Out of all the heinous crimes modern societies have ever
witnessed, the worst one obviously is crime against children. The
barbaric violent acts of brutality against children often leave
scars in their soft minds, which probably never heal in the
Islam is such a wonderful religion that legalizes many crimes. In
fact this is the main reason, many hopeless criminals today are
attracted towards this wonderful religion, which otherwise is
considered a burden on any civilized society. Crime against
children is one of such many legalized crimes. There are many
incidents where the keepers of Islam have shown their merciless
and cruel treatment towards children - suicide bombers of
Palestine, camel jockeys in Middle East and Islamic schools all
over the world.
Madrasas are the Islamic schools for study of pure Islamic
religion. The culprits are the religious teachers and the victims
include helpless innocent underage students. The sacred
teacher-student relationship is given a new definition in these
Islamic schools.
Following is the bitter experience of a 12 years old madrasa
student from Kenya who was rescued during January 2003.
"It was a terrible
place, they chain both legs and both arms, sometimes hands
and feet together, They beat us at lunch time, dinner time
and grab both legs and hands and give us lashes on the
buttocks. We sleep in chains, eat in chains, and go to the toilets
in chains. Sometimes we are hooked on the roof in chains and
left hanging. We have to memorize the Koran and get punished
if we cannot recite the Koran in the classroom".
This is the 'legal punishment' for a student who cannot memorize
Koran in Arabic language. It is legal because the great founder of
Islam has legalized it.
Let's see, what illiterate, child rapist prophet of Islam advised
on child-upbringing and education.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him)
said: Command your children to pray when they become seven years
old, and beat them for it (prayer) when they become ten years old;
and arrange their beds (to sleep) separately.
(Sunan Abu Dawud Book 2, Number 0495)
This is what Prophet Muhammad had prescribed for children. He was
very concerned about their religious upbringing. Ayatollah
Khomeini was even one step ahead of Prophet Muhammad. Khomeini
said "A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a
baby" ( Paz-2006). Like prophet, like follower. Anyway
that is a different story.
Chaining incidents are rare in Bangladeshi madrasas. One incident,
which I can recall, had happened in Chittagong, a busy
seaport-city of Bangladesh. More than 20 students were chained and
subjected to inhuman torture. All of them were under the age of 14
years; some were as young as 11. One such child was forced to
carry a section of a steel railroad tie for at least one-month
Child torture incidents
in madrasas are reported mostly in Pakistan, Afghanistan and
Sudan. The first two countries are safe heaven for Islamic
radicals, on top of their low economy. Bangladesh is in a much
better position than those countries.
In many madrasas of Pakistan,
the only subjects taught are Koran, and that also in Arabic, which
is a foreign language and unknown to the students. Today in
Pakistan, there are about thirty-nine thousands registered
madrasas, whereas during 1978, this number was three thousands
only (O'Rourke-2005).
The number of students are estimated somewhere between eight
hundred thousands to one million (Dalrymple - 2005). They
are often run by religious organizations and lure young children
mainly from poor families by providing free food and lodging. Some
of the schools even provide intensive political and armed
training. Recent estimates suggest that between 10 and 15 percent
of Pakistan's 45,000 madrassas (includes both registered and
unregistered) promote violence (Davis, 2002). In Taliban
schools of Afghanistan,
often the first word children learn to spell is "jihad",
which means "God's path to paradise" (Al Qaeda Training
Manual - 2001).
During 1994, human rights commission of Pakistan investigated the
child abuse incidents and results of the investigation shows that
in many madrasas the children are often locked in iron chains to a
heavy wooden block in group of four or five. Several children were
found to have been continuously chained for up to one year. This
prevents them from escaping from the school to avoid the burden of
memorizing the Koran in Arabic.
During March 1996, police raided a madrasa near Multan and rescued
64 such victims (Anon - 2004). They were held in strong
ropes and chains. The religious head teacher of the madrasa said
that the students had fallen into bad habits of watching satellite
television. In orthodox Islamic society watching television is a
big religious taboo. The head teacher also said that, sometimes
even the parents of the children instructed the teachers to chain
their children. These incidents not only leave scars in their
hands and feet but also in their soft minds.
In another incident in Pakistan, during September 1997, a 14 year
old student, Muhammad Azam Dogar, somehow managed to escape from
the madrasa-prison with iron fetters still in his legs. It was not
easy for him to remove the heavy iron fetters. In a desperate
effort to remove them, he decided to put them on a rail track.
Though he was successful to escape from the Islamic religious
jail, he lost his life and was crushed to death by the on-coming
train (Children in the Community and family - 2005).
Pakistani government is aware of this kind of heinous crimes
against children. But there is hardly any effort on their part to
stop this barbarism in the name of education. There are laws,
which prohibit violence against children in the society. But when
such crimes are committed in the name of religion the law remains
within the book only. The political parties do not want to spoil
their relationship with religious organizations that run such
schools. Sometimes the influential religious parties even threaten
retaliation if there is official probing and if they are closely
controlled. The political force of this madrasa system cannot be
underestimated. Hence there are many cases of beating, chaining
and other types of torture, which remain unknown to the outside
civilized world. Even when the abuses become widely known, the
authorities still appear unwilling to take significant action to
protect the innocent children. The situation is that worse.
The children in Sudan are in even worse situation. There, the
students are forced to drink the water, which is left from washing
the dirty chalkboards (Anon- 2005). Students are convinced
that, the holy wash-water will help them to memorize Koran!
great way of memorizing Koran, indeed! Can anybody imagine, all
these things are happening in this 21st century?
The deep-rooted superstitious minds of Islamic teachers will take
another thousand years to change. The only requirement of a
student for the purpose of passing out from the school
successfully is to be able to memorize the entire Koran. Many
students take as long as nine years, whereas many students cannot
complete the course and never pass out even after chaining and
drinking wash-water.
Child abuse cases in pure Islamic schools are nothing new. It is
traditional, but hardly few of these incidents come into
limelight. Madrasa is a place for brainwashing young minds just to
destroy all the future possibilities of the child to do something
creative and to make him a Koranic zombie. All the humanities are
nipped in the bud. Countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan,
Afghanistan and some Muslim majority parts of India, these schools
are just mushrooming. They target children of poor Muslim
families. Sometimes the families of the children are paid
handsomely for sending their children to these schools.
Then, there are cases of sexual abuses against
children in madrasa. One horrible incident was reported on 11th
December, 04 in The Daily Times of Lahore. A 14-year-old
madrasa student, Abid Tanoli, reported to have had acid thrown on
him by his madrasa teacher. This poor fellow had lost both his
eyes with more than 50 % burn on his face. Left side of his face
was horribly disfigured. This incident took place on 1st
July 2002 in Karachi (Petit-2004). His fault ? He rejected
sexual demand from his madrasa teacher. The Daily Times
also reported that, during the year 2004, there are total 500
complaints of child sex abuse in Pakistani madrasas, but there was
no successful prosecution (Khawaja-2004).
Presently, the teacher (who cannot be named for legal reasons),
and two of his accomplice are in prison awaiting trial for
attempted murder and rape. All three deny the charges. The fourth
culprit is still absconding.
Haroon Tanoli, Abid's father, was threatened with harsh
consequences when he tried to take up his son's case with
officials at the school. The school authority initially tried to
hush up the matter by offering him a cash payment of one million
Pakistani rupees (11,500), but Haroon refused to back down and
took up the matter with police (Ansari - 2004).
Haroon said, "I despise
hypocrites who sport huge beards in the name of religion and
hinder the passage of justice in the name of Islam - I had a
beard, and all my four sons were studying in a madrasa. However,
following this incident, the first thing I did was to pull my
children out of the madrasa - and shave off my beard." (Ansari -
Even when Abid was receiving medical treatment, the religious
authorities pressed the hospital authority to discharge him.
Haroon managed to get him admitted to a different hospital for
safety reasons. The family is too poor and cannot afford an
operation to save his sight. The poor boy lost his sight forever.
As per BBC report on 10th December 04,
Aamer Liaquat Hussian, a Minister in the nation's religious affair
department is facing death threats and denunciations from Islamic
clerics for his insistence that Pakistani government must confront
the sex abuse at its madrasas (Anderson-2004). Hussain
sticks by his point and reportedly to have said that he himself
experienced attempted abuse at a religious school when he was
eight (Khawaja-2004).
Zia Ahmed Awan, the president of Madadgaar, a joint
project of LHRLA (Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid) and
UNICEF, the United Nations children's fund, said, "They( the
sex scandal) are either hushed up and sorted out within the
confines of school, or parents are pressurised not to report the
incident to the media as it would give religion a bad name,"
The ulema, Imams and Maulanas and other
religious teachers of Islam may not have advanced the cause of
human knowledge by a single inch since the birth of Islam, but
they should get some credit; they have done enough research,
developed many ideas and have 'doctorates' in the fields of
torture and human exploitation in the name of religion.
Now these types of nasty incidents are being reported in United
Kingdom also. In UK, there are about 700 such Islamic schools.
As many as 40% of teachers in these UK schools hit or scold
children, and between 15 and 20 cases of sexual abuse occur each
year (Siddiqui-2006, Anon -2006). Because of the fear of
child abuse, many UK parents prefer home tuition instead of
sending their children to madrasas.
One enlightened ex-Muslim lady had written in FFI,
"My experience of madrasa was like any
other glorifying Muhammad, chanting things we didn't understand
all day long and showing absolute disrespect to Christians and the
other animists it was the thing to do".( Rasheeda - 2004 )
Often the madrasa pass out students are found to be less tolerant
towards other religions, less logical power, less aware of modern
scientific developments, opposed to the social rights of women and
violent repression, hateful towards non-Muslims, absolute
theocracy, superstitious, prefer aggressive way for resolving
disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims and supporting jihad in
conjunction with terrorist groups. Moreover, their proper thinking
power is skilfully paralysed during the course of their studies.
And what is the market value of these students, and where do they
stand in today's tough professional competition?
After so much torture, chaining,
beating and wash-water drinking the result is utter disgusting.
With a total lack of modern education and knowledge of latest
technology, these madrasa students are not at all useful to any
modern day employer. They remain fit for manual labourers' class
jobs, where no education is necessary. Sometimes they are employed
in the religious sector as prayer leaders and so-called Islamic
scholars or madrasa teachers. In fact I am not exaggerating if I
say that they are even unfit for conducting sophisticated
terrorist operations - they are so useless. The only jobs they are
fit for in a terrorist organization is a suicide mission, killing
and torturing non-Muslims and blindly follow the instructions of
their leaders.
The irony of the situation is that
many students outside Arab even do not know what is written in
Koran. They just recite the Koran in Arabic, but they do not
understand the contents. They don't know even what they have
studied. Is not it bizarre?
So all the effort to pass out
from schools remain useless for all practical purposes in today's
world. They cannot blend into an advanced western nation. They are
total failure in sophisticated operations, where even basic
minimum technical expertise is required.
Some of them even lack basic mathematical skills (Fair
& Haqqani - 2005).
They are blissfully ignorant of the various developments and
wallowed in a state of nostalgia about the glorious feudal past of
militant Islam. History,
if it taught at all, would be Islamic history and not modern
history or world history. Some students may acquire good
proficiency in Urdu and Arabic languages at the best, but without
other knowledge they find themselves quite ill-equipped to
transact business in present day society (Shourie - 2004).
What stuns the educated people
is that they do not blame themselves or their
educational-background for their misery; they just put the blame
on western world. "Afghans suffer poverty because of
disproportionate wealth" - this is
what madrasa teachers say in Afghanistan.
This is the bottom line of madrasa education. The basic essentials
of a successful education system are never fulfilled. Education
involves transference of knowledge and values accumulated by
mankind from one person to another. Humanity is inseparable from
education. The best process of education encourages the students
to ask questions, which propel them on the path of further
learning. Without this, education becomes a burden. Scientific
enquiry also enriches mankind with knowledge. Education improves
the reasoning power of a person. Neither memorization of a book
nor physical punishment helps the students. Students can learn not
only through reading, but also by experience, by watching others
and also by observing the world in general. Unfortunately, madrasa
education lacks all of the above. Education is an important area
to advance the civilization further. If it is left in the hands of
Allah, this is bound to happen.
The author is greatly
indebted to Abul Kasem and Syed K. Mirza for their kind
supervision while preparing this document.
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