A Religion Of Equality
25 Jun, 2007
Islam is usually described as a monotheistic religion of peace
and human equality. While the "religion of peace" theory has been
lambasted and exposed for the lie that it is, it is the stressing of
human equality that hasn't received as much attention. Far from
being a religion of human equality, Islam is perhaps the most
blatantly racist and misogynistic "religion" in human history.
Sadly, it is this image of Islam that seduces new converts in the
Western world and across Asia and Africa. While the latter seek
emancipation from long-standing divisions and discrimination of a
racial, regional, socio-economic and tribal nature, most Westerners
readily hail Islam as the most prominent movement of human equality
in the East. Originating in an exotic and mystical part of the
world, it is seen as cleaner than the Western equivalent, which is
tainted as hypocritical given the extensive history of Western
nations practicing racism, slavery and colonialism. Many Westerners
do not oppose the violent nature of Islam, which is seen as a tool
to cleanse societies of resistance to the "religion of equality."
Even the most hardcore Islamists such as Dr. Israr Ahmad of
Pakistan's Tanzeem-e-Islami appear like straight-talking "men of
peace" when they stress the equality of human beings (and not
"peace") as Islam's primary requirement. Peace is a quantity
attained when a person and a community submits to Allah - resistance
to Islam is thus to be eradicated, so that the "Ummah" may attain
peace through submission. This explains the pampering of Muslims and
the comparative lack of opposition to Islamic terrorism in
guilt-ridden European nations, as opposed to the self-built,
anti-colonial consciousness of Americans.
To completely tear down this deception, it is important to point out the following:
1. Misogyny in the Qur'an and Shariat - the Holy scripture, the direct word and law of Almighty Allah decrees that:
- women are half as intelligent as any man,
- in inheritance and economic rights, women are to receive only half of what a man may claim,
- a man may obain a divorce by saying the word thrice in the presence of witnesses,
- the testimony of a man is worth that of two women,
- if a woman charges a man of rape, she must provide four male witnesses to substantiate the claim; or else the woman is to be severely punished.
Quran'ic verses exempt one's female slaves from the injunction of
fair treatment and protection - to heinous consequences.
So why are women like Yvonne Ridley and Karen Armstrong attracted to
Islam? Yvonne Ridley is most likely the victim of the Stockholm
syndrome - sympathy and attachment to her Afghan kidnappers. Given
that most of woman-kind was inhibited for all but the last 50 years,
it is not hard to imagine why most of woman-kind is still find it
easier to play the conventional role. Ever been in the dating world?
Many women are genuinely threatened by the sexual freedom of other
women and uncomfortable with the self-assertive independence of
modern women. Many women also appreciate the dominating or forceful
courtship of men. Submission to Almighty Allah in order to enjoy a
pious, peaceful and stable personal life and the protection of wider
society and men is appealing to many women. While many Muslim women
protest personal abuse and legal discrimination, very few go to the
extent of revoking their submission to Allah. It is easy to rebel
against a mere man - not so in the case of the divine. Fulfillment
to many women is a stable and secure family life, and not
necessarily personal wealth and accomplishment.
2. Diminishing human beings and slavery in the Qur'an -
all non-Muslims are officially branded "Najis" (filthy, untouchable)
and described as monkeys, apes, deceivers and war-mongers. The
Qur'an (and Shariat, Hadiths) prescribe in explicit verses the
enslavement, humiliation and exploitation of non-Muslims as
"Dhimmis" forced to pay "Jaziya."
While slavery has always existed in all socieies, systematic, racial
slavery was introduced to Africa by Arab merchants and conquerors
more than 3,000 years before the Europeans got round to it. The
introduction of Islam did not diminish this, but intensified it more
than ever, giving it the power of religion and divine justification.
The Islamic conquest of North Africa, Persia, India and Central Asia
led to the enslavement of millions, who remained in bondage despite
the conversion of many to Islam. African slaves were dragged away
from their homes to faraway lands, living in perpetual servitude to
Muslim masters. The few notable examples of emancipation after
conversion to Islam are hollow, as the freedmen retained their
inferior status of servitude owing to their conquered status, lack
of belonging in any native tribe or family, foreign color and lack
of social or economic status. Most filled the ranks of the servants
or militias; some were touted as adopted sons, but they remained
servants to their adoptive fathers and his biological family and
never considered progenitators of the family line. Islamic
conquerors such as Timur, Mahmud of Ghazni, Mohammed of Ghor and
Nadir Shah killed millions of non-Muslims (and even Muslims), raped
millions of women, destroyed hundreds of cities and dragged away
with them as bounty, hundreds of thousands of captives. As a gift to
the Holy Caliph, the first Muslim conqueror of India, the 19-year
old Mohammed bin Qasim sent three virgin princesses of a conquered
kingdom to serve as concubines - misogyny and sexual slavery
combined. Freshly converted African Muslims were lured away to
Arabia on the pretext of performing the prescribed pilgrimage of
"Hajj" or "Umrah," only to end up being sold into slavery upon their
arrival, never to see their families and homes again. The converted
rulers of African kingdoms were encouraged to supply their Arab
patrons with fresh slaves, Muslims and those who resisted
conversion. The tradition of systematic, approved slavery that began
with the Islamic states of North and West Africa culminated with
these very states offering the same "goods" to newly-arrived and
wealthy European merchants and colonists. Islamic states in Africa
such as Egypt, Morocco, the Hausa states, Sudan and the Sukoto
caliphate supplied millions of slaves over time to both Muslim
Arabia and the Western colonial powers.
3. Racial extermination in Islam - the Qur'an describes
Arabic as the divine, purest language ever; the Arab prophet is
considered the greatest man of all, to be emulated by all Muslims;
Muslims in the four corners of the world must turn to the Arab
cities of Mecca and Medina to offer prayers and must visit either
city at least once in a lifetime, and donate money as religious
charity there. Arabs take claim as the first and foremost Muslims,
the owners of Islam and leaders of all Muslims - why? Not only
because Allah revealed this religion to an Arab, claimed ancient
Semitic myths and heroes such as Abraham to have lived in Arabia and
established his holiest cities in Arabia (superseding Jerusalem),
but revealed as his Holy word, Holy law and religion the many
existing laws, social practices, culture and language of pre-Islamic
Arabs, thus effectively saying that Arabs practiced much of Islam
even before Mohammed (as opposed to the criticized "People of the
Book," who corrupted Allah's message).
When the Muslims conquered Africa, the indigenous civilizations that
had previously thrived in Egypt, Nubia (southern Egypt and Sudan),
Carthage (modern Libya, Tunisia and Algeria) and Mali were
exterminated - literally. Not the language, not the cultures nor the
inhabitants escaped the fury of Islam - indigenous peoples and
tribes were slaughtered by the millions, displaced and pushed to the
south. The traveller and chronicler of Islamic history, Ibn Battuta
documents the extensive racism prevalent not only against Africans,
but also Indians and Persians - Muslims! Arabic, Arab culture and
the Arab race became "native" to North and West Africa. It is not
necessary to mention the continuing racial extermination continuing
today in Africa - the Sudan Darfur crisis.
Islamic racial extermination has extended in different ways: being
the "purest" language, Arabic has taken over the scripts, grammar
and vocabulary of Farsi, Pashto, Shahmukhi Punjabi (in Pakistan),
Kashmiri, Sindhi (in Pakistan), Balochi, Turkish and Urdu. Attempts
to "Islamize" the Bengali language led to major protests and the
eventual secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan in 1971 (not to
mention the racial genocide perpetrated by the Pakistani army and
Islamic militias in the name of the Islamic nation, killing an
estimated - and disputed - 1 million people). A prominent example of
a racial and religious genocide perpetrated by Muslims is the
massacre of millions of Armenians by the Caliphate of Islam, the
Ottoman empire.
Racial "neurosis" has gripped the peoples of Pakistan and other
Islamic nations, as documented by Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul in
his work Beyond Belief: Amongst the Converted Peoples, with many
Pakistani families and tribes claiming to be descendants of Arab and
Central Asian warriors as opposed to acknowleding the truth - that
they are descendants of the filthy, "naji," polytheist Hindus and
Buddhists. Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian Islamists such as the
Jamaat-e-Islami party seek to adopt Arabic as their common language.
4. "Divide and Rule" is a common strategy employed by
Muslims across the world to overwhelm non-Muslim societies and
nations, as is evidenced in Lebanon, Cyprus, Ivory Coast, India,
Macedonia, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Iraq, Bosnia, Bangladesh,
Israel, Kosovo, Thailand, Sudan, Burma, Nigeria, Chechnya, Indonesia
and Pakistan.
More than 20,000 Bosnian Muslims joined the Nazi German Army, upon
the prompting of the Mufti of Jerusalem (an Arab) Haji Amin al-Husseini
- with the specific purpose of helping in the extermination of
entire Jewish populations. What prompted the Muslims of Bosnia, who
lived alongside Serbs, Croats and others to do this? One may be
tempted to argue that the rivalry between Balkan states and the
Ottomans was responsible, but why then should the Muslims side with
a racist European regime to specifically target Jews? What, pray,
did the Jews of Poland, Hungary, France, Germany and Russia do to
the Bosnian Muslims? For that matter, what exactly did the Jews of
Palestine do to the Bosnians?
The classic example of the division of India in 1947 is even more
ridiculous. For a thousand years, Muslim regimes massacred tens of
millions of Hindus, destroyed thousands of temples and towns and
exterminated Buddhism from India. Under British rule and the fall of
the last Muslim regimes, the Muslims (who composed of approximately
25% of the population) sought an over-inflated one-third reservation
in legislatures and government services, including separate
electorates - that Muslims would vote separately for a separate set
of candidates than the Hindus. All this inspite of the fact that not
any Indian political party (not even the Hindu Mahasabha) had
adopted any proposal against the interests and freedom of Muslims.
The Indian National Congress went as far as to guarantee secularism
and even accept the system of communal electorates and reservations
in 1916.
When it came to the struggle against Britsh rule, the Muslims
refused to co-operate with the Indian nationalists - the first mass
agitation launched by Muslims was the Khilafat movement - to
preserve the throne of the Sultan of Turkey, the Caliph of Islam. It
was clear that the Muslims did not care about their country, were
over-obsessed with religion to the extent of agitating for a foreign
king while their own country was mired in slavery and seeking
over-inflated and un-democratic representation to wedge against the
Hindus, who formed the democratic majority. To add to the ridiculous
- Muslims demanded the separation of Muslim Sindh from the
Hindu-majority Bombay province, while insisting that the Punjab and
Bengal not be divided to preserve Muslim-majority rule. Well, what
do you expect when the Muslims spent the thousand year presence of
their religion in India in killing Hindus and destroying Hinduism?
When it became apparent that the Congress would not cave to Muslim
demands (which it correctly identified as separatist, un-democratic,
over-inflated and "un-equal" in respect to India's Hindus, Sikhs and
Christians), the Muslims sought the division of the country. In this
process, the Muslims literally wrecked the first-ever democratic
national government in Indian history and sought 50-50
representation in the Indian government. Upon the formation of their
"Pakistan" - "Land of the Pure" - a clear insult to the filthy,
untouchable "najis," as Dr. Ali Sina and V. S. Naipaul point out;
after all, what is the difference between the Punjabis of Pakistan
and India, the Sindhis of Pakistan and India? Only Islam, right? It
is not enough, however, given the discrimination and violence
against Muslim migrants to Pakistan from the Indian heartland,
called "Mohajirs." The government and religious militias began a
systematic process of exterminating Hinduism - destroying temples,
forcibly converting Hindus and Sikhs to Islam, killing those who
refused and driving out large communities. While modern Pakistan was
successfully purged, the state of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)
underwent repeated processes of anti-Hindu exodus and massacre in
1947-50, 1970-71 and continuing today - millions of Hindus have been
forced to seek refuge in India - the refugees in India during the
Bangladesh Liberation War consisted almost entirely of Hindus. Even
today, Bangladesh retains the draconian Pakistan-era law decreeing
the properties of Hindus as "Enemy Properties" and denying them
legal protection and economic rights. In the past decade, the
Islamization of Bangladesh has led to the forced conversion, deaths
and displacement of millions of Hindus, as evidenced from the
decline of the Hindu proportion in the population from 10-15% to 7%.
Not even the so-called secular Awami League (which sought an
alliance with the Jamaat-e-Islami in the early 1990s) has lifted a
finger to protect Hindus.
Today, Muslim insurgencies (revolving around the demand for Muslim
supreme rule and Shariat) have wrecked dozens of nations across Asia
and Africa - do you suppose this is due to any reason apart from
Islam? How else could such insurgencies, revolving around the exact
same demands occur in different parts of the world with radically
different situations, cultures and peoples? The killing of black
Muslims and Christians in the Sudan is similar to the extermination
of Hindus, Ahmadis and Balochis in Pakistan; the conquest of
Afghanistan by the Taliban is identical to the campaign of the
Islamic Courts Union in Somalia. Peoples of the same ethnicity, same
language, cultures and economy who have lived side-by-side for
thousands of years, are being torn apart by Islamic theology and the
need for Muslim rule ("Dar-al-Islam") and Shariat. The Lebanese
Civil War was about Islam - the people are fairly racially and
ethnically homogenous. Despite Islam's supposed emphasis on
equality, it did not stop Muslims from introducing systematic hatred
and oppression against their fellow men.
Where is the equality in demanding over-inflated Muslim control in
non-Muslim lands. What is this draconian insistence on separation
from non-Muslims, if human equality is the norm for Islam? Even if
you argue that equality applies to those who have accepted Islam,
the argument is sharply hollow - what, pray, did the black Muslims
of Darfur do to suddenly become victims of extermination? Why did
the Bengali Muslims suffer the brutality of their West Pakistani
brethren? Why were Balochi Muslims massacred in the 1970s by the
all-Muslim Pakistan army? Why did the Pashtun, Punjabi and Sindhi
Muslims feel any need to gang up against their Mohajir brethren? Why
are Pashtuns being imported from Afghanistan to overwhelm the
Balochi and Kashmiri populations in their own lands? Why is their a
vicious and bloody rivalry between the Shias, Sunnis and Ahmadi
branches of Islam, to the point of systematic discrimination and
subjugation, massacres, destruction of holy mosques in places like
Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia (the guardian of Islam) and other
Muslim nations? What did the Kurdish Muslims do to deserve the
brutal attack of Iraqi and Turkish Muslims? Why are the Ahmadi
Muslims, who are Muslim in every way, shape and form except in their
faith in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, had worked for the Khilafat and
Pakistan agitations and embraced the evil traditions of Islam, today
considered officially "non-Muslims" and enemies of Islam? Even this
harsh treatment and the killing of thousands of Ahmadis is not
enough for these blind peoples to awaken from the tyranny of Islam
and assert their self-respect. No, they are continually agitating
for their inclusion in this Satanic cult, to be identified as the
same people who perpetrated massacres, hatred and oppression against
The religious leadership of Islam and the Islamic saints leading the
religious political parties such as the Jamaat-e-Islami has openly
decreed Muslims living in non-Muslim lands as "najis" and
polytheists by association - thus, their lives and freedom are as
worthless as the non-Muslims, who are targeted for extermination. No
tears will be shed over the loss of Muslim life in places like
India, Thailand, China, Russia or the Philippines.
The Beslan tragedy is the most horrific modern expose of Islam's
evils and the lie of its focus on human equality - not even
innocent, harmless children, most of whom don't know what religion
or politics means, were spared of Islamic brutality. Not the
children in Iran, who are Iranian in every racial, ethnic and
national sense of the term, were spared of segregation and
humiliation in schools and community activities - why? They happened
to be Baha'i - followers of a peaceful, tolerant faith whose only
crime is that it seeks to combine Islam with other religions to
stress universal equality of religions. It can be guaranteed that
none of those Baha'i children actually understand the theme of
religion, let alone the difference between Islam and Baha'ism.
The evil of Islam is tremendous and dangerous - it has torn apart
families, communities and nations; led people to destroy their own
culture and history in favor of an alien one and commit atrocities
against people for no justifiable reason whatsoever. Even if a
person or community adopts Islam, it is given no "equality," nor
spared of the institutions of slavery, racial discrimination and
religious violence.
Here is the fabric of Islamic equality -
(1) Half of humankind is disqualified from socio-economic or religious equality, dignity or respect - the women who give birth and are mothers, daughters and sisters.
(2) No non-Muslim is to be considered anything more than a disease-spreading bacteria or virus - to be cleansed and destroyed.
(3) Enslavement of people, including Muslims is to be practiced without hesitation.
(4) The killing of people who obey the Qur'an, the Shariat and worship Allah, Mohammed and the Kaaba is justified, as can be seen in Iraq, Sudan and Pakistan.
(5) The ripping apart of families, communities and nations to enforce the literal Shariat and the superiority of Allah-worshipping Muslims is justified.
The consequence of this reality is the inevitable destruction of
Islam - even if Islam succeeds in becoming the only dominant
religion, what is there to stop this cycle of destruction and
oppression? Once they eliminate non-Muslims, they will turn to the
Shia-Sunni conflict (which is on-going as it is), then comes the
racial element, with the Islamic leaders seeking to exterminate all
cultures, languages and traditions but the "pure" Arabic ones, as
literally decreed by Allah, his prophet and Islam. If at all they
succeed to this point, then will begin the termination of rival Arab
tribes - not surprising, given that Arab-only conflicts like
Iraq-Kuwait, Iraq-Saudi Arabia, Hamas-Fatah have wrecked havoc in
the last 15 years alone.
Given that Hindu society is working hard to rid itself of
caste-based discrimination, that Western Christians are accepting
bishops, priests and even possible Popes of Eastern European,
African and Asian descent, that Christian churches are steadily
becoming more tolerant of homosexuality, that Hindus, Buddhists,
Jains and Sikhs have found a common conscience and sense of
brotherhood - why is it that Islam has never ever sought to reform
itself? Why is this supposed teaching of equality never invoked to
stop these horrific crimes?
It is not possible to overrule the direct words and law of Allah, as
revealed by Allah himself through his prophet. If you do so, you
will automatically terminate Islam and consign the Qur'an to the
trashbin. This will happen eventually anyway. At some point or
another, the cascading and perpetual cycle of darkness will force
the human mind to rebel and seek the liberating light of peace and
freedom. No amount of submission to Allah or anyone else will lead
to the peace that we crave - let's hope we realize this sooner
rather than later.
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Christian who knows what the Quran teaches
Thursday June 28, 2007
10:47:57 -0700
There is no equality in Islam at all. Swadhin's essay hits the spot.
Death to Islam
Monday July 16, 2007
14:03:55 -0700
You want to know what Islam means? It means sticking a rod in people's rear ends and saying hee-haw. It is about urinating on civil liberties. http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSBLA66590320070716 Islam is about making a mockery of freedom. It makes fascism look glorious.
Thursday November 01, 2007
07:33:25 -0700