Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

A Non-Arab Muslim’s Prayer

The god of Islam has more than 100 names, but Muslims try to confine the number to 99 because Mohammed, the boyfriend of Allah, mentioned in a Hadith that Allah has 99 names. Muslims should not be offended for calling him the boyfriend of Allah because Mohammed himself claimed to be a friend of Allah - adding an additional word “boy” would only strengthen their relationship.

Muslims love to pray to their god, Allah. The prayer, although not in a set order, covers a variety of issues, from begging for god’s mercy to wishing for health, wealth and their personal property, which includes the women. They further include deceased family members for not being punished by the god. The prayer further relates to relatives, friends and many other earthly matters. Of course, afterlife is an important issue in all prayers. Finally, their prayer goes international.

Although none of their prayers, with a rare co-incidence, become fruitful, they never cease to pray.

For a pious Muslim, it is important to remember all of Allah’s names and use them in their prayers as much as they could. Each name of Allah, however, starts with “Ya”. The word “Ya” is not an abbreviation of, nor it is a shortcut of Yankees. It actually means “Hello” or “Hi”.

Here is how it goes…..

Ya Allah (Generic name of the Islamic god) – The small piece of land that I own is not fertile anymore; in fact, my wives are more prolific than the land.

Ya Al-Musawwir (The Fashioner) - You have fashioned the earth, the sun and the moon. You have added trees for your believers and mountains as pillars of the earth. Can you please make the land more fertile and produce loads of crops this year?

Ya Al-Wahhaab (Generous) - My goats are not giving enough milk. Please be generous and make them more productive.

Ya Khaaliq (The Creator) – One of my cows is not getting pregnant. I walked miles and took her to many bulls but she has not conceived yet. You are the creator - you can easily make her pregnant. Ya Allah, I am not asking you to do it by yourself. (Astagfarullah!) All I am asking is that you raise your magic wand and make my cow pregnant.

Ya Bari (The Maker) – I have been begging for years and you still have not given me a son. What have I done wrong, Ya Allah? My wives have produced half a dozen daughters but no son. Why can’t you give me a son?

Ya Razzaaq (The Sustainer, The Provider) – I am getting sick and tired of dealing with the same three wives and I direly need a new wife. My next door neighbor’s daughter is only 10 years old and she is 40 years younger than me. My neighbor threatened to call the police if I ever ask him to marry his daughter. What a shame! What’s happening to this world? Our prophet and your friend Mohammed married Aysha when she was six years old, but the people of the modern age don’t follow the sunnah and the path of our great prophet. Ya Allah, can you please change my neighbor’s mind and provide me his young daughter in marriage?

Ya Samee (The All-Hearing, The Hearer) - You can see everything and you know everything. Don’t you see my third wife, who is still very young, always has a defiant attitude? Your friend Mohammed has set the guideline for all Muslim women. According to the sunnah, the prophet’s guideline, a Muslim woman should shave her pubic hair and never pluck her eyebrows. Ya Allah, my wife does exactly the opposite. She plucks her eyebrows and does not shave her pubic hair. Can you please change her mind and follow the prophet’s rule?

Ya Khaafid (The Subjugator) - You can do whatever you wish, yet the people of these days are straying away from your religion. Can you believe I am not allowed to beat my wives? Despite your clear injunction in the Quran, my wives threaten to call the police if I beat them. Ya Allah, damn our government for not following your rule; destroy those people who solicit for the so-called women’s rights.

Ya Ghaffaar (The Great Forgiver) - Nothing may remain hidden from you. You know I have a small job where accepting a bribe is the only way. I often accept bribes to support my family. Please forgive my sin. I promise to perform Haj to wash away all the wrongdoings I did.

Ya Ar-Rahman (The Compassionate) - All Muslims are your slaves and you have ample mercy for them. When we, the Muslims, will die, we will be punished temporarily but all of us will go to heaven regardless of our sin. Will you please shorten our sufferings and send us to the heaven as soon as we die?

Ya Ar-Raheem (The Merciful) – Don’t forget my father, grandfather and all of my relatives who already have died. Please don’t squeeze the grave and break their bones, but send them to heaven as quickly as possible. [Note: at this point, most Muslims shed a few tears, be it emotionally or forcefully!]

Ya Al-Ghafoor (the All-forgiving) – Our great prophet spent most of his life pleasing your honor. He used all of the one-fifth booty he received to spread Islam. He even slaughtered some captives immediately, so that they could meet you in the heaven and you could get the pleasure to enjoy them. However, in case Mohammed (PBUH), the profit of Islam, failed to kill enough people that you wished to kill, please forgive him and take him to the heaven.

Ya Al-Haseeb (The Reckoned) - My stomach pain is becoming unbearable day by day. I have recited many verses of the Quran, as the great prophet did, and I blow on my stomach. I am wearing a small aluminum container from my neck that has a small piece of paper with a Quranic verse written on it. None of these actions helped to subside the pain. Why don’t your Quranic verses work anymore as they did in the era of the prophet? Now I have to find a doctor for this problem.

Ya Al-Malik (The King) - You are the king of this world and all countries are under your rule. Yet we, the Muslims, have to go to Kafir countries for a living. When my brother went to the Middle East for a job, the pious Muslims of the country treated him like a slave. He did not receive citizenship; in fact, Middle East countries never give citizenship to the Muslims from the other countries. Your friend Mohammed proudly claimed that it was the Arabs who had the honor to embrace Islam first, which gives the Arabs the upper hand. Ya Allah, can you make an addendum and change this situation?

Ya Al-Badi (The Incomparable) - After receiving a humiliating experience from the Middle East, my brother went to the U.S., the greatest satan in the world. Surprisingly, he was awarded with citizenship and found a job in a grocery store where he had to sell liquor. My brother is a pious Muslim and has never missed a prayer. He felt uncomfortable selling the liquor, so he moved to Las Vegas, the sin city of the world, where he drives a cab. Ya Allah, you see everything and you know all. My brother still does not miss a prayer but in his last letter he expressed his pain and anger.

Ya Al-Mutakabbir (The Majestic) – My brother makes decent money but he is having a serious problem with his company. The cab he drives has a sign on the roof that advertises about a “Ranch”. Ya Allah, when my brother explained what a Ranch meant, I was shocked. I did not know a Ranch is nothing but a brothel. We, the Muslims, have the right to rape any infidel women who are captured in a war, but we should not visit a brothel. My brother not only carries the sign on top of his cab, but he also takes passengers to the Ranch frequently. Ya Allah, forgive his unintentional sin.

Ya Al-Aleem (The All-knowing) - You have seen how my brother reacted when the hero of Islam, Brother Osama Bin Laden, orchestrated the landing of the kafir’s plane in a kafir’s building? My brother did not go to work that day and prayed extra Rakas (sessions) of prayers all day. If you consider the happiness he shown on the vary day, you surely will forgive all of his sins.

Ya Al-Waliyy (The Supporter) - It is time you support your religion and give enough strength to brother Osama. Make him more powerful and give him enough ammunition to destroy America, the greatest evil on the earth. Don’t you see the pain of Palestinians, the sufferings of Iraqi people, the anger of oppressed Muslims in Kashmir, China, Russia, Australia, Europe, and literally everywhere in the world? Ya Allah, support the Muslims, not the kafirs, who are becoming stronger every day, economically and militarily.

Ya Al-Muthil (One who can humiliate) Muntaqim (The Avenger) - Ya Allah, your boyfriend Mohammed hated the Jews the most and we the followers still wish for their destruction. But, whenever I look at the prosperity of Jews, it shocks me. I just could not figure out how the Jews, your greatest enemy, are flourishing when the poor Palestinians are suffering. Ya Allah, you must act promptly and take revenge against those Jews and humiliate them.

Ya Al-Muhaimin (The Protector) - You are the protector and the guardian of faith. Yet people today are making malicious comments, drawing cartoons and producing films of you and your friend Mohammed. Infidels and a bunch of apostates are calling you all kind of names, but you are not taking any action against them. How can we make our faith stronger, if you don’t protect your religion?



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Comments cloed 

Name: balam
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 06:42:54 -0700


Mr. Sher Khan,

You have given a great insight into different names of Allah for different situations. What name should one use for Allah, when someone wants to cheat Kafirs. I hope you can help with other names of Allah. In my dictionary, A donkey remains a donkey, even if you give it any complementary name.

Name: Ya Al-Malik :To all non-Arab Muslims
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 08:12:18 -0700


The Arab Muslims treat you like shit. Look at what the Arab Muslims are doing to the African Muslims in Sudan. Indonesian Muslims working in Arab countries are regularly raped by their Arab employers. WAKE UP YOU NON-ARAB MUSLIMS. TIME TO LEAVE ISLAM. You are treated as slaves.

Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 09:03:15 -0700



Name: Beowulf
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 09:26:19 -0700


Islam is full of contradictions; just read the koran and/or the hadith and you will find them. These contradictions are easily found. Furthermore, as a physicist I can say with absolute certainty that there are no scientific miracles in the koran. I have investigated each supposed miracle and I have found that none of them are correct. The claim of science in the koran is only a fantasy in the minds of islamists. Islam is not a religion of peace and enlightenment, the koran makes that abundantly clear. Especially, it is not a religion of enlightenment. As an example, the dialogues of Plato (which I was reading last night) contain far greater wisdom than the koran. I thank Mr. Khan for this article. He as displayed the general mentality of the muslim world that is fostered by that insidious book, the koran.

Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 10:37:18 -0700


I was wondering always as to what the moslems pray in their prayers. One important note here is this . as is evident , from all of ISLAMIC QQURRAN,HADIS, SIRA - ISLAM is full of contradictions and unbelievable stupidity .ALLA is sitting in the skies that is what moslems say. Mr ABUL KASEM after extensive study and reasearch wrote many books and articles ,here as well as on FFI. Mo met ALLA . ALLA spoke from behind a curtain. Mo met other prophets !!!! MO saw many women in hell . Is the hell close to ALLA's home ? who took Mo to Hell ? can he watch people burning in the ALLA s hell fire ? MO says ALLA has all antrophomorphic human attributes and moslems say nobody knows how ALLA is - How ALLA looks like !!! Then why cant Mo describe ALLA - what he saw !!!......... Anyway here I would like to know how the Arab Moslems pray ? It will be interesting to know exactly.

Name: Prayer to Allah
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 10:54:52 -0700


Oh please, let me have a big dick when I enter paradise! I want to do my best for the 72 big boobed virgins. It´s true, I will have plenty to do, but dear Allah, with your help and a big dick I will satisfy ´em all!

Name: Why the quran cannot be written by god
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 14:18:52 -0700


Please TRY to imagine: According to the Quran, any idiot on earth is allowed to beat his wife whenever he wants and no judge can ever punish him. Now think about it if you can: Is it possible that an almighty god or Allah is so stupid to take the responsibility for any muslim idiot on the planet who beats his wife? Sorry, but this is not possible. This is ridiculous. Now please leave Islam for anything else, for atheism, agnosticism or any other religion, but leave this stupid cult, the scum of mankind that prevents all progress, democracy and justice. Please, do this little favour for me!

Name: There is no Allah but God, and Mohammed was God's deceiver.
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 00:10:25 -0700


Allah is non existent like fairy tales, How Allah can talk if he does not have a mouth? How Allah can give messages in Arabic which is only a Local language? Why Allah did not give a nuclear bomb to Muslims (barring Pakistan)? Why Allah killed lot of Muslims in Pakistan earth quake, Tsunami in Indonesia, Iran Iraq war, darfur etc., Because Alah does not exist. Mohammed made a human cult which knows only killing. Killing the kufrs. Killing the Shias/Sunnis. Killing the Iraqis/Iranis/Kurds. Killing their women in Honour killing. Killing themselves with suicides belts. Killing the Afghanis/Pakistanis. They cannot survive without killings. I think they may finish killing each others as well as by the Kufrs for their wrong doings. I think the fictitious Allah is punishing them.

Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 10:59:08 -0700


Produce a sura like quran. You cannot because you are deaf dumb and blind (Q 2.171)

Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 14:49:33 -0700


Comparison Study of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Name: Re: Akther
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 23:24:00 -0700


Would you please have a look to this link: Please tell me who has got the higher average IQ, muslims or non-muslims!

Name: Re: Akther II
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 23:27:52 -0700


And would you please also have a look to this link: After you have seen it please tell me who is better educated, average muslims or average non-muslims!

Name: Re: Akther III
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 23:34:28 -0700


And now would you please have a look to this link here: And then please tell me who is dumb and blind!

Name: Addendum: Picture and Summary (For better understanding)
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 23:40:05 -0700


Name: John
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 11:21:31 -0700


Allah is not the god of christians and jews. This is a lie told by muhamed. Allah is the moon god of the kaaba who was worshipped at the kaaba even before muhammed was born. The kaaba holds a meteorite which was mistakenly belived by the people of mecca to have fallen from the moon. Thus it is a symbol of the moon god. Allah is a false god and muhamed is a prophet of the moon god. Not the god of the christians and jews. The lie about allah being the same god as the god of christians and jews was told by muhamed to convert the muslims and jews and to prevent hostility from these religions. That lie has been exposed. The symbol of islam is the crescent moon.

Name: re john
Date: Saturday June 28, 2008
Time: 11:14:54 -0700


very well put!!

Name: Donnie
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Time: 14:32:12 -0700


A fantastic reply to Mr Sher Khan ,i am sure he will take a note and do some research from the true sources and not just spread lies and then get away with it , shame on you Sher for that , who ever wrote that reply called you[ billey] =meaning a cat and not Sher[ lion] as you call yourself

Name: Peter
Date: Thursday July 03, 2008
Time: 22:35:45 -0700


What is fantastic about islam? Murder, criminal mentality, and coercion? Any reason why islamic societies are so backward? Islam is at the root cause of muslim backwardness.

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