word of caution:
This article contains information
concerning extreme inhuman brutality against children and serious
breach of human rights. I am worried; this article may upset many
readers. But every word of this article reveals truth and truth is
sometimes very ugly. I have a great respect for the readers of
Islam-watch. Please forgive me if this article brings tears in
your eyes and gives you a couple of sleepless nights lamenting
over those innocent helpless little slaves in Islamic nations.
Please remember, hypothetically or by
birth, if tomorrow Islam rules the world, neither your children
nor my children will be safe. Let’s learn from the past and
present, and plan for the future before it is too late. Thank you.]
In Middle East,
calling someone by the term “Camel Jockey” is a big insult. It
means that the targeted person has very little or no education,
defenseless and worth for nothing. Though this term is very often
used there, many people who use them are sometimes unaware of the
origin of this term, while others prefer to remain silent, because
in Middle East, it is too risky to displease the oil rich Arab
sheikhs who run the traditional royal sport of camel racing.
If we hunt for the
origin of this term, another ugly face of Islam will be exposed,
about which very less had been talked or written so far.
Slavery is nothing
new in Islam. Muhammad, the so-called Prophet of Islam used to
make an excellent regular profit from slave trade (Silas, 1998).
The followers of Prophet Muhammad have continued this age old
“Islamic” tradition till this time secretly in Middle East. In
fact, slavery and Islam are so much consistent that they are
inseparable with each other.
victimization of innocent children for the purpose of financial
gain or simple pleasure is a shame on the name of humanity; but it
is an “open secret” and daily phenomenon in Middle East where
small children are regularly being forced to work as camel jockeys
(Video links, 1 to 6).
research and media attention had been paid to various forms of
child oppression in recent years throughout the world. In
civilized countries, governments commit themselves to the
protection of all the rights of the children – both socially and
economically. In many countries the cost of education of children
is taken over by central governments because it is universally
believed by civilized world that every child has the right to an
adequate education and standard of living (Donoghue, 1998).
It also helps to protect the children from economic exploitation
and work that may interfere with education or damage their health.
Unfortunately, the Arab nations of Middle East region do not fall
to that category. No matter what the civilized world thinks and
does, the heavily rich but morally bankrupt Arab Sheikhs just give
‘two hoots’ to the basic rights of children. Mentally they still
belong to the seventh century – the time and age of their Prophet;
and unable to advance further.
Camel racing is a
very popular sport in Middle East. Like horse racing in many
countries, camel racing is an event for betting and tourist
attraction. In some places where betting on the races are illegal;
the winners receive many different prizes, many times in the form
of luxury cars, mansions, yachts, cash and gold sword – this is
just another form of gambling (Roger, 2003, Hejaz, 2002).
Race distances
vary between 4 to 10 kilometers and may include anywhere from 15
to 70 camels or more (Hejaz, 2002). The Sheikhs of the UAE
invest large sums of money into the development of camel racing
throughout the Emirates, in addition to putting cash into the
buying and training of camels in order to participate themselves
in the races. Their interest and dedication is so much that they
appoint specialists from all over the world with the primary goal
of improving racing camel performance. The camels are of
specialized breed for this purpose (Anon, 2006). These
animals are not treated like animals and are well-nourished, well
trained, taken good care of and are very costly. Their harts are
often air-conditioned. Sheikh Mohammed, the whimsical crown prince
of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates Minister of Defense even
constructed a pool for his camels (Selby, 2004).
Then, what about
the jockeys?
The little kids,
who are used as jockeys are strapped into their saddles to keep
them from slipping off the charging camels. Sometimes Velcro or
adhesive tapes are used as an alternative (Voice of America,
2005). One of the ‘advantages’ of using child jockeys is that
their terrified painful cries make the camels run even faster.
Accidents are very frequent when the camels approach
speeds of up to 40 kilometers an hour.
Every now and then the kids fall off the camels and the camels run
over their bodies. No wonder every second or third child is seen
with a broken arm or broken leg (ABWT, 2004). It is a
living hell for the children. These tiny slaves, working and dying
for the pleasures of rich Arab Sheikhs are sometimes as young as
two (Wikipedia, 2006). They face a fate which is worse than

(The left side
picture shows a kid is being helped to mount the camel. There is
no guaranty, that the child will be alive at the end of the sport.
The right side picture indicates the rigorous training in the
scorching heat of the desert. These photographs were taken during
2004 at the Nad Al Sheba racecourse in Dubai)
These children
have to undergo a rigorous training schedule. It means working for
about eighteen hours a day without payment. There is no holiday
for them. Most jockeys only have a sheet on the sand for a bed and
basic shelter. They have to work seven days a week in heats that
even the local people shelter from (ABWT, 2004). Those who
fall asleep are given electric shocks (in local language, this is
called – giving a “KARBA”) as a wake up call (ABWT,
2005, Video Link 5). If they are tired and unable to carry out
the orders of the trainer, they are tied in chains and mercilessly
beaten. Often, if they cry for their parents, they are tied up by
the wrists with their feet dangling in the air and their tender
bodies are kicked as a punishment, (Selby, 2004). The
rescued children reported many stories of cruelty, as example,
being tied up in chains in the desert heat, beaten with metal rods
and leather whips, cut with blades and being raped by their
“owners” (ABWT, 2005). Other punishments include couple of
days without food. They are often told by their trainers a story
about being unwanted and being sold by their parents into slavery.
They have no legal status and no one to protect them.
One nine year old
rescued boy described that every week he used to see by his own
eyes the deaths of about 20 children, and more than a dozen
injured. He said "There was this one kid whose strap broke at
the beginning of the race. His head was crushed between the legs
of the running camel. Once the race has started it cannot stop”
(ABWT, 2005).
They are
deliberately starved to prevent weight gain. Many of these
children are fed with only two dry biscuits, or half dirty bread a
day with water just to keep body and soul together (Selby, 2004).
Some of them are not even that lucky. To reduce body weight, the
owners often force the kids to wear metal helmets and leave them
under the boiling heat of the desert so that they bleed through
their noses and lose their body weight. Another method of keeping
them underweight is to force them to eat dirty and unhygienic food
with seawater. The hope is that an upset stomach will stop the
child from feeling hungry (ABWT, 2005). This saves the cost
of the food and also keeps the kid underweight. Many of these
children, who cannot tolerate this torture just collapse and die.

(The barefoot child camel jockey in the above picture is begging
for water at a racing track in Dubai. He had been deliberately
left tied under the hot sun with helmet, so that he bleeds through
nose and thus reduces weight. During summer the temperature goes
well above 50oC (Asia Child Rights, 2004). Photo
source: Ansar Burney Trust, 2004)
Then, what type of
nutrition the camels get?
Well, nobody can
accuse these rich Arabs for cruelty against animals. They are too
kind for the racing camels and leave no stone unturned to bring
nutritional specialists from all over the world at any cost, and
to run the camel feed mills to create well-balanced and highly
nutritional diets. High fiber diets, including oats and barley in
addition to vitamin supplements and trace elements, are standard
for racing camels (Anon, 2006). The feeding and dieting
programme is modified from time to time with expert’s opinion and
new developments of dietary science.
Most of these
ill-fated children are trafficked from countries like Pakistan,
Bangladesh and Sudan -- countries bound together by poverty and
corruption (dpa, 2000). Many of them are not just abducted
or trafficked victims. They are sold away by their parents in
exchange of money. Many orphans are sold by the relatives. Many of
them are kidnapped from affluent families. One day the child goes
outside to play and never returns back home (Video Links, 2 & 6).
Due to better
awareness of the issue, internet and lobbying by human rights
associations such as the Ansar Burney Welfare Trust - the use of
children in this dirty sport is prohibited in Arab countries by
law. But secretly this traditional slave business of Islam is
still continued in the remote areas and during special night time
races with selected viewers (Video Links, 3 & 4). It is
impossible to enforce the law strictly, because, generally who own
the camels also are the head of the states and also due to high
corruption. In Arab countries, the law serves the elite classes
and turns a blind eye to their wrong actions.
These slaves
hardly receive any medical treatment. Arabs are reluctant to
spend money on the slaves. The lives of these slaves have got no
value for them. There is enough supply of children from poor
countries. It is cheaper for these oil rich sheikhs to buy a slave
than to spend on medical treatment. Those who are dead are
silently buried in deserts and are never spoken about (Wikipedia,
2006). Their graves are unmarked and hence remain unknown to
the outside world. On the other hand, there are special animal
hospitals for these racing camels where no expense is spared. The
camels undergo regular medical check-up.
physical and mental torture ultimately leaves the child in such a
pathetic condition where he is unable to live outside the camp.
Their all contact outside the camel farm is deliberately broken.
As the children are isolated from their families and find
themselves in an unfamiliar culture, they are totally at the mercy
of their masters for survival. Some of these victims even forget
the country of their birth and stop speaking their mother tongue (Asia
Child Rights, 2004, Video Link, 6).
They live in camps
encircled with pointed wire near the racetracks so that it is not
easy for them to escape (Wikipedia, 2006). In fact after so
much physical and mental torture, hardly any strength or courage
is left for them to give it a try to run away. But still some of
these slaves try to escape from this living hell with a hope to
rewrite their destiny. If unsuccessful and caught, they are often
killed mercilessly to set a cautionary example to others. In one
incident, the owner of a slave deliberately ran over the
disobedient slave in his truck to teach him a lesson (Wikipedia,
So, this is the
pathetic story of those innocent victims, which instigated the use
of the term – “Camel Jockeys”. Camel racing is a popular sport in
many other countries like India and Australia. But the use of
children is ever unheard of outside Middle East. Still nobody
knows how many dead bodies are buried silently and secretly in the
deserts every year. There is no accurate estimation or statistics,
leave aside official documentation of death and injury. The bitter
lamentation of a child does not leave any mark to the minds of
their masters (Video Links, 6). It ends when the little
child dies and goes to his grave well before his time. Graves are
never marked. After all it is the religious duty of a true Muslim
to hide the ugly face of Islam at any costs.
Presently some
positive steps had been taken by the governments of the civilized
nations and NGOs to stop this age-old Islamic tradition of
slavery. But the success is very limited. Ansar Burney Trust is
one amongst the NGOs, who had successfully established a shelter
home at Abu Dhabi for the rescued children from UAE. The rescued
children are first taught how to live outside a camel farm. By
2005, about 800 children have been sent back to their home
countries (Wikipedia, 2006). The trust was founded by Ansar
Burney, a lawyer and human rights activist. Initially, the Trust
received nothing but opposition from locals, government officials
(in the Middle East) and most surprisingly even from the Pakistani
government. Probably the reason is that, most of the children are
trafficked from Pakistan (Hammond, 2005).
The use of
children in the camel races has been illegal in the UAE since 1993
(Selby, 2004). But Burney estimated that, by the end of
2005, there were as many as 20,000 children still working as camel
jockeys in the Middle East - up to 5,000 of them working in the
UAE alone (Hammond, 2005). A different source puts the
number as high as 40,000. Real number is unknown, because there
are many night races with selected viewers which are conducted in
secrecy (Voice of America, 2005, Asia Child Rights, 2004).
Till this date,
this slave tradition is continued in full force (Video Links,
3, 4). Just a couple of months ago, Ansar managed to get a
television camera into the camel racing tracks. In the track,
there were many extremely small boys suited up looking ready to
ride. The camera was hurriedly confronted by security and the
children were taken away. Camel racing is supported by the highest
levels of UAE society. As example, President Zayed owns a personal
stable consisting of about 14,000 camels and 9,000 workers for
their upkeep as a stable-boy (Anon, 2006). The family of
crown prince of UAE Sheikh Mohammed (as per local newspapers, he
is whimsical and ridiculously rich), possesses 2,000 camels, which
gives very high performance on the racetracks (Anon, 2006).
Sheikh regularly visits those race tracks and aware of everything,
but pretends innocent in front of the journalists and once denied
an interview to the Lexington Herald Leader on this serious
Though this
practice is prohibited by law, but the law remains in the book
only and cannot touch the oil-rich Arabs and the ruling party. It
is unbelievable but true that in Middle East, the court of law is
a personal playground for the elite classes for having fun.
Presently in some
races robot jockeys are used in Qatar and UAE. These robots are
remote-controlled by camel trainers who follow the camels in cars.
The robots can use whips and can shout to the camels also (Wikipedia,
2006). But again, the Arabs do not want to spend on the
robots. The cost of robot jockey is about 5,500 US $, whereas, a
child jockey can be purchased with an amount as low as 300 US$ (Wikipedia,
2006). Hence why to spend more? What is the value of life in
As a conclusion,
it can be said confidently that the exploitation of children in
camel races is not going to stop in the near future. There are
three strong reasons behind it. Firstly, it is a royal sport
conducted by the ruling people of Middle East, whom no law can
touch. Secondly, there is an ample supply of children from the
poorer Islamic countries like, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sudan. In
fact many children who had been rescued and been sent home by
Ansar Burney Trust were again found re-sold to this slavery by
their own parents and relatives (ABWT, 2005). Ansar in one
of his interview reported that one Pakistani father sold his own
son to purchase alcohol. In another case, one mother sold her
first three sons in hope of work and money (ABWT, 2005).
The Constitution of Pakistan, Article 11 (3) says - No child
below the age of 14 years shall be engaged in any factory or mine
or any other hazardous employment. The third reason is the
most dangerous one – slavery is religiously allowed in Islam and
Islam does not recognize the basic rights of children. Here, it’s
worth mentioning the superb Islamic remark of
Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini said "A man
can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby” (
Unless Muslims
come out of illiteracy, poverty and darkness of Islamic
superstition; slavery cannot be stopped. The irony of the
situation is that the Islamic god Allah approves slavery; and
still he is called all merciful. Then how slavery can be stopped
as long as Muslims follow the guidelines set by Allah and his
messenger Prophet Muhammad? No wonder, Ali Sina often asks a
question – How much stupidity is enough? Strong pressure from the
human rights association can reduce slavery but nothing better
than that can be achieved. Slavery will take one form or another;
but it is going to stay, because Islam can never reform. The naked
truth is that slavery will not stop unless Muslims come out of
Islam (I am sure, that day is not far away) and dump the whole
doctrine of Islam in a garbage can. I don’t mind, if Muslims label
me as a hopeless pessimist, curse me in the name of their God and
threaten me of Allah’s hellfire, but from the very deep bottom of
their hearts they know that I am not a liar.
Till that time
nobody knows how many more innocent children will lose their
golden childhood days, sleep forever in their grave before they
know the world or live rest of their lives in a physically and
mentally handicapped condition -- all for the pleasure of some
oil-rich Arab Sheikhs of Middle East who are following the true
tradition of Islam.
(a) Video Links
Child Camel Jockeys - Modern Day Slavery
Official Camel Race - using underage
Illicit Night Time Camel Races
Child Camel Jockeys in UAE - after 2005 Ban
Child Camel Jockeys - electrocuted with
Child Camel Jockeys
Donoghue Andrew, 11th
January, 2006, Government: technology can
revolutionise education (updated, 10th August 2006)
Zach Selby,
3rd December, 2004 Camel Races
and Slavery, The Lafayette Times (Ansar Burney Welfare
Wikipedia, The free
encyclopedia, 26th July,
2006. Camel racing,
Ansar Burney Welfare Trust
, 2005, Introduction, How we began our
Mission, Child Camel Jockeys.
Dpa, 17th November, 2000, Tied
to camels: Kids in UAE continue to suffer,
News, Ansar Burney Welfare Trust.
URL: http://www.ansarburney.org/news/cj/cj17.html
Reuters News, Ansar Burney Welfare Trust.
Asia Child Rights, 24th
November, 2004 - A Comprehensive Portal on Child Rights in Asia
from AHRC, Child Jockeys: 40,000 children on slave labour as
‘child camel jockeys’ in Middle East and Arab countries,