Islamic Hatred, Bigotry and Violence
22 July, 2008
- The Koran is a harsh, cruel, uncompassionate book and Islam is its product. The Koran tolerates no other religion but Islam. All other religions are false and evil. According to the Koranic outlook, the only good and righteous government is an Islamic government and all other governments are evil and should be overthrown. All non-Muslims are infidels, idolaters who should be destroyed without pity. According to the Koran, holy war against the infidel is every Muslim's religious duty. All religions program the minds of their adherents into patterns of outlook, value and thought characteristic of the particular religion. And Islam programs the minds of its adherents into the bigoted, hateful outlooks found in its holy book, the Koran. Action follows thought. Thought, therefore, has consequences. And the consequences of Islamic thought are the acts of violence and cruelty that are associated with Islam. And it is interesting to note that the violence and viciousness characteristic of Islam is not directed only toward non-Muslims. Different Muslim sects and groups hate each other with a passion and are no less vicious and brutal among themselves than they are with non-Muslims.
Now we come to the following: The religious Muslim simply does not integrate into non-Muslim society. He doesn't fit and he is not happy there. The Koran repeatedly enjoins the Muslim to make no friends with the non-Muslim and if he does he is disobeying the Koran. Muslims are attracted to non-Muslim countries solely for economic reasons, i.e. job opportunities. They may like the economic benefits but generally they don't like the country or its people. They are enemies in the land. Now looking at things from the non-Muslim point of view, the Muslim cannot be trusted. He is a threat in the land. His loyalty to the country cannot be trusted. In fact, no strictly religious and Koran-believing Muslim can possibly have a true and honest allegiance to a non-Muslim country—the Koran precludes it. The only trustworthy Muslims are the non-religious ones. For the religious Muslim, a non-Muslim government is wicked and evil and it is his duty to overthrow it and establish an Islamic state. Indeed the Islamic religion ought not be legal in any non-Muslim state. It is by its nature subversive and seditious—an enemy of the state. Every religious Muslim in a non-Muslim country is likely to be subversive in attitude and sentiment if not action, a potential terrorist, a very real threat to the citizens of the country.
Whatever the Muslims may say, the real reason for the Muslim hatred of non-Muslims is just simply religious bias. It is pure religious bigotry. The Muslim speaks of justice. But, in fact, his vision is distorted and warped by his own bias and hatred. He has his own version of justice.
The non-Muslim world has been amazingly restrained and humane in its response to all the many Muslim acts of violence, brutality and mayhem against it. One wonders if the Muslims don't take advantage of this restraint.
Let me ask this question. Suppose it was the other way around and we were doing to them what they are doing to us? Suppose, instead of Muslims sneaking into non-Muslim lands and murdering their hosts en masse, it was the other way around—that is, non-Muslims were sneaking into Muslim countries and murdering Muslims en masse for no better reason than that they were Muslims. What do you think would be the response of the Muslims to this? You don't know? Let me tell you. The life of a non-Muslim in a Muslim land wouldn't be worth a penny. Blood would be running in the streets. The Muslims would be out slaughtering the non-Muslims without mercy or humanity. That is just Muslim mentality. It is called by them "just revenge." It is vengeance. It is part of their religion.
Let me ask another question. Suppose the situation in this world were reversed and it was the Muslims who had all the high technology and world power, and Christians had nothing, what do you think would happen? Knowing the depth of their hatred for the non-Muslims, it doesn't take much imagination to figure it out. We are very lucky that that is not the case. Remember that Muslims attacked Europe in 711 CE and continued the charge as long as they had the upper hand over the Christendom, reaching the Gates of Vienna for the second time in 1683 .
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