According to the Selfish Gene theory, there
is no meaning to life beyond the meaningless reproduction of
genes: We are just survival machines for our genes.
Here, I suggest that the Selfish Gene theory,
notwithstanding the initial unpromising impression, is liberating
and it can lend itself to constructing a meaning or purpose of
life that bring about peace, prosperity, and care for environment,
as well as harmonious social coexistence.
Main Premises:
Our main characteristic is creativity: the
capacity to acquire, transmit and apply knowledge propositions (in
short knowledge processing). This capacity allows us, if we will,
to create our resources and resolve our interpersonal conflicts of
interests creatively without the need to resort to predation or
Indeed, some humans, at least, have been
applying this ability, which resulted in inventing science,
technology, and liberal democracy as an institution of resolving
the conflict of interests creatively (see ‘Knowledge Processing,
Creativity and Politics’).
Part of the capacity for creativity is
embodied in the aesthetic sense that we enjoy, along, of course,
with many other animals. In this perspective, Aesthetics is
viewed as a rule of thumb for detecting what is beneficial or
propitious for survival and it must be useful when the
alternative, collating data, is not feasible. No doubt, aesthetic
sense is biologically given, though modified by culture, in the
human case, at least. However, I would conjecture, that the role
of aesthetic sense has, in the human case, expanded to involve
aesthetic attachment to patterns and ideas that can capture a
phenomenon succinctly (M. Gazzaniga (1998) argues that our brains
possess what he terms as interpreter’s mechanism it is a sustained
interests to uncover patterns in what we perceive). Considering
that we act in conjunction with emotions, we can assume therefore,
that the aesthetic sense must also be a kind of emotion or
emotional complex that constitutes or are associated with a drive.
We can therefore, suggest that we may be enjoying an emotional
attachment to construct ideas – Edward Wilson also observed the
sense of beauty in discovering good ideas.
Now let us consider the above in the light of
the implication of the Selfish Gene. The life of individuals is
not central to Life. Human beings are just survival machines of
their genes. This can imply that all our values and feelings (sex,
pleasure or happiness, none of them last and all end in the misery
and pain of senescence and death) are means of manipulation
installed in us either by our own genes or by the survival
machines of others’ genes, and aim at nothing but to reproduce the
genes. Indeed, the Selfish Gene undermines even commitment to our
individual interests, considering we can extrapolate that this
commitment aims usually at propagating our genes. This can bring
us despondency, considering that the whole business of
reproduction of genes is itself meaningless. However, the Selfish
Gene does not only undermine the concepts that we may cherish,
some of them perhaps unwarrantably, it can also cast doubt over
some concepts in our lives that can have clear undesirable
effects. Among these concepts are the commitments to nationalism
or racism. Underlining the genetic underpinning of such concepts
and considering the detachment that we can have in regard to the
propagation of our genes we can also detach ourselves from
nationalism or racism. We can detach ourselves or try to control
our jealousy which is emphatically a major factor in many
antisocial acts and crimes. We can also subject many religious
practices to analyses in the light of Selfish Gene and can provide
explanations to our religious interlocutors about the sources of
their religious practices. For instance, we can see the sexual
jealousy of male over female as having taken a religious guise,
particularly true of Islam, in the form of demand for modesty and
separation from males which is translated to wearing veils and
keeping to home and obedience to men. Many other Islamic practices
can be seen as promoting the propagation of the worrier males’
gene. The worrier is given the right to use his advantage as a
person capable of extreme violence. Thus he is allowed to quash
intellectual objection by force. He is allowed polygamy. He was
also allowed taking female prisoners of war as wives or sex slave
girls, a practice that continued many centuries afterwards, and it
may arguably be reenacted again in Algiers and perhaps in Iraq.
However, there is one thought that may escape
this meaninglessness. As indicated above, it is true that the
theory of Selfish Gene has resulted in forcing people, who are
familiar with it, to rethink the status of human existence and
also human feelings, and indeed, it should also make us rethink
all the values that we used to adhere to before considering the
implications of the Selfish Gene, since many of our values may be
suitable for propagating of the selfish gene. Yet, the Selfish
gene would not diminish humans’, or at least some humans’,
admiration and fascination for life and nature – clearly based on
our aesthetic faculty. This admiration can be transferred to
evolution and natural selection considering that they made life in
its current forms possible.
This wonderment increases if we further
consider that life is a manifestation of knowledge, as Plotkins
argues systematically, discovered by means of natural selection.
We can even expand the sphere of admiration to involve humans. Not
necessarily on the account that they possess ends and goals.
Rather on the account that humans represent the tip of an
extension of the genetic mass of the earth that resulted in having
an organism who is passionately attracted to knowledge processing.
This capacity is manifested in civilization and the impressive
knowledge that has already been gain. The passion is so strong
that defies risks and fears as represented, among numerous other
examples, in the manned space missions.
So the meaning that I suggest is that we can
consider ourselves as a part of nature and product of natural
selection. We have been equipped with capacity to discover
knowledge systematically and consciously alongside evolution
itself. We can further the cause of evolution by gaining more
knowledge, and this can only happen by allowing greatest
opportunity for creativity in social life. This aim should also
bring about peace, because it is only when we pursue creative
lifestyles among ourselves that we can also achieve greater
knowledge and preserve the beauty of nature. Moreover, adopting
this aim for life would also bring about prosperity, because
creative lifestyles mean also greater opportunity for inventions
and provision of conditions in which the fruit of creativity will
not be destroyed by violence. Of course, this is subjective.
However, it is the best that we can have and anything else cannot
even come close to be good enough.
Here an objection may arise against the
implication of this ground for respecting human beings, which may
interpreted as setting less value on other living beings and some
humans who are less fortunate in knowledge processing. The respect
for the various permutations of natural selection involves respect
for all creatures. However, we should also appreciate that we are
a part of the over all food chain we ourselves and our resources
are attacked by other living organisms for this we should use our
best means to prevent that attack without causing unnecessary
Likewise, we should also realize that the
whole human evolution has also taken place in the course of the
conflict between conflicting lifestyles. Particularly between
predatory and parasitic lifestyle, on the one hand, and a
lifestyle reliant of creativity, on the other hand. The opening or
the niche into which humans have been evolving favored the
creative beings. The advantage of the creative being is not only
manifest in being able to create their resources creatively but
also their capacity to cooperate as cooperation does not conflict
with their lifestyles. This the reason that we are more docile and
indeed we have a preference for the creative individuals. It must
also be one of the, if not the most, important reasons that human
evolved a brain size that is four times as big as their earliest
hominids. This evolution towards more creative is bound to
continue. Perhaps, one day human become completely peaceful and
gentle. However, until then many will suffer. It is possible that
many peaceful and creative people suffer at the hand of aggressors
or those who have greater propensity to using violence. It is also
possible that many with great physical and mental advantages for
using violence may suffer as they restrain themselves not to use
violence against some intelligent but selfish people. In any case,
knowing the nature of conflicts that we will face and knowing that
we are vehicles of genes that are competing against their alleles,
we can effect in ourselves an attitude of detachment and
spectatorship, whereby monitoring ourselves and others, allowing
the rule “let the best gene win”, without falling into a consuming
ill-feeling and resentment.
As the discussions above shows, setting this
meaning for life would not just be an idle exercise of
contemplation. Nor is it just setting an arbitrary goal for
society to follow. It is rather of a great moral import. It is
almost obvious that almost all people, at least in some points of
their lives, depend on their own or others’ creativity for their
survival. Creative lifestyles are manifest, in agriculture, animal
husbandry, manufacturing, researches and services. So promoting
creativity and adopting it as the aim of life means promoting the
well being and prosperity of the greatest number of people. So we
can say that the whole point of morality is to bring creative
lifestyle about. Because, if morality is not possible without
creativity then we can also assume that the best morality may be
what brings about the best condition for creativity. This implies
that even the good morality requires us to be creative and by
setting the goal of being the creative process of nature we are
only linking up to more global or universal scheme that also
benefit environment.