Dividing The Land of Israel
08 Feb, 2007
This week all warring Palestinian factions are gathered in Mecca to find a way to stop killing each other. Using an obscure Islamic law, King Abdullah basically set these people at a table to force their hand at peace.
King Abdullah II of Jordan has stated several times that the peace process in the Middle East must begin with the Palestinians and the Jews. Yet the past months of slaughter had nothing to do with Israel, only a power play between Palestinian factions to see who carries the rifles and calls the shots.
Condoleeza Rice made a statement that America will have no greater legacy than to divide the land of Israel and give the poor Palestinians a home of their own, irregardless of the Palestinian refusal to accept Israel as a sovereign nation.
The U.N., U.S.A., Arab League, G11, G8, Russia, China, Japan, and pretty much the rest of the entire globe have agreed to the drafted plan for peace in hopes of stemming the almost daily bloodshed by Islamists who are bent on the eradication of Israel.
Even Israeli leaders have made concessions I thought I would never see in my lifetime, such as allowing the 400 foot minaret emblazoned with the Hashemite symbol, the label of Mohammeds’ kingdom on Earth. The Temple Mount has been slated for a new Synagogue as agreed upon by the Israeli government and King Abdullah II of Jordan, the sole caretaker of the Islamic holy place and a direct descendent of Mohammed.
The Catholic Church has gotten their share of the pie by securing the rights to the Upper Room as well. So the three monotheistic religions of the world have divided the mount where the great Temples of Solomon and Herod once stood. Israel is expected to return all the pre-1967 borders as well in a quest for lasting peace in the region. They have been told to rip down the walls that keep suicide bombers and other terrorists from harming others.
They are expected to return for free the land in Old Jerusalem that was sold to them by the Palestinians decades ago. They are expected to not retaliate against acts of terror that plague them constantly. And if they do these things, they are told that peace will finally reign in the land.
Israel has been divided, and will continue to be divided with the consent of the entire world. There are enough people out there so blinded and so eager for peace that they are pushing for this peace plan on a global level and actually supporting the terrorist factions whose actions bought about the need for peace in the first place.
With the Middle East beginning to amalgamate their resources and political power, this should come as no surprise. King Abdullah II of Jordan has done his best to bring prosperity to the area with his 10 nations in tow. He has already made claims that are easily construed as all oil in the Middle East becoming Islamic oil, not just the oil rich nations that sit upon it. He has made great strides in economic prosperity by striking financial deals with the E.U., U.S., and Asia even to the point of trying to bring about an Asian version of the Euro. With Asia and Europe in such great need of the oil resources, does it surprise anyone that many of those nations are beginning to ally themselves with Arab policies?
When the Bush administration, as well as the Liberals here push hard for the Palestinians to have what they demand, and a continually growing alliance with the East, one must wonder what the driving force is behind these political decisions.
What is Israel compared to the vast geography of the nations surrounding it? What reason other than being the only non-Islamic nation in the area could the world Muslim population desire it’s extermination and domination? What threat is Israel to these people at all if left alone to live and prosper? If anything they can be a great boon to their Muslim neighbors by sharing technology and innovation. That matters little to those who seek their destruction.
The history of Islam, in particular the Palestinians, shows that once given an inch they jihad until they get a mile. They will not stop with a partial state. They made nothing of Jerusalem when they lived there for centuries, and have done nothing with the area they dwell in now. Their concern is not for money, nor is it for the future prosperity and peaceful life they claim. If it were, when they held elections they would not have voted for a terrorist organization that has given them nothing but poverty and a bad reputation.
They would not be slaughtering each other left and right. The funny thing is, this Islamic law that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia invoke, ONLY concerns Muslims killing Muslims. Which is why it has never been invoked while they sent their women and children into Israel to bomb innocent people. It is similar to the religious ideology in the last Planet of The Apes movie where the young apes were taught over and over again, “Ape shall not kill ape.” But it was fine when the gorilla general went to slaughter the humans. Muslim shall not kill Muslim. The sword was obviously meant for the Infidels.
I will never trust any peace plan put forth by a religious entity that is taught from their own prophet and holy books to deceive and befriend infidels until you gain the upper hand. I find it hard to trust the mentality that has broken so many cease-fires and truces over the years with impunity. It scares me that the leaders of Israel are willing to give up so much to obtain what history has shown as a short-lived peace.
I want peace in the region. I believe most people of decency and morality are sick and tired of the senseless slaughter in the name of Mohammed. But is dividing Israel the answer? If these Muslims are so bent on peace, they have thousands and thousands of square miles all over the region they can give to the Palestinians. The Palestinians left Jerusalem and sold their land. They tried to occupy Jordan and Lebanon and were slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands. Their Muslim brethren due to their violent proclivities and hair trigger jihads do simply not want them.
Consider the words of the prophet when speaking of the days of Armageddon in Joel 3:2: "I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land"
Israel has been scattered for centuries. And now the world divides it among those who have no real claim to it. I fear that Israel is trading their birthright for a bowl of porridge, a peace plan that has been concocted and pushed by those who hate them, and signed by those who bought into this shaky deal. And I fear those who have been pushing Israel to sign this treaty will in time also have their hands stained with the blood that has always come from trying to appease a religious mentality bent on brutal domination.
Time will tell, and if I am wrong I will happily be wrong in this. I just do not buy into the whole thing when the ones forced to become smaller are already the smallest in the area, as it follows Islamic history to patiently eat an elephant one bite at a time. And eventually the vulture replaces the elephant, and the vulture will turn on itself to eat. The Palestinians have shown this to be true time and again, which is why they were forced into Mecca this week.
It has been said that the only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn from history.
Maybe it’s time to start pushing history lessons.
- Pete Fisher is a concerned citizen in the Chicago area who has written several articles on the economy, educational system, politics, and religion in a number of prominent internet magazines. He is a 6 year veteran of the Armed Forces.
- Pete can be contacted at: pfisher2005@aol.com