The Quranyon: A Sign of Islamic Decline
27 Jan, 2008
- There are indications that many Muslims are deserting the mainstream Islam to the less known Islamic sect called the Quranyon. Any observer of the religious debates in the Middle East, whether in the printed press or the Internet, must notice the growth of this rather new Islamic sect under the name of the New Ahnaf. Even the once extinct Islamic sect known as Almutazella seems to have been resurrected in some Middle Eastern countries. These new groups are currently neither well organized nor influential and probably will never be, but their rising number is significant because it reflects the deepening cracks in the Islamic structure.
- The Quranyon and the Sunna
The Quranyon build their argument on the false assumption that
the Quran is Allah’s preserved word and, therefore, is infallible.
They claim the Quran is a complete book; therefore Muslims do not
need any other sources of information. In effect, they promote an
essentially different brand of Islam based only on the Quran.
Although they promote themselves as Islamic reformers and defenders
of the Quran, but to the other Muslims, they are simply heretics.
The Quranyon have full knowledge of Mohammed’s history (Sira) and
his example (Sunna), but their knowledge leads them to a laughable
conclusions. In effect, their argument goes like this: ‘because the
history of Mohammed is disgraceful, and because his ahadith (deeds
and sayings) are filled with nonsense, then these ahadith must be
wrong!’ This is like saying ‘because all the available evidence
incriminates the suspect, then all the available evidence must be
wrong! This back to front irrational analysis is not unique to the
Quranyon but common among Muslim scholars in general and reflects
the extent of damage that Islam inflicts on human wisdom.
By rejecting the Sunna, the Quranyon free themselves from the
impossible task of defending Mohammed’s conduct. They are aware that
the charges against him, like the ones published in FFI and IW are
indefensible because they are based on authentic Islamic sources.
Having denied the most authentic Islamic sources, the Quranyon have
one answer to all the charges against Mohammed, which is: ‘it is all
history, so it may not be true’. The Quranyon may not be aware of
it, but their intense inclination to deny the Sunna, is an indirect
admission from them that Mohammed is a liability rather than an
asset to Islam.
The Quranyon and the Quran
The Arabic word Qurani (Quranist) relates to the Quran, a group
of Quranists is called Quranyon. The Quranyon are extremely happy to
be given a name that relates them to the Quran. It gives them some
protection against the inevitable charges of being infidels. Their
association with the Quran gives them a false sense of security;
after all it is not easy to describe people who believe in the Quran
as infidels.
It looks bizarre that the Quranyon reject the Sunna because they
believe it shames Islam and Mohammed but they are happy to accept
the Quran. Any objective reading of the Quran reveals as many
absurdities in it as in the Sunna, if not more. So why are the
Quranyon happy to defend the Quran?
To explain such a strange attitude let us take the hypothetical
example of a thief who is confronted with a rather blurred video
footage for him while shoplifting in a supermarket. The video
footage may be a little blurred yet clear enough to prove the crime.
The thief then uses that slight lack of clarity in the footage as a
basis for his defense, he might claim that he wasn’t shoplifting or
that it wasn’t him at all.
The Quran is an ambiguous book filled with repetitions and
contradictions. In various chapters of the Quran there is enough
nonsense to prove its gross inanities. The Sunna’s role is to
clarify the Quran and puts it in focus, thereby highlighting further
its absurdities. This is why the Quranyon prefer to read the Quran
without the Sunna; they prefer some darkness to give them a free
hand to articulate the language to come up with the meaning that
suits their desires.
In their efforts to preserve the Quran, the Quranyon are not
ashamed to present some of the most stupid argument. Their
rationalization for explaining the Quranic blunders by creating an
entirely new meaning for the Quranic verses goes like this: “Because
the obvious meaning of the verse is logically wrong and
unacceptable, then it cannot be the meaning intended by the Quran!”
They even claim that the Quran has its own Quranic (not Arabic!)
language to justify their extraordinary interpretation of its
blunders! This may explain why this trend appeals to some
dissatisfied Arab Muslims who are not ashamed to violate all the
rules and principles of their language to justify the Quranic
errors. They find in such false cosmetic repairs a comfortable
compromise that allows them to believe in Islam without having to
believe in its absurdities.
Muslims consider the Sunna as complementary and explanatory to
the Quran. This is quite true. However, acceptance of the Sunna
leaves the Quranyon with little room to practice their skills in
distorting the language. The Quranyon cannot apply their skills of
language trickery to the ahadith because these come in different
books and in different wordings, which denies the Quranyon their
only weapon of language falsification to come up with their desired
new meaning.
A Quran only Islam
The Quranyon like to be seen as Muslim intellectuals (although
the two words should not come together) and Islamic reformers. Their
desperation to present Islam as a modern and civilized religion
forced them to adopt a strategy of self-deceit to accept the Quran
and self-deceit to believe that the rest of Muslims will accept
The Quranyon’s claims about the unreliability of Sunna because it
reached us through history is another laughable argument. It must
have escaped their minds that everything about Islam, from the Quran
to Mohammed’s history and his Sunna, have all reached us through the
same history. The Quran was written by humans, kept by humans and
collected by humans. The Quranyon cannot dispute the fact that
Caliph Uthman, who ordered the writings of the official four state
copies of the Quran, did so to avoid the problems caused by the
existence of too many different versions. Indeed, Uthman ordered all
other copies of the Quran to be destroyed because they were
dissimilar from his version. The burning of the other copies has
outraged many important figures in Islam, like Ibn Masoud, who
refused to recognize Uthman’s official version of the Quran.
The Quran repeatedly asks the Muslims to follow Mohammed’s
example (Sunna). If the Quranyon discount the Sunna then they have
to answer the important question: How can Muslims follow Mohammed’s
example if they do not recognize that example?
The Quranyon are not a well-defined group and they do not all
agree on clear and recognized teachings. They even accuse one
another of being infidels! By definition, the Submitters are
Quranyon, but are branded as infidels by all the others. Probably
the only thing the Quranyon have in common is their rejection of the
Sunna and their determination to justify the Quranic blunders at all
costs. However, a Quran only Islam looks so weird to be recognized
as Islam at all. Although the Quran is Islam’s holy book, but the
bulk of the religion is made of Sunna. All the details of Islam like
how to perform the prayers are completely distorted by the Quranyon
because they are only briefly mentioned in the Quran. For example,
in the case of prayers, they only recognize three prayers rather
than five, which they perform differently from the mainstream
In reality, The Quranyon make fundamental changes to the core
issues of Islam, in other words they introduce Bidaa (innovation) on
a major scale, which is a lethal sin in Islam. Their practice has
precedence in Islamic history, like the members of Al-Mutazela group
who were completely eradicated during the Abbasid dynasty. The
current violence between the various Islamic sects is another
reminder of the non-existent Islamic tolerance. Indeed some Quranyon
have already been murdered on the basis they were infidels in
The Quranyon’s state of mind is another sad demonstration of the
damage that Islam can inflict on the human mind. These people have
spotted more than enough of the Islamic garbage to wake them up to
the fact that Islam is just a mad man’s cult. Instead of leaving
Islam, they embark on a desperate process of self-deception because
their confused minds cannot imagine that life can exist outside
The rising number of the Quranyon reflects the damage control being carried out by some Muslims to conceal the deepening cracks in Islam. But these are cosmetic and superficial repairs and can never hold the structure together for long. We must also keep in mind that not all the Quranyon truly believe in what they say. Many unconvinced Muslims think of this group as a safe sanctuary from the real Islam. Some of the Quranyon reject the Quran soon after they reject the Sunna, and continue their journey to enlightenment and freedom. Indeed many of the Quranyon only pretend to be so to stay legally alive in the Islamic societies. The current apparent Islamic tolerance to their existence may not be long lasting. Probably the reason they are left alone is because they are considered as a disillusioned group of non-practicing Muslims who will eventually return to the circle of Islam.
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Mumin Salih is a Middle Eastern ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at
Saturday January 26, 2008
21:01:49 -0700
If the Quran is the infallible word of Allah then why did Allah find it necessary to change his views midstream, thus abrogating many of the early laws given to Mohammed?
Name: Shafee al-Apostate al-Zindig
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 00:52:19 -0700
If the Quran with its hate, intolerance, discrimination, contradictions and absurdities is the perfect word of Allah, then the only conclusion we can logically follow is that Allah is imperfect. Islam is incapable of being reformed, only abandoned. It should be cast on the dung heap of history.
Name: agn
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 03:12:48 -0700
It is not particularly new. The Ahmadis also reject most of the hadiths. In addition, they allegorize violent passages in the Quran to signify "deeper truths" (I.e, the language of ugly war is a pictorial description of the inner struggles within the individual) On the whole, the Ahmadis are a very peaceful bunch (and of course branded as heretics by other Muslims). If the Quranists are moving in the direction already taken by the Ahmadis, we should welcome that, even though their theology is laughable.
Name: zoltix
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 06:43:34 -0700
Excellent article. This information is very valuable to non muslims trying to understand the various factions within islam and how to deal with them. A similar detailed article on the Ahmadis would also be useful. I notice they have their own TV channel in the UK.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 11:55:54 -0700
Excellent Article Please keep us updated. It is interesting how humans try to keep to old garbage that came to us from 1400 years ago, and did not do much good even back then.
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 12:41:24 -0700
Famous Isreali Jewish Quote "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1] Famous Palestinian Christian Arab Quote “We are the only people on Earth asked to guarantee the security of our occupier ..while Israel is the only country that calls for defense from its victims .." ------- Hanan Ashrawi Famous Palestinian Muslim Quote "As long as Israel has intentions of building their temple on the ashes of Islams third most Holy site, the Muslims will have intentions of building a Caliphate on the ashes of the Zionist State." ---- FPQ
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 13:50:49 -0700
The reason Muhammed and Muslems wear those turbans is to hide their horns, turns people off. The reason for the long robes is to hide their pointed tails and erections, too embarrassing.
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 16:01:01 -0700
Literacy is corrosive to belief systems like Islam. It forces people to choose between an irrational adherence to what they previously believed out of habit and ignorance or a rejection of those beliefs. That is why you have both educated extremists and apostates becoming more common. They are both coping with the actual content of Islam in the only two ways that offer any degree of honest living. The important question is, how do we discover which path is more popular and is their anyway to influence that choice.
Name: kafirs did better than muslims without help from imaginary allah
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 23:16:01 -0700
kafirs did greater inventions etc without help of imaginary allah so leave allah and attain greatness. 1. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history. 2. India invented the Number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. 3. The world's first University was established in Takshila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4 th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education. 4. According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software. 5. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. 6. Although western media portray modern images of India as poverty striken and underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth. 7. The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The very word "Navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. 8. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is now k! nown as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published that Budhayan's works dates to the 6 th Century which is long before the European mathematicians. 9. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India . Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11 th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 10 53. 10. According to the Gemmological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world. 11. USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi. 12. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra. 13. Chess was invented in India . 14. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract, fractures and urinary stones. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India . 15. When many cultures in the world were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley ( Indus Valley Civilisation). 16. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.
Name: J. Sultan
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 09:01:28 -0700
Perhaps muslims seek Quranyon as a better alternative than apostacy which requires a death sentence.
Name: Barry Longfield
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 10:07:44 -0700
They should be called Quranics or Quranists. Transliterlation from Arabic(Quranyon) makes them sound like cañon! Not that it matters since all flavors of religions are bad...including curry!
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 10:28:35 -0700
Qudaffi (sp?) of Libya once embarked on a Quran only version of Islam. He recanted after receiving intense pressure from Islamic leaders. Even of one were to accept a Quran only version of Islam, which would be contradictory given the Quran's admonition to obey Muhammad and follow his example, Muslims are still left with the undeniable fact that Muhammad's followers at the time of his death were brutal conquerors. This undeniable historical record proves that Islam is not a religion of peace and that Muhammad's early followers understood the plain meaning of chapter nine of the Quran as an admonition to "slay the pagans wherever you find them in every stratagem of war." There is no way to reform Islam in an intellectually honest manner such that it will ever be a peaceful religion. The religion is inherently flawed.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 19:07:43 -0700
What I've noticed about Muslims in general is that they can't understand even the simplest logic. They claim that the Qur'an is infallible. However, where is their infallible interpreter of the Qur'an? No one claims to be an infallible interpreter of the Qur'an. There are 73 contradictory sects in Islam. This proves that there logic is pretty well screwed up. How can all these contradictory sects be infallible? How can they all be true? Of course, they all cannot be true. But according to the Muslims all these contradictory sects are true. Stupid logic.
Name: Cynic
Date: Tuesday January 29, 2008
Time: 00:51:55 -0700
To Barry Longfield- Strange logic associating curry with religion. I can easily make out that you havent tasted good curries.
Name: Barry Longfield
Date: Tuesday January 29, 2008
Time: 09:37:18 -0700
to Cynic: I doubt you got my cynism. Try again!
Name: Cool
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 21:15:27 -0700
We should support the Quranyon. I know a few. The ones I know say that Christians, Jews, no religion, etc can also be Muslims (i.e., Submitters). In a way that is true because all people and things submit to a Force of some kind. What would happen if everybody in the world said they were a muslim and then went on with their live a usual? It would be fun to watch. I hereby declare myself a muslim.
Name: Abu Usaim
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 23:49:23 -0700
This comment was better than the article itself. Date: Sunday January 27, 2008 Time: 13:31:38 -0700 NIce list of logical conclusions , unfortunately no name was given.
Name: Ahmad
Date: Sunday February 10, 2008
Time: 02:57:49 -0700
Asalamu alykum Quran is a fully detailed book,Alhamdulillah.And to Allah is our return.Fear Allah,perfect your intentions and follow his commands,and inshaallah you will succeed.
Name: Yusuf
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 16:19:54 -0700
The Sunnah and Ahadith are Islam's biggest liability, along with a comatose Ummat. Where do you think all the dirt thrown against Islam and especially Muhammad SAW by its enemies, comes from? Any fool who has read Sahih Bukhari and Muslim can see that these books are replete with anti-Islamic filth! You who call yourselves "Muslims" are in the same boat as Chrsitians wjho follow the Ahadith of the Gospels. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, least of all at those who sincerely take The Quran as God's Word which must suggest that they, unlike their detractiors, aren't guilty of the heinous crime of sectarianism which is condemned in The Quran. But then how many Sunnis and Shi'ites take that liturgical hymn book on its word. Your gods are your sects, your mullahs and whatever else you have tacked onto what should be God's Way for humankind...and where has it got you?...nowhere!
Name: globaltomyah
Date: Tuesday February 19, 2008
Time: 11:06:39 -0700
removing home from leaf the tree, were about a pair a young all what work it is a my first parents neighborhood
Name: to Yusuf
Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
Time: 04:23:05 -0700
I have a big pity on you. How can you believe a person like Mo to be a prophet? Christians never pray PBUH for their Jesus, Confucians never pray PBUH for their Confucius, Hindus never pray PBUH for their Sri Khrisna, Buddhists never pray PBUH for their Siddharta, etc. How can a prophet still need a prayer from his followers? PBUH? It proofs that Mo never ever had a peaceful mind, only a troubled one. His thinking was: "How many times can I have sex today?" With the sexual power equals that of thirty men, his libido drove his action day by day. He should be the biggest porn filmstar if he lives nowadays. This is the scenario of one film I can think: 30 naked girls i a row having sex with Mo, one by one, then start all over again from the first girl to the thirtiest. Damn sure it will be a big success.
Name: Yusuf
Date: Sunday April 06, 2008
Time: 16:42:42 -0700
Quran only Muslims reject hadiths because the authors are suspect along with the intricate methodolgy to assert so-called truthfulness is a sham to prop up those who advocate hadiths. The whining Sunnis (everbody is plotting against us the True Muslims, LOL) have shot themselves in the foot with their own hadiths which support non-Muslim assertions that he was nothing more than a brigand and that Islam can't be taken seriously due to the numerous fables and hearsay that abound in Ahadith. Their second crime is translating and interpreting The Qur'an to match these lies. In any event it all comes down to what you want to believe, or are forced to Sunnis truth is relative only to their own version/s (interpreted and translated according to their own whims) of The Qur'an and the Ahadith and Sunnah. If they believe that Muhammad flew to heaven on some turbo-charged mule and then bargained with Allah to reduce 50 times a day prayers (thats one every 28 minutes I think LOL) to 5 then it says alot about their level of gullibility, ignorance, dogmatism and stupidity. The only thing we must take seriously about these misfits is that they are down right dangerous if crossed. You can't argue with religious automatons.
Name: Mohamed
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 15:13:43 -0700
Although I shouldn't even comment on this article, but it seems that you didn't even read the Quran. I believe in Quran only and am very happy with that. And trust me the one who is deceiving himself is the one who writes such an article without any purpose.
Name: Amir
Date: Thursday October 02, 2008
Time: 05:30:01 -0700
Hope god guide you to the right path to follow quran only..
Name: Believer
Date: Friday October 17, 2008
Time: 18:51:34 -0700
To the author: I think that you are not equipped to talk on this level of Islamic doctrine. You obviously do not understand the difference between the Quran and the Hadith/Sunna. Your article is based on pure opinion with no supporting evidence if you took this to a court room to plead your case, the judge would throw it out of court for 'no case to answer' and the Quran would be discharged from these charges for lack of evidence.You are looking at Islam from a bird's eye view of the situation. If you really want to find the truth about your Creator, don't be so arrogant, humble yourself because you have no idea that the things you are saying may hurt your own soul. My brother, you mock Allah without a flinch, have you thought for one moment as to what would happen if Allah were to mock you. Humble yourself before seeking His Greatness. Sincerely, A true believer in the Quran.
Name: Sound Doctrine
Date: Thursday December 25, 2008
Time: 15:45:41 -0500
God does not direct anyone to follow a man like Mohammad and especially the Quran. There is no other witnesses to what He gave,. Moses in the law said, '' Let every word be established by two or three witnesses.'' Mohammad has no other human witness to what he gave.. Witnesses always refer to people, There are thounands of witnesses of what God gave in the Bible, and no weak minded, fallible man can memorize God. That is why Jesus always said '' It IS written'' He trusted in the written word.
Name: AceOfHearts
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 12:46:00 -0500
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 16:26:45 -0500