Crunch-Crunch-.Crunch! I was munching a Danish cookie and watching
beautiful cartoons drawn by a Danish cartoonist. Cookies are not
good for my health--too much fat and cholesterol, which is not
safe for a person with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I
will finish this box anyway. If our Muslim brothers can blow
themselves up for the sake of Islam, I can be a martyr, too, by
eating cookies and showing solidarity with those who are fighting
for freedom of speech and exposing Islam.
For some unknown
reason, every time I eat a Danish cookie, I envisage acres of
green pasture where white cows with large black spots are grazing.
After watching these cartoons, another character has been added to
my vision; I see Mohammed in a large baggy dress and red ball eyes
chasing those innocent cows with a sharpened knife.
These cartoonists
are professionals; a few strokes of brush spoke volumes. I could
make thousands of cartoons based on the Quran and Ahadith if I had
creative talent like these cartoonists. I have to write what I
draw; otherwise no one would understand my art. People could
confuse a car with a cow. Interested cartoonists should read those
Islamic books to discover that they are the gold mines of
I was busy with
those cartoons but something caught my attention; it was the TV.
The newsreader of CNN was talking about Muslim's achievement--how
they have successfully torched the Danish embassy in Syria. I
always thought CNN should change their name to PCNN (Politically
Correct News Network). They have declined to post those famous
cartoons on their Web site because it will bleed Muslims' heart.
Anyway, the next
scene that popped up on the screen was rather hilarious. It showed
a group of Muslims protesting in London with placards and one of
them reads, "WAR ON TERROR IS WAR ON ISLAM". It showed for a brief
moment but the message was clear.
We have been
shouting the same slogan for years: "Islam is Terror." I was happy
to see the confession came from our Muslim brother, who evidently
put terror and Islam on the same level.
Forget the
propaganda of Muslims: "Islam means peace". The new message should
be "Islam means terror", not because both words contain five
letters but the architect of this ideology was a terrorist and
Islam was established through terror. Many Muslims believe that
the ongoing war on terror is nothing but an attempt to eradicate
Islam. I wish their understanding had been true. Reality is that
the leaders of the Western world are fighting with terror,
planting democracy in Islamic countries and expecting Muslims to
reform their religion.
Freedom of speech
and the ability of accepting constructive criticism are the
fundamentals of democracy. In a free world, critiques are invited
and often encouraged before launching a project. It should have
been Muslim cartoonists drawing those cartoons and not Kafirs from
Denmark, finding flaws of Islam and pointing out problems, if
Muslims had been sincere about reforming Islam.
Why are these
cartoons hurting Muslims? The simple answer is truth hurts and the
cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban is the image
of real Islam. There is a direct link between Mohammed and
terrorism, a fact that all Muslims know very well. What if the
same cartoon would show Buddha or Jesus? Would anyone care? There
might have been some protest but everyone knows very well that a
bomb with a lit fuse does not match with these two characters.
Real Muslims,
replicas of Osama Bin Laden, have the right to go crazy because
they are the true followers of Islam and they have successfully
obtained the honorable 'Terrorist' degree from the Western world.
It's normal if they throw a few bombs here and there to honor
their prophet, but what about the so-called moderate Muslims? One
may think they should be tolerant.
The parable of
sheep and shepherds goes very well with moderate Muslims. However,
a contemporary illustration will give details of their
characteristics. In developed countries, shoppers use shopping
carts (a devise approximately three feet high with four small
wheels) for their shopping. These carts are always left behind in
the parking lot and seldom returned to the designated place.
Employees collect these carts and bring them back inside of the
store. It's a long line of carts and quite impossible for a person
to push them. They use a small-motorized vehicle at the end of the
carts. The employee steers the front cart and uses a remote
controller to run the motor at the back.
In this scenario,
the majority of Muslims (including moderates) are the lifeless
carts, Islam is the motorized vehicle and Imam or Islamic scholars
(conman Zakir Naik, Harun Yahia et al.) represent the employee of
the store. They are not able to make the judgment call, nor do
they have the ability to think. Think about all those protests in
Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Middle East
countries. A very few have access to the Internet and Danish
newspapers, along with a bottle of a milk delivered in the
morning. So, it's highly unlikely that any of them have seen those
cartoons, yet they have declared Jihad against Denmark.
What about our
Muslim intellectuals? They should understand the significance of
freedom but they, too, are acting weird as if a raccoon is trapped
in their underpants. Obviously, they are not honest and their talk
about reforming Islam is only a smokescreen. They belong to 'Ummah',
the universal Islamic association whose ultimate goal is: 'Islam
will rule the world'.
Many Muslim
countries have boycotted Danish products. How about the Muslims of
Denmark? Are they boycotting Denmark and leaving the country en
In the news,
Palestinians have surrounded the EU office. It's the same European
Union who feeds Palestinians with chunks of money every year. Will
these people ever wake up and see the danger of Islam?
Despite many
flaws, we can learn one valuable lesson from Islam. Hold on; don't
fall off of your chair!
The cause of Islam
is not just; more accurately, it's evil but all Muslims are united
when Islam is under attack despite their own conflicts and
habitual killing of each other. Sunnis are killing Shiites,
Shiites are chasing Ahmediyas, Ahmediyas are poking Bahais, yet
they all scream when Islam is scrutinized. Yes, I am talking about
unity. It's sad that people of the free world cannot get together
when their freedom is at stake.

Only a few
newspapers in the US, such as New
York Sun and
Philadelphia Inquirer have supported the courageous
effort of the Danish newspaper and put a link to those cartoons
but the rest of the media went numb and were afraid to show their
team spirit. One editor of a French paper was fired for publishing
those cartoons. Is that how they will safeguard their freedom of
When asked about the unwarranted silence, Leonard Downie, Jr., the
executive editor of The Washington Post reasoned, "They
wouldn't meet our standards for what we publish in the paper."
Should I be ashamed or proud of their standard? They did not mind
publishing Abu-Gharib pictures, which was obscene compared
to these cartoons.
Jim Michaels of USA Today acknowledged the news value of
the cartoons but he believes offensive nature has overshadowed the
news value. Since when are cartoons made to please someone? It's
been a tradition of all USA newspapers for 100 years to mock its
political parties and the president. Are they intended to praise
or ridicule the subject? The truth is that cartoons are made to
irritate someone with an intention to point out the shortcoming.
It works effectively and many political parties, as well as the
president, learn from these cartoons to better themselves.
Why is it hush-hush about these cartoons? Are these editors afraid
of something? I heard a rumor that sheikhs and princes of the
Middle East are planning to buy most of the news media of the US.
The Arabic word 'Al' means 'the'. Imagine, the new name of The
Washington Post would be Al Washington-Jazeera and
USA Today will be called Al USA. Most likely, The
L.A. Times will keep the same name with a different
abbreviation, i.e., Literature of Allah. Maybe editors are
scared of losing their jobs and preparing themselves to appease
their new owner. Just to hide their cowardice, they are talking
about respecting the religion.
The biggest mistake in life for anyone is considering Islam as a
religion. These people will never see the true color of Islam
until they wake up one day after being poked by a sword and forced
to pay Zijya tax.
Did these learned editors ever read the Quran? Do they know how
Mohammed established this cult? Do they have any idea how Islamic
countries respect other religions? It's their shortsightedness
that has blinded them from understanding the danger of Islam. They
shy away from the truth, complaining any point of view against
Islam is extreme. Those who are fighting Islam intellectually do
not have any extreme view; it's the subject itself that is
Isn't psychological warfare better than physical warfare? The way
everything is shaping up, it's evident that a physical war is
unavoidable. Iran's nuclear capacity, Osama's desire to have a
piece of nuclear arms, the win by Hamas in Palestine all lead to
the possibility of a horrendous clash.
Why are they afraid of offending Muslims? As if Islamic countries
are in love with the US and will be sending tons of flowers on
Valentine's Day. The truth is all Islamic countries hate the USA;
although respective governments maintain a typical liaison for the
sake of their economy. However, devoted citizens of all Islamic
countries hate the US more than anything else. As a matter of
fact, the unofficial national anthem of Islamic countries is
"Death to America." So, the news media of the US has nothing to
lose and nothing to fear. The mentality of those countries will
not change unless everyone decides to convert to Islam. That's the
only solution, if they prefer to do it.
The US government should not get involved in religious business.
In fact, all governments must stay away from religion, be it in a
positive aspect or negative. I don't expect any Western country to
declare Jihad against Islam, but the media should act responsibly.
Of course, hiding the truth is not a sign of responsibility,
exposing the truth is.
freedom of speech carries any value to the media, if they feel the
responsibility to seek the truth, they should start digging into
Islamic books. They should do it for the sake of civilization and
the free world. If humiliating Islam helps to cure this disease,
they should start publishing the true picture of Islam and have
professional cartoonists make more caricatures similar to the
Danish cartoons.