Sense and Sensitivity
20 Nov, 2005
- Muslims are extremely sensitive to any motion that may relate to Islam. In the UK, Burger King created a design on the lid of ice cream cups that barely resembled the word 'Allah'. Muslims felt extremely offended with this unintentional gesture and Burger King was forced to withdraw the cups, which caused financial loss. Ironically, Muslims find 'Allah' written in the clouds, inside of a tomato and on a fish--soon to be found written on a sexy mermaid's body. So, what's the big deal if Burger King sells 'Allah'-flavored ice cream? Muslims should appreciate this form of free advertisement of Allah.
Michael Graham, a radio talk show host, was courageous enough to say "Islam is a terrorist organization" 23 times during his program that aired on July 25, 2005, by Washington radio station WMAL-AM. He pointed out the actual problem and bluntly declared, "The problem is not extremism. The problem is Islam." Immediately, the American-Muslim association known as CAIR (Captain Allah's Infamous Rugrats) prompted a huge protest. Michael Graham was asked to apologize but he refused. The chickenhearted management did not hesitate to fire him due to the Islamic pressure of CAIR.
Usually, Buddhists are peaceful people. They don't shout 'Buddha is great' and go for a killing spree. Their religion also demands its followers to seek the truth, inspired by their conviction. Rev. Kosho Mizushima compared Buddhism with Christianity and Islam. While explaining the distinction, he commented, "Religions that force people to believe in gods who do not exist are, indeed, arrogant faiths that lack compassion." He continued, "The constant fighting in the Middle East, where many precious lives are lost every day, is a direct manifestation of the tragic harm that is brought about by Islam."
Oh boy! What a mistake! Churches did not pay much attention to his statements but the soldiers of Islam immediately jumped in. Mr. Khankan, a NY spokesperson of CAIR, demanded an apology and asked for all commentaries to be removed from the web site. It would be worth mentioning that in June 2001, a director of CAIR, Ali Ramadan Abu Zakouk, claimed suicide bombers have a "God-given right" to kill civilians but no Muslim gave any objection to his disparaging remark.
What would be the impact if the US called for wiping the 'Islamic world' off the map? Pious Muslims would explode with the help of dynamite, killing themselves and millions of 'Kafirs'. Moderate Muslims would make a massive flood with their tears; some would even join those pious Muslims to expedite the process of explosion. However, when the Iranian president declares that Israel must be destroyed and 'wiped off the map', nothing happens. The European Union condemned the statement with flowery diplomatic language and the Islamic world giggled.
Followers of all religions sense superiority, which is good. It brings competition and competition always yields better products. Most of the religions compete with each other to make their religion more humane and progressive. However, Islam does not believe in competition; they want a monopoly. Like other religions, vendors of Islam try to sell it with a peaceful coating but they also threaten non-believers with Quranic verses--"If you don't submit to Islam, Allah will barbecue the non-believers". This is the fundamental difference with other religions.
The threat is not limited to eternal life; it also applies in worldly life. When religious auction is in progress, a Buddhist may want to become a Christian and six months later he may want to try Hinduism. No one would care whether he changed his belief. Now if he decides to join Islam, his fate is sealed. He cannot leave Islam because Muhammad has a standing order: "Kill whoever leaves Islam". This kind of 'gang member' mentality makes Islam a cult and not a religion.
Islam has clearly divided the world in two groups, Muslims and non-Muslims. The Muslim community, known as 'Ummah', keeps a clear distance from the people of other faiths or no faith. This notion derives from Islamic scriptures that recommend, Dar ul Islam or Darus salam, meaning the land of Islam or peace must be separated from the land of Dar ul Harb or Darul Kufr, meaning the land of war or Kafirs. Dar ul Islam is ruled by Muslims and the law of the land is purely Islamic, which means a person should be whipped if he/she misses any prayer, i.e., doing the body caricature five times a day, head down-rear up. What is the significance of calling Dar ul Harb or the land of war? According to Quranic verses 2.193; 9.29; 9.73; 25.52; 48.13; 48.29 and several ahadith, Muslims are duty-bound to fight until Islam becomes the religion for everyone. Naturally, Muslims consider any country that is not Islamic is an open land for war; hence, Dar ul Harb is the land of war for all Muslims.
The threat works for many Muslims; they are scared of Allah's vengeance and feel the heat of Allah's nuclear furnace. The description of unprecedented afterlife stops Muslims from thinking rationally; their brains are trapped between hell and heaven. Also, a false sense of superiority is more prominent than with any other religion. All Muslims are taught from their childhood that they belong to the best group of people and people of other faiths are simply inferior.
While Muslims are bragging about their sensitivity, people of other faiths and non-believers have failed to sense the motive of Islam. Often they bend to Islamic protest and apologize for telling the truth. Yes, that's another Islamic miracle; it only happens when Islam is in action - one has to apologize for telling the truth. Until the non-Muslim world stops appeasing Islam and gains the courage to call a spade a spade, no chemotherapy will stop Islamic cancer.
Dr. Zakir Naik, lightly bearded modern Muslim scholar of India, does not see anything wrong in calling a non-Muslim a 'Kaifr'. He argues, "'Kafir' is derived from the word 'kufr', which means to conceal or to reject. In Islamic terminology, 'Kafir' means one who conceals or rejects the truth of Islam and a person who rejects Islam is in English called a 'non-Muslim'."
Let's see what Dr. Allah, the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Islamic Corporation, says about Kafirs. He affirmed in verses 2:10 and 16:39 that all Kafirs are liars. Imagine, famous Time magazine publishing an article with a cover story of 'All Muslims are liars'. We can expect that another manmade Katrina storm would swipe through the whole world but it is OK for Allah to call non-Muslims liars. Allah even called non-believers of Islam wicked people in verse 80:42. Should we call Muslims wicked people too? Allah has cursed non-believers in verse 2:89. Can we curse Muslims? Allah declared in verse 2:98 that all non-believers of Islam are his enemy. So, slaves of Allah, known as Muslims, automatically become the enemy of non-Muslims.
I am sure Allah used to work for the fire department before he became the god of Muhammad, since it is eminent from all those threats that he made with fire. He has prepared a huge campfire for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones (Q2:24). It baffles me to think how stones can be fuel for fire. Most likely, Allah did not know that oil would be found around his neighborhood. He talked about this fire business in verses 3:131, 4:14, 4:55, 5:37, 7:36, 8:14, 9:63, 10:8, 11:17, 13:5 and in many other verses.
I am offended, too. When Muslims recite the Quran loudly and I hear all those cursing and belittling comments, I feel degraded, humiliated and insulted. So what about my sensitivity? I am ashamed to call myself a Muslim and happy to be a non-Muslim, but why should Allah decide my fate? I don't work for him, why should I give a "mouse's donkey" (please replace with substitute words) about his company policy? As a matter of fact, I am planning to sue this Allah guy for deliberate threatening.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), an American statesman, printer, scientist, writer and a natural philosopher, who made a great contribution in writing the constitution, and was also known as 'The wisest American', once wrote in a letter, "When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obliged to call for help of the civil power, 'tis a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one". His prudent comment is explicitly applicable for Islam. So far, Allah has not shown any interest to protect Islam or the Muslims, yet the professors of Islam are working ardently and putting band-aids on Islamic wounds.
What if contestants of all other religions declare the same kind of anecdote? Hindus may say that anyone who does not believe in Hinduism will end up eating cow dung for the rest of their afterlife. Buddhists can demand that if a person refuses to follow Buddha, his/her body will be stored in a cold storage and forced to swallow tons and tons of spinach 24/7—after all, they don't like meat. Christians may insist that those who reject Christianity will be crucified repeatedly. Fortunately, other religions do not make these silly demands. Non-believers of Islam don't wish to fry Muslims in a frying pan but Allah does.
Mr. Zakir Naik has an easy solution for Kafirs. He suggests that if non-Muslims feel offended by being called kafir, they may convert and join the drug selling company of Islam. I have a proposition too. If Muslims cannot tolerate the criticism of Islam, its marketing manager, Muhammad, and his pet, Allah, should exercise one simple option: LEAVE ISLAM.
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Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday October 02, 2008
Time: 06:42:48 -0700
Beautiful and entertaining article. Thank you brother.
Name: To Sher Khan
Date: Thursday October 02, 2008
Time: 07:42:57 -0700
There is nothing in the teachings of Jesus that says those who reject Christianity will be crucified repeatedly. The teachings of Jesus is a commandment of LOVE. The Gospel or the Good News, meaning the coming Kingdom of God, is to be preached to all nations. It is entirely the responsibility of the individual to accept or reject the teachings of Jesus. True Christians NEVER condemn those who reject the Gospel.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday October 02, 2008
Time: 12:54:25 -0700
Even though , this article is incomplete to catalogue the evil, vengeful, intolerant, totalitarian, fascist, discriminatory, slavery, treating women as sex objects, hate at the core of ISLAM - aspects of ISLAM - the author Mr. SHER KHAN did a good and truthful job in telling facts about his former religion - ISLAM. .................................But I notice the disservice done by some of the EX. MOSLEMS like MR SHER KHAN, MA KHAN, TASLIMA nazreen, ALAMGHIR HUSSAIN, Syed KAMRAN MIRZA, ABUL KASEM - all learned scholars of ISLAM and it's working, as they witnessed first hand and experienced ISLAM from within. But ALAS - it is a pity that they equate the ABRAHMIC religions with SANATANA DHARMA which is not correct - as SANATANA DHARMA (came to be accepted as HINDU DHARMA) is diametrically opposite of these religions. Actually, SANATANA DHARMA was not meant to be a religion. It is supremely noble - eternal values, principles, philosophy, ethos. I will post the fundamental differences between SANATANA DHARMA and ABRAHAMIC religions - particularly ISLAM and christianity. This will help in proper perspective.
Name: Hey, Sher Khan
Date: Thursday October 02, 2008
Time: 20:19:27 -0700
You should know that in all religions you get some who follow their religion and some who dont, then you get the hypocrites who only follow things for their advantage. Let me make my self more clear suicide bombers Not Islamic? Islam does not encourages honour killings If you observe the facts then you will soon discover that reactions from the oppressed peoples of the Islamic world. When you look at what "Israel" has done to the Muslims and Arab Christians you WILL change your thinking. I urge you to go do some research on the subject. I urge you to stop shooting from the hip. Think that maybe you are not told the truth and start from there. I promise you will find the truth. I mean it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out who's occupying who! And that my friend is a reason to attempt to stop the oppressor by all the means you may have. sentiment instead of exploiting and worsening the friction between the communities because of the religious issues, Terrorism for political gain well there is no religion that speaks for voilance and we must understand that all those religions created by God were aimed to protect people, help understand the code of life and to let people realize that God is one & he must be worshiped only. See all the holy books handed over to the messengers of the ages. Islam, Buddhism, vedhas & Christianity do not preach any thing wrong , Prophet Muhammad said: "Do not kill the women, children, aged or the ill." He also prohibited Muslims from harming monks in their monasteries or hermits in their caves. Cutting down trees, destroying livestock, wells, homes or land of the enemy is likewise forbidden. Upon seeing the corpse of a women in a battlefield, Prophet Muhammad Islam makes a clear distinction between combatants and noncombatants, forbidding soldiers to harm defenseless civilian in any way. Islam never teaches to kill the nonmuslim. The only times in which believers are allowed to take up arms are when they are defending their own lives and the lives of their people, when they see the weak being oppressed in acts of tyranny, and when they are prohibited from practicing their religion. There is no excuse for any expedition or attack resulting in the killing of civilians, no one has the right to take innocent lives. So rather than you insult a religion that was sent by the creator, try to make this world a better place highlighting the good things in life without making only one race dominate at the expense of another for sheer greed.
Date: Thursday October 02, 2008
Time: 21:07:47 -0700
Most of Arab & Muslims can not read English, Thus Islam-Watch should also write in Arabic Language (Native Language of Islam).
Date: Thursday October 02, 2008
Time: 22:03:58 -0700
Core principles of SANATANA DHARMA ( HINDU DHARMA): Hindu dharma is the most tolerant religion , apart from JAINISM AND BUDDHISM, in the world today .Basic philosophy of SANATANA DHARMA AND JAINISM, Buddhism is peace ,love, non-violence - AHIMSA. SANATANA DHARMA is the oldest value system with SANSKRIT as the oldest language known to mankind. SANATANA DHARMA accepts and inclusive of all humanity with humility, with all universal values like peace, love, equality, freedom, democracy, openness, tolerance, secularism. In the entire human civilization only in HINDU DHARMA - woman is elevated to the level of GODDESS and worshipped. HINDU DHARMA is a profound and noblest philosophy/ spirituality which needs very complex understanding and in depth knowledge which takes long time and great understanding. .... HINDU DHARMA is not an organized religion... There is no rigid heirarchy and central authority to pass orders /giving fatwas , imposing their ideology on others. That is HINDU DHARMA is not dogmatic, not totalitarian, not imposing their values on anybody. It means that in HINDU DHARMA - everything is self realization - that comes from within ones own heart and mind. There is no proselytization and conversion activity in HINDU DHARMA - that is ther eis no missionary activity . IN HINDU DHARMA you see DIVINITY in every creature as it is the creation of GOD. HINDU DHARMA Went through and passed several profound discussions and the spiritual values are distilled out by noble minds . HINDU DHARMA is based on POSITIVE thoughts/philosophy and values, ethos. HINDU DHARMA is time tested and is sound on scientific, rational, logical, philosophical basis. HINDU DHARMA and it's practitioners never went out and waged wars on religious basis , not invaded any country, occupied, conquered or enslaved or ruled on alien lands with discrimination , subjugation ,colonization . Today - any body can see and find out the positive aspects and contributions of HINDU DHARMA - around the world.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 00:23:30 -0700
I agree with Kaffir/Infidel : Sanatana Dharma merely means the path of eternal righteousness and does not enjoin the need to have blind belief in any Deity/Idol. After all it is stated in Vedanta that in the absolute sense God/Deity doesn't exist. Veda s profess that "Aham Brahmasmi, Tat Tvam Asi", meaning I am a that Supreme princple/Truth underlying this entire Cosmos, so are you too. Emphasis is laid on moral values, spiritual values and good conduct rather than mere belief in a supernatural Deity. In Advaita philosophy of the vedas nothing can create this cosmos but it undergoes endless mutations (this is what evolutionists also aver)India it is not only Budhist and Jains who are atheistic but also Charvakas, Advaita philosophy ( sage Gaudapadha's Karika of Mandukya Upanishad clearly denies God as a supernatural being and 'creater'), Samkhya Philosophy, etc. The believers, idolworshippers, non-believers, atheists, agnostics all lived in this country respecting each others perspective, until semetic faiths set foot here,first Islam with the blood of 80 million Indians in its 700 years of despotic reign,then Christianity which was bent on destroying indegenous faiths to impose their dogmas. Ofcourse Islam was barbaric and cruel, while christianity was arrogant with a false sense of superiority. Both are exclusivist idealogies and intollerant dogmas. Both say that if you don't follow their "cult", you will be barbacued forever in Hell! Atleast the whiteman could appreciate some aspects of Hinduism,unlike the mad islamic rage-boys who would want to kill everyone who disagrees with them. The recent attack on christians, although I wouldn't justify it , was a reaction to the overzealous christian evangelists debunking hindu gods right near the temples, using disparaging remarks against our beliefs and customs, asking people to "give up the false religion to be saved by Christ. Otherwise you will be thrown to Hell :there is no redemption for pagans, heathens and sinners". They distribute literature denigrating hinduism and their beliefs in the most disparaging manner. A hindu doesn't disrespect other faiths calling them infidels, pagans, heathens to force his creed down their throats like a muslim or a Christian. Muslims and Christians also should learn to respect others sensitivities , just as they expect others to respect their beliefs!
Name: Baani Shukra
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 02:41:40 -0700
My point Mr. Editor, why people like you want to hate muslims? Why? After all, is it because they live in a land that has resources and your land does not? You labeled them as terrorist, but you forgot that The terrorist are now ruling the world! If any wants, they can critize Islam, Since you have gone through the entire koran how come you have forgotten to mention the part where the prophet mentions that he is only a try that in your land, The koran says in verse that mohamad was sent only to warn and guide, not to force people to be muslims. In order to conclude, If you people want to end up in the fire, thats your problem, A very few of us love to be with our creator, so while you execute us and burn and destroy us and maim and rape us we know where people like will end. 109:1 "I worship not that which you worship, 109:2 "Nor will you worship that which I worship. 109:3 "And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping. 109:4 "Nor will you worship that which I worship. 109:5 "To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islamic Monotheism)." Let me eloborate more Going by this definition, the British Raj referred to Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad and many other Indian freedom fighters as terrorists. These were Hindu and Sikh. Guerrilla fighters from Mao Zedong to Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro killed civilians during their revolutionary campaigns. They too were called terrorists until they triumphed. In Palestine, after World War II, Jewish groups (the Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang) fought for the creation of a Jewish state, bombing hotels and installations and killing civilians. The British, who then governed Palestine, rightly called these Jewish groups terrorists. Many of these terrorists later became leaders of independent Israel — Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon. Ironically, these former terrorists then lambasted terrorism, applying this label only to Arabs fighting for the very same nationhood that the Jews had fought for earlier.
Name: hinduism does not say anyone who does not believe will eat says yr karma action will decide yr fate
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 03:27:16 -0700
christianity says if u dont bow to jesus u will be put in hellfire by jesus forever. but hinduism never says that u will eat cowdung if u dont believe, it says that u r responsible for yr karma, and u will get yr reward. infact buddhist philosophy is based n kafir pagan hinduism of law of karma itself. anyway its a good article.
Name: how u can compare paganism to terrorist semitic abrahamic religion ?
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 03:35:31 -0700
how u can compare the ever evolving pagan hinduism to terrorist abrahamic religion ? moses killed the cannanites and hittites bcoz his imaginary jehova/allah told him to kill non jews and take their land, women, cattle and kill all males. read torah, talmud, old testement for this. following this christians followed this with rapes, genocides and killings of non christians in india, america, europe etc...and the worst poison fruit of the root judaism islam is there for everyone to see. so pls dont compare pagan hinduism, or buddhism with abrahamic terrorist ideology which only knows how to kill, pillage rape and hurt all. as per these terrorist religion murder like bush, osama etc will get heaven/jannat but gandhi will go to imaginary hell.
Name: since islam is false,which religion and god is true?? which is the true god ? nature is the true god and only kafir pagan hinduism says nature is the true god...does this make hinduism the only true religion ?
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 05:26:12 -0700
which is the true god ? nature is the true god and only kafir pagan hinduism says nature is the true god...does this make hinduism the only true religion ? we are evolved by nature this is proven fact, but which religion worships nature ? not any of the abrahamic religion, so which other religion ? its kafir pagan hinduism: in sri devi suktam in ATHARVAVED, this following verse is there : namo devyay mahadevyay shivayey satatam namaha,namaha PRAKRUTIYEY bhadrayey niyatah pranatam...this means, we bow to the goddess, we bow to the great goddess, we constantly bow to the auspicious one,we bow to the DIVINE MOTHER NATURE [PRAKRUTI] the protector of all, the provider of all, we bow to her again and again constantly....this is 1 verse, there r thousands which honour nature in a similar way. unfortunately today we r abusing nature and we are seeing the effects of global warming etc. anyway since only kafir pagan hinduism preaches that nature is the god, which religion is true ? actually all religion r man created....nature = truth. so worship truth = nature and have a clean green world without the poison of abrahamic religion.
Name: Where are the milk, honey wine rivers ?
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 05:40:12 -0700
Alaikum! I have a question, What is Janat? Are there really rivers of Milk and Honey?? Are there really beautiful ladies? How is this possible? Allah has said that after death we don't have bodies just our soul will remain. So how is this possible that we will need Materialatic things like milk and so on?? Does Allah want to say something else? I think its an important question will like to have a discussion on this Question. thank you Allah Hafiz Fi Amaan Allah.
Name: will it ever end?
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 08:00:21 -0700
to the one that wrote to Sher Khan: he wasn't trying to say that's what christians say, he was using the tongue-in-cheek method there. But will this ever end? In England, when the young followers of this cult gang up on a lone NATIVE English person, that's what the English need to do: come out in droves when they see this happening. this is a very good article about sense and sensitivity. We, and non-cultists need to start saying back: that's offensive to me. When one hears the hate speech, don't be afraid to say: that's offensive to me. And if you are accused of racism, ask calmly: and what race is islam?
Name: So-called Islamic Prophets
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 08:44:24 -0700
Muslims like to claim that they recognize many prophets such as Adam, Moses, Jesus and many more and that they show respect for them. However, did anybody ask them how they would think about it? They where kidnapped and now they are being abused for a cult they never had anything to do with - just another point of view!
Name: hey vbv
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 09:12:43 -0700
The puranas say "Agnou tishtathi vipranaam, hridi devo manishinaam, prtima swalpa buddhinaam,sarvatra viditamanaam." meaning for a ritualist God resides in fire, for intelectual in heart, in idols for not so intelligent and everywhere for the realised. Even Patanjali advocates a Prateek ( symbol) for the beginner, one who has no idea of God and wants to achieve salvation. Idol is the first step required for making one's mind stable through concentration. Once this achieved idol is no more required and the 'sadhak' can proceed under the guidance of his guru. All religions require a symbol, like a cross, the kaaba etc. Otherwise why christians need a cross and the muslims the kaaba around which they circuambulate? Why do they need a crescent moon at the top of their masjids? Why do they need a door of heaven in front of which they perform namaaz in a masjid. Why the catholics need an altar and all the idols of prophets including those of Mary and Jesus ? I would like all christians and muslims to ponder over this and give a satisfactory answer.
Name: Sense and sensitivity exists only in material world
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 09:41:02 -0700
Sense and sensitivity exists only in material world where body is made of material. This body on the earth have desire not for gratication but for maintaining progeny and for life. Only foolish people believe in imaginery paradise. Any common sense man can easily understand this logic. In the ancient Nalanda University there were subjects of logic and philosophy which were compulsory to all its students. Unfortunately present educational system lack these subjects for all. only very few people are using thier rationality and logic and others living like animals without any inquesitiveness and enthusiasm.
Name: Beowulf
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 10:38:18 -0700
Islam is garbage.
Name: lw1
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 10:50:46 -0700
Land of Islam or Peace hasn't arrived in many countries where Muslims have been in power for a long time.If the nightmare of the whole world converting to Islam arrives, there will never be peace. Another very important point is death sentences imposed on Salman Rushdie and others. Though a few death threats and demonstrations (violent) resulted from the Pope calling Mahommad a terrorist, it soon died down and although Muslims would like to kill him, there isn't that much fuss. The Pope only said that he was sorry for hurting the feelings of Muslims, but he did not apologize for calling Mahommad a terrorist.
Name: To Baani Shukra from lw1
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 12:32:05 -0700
You say, 'The koran says in verse that mohamad was sent only to warn and guide, not force people to muslims.' The main message of Quran is submission to Allah by everyone and it is duty of every Muslim to try and convert everyone - first peacefully and then using force and even killing non-believers or at least imposing jizya. Have you misunderstood Quran or are you being selective with facts? Also if you believe that nobody should be forced to be a Muslim, then you should condemn all the past forced conversions and those taking place now.
Name: To Vbv . - Jacob
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 13:01:30 -0700
Vbv, I see you are once again taking potshots at christianity. Disagreements will always be there between different creeds otherwise there would be no difference in the creeds. Disagreement alone should not be the cause for hatred or violence. Even members of a family disagree on many occasions but this is no excuse for hatred and violence. Why we non muslims hate islam is because they have only employed force and coercion to convert non muslims to islam as is preached in the quran. However you encourage hatred against christians for disagreeing with your religion. All you have to do is reject christian arguments if they are not valid and counter them with your own arguments and not say that violence against those who do not agree with your religion is understandable although it is not justified. You are plainly insecure about your own religion and you have to find out why that is so.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).SANATANA DHARMA & ISLAM/ christianity are diametrically opposite . WHY and HOW ?
Date: Friday October 03, 2008
Time: 22:21:22 -0700
CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM are highly "ORGANIZED religions "...... In both religions ,There is a rigid hierarchy and central authority which passes orders and imposes them on the followers strictly.So every practicing Christian or moslem must adhere to the code. SO both ISLAM &CHRISTIANITY are dogmatic religions and totalitarian..... ISLAM &CHRISTIANITY uses the communal (collective ) strength to impose their ideology, theology, cult ,on nonbelievers....... ISLAM do not accept or recognize any other faith, any other GOD or any other theology, belief and hence those nonbelievers of ISLAM are called most derogatively as kafirs, infidels, nonbelievers and these kafirs must be either made to accept ISLAM or must be killed as ALLA - the ISLAMIC GOD commanded . ISLAMIC KALEEMA & SHAHADA are an insult to the civilized world as the Moslem by uttering KALEEMA are not accepting the nonmoslem community . This is clearly a violation of international human rights and against every pluralist ethos and multicultural idea.Unless a human being accepts ALLA and MO ( according to KALEEMA ) is a sinner and will be consigned to eternal hell fire by ALLA. You see ISLAMIC ALLA is clearly a vengeful God and like a tin pot cruel dictator demands that everybody must worship him ( why not 50 times or 100 times - the more , the merrier !!!) ISLAMIC ALLA enjoys putting nonbelievers (in him - the ISLAMIC GOD) in eternal hell fire , just becoz they do not believe in him or do not pray him !!!! ISLAMIC ALLA is so stupid . A HUMAN body is reduced to ashes in a matter of few hours. ISLAMIC ALLA creates new skin and burn the nonbeliever again !!!! How merciful ISLAMIC ALLA is !!!!! SO ALLA supervises and enjoys putting kafirs in fire for ever !!! where do ALLA find so much of time to watch all that ?........ SIMILAR is the case with CHRISTIANITY. In order to be a christian - you must believe in JESUS,his FATHER and wholy spirit !!!!!! SALVATION to any human being will happen only when he/she believes in christ . Otherwise all others (nonchristians) are sinners and are going to hell bound . Only christians are going to go to heaven (just like Moslems say). So according to CHURCH teachings all nonchristians are sinners............. Both ISLAM/CHRISTIANITY believes that it is their GOD given right and special authority, privilege to go and proselytize and convert nonbelievers . ANYBODY can see easily that this is not only fascism but clearly sows the seeds for destruction of other societies, faiths, beliefs, religions - as the missionaries / mullas go to any length ( deception, dishonesty, lies, destructions, bribes, lures, favours) to lure and destroy nonISLAMIC/NONCHRISTIAN countries, societies, cultures .History has the abundant proof for us to verify. Whereever christianity/ISLAM went, they completely annihilated native civilzation, cultures. This is just like you go as a guest to your host's house for sumptuous meal, and then you start subverting, destroying your host by preaching against him after eating the sumptuous meal. Today, in INDIA - christianity/ISLAM are tearing the fabric of INDIAN (HINDU) society. Both CHURCH/ ISLAM has abundant resources - petro DOLLARS in plenty. SO both ISLAM/CHRISTIANITY are savage, brutal religions, based on lies ,falsehoods, deception, cheating- are fascist ,totalitarian . Both ISLAM/Christianity are imposing their cult on others by any means and are intolerant . Becoz - ISLAM/christianity will not sleep without their imperialistic, expansionist evil agenda - by proselytization and conversion...............ISLAM/CHRISTIANITY are highly negative theologies as they term others as sinners, kafirs, infidels, pagans , nonbelievers and deride, denigrate, insult, abuse, other faiths. More in the next post .
Kafir and others,
Please note that this site has an atheistic liberal outlook. We believe there is no inherent and eternal value in any creed, culture, tradition or anything like. These are all created by humans and, as Aristotle believed, should be subjected to continuous change as human wisdom and knowledge grow for achieving a better society. So, it is very painful for us to take the pain of reading unabashed eulogy about archaic creeds or cultures and post it here.
I urge every one to reduce preaching of their creed and try to comment on the articles, and Islam in particular.
Editor, MA Khan.
Name: To: <To Sher Khan>
Date: Saturday October 04, 2008
Time: 00:57:01 -0700
You say: The Gospel or the Good News, meaning the coming Kingdom of God, is to be preached to all nations. It is entirely the responsibility of the individual to accept or reject the teachings of Jesus. True Christians NEVER condemn those who reject the Gospel. >> From the beginning of Xnity, every Pope was involved in the destruction of ancient pre-islamic religion by calling them heathens, pagans, and fit for hell etc. Doesn't one of your commandments say "I am the way, I am the light, none comes to father EXCEPT through me"? Mistake me not, every missionary, every Pope, and every Jesus-lover takes this seriously and start imposing his Xian faith on others. Always Xian missionaries despise non-xian religions (especially Hinduism, Buddhism, Greek etc) as worshippers of devil etc. Why is there a false sense of superiority in you? Why can't semetic religions like Xnity and Islam coexist with other religions. In the west, there is a separation of the church from state and hence Xians cannot interfere with other faiths. You see this scenario in Buddhist thailand or Sri Lanka or India. Church uses every trick, force, and intimidation to enforce its belief on others.
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday October 04, 2008
Time: 02:06:59 -0700
Baani Shukra - Bhagat Singh, Chandreshekar Azad were freedom fighters because they were fighting for India's independence from the British misrule and exploitation. They were not fighting to terrorise people of their own country to promote a creed and force everyone to become a follower of that cult like muslims are doing. They do not go int a mad rage when any Indian God or Saint is criticised, like muslims who go absolutely berseck over a cartoon about Muhamad. Do you support Indian Mujahideen or Lashkar e Toiba or Jaish e Mohamad or HUJI whose only objective is to kill the 'kaffirs' or islamise them! Has islam ever succeeded in bringing peace relief ,succour to suffering humanity in their own countries? NO, absolutely NO! They only have tyranny, oppression, stifling of human rights, stifling of freedom of speech, murder, torture ,mayhem ,ask what you will! Why are islamic countries so backward, miserable and very low on human development and education?? The world opposes this kind of despotism and recognises that islam is a destructive cult. You talk about resources in islamic countries - except oil in the middle east ,what other great resources they can boast of ? Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Chad, Algeria ,etc - what great resources they can boast of except exporting the mad cult of Islam along with Saudi Arabia, Iran ,etc. Baani Shukra , Israel was always the jewish land for thousands of years, not arab land. Old Testament has ample proof of this. It is the arabs who have usurped the jewsih land. See how arabs have destroyed the indegenous culture and language in Egypt, Sumeria (Iraq) and other countries by completely arabising them. Islam breeds terrorism. You cannot say this for any other creed. Islam is more a criminal cult than a religion. It is a backward cult! So don't talk through your prejudiced eyes!
Name: to kafir, vbv, etc - Jacob
Date: Saturday October 04, 2008
Time: 03:58:33 -0700
Just answer this simple question. Does any christian country in the world prohibit anyone from practising or propagating their faith? Is there a hue and cry when people like muslims or hindus try to convert people to their respective faiths in christian countries? In fact it is welcomed because people think that they are learning something about another faith. The christian countries of europe and america have not banned islam or from muslims propagating their religion in spite of suffering from terrorist attacks repeatedly. We hear muslims bragging that islam is the fastest growing faith in the USA but is there any move to ban muslims from preaching their religion? Is there any mention from US and european politicians about conversions to islam and how dangerous it is? Though they have every reason to do so they have not done it. That is becasue christians are confident about their faith. They know that whatever happens christians will not abandon their faith so easily. Next , they respect their constitution which upholds the freedom of expression of which the freedom to propagate ones religion is an extension. Why are hindus getting so nervous about christians preching their faith? There is an attempt to spread a lie that conversions are being done by force. This is impossible in a free democratic society. You are saying that christians disagree with hindus on many issues but that is but natural. What are we doing on this web site ? Not only disagreeing with islam but denouncing it. This does not mean I hate muslims. I still have many muslim friends and I go out of my way to be nice to them. Because I disagree vehemently against their religion does not mean I am going to be unjust to them.
Name: Answer to above
Date: Saturday October 04, 2008
Time: 04:01:08 -0700
Please take note that in countries where Christians are the majority there is ALWAYS that freedom of religion for other faiths. Imposing Christianity to others is NEVER a commandment of Jesus. Jesus commanded his disciples to PREACH or PROCLAIM the Good News i.e. the coming Kingdom of God, to ALL nations. To PREACH or proclaim is NOT the same as to IMPOSE. Everyone is given the fair chance to HEAR God's message. It is entirely up to the individual's personal decision to accept or reject the Gospel. If some Christians do otherwise (forced others to convert to Christianity) then they are not following the teachings of Jesus. For Jesus said there will be wolves in sheep's clothing out to deceive the unwary, which means to say false teachers or prophets using His name will mislead many. The true followers of Jesus will observe His commandments such as "Love your enemies.", "Love those who persecute you." "Love your neighbor."
Name: To hey vbv
Date: Saturday October 04, 2008
Time: 05:56:53 -0700
Jesus never commanded his disciples to make an image or a symbol of Him for worship. In fact God prohibits idolatry or the worship of idols or any symbols that represent anything in the heavens or earth. It was emperor Constantine who adopted the cross as the symbol of Christianity when he became the first emperor to embrace Christianity in the 4th century A.D.
Name: caleb singh
Date: Saturday October 04, 2008
Time: 06:06:55 -0700
nice article the definition of terrorism should stand as any person ideology that seeks to impose it philosophy or objective by threats ,intimidation and use of violence intentionally against non combatant civilians no matter how just the cause may be is the terrorist and islam and islamist top the list by this definition