Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

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Treaty or Trickery?

Far-far-away, there lived a tiger and a group of deer. One day, the tiger was trapped in a hunter's cage. The stupid deer--instead of taking advantage of the situation, they made a treaty with the tiger. The tiger agreed to all conditions and promised to never hurt the deer unless any of the deer caused harm to the tiger. They wrote the agreement on leaves and both parties signed. It's an actual event, and so far no historian has denied this fact.  

Now don't look at me suspiciously. If ants can talk (Q27:18), if a palm tree can cry and if a dead man can talk after rubbing the flesh of a 'YELLOW' colored cow (Q2:69,73), characters of my story have every right to be read and written.  

Several months later, the peaceful tiger went to drink water from the lake, where a healthy deer was grazing. The tiger stared at the deer for a few minutes. Finally, keeping his ravenous eyes on the deer, he shouted, "Why did you muddle the water that I was going to drink?" It was a surprising question for the deer. "I did not go to the water today," the deer answered innocently. The tiger thought for a second, then presented an Islamic logic, "Well, maybe it was not you but your grandfather must have done it, which is a violation of our treaty. You are trying to harm me because I cannot drink this muddy water now." After making such a brilliant excuse, the tiger killed the deer and enjoyed the feast.  

Mohammed, the cunning and shrewd warlord of the seventh century, made many treaties when he was weak but conveniently broke them, just like the tiger did, when the time was ripe. In most cases, straw man Allah had to send Quranic verses to justify his spellbound deception and hypocrisy.     

The Treaty of Hodaibya is a significant event in which Mohammed played a tricky role to achieve his goal of conquering Mecca and subdue Quraish pagans. Interestingly, Muslim propagandists have successfully changed the story to Mohammad's favor and blamed Quraish pagans for breaking the treaty. Their continuous propaganda reminds one of Hitler's strategy, who wrote, "And I soon realized that the correct use of propaganda is a true art, which has remained practically unknown to the bourgeois parties (Chapter VI, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler).  

Muslims are under the impression that Quraish pagans are at fault and they broke the treaty. So, Allah freed Muhammad from any obligation that he might have with the Quraish. In reality, the Quraish did not attack Muhammad after the Treaty of Hodaibya; hence, they are not at fault. Muhammad created an excuse to attack Mecca before the time limit of 10 years.

Following are the proof of Mohammed's mockery that happened from the time of the Treaty of Hudaibya and the conquest of Mecca (based on Sirat Rasul Allah, Ibn Ishaq, pp. 747-815):

In 6 A.H., Muhammad wished to take a week's vacation from his busy schedule of robbing and visit Mecca to perform a mini pilgrimage.

Kaba was full of idols at that time, yet, why did Muhammad want to take a pilgrimage to Mecca ? Was Allah one of the idols? Did Muhammad want to suckle the nipples of idols? No offense to sensitive Muslims, I am not hurting their feelings but merely using Abu-Bakr's comment who cursed another person, (sic) "Now Abu Bakr was sitting behind the apostle and he said, 'Suck al-Lat's nipples!'"

It was obvious that Mohammed had a vision to conquer Mecca . Quraish pagans realized his intention and they stopped him. Mohammed was weak at this time and he knew that he would be defeated if he fought inside of Mecca because it is always hard to win on an enemy's turf.  

Quraish pagans, being tolerant and afraid of shedding blood, proposed a 10-year treaty with Mohammed, without realizing who they were dealing with! Their shortsightedness can easily be compared with today's politically correct intellectuals who suffer from mental myopia. Mohammed accepted the proposal of the Quraish, which was rather humiliating on his part but he signed the treaty anyway.

Treaty of Hodaibya

(From 'Letters of the Holy Prophet', Sultan Ahmed Qureshi, ISBN No: 81-85738-09-2)

1. This is the treaty in which Muhammad, son of Abdullah, has made a compromise with Sohail, son of 'Umar'

2. There shall be no mutual war for ten years.

3. During this period, every person belonging to the two parties shall be safe and secure and none shall raise a sword against the other.

4. If any person from amongst the Quraish goes to Madina, he shall be sent back, but if any Muslim goes to Mecca , he shall not be sent back.

5. The tribes of Arabia would be free to enter into the treaty from the side of either of the two parties.

6. The Muslims shall return this time and come back next year, but they shall not stay in Mecca for more than three days.  

7. They shall not come back armed and shall bring with them swords only, but these shall not be kept out of scabbards and the scabbards kept in bags.  

It did not take long for Mohammed to show his real face. When a woman migrated from Mecca to Medina and took Mohammed's shelter, her two brothers came and asked Mohammed to return their sister in accordance with Article 4 of the treaty.  

Mohammed, the apostle of Islam, who happened to be the apostate of Quraish, must have everything in his favor. Apostates of other faiths are free to join Islam but apostasy is not an option in Islam. Mohammed refused to return the lady and Allah delivered a special message promptly. "O Prophet! When believing women come to thee to take the oath of fealty to thee, -----then do thou receive their fealty" (Q60:12).

Ibn Kathir proudly explains, "Allah abolished the part of the treaty between the Prophet and the idolaters about the women, particularly. So He forbade returning Muslim women to the idolaters and revealed the Ayah about testing them.''  

Ibn Ishaq mentioned about a letter written by Urwa b. al-Zubayr, who had the principal authority on apostolic tradition. Isahq quoted from this letter, "The apostle made peace with Quraish on the day of al-Hudaybiya on condition that he should return to them those who came without the permission of their guardians. But when women migrated to the apostle and to Islam, God refused to allow them to be returned to the polytheists--".  

God forbade it!  

How convenient! Mohammed clearly broke the treaty and cited Allah's order in this regard. Allah was not a mediator of the treaty; he did not sign the treaty, nor he is the god of the Quraish. Why should the Quraish care if the verse in question is sent by Allah or uttered by the she-camel of the prophet? 

The next year, 7 A.H., Muhammad was allowed to enter Mecca . Any Muslim would have hiccups if I said the truth but logically Mohammed must have worshipped the idols of Kaba. What else could he have done while visiting the sacred place of pagans? However, Islamic scriptures are silent about which idol Mohammed did worship!  

People have different types of hobbies--some collect stamps, some collect books, some collect antiques. The great prophet of Islam had an unusual hobby--he loved collecting wives. Although he was on his way to visit the so-called sacred holy place, he could not resist marrying another woman.  

After the pilgrimage, he tried to stay in Mecca more than three days, violating Article 6 of the Treaty of Hodaibya and made an excuse of a wedding feast. Ibn Ishaq wrote, "The apostle remained three days in Mecca . Huwaytib b. Hisl with a few Quraysh came to him on the third day because Quraysh had entrusted him with the duty of sending the apostle of out of Mecca . They said: 'Your time is up, so get out from us.' The apostle answered, 'How would it harm you if you were to let me stay and I gave a wedding feast among you and you came too?' They replied, 'We don't need your food, so get out"

The Quraish could have easily killed him and his companions. Instead, they simply expelled him along with his companions. Probably they were under the impression that Mohammed would never break the treaty that was to last for 10 years and hurt his own people--a false conviction that might have motivated them to spare Mohammed. However, they had a little surprise at the end.  

Upon Mohammed's return to Medina , another drama took place in Mecca that would make Mohammed's day. Beside Muhammad and the Quraish, there were two other tribes involved in this story. They are B. Bakr and Khuza.

When a man of B. Bakr was in a trading journey and passing through Khuza's area, Khuza's people killed him and took all of his possessions. In response to this robbery, B. Bakr attacked and killed the robber. Khuza embraced Islam and sought protection from Muhammad, whereas B. Bakr joined the Quraish.  

Khuza was a robber who killed an innocent merchant for the sole purpose of looting. How could a God's prophet give him shelter? If Muhammad was a decent person, he should have kicked this guy out. Instead, he accepted Khuza for two obvious reasons. First, Muhammad was a robber, too, so it was a union of two criminals. As the proverb goes, 'A man is known by the company he keeps'. Second, Muhammad cleverly manipulated the conflict between Khuza and Badr.

We must note one important item here. The Quraish did not attack Muhammad after the treaty and they fulfilled all obligations. Even though Article 5 of the Treaty of Hodaibya says each party can make a treaty with other tribes and Khuza joined Mohammed, it does not open the door for Muhammad to attack the Quraish.

Muhammad became more powerful with Khuza's support. In addition, those Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia returned and joined Muhammad's army.

After realizing the conflict between Khuza and B. Bakr, and their support to Muhammad and the Quraish, respectively, Abu Sufyan, the Quraish chief, came to Medina and pleaded for clearing up any misunderstanding that may have surfaced. Muhammad refused to talk to him and deliberately ignored him because he gained enough strength to defeat the Quraish. Abu Sufyan begged Umar, Ali and Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad, to make arrangements to talk to Muhammad. He even went to the mosque, all in vain, and pleaded, (sic) "O men, I grant protection between men." Muhammad did not meet Abu Sufyan.

Although the Treaty of Hudaibya had a 10-year term, Allah dissolved the treaty within two years. Shamelessly, Allah declared, "And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage,- that Allah and His Messenger dissolve (treaty) obligations with the Pagans (Q9:3).

When Muhammad set his camp near Mecca , one of his army corporals managed to contact Abu Sufyan and he volunteered to meet Muhammad to avoid further bloodshed. The last episode of the drama was played in Mohammed's tent. Ibn Ishaq wrote, "He (Muhammad) said: 'Woe to you, Abu Sufyan, isn't it time that you recognize that I am God's apostle?' He answered, 'As to that I still have some doubt.' I said (Abbas) to him, 'Submit and testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the apostle of God before you lose your head,' so he did so."  

Therefore, Islam was established in Mecca peacefully (!) and Muslims lived heftily ever after.  

The moral of the story is: Be careful when Islam is in a hatching mood. All sorts of immoral and unethical actions, including but not limited to trickery, treachery, deception and killing, are allowed in the course of spreading Islam


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