Let the Dogs Out?
a remote village of the Indian Subcontinent, lived a wise man who was
well versed in science, politics and history. Above all he knew English
very well. In many countries, knowing English is a sign of intelligence,
proof that one is a knowledgeable person. The neighboring village also
had a self-proclaimed wise man but who instead was not knowledgeable at
day, the fake wise man challenged the real wise man to participate in
a "Translation from English to native language" competition. The real
wise man was reluctant to engage in such silliness, but nonetheless agreed
after local well-wishers begged him to defend the honor of their village.
both competitors met in a common area where hundreds of people from both
villages had anxiously gathered. The real wise man politely took his seat
while the fake wise man entered with a band of musicians equipped with
trumpet, kettle drums, bugles and what not.
competition started after sunset. The real wise man had the privilege
of asking the first question. "What" - he asked, "is the meaning of
'The sun sets in murky water?'" The fake sage loudly answered in
his native language.
it was the fake wise man's turn. "Could you translate - he simply
asked - "the meaning of 'I don't know?'" The real wise
man innocently translated the meaning in his native language without blinking
an eye.
of the villagers was educated or could understand a word of English, but
a second later, trumpets blared and drums thundered, and there was a great
hullabaloo, whereupon the fake wise man declared himself the winner, grabbed
the trophy and bolted away from the audience.
until the next day was the deception understood and did the fake wise
man get a good thrashing from the people of both villages.
read this story somewhere a long time ago. I don't recall where or
when exactly, but I do see an astonishingly precise parallel between that
fake wise man and the Muslim apologists of today who often claim victory
in Islamic debates. Most in fact, have this uncanny ability to declare
victory before any real debate begins or any real case, either way, is
One Muslim might argue: "You're only jealous because Muslims have
the courage to fight and die for what they believe in!" Well, a
turkey is a type of bird that looks like an oversized chicken. According
to reliable farm sources, it's not safe to give a bowl of water to the
gobblers because they're liable to dip their heads in and die of suffocation.
In other words, they lack the intelligence or instinct to pop their heads
up in time. I wonder, isn't such stupidity similar to that of the suicide
bombers? Well, it really doesn't matter how these (suicide bomber) turkeys
want to die, the problem arises when they take others who are unwilling
to die with them.
Another Muslim claims: "You have intentionally mistranslated and misrepresented
many Hadith and Quranic verses". How can that be when everyone uses the
same translations - by Yusuf Ali, Pikhtal, Shakir, Muhsin Khan or even
Rashad Khalafa? All the above scholars played the same music with minimum
variation. Those translators should face the charges of mistranslation
and not us. If the Quran howls - "kill," we understand that the Quran
is no good because killing is bad. How does mistranslation or misrepresentation
fit into the picture?
Some Muslims allege that their faith only gets bolstered when we critique
Islam. This is utterly baffling to me, how can someone's faith become
stronger when it is proven through their own sacred texts that they are
following a criminal? How can that increase pride instead of causing shame?
Some claim that they are non-practicing Muslims. This can be a truthful
statement and deserves appreciation. They're scared to follow the real
Islam and categorically deny any involvement with its brutal teachings.
The majority of Muslims are of this group and they are the ones who need
to be pulled out of the Islamic swamp.
Dr. Jackal NIKE of India is a famous Islamist who's made a name for himself
by peddling Islamic trash and yakking as guest scholar in a great many
lecture halls around the world. The man, fortunately unrelated to NIKE,
the footwear giant of the USA, is indeed a shrewd jackal that I must admit.
There he is afraid of debating with ex-Muslims on the Internet, but nonetheless
celebrated by countless fans trumpeting his victories! It takes genius
to transform defeat by forfeit into victory by fanfare!
He runs a website
where a great many questions are answered in childish manner. For example,
regarding "Polygamy in Islam", he replies: "Islam is the only religion
that advocates one marriage with an option to marry up to four!" But then
a few paragraphs later he lovingly dwells on the joys of multiple wives.
He mentions both verses 3 and 129 of the An-nisa Surah, but only partially,
conveniently forgetting that in addition to four wives, Muslims are allowed
the kinky delights of "right hand possessions" that is - of captive slave
women! And then, of course, he doesn't dare bother to elaborate verse
129, where Allah asks the believers not to fret too much about being fair
to his wives.
explaining the bad effects of eating pork, Dr. Jackal concludes: "those
who eat pigs will come to behave like pigs". One wonders why that doesn't
apply to cows, goats and more specifically to the great Islamic favorite,
sheep! Wait a minute. I have it! Could it be that Dr. Jackal refuses to
debate with ex-Muslims because he is inordinately fond of chicken?
Jackal has an answer for all questions but unfortunately none rises to
the level of common sense. Asked, "Why are non-Muslims barred from entering
the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah?" - his delightful answer,
reminiscent of the second wise man of our story, is:, "The Visa - The
primary condition required for any human being to enter Makkah or Madina
is to say with his lips, "La ila ha illallah Muhammed ur Rasulullah"
meaning that there is no God but Allah and Muhammed (pbuh) is His
Messenger." Was he by vague chance, explaining that non-Muslims cannot
enter those unholy cities because they are non-Muslims? Wait... but wasn't
that the original question?
answering another query, the good Doctor uses an early verse of the Quran
that Mohammad had plucked from the sky in order to save his endangered
butt in a period when he was dangerously low on mercenaries willing to
fight for him. Dr. Jackal gleefully quotes the verse, "Let there be no
compulsion in religion". Now we see the famous Doctor Jackal becoming
an angel of love, preaching tolerance Mohammad style: be weak with the
strong and strong with the weak. What a farce! Noble Quran indeed!
he applies his great scholarship to list the shortcomings of other religions
in order to justify Islamic insanity. How else to describe this blatant
logical fallacy other than as a sort magical Islamic elixir that keeps
Muslims forever young? Only kids find justification for their bad deeds
in the bad deeds of others. We are in trouble if doctors or dentists started
thinking that way!
many real Muslims are on a mission to capture the world through violence.
Generally speaking, five types of dogs are extremely dangerous:
Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes
are sadly famous for attacking adults and even children. Islamic Jihadists,
a blend of these five breeds, are killing innocent citizens all over the
world. Experts believe that a mere three seconds after biting, dogs no
longer understand what they've done. Likewise, the Jihadi killing machines
of Islam are unable to fully comprehend the impact of their inhuman behavior
after killing a non-Muslim. All they know is: "Follow the Quran and kill
"Who let the dogs out?"
Muslim apologists did, that's who, the vocalists of the famous propaganda
slogan: "Islam is the religion of peace". They never confront those mad
dogs, nor do they ever try to get them on a leash. It's a matter of
mutual understanding. The Muslim apologists scream for peace in daylight,
but go to bed with the Jihadists at night. People like Dr. NIKE use anesthesia
on non-Muslims so that the Jihadists can eventually slit their throats.
The apologists kill two birds with one stone. Their illusive brand of
Islam keeps both non-Muslims and non-practicing Muslims in dark.
Hating people of other faith is the fundamental teaching of Islam. A simple
analogy will suffice - if the constitution of a country demands its
citizen to kill horses, everyone is at liberty to shoot any horse on sight.
There might be animal rights groups and humane societies to condemn such
acts but nothing will change the people's mind. The Quran is the constitution
of Islam and Muslims are obliged to follow each word of this book of horrors.
If an apologist were really high-minded and honest all he could do is
try to change the Quran.
Islam cannot be reformed without changing the Quran. Given that the Quran
cannot be changed, Islam cannot be reformed. The only option is to get
rid of Islam, just like modern civilization rejected slavery and cannibalism.
rigidity and obsession, a lethal combination of all three, leads Muslims
to cling to Islam. Without those fake wise men of Islam, non-practicing
Muslims would have left the cult ages ago and rest of the world would
know the real face of the Jihadi dogs. |