it to their advantage.
Bizarrely, we still think the Jews are clever!
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Mumin Salih can be contacted at rawandi@googlemail.com
Saturday June 23, 2007
17:40:52 -0700
Hamas is madness. We will never see peace in Palestine.
Tuesday June 26, 2007
15:26:09 -0700
Fascinating. Can you tell us if the verses you cite were written in Mecca or Medina? Is it possible they are overridden by the "jews and pigs" verses?
ArchAngel Gabrielle
Friday June 29, 2007
02:23:26 -0700
Muhammad never proved that he was a prophet, there was no mircles, no signs and no evidence he was a man of God Yaweh God of Jews and Christians and Israel The qaran is only organised on longest verses to shortest, a madman would be so simple to think of that, they shoud have been completed in order and collated in order that they were given. Muhammad made so many hillarious mistakes on teh Bible he was exposed long ago as a fraud. Abrogated verses means muhmmad was a liar and couldnt remember what he said before.There is NO god called allah, the only true god is Hashem or Yaweh
ArchAngel Gabrielle
Friday June 29, 2007
02:30:51 -0700
The war of Islam against the world was and always was from satan and inspired by demons in muhammads head, nothing good has ever come of islam. It is perverted sick , medieval era 7th century fake cult of gorifiction of war and mrder and violence, not from the one true God Yaweh.The final days is now. God will continue to show islam as fake and now thank Yaweh for the internet more and more -eope are waking up to the hoax on humanity by a war mongerer and charlatan evil shmuck called muhammad AN EvIL cult is one whom kills anyone who criticised its worthiness, or its teachings there fore islam is not from God Yaweh or Hashem, God of the Jews and Christians and the world finally is being taught via internet what an evil satainic violent cult islam and its hoax koran is - abrogted vwerses are a joke just ike the salm,an rushdie satanic verses- muhammad got caught allowing pagan goddesses- incidentally the TRUE daughters of the pagan god ALAH a idol in the kabaah cant fool me I am an expert on islam.or should I say the evil cult of the pagan idol in the kabaah of allah the moon god who married sin the sun goddess and had 3 daughters Muhammad was totally exposed for the fraud pagan liar opportunist he was busted alla was exposed for who he really was in satanic verses and muhammad denied it to try to fool the jews and christians ....we are too intelligent to ever be fooled into bowing before a false God named allah./
Saturday June 30, 2007
07:31:56 -0700
To PMK I think you mean abrogation(Arabic=Naskh) The verses I quoted are valid. They have not been abrogated by any other verse
Johannes von Brevern
Wednesday July 25, 2007
12:28:54 -0700
An interesting article indeed.I have read most of the Koran and are well aware of the confused state of the so called prophet Mohamed.I am of the opinion that those Sureh in the Koran should be fully made aware of to all Palestinian factions including Hamas and Al Fatah. I agree on your somewhat puzzlement,why Israel does not make use of this knowledge in their dealings with the Muslim agrevators.Let the Israelies drop leaflets in their thousands that contain those Sureh,overflying the Gaza- strip.Surely an adequate secret weapon that does not kill any human lives,it be than from shock.Far less blood - thirsty than suicide bombings,throatcuttings,knife attacks and hidden gun - attacks.
How dear you talking about Allah in this way idiot
Friday November 21, 2008
20:54:03 -0500
i am going to pray to Allah every day to punish you idiots and then you will learn a good lesson.
Monday January 05, 2009
07:13:25 -0500
U people should pray to the almighty ALLAH for his mercy on the day of judgement.
Muhammad never proved that he was a prophet,
Monday January 05, 2009
16:31:28 -0500
ArchAngel Gabrielle Mohamed (swa)did not have to proved anything as u can see .....This was said in the quran,Torah and Bible 61- And when Jesus of Mary said, “O children of Israel! I am God’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah before me and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me whose name is praised (ahmad).” 61-The Column, 6 Read this ...Who came after Jesus..But Prophet Mohamed(swa) 7- Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I don’t go away, the Helper (Paraclete) will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. 8- And when he comes, he will convince the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment. John 16, 7-8