Koran and the Psychopathology of Muhammad, Part I
30 May, 2008
From Gates of Vienna on 28 May 2008
While writing this article I have had the enormous good fortune to
interact with several academics in the field of psychology, and
scholars with extensive expertise of the Arabic language during the
Jahilyah period and post Islamic era. I can’t identify them by name
because Islamic fanaticism has often relied on violence to silence
views and opinions that do not agree with the likes or dislikes of
Muslim clerics or community leaders. But still I have to credit them
for sharing their knowledge without any reservation. I also relied
extensively on the writings of several prominent figures who had
addressed through books and essays the psychopathological aspect of
the Prophet’s personality. Since their views are part of the public
domain, I will list all of them just in case readers of this forum
decide to go for an in-depth scrutiny of the psychopath declared by
the Koran as “insanoul kamel” (Arabic equivalent for) “an excellent
model of human conduct” 33:21, God’s gift to humanity according to
Islam, but historical facts show that he was nothing but Satan’s
curse to mankind.
One source where a wealth of information was gleaned is Dr. Abbas
Sadeghian’s book titled Sword and Seizure. Dr. Sadeghian
promotes, with the support of solid historical evidence, the view
that Muhammad suffered “complex partial epileptic seizures” clearly
reflected through the following symptoms: excessive perspiration,
light trembling, olfactory, auditory, and visual hallucinations, and
hyper-religiosity. Another good source on the psychological profile
of The Prophet is Dr. Hafsa bint Sharif, Ph. D and her essay
“Psychological Profile of Muhammad”. Author Robert Spencer produced
an excellent book entitled The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of
The World’s Most Intolerant Religion, covering the 23-year
prophetic career of a narcissist whose ramblings were nothing but
distorted views stolen from The Old Testament, The Talmud, and
Christianity the religion of his first wife Khadija. According to
The Biography of The Prophet by Ibn Kathir, following the first
apparition of the angel Gabriel, Khadijah took Muhammad to her
cousin, Waraqa ibn Nawfal, a man of knowledge and a Christian who
“had studied the books of both the Jews and the Christians very
closely and he had learned a great deal from many of their wisest
people”. Waraqa confirmed to the couple that humanity has been
expecting “The Seal/Last of The Prophets (of monotheism)” and the
creature of light Muhammad saw was definitely angel Gabriel. Last
but not least I recommend the book titled “Understanding Muhammad:
The psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet” written by Ali Sina. A must
for the proper understanding of a tyrant whose teachings were behind
the massacre of 80.000.000 human beings in India alone, from the day
the first Islamic armies invaded the land to present. Mr. Sina
places Muhammad in the same league of totalitarian butchers such as
Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Ze Dong.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
By now too many Canadians are familiar with the Islamic obsessive
attachment to the notion that the Koran is the infallible word of
God, revealed to Muhammad by Jibril (the Arabic name of angel
Gabriel in the Koran),
unchanged by Muslim scholars in its authentic form, so perfect that
the infallible book together with The Hadith is the basis of The
Sharia Law, the “Just Law” that will be implemented and enforced by
Muslim Jihadists the day the conquest of this planet is achieved,
and the Kouffars/infidels (Jews and Christians) forced to accept the
perfect Deen (Arabic for religion) Islam. Of course Islam has a
verse “ for the “Perfect Deen” the way it has a verse or a Hadith
for every issue that regulates human behavior, thought, bodily
functions, from cleansing the self after a bowel movement to dealing
with wives or female slaves when they are menstruating, to… Allah
announced the “Perfection of Islam” during the “Farewell Pilgrimage”
of Muhammad (last one before his death). The Lord reassured him “
This day I have perfected your deen for you and have completed My
blessing on you, and have chosen Islam for you as your deen”. The
Koran 5:3
How valid is the Islamic claim of the Koran’s infallibility? Is it
really the “Word of God” or “after-the-fact” claims designed to
satisfy the ego of a psychopathic narcissist masquerading as a “Man
of God”?
In part one of my essay I will endeavour to prove to the readers of
the forum that the Koran is not even a poor imitation of what
perfection is. In future essays, I will try to link verses to
specific traits in the personality of the Prophet, and the
pathological motives that forced him to introduce each and every
verse, and exploit them to further his political agenda and satisfy
his obsessions. I would like to start with the critical point that
Muhammad was an illiterate, and no Muslim or an infidel has ever
challenged this point. On the contrary, Muslim scholars have always
pointed out with pride that it was a miracle for an illiterate to
memorize such a huge volume of Souras (Koranic chapters) and
thousands of verses. Muslim scholars conveniently forget that the
Prophet was not born in a social, political, and cultural vacuum. He
was the product of the Jahilyah period when illiteracy was the norm,
and the oral tradition was the dominant means used by Arab tribes to
transmit, from one generation to another, folk wisdom, cultural and
religious values, linguistic rules and principles, etc…
Poets, warriors, and tribal leaders of the Jahilyah managed with casual ease, without Divine intervention from Allah, to memorise huge volumes of poetry known at the time as “Qasida”/poem or “Qasaed”/poems. Poets were highly respected for their talents, their exceptional ability to memorize hundreds of lengthy poems, and their mastery of the spoken word. They were highly rewarded by tribal leaders for their valuable role as custodians of tribal history, since no uniform system of writing was developed at the time for the Arabic language, complicated by the fact that isolated tribes developed different dialects in different geographical areas of the Arab world. So it is not a coincidence or a “Miracle” that Muhammad used the same structure of the “Qasaed” to promote his teachings. Too many Arab poets (Muhammad’s contemporaries) from different tribes did notice that there was nothing exceptional about the linguistic structure of Muhammad’s religious statements fashioned in the principles of the Qasaeds. To defend his plagiarism when confronted with such accusations made by Arab poets, Muhammad had to rely on the authority of Jibril the Angel to promote several verses pointing out to his gullible followers that Heaven is the source of his personal views and not the fallible mind of a narcissist parading as a Prophet;
“By the declining star, your compatriot (Muhammad) is not in error, nor is he deceived. He does not speak out of his own fancy. This is an inspired revelation. He is taught by one (Jibril) who is powerful and mighty.” The Koran 53:1-6
“This (the Koran) is a mighty scripture. Falsehood cannot reach it from before or behind. It is a revelation from a wise and glorious God. “ The Koran 41:42-43
Almost four centuries later, one of the
giants of the Arabic literature and poetry, Abu al-Ala al-Maarri
(973-1057), who was a dedicated rationalist, picked up again the
accusations made by Muhammad’s contemporary poets, and declared the
Koran and Islam as a travesty. Abul al-Ala wrote several books, the
most famous of them was Fusul wal Ghayat, fashioned and
structured in the exact style of the Koran to highlight the point
that there was nothing “miraculous” or “divine” about the “Holy
Book” of Islam, revered strictly by the sheer power of numbers,
millions who blindly accepted its tenets. With an obvious contempt
for Islam, Al-Marri accused it of dividing mankind into two groups:
“One intelligent without a religion, and the other religious without
Now let us go back to the claims of the Koran, and scrutinize
closely some of the key pillars upon which the entire book rests.
The Koran insists in dozens of verses that God is the author of “The
Holy Book of Islam”. It points out that:
“He is God in heaven and God on earth; He is the wise One, the All-knowing… ” 43:85
… the source of infinite wisdom, infinite mercy, infinite… ad infinitum.
“We have revealed the Koran in the Arabic tongue that you may grasp its meaning. It is a transcript of Our eternal book, sublime, and full of wisdom.” 43:1-5
The All-knowing Allah of Islam selected
Muhammad to spread His message/will/commands to mankind, and to
avoid any misunderstandings or confusions, instructed Jibril to use
the Arabic language for His revelations to simplify things to the
finite mind of the Prophet. I managed to isolate at least 11 verses
emphasizing the selection of the Arabic language as a privilege, as
a simple measure to insure the clarity of the message, and a way of
undermining the power of the Devil who managed to infiltrate the
ranks of The People of the Book (Jews and Christians), and forced
them to commit the ultimate evil of rejecting the Prophet and his
teachings. “A Book, whereof the verses are explained in detail; a
Koran in Arabic, for people who understand… ” 41:3
What was the first revelation Jibril wanted the Prophet to
“Read, in the Name of your Lord who created, created man of a clot, and your Lord is the Most Gracious, who taught with the pen what he did not know.” 96:1-5
The All-knowing Allah forgot that he is
dealing with an illiterate prophet. In order for Muhammad to read to
his followers the will of Allah, he first has to master the use of
the pen, write and then read. Unfortunately Muhammad was too busy
collecting wives, waging wars, and dispensing brutal justice, and
all these preoccupations forced him to disregard the very first
instruction he received from God, and he died without leaving behind
a single manuscript with his own handwriting, where a pen was used
to confine his noble thoughts to a piece of paper. May Allah forgive
him for this unintentional bad judgement call.
What did Allah say also in the first revelation? “… created man of a
clot… ” Didn’t he claim also in the same “Holy Book” that he created
man from a germ? “Confound man! How ungrateful he is! From what
did Allah create him? From a little germ He created him and
proportioned Him.” 80:19-20 Didn’t Allah insist in another verse
that He created man from dust? “By one of His signs He created
you from dust; you became men and multiplied throughout the
earth.” The Koran 30:19
In another verse Allah created man from a sperm, and since Muhammad
was never a biologist with proper training in “Reproductive
Technology”, he failed to indicate whose sperm was used to create
the first man. We can’t blame him; Jibril did not guide him
properly, and Jibril cannot be admonished since he was conveying the
words of a confused Creator who did not remember how he originally
created man in his experimental lab. To justify the confusion of The
Creator, his servant Muhammad conspired with Jibril to cover the
entire fiasco with the following verse:
“Men if you doubt the Resurrection remember that We first created you from dust, then from a sperm, then from a clot of blood, then from a half-formed lump of flesh, so that We might manifest to you Our power.” The Koran 22:5.
It seems that the raw material God needed
to create man, was also the subject of the rules of “Supply and
Demand” in his heavenly lab. So whenever he exhausted the inventory
of one raw material he had to use a different type, four or five in
total, to create and recreate the first man. Or, it could well be
that Dr. Sadeghian was right, and the epileptic prophet had a
seriously flawed memory, and despite the fact that his native
language (Arabic) was used by Jibril, he failed to memorize properly
how God created man, and contradicted himself throughout the Koran
on several critical issues that go well beyond the creation of man.
Well, we have covered the confusing story of the creation of man;
now let us address the issue of the earthly kingdom Allah gave him
to rule. We know that the man’s kingdom was called earth:
“And it is He Who spread out the earth like a carpet, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and flowing rivers… He draws the night as a veil over the day… ” 13:3
“And the earth We have spread out like a carpet; and rested thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance”. 15:19
“He Who has made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads… ” 20:53
Either Muhammad is perplexed and seriously intimidated by the voice
of Jibril, thus becoming unable to concentrate on what the angel is
saying, or the Creator has become too senile to remember that His
perfect design decreed to give planet earth a spherical form meaning
round not flat like a carpet. The Creator missed also the critical
point that planet earth rotates on its axis, and that phenomenon is
enough to create day to toil and night to rest, and thus there is no
need to use a giant veil to cover the earth to create night and
darkness to rest.
Imagine all these verses were conveyed in Arabic, and yet so much
confusion and chaos about how “The Infinite Wisdom” tried to save
man’s soul from eternal damnation. But the chaotic thoughts and
emotions of the Prophet do not end with the previously mentioned
issues. On too many messages conveyed by Jibril, Muhammad failed to
offer any explanation, and generations of Muslim theologians faced
the same embarrassment for the last fourteen centuries when
confronted by foreign scholars with the very obviously incoherent
writings in the Koran, that reflect nothing but contempt for human
logical thought and reasoning.
Let me be more specific. Read again all the verses mentioned in the
entire essay up to this point. Count how many times “We have” and
“Our” were used in reference to the single God. Hundreds of “We”s
and “Our”s are casually used in the Koran.
It is a blasphemy in Islam to refer to Allah as a collective entity
made up of several partners (Al shourk). Was the Prophet assuming
that the angels were co-creators and he referred to the entire
heavenly endeavour to save the soul of man, as the act of “We” the
Gods and Angels? Was the shrewd Prophet trying to recruit pagans who
believed in multiple Gods, and the “We”s and “Our”s were clever ways
to attract the listening ears of the pagans? Or was our epileptic
prophet experiencing auditory hallucinations that precipitated in
his mind the impression of dealing with multiple celestial
Also, too many Souras in the Koran start with a set of isolated
letters from the Arabic alphabet (Alef, Lam, Ra, Kaf, Ayn…). They
have no meaning or relationship to the title of the Soura, and often
the title itself has no direct or full relevance to issues addressed
in the verses of each Soura. The following is the classical
explanation placed forward for Western consumption: “If we (Muslim
theologians) find an authentic narration leading to the Prophet that
explains these isolated letters, we will embrace the Prophet’s
statement. Otherwise, we will stop where we were made to stop and
will proclaim: “We believe in it (the Koran); all of it is from
our Lord” 3:7
Well, what happened to Allah’s effort and the Koran’s insistence
that the Arabic language was selected to make The Lord’s will very
clear? These letters do not clarify anything, and do condemn Allah’s
efforts for clarity to dismal failure. They exist in the beginning
of too many Souras. Is Allah so imperfect that he failed to convey
his thoughts in a simple direct manner, and needed mystery to
attract the attention of Muslims, or perhaps make the narcissistic
Prophet the centre of every Muslim’s attention? Or again could it be
that the epileptic prophet attempted to start a sentence and failed
to finish the first word because the electrical impulses were
disrupted in his brain and by the time normalcy and proper chemical
balance was restored for the neurons to communicate and thoughts to
form, the poor prophet failed to recollect what he wanted to say?.
But despite memory failures let us give the Prophet the credit he
deserves for creating “The Personality Cult” for his followers.
After all, his charisma managed to convince his intellectually
bankrupt inner circle, who committed to memory every word and
statement he made, even the most trivial and senseless detail coming
from God’s servant, and the meaningless letters were kept in the
Koran, not because they are pearls of wisdom from the mouth of God,
but because the power of ruthless authority insisted to have them
Let us not forget also that his many wives were sexually very
demanding, and this was the frequent cause of the mental exhaustion
the poor Prophet experienced. “The Prophet used to visit all his
wives in a round… they were eleven in number… Had the Prophet the
strength for it? We used to say that the Prophet was given the
strength of thirty men” Sahih Bukhari 1:5:269
I can write hundreds of pages about the systematic inconsistencies,
contradiction of views and thoughts permeating the pages of the hate
literature called “The Koran”. But such a goal will be boring and
banal for readers. It will be more interesting to explain to
Canadians how a psychopath shaped a “Holy Book” in his psychological
image, and the venoms of hatred it carries to demonize and
dehumanize Jews and Christians are nothing but a reflection of the
psychopathic thoughts and warped political agenda he pushed for a
self-serving glory.
Part II will be covering those details
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