Miracles are not the norm in our daily lives. They happen
occasionally, defying the law of nature. Most of the time, there
is no logical explanation for the miracles because they have yet
to be discovered. Some miracles are plain coincidence and do have
good explanations, which are rejected by the believers. When one
out of hundreds is saved from a plane crash, it's called a
miracle. Obviously, the miracle did not work for rest of the
people who died. Still, it's a miracle and often God gets the
credit for saving the survivor, and that is exactly how a
religious miracle works.
December 4, 1992, The Guardian of UK published an article
of uncommon news - "A six-inch-high porcelain statue began weeping
tears of blood. The liquid staining the image is genuinely blood,
and human at that. The Santiago coroner's office pronounced the
substance is type O-4 human blood. The statue weeps regularly,
particularly in the presence of children."
1995, in the suburbs of Delhi, India, another miraculous
phenomenon unfolded. A statue of the Hindu God Ganesh drank
a spoonful of milk when offered; the milk evaporated into thin
air, in front of everyone's eyes. Apparently, it was only the
beginning of the drinking competition. According to news media,
many statues of Hindu gods participated in the contest around the
world and drank more milk.
Japanese people worship Kannon as the Goddess of Compassion
and the Chinese call her Kuan Yin with the same amount of
respect. As a matter of fact, the name of the famous company
CANON that produces cameras and imaging products is based on
the Goddess Kannon's name. To put it simply, she is the
female version of Buddha; what the Virgin Mary is to
Catholics, Kannon is to Buddhists. It's believed that after
she died, a rainbow took her to heaven. It was no surprise when a
Japanese photographer took a picture of a sunset from an airplane
and the image of Kannon appeared on the photo when it was
Ahem! Now about Islam, which itself is a miracle because it's the
only (so-called) religion that has a prophet whose bio-data is
full of crimes. In 2003, Keyhan Mohammed from Almere Stad,
Holland made an amazing discovery: he noticed that Allah was
written on an image of the earth. NASA (National Aeronautics and
Space Administration) took the picture facing Africa. Indeed, it's
a new discovery; if Allah lives in Africa that explains the cause
and sufferings of the African people. Anyway, Muslims also have
found the name of their god 'Allah' written on a cow, a mountain,
an ocean, clouds, plants, watermelon and the inside of tomatoes.
These are natural coincidences that should not fall under the
category of miracles.
Being a skeptic and a certified non-religious person, why should I
care if the Virgin Mary cries or laughs? It's none of my
business if Ganesh, a god of Hindus, drinks milk or barrels
of chilled beer. I should not be alarmed if Kannon emerges
on a picture or stars in a movie. Hence, Muslims' delusion of
finding Allah everywhere should not be my headache either.
However, there are some fundamental differences between Muslims
and the believers of other religions. A Christian may become more
faithful after coming across one of those miracles and the same
rules apply to almost all the believers of different faiths; more
importantly, they care less about what the people of other faiths
are doing. For Muslims, it's another story. As soon as they
discover one of those silly miracles, Islamic hegemony kicks in,
and they immediately determine that Islam is the only religion on
this Earth that unquestionably voids all other religions.
must have heard Muslim's slogan: "Islam is the true religion and
everyone in this world is born as Muslim, and some people follow
other religions just by a mistake." A sublime ego and sense of
superiority make Muslims feel special because Allah, the
puppet of Mohammed, guaranteed, "And whoever desires a religion
other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the
hereafter he shall be one of the losers (Q-3.85).
Typically, religion works as a soul-soothing experience for the
people of other faiths; they find inner peace and strength to
comfort grief. A few miracles help them to stay focused on their
faith but they don't brag about the superiority and, usually,
don't suffer from prejudice. If a person finds the meaning of love
in Jesus, or feels enlightened after reading Buddha's teachings,
who am I to complain, and why should I, anyway? Despite all of
those miracles, believers of other religions use one important
aspect of our life, i.e., common sense. When a religious dogma
oversteps the boundary of common sense, they don't hesitate to
push the brake and make the necessary reformation.
the alleged moderate Muslims who huff and puff with all those
miracles. They also like to live a good life based on their
religion. About 88% of Muslims don't understand Arabic, although
they can read the Quran without understanding a word. Have you
seen a snake charmer playing with a snake? In many countries, it's
an exciting entertainment. A snake charmer plays a flute and the
snake dances along with the music. Ironically, snakes are deaf and
cannot hear the music; they follow the motion of the flute as
snake charmers wave it in a structured fashion. Our moderate
Muslims act like those snakes; they are mesmerized when the Quran
is recited but they don't understand what has been said.
These are the Muslims who can be saved from Islamic grip. They
have good hearts but are unable to shake off the religion that
they inherited. Islam claims that it's the perfect way of life and
it has all the medicines to cure one's problems. Does it really?
It does command one to put the right leg first inside of the shoes
and prohibits dyeing one's gray hair black, as Hadith
claims, "At the end of time there will be people who dye their
hair black like the crops of pigeons; they will never smell the
fragrance of Paradise"
Dawud, 4/419; Saheeh al-Jaami', 8153).
is how Islam works as a lighthouse for Muslims to guide their
lives--it forbids eating pork, non-halal (not slaughtered
properly) foods and garlic. Yes, garlic and onions are not
acceptable to Allah, although recent studies show that garlic and
onions are good for one's heart. Mohammed was unaware of this
secret, or maybe he did not care because he had no heart.
According to Sahih Bukhari, "The Prophet said, 'Whoever eats
garlic or onion should keep away from our mosque or should remain
in his house.'" It's worth mentioning that Muslims consider
mosques as Allah's house. In many countries, it's believed that
bad spirits are scared of garlic and it's often used to keep them
away. I wonder if Allah belongs to that clan.
have a grumpy Internet friend who loves to live in the
darkness of Islam. He starts name-calling as soon as the light of
reason attacks him. Recently, he has been having heavenly pleasure
by calling us, the critics of Islam, e-coli. I am a highly
uneducated person and, at first, it threw me in the dark. I was
wondering, what the heck an e-coli is. So, I did a 'Google' search
and soon I learned all about bacteria. I became more curious and
did an image search also.
a surprise! After going through a few pages, I discovered another
miracle of Islam. It's a picture of e-coli, and these disgusting
creatures have formed a shape that resembles something that I
might have known. I printed the page, held it in front of a
mirror, and immediately recognized the name of 'Allah'. These
e-coli are known as Columbia and 'Google' picked those pictures
from a website called
www.troybio.com. Last, I saw
this miraculous picture on page eight of my 'Google-image' search.
So, I took a picture of the printed copy while holding it in front
of a mirror. For your convenience, I am attaching the picture of a
tomato, allegedly 'Allah' inscribed on it, and the other picture
of Allah as e-coli.

These Muslim intellectuals with questionable intellect also find
scientific miracles in the Quran and smell spirituality in
horrific Quranic verses that sponsor the killing of non-Muslims. I
have another Internet friend who is smart enough to understand the
impact of Islam and found a nice quote to describe these
intellectuals. He wrote, "The fools fool the fools." It's an
excellent comment that describes the relation between Muslim
intellectuals and the so-called moderate Muslims.
Muslims pretend to be content with Islamic ideology, but they
spend most of their lives defending it, which causes tremendous
psychological pressure on their minds. Islam also keeps them away
from reality, and it's a major obstacle to enjoying their lives.
It also seriously lacks moral and ethical wisdom that could
inspire a person to become a part of mankind and teach universal
values. It fails to provide inner peace. Islam does not have
enough materials to make a person proud. Naturally, many Muslims
look for miracles that would boost their egos and give a reason to
stay with Islam. The end result is that they find Allah in a
tomato, and are happy with those bizarre miracles.