Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Never Hurt a Fly!
04 Jun, 2007
No, I have not lost a loved one, nor have I heard any bad news. The cry was for joy and passion. I was reading the biography of our great prophet Mohammed (PBUH), and I was in tears. What a great man he was! His intelligence, kindness and love for (Muslim) humans can not be compared with any other human being, yet there are plenty of bad people who have dedicated themselves to giving the great prophet a bad name. How could people hold the prophet responsible for serial killing when he never hurt a fly?
Just on one occasion, our prophet observed a fly dipping itself in a glass of water. He could have saved the poor creature’s life, but he wanted to teach his disciples an important scientific discovery and he allowed the fly to kill itself. Imam Bukhari records, “Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease” (Book of Medicine).
So far, our advanced medical science has failed to find an antidote in a fly’s wings, but it is their inability. Someday, science will gratefully prove the theory of our prophet. Until then it is safe to drink a glass of milk with a dead fly in it.
The above hadith clearly proves that the prophet did not kill the fly intentionally. However, he had to kill many humans for several reasons, which he did with extreme care and kindness.
Out of the many virtues that our prophet had, his talent of seeing
the future, the ability to create a successful espionage network,
the capacity of making decisive decisions and the capability of
extending generous gestures to the followers are the most
important. Sometimes, Gabriel the angel acted as a CIA agent; at
other times, human spies brought news from the enemy. One of these
incidents was the case of Khalid b. Sufyan. An informant told the
prophet of a particular Kafir who was planning to kill him. Most
non-Muslims would argue, naively, the informer may have his
personal interest, but our prophet had the right to kill
non-Muslims. Hence, it really does not matter if a non-Muslim was
killed by mistake.
After receiving the news, Mohammed (PBUH) immediately dispatched
Abdullah b. Unays to take care of the culprit. Evidently, the
followers of the prophet were very intelligent and they knew how
to make a friendship before killing the enemy. Mr. Unays talked to
Khalid Sufyan and when he gained his trust, slashing the head was
a piece of cake. According to Sirat Rasul Allah, “I walked a
short distance with him and when my chance came I struck him with
my sword and killed him, and went off leaving his women bending
over him” (Ishaq 666).
After the successful operation, it was time to give the reward and
the great prophet presented the Medal of Honor. Though most cynics
would cry foul and may compare it with the famous “carrot and
stick” cliché, the prophet indeed indulged Mr. Unays with a stick.
“Then he took me into his house and gave me a stick telling
me to keep it by me. When I went out with it the people asked
me what I was doing with a stick. I told them that the apostle had
given it to me and told me to keep it, and they said. ‘Why don’t
you go back to the apostle and ask him why?’ So, I did so, and he
said, ‘It is a sign between you and me on the resurrection day.
There are few men who will be carrying sticks then.’ So Abdullha
b. Unays fastened it to his sword and it remained with him until
his death, when he ordered that it should be put in his winding
sheet and it was buried with him” (Ishaq 666).
The stick was not only a symbol of honor; it would further help
Mohammed (PBUH) to identify Mr. Unays on the judgment day. Such a
brilliant and realistic idea proves how the prophet thought of the
future. It would be a good idea for all non-Muslims to take a
stick with them when they are heading towards their graves or at
the time of the cremation.
The matter of the stick business, like many other items of Islamic
science, has a scientific significance. It is obvious that the
person holding the stick will be communicating with the prophet
through the stick. Now compare the stick with the telephone poles.
Though many inventors, including Antonio Meucci, claimed the
invention of the telephone, it was Alexander Graham Bell who
successfully patented the discovery. However, in order to take the
telephone line from one city to another, they used wooden poles,
an idea that was stolen from the prophet’s symbolic gesture of
presenting the stick to his follower.
Often, non-Muslims as well as ex-Muslims brag about the killing of
800-900 Jews in Medina. Before finding the truth, we must examine
what the Jews are doing to the world. Our
resident, brother Abdul Hasheem, is an expert Jew spotter. Just by
looking at the writing style he can easily confirm who is a Jew in
disguise. I have learnt quite a few techniques from him.
The so-called Western democracy, freedom and human rights do not
fall under Islamic jurisdiction. In fact, Islam has a much better
scheme to run the world. However, Hollywood movies and the stars
have a great influence among Muslim youths. Rosie O’Donnell, the
famous TV star, for instance, has recently questioned the
authenticity of the official investigation of the 9/11 attack,
which of course points the finger to the Jews. Another intelligent
movie star, Mel Gibson, has spoken the truth. He, too, said, “
Jews…the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”
(Time magazine).
The killing of school children in Beslan was unquestionably a
handy work of MOSAD agents. Who do you think bombed in Bali? It
was Jews for sure. Look at the other incidents in Kashmir,
Palestine, Bosnia and Chechnya, and everywhere in the world. Jews
are killing innocent people and blaming Muslims. Did you know that
Osama Bin Laden is a Jew?
Our prophet Mohammed (PBUH) had a great relationship with our god
Allah (SWA). Being a god, Allah (SWA) knew what the Jews were
going to do in the future. Consequently, our prophet had no choice
but to eliminate the Jews from the earth. His venture was not
immoral or inhumane; in fact, he had to stop further rancor of the
Jews for a better world. Ishaq reports, “Then the apostle went
out to the market of Medina (which is still a market today) and
dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their
heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in
batches. ….There were 600 or 600 in all, though some put the
figures as high as 800 or 900. … This went on until the apostle
made an end of them” (Ishaq 464).
Imagine the sufferings of our prophet! He had to slaughter one
after another under the hot desert sun. He was sweating and his
mouth was dry, but he did not stop slaughtering because he cared
for mankind.
Evidently, our holy prophet always took a materialistic approach
to life. Whereas killing the adult Jews was necessary, he spared
the lives of young ones and the women for a greater interest. The
women were thankful for not being killed, appreciated the killing
of their loved ones, and dedicated their lives to
entertaining the pious Muslims. However, some of the women along
with their children were sold as slaves. It was indeed a great
business plan and the proceedings from such sales were used for
expanding Islam, the peaceful religion.
Typically, boys grow pubic hair in the advent of their teenage
years and teenagers are famous for notorious behavior. Our great
prophet, being the friend of all-knowing Allah, knew the
characteristics of a teenager. Hence, he ordered the killing of
anyone who had pubic hair. According to a hadith by Abu Dawood,
"Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi: I was among the captives of Banu
Qurayzah. They (the Companions) examined us, and those who had
begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were
not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair.”
Though it was determined that no women should be killed in the
previously mentioned slaughtering festival, our great prophet had
to kill at least one woman for the sake of Allah, the merciful god
of Islam.
Aisha said: “Only one of their women was killed. She was
actually with me and was talking with me and laughing immoderately
as the apostle was killing her man in the
market when suddenly an unseen voice called her name.
‘Good heavens,’ I cried, ‘What is the matter?’ ‘I am to be
killed’, she replied. ‘What for?’ I asked. ‘Because of something I
did,’ she answered. She was taken away and beheaded.” Aisha used
to say, “I shall never forget my wonder at her good spirits and
her loud laughter when all the time she knew that she would
be killed” (Isahq 465).
Another hadith of Sunan Abu Dawood further affirms the incident.
“Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: No woman of Banu Qurayzah was
killed except one. She was with me, talking and laughing on her
back and belly (extremely), while the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him)
was killing her people with the swords. Suddenly a man called
her name: Where is so-and-so? She said: I asked: What is the
matter with you? She said: I did a new act. She said: The man took
her and beheaded her. She said: I will not forget that she was
laughing extremely although she knew that she would be killed.”
Killing a non-Muslim should not be a concern because they deserved
to be killed. However, the reason for the woman’s laughter needs
to be explained. Some may find weird psychological causes but the
actual reason has a deep-seated meaning.
According to the Islamic scriptures, one-fifth of the booty earned
through raiding non-Muslims belongs to Allah, the god of Islam and
Mohammed (PBUH) the messenger. The women captured in the raids
were considered, and still are considered by Islamic scholars of
today, as a part of the booty. It is neither immoral nor inhumane
to enjoy those women. In fact, all of those women remained
grateful for killing their loved ones and bestowed their bodies to
satisfy the carnal pleasure of the early followers of Islam and
the prophet. Though Mohammed (PBUH) had the opportunity to enjoy a
part of his share, Allah the god of Islam was deprived from his
allotted share of one-fifth of the booty. Our great prophet was
extremely fair and he could not deprive Allah from his just share.
Human sacrifice to please the god is not uncommon. Mayans and
Aztecs of Mesoamerica did it, the Greeks did it, and even the
founding father of Islam, the great prophet Ibraham who is known
as Abraham by the believers of the other monotheism, was asked to
sacrifice his son; however, the command was voided due to
technical problems.
When the woman in question was asked to be slaughtered, she
immediately realized that her destiny was Allah’s bed--hence
the laughter. After all, can you find a woman in this world
who would not swoon with joy after discovering an opportunity to
experience such divine pleasure?
The beauty of Islam is that it completely changed the
socio-political system of the Arabs. The barbarians of the
pre-Islamic age preferred to practice adoption, a seemingly
inhuman system that no society should allow. They were afraid of
killing people, specifically those who were proficient in making
insulting poems. Our great prophet discontinued the so-called
adoption, and perfected the art of killing, but allowed some great
traditions to continue such as slavery, and further legalized
Yes, euthanasia! In many countries, when a terminally ill person
wishes to end his life, someone volunteers to do the job for him.
The process is a controversial issue and some Westerners, as
deluded as they are, find such practice inhumane. There are
incidents where the person conducting the euthanasia faced
indictment. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), with his eternal wisdom,
anticipated the confrontation, removed all obstacles from
performing euthanasia and set several examples by himself.
Before we appreciate the merits of euthanasia, we must accept one
important factor that everyone knows --insulting our prophet and
his friend Allah is a crime, and one should be punished to death.
Even the United Nations tried but failed to make a resolution to
prevent such heinous insolence.
Killing Asma D. Marwan is a perfect example of euthanasia for one
who dared to make insulting poems. Apparently, she did not learn
the lesson when another poet, Abu Afak, was killed for his
belittling poem.
Abu Afak wrote…
Long have I lived but never have I seen
An assembly or collection of people
More faithful to their undertaking
And their allies when called upon
Than the sons of Qayla when they assembled,
Men who overthrew mountains and never submitted.
A rider who came to them split them in two (saying)
‘Permitted’, ‘Forbidden’ of all sorts of things.
Had you believed in glory or kingship
You would have followed Tubba. (Ishaq 675)
The poem may not seem derogatory to many modern day people but two
words of the poem --‘Permitted’ and ‘Forbidden’--referred to
Quranic language, which undermines Allah’s power. Our great
prophet asked “Who will deal with this rascal for me?”
(Ishaq 675). There never had been any shortage of volunteers to
glorify Islam, and Salim Umayr and his brother Amr Auf killed the
Asma Marwan, another kafir poet, was informed of the prophet’s
judgment, yet she continued writing more insulting poems against
She wrote…
“…You obey a stranger who is none of yours,
One not Murad or Madhhij.
Do you expect good from him after the killing of your chiefs
Like a hungry man waiting for a cook’s broth?
Is there no man of pride who would attack him by surprise
And cut off the hopes of those who expect aught from him?”
(Ishaq 676)
Obviously, our great prophet had no choice but roar again, “Who
will rid me of Marwan’s daughter?” (Ishaq 677).
His command was fulfilled immediately. Despite knowing the
punishment of Abu Afak, Asma continued writing poems, which showed
how desperate she was to be killed. Did our great prophet have any
After reading our beloved prophet’s biography, I take the Quran
to recite a few holy verses. My eyes are still wet and a drop of
tear falls on the Quran. What a miracle! Maybe because the Quran
came from the desert or maybe Allah did not want his holy books
stained --the drop of water disappears like magic. Once again, I cry
out loudly – my heart fills with joy and passion for the prophet!
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Name: kafir786
Date: Wednesday July 04, 2007
Time: 02:42:03 -0700
wow ! i laughed so hard.sherji,pls keep up the good godly work. al-ham-dull-illl-aaahhhh
Name: stranger
Date: Thursday July 05, 2007
Time: 09:51:54 -0700
Sher Khan, well said. mohhamad did not kill any fly. he was always busy killing innocent human beings. So in todays scenario, would u like to kill a non muslim teenager if he has got pubic hair, just to become a true follower of islam?
Name: Lies
Date: Thursday July 05, 2007
Time: 15:31:41 -0700
So this a propaganda site??? I feel sorry for those who left Islam and started making propagandas against Islam. The story of the killing of Banu Qariyza was because they betrayed the muslims. It was treason. And the trial was left in one of the people of the clan. By the way wat are this Ishaq Hadiths?????
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Thursday July 05, 2007
Time: 18:56:18 -0700
"The story of the killing of Banu Qariyza was because they betrayed the muslims. It was treason. And the trial was left in one of the people of the clan. By the way wat are this Ishaq Hadiths?????"
How did they betray the Muslims? Was it by laughing at the way that the prophet was twisting their religion and demanding that they accept it? That seems to be the main cause of treason charges from the world of Islam even today. Or were they defending their possessions from his raiding parties as the Meccans did? How many other religions feel it is permissible for them to enforce capital punishment on people of a different religion for "treason"? How many would think that doing so would encourage others to see it as a divine faith rather than an ideology of violence oppression and thievery. The "trial" involved the "prophet" picking a radical convert from the people of the clan - one he knew would choose to enforce his will and letting him pronounce the sentence of genocide. It was one last big joke on the condemned. Proponents of Islam never really care what people think of the religion because they never intend anyone to be given a choice. If some people convert by choice that is fine but the real goal is not to let people ever have that choice which is why jihad is mandated, why apostates must die, why critics must be killed and why Islam must be part of every aspect of life from law, economy, the family, education and politics. Islam is the final and ultimate completion of totalitarianism. An aptly named ideology Submission.
Name: History
Date: Sunday July 08, 2007
Time: 02:51:21 -0700
Treason because the Jews in Medina had executed a deal with the Meccans who were attacking the Muslims in Medina to turn against the Muslims once the Meccans go over the trench and reach the city. When Prophet Muhammed knew about this and once the Meccans were defeated and went back he lifted the safety he had given to Jews because they broke their truce. It was the last time Jews were allowed to live in Medina.
Name: The Initiate
Date: Saturday July 14, 2007
Time: 22:10:00 -0700
This author either has a bad case of tunnel vision or has been brainwashed to ignore the the overwhelming atrocities in this Book of Hate. The man was a superstitious nut. And the fly in the glass of water was just one example of this, among many. And to believe that this child molester, killed men women and children with extreme care and kindness. Proves my case overwhelmingly. Website: theinitiated dot com
Name: Nermin Basic
Date: Friday July 20, 2007
Time: 20:24:42 -0700
1. MYTH: The Banu Qurayza are innocent victims who perished under the sword of Muhammad(P) FACT: Not true at all. On the contrary, the Banu Qurayzah prior to the incident of their so-called "massacre" attempted to betray the Muslims by openly aligning themselves with the Confederate armies (consisting of the pagan Quraysh and their allies) during the beseiging of the city of Madinah, known in history as the "War of the Confederates" (al-Harb al-Adzhaab). This is a significant act of treason, because they had earlier pledged to uphold the Madinan Covenent with the Muslims, which stipulates cooperation and an alliance if the Muslims in Madinah were attacked by a foreign force.
2. MYTH: The Prophet(P)ordered this punishment of the Banu Qurayza. FACT: Wrong. It was a Companion of the Prophet(P) by the name Saad ibn Muaz(R), an Ansar and the ally of the Banu Quraizah, who did that after the Banu Qurayzah leaders met with him and agreed to submit to whatever his judgement would be for their crimes against the Muslims.
3. MYTH: The "massacre" was ordered on Muhammad's says-so. This is because Muhammad feared the Jews and recognised that they were a threat to his political dominance. FACT: The claim is of no substance apart from being a blasphemous lie. It is clear that Saad ibn Muaz(R) have administered the punishment in accordance with Jewish law as found in the Torah. The law is: "When the Lord thy God hath delivered it unto thy hands, thou shalt smite every male therein with the edge of the sword: but the women, and the little ones and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself." (Deuteronomy 20:12) It is therefore clear that Muslims are not to be blamed for administering a Law that is found within the Jewish scripture itself upon the Jews who had earlier agreed to submit to Saad ibn Muaz's judgement.
4. MYTH: The Prophet (P) allowed this Law to be passed because he was inhuman and unmerciful. FACT: The reason why the Prophet (P) allowed judgement according to Jewish law was because the Banu Qurayzah were Jews, and in their initial agreement with the Prophet(P), they were allowed their own system of law according to the Torah. The Prophet(P) neither influenced the decision nor was he involved in any stage of the decision-making, as the representatives of Banu Qurayzah did not seek his judgement. bismikaallahuma dot org
Name: hey muzzie
Date: Sunday July 22, 2007
Time: 09:46:54 -0700
" The story of the killing of Banu Qariyza was because they betrayed the muslims. It was treason. " so this means we can murder any muslim that plots against the west? that's super-treason. thanks a lot, we will manage to do it ASAP
Date: Thursday July 26, 2007
Time: 13:31:59 -0700
Name: salman khan
Date: Wednesday August 01, 2007
Time: 06:53:53 -0700
prophet mohammad is the highest standard of human greatness and no one can reach this standard and those people who have bad feeling about prophet mohammad they can wait and watch and then they feel good feeling about prophet mohammad because prophet mohammad is the only honest,kind and loving man in the world....AMIN...N
Name: michael sutherland
Date: Tuesday August 14, 2007
Time: 09:53:46 -0700
Name: Muslim
Date: Sunday August 19, 2007
Time: 02:41:58 -0700
They are awaiting the arrival of the false messiah, al masih ad dajjal(anti-christ). They did not accept the two true messiah, Isa alayhis salam(Jesus) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The jewish tribe of Banu Qainuqaetc came to live in Madinah because of the prophecy that a prophet will appear in a desert with date palms. However, they did not accept Muhammad PBUH cos he was Ishmaelite and bot an israelite.
Name: yumna abbas
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 00:42:32 -0700
no one has right to say a single bad word about Prophet Mohmmad (P.B.U.H).The people who said this ,i think havnt read the whole biography of Prophet.he was and still he is a perfect person and set role model for whole man kind.He and his preaching is standard and order of Allah.and the one who still have any doubt will be convinced on the day of jugdement which is not far................