I am the God
21 May, 2008
It was a beautiful summer night. Majestic mountains were surrounded by a group of lazy clouds - they had no rush to go anywhere, nor were they trying to hide a sense of redundancy. Beneath the mountain, mystic wind was whispering through the tall, towering pine trees. For a brief moment, a disturbance broke the serenity – perhaps an owl flew off into the night. The dancing wavelets on the lake were busy - giggling and flirting with the reflection of a full-blown moon.
Far from a hostile world, while watching the nature’s hypnotic magic, the tranquility and a deep introspection ignited some simple, yet most ancient, questions in my mind. Has god created this elegant beauty? Is it the same god who created humans and foaming in vengeance to punish us when we die? Is the god a male, female or transsexual? More challenging still, is there any god?
The honest answer is that I do not know and no one should have known; yet, people have been enticed away by varieties of gods since the beginning of human civilization. Humans, unlike animals, are gifted with imagination and their imaginative mind invented the concept of god. Such concept compelled people to believe in god, a god who created the universe. It is further believed that he controls our daily lives and punishes us for all the wrongdoings. Although a quest for finding the architect of the universe will remain unresolved, it is possible that a powerful creator or a force may have created the universe. Or everything could have just happened naturally. But no one could substantiate the claim. Nonetheless, I respectfully admire the creator, if there is any, for the creation of a complex universe.
However, there is a clear difference between the creator, and the god of monotheists or the gods of polytheists. Whereas we may not discard the idea of having a creator, the concept of a personal god who monitors our daily lives is an illogical premise. If the creator created the universe, has he or she been tracking the course or did he or she stop after setting everything on a course? A religious person faithfully believes the creator is observing his creation, including all humans contiguously, though such notion does not have any scientific or logical basis. Furthermore, it is not just one god that all believers believe, but there are hundreds of gods who have different characteristics and the peoples of different faith have their own unique god.
Both the followers of Islam and Judaism believe their god is one and indivisible. However, the Jews’ god has different manifestations, such as The Spirit of God, The Lying Spirit of God and an Evil Spirit of God. The god of Islam, on the other hand, is known to have only one form. However, according to the Quran, the holy book of Islam, the Islamic god blindly upholds the superiority of Islam. Allah, the Islamic god, talked about the compulsion in religion a few times, but soon he changed his mind and ordered the killing of non-Muslims. Such mendacious character cannot depict the image of an all-powerful creator. Although most Muslims claim their god is the same as the Christians’ god, the Islamic god cannot have a son, but the god of Christians does have one. Hinduism, an Eastern belief system, has also one god, Brahma, who appears in different forms – sometimes as a river, sometimes as a mountain and even as a cow. Typically, Hinduism is not included among Monotheism, but most anthropologists describe Monotheism as a belief system that has one supreme god and may have many other deities. From this definition, Hinduism can very well be included in Monotheism. Then there are real polytheists who literally have hundreds of gods.
Amid the crowd of gods, one would wonder: Who is the real creator?
Most people, however, need a god in their daily lives for several reasons. Perhaps four of them are most important.
1. Finding solace in a god at the time of
a crisis.
2. Conquer countries in the name of god.
3. Issue of afterlife.
4. Godly morals and ethics for a society.
Finding solace in god at the time of crisis
A chilling message of death, especially of a loved one, is often dealt with a consolation – assuming god has taken away his creation, but god never gives an explanation for an immature death. Millions of children are dying and god does not listen to their remorseful parents. When doctors go through a complex surgery to save a child’s life, the parents pray to their gods and make promises to pray more rhapsodic prayers. If the life is saved, it is the result of an importunate prayer; if the life is lost, the naïve humans blame their own fate, assuming it ought to be a result of their wrongdoings.
Personally, I would not spend time praying to the invisible and the untouchable god if my loved one is struggling in a hospital bed. Rather, I would beg the doctors and the nurses for such measure that will bear more fruit than praying.
People cry and beg for mercy to avoid an inevitable natural disaster but it comes anyway, jeopardizing people’s lives. No one scolds the god for such deliberate destruction. Can a god, supposedly the creator, kill thousands of its own creation ruthlessly? Some argue god has the right to be cruel; in fact, god can very well be a destructive person. It is a good logic; however, it is the believers who claim the god to be fair and just. For most of the notorious actions, they have another action figure known as the devil or Satan, and for polytheists, a different god with destructive characteristics.
Yet the influence of god remains critical and there is no harm if one finds comfort believing the unbelievable.
Conquer countries in the name of god
Throughout history, numerous wars have been fought and an ocean of blood has been shed because of religion. People of certain groups thought (and still a certain group of people believes) their god has commanded to subdue the believers of the other faith. Sadly, gods never fought the wars but it is the believers who took others’ lives. A cynical ploy to subdue others in the name of religion and god, perhaps, is the most notorious characteristic of human beings.
Gods of ancient history were full of cruel intentions. A Greek god of war, Ares, whom Romans worshipped as Mars, did not care about winning the war but continued killing as long as blood was shed. The Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica, similar to other pagan religions, venerated several gods. One of their gods, Buluc Chabtan, was in command of war, violence and human sacrifice. Mayans believed Buluc Chabtan loved to set fire to buildings, stab people and roast them over a fire. Human sacrifice was rampant among almost all believers of polytheism, including Hinduism.
Perhaps Buddhism is the only religion that strictly prohibits killing. However, in the 14th century, Buddhist fighters evicted the Mongols from China. In Japan, Samurais were trained by Buddhist monks to engage in fatal confrontation. Other notable incidents are the civil war in Sri Lanka, fought between the Buddhist Sinhalese and the Hindu Tamils, that claimed more than 50,000 lives, and some Nichiren sects of Buddhists are blamed for terrorism. Yet, Buddhism is the only religion that may claim that the violence caused by the followers of this religion have misinterpreted Buddhism, for non-violence is the core value of this religion. Such pacifism may, on the other hand, very well be construed to be extreme because Buddhism even prohibits violence for self-defense, which could lead them to extinction.
From the ancient age to the mediaeval age, most of the rulers of the world were inspired by the so-called god’s rules and involved themselves in meaningless warfare. The history of church-dominated Europe of the mediaeval age is soaked with blood and they did not come into sense until the church was separated from the state. Muslims went to conquer the world for the sake of their god Allah. It is a fact that Muslims did flourish at a certain point of the history, but they did so because they undermined the religion and the god’s command. The unfettered minds of notable Muslim scholars such as Ibn Sina, Ar-Razi, Omar Khayam, et al. challenged god’s command and promoted human rights. Nonetheless, over the centuries, humans strived to build a better civilization based on humanistic values and often defied god’s commands.
Although the believers of all religions are proud of their own religions and their god, the god of Islam has a unique characteristic. Allah, the Islamic god, refuses to compromise with any other religion and seeks for world domination. Consequently, the followers of Islam are on a mission to subdue everyone under Islam. It is the only religion left that has failed to reform and there is no hope that it would ever be reformed.
Issue of afterlife
Almost all religions confirm that life after life is a reality and it is the god who is privy to such a hidden scheme; however, there is no evidence that a dead person has returned with a bag full of experience. The advocates of NDE (Near Death Experience) try to make this subject a scientific issue and deliberately claim humans have consciousness after death. Raymond Moodi’s book Life After Life, published in 1975, is perhaps the most controversial and the bestselling book on this subject.
Mr. Moodi studied 150 people and observed his subjects experiencing nine different sensations. Some heard strange sounds, some had a sense of tranquility, and a few of them felt no pain. Others underwent out-of body feelings, going through a tunnel, entering the heavens, seeing a creature made of lights, reviewing one’s own life and finally a reluctance to return to the body.
The first two words of “Near Death Experience” indicate the person in question was not dead. These two words, “Near dead,” and “Dead” have a significant difference. If a person, who is clinically dead, wakes up after a year and shares his experience with the others, then we may know the real story of afterlife. Otherwise, such observations are no better than pseudo science.
Except for a few stipulations of “Near Death Experiences,” humans are utterly ignorant of the afterlife. However, incessant propaganda by the believers and a loathing for the unknown have created varieties of afterlives. Some believe people will reincarnate into animals or humans; however, the majority of the believers are in no doubt of having heavens and hells.
Obviously, the god who allegedly sends humans to one of those imaginary facilities manages heavens and hells. Humans are supposed to meet the all-powerful god when they die and be punished or rewarded, depending on what they did in their earthly lives. The question of personal actions that would determine one’s fate in the afterlife brings the issue of moral and ethics.
Godly moral and ethics for a society
A society needs certain rules that would separate humans from the animal world and set the standard of how people would live their lives. Morality and ethics are mutually inclusive – whereas morality defines right and wrong, ethics is the implementation of morality on a certain individual. All moralities are the product of human conscience but often attributed to the god.
When it comes to finding moral and ethics, I am the god; more specifically, I am my own god. I don’t need a god to tell me what is right and what is wrong. In fact, with the exception of religious bigots, all humans are their own gods.
It is ironic that the challengers of a typical god are frowned upon by the believers for not following the god’s commands, and the believers have the audacity to call them godless, immoral and unethical scumbags. Yet the same believers look for excuses from inhuman godly commands.
Some of the fundamental immoral acts are slavery, rape, murder, child abuse, theft, and harming others. Personally, I don’t need a god’s command to avoid doing any of these crimes. My conscience dictates me that these are inhuman acts that I must not do. If I commit any of these crimes, my conscience will bother me the rest of my life and I don’t have a personal god from whom I will beg forgiveness. On the contrary, when a religious person commits a crime, he has the option to receive forgiveness from the god.
Slavery, for instance, was rampant in all religions and no god of monotheists or polytheists cared to abolish the system. If truth be told, most religions have a history of practicing slavery with a tacit approval from the god. In the U.S., Abraham Lincoln dared to make executive orders for emancipation and later sponsored the famous Thirteenth Amendment that ended slavery. Later, it was universally accepted that slavery must be abolished. Then again, god did not interfere but it is the humans who overruled the religious practice.
Female infanticide was common in most of the polytheistic religions, including Hinduism. Such practice was so widespread in the Greece of 200 B.C. that Polybius (205-118 B.C.) blamed female infanticide for the decline of ancient Greece civilization. Today, in some parts of rural India, baby girls are considered a burden to their parents and the society. The infamous dowry system in which the parents of a girl must pay a considerable amount of money to the family of the groom, and because girls are unable to work in the fields, parents would often kill their female child. The practice of female infanticide in rural India has not stopped despite having strict laws. Furthermore, most of the polytheists were notoriously famous for human sacrifice. Then again, no god of these polytheistic religions cared to stop them. Monotheistic religions, however, took a fervent stance against infanticide and human sacrifice. Specifically, the Bible of Christianity and the Quran of Islam sternly forbids any of these inhuman practices.
For any decent person, raping is unimaginable. In point of fact, not all religions solicit for raping but Islam in particular gives the mandate and Allah, the god of Islam, gives blanket permission to his warriors for raping captive women. So-called moderate Muslims, perhaps, may not participate in such a crime and frantically look for excuses that would nullify the god’s command. Yet, raping a captive woman is a god-approved rule that Muslims are at liberty to practice. Most moderate Muslims, however, will bring odd excuses, for most people are benevolent in nature and do not approve such inhuman religious dogma.
To love others, with the exception of a very few, is a basic instinct of all humans, and benevolence is deeply rooted in everyone’s minds. The knowledge or lack of knowledge makes the difference because a penchant for godly knowledge divides the humans, and an urge for actual knowledge that promotes altruism dignifies the humanity. Confucius, the famous Chinese philosopher, had a very simple definition of benevolence and knowledge – “Benevolence is to love men and Knowledge is to know all men.” Those who seek knowledge to know mankind and better the civilization are the true humans. On the contrary, religious knowledge, vexed by godly commands, has often beset the humanity.
Yet, god’s silent and salient presence indulges many people’s lives. There is nothing wrong in believing the unbelievable, as long as humans have the consciousness to judge the right from wrong, and have the courage to ignore any inhuman godly commands - in other words, when humans are able to become their own gods.
Although the chances are remote, what if, after we die, we meet our creator – not one of those hundreds of gods perceived by the believers of different religions, but the real creator? How would we answer him for our beliefs and killing of other humans for the sake of an imaginary god? If a creator has created all humans and the universe, he surely is proud of each of his creation. A loving parent would not allow one of his or her children to kill the other and, likewise, the creator cannot be happy for one of his creations being killed by the other.
With the exception of some erroneous and delusive claims of some people made thousands of years ago, we have no communication with the creator. Furthermore, he does not interfere in our daily lives, nor does he bother to set any rules. Yet, if there is one, he might want to see how we have treated his other creations. Then again, neither should we reject the concept of not having a creator, nor should we waste our lives praising an unknown god. Besides enjoying the every moment of our lives, which may sound like hedonism, a philosophy of “Eat, drink and be merry,” we may consider how we could contribute to the humanity.
Instead of fighting over our invented gods, we need to look into our souls and ask if we really need a god to worship. After all, why do we need a god if we, the humans, can act like a god - the fair, just and loving god, rather than looking for godly commands? Wouldn’t that make the creator happy, if there is one.
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Date: Tuesday May 20, 2008
Time: 23:32:07 -0700
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 00:11:26 -0700
God is a fraud just as religion is one- I mean any religion,by whatever name and belief-system. Science have gone to great depths to discover our biology and the structure of our "genes" ,which far beyond the shallow humbug of 'scriptures' of whatever hue. In the 21st century I was surprised to find the votaries of every religion either claiming to have prescience/knowledge of what sciences have discovered with great perseverence and intellectual eneavour , or just dismiss scientific facts as false in the light of 'religion' - like for instance the propogators of "Universe was 'created; by 'God' in 6 Days around 4004BCE ; or the votaries of "intelligent design" by a 'Creator'. All this aimed at discrediting scientists who are truly great men/women by religious men who are men/women of straw! It is time people are enlightened by men of science to cultivate scientific temper and question anything with solid proof and not blindly accept without rational thinking and a good deal of scepticism!
Name: even hindus who hv by far more sceince in their books know all religion r man created
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 00:46:27 -0700
before judeo christianity islam hindus knew earth move around the sun,they developed vegetarianism,yoga,and many mathematical,scientific medical systems etc....but never claimed exclisivity over it or claimed it come from some fake deity/allah.the monoatheist disease is really threat to world peace.all religion r imperfect and man created bxoz man himself is an imperfect being evoled by nature,not created by any egotestical allah.RELIGION AND SCIENCE BOTH R TOOLS OF MAN AND HE HAS ALWAYS USED THEM TO EXPLOIT THE OTHER.ESPECIALLY ISLAM WHICH NOT ONLY EXPLOITS OTHERS ALSO ALSO ITS OWN WOMEN WHOM IT CONSIDERS AS INFERIOR.
Name: عدو اليأس/ أحمد عبد السلام المشرقي
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 02:11:46 -0700
there is no god but Allah alone
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 02:45:02 -0700
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 02:47:20 -0700
Name: What is God good for?
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 04:42:41 -0700
We cannot know wether he exists or not because this is impossible by definition. All we can do is to do good things and not to do bad things. This is what really wise guys teach, like Plato, Confucius and Buddha. Blind faith is not helpful at all, and even worse if people believe in a blood thirsty monster like the Allah described by the quran. Moreover, people fatalistic when they are forced to think that everything is in the hand of an almighty creator. It is not. People who believe in such stupid things will fail in modern world. Just have a look and you will see where we can find progress in the world and where we can´t.
Name: Quotes from the Gospel of Thomas
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 04:45:53 -0700
(6) His disciples questioned him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe?" Jesus said, "Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered." http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl_thomas.htm
Name: Quotes from the Gospel of Thomas (II)
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 04:54:28 -0700
(49) Jesus said, "Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you will find the kingdom. For you are from it, and to it you will return." This sounds much more respectful against human beings, doesn´t it? I mean, compared to the quranic idea that we are made from clot. The quran does indeed teach wrong things from the very beginning, since Surah 96 (The Clot) was the first to be "revealed" ever. But it was no true revealation. It covers the truth like a suffocating veil of mildew.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 05:42:54 -0700
Good essay. If you study and compare religions, you will conclude that Man created God(s) and not vice-versa. That's why our Gods act so silly.
Name: Re: tanstaafl
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 08:39:48 -0700
I agree with you. But there are definitions totally differerent from Islam and others. Here for example we have a gnostic qute from Eugnostos the Blessed: "He-Who-Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world, except he alone. For he is immortal and eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. No one rules over him. He has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another. He is unnameable. He has no human form; for whoever has human form is the creation of another. He has his own semblance - not like the semblance we have received and seen, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the totalities. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. He is infinite; he is incomprehensible. He is ever imperishable (and) has no likeness (to anything). He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is everlasting. He is blessed. He is unknowable, while he (nonetheless) knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishably blessed. He is called 'Father of the Universe'." http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/eugn.html I think this quote here is much more elaborated and sophisticated than any of the muslim stuff.
Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 09:17:53 -0700
2.023 Produce a Sura like quran.
Name: Re: Akhter
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 10:18:12 -0700
There is no reason to do this. Read this! "Consider, for example, the Koran. This wretched book was sufficient to found a religion of the world, to satisfy the metaphysical need of innumerable millions of men for twelve hundred years, to become the foundation of their morality, and of no small contempt for death, and also to inspire them to bloody wars and most extended conquests. We find in it the saddest and the poorest form of Theism. Much may be lost through the translations ; but I have not been able to discover one single valuable thought in it." Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation/Second Half, http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_World_as_Will_and_Representation/Second_Half I hope this will help you to understand.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 10:37:11 -0700
It is a great tragedy that people like SHER KHAN mentioning SANATANA DHARMA , the noblest of noble , ( HINDU DHARMA ) on the same plane as other evil religions like ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY !!!!!!!!!!! Obviously Mr. SHER KHAN do not have even basic understanding of SANATANA DHARMA !!!!! Where did he get his idea of dowry caste system , in Hindu scriptures. Dowry system for the girls is actually the share of female in the property . The so called dowry system arose failry recently. Did any Hindu scripture made it - the human sacrifice ? Most important - Most important. The past 1000 yrs HINDUS were living like slaves in their own country, under ISLAMIC brutal rule, and then under christianity - and so Hindus were not in control of their own destiny. Meanwhile during the past 1000 yrs - both ISLAm and christianity went out - invaded foreign lands ( including INDIA , the home of HINDU DHARMA ) ,conquered, colonized, enslaved, forcibly converted and ruled on them !!!!!!!!!! The basic principles, philosophy, values, ethos are diametrically opposite of ISLAM and christianity. SANATANA DHARMA is supremely noble . SANATANA DHARMA is not an organized religion like ISLAM and christianity. There is no heirarchy and central authority in SANATANA DHARMA like in christianity and ISLAM. SANATANA DHRMA is not dogmatic and totalitarian, fascist in nature like ISLAM and christianity. ISLAM and christianity impose their religion by force - based on revelation,one book,one God, one prophet etc and stating that their god is true, only Moslems and christians who believe in their profiter and God will go to heaven and others are consigned to hell fire for ever . Nonbelievers of ISLAM and christianity are sinners and do not have right to live on this earth and Mohammadens have right to kill the kafirs and infidels. This is challenge to MR.SHER KHAN to research and write truth instead of mere ideas and propaganda based on pure whims and actions of some bizarre people. in the entire human civilization - only HIndus placed the women on the pedastal as Goddess and at the centre of life . It is clear that MR. SHER KHAN suffers from his poisonous ISLAMIC pangs still - but claims to be a free thinker.
Name: to Akhter, challenge to all infidels from akhter.
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 18:34:57 -0700
An article in Playboy magazine is far more better than your Quran. At least, it is not saying that Allah is most powerful and then he needs the help of his creations (mens) to punish the infidels (4:89). How can a book containing such a contradictive reasoning considered as a sacred book? Only stupid people will do. It is including you Akhter.
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday May 22, 2008
Time: 02:36:26 -0700
Islam is only an evil cult with a fake 'god' called Allah exhorting its rabid adherents to kill all the non-believers if they do not submit to this cult ,and enslave their women and children for lewd purposes. It is totally lacking inspiritual and moral values. It is damned EVIL . It is a cult based on one man's so-called "revelation" which is nothing but a crude justification to his immoral and wcked and evil deeds , after all this self-ao-ppointed 'prophet' was a moral wreck and an extremely violent man with criminal bend of mind justifying loot,plunder ,rape,murder and massacres!Both Christianity and Islam are proselytising creed/cult bent on forcing their dogma on everyone,of which Islam is more violent and immoral! Jesus had learnt Budhism and Zoroastrianism , assimilated its philosophy of "Love and Peace" to found what we know today as Christianity. The message of Budha and Zarathustra permeates his "gospels" which had departed from orthodox judaism , yet retained the exclusivity of judaism( the creed of the so-called "chosen people" of a so-called god Yahweh!) Islam is pure barbarism in the name of "religion", adapting and distorting tales from the Bible (to get justification from the people of the "Book" ,namely the Jews and the Christians , who anyway saw through this fraud and refused to acknowledge this man Muhamad as a'prophet' like those of the old Testament). Islam is the worst fraud perpetrated on humanity with its lack of morality and spirituality,lack of free inquiry and freedom of conscience and above all its oppressive and repressive dogma and bigotry!. One can echo George Orwells "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than the others" - All religions are bad but some like Islam and Christianity are the worst - further Islam is the worst of all creeds and cults ,while its Quran and 'hadiths' reads like a mafia manuals!So in the 21st century we should augur in science and scientific temper rather than giving importance to religions ,creeds and cults!
Name: Creature of The Creator.
Date: Thursday May 22, 2008
Time: 23:27:47 -0700
There is no God but the Allaha tabaruk-tala, The creator of the whole universe and what ever is present in it. I,ll ask all of you what you mean by Allaha, The Creator? I know all of you are arts people who dn,t use scientific concepts to understand the bigger problems. Allaha is the spontaneous supreme force that leads to the evolution of the universe and the things which are present in it. Evolution can not happen if there is no spontaneous force to drive it. Now u have to think what does this supreme spontaneous force means to. Allaha is neither solid not liquid nor gas as Holy Quran clearly explains it. So, then What Allaha is? And Islam is to guide people so that human race can be continued most successfully. One mans mistake if threatens large people under equal rights, prosecute and punish the man in public so that no one can dear to repeat the mistake again. This is betterment for the human race in general. And Muslims never initiate war, they only fought wars when attacked and threatened, history is witness, GO THROUGH THE HISTORY. I,ll ask all of you Who created this universe? Do u think it occured by all of a suddent itself? No No No No, Creator is behind this as we are behind the creation of our houses,roads, malls, electronics, automobiles and many more other things. So, don,t blindly believe any one till u don,t find scientific reasons and logics. You think we are here in this universe as such? What nature is? where it comes from? This universe doesn,t come as it is now itself. Logic is that Some One the creator created this. So, Allaha is the creator as it means when u translate Allaha. I want all of u to read concepts of science when u discuss Islam bcse u can,t understand it with out science. Rest Allaha bless all of us. Ameen
Name: vbv
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 02:56:49 -0700
To" Creature of the Creator" :- This is a typical "taqiyya" trying to make science out of arbaric book of superstitions and obfuscations! Where does it say that this Allaha is a 'creative force'? It is clear from the verses in Quran that Allaha is a male misogynistic deity 'created' by Muhamad and trying to give it some credibility by usurping stories from the Bible and distorting it to suit his(Muhamad) own convenience. Whatever Allaha says (supposed to have said , while the actual voice is that of Muhamad) is either tales usurped and distorted from the Bible or something contemparaneous to the times of Muhamad , justifying through the so-called 'revelations' the evil misdeeds and crimes of the sole and only 'prophet' of a cult called Islam . The creation story is also a plagiarised from the Old Testament of the Bible from the book of Genesis. After all Adam and Eve are jewish 'creations'. The first incestuous couples in the Old Testament, followed by others as Abraham,his nephew Lot,Judas(in the Old Testament sleeping with his daughter in law Tamar),Solomaon,Moses,etc. Some "Holy" congregation" ,heh? The concept of God is not unique to the Abrahamic faiths ,but it preceded them by centuries by other civilisations in Egypt,Sumeria,India,Maya in America,etc. Monotheistic God preceded judaism ,Christianity and Islam in the creed of Zoroastianism, in the creed of Hammurabi (from where the so-called Ten Commandments was copied) or the creed of Akhneton in ancient Egypt. The concept of Infinity and null(zero) was known to Hindus much earlier than any other ancient civilisations, as it was well known that ancient Hindus excelled in mathematics and medicene centuries before any Abrahamic creeds came into existence , of which islam is the youngest only 1400 years old. The Hindus have never been dogmatic about 'creation', as they believe that the concept of 'creation' is just superficial and in the ultimate sense there is no creation and the created, the Universe / Multiverse always existed ,except going through an endless cycles of regeneration . So the need for a God the creater is not there , as this God is a product of human imagination. True , in the 4.5 billion years of Eaths History , humans arrived last in the evolutionery process. And it is humans who have 'created' this mysterious superman called God/Allah/Yahweh or whatever. The species earlier to humans did not have the need for such a god. Why? Humans thrive in exploiting fellow creatures in the search for a power to control others and subjugate the masses to their will - all to enjoy the fruits of others labour ,without working and earning it with honest days work!. You can see all these prophets/godmen/imams/mullahs/priests/etc. are cunning crooks using god/allah/yahweh/isshvar/ or whatever to live off others wealth and earniongs, accumulate wealth,get tax cuts and exemptions from government at the expense of honest taxpayers! All thsi in the name of a "GOD"! Do we really require a God or whatever? Can we not make these men of god/padres/imams/mullahs/priests do a n honest days work of an ordinary citizen , instead of enriching them, allow them to create divisisions and strife and in mutual distrust amongst people in the modern society. Should religion be allowed to over-ride humanvalues? Religion only spreads hatred- especially the Abrahamic creeds of Judaism,Christianity and Islam, specifically Islam. Therefore God and religion should not be given undue importance and leverage in the governance of a country lest these conceited and self-serving rascals,scoundrels bring turmoil and strife and distrust amongst people ,who would otherwise go about their business peacefully.Therefore God and religion are both useless and an unnecassary appendage in the modern society.
Name: creaure of the creator
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 03:25:01 -0700
to the VBV:- 1. I told u God is neither solid nor liquid nor gas, so how can u still say Allaha MAN-LY. In Islam Whosoever tried to give shap to Allaha is called Mushrik. so, clear this concepts w.r.t. Islam. 2. you telme what does Evolution is w.r.t. the universe? Allaha is the supreme Power behind the creation of the universe, which clealry says that "I created universe in 6 days". Then why don,t u research to disprove this, do some astronomical research and show me practically. 3. Islam is against Barbarism but PUNISH EVERY ONE WHO THREATENS THE EXISTANCE OF LARGE. So, if ur sister is raped then the rapper has to be pusnished accordingly. 4. U give me evidences and proofs in a scientifc ways to prove ur Atheism. Ok. I knw ur story is ur own made and u have no base and fundamentals but i can say u r psychopath or illiterate person. Read Islam and Science together with broadened vision. Allaha the Greatest.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 06:38:36 -0700
To "Creature of the Created" :- You say that the Universe was "created " in six Days by a Super creative force known as "Allah". How do know that it was "created" only in 6days? How do you know that this force is called "Allah"? Why should such a force be reckoned with a name such as :|"Allah"? Why can't it be simply known as "Cosmic Power" rather than a proper noun "Allah"? Quran always refers to this Allah as "WE","Us" "I" which is referred to only to a persona, not a Cosmic Power , which is "not solid,Liquid or gas" ' ,as per your own words. Allah is clearly a 'male' Arabic Deity from the reading of Quran. He is clearly anthropomorphic and misogynistic by nature that he relegates women to being a mere sex-slave of men. Moreover Quran betrays total ignorance of the Universe as we know it as of Today. The 'creation' verse in Quran in Sura 21 30-32 is very insular and far from modern scientific cosmology. Modern cosmology is itself evolving with many new findings , for example the theory of "Plasma Universe".Big bang theory is now being questioned. Science is not trapped in a rigid inflexible dogma like religion. It allows room for scepticism and free questioning , allowing new findings to improve our understanding of the Unverse or for that matter anything that we see around us ,be it automobiles, mobile phones, TVs, Aeroplanes, rockets,washing machines, computers, trains, books, calculators, electricity, skyscrapers,etc. What has religion given us? Only mistrust, hatred, violence, in the name of God? Allah? etc. You may try to negate atheism by talking about Stalin or Hitler. Stalin,Hitler,Mao, PolPOt,Lenln, etc were not true atheist but slave to another form of extreme idealogy , aimed at pcreating a particular form of political culture and also personality culture.It has its own dogma and bigotry ,not unlike religion or cults ,for gaining political power .True atheists are not slave to any kind of dogma .I can show you all the scienytists and thinkers like Steven Weinberg, Richard Dawkins,Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennet, Sam Harris, Albert Einstein,Carl Sagan,etc. The list is very long. They have free thinking and base their thoughts on scientific findings which are itself always evolving and not stuck on a single groove like religion or cults or political idealogies. It allows questioning, challenging and scrutinising. There is no concept of "Blasphemy" like in religion. It doesnt have the herd mentality of the followers of a religion or cult. You say islam is against barbarianism . Then why do you have in sharia punishments like stoning to death,cutting off the hands of thieves/robbers, beheading for Blasphemy ,beheading for apostasy,torture , humiliating non-believers as"Dhimmis",raping and taking nonbelievers women is justified as a part of jihad in islam, terrorising (murdering,bombing and massacring) non-muslims is treated as a religious duty of the muslims. These are there in the Quran and the Hadiths , not the rantings of an islamophobe! Nonmuslims are considered as not innocent,even their children, and are a fair game for the jihadist or islamic terrorists. How do you explain all this???
Name: nightowl
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 14:58:28 -0700
According to the Buddha, to speculate on the existence of God is to ask the wrong question. God is just a concept. It may be a useful concept to help us understand the Unknowable but ultimate Reality is beyond the concept of God. I find that polytheistic religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and animism have a more complete understanding of spiritual truths. The religions of the Middle-east encourage an us-them attitude. I don't think their god is the highest Deity at all, more like a God of War. Certainly it's a harsh male god with uncompromising views. Only Jesus broke the mould. He taught that true religion is not about laws but about the heart. He never committed violence (at least according to the Bible). When Peter struck the Roman guard, Jesus commanded him to put his sword down and Jesus healed the guard. That is the mark of a true master.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 23:50:09 -0700
To night owl: - Jesus was a jew but he departed from the jewish creed and its cruel god Yahweh , because he was influenced by Budhism and Hinduism for a deeper and true ynderstanding of spiritual values. Refer to Holger Kirsten's book "Jesus livedin India" which has ample proofs for his 12 years absense in Palestine. So Christianity owes a lot to India. Whereas islam has taken Arabic barbarism and combined with the jewish barbarism in the book of Deutoronomy of the Old Testament and has come out with "Sharia" and Quran and Hadiths!
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).- says ISLAM is plague and EBOLA virus of HUmanity
Date: Tuesday May 27, 2008
Time: 14:59:15 -0700
To all jihadists/ISLAMIC terrorists/Taqiyyawaalas/evil ISLAMISTS: get rid of this evil,cruel, inhuman,wicked, bloodthirsty ,killing cult called ISLAM and become part of humanity. I am sure you are not having any peace,happiness or normalcy in your life. All ISLAMISTS/MOSLEMS are burning with jealousy, ill will, animosity, hatred, against nonmoslems- becoz that is what is preached, taught, propagated, plotted in madrassas, mosques by Mullas,imams,moula alis, muftis, Ayatollas which are nothing but scum,shit of the earth . I urge all thinking women ,educated women,modern women, women with good conscience , women with good hearts and minds in ISLAM to discord their Burqas, burn their QQURRANs, renounce, denounce the evil qqurran / pedo,rapist evil,killer MO/ bloodthirsty ALLA and run away boldly into the world of freedom,liberty, choice, democracy, equality, liberalism, pluralism and taste the new life with infidels,/kafirs/nonbelievers. ERADICATE ISLAM from the face of this good earth.
Name: Dunno
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 02:17:52 -0700
The name Allah is a coined word...just like Yahweh...is. The intelligent Almighty never revealed HIS NAME because he knew 2000 years later He will have idiots, nincompoops, so called religiously educated morons and heaven's throne claimants..and some others who constantly seem to fall into visions with God and his angels claiming that the name given to him belongs to them and no one else. Knowing that these morons will claim such so HE DID SAY that HE IS I AM WhO AM.to Moses a JEW...Logically anyone giving a name to something or someone is the owner of that thing be it a dog or a plant or a fish..and the Intelligent Almighty did authorize Adam to name everything on earth..and be its master...never did He give HIS NAME TO ADAM. (SO HOW CAN YOU GIVE A NAME TO THE ALMIGHTY ..IT AUTOMATICALLY LOOKS LIKE YOU OWN HIM..WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE...note since this big and forever argument is with the Christians and Muslims.. being the formost claimants.(FOR POLITICAL MILEAGE).it ist he stupidesst thing ..anyone can fight for.. Allah was called Allah even before the Koran was invented...PERIOD. Allah was called Allah by non-muslims in Arabia Christians too..before the the KOran was Invented...PERIOD. THE ALMIGHTY CANNOT BE OWNED. HE IS NOT UNDERANYBODY'S OWNERSHIP.. THAT LIMITS HIM..YOU IDIOTS!!!! tHEREFORE WHATEVER NAME YOU GIVE HIM IS NOT HIS NAME...PERIOD..FOR HE KNEW THAT WOULD SET A PRECENDENCE FOR ALL THE IDIOTS AND MORONS RUNNNING AROUND NAKEDLY CLAIMING THAT HE IS THEIRS...TODAY.. I FOR ONE COULD NOT BE BOTHERED IF SOME THE MUSLIMS WANT TO LAY A CLAIM ON HIM..FOR SOME OF THEM THINK THAT THEY ARE ALREADY ALLAH'S BLOOD RELATIVE..AND ARE DESTINED TO SIT ONHIS THRONE.. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: -3 ... written by mimag2005, December 28, 2007 | 21:51:06 Hi yy88, i cud emphatise with your dilemma. I was in that state some years back. Share you my experience. 01) i ask myself wheter I really wanted to seek the truth with all my heart, mind and soul.. & NOT JUST LIP SERVICE . 02) To seek the TRUTH, I had to break away the shackles, bias and indoctrination taught to us from childhood by our LOVING and TRUSTED family members including our PARENTS. 03) Religion belongs to Almighty God. No Group, Race or Individual can claim its exclusiveness. 04) Almighty God is the Creator and we ( as human beings ) are HIS CREATION beginning with ADAM. 05) Almighty God's religion is raceless, classless, colorless etc. 06) The entrant qualification is not a Harvard's degree, PEDIGREE ETC but.... only SINCERITY IN SEEKING THE TRUTH! 07) One of Almighty God's medium to reach out to HIS CREATION is through "Ancient scriptures ". Personally i dont believe in todays planeloads of Religious Elders. Theres more wolves than sheep. 0 We are conscious and careful of our physical health. e.g. we have 2 glasses of water.. 1 glass sprinkle with our urine and the other glass is pure, unadulterated water. It is obvious which glass of water will be drunk. 09) On the same premise, FOR THE HEALTH OF OUR SPIRITUAL SOUL, we shud also investigate with open minds and hearts thru whatever channel available, the origin and accuracy of ancient scriptures in ITS ORIGINAL REVEALED LANGUAGE ! Offcourse, we also must have the translated version for us to read and understand ! 10) I used to wonder.. we as human beings with limitations... how is it possible for us to communicate in the human language to our pet doggy. We did not have to metamophorse into a dog and speak doggy language to make our doggy dog from the Animal kingdom understand us. Even plants from the vegetable kingdom can react by our Human language. Almighty God, Creator of Worlds including the Human Race, claimed by many ancient scriptures, had to incarnate or metamophorse or call whatever you like, into one of his many creations to make us understand his Existence and Commands. SHOULD THIS RATIONALE BE TRUTH !, THEN I SAY..... WE, HUMAN BEINGS WITH LIMITATIONS, ARE GREATER THAN THE ALMIGHTY GOD. 11) When we are able to breakaway from these SHACKLES, and submit ourselves in all humility before the Almighty God, God willing we will begin to see the TRUE LIGHT ! 12) My buddy from Down Under met a local aborigine. Apparently his concept of God Almighty Qualities, as taught by his elders are : - HE CREATE EVERYTHING AND PROVIDE FOOD FOR HIS CREATURES - HE HAS NO BEGINNING AND NO END - HE WAS NOT BORN - HE HAS NO FAMILY. - HE IS ALONE - HE DONT NEED TO EAT, SLEEP, BECOME SICK, OLD ETC What is most shocking... he has not heard of - Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha etc etc but he knows maradona, beckham and the group.
Name: dunno
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 02:31:25 -0700
If there is really No God, whatever the punter bets ( believe or disbelieve) makes no difference. He wins anyway.(no heaven or hell) But if there is really a God, the punter only WINS if he bets on “Believe in God”. If he bets on disbelieve he will lose. So betting on the existence of God is safer and preferred than disbelieve.(logical)
I think, to believe in God for the sake of being on the safe side is synonymous with being perocial and self centredness. We can provide all the resons on His existence but are we able to: 1. Get God to sit among us and debate on the peoblems on earth. 2. See all the astrocities and violents around us but yet no supreme intervention to protect the innocent and the children. 3. See all the diseases related to children that led to permanent blindness and paralysis knowing that everything is God creation. 4. There are people committed to Him but suffer from suppression, incrimination and often anhiliation. 5. God created man and he allows violents committed by the same creature He created. Why? If you think that He is unfair, promotes violence and created organisms that kill children, is there a necessity to associate yourself with him? 6. Or worse, if he doen't exist, are we not wasting our time and life on an unworthy cause? Answer and you will ponder why? To have faith is to accept Him. To deny his existence is a prerogative.
Name: asmir89
Date: Monday June 09, 2008
Time: 14:24:14 -0700
If there is a God who created evil, why should we even listen to him?