My old car works like a freelance writer; it only works when it
wants to. The old engine also has a tendency of falling sleep at
stop signs, which it just did. But I am used to this, so with the
help of a kind gentleman I manage to push the car into a parking
It’s a small office of a fortuneteller. The fortuneteller is very
nice; she allows me to use her phone and I call my friend for a
ride. She even offers me a tarot card reading only for five bucks.
While she is fixing her cards, I find a nice crystal ball, which
must have been another tool of her trade, lying on top of the
table. Being curious, I look into the ball and all I can see is a
thin shaft of smoke winding around inside of the ball.
Slowly more whitish fume joins the trace of smoke and starts
shaping a picture--a picture that I will never forget. The
fortuneteller looks puzzled; tarot cards fall from her hand and
her jaws drop. It is Hezbullah Chief Nasrullah, receiving the
Nobel Prize for peace. The picture is crystal clear, showing the
inscription of the medal:
“Pro pace et fraternitate gentium,”
meaning "For the peace and brotherhood of men."
Soon my friend shows up to give me a ride. As I am coming out of
the office, I brush off the whole thing. What a ridiculous
delusion! Who would believe Hezbullah Chief Nasrullah is receiving
the Nobel Prize for peace? I wouldn’t. I would trust a telescope
more than the horoscope.
My friend’s car is not better than mine. It has several holes in
the seat, a sign of its age. He stows some old Time magazines to
cover those holes. I pick up one of those magazines with a picture
of Yasir Arafat, the most hated and admired person in history.
Reading English is a tough job for me. I struggle and finally
manage to read the thrilling life story of Arafat--his passion for
terrorism and determination to kill innocent people. Yet he
successfully fooled the Westerners, specifically those Norwegians,
and managed to be awarded the Nobel Prize for 'preservation of
As I skim through the pages, I suddenly realize a stunning
resemblance between Yasir Arafat and Hezbullah Chief Nasrullah, as
both of them practiced terrorism, a copyrighted action of Islam.
Arafat’s PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) successfully
blew up a Swiss Air flight in 1970, killed 11 Israeli athletes at
the Munich Olympics in 1972, and established a terrorized mini
state within the state of Lebanon.
Hezbullah, which means “Allah’s Party”, never received any direct
command from Allah, but they did not fail to fulfill Allah’s wish:
“Kill infidels”. In 1983, the U.S. embassy in Beirut was
hit by a truckload of bombs, which killed 63 people, including 17
Americans. Following the track of PLO, Hezbullah also created a
stronghold in Lebanon.
Yasir Arafat had a golden
opportunity to make Palestine an independent state but he
deliberately ignored the potential. After all, if peace is
achieved, how can Jihadi brothers kill innocent people and be
killed for the promised heaven?
Arafat’s life history is full of
terrorism, yet he was awarded the Nobel Prize. I had to
rethink my illusion. It is, in fact, the process of
careful thinking that led me to believe that within the next
few years, Nasrullah will win the Nobel Prize for peace.
Hezbullah Chief Nasrullah is
following the footsteps of Arafat and, after the recent
conflict; his apparent innocent face is blooming with love.
His party is running hospitals, clinics and schools in
Lebanon, and he vowed to pay rent for a year to those who lost
their homes. He also claimed he would not have kidnapped
Israeli soldiers if he knew that the shock of such action
would cause a massive attack from Israel.
If Nasrullah is sincere
about his comments, why is he not disarming? If he has no
plans for any future attack, he should cheerfully give up all
arms and ammunitions, and show a peaceful gesture to the
world. Evidently, he has no desire to give up the weapons;
neither the U.N. peacekeepers nor the Lebanese army have any
intention to disarm Hezbullah. |
It surely does not matter whether Nasrullah receives the Nobel
Prize or an Oscar award for his unparallel performance in real
life drama. What matters is that the shortsightedness of the
gullible European leaders will cause a major disaster! Pacifism is
a great virtue and it works well for those who value humanism.
However, a pacifist should not suck a pacifier when dealing with
When 213 members of the U.S. Congress sent a signed letter to
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and asked him to include
Hezbullah on a list of terrorist groups, the chief responded,
“Given the sensitive situation, I don’t think this is something we
will be acting on now.”
Why should they?
After all, they cannot disrespect a future Nobel Prize winner!
Even Russia, despite being a victim of Islamic terrorism, does not
consider Hezbullah a threat. On a recent list of terrorist
organizations, published by the official daily Rossiiskaya
Gazeta, Hamas and Hezbullah did not get any place, although
the list honored al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Pakistan-based
Lashker-e-Tayyaba and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt as
successful terrorists. Forget Russia; it is always one’s wild
guess what those Bolsheviks are thinking!
In all honesty, America is not doing any better. Most Americans
are still beguiled with the fairy tale of peaceful Islam, but at
least they acknowledge the existence of radical Islam. But what’s
happening with European leaders? Are they suffering from
Alzheimer's disease, which causes severe memory loss? Don’t they
read history about how Islam was coming to get them in the
medieval ages and the Crusaders had to fight back?
Though both the (Islamic) Jihad and the (Christian) Crusade bear a
unique quality of brutality, the Crusade is often misunderstood as
an offensive war from the Christians’ perspective. The truth is
today’s Palestine, Syria and Egypt once were Christian countries.
Right after Mohammed’s death, Muslim warlords conquered these
territories and forced the people to sink in Islam. At the end of
the eighth century, North Africa and Spain fell under Islam. The
invasions continued and in the eleventh century, the Seljuk Turks
conquered Asia Minor, presently known as Turkey. History witnesses
that when Muslims conquer a nation, magically, most of the
citizens become Muslims. Should the cause of conversion have been
a powerful and peaceful message of Islam, there was no need for
the warlords to conquer these territories. People would have
embraced Islam and joined Islamic countries voluntarily and
gleefully, without shedding any blood. Evidently, that was not the
When the emperor of Constantinople was threatened by repeated
Islamic aggression, he cried and begged for help, and the
Christians of Western Europe responded with religious fervor. Most
of the crusading knights were wealthy but many joined for booty.
Unsurprisingly, the Crusades are notoriously famous for plunder
and barbarism. Perhaps, for the first time in history, Islam
encountered an equally qualified opponent. Though except for the
first, most of the Crusades were unsuccessful; their continuous
encounters thwarted Muslims’ invasion into Europe at some extent.
Today’s civilized world regretfully recalls those black days of
history and panics when the American president mentioned ‘Crusade’
after the 9/11attack. This is the beauty of a democratic civilized
society – they don’t hesitate to acknowledge their own mistake.
Even Pope John Paul II apologized for the crimes committed by the
Catholics, a beautiful gesture that may include the atrocities
committed by the Crusaders.
Do we hear Muslim leaders apologizing for the past, specifically
for horrendous crimes committed by Mohammed and the invasion of
many countries by subsequent rulers?
No, they never did and never will. Many Westerners have a delusion
that supporting moderate Muslims will change the Islamic world,
but they never realize moderate Muslims and radical Muslims are
only two sides of the same coin called Islam. Though Muslims kill
each other habitually, there is no known conflict between the
moderates and the radicals. When moderates talk about peaceful
Islam and vehemently vow to dump radical Islam, Jihadi radicals
never go after them because they know what moderates are doing is
only part of a greater plan--‘Islam will rule the world’.
So, do we really need another Crusade to combat Islam? No, thanks!
The world is already tense with Islamic Jihadists and we don’t
need to add insult to injury. Does it mean that we should tolerate
Islamic aggression? The simple answer is, “No”. All we need to do
is reject Islamic bullying that comes from Jihadi brothers and
expose the lie and deception created by the Islamic propaganda
Unfortunately, European leaders don’t have the courage to stand up
against Islam; as a matter of fact, they spend more time appeasing
Islamic demands. When Arafat is awarded the Nobel Prize and
Hezbullah is accepted as a legitimate entity, we don’t need a
crystal ball to see Europe’s future.