Muhajeroon and Ansar:
Can history repeat itself?
Mumin Salih
20 December,
scholars and historians disagree about the most important event in
Islamic history. It was not the birth of Muhammad in the year 570
AD or even the start of his revelations in the year 610 AD.
The majority of scholars will consider Muhammad's relocation to
the northern city of
( Hijra = migration) as the most remarkable turning
point in Islamic history.
Certainly, this was
the opinion of the early Muslims who lived and had witnessed the
event about 1400 years ago. When the second Khalifa Omar
wanted to chose a starting point for the new Islamic
calendar (known as Hijri calendar) he did not chose
the year when Muhammad was born or the year when he started his
call for Islam. Omar and fellow Muslims decided on the year 622 AD
because they knew very well that REAL ISLAM only started
after Hijra.
Muhammad was not
the first or the last Arab to claim to be a prophet. A Few 'prophets'
actually co-existed with him in different parts of Arabia.
Musailama (Muhammad called him the liar) was a
successful prophet in his tribe. He had preceded Muhammad by few
years. Another interesting prophet was a lady (what a pity, it
could have been a first for the Arabs, perhaps) whose name was
Sijah. Musailama and Sijah, both
attracted all their tribes as their followers--something Muhammad
could only achieve after twenty years of brutal force and
intimidation. Both Musailama and Sijah
were not expansionists and they were only interested to rule and
preach quietly among their own tribes. But the refusal by this duo
to accept Islam resulted in the inevitable confrontation between
them and Muhammad. Muhammad was the only prophet warlord
with an organized army and a vision to fight and rule.
The Arabs
of Mecca
The Meccan
Arabs belonged to a tribe called Quraysh. They knew
Muhammad very well since he was a child. When Muhammad claimed to
be a prophet they did what any civilized society would do:
they asked him for evidence of his claim of preophethood.
All what Muhammad could provide were a few verses of what later
became known to be the Quran. The Arabs of Mecca were the masters
of the Arabic language and were deeply involved in the theology
of the time as their city was the centre for the various religions
practiced in Arabia in the seventh century. Quraysh looked at the evidence produced by Muhammad and were not
impressed. They did not accept those verses as a divine proof and
decided to reject Muhammad's claim. They were not biased or
prejudiced and were happy to consider the matter seriously in a
fair manner; but when they examined the evidence they knew it is a
forgery and so rejected Muhammad's assertion.
tried his luck with other tribes with further disappointments; He
even went to the neighbouring city of
with no success at all. His Islamic movement was in deep trouble
and was set to die. In a rescue attempt he asked those who
followed him to seek asylum in
Abyssinia which was ruled by a
Christian king. In preparation for this journey Allah revealed some of the best verses about Christianity which helped to impress
the Christian king. This worked well and Muhammad learned how to
use Allah's revelations to his best advantage to advance
his career. In Abyssinia some of Muhammad's followers converted to Christianity and stayed
spent thirteen years in Mecca propagating Islam with very little
success, as only a few dozens of Arabs, mostly his friends and
relatives, joined him. His movement was set to die just like many
other movements before him. However, his fortune changed
dramatically when he met a group of Arabs belonging to the tribes
of Aws and Khazraj who live in the northern city of
These Arabs agreed to join Islam and invited Muhammad and his
small number of followers to live with them in their city. After
Muhammad had immigrated to Yathrib in the year 622 A.D, the
city was renamed as Medina.
The Arabs of
The generosity of
Medina Arabs to Muhammad and his companions was unparalleled.
Their hospitality covered all his needs: from shelter to food and
more importantly, the moral support he needed so badly. Both
tribes of Medina (Aws and Khazraj) accepted Islam which
quickly doubled the number of Muhammad's followers.
In the beginning,
Muhammad just enjoyed the hospitality and was peaceful with
everyone including the Medina's Jewish tribes. The Medina Arabs
were now called Al-Ansar, which means the supporters,
while Muhammad's Meccan companions were called Al-Muhajeroon,
which means the immigrants.
Muhammad's only
disappointment came from the Jewish tribes in Medina. He hoped
that after he had included in the Quran some of the Old Testament
stories and had prescribed in Islam some of their practices, he
would be accepted by the Jews. But to his chagrin, the Jews of
Medina denied Muhammad the recognition he desperately
wanted. The Jews were known in Arabia as the people of the book
and the ones who knew all about prophets. Therefore, their opinion
about him was extremely important for his prophetic image. But the
rejection from the Jews was very painful and insulting to
Muhammad, and he could never forgive them for their insolence.
never really cared much about Al-Ansar and there are
reasons to believe that he even looked down on them. When Muhammad
started to launch his aggressive wars (Ghazwas) he
gave clear priorities to his companions from
Mecca in leadership
and the war booties.
This occasionally triggered some bad feelings among Al-Ansar
which Muhammad dealt with very efficiently by revealing the
latest Quranic verses in support of his actions, a tactic that
Muhammad used regularly to quiet any criticism to his policies.
The rest of Al-Muhajeroon too, concurred fully with
Muhammad's views of Al Ansar and used them in the same way
he did.
Two breeds of
It is interesting
to note the difference in the approach adopted by the Meccan
and the Medina Arabs towards Muhammad. The
Arabs of Mecca had known him since his birth and had gone through
the thirteen years of his prophetic claims, which they had already
rejected steadfastly. They called him anything from a liar to a
mad man to a poet but never called him a prophet. They heard the
verses he produced to support his claim and they said we produced
better verses to refute his claims! They heard the Quranic stories
and said they had heard this before! Muhammad was getting with
them nowhere.
On the other
hand, the Arabs of Medina believed Muhammad without asking any
questions and without even seeing the man or hearing the Quran!
Only a few of their tribesmen met Muhammad during their Hajj to
Mecca and the rest just
followed. They gave Muhammad more than he could dream of. They
allowed him and his group in their city and provided them with
food, shelter and protection which he dearly needed. Now look at
how Muhammad returned this favour: he took over the city from them
and made it a rule that none of AlAnsar will ever rule the
Islamic state as long as a Qurayshi is still in existence!
Muhammad knew only too well that those Ansars are too
stupid to be trusted as rulers.
Muhajeroon and
Ansar -1400 years later!
The Muslim
Brotherhood movement, which is the mother of most of the current
Islamic movements, has been around for about eighty years. It
started in Islamic countries among its Sunni Muslim population,
but was largely rejected by people and governments alike. Even
during the stage when it was supported by the west in the 1950s
and 1960s it made no impact on ordinary Muslims. Hizbul Tahrir was
the second Islamic movement to appear in the Middle East and
started soon after the Second World War with almost no successes
at all. Its members, like those of the Muslim Brotherhood
movement, were living in the Middle East like outcasts. The
rejection of these Islamists was mainly from the very Muslims who
found more appeal in other national movements of the time.
The current
Islamic movements started in its own Mecca and among its own
population, but for decades failed to make any real progress.
Just like Muhammad failed in his own
These current
Islamists turned their eyes to the west which they saw as the new
Ansars. And they were not disappointed. The western
civilization has a built-in structural fault called
Political Correctness which aims to make stupidity, not
common sense prevail. The west received these Islamists (some
actually call themselves al Muhajeroon!) with open arms
and provided them with food, shelter and protection which they
badly needed to propagate their religion, just like the
Ansar of Medina did to Muhammad and his companions!
These new
Muhajeroon despise the west (the new Ansar) just
like Muhammad did to his own Ansar! Today's Islamists are
only interested in making use of the benefit system and civil
liberty laws available in the west under the protection of
political correctness. Under such protection, they plan to
use to their advantage, all the facilities available in the west
to propagate the real
Medina Islam, including their plans of ghazwas-just like
Muhammad did in Medina.
Even though
they are yet to be powerful to make any dent in the western
civilisation, these Islamists audaciously make it clear they want
to take over the city, under the protection of the
politically correct western Ansars! Just like
Muhammad did.
Mumin Saleh's
e-mail address is