Rushdie Knighthood Outrage: A Letter of Support for Rushdie and UK Government
27 Jun, 2007
- Dear Sir,
We the undersigned would like to make it clear that it was not the author Salman Rushdie who cost British taxpayers over £10 million, it was the theocratic despot ruling Iran at the time issuing a Fatwa (legal ruling), aided and abetted by Muslims from around the world, especially those living in Britain.
To say that Rushdie was responsible for the cost of his state protection is as risible as blaming Alexander Litvinenko for the cost of ridding London of the Polonium 210 used to murder him.
Muslims in Britain burned copies of The Satanic Verses, accused Rushdie of “insulting” Islam and justified Ayatollah Khomeini’s death sentence in absentia upon a man whose guilt was no more than writing a near unreadable book.
Shamefully, instead of condemning the death sentence, some western non-Muslim “intellectuals” actually suggested that some kind of bodily harm was fitting punishment for Rushdie.
Pakistan’s religious affairs Minister Mohammed Ijaz ul-Haq has backtracked from his first statement suggesting suicide bombing would be a just response to Rushdie’s knighthood, later saying he meant extremist Muslims would justify suicide bombings.
We do not accept the concept of “extremist” Muslims because Muslim politicians like Mohammed Ijaz ul-Haq and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad actually rule Islamic countries.
Far from distancing themselves from Saudi Arabia and Iran, Islamic states like, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and the rest of the Muslim Middle East are moving closer to the politics and jurisprudence practiced by those two most oppressive of Islamic regimes.
This is evidenced by Hezbollah and Hamas, arguably the two most neo-Nazi political parties existing today, being elected into office.
One must, therefore, conclude that this is the natural path of Islam.
If ever there was an advertisement for rejecting Sharia law it must be Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Nevertheless, Sharia by stealth is creeping across the European Union.
Polls show that 40% of British Muslims openly desire Sharia law in Britain.
We believe that the remaining 60% are conducting taqqiya (holy lies) and kitman (withholding the truth) and they also want Sharia law.
However, millions of European citizens are uniting with the intent of reversing this sordid trend by, as a first step, holding a “Stop Islamisation Of Europe” march in Brussels on 11th Sept.
Islam, should not be afforded special protection in law, but should be treated as a political party, open to criticism and ridicule.
Arguably, this should be the case for all religions.
International death sentences, suicide bombing and holy lies are all problems for Islam and for Muslims to solve, not the rest of us.
It is intolerable that our own politicians and judges do not resoundingly condemn assassination threats from Muslims.
That a Muslim minister of state tacitly condones them comes as no surprise.
Lord Ahmed reportedly accusing Rushdie of “having blood on his hands” is nothing short of disgraceful.
It is those Muslims with blood actually on their hands whom Lord Ahmed should be reproaching.
Far from the Queen conferring a knighthood upon Rushdie insulting Islam some (perhaps most) British people might consider it is Islam that insults.
Yours faithfully,
MA Khan
Writer and Editor,, USA. Email:
Abul Kasem
Writer and Author, Sydney, Australia. Email:
Dr. Alamgir Hussain
Writer and Author. Email:
Ali Sina
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