Does the Soul Exist? The Quranic and Scientific Perspectives
25 Sep, 2008
[Author’s Note: This article has been prepared out of my sincere quest to answer the ancient question of "soul". I have utilized my many years of gathering knowledge and own observations around me in the matter of deaths and survivals. I did not use very complex scientific puzzles and used very simple theory in order to make it very plausible for the general readers. However, I have used all possible explanations to justify my claim. My intention is not to hurt anybody’s feelings about soul, nor to hurt anybody’s religious sentiment. I do admit sincerely that all humans (me included) would like to believe that each of us posses a soul which is different then the others. Scientific revolution has shaken that ancient belief. Soul theory is diminishing day by day by the advancement of biological science today. Readers please read this article with your open minds and judge yourself why I am asserting this.]
Life is a miracle to all mankind. For millions of years, mankind asked following questions: what is life? Why do we die and where shall we go after death? Ancient people could not answer these questions of mysterious life. Human being did not like to believe that there is no life after death. Hence ancient clever people invented the very simple answer. They first invented soul, the most important ingredient of every religion. And then, they invented God, angels and life after death. God created man, animals, earth, sky, stars, Sun, Moon everything one can see in this universe. About the human making—they gave the simplest solution. God made humans with wet mud/sounding clay (just like the Hindu sculptor make goddess Durga’s statute) and gave life (soul) in it by blowing his big holy mouth. This was the first and famous “grandma story” every child was infected with this virus during his/her childhood. Surprisingly, they did not tell how God made animals! That’s it! This is called religious creation theory.
Many clever people were born to become prophets and thereby exploited simple people. For some centuries—this simplistic tablet worked quite good to the gullible people. This is simply blind faith!
Readers please consider what Islam says about the soul
From our childhood, our religious teachers/seniors/Imams have taught us one thing very clear that Allah created each of us with a definite/fixed program. That is to say, Allah creates each human being with certain program, purpose, fate, and destination—which are predetermined by Him (Allah) and no power on earth and heaven except Allah can change that program, period. Hayaat (longevity), Mowutt (death), and Rizik (fate) are well fixed (in louhe Mahfuz) by Allah at the time of creation of that soul. A true believer do believe that—all the souls of human beings have been created by Allah at the same day and souls are locked up or stored in a cell (Louhe Mahfuz) in the heaven. It is by only Allah’s wish, a particular soul is sent to this mortal earth with a fixed program. In addition, every Muslims should believe that his or her entire life is overseen/control by Allah. If a Muslim does not believe this fact—then he is not a Muslim.
Now readers please judge yourself what Allah says in Qur’an
(Quran 35:11) …And no female conceives, or lays down (her load), but with His Knowledge. Nor is a man long-lived granted length of days, nor is a part cut off from his life, but is in a Decree (ordained). All this is easy to God.
Quran: (56:60)- We have decreed (ordained) your time of death fixed, and I am not incapable of doing that…
[Note: If we are to believe these two Quanic dictums, I do not see how the average longevity of humans is increasing today. I will elaborate this later in my essay.]
There are several Sahi Hadiths which clearly states following
[Sahi Muslim: Narrated by: Abdullah Bin Mashwood (sws), and Hujaifa Bin Achid (ra) from the saying of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said-every human remains as semen inside the mother’s womb for 40 days. After 40 days semen becomes blood-clot and mother is conceived. Then immediately after mother is conceived, Allah appoints one Farestha (Angel) right near the women’s genital (Vagina) to oversee the continuous development of the whole scenario of birth. That particular Farestha records and informs every bit of development and progress of the embryo-to-baby’s birth. This robotic Angel even tells Allah the movement-paths such as embryo is moved from vagina to uterus, settled there, growing alright etc. etc. And, after 120 days, when baby is full grown, Allah orders that particular selected soul (from the louh-e-Mahfuz) to be taken their to the womb and fix the soul to the fetus only when life starts. After putting that soul this robotic Farestha (Angel) ask Allah to give His decree, as to, what would be the longevity/fate/rizik and also ask Allah’s permission to fix the destiny of the future baby whether this human being will be a Mumeen Banda or Bandi (true believer) or Nafr (Kafir) etc. etc.
The above-mentioned Hadith is a Sahi hadith, and Mumeen Mussalman believes it up to their bone. Afghan Talibans, all Mullahs/Karri/ Maoulanas truly believe this Hadith by their heart. According to this Hadith—every soul’s destiny/fate is categorically and precisely determined by Merciful Allah as per His wish. The new-born baby may be wished by Allah’s choice—a true believer (Mumeen), a thief, a serial killer, a prostitute, a thug/bandit, a cheater, black marketer, drug addicts etc. etc. are all merciful Allah’s choice.
Sahi Bukhari: 13:115: “A well-dressed soul may be naked hereafter for not praying in time…”
Sahi Muslim-20:4651: “The souls of the martyrs live in the bodies of green birds who have their nests in the chandeliers hung from the throne of Allah; they eat the fruits of paradise; they would request Allah to return their souls to their bodies so that they may be slain in the path of Allah again…”
Sahi Muslim-40:6867: “Two angels take the soul of dead person into sky to Allah; if the soul is a believer’s then it has a beautiful fragrance; if the soul is of a non-believer then it has a foul smell…”
Bottomline: As per Islamic dogmas, we can solely come to the conclusion that the soul is under the total control of Allah, and humans have no clue to play around with soul by any means! So much for Islamic insanity about soul!
Now let us examine what science can tell about soul
What did Albert Einstein, the greatest mind of all times, said about soul? Here it is:
“I have repeatedly said, the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. It was of course a lie, I never believed in personal God and I did express it very clearly. Man’s ethical behavior should be based solely on sympathy, empathy, education, and social ties. No religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in pathetic shape if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment, soul, god, and hope of afterlife”.
As of now, science could not find or identify anything inside the human body which can be named as soul. No scientists ever believed in creation theory of religionists, nor any sensible freethinking human being ever swallowed it. Then came the greatest human ever walked on the surface of this earth. His name was Charles Darwin. The greatest scientist Charles Darwin gave the most acceptable and revolutionary theory called ‘evolution theory’ and he explained the origin of life, how simple organic and inorganic materials might have formed primordial organism and how humans and other animals were evolved by millions of years of evolutionary process from the single cells. Today, 98% of world biologists and other scientists believe in evolution theory, because Darwin’s evolution theory is the most acceptable theory to explain life. Besides, entire biological phenomena are only compatible with Darwin’s evolution theory, and not compatible at all with the creation theory.
But today, I shall not explain the mystery of life by scientific theory or evolution theory only. I shall try to explain mystery of life by my own rational theory out of my own observations of life. I shall use some science, philosophy, rational logic and most of all day to day circumstantial happenings around us. I am not expecting that everybody will agree with me; but I will urge the readers who will not be agreeing with me to explain this mystery of life with adequate or better logic than mine.
Life and death
Definition of life: Life is a property of material organization. Or. Life is a result of self organization of matter (physical and chemical reaction) driven by the requirements to maximize entropy and reduce the gradient of temperature difference between Sun and earth. Molecules of matter arranged in particular manner react with each other to produce energy—which is called life. In the body the energy is produced by the material/chemical interaction of total molecular elements or system. From single cells through the process of millions of years of evolution several systems (e.g. Nervous, Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Urinary, Reproductive etc.) were developed. The total output of these vital systems together is called life.
Definition of Death: The material organization looses its property due to mal-function or stoppage of one or more of the power houses (e.g. Brain, heart, lungs, liver, and kidney). But state of matter (other power houses) remains the same, though it looses the interactive organization. That is, body actually looses the total output of these vital systems.
A few practical examples/scenarios to explain death and life
Brain dead: What is brain-dead mean? A person is alive with all the organs/tissues very well living and functioning normally except the brain which is dead. Take this case of comatose patient of Florida. This beautiful young lady is the best example of brain-dead person. She is not dead but she is brain-dead, i.e., her brain the master control does not function. All her body organs are normal functioning, her eyes are moving, she can see the objects, she can consume food and digest it and her body tissues are getting nourishment from test tube feeding. She was kept alive (but brain-dead) by the help of tube feeding for more than 10 years now. She is not dead yet, and her soul (?) is still not leaving her body! If the test tube is removed—she will die within a week or 10 days. Her soul will say good bye only then! Why? Her body needs food (fuel) for survival and without food nothing (not even soul) can keep her alive even for a minute. Now if somebody needs organ transplantation, this lady’s organ is the very good source, isn’t it?
Questions: Where is her soul? Why soul can not keep her alive? Why soul can not keep her brain working and keep systems functioning? When her feeding tube is removed why her soul is not able to keep her alive? Is it possible that her soul is not leaving the body because feeding tube is still attached? Or, is the soul just waiting for some one to remove the feeding tube so that soul can say good bye to her and go to Allah only to get hell or Islamic lustrous heaven? What is the logical answer?
Take a case of motor car: What is the car all about and how it runs 100/200 miles speed? A car is pretty much like a human/animal. It has a body and it has a belly where all those vital organ-systems (various parts) reside. It runs because it’s every systems work with a proper synchronization producing total energy, or total output. It gets fuel from outside and burn them into energy by which it moves and run. It can stop by either shortage of (a) fuel, or (b) due to mal-function of one system. Without fuel—car is dead even though it has all the organs intact and normal. Just like a human body, no food, no life. And no life and no so called soul.
Or, there is tank full of fuel, yet the car is not running (dead), because one of its organ systems does not function. Say, car alternator (master control) is not working and all other organs are totally normal and functioning. Will that car run? Certainly not! This is just like that comatose lady of Florida (brain the human alternator which carries energy everywhere in the body is not functioning). Now, if you want to use those normal parts of that car to another car (transplantation) those organs/parts will function normally in the second car, just like that comatose lady’s organs. Or, if you replace the bad alternator with a new one—the same car will run again 100/200 mile speed. Isn’t it true? Same is the case with that Florida comatose lady. If you could change her non-functioning brain with a new one—she will live again (her soul will stop departing her) as perfectly normal human being, no doubt about it. WHO KNOWS, SOME DAY SCIENTISTS MAY BE ABLE TO GIVE A NEW BRAIN (alternator) TO A COMATOSE PATIENT!
Brain dead woman in California
In 1993 a California woman declared brain dead, was found to be in her fifth month of pregnancy. She was maintained on life support systems for three months until the baby could be delivered by caesarian section. The baby did very well and the mother was disconnected from life support and died at the end of the delivery. (From Clark: "Sex and the Origin of Death", p-114).
Who (God or the doctors) controlled the life of this brain-dead woman in California? What would happen to that baby if the doctor did not connect the mother with life support? If there was no life support available today—how would that baby born alive? Why the soul could not keep that mother alive after doctor has disconnected her from the life support?
If it is true that God is Merciful, Omnipotent and Omniscient, why would God send souls to the following wasted human babies?
a) Conjoin babies
b) Still-born baby
c) Baby with no legs or hands
d) Baby with multiple legs and hands
e) Baby looks like a monster
f) Baby that will survive only a few hours.
g) Baby that is going to be a seriously mentally retarded.
Sudden Heart failure (temporary cardiac arrest) patient: Many (temporary) heart-failure patients are cured by Simple cardiac resuscitation techniques, or by heart stimulant drugs, or by electric shock therapy. In these types of fit patient heart-beat stops temporarily. Patients do not have any pulse because heart stops and that patient is same as a dead patient, no difference. Only difference is, before the death of total cell masses in the vital organ systems—doctors can revive this dead patient back to life by using modern techniques I described above. But if delayed and proper treatment was not given—total cell mass of most vital organs will happened and patient is dead, hence the patient can not be revived by any available means.
Just 50 years back, there was no such technique to revive this patient and millions of souls probably told the body good bye very readily and routinely. Today by timely applying these new scientific treatments doctors are able to save over 60% percent of heart-failure patients.
Or, did you not hear snake-bite patient came to life after several days; or, dead man came to alive inside the grave after some days? Readers (from Bangladesh) must have heard the folklore story of ‘Lakindhar and Behoola’ where Lakindhar was bitten by poisonous snake and his body was floated in the river placing over a raft! According to folklore story—Lakindhar came to life after several days. It could be unbelievable but this type of recovery does happen even today!
How about the famous novel (“Kadombini”) written by Indian Nobel Laureate poet Rabindranath Tagore. Did not Kadombini come to life (after intense rain-storm) over her Hindu grave ready to be burning to ashes? Writer’s last sentence was like this: “Kadombini Moria proman karilo, shea more nai”—(meaning Kadombibni proved by her death that she actually did not die!).
Questions: Why soul stop-short of leaving the body, or can not leave the body voluntarily because of timely and adequate cardiac resuscitation? Was it possible that soul was out of the body of the “Kadombini” for a few hours or moments and intense rain waters prevented the soul from leaving her body? Is it possible that clever doctor’s techniques forbade the exit of soul from the body of a sudden cardiac arrest patient, so the soul is bound or be compelled to re-enter the body—only to stay with that body for another 20 years? Snake-bitten patient can be revived after several days of total fit almost dead with no pulse. Why soul can not exit the body in this case? Is it the soul comes back again (unwillingly) after successful treatment (by resuscitation or electric shock therapy etc.)? Or, resuscitation actually causes electric spark which help heart-muscle to start beating again? Which one is true and logical?
Test tube baby: Even 30 years back people did not even dream to get a baby made inside a test tube. Now it is almost a daily business and as easy as planting seeds to get a big tree to grow. Today world have more than 50,000 normal test tube babies and their numbers are increasing everyday. In the process of test tube baby, scientists deliberately manipulate the union of egg and sperm inside the test tube to form the Zygote the starting stage of a future baby which is then placed inside the mother’s womb. Now, this is purely a human manipulation and Allah has nothing to do with it. In future, scientists will be able produce baby right inside the larger test tube by creating the same atmosphere of mother’s womb. Who gives soul in this particular baby? Why Allah should send a soul for the sake of that scientist who has performed an anti-God act?
Cloning baby: Scientists are equipped with enough knowledge and skills to make a human in the lab by the cloning technique. We know the miraculous story of “Dolly” the sheep made by cloning. Who sent soul to that cloning sheep? When kaffir scientists will soon start making human baby by cloning, who will send soul for those un-licensed human baby? Is Allah the servant of scientists? Why Allah has to send a soul to any cloning baby? And without soul sent by Allah how in the world any scientists can create a living baby (without a soul)? So where is the soul?
Does the soul Multiply?
Scientists will be able to create thousands of cloned baby from the same donor, i.e., from the same single person. That is, the babies will have the same identical gene of the donor character. Now how come soul is multiplying? Does the God allow soul to multiply?
Today Kaffir scientists are able to produce SPERM cells and Egg cells right from the stem cells. Now scientists hope that they will be able to make human baby right in the laboratory, that is, they don’t need any male or female to reproduce baby. Kafir Scientists also hope that soon they can make human baby from nothing more than two laboratory-grown stem cells. Prudent questions are who is going to supply soul for those unruly kaffir scientists? Is the merciful Allah going to approve soul (from His Louhe-Mehfuz) for these kaffir scientists?
Bastard child: All most all religions in general and Islam in particular says that, Allah or God sends soul on earth to born as baby into some lady’s womb. That soul is picked (selected) by Allah himself and sends to this mortal earth with some fixed purpose and destiny. Believers do believe that without the wish of Allah no soul can come to this mortal earth. Allah hates most the bastard child, no doubt about it. Question is who sends the soul of bastard child? Why Allah should send a soul to that bastard child that he hates most?
Organ transplantation: Just 40 some years back transplantation of human organ was unthinkable. I still remember when in 1968 (?) world’s first heart transplantation was performed by a Kaffir doctor of South Africa (Christian Bernard) all the Christian mullahs including Pope were making hue and cry (Muslim mullah did not even have any clue about this) against it and all religionist were in great panic about this anti-God activity of that kaffir doctor. Today, organ transplantation in humans is almost like changing a part of a motor engine. Hundreds of thousands of terminal patients are getting various organ transplantations and getting their life longer and longer day by day. Just 30 years back and for thousands of years previously—humans used to die due to heart ailments without any known treatment. Even by-pass surgeries of coronary arteries are keeping hundreds of thousands of humans alive today. It is plain and simple—had there been no heart transplantation or heart by-pass surgery—all these humans (who are alive today and walking on the surface of earth) would have been long dead and perished. Nobody can deny that!
Questions: Is it possible that souls are taking extra vacation period in the earth from Allah, because Kaffir (enemy of Allah) scientists invented heart transplantation technique and by pass surgery technique? Why those souls are not saying good bye to those heart transplantation patients, who otherwise (if there was no method existed for transplantation) would die for sure? For million of years soul from heart patients never stopped saying good bye to those unfortunate heart patients. Why souls are so weak today and can not leave the human body so easily? Does any erudite Mullah have any answer for this?
Human average longevity has increased tremendously world-wide. Nobody can deny that today! Surprisingly, this average longevity increase is directly proportional to the economic and social status of the particular country or nation. Plain and simple—richer country getting highest average longevity, on the other hand, the poorer country getting lowest average longevity. Richer country like America, Japan, Sweden etc. have the average longevity around 80 years and increasing. On the contrary, poorer nations like Bangladesh, Nepal, Ethiopia, Somalia etc. have an average longevity around 42 years. Just 1000 years back—human average longevity was only 30 years. Most souls used to say good bye from this mortal earth very quickly due to uncontrollable diseases, epidemics, wars, famines and natural calamities.
Questions: Why was it like that? Do we have any good reason to believe that—1000 years back, Allah used to send people with shorter life span? Why human soul used to depart human body so readily and so quickly? Is the Merciful Allah doing partiality by sending people with longer life in the rich country like America, Japan or Sweden (infidel lands) and sending people with shorter life in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Somalia, or in Nepal?
Sex Changes
In the humans—both male and female do get natural sex changes. It is happening all over the world. Many mothers become male and many brothers become female and their names also do get changes.
Questions: How a soul can change it’s sex? Is it possible that Allah erroneously sent a wrong-sexed soul to a baby? How Allah can do such horrendous mistake?
Bottomline Truth
Had there been soul (exist) inside the every humans sent by Allah and totally controlled by Allah, there could be: (a) no organ transplantation, (b) no test tube baby, (c) no heart surgery, (d) no revival of heart patient by cardiac resuscitation, (e) no longevity changes, (f) no bastard child, (g) no cloning baby, (h) no sex changes, (i) no sperm cells making from the stem cell and bla bla bla…..Simply because Allah (SBT) would NOT let humans (kaffirs) to exploit and play with Allah’s mystery of creation. This would be an utter insult to the Allah’s divine authority! He would simply put an iron-ban on the supply of souls coming down from the Allah’s Louhe-Mehfuz the store house of souls.
All the above things and more and more scientific miracles will keep on happening—because THERE IS NO SUCH THING CALLED SOUL AND PERHAPS, ALLAH HAS NO CONTROL ON HUMANS, PERIOD.
Some Afterthought
Readers I am humbly requesting you to think about all the logical scenarios that I have described above. Which kind of argument do you accept? Is it the so called soul of grandma story keeping life alive? Or, is it the total out put energy of the vital systems keeps a body alive? Which is more logical and acceptable to you?
Could brain acts as the soul?
Surprisingly, all theologians think that animal and plants do not have any soul! Only humans have soul. Islamic dictum even claimed that plants and vines have no life. But today’s knowledge clearly established the fact that plants and animals do have life and feelings just like humans. In fact, humans also an animal only that—humans are higher form of animal. Just as plants and animals do not need souls to be alive, humans perhaps also do not need soul to be alive. Humans and animals are just biological machines that is all there is to it. Thinking, awareness, after-death experience, remembrances, personality etc are all human brain functions and nothing more.
One problem which needs to be mentioned in this essay which the Islamic dictum is dealing witnessing scenarios of body parts of Muslims during the Day of Judgment. In the judgment day—body parts will witness to Allah (SBT) against the Muslim soul. Now, suppose a Muslim got his heart (from a Munafekh), two hands (from a serial killer), and stomach (from a wine and pork eating Christian) transplanted. After the death of this Muslim—all his transplanted organs will ruin his piety of his entire life! He will definitely go to hell! What can be done to it?
Scientists (kaffirs) are predicting that human will live 1-2 hundred years by the end of this 21st century, in the following centuries on words—human longevity will increase to 5-6 hundreds years or more. There will be human organ stores (just like Motor parts store) existing in various big cities from where diseased humans can purchase needed organs (body parts) and prolong their life span. Don’t you believe me? Fifty years back did anybody believe that humans will change their (discard the diseased vital organ and replace it with normal) diseased heart, liver, stomach, intestine, kidneys etc? How about those Muslim mullahs, did they ever imagine this?
If science was around for as long as the religions are around, human lives would have enjoyed much more pleasures and happiness in this earth today. Unfortunately, religions are always pulling the legs of science backward to the darkness again. Discovery of DNA and Genes have revolutionized our life. Many more biomedical miracles bound to occur in the future, which will be very hard even to imagine by humans today. Most importantly, all these incoming bio-medical miracles will happen as per the principles of Darwin’s evolution theory, and definitely not by the principles of Allah’s creation theory. Hope nobody can dispute that!
My apology
Honorable readers you are my judge! I have tried to tell all truth and nothing but the truth. I am very sorry if my essay has caused pains to anybody’s sentiment, because my essay has categorically proved that there is no such thing called soul. I myself also would like to believe that there is a soul inside everybody! Believe me I would be the happiest human being in that case. Unfortunately, scientific advancement has prevented that chance of believing in soul theory. All the miracles of modern biological science do not allow me to prove otherwise! Thanks for reading my essay.
Holy Koran.
Sahih Hadiths (Bukhar and Muslims).
American Media News on: various hospital patients with life-support.
"Sex and the Origin of Death", Clark, p-114)
Common sense and logical thinking.
Syed Kamran Mirza is the author of Roots of Terrorism in Islam. He has also contributed in Beyond Jihad — Critical Voices from Inside Islam and Leaving Islam — Apostates Speaks Out. He can be contacted at
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 00:00:49 -0700
Name: Tony
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 00:04:41 -0700
Hi Syed, The Bible (Genesis 2:7) says man came to BE a LIVING SOUL - not HAVE a living soul. Later (Genesis 3:19) 'you came from dust and to DUST you will return'. And Ecclesiastes (9:5) says 'the living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead, THEY ARE CONSCIOUS OF NOTHING AT ALL! Religions that teach otherwise are lying, partly to create unnecessary fear of death, partly to make people devalue the life we have NOW.
Name: To Mirza
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 00:36:54 -0700
The Theory of Evolution is already a busted theory. The DNA of a zebra will continue to produce zebras! It will not evolve to produce a lion or a giraffe. The DNA is genetic instruction marvelous in design that will not evolve in any way. The theory of evolution could not explain why we still have one-celled organisms like the amoeba existing today. Why we still have ants, worms, etc. A fish called Coelacanth was believed to have been extinct since the end of Cretaceous period (145 million years ago) but a specimen was found off the coast of Africa in 1938. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and proteins make up the genetic code DNA. DNA is like a computer program that determines EVERYTHING about a particular organism from the color of eyes, its shape, etc. Scientist could not create life out of protein so they proposed another theory that the life-bearing protein came from outer space! Scientists now have the ingredients (proteins) but they could not produce the breath of LIFE!
Name: Evolution happens every Day! --- Re: to Mirza
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 00:59:43 -0700
Insects become resistent against insecticides, and bacteria against antibiotics. This happens every day, everywhere and at any time. There are many bacteria resistent against antibiotics developed by scientists only in recent days, and insects resistent against insecticides being available for only a few years. Every Doctor and every Biologist knows that and there can be no doubt about that. You can even watch evolution happen in the lab: If you are going to test an antibiotic, you will soon discover mutant cells with a resistence against it!
Name: Battlesky
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 01:21:00 -0700
Islam sucks!!! and muhammed was a fake!!!
Name: Re Evolution
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 02:08:27 -0700
Mutant bacteria remains the same, a bacteria. The Theory of Evolution demands more faith than a religious belief.
Name: Theory of Evolution is a busted theory
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 02:22:51 -0700
A theory is a theory, an educated guess. A theory is not a fact. The Theory of Evolution is comparable to this: You place all components or parts of a wristwatch in a container then shake that container for billions of billions of years (given you live that long) there is no way the components will come to their proper places and assemble a functioning wristwatch. Scientist now have the ingredients (proteins) but no one has been able to make a living organism out of it.
Name: evolution is fact not theory
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 02:23:06 -0700
evolution is fact not theory,bcoz we can see the evolution i human species : man evoled from africa [ not created by pig allah ] and moved out to the world,in africa the sun rays r more direct and in north hemisphere etc they r slanted ie on equator they r more intense and on north hemisphere less intense so melinin become less where sun rays r more inetnse and so white race come from black africans.this is evolution.same way humans evoled from ape like ancestors over millions of years,all this has proof is genetic matter called genes etc...none of this is written in fake book bible/koran,but its there for everyone to see so it means evolution is truth.what is soul ? all matter is nothing but energy in another form.what is difference between dead man and live person ? some spark of energy we can call bio plasmic energy or cant be created or is re-cycled over and over again,so soul a bio plasmic energy is re-cycled over and over again.what the fake religions judeo christianity/islam describe is ofcourse false, but what is truth is truth hat soul is just some energy which we dont understand today but can in future,and they scientific truth will be out some day and the falsehood of religion-judeo-christianity/islam is already exposed.truth shall prevail and stand out from error as per muhamed and truth has stood out from error=bible / koran !!!
Name: creation is a busted theory bcoz its false here is why!!!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 02:29:15 -0700
creation is a falsehood and is busted theory here is why : as per pig koran imaginary pig allah created from mud/dirt 1 adam and 1 eve who were first humans and they had kids all brothers and sisters who had more kids all again brothers and sisters etc...and they populated the world, so as per pig koran pig allah allow brothers and sisters to have sex with each other [ halal bro-sis sex ] abd we todays humans r the bastard children of incesteous parents, what a fucking shame on fucked up pig allah to make halal sex between bro-sis i.e. incest. this conclusively proves that creation is a myth.but reg to protein genes etc...the universe is constantly evolving the earth is itself evolving from a hot dry place to a wet hospitable place which is now livable. if we do dna sequencing then we can see how from 1 celled organisms, evoled life upto man. this is proved. who so ever sides with creation is a fucking liar and he shud be killed and his body fed to dogs bcoz they r munafikun away from truth of evolution and shud be killed, they r the falsehood believers and they shud be punished with death alone. truth shall triumph and stand out from error and the jews christians muslims who dont believe in turth of evolution r falsehood believers.
Name: To above
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 02:45:02 -0700
The differences in skin color is not evolution. The Theory of Evolution is still a theory not a fact, you erred on that, just as the Big Bang Theory is still a theory not a fact. Please look the meaning of theory in a dictionary. By the way I am an anti-Islamic person.
Name: seeker
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 02:45:48 -0700
Hello syed. A car is built by using raw materials like steel,iron, etc and requires fuel to run it.But who designed it in the first place?The answer is human intelligence .I dont mean the human brain here, because even animals have a brain.I mean intelligence. Can one see intelligence.NO.In the same way the universe is being governed by the cosmic intelligence which we can not see.The same holds true for the soul which we can not see.But it does exist.
Name: To creation
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 02:50:35 -0700
By saying, ".who so ever sides with creation is a fucking liar and he shud be killed and his body fed to dogs bcoz they r munafikun away from truth of evolution and shud be killed,they r the falsehood believers and they shud be punished with death", you sounded more like a Muslim fanatic. Now you demand death for those who proved the theory of evolution is wrong. You're no different from a Muslim fanatic. You desire death those who oppose your view which is wrong.
Name: Logic
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 03:01:28 -0700
Logic dictates if their is a design there must be a designer. Just because we cannot see the Designer (I'm not referring to fake god Allah) we conclude that the design came by itself which is contrary to common sense and logic. The beauty of nature, the delicate balance, the symbiosis all suggest a very wonderful plan or design. That in turn suggest a very intelligent Designer.
Name: My opinion.
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 03:22:15 -0700
On the question why god sends souls to wasted human babies it is not god who does it. It is unfortunate that religions like Christianity and Islam does not believe in karma because everyone everyone waits for the day of judgment. These religions assume life is linear whereas in Hinduism, life is a cycle. In other words karma is you reap what you sow. It could be in this life or in your next one. This can be the only doctrine which can explain why people are not born equal. If we believe that god is loving and not hateful it can only be true that your actions determine your destiny. Ages back before the advent of Christianity and Islam, religion and science co existed peacefully. In my opinion, you look inward for answers and not outward as science says. But in this age you cannot look inwards as one lacks the spiritual power which is needed so you look to science for answers. Science has made huge advances only to bring a host of problems with it.
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 03:23:31 -0700
All religions say that there is a 'soul' and 'god' owns it as he is the patent owner of this so-called soul. Semetic creeds also believe in a 'Heaven' where this god/allah/yahweh is supposed to reside and hand out justice according to his whims: - he is a believer take him to Heaven;he is a disbeliever throw him into eternally burning 'Hell'. How stupid , and in the 21st. century people believe this absolute rubbish, the most inane crap ever! Did god create animals? Then he must have created diseases ,bacteria, cancers, HIV, etc : And yet he is supposed to be perfect, immaculate, omnipotent, omniscient, all-knowing, and all such superlatives one can imagine! And above all he is supposed to be most merciful, all-loving and most beneficient! This so-called god must be the faultiest programmer: he is far from perfect - for his creation is far from perfect. Apart from death and disease there is so much misery around - povety ,exploitation in the name of 'religion', conflicts, wars, butchery and treachery in the name of religion! In semetic cults ,God is reclusive- he will communicate only with his chosen 'prophet' ,because he despises his own"creation" so much that he castigates them with thou shalt not do this or that ( that too through the so-called 'prophets', 'messengers','sons of god',etc. Behind all this cacaphony of "holy Shit" is the vested interests of a few who want to enjoy unlimited power and pelf all to themselves subjugating the gullible masses to their evil diktats! This whoe concept of religion and God is the biggest fraud on humanity. It has not cured diseases, poverty, cruelty, exploitation, vulgar greed to amass wealth and immorality - all of them are guilty ,be it mullahs, imams, of the islamic cult, the preists/pastors/evangelists of Christianity, the gurus/swamies/godmen of hinduism or of any other cult. We humans have progressed so much in knowledge, science, philosophy, technology, etc and encouraging the fraud of 'religion' will be the bane of all that we have gained from knowledge and progress ,surrendering ourselves stupidly to maniacs of various cults/religions who are nothing ut conmen who want all the best things of life without having laboured to earn it! God and Devil are nothing but fiction , used to exploit human weaknesses and sense of insecurity, making hollow promises of a "Hereafter" that never was, is or ever will be! If god created man ,then why doesn't he come forward revealin himself to one and all? He can't because he does not exist!He must be the most evil , because if he is the creator of everything ,then he mst own up creating evil, disease, bacteria, etc. So god is not perfect, he cannot be , because he does not exist. He is the figment of imagination of vily people who are out to enjoy all the wealth of others by 'right' as all is supposed to belong to god - even money which is purely a human creation for economics and commerce! Soul doesn't exist just as much god doesn't exist - it is just a concept used by conmen (Prophets, Sons of God, Godmen, Saints, Mullahs, Imams, Gurus, Swamies, etc.) to enjoy absolute and unquestioned poer and pelf!
Name: To the fellow who said,
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 03:30:35 -0700
"the jews christians muslims who dont believe in turth of evolution r falsehood believers and shud be killed." You are a terrible person no different from a hardcore Muslim fanatic. You are a danger to you fellow humans. Have you not wondered the beautiful and intelligent design of your own body? You have acid in your stomach yet your intestine is not consumed. Your brain which is just 1.5 kg. average weight contains 100 billion neurons. Average personal computer contains just 300 million transistors. Are you not amazed? It took a lot of brains to design a pc with just 300 million transistors how much more for a brain just 1.5 kg containing 100 billion neurons. The wonders of the human body is so numerous it will take an entire book to describe it. So to the guy who desired death to those who opposed your view you are a menace to society no different from a hardcore Muslim fanatic.
Name: Psalm 53:1
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 03:36:12 -0700
"The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that does good."
Name: To vbv
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 03:43:41 -0700
It is not God (not fake god Allah) who is responsible for all of man's miseries. It is man's inhumanity to man. Man has a free will to do good or bad. Do not blame God for man's inhumanity to man. Man choose to do evil so man suffers as a result. Who is to blame for the world's misery? Man himself.
Name: To my opinion
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 03:50:53 -0700
Hosea 8:7, "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it has no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up." Is this not karma?
Name: as per falsehood of creationism incest is ok for sex
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 04:07:20 -0700
evolution is fact,and happens every day,proof is in human dna.but what abt creation ? as per pig jehova/allah,adam-eve is 1 pair and from then came kids brothers and siter...and they had sex and more probther an sister pig jehova/allah says have sex like pig and fuck yr brothers sisters and have kids what a deity this is...also,if only 1 adam and 1 come so many races of people like white black, brown, yellow etc ? it means either there r many allah who each created diff adam eve of diff colour or 1 imaginary pig allah created many many adam eve.
Name: pig jew-christian/muslims say that bacteria will still remain bacteria...they dont know that evolution takes millions of years
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 04:13:51 -0700
pig jew-christian/muslims say that bacteria will still remain bacteria...they dont know that evolution takes millions of years. from 1 celled organisms to man has taken over 500 million years,if u pig jew-christian/muslims had read the facts u pigs wud not have asked this question. it exposes yr false belief. and u will burn in hell forever bcoz u dont believe in truth of evolution. even 10th standard - grade book on physics, chemistey, biology contact more acts that yr pig fat pig shit torah-bible/koran books.
Name: seeker
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 04:19:44 -0700
Hello syed. surprising not once did you mention the word reincarnation in your article.I suggest you read about Dr. Satwant Pasricha. Head of Department of clinical psycology NIMHANS, Bangalore. NIMHANS is indias major institute of neurosciences. She has worked on many cases of reincarnation. veryone is free to draw his own conclusion by her works.
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 04:26:36 -0700
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 04:51:46 -0700
Evolution is a fact , a scientific fact. Neither the Bible nor the Quran had any knowledge of this world beyond their immediate environs and a bunch of superstitions. They never had any idea of he greatness or size of this universe ,nor could they envisage that we are situated at the edge of a great galaxy of 200 billion stars of which our sun is just a minor star . It is nothing like the super giants like Rigel, Betelguese, Antares, Eta Carrienne, etc which are thousands of times more luminous than our sun and also several times greater than our sun. These stupid books never had any idea of the magnificence and the infinite vastness of tis Universe. They had no idea of the timescale of our Universe , they just had a stupid ,idiotic and moronic theory this this world was "created" only some 6,000 years with a so called 6 days creation 'wonder' with Adam and Eve supposed to be the progenotor of all mankind. Did Adam and Eve look like Negroes, Mongoloid, Aryan, Neanderthal, German, Celtic, Eskimoes, Red Indian, Chinese, Australian aborigines, Polynesians, Indians, Dravidian, Aryan, Red Indian, Incas, Mayans, etc... None of them spoke the same language nor trace their origins to Middle -East ,the land of the Jews ,Canaanites, Arabs, the people who are fanatic about this GAWD/GOD/ALLAH?YAHWEH? bullshit! I am not a racist, but I admire diversity and not monolithic belief and dull uniformity imposed by religions of the middle-east with a lot of threat ,coercion and violence! Africans, Indians, Iranians ,even Europeans have been brainwashed into believing this semetic muck of "creation" and Adam and Eve bullshit! Now the Arabs want to dominate the world with their bullshit! The world according to the semetic barbarians (Arabs/Jews and their arse-lickers) was "created" aound 4,004 BCE! Now Great civilisations were already flourishing before that date in India, Sumeria, Egypt, China,, in Europe, Central and South America, Far Eastern Countries. These people whose shallow bullshit amounts to nothing wothwhile for humanity have the temerity to debunk Science, and evolution in support of their idiocy! Soul, Bah ,nonsense! Heaven ,Hell and God, Yahweh, Allah my foot!
Name: Blackhawk
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 05:30:20 -0700
The most important piece of proof that God does exist is Islam. Because Islam is proof that there is a Satan. Any reasonable person can see that Islam is evil and it was created by Satan to off-set the emerging growth of Christianity. Satan could not stand the fact the the voice of peace and love (Jesus) was pulling people from his grasp. So he he put the idea of Islam into the head of a evil, mentally ill, decrepit, murderer/rapist. And fortunately for Satan millions and billions of people who know nothing about the origin of Islam followed MO blindly. Hell is full of Muslims who thought they were Martyrs. What kind of Supreme Being promises his followers all kinds of carnal acts after they die. Any fool knows that the reason for procreation is to give life to serve man and worship God. It is indeed pleasurable but, God in his wisdom made it so to ensure that man would go forth and multiply in this life. Thank you Islam for showing me and many others that there is a Satan and therefore there is a God. God is the Father and his example of a perfect life was his son Jesus Christ. Muslims must accept this or they will join Mo and his Martyrs in hell for eternity.
Name: To Brother Mirza From: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 05:55:11 -0700
Thank you brother on this article. You had two erroneous claims. One is that man invented soul. This is not quiet right. Even today, just as an example, there are many haunted houses. No natural laws can suffice to explain that, unless you want to deny such houses, which were documented in a scientific way. What I am saying is that there soes exist other "dimensions" in this universe. Soul may belond to such other worlds. I am not trying to defend any view here. All I am saying here is that denying some other realms or enitities is just not correct given the evidence around us. You also claimed there are no creation theory scientists. This is actually false. I am not deep into this, but I do know that there are very bright theologians who view even evolution itself as expressing the creative hand of God. Peace to all.
Name: To as per falsehood
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 06:09:17 -0700
Your view that evolution is fact is contrary to the accepted view that the Theory of Evolution is what it says a theory. A theory is an educated guess it is not a fact. Your only false impression is that a theory is a fact. I suggest you consult a dictionary and look for the meaning of theory and fact.
Name: To per falsehood
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 06:16:54 -0700
The discovery of DNA does not confirm the theory of evolution. In fact it proved that evolution is wrong! Because a DNA is the blueprint of an organism. The DNA of a zebra will produce only zebras! It will not evolve to produce a lion or a giraffe! Look if evolution is true how come there are still one-cell organism like the amoeba? There should be no more one-cell organism because as you believed falsely they evolved into higher organism. But the fact is we still have one-cell organism like the amoeba!
Name: To vbv
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 06:21:39 -0700
Please consult a dictionary and look for the meaning of theory and fact. There is no such thing as Fact of Evolution! You are definitely misinformed!
Name: To vbv
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 06:29:51 -0700
Maybe you do not know this ,Luke 1:33, "And he shall reign over the house of Jacob(Israel) for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end." This confirms the limitless or the infinite dimension of the universe!
Name: To vbv
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 06:42:36 -0700
The Bible never mentioned that earth was created in 6,000 years. God's reckoning of days is not the same as that of man living on earth rotating at 24 hours per complete rotation. 2Peter 3:8, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." This should not be taken literally. It is a figure of speech to emphasize God's reckoning of time is different to man's. It could be 1 million or billion or trillion. God is not restricted by time.
Name: To pig
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 06:51:01 -0700
There is no such thing as truth of evolution! You are the only one who coined this phrase! The Theory of Evolution is what it says it is: a theory! A theory is an educated guess, like the Big Bang Theory. Scientists will never say Fact or Truth of Evolution or Big Bang Fact! You are totally misinformed! Calling a theory a fact you better consult a dictionary!
Name: The difference in races is not evolution!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 06:54:41 -0700
The differences in skin color is not evolution! They are still the same human species!
Name: Variety of species
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 07:00:52 -0700
Just as there are different varieties of cats or dogs, they are still belong to cat or dog species or family. Same as humans, blacks or whites, same Homo Sapiens or human being.
Name: To those vulgar tongues
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 07:10:07 -0700
You use vulgar language to present your side of arguments! This shows how miserable fellow you are! We are presenting here our different sides on the Theory of Evolution. Someone even prescribed death to those who don't believe in that theory! You are no different from the hardcore Muslim fanatics whom we are trying to enlighten!
Name: Evolution happens everywhere at any time!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 08:02:01 -0700
The human civilisation makes use of evoultion processes by performing the selection artificially. This is evolution too. And it is wrong to say that a zebra will always give birth to zebras. We must consider timesframes much longer than the Bible or the Quran. It may take millions of years until a species changes considerably. However, controlled by scientists, evolution becomes accelerated to breed animals with more and better meat or to produce sugar cains with more sugar. Thus, we do not only have evidence from millions of fossils found capable of demonstrating quite clearly how modern animals and plants from more primitive ones over a timeframe of some billion years! We find this fossiles everywhere, and all our Chalk, Natural Gas, Oil, Coal and Lignite are made from it. Geologists know how to find those ressources because their knowledge is based on Evolution. Fossiles allow it to determine the age of a mineral and many more. Moreover, since many specieses like ammonites, belemnites and dinosaurs disappeared, there is already evidence for a selection by nature itself. And we can clearly demonstrate with fossiles, how many animals and plants became gradually more and more sophisticated. It is true that there are also some animals which showed little or no change for millions of years like termites; but this not evidence against evolution. Such animals where able to survive without change because their environment did not change too, or, in other cases, there was little competition. This happens too, but most existing animals are not so long living on earth. We know pretty well what kind of animals existed 100, 200 oder 300 million years ago and demonstrate, how the different specieses evolved. Whoever denies evolution is a charlatan.
Name: DNA
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 09:27:50 -0700
The discovery of DNA shot down the Theory of Evolution. Charles Darwin had not anticipated DNA. The DNA is the specific blueprint for a specific organism. The DNA of a zebra will never mutate to produce another species. When the cell divides it carries with it the exact replica of the DNA. For those who believe in the Theory of Evolution it demands a faith comparable to a religious belief. To resort to name-calling does not speak well of you whoever you are. Maybe you run out of ideas to present your case.
Name: Theory of Evolution busted
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 09:31:17 -0700
Now scientists have in their hands all the organic molecules they need but nobody has yet able to produce a simple living form out of it.
Name: Evidence for Evolution Theory
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 09:42:03 -0700
Mutations are happening every day and every where. It is just a matter of statistics and may be the ínfluence of mutagenous materials or X-Rays, radiactivity and many more. A zebra exposed to X-rays or radioactivity is very likely to produce mutants. But mutations also happen in any environment from time to time.
Name: To all Evolution Haters!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 09:44:24 -0700
All scientists of the world are behind the Evolution Theory and only a handful of islamists and creationists, who have no scientific knowledge at all, are behind creationism. Show me, who is behind you! You don´t have anything but a few creationistic sites run by a few charlatans!
Name: Variety of living form
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 09:47:15 -0700
A horse can be bred to produce a better horse for example better endurance or faster but it still remains a horse. The same is true for cats, dogs, flowers, fruits, vegetables etc. Now if the Theory of Evolution is true there should be no more one-celled organism today after million of years of evolution but we still have one-celled organisms like the amoeba. Belief in Theory of Evolution demands a faith comparable to a religious belief!
Name: See!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 09:51:04 -0700
You resorted to name-calling, you run out of ideas to present your case! The Theory of Evolution is full of holes!
Name: To adherent of Theory of Evolution
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 09:53:16 -0700
To say that all the world's scientist is behind that theory is a fallacy!
Name: Darwin's Theory of Evolution in Crisis!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:00:00 -0700
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a theory in crisis in light of the tremendous advances we've made in molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics over the past fifty years. We now know that there are in fact tens of thousands of irreducibly complex systems on the cellular level. Specified complexity pervades the microscopic biological world. Molecular biologist Michael Denton wrote, "Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, weighing less than 10-12 grams, each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machinery built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world." [5] And we don't need a microscope to observe irreducible complexity. The eye, the ear and the heart are all examples of irreducible complexity, though they were not recognized as such in Darwin's day. Nevertheless, Darwin confessed, "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." [6]
Name: Darwin admits..
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:02:16 -0700
"To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."
Name: Now who is the charlatan here?
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:07:36 -0700
Now the guy who said, "those who don't believed in the Theory of Evolution should be killed", please present yourself! And also you who called charlatan those who don't believed in the religion called Theory of Evolution!
Name: Katholic Church is embracing Evolutionism!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:17:20 -0700
Creationists are paid by relgious foundations who want to hide the fact that holy scriptures such as the quran are contradicting science and by uneducated religious followers who pay for books they like to read. The evolution theory is nearly 150 years old and no jewish, christian or islamic institution, nor anybody else was ever able to refute it. What if you show us only a single link against the evolution theory that is not influenced by religious fundamentalists! There is not a single one! hehehehe!
Name: Theory of Evolution demands a faith similar to a religion!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:17:26 -0700
Evolution as the core mechanism of biology suffers from some severe drawbacks. There is an overwhelming tendency of organisms to suffer, rather than benefit from mutation. The balance of earth's ecosystems, including the relationships between species, is nearly impossible to explain under evolution's ever-changing view. In reality, evolution is not really different than other philosophical or religious opinions about the origins of life. It seems to be supported by some facts and seems to be refuted by others. There are gaps in the theory that must be filled by "the benefit of the doubt." In religious circles, this is referred to as "faith."
Name: Busted!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:27:47 -0700
If the Theory of Evolution is true is should be named Law of Evolution like Ohm's Law, Law of Gravity, Laws of Thermodynamics etc. but it is not! It is still a theory. A theory full of holes that demands a faith similar to a religion!
Name: To Catholic
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:32:53 -0700
You are fabricating stories because you run out of ideas. You cannot even spell Catholic correctly! Look who's talking of uneducated!
Name: To all Creationistic Charlatans
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:38:35 -0700
Introduction to Evolution... Level of Support for Evolution
Quote: In fact, evolution is being put to practical use in industry and widely used on a daily basis by researchers in medicine, biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics to both formulate hypotheses about biological systems for the purposes of experimental design, as well as to rationalise observed data and prepare applications.[91][92][22][93] In 2007 alone, there were more than 60,000 scientific articles that mentioned 'evolution' listed in Pubmed.[94] Corporations such as pharmaceutical companies utilize biological evolution in their development of new products.[92] Now give me some links for your stupid creationism that is NOT backed by religious fundamentalists or similar charlatans! You can´t!
Name: To above
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:47:33 -0700
Abundance of links does not prove authenticity of your religion called Theory of Evolution. Just as Muslims' claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion does not make it true! Your religion should have been called Law of Evolution like Ohm's Law, Law of Gravity, Laws of Thermodynamics, etc. but it is not. It is still a theory. A theory full of holes!
Name: No evasive Answers please! Just provide a link! You can´t!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:53:35 -0700
You don´t have a single link because no serious scientist would ever provide his name for any of this creationistic obscurantism!
Name: Hey, Creationists! We asked you for only a single link? Where is it???
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 10:57:14 -0700
We did not ask for an abundance of links! We asked for a single one? Did you understand? A single one!!! Where is it??
Name: To the High Priest of Theory of Evolution
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:00:10 -0700
Name: Re: To the High Priest of Theory of Evolution
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:09:18 -0700
Hahahaha! Is THIS your link? Sorry, but I wished a link run by serious scientists and not by a handful of religious fundamentalists!
Name: To High Priest of Theory of Evolution here one more
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:13:54 -0700
Name: To High Priest of Theory of Evolution
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:16:18 -0700
Present your ideas and refute what I had presented!
Name: To High Priest of Theory of Evolution
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:28:13 -0700
Do not assume a scientist is infallible. Take the case of Ptolemy. He propounded the geocentric theory for 1400 years until Copernicus proved him wrong! Even Charles Darwin admits, "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:39:02 -0700
Historian Prof. William D. Rubinstein shares his doubts about the theory of evolution. He raises questions about evolution to which he seeks answers• Evolution appears to be plainly impossible. Animals cannot "evolve" into new and different species. If one breeds cats for a thousand generations, they will still be cats, won't they? They simply will not "evolve" into cats which look like kangaroos and are genetically different from felis domesticus. It simply won't happen• New organs in living bodies must appear fully-formed at once or they can serve no biological purpose and confer no advantage upon that creature. On the other hand, the complexity of most organs would seem to make this impossible. Charles Darwin himself was well-aware of this, and apparently regarded it as the most important criticism of his theory. The example which is always given is the eye: the retina cannot simply appear at one time, the lens a million years later, and the optic nerve a million years thereafter. The entire eye, including it neural connections with the brain and, through it, with an animal's locomotive system, must all have appeared at precisely the same time. The odds against this happening by sheer random chance are incalculably vast, and yet many creatures on different branches of the animal kingdom have "evolved" eyes which function in similar ways - squids, spiders, and humans, for example.
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:43:09 -0700
Romania removes theory of evolution from school curriculum Romania’s withdrawal of the theory of evolution from the school curriculum could be evidence of a growing conservative tendency in The theory of the Origin of Species and the evolution of humans is no longer present in the compulsory curriculum, through a nationwide decision made under the previous Government in 2006 “We don’t teach the theory of evolution anymore,” said one 38 year-old Bucharest-based biology teacher.
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:48:09 -0700
What is intelligent design? Intelligent design refers to a scientific research program as well as a community of scientists, philosophers and other scholars who seek evidence of design in nature. The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection. Through the study and analysis of a system's components, a design theorist is able to determine whether various natural structures are the product of chance, natural law, intelligent design, or some combination thereof. Such research by observing the types of information produced when intelligent agents act. Scientists then seek to find objects which have those same types of informational properties which we commonly know come from intelligence. Intelligent design has applied these scientific methods to detect design in irreducibly complex biological structures, the complex and specified information content in DNA, the life-sustaining physical architecture of the universe, and the geologically rapid origin of biological diversity in the fossil record during the Cambrian explosion approximately 530 million years ago.
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:51:09 -0700
But, as biochemist Michael Behe points out in his book, 'Darwin's Black Box', the most serious flaw in Darwin's Theory is that due to the 'irreducible complexity' associated with the biochemistry at a molecular and cellular level, the theory cannot be applied to the evolution of life at this fundamental level, which implies other factors must be operating in the evolutionary process. 4
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:52:44 -0700
IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY is defined as the base level of complexity below which a system no longer functions. Thus an irreducibly complex system is one comprising several unique interacting components that contribute to the basic function of the 'system' and wherein the removal of just one component renders the whole system no longer functional. An irreducibly complex system cannot 'evolve' by slight, single step successive modifications to a precursor system, because any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a part, is by definition non-functional and as such would have no purpose and presumably could not be the subject of 'natural selection'.5
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:55:10 -0700
"The argument of 'Darwin on Trial' is that we know a great deal less (about evolution) than has been claimed. In particular, we do not know how the immensely complex organ systems of plants and animals could have been created by mindless and purposeless natural processes, as Darwinists say they must have been. Darwinian theory attributes biological complexity to the accumulation of adaptive micro-mutations by natural selection, but the creative power of this hypothetical mechanism has never been demonstrated, and the fossil evidence is inconsistent with the claim that biological creation occurred in that way. The philosophically important part of the Darwinian theory - its mechanism for creating complex things that did not exist before - is therefore not really empirical science at all, but rather a deduction from naturalistic philosophy. In brief, what makes me a "critic of (Darwinian) evolution" is that I distinguish between naturalistic philosophy and empirical science, and oppose the former when it comes cloaked in the authority of the latter." 9
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 11:58:57 -0700
Americas Kansas rejects theory of evolution Opponents of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution have scored a victory in the United States after the board of education in Kansas voted to drop evolution as a subject in the science curriculum. The State School Board approved by six votes to four a new curriculum that eliminates the teaching of evolution.
Name: To all the nameless creationists
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 12:25:02 -0700
All you can is making lengthy statements and pasting without providing any evidence or any links run by serious institutions, scholars and scientists. Please do not believe in creationism! Muslims do such stupid things! The catholic church agrees with the evolution, the chinese communist party, vladimir putin, angela merkel and ALL serious scientists on the whole world. And I am not a high priest!
Name: Two books that shook the world
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 22:18:12 -0700
1) Koran supposedly written by Mohammad. 2) Origin of the Species written by Charles Darwin. The first book the Koran resulted in the political-religious movement called Islam. The second book resulted in the formulation of the Theory of Evolution. Both books have fierce loyal adherents or fanatics. Islam carried religious fervor to the extreme advocating extermination of the competitions. The Theory of Evolution almost resembling a pseudo religion requiring faith hiding in the mask of Science. Both are deadly.
Name: Theory of Evolution is false!
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 23:26:59 -0700
I belong to the anti-Islamic forces and I don't believed in the Theory of Evolution. The Theory of Evolution is what it says a theory. A theory is a conjecture, an educated guess. A theory is not a law like Newton's Law of Motion, Law of Gravity, Ohm's Law, Laws of Thermodynamics, etc. Common sense and logic dictates that the beauty of nature, its delicate balance, the symbioses of the species, the physical forces like electricity, magnetism, gravity etc., obey specific laws that can be analyzed and predicted, the precise movements of heavenly bodies, the intricacies of the designs down to molecular even to atomic level, the unexplained natural phenomena we call paranormal or supernatural like ESP, clairvoyance,etc, cannot be the result of BLIND CHANCE as what this theory suggest. Yet it has fierce adherents or fanatics clinging to a dying theory with fervor similar to a religious belief. Some of these over-eagerly folks here even proposed death penalty to those who don't believe to this dying theory. A zeal no different that of a hardcore Muslim fanatic. Some all-knowing fellows think they have the answers to all the riddles of the universe and yet cannot even properly compose a paragraph let alone understand proper grammar, spelling and punctuations! Others resorted to name-calling and accusations when run out of ideas to present their case! Such is the character or nature of these fanatics of this pseudo religion called Theory of Evolution hiding in the mask of Science! Let the author Charles Darwin, of this theory had said in the end, "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." Our purpose here is to enlighten those who are blinded by false and even dangerous beliefs!
Name: Re: Theory of Evolution is false!
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 00:39:23 -0700
You come "to enlighten those who are blinded by false and even dangerous beliefs!" And you still say evolution is a "dying theory". It is you obviously blinded by your fanatic religious belief, whichever religion that may be, which leads you to draw this conclusion. If you cared to check, if you have the very basic idea of which science is, how many papers are published on evolutionary biology in recent years--you could make this most stupid comment. With DNA technology, the scientific investigation of evolution has progressed in galloping speed in last few decades. It may remain a dream for someone like you to publish scientific paper in top journals like Science and Nature, which indeed is a dream of most scientists in all fields. Papers on evolutionary biology are a regular feature in these highest quality science journals. The evolutionary science is at its heyday today, not dying at all; except to the blindfolded religious fanatics.
Name: To above
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 01:25:21 -0700
Refute the following: 1) IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY is defined as the base level of complexity below which a system no longer functions. Thus an irreducibly complex system is one comprising several unique interacting components that contribute to the basic function of the 'system' and wherein the removal of just one component renders the whole system no longer functional. An irreducibly complex system cannot 'evolve' by slight, single step successive modifications to a precursor system, because any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a part, is by definition non-functional and as such would have no purpose and presumably could not be the subject of 'natural selection 2) DNA the genetic blueprint unique to a specific organism. DNA produce exact copies of itself. If there is a mutation it is a degradation not an improvement. By its unique property of producing exact copies of itself it cannot evolve, e.g. a zebra will continue to reproduce zebras not lions or whatever. 3) Charles Darwin's own statement, "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." Our purpose here is to enlighten those who are blinded by false and even dangerous beliefs!" 4) Evolution as the core mechanism of biology suffers from some severe drawbacks. There is an overwhelming tendency of organisms to suffer, rather than benefit from mutation. The balance of earth's ecosystems, including the relationships between species, is nearly impossible to explain under evolution's ever-changing view. 5) Romania removes theory of evolution from school curriculum Romania’s withdrawal of the theory of evolution from the school curriculum could be evidence of a growing conservative tendency in The theory of the Origin of Species and the evolution of humans is no longer present in the compulsory curriculum, through a nationwide decision made under the previous Government in 2006 “We don’t teach the theory of evolution anymore,” said one 38 year-old Bucharest-based biology teacher. 6) America's Kansas rejects theory of evolution. Opponents of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution have scored a victory in the United States after the board of education in Kansas voted to drop evolution as a subject in the science curriculum. The State School Board approved by six votes to four a new curriculum that eliminates the teaching of evolution. 7)Molecular biologist Michael Denton wrote, "Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, weighing less than 10-12 grams, each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machinery built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world." And we don't need a microscope to observe irreducible complexity. The eye, the ear and the heart are all examples of irreducible complexity, though they were not recognized as such in Darwin's day.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 01:34:43 -0700
Many of the religiously inclined will never accept Evolution , because it debunks the existence of a "god".Science always comes with proof and evolution is a proven fact Now a silly question about zebra not mutating into something else , I ask the simple question : whether Zebras coexisted with Dinosaurs? Why do species come and become extinct over millions of years. This is evolution- species keep evolving over time till the conditions on this Earth is favourable and is able to sustain life. After all Astronomers have predicted the life of our sun to be around 8.5 Billion years and already half its life is over. So in another 4 Billion years or so the sun will have exhaysted its fusion process of hydrogen into helium and other heavier elements and it will expand to become a Red Giant which will envelope all the plkanets and destroy them. This is a scientific fact and no Bible or Quran has any knowledge of this fact. Not only Earth and its nature but the whole Universe is evolving and changing endlessly ,infinitely. And God or Allah or Yahweh are too puny and Earth centric fictional characters of religious charlatans to have anything to do with it! The concept of God is absolute BULLSHIT! Science and facts are different from such puerile trash of religion!
Name: To the High Priest of pseudo religion Theory of Evolution
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 01:38:38 -0700
Continue what you believed in your pseudo-religion called Theory of Evolution masking in Science! It's pointless to argue to a hardcore fanatic. I have one request though, please clean up you vulgar and foul mouth!
Name: To vbv
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 01:45:43 -0700
The Bible was written not as a scientific manual for mankind but as a guide for man's path to righteousness. The Bible has a message for people like you. Please read, Psalm 14:1, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." And please clean up your foul mouth!
Name: is god/allah perfect ???? certainly not !!!!
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 04:03:55 -0700
is god/allah perfect ??? certainly not. why? bcoz : if god is perfect he must be able to do everything 100% ok and perfect every say god/allah made a man and he was he got kids who r again 100% perfect and they again god kids who r again 100% perfect. does this happen today ? no....we can see small children with congenital defects like heart problem down syndrome does this happen if god/allah is 100% perfect ? and he created man from mud/dirt ? this can happen only if there is dna and some time it get mixed up and cause birth defect.since false books bible/koran never mentioned dna it clearly means that god/allah never knew abt dna etc and the books r not true and false.whether evolution or creation since dna details r not in bible/koran it means these books r false. short and sweet. maybe there is a god maybe not, who knows but it is proven that jegova/allah is not real god and the bible/koran r man created error filled books.
Name: future science or spooky stuff ?
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 04:05:19 -0700
A great article straight from the heart.I appreciate your guts to write it.It seems everyone has missed the part where you mentioned cloning. What about those baby which will be cloned? Will it have a soul or will it be without a soul. Will the creator become a servant of the scientist. Will man become God.I think science is about to deliver the final blow to the concept of soul. Point to ponder about. Future science or spooky stuff?
Name: vbv
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 05:32:14 -0700
It is the religiously inclined who are intolerant and wedded to irrationality and stupidity. There is no dogma in evolution ,it is based on science. Religion can only mislead , obfuscate, preach hatred and violence against those who disagree with its dogma. Galileo was imprisoned just because he accepted Copernican theory, his telescope was confiscated by the Church because he was peeping into the "heavens" which was God's Domain ,hence Sacrilege; Edward Beruno was burnt at stake because he was a "heretic". Today the Christian evangelists in America promote similar intolerance. As for Islam it is totally a backward dogma with "Allah" watching over you from the skies to see whether you conform to Muhamad's Diktats or not, preaching absolute hatred of the so-called "Kaffirs", threatening them with dire bloody consequences. What is the reward for being a muslim zealot? A lewd, vulgar paradise in the "hereafter" fit only for the debauching, lewd bedouins. Religions, especially the semetic cults of Islam and Christianity has been responsible for bloody wars and genocides to promote its cult. These are all historical facts. Science has given us all the comforts of modern life: Religion can only make us ride Donkeys, Bullock Carts, and wallow in miserable conditions, while the priveleged few will be exploiting the rest of us "putting the fear of God" to perpetuate their vulgar greed ,power and ill-gotten pelf! Scientists are noble and they are intellectuals worthy of respect ,not the filthy godmen, priests, imams , mullahs, swamis, gurus, etc. the whole lot of frauds. Scientists are the reasons for our economic and social progress and knowledge and the real truth about this Universe. Religion cannot compete with science in these areas, religion only promotes dogma, ignorance, superstitions and fear of the unknown which these religious men and women exploit to the hilt for power and pelf! Science is not dogmatic about evolution , science always strives for Truth, and if a better facts are found by scientists ,they would definitely discard evolution; but as of now that seems impossible: for science is also ever evolving entering new fields of Knowledge; while religion is stagnant, inflexible and bigoted! Religion is false as it is based on the "revelations" of the so-called prophets/godmen/priests/gurus etc, which no one can be a privy to! So religionists not only have to wash their decayed mouths but also clean their brains which has a lot of garbage of religious Dogma!
Name: caleb singh
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 06:37:59 -0700
the islamist is blindly pedaling the trash of stupid science of the islamist harun yahya who has been throughly debunked by richard dwakins this yahya fellow has no credibility at all among scientific circles they all dismiss him a pedlar of islamic trash science
Name: milsum
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 09:36:15 -0700
Allah does not have control over humans but it is human that can control his self,,,,right? then who controls the space, the universe outside the milky way, you....a human? air could not be seen but it exists, if you don't belief you are an idiot. Are Humans so powerful to control a body then why can't they produce one baby without sex? “There is no God. Science has disproved God. To me that just really misunderstands the nature of science, because if what we're trying to do is explain the natural world using natural causes, and if, in explaining the natural world, we have to test our explanations against the natural world, that means that we are restricted to natural cause. We cannot introduce the idea of supernatural cause, which also means we can't say God didn't do it.” - Eugenie Scott
Name: lw1
Date: Friday September 26, 2008
Time: 11:40:16 -0700
Evolution in Islam.--In Leicester, England an Imam has allowed a blind muslim student to bring his guide-dog into the mosque. Dog is Haram according to Islam.
Name: Re: milsum
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 01:50:36 -0700
You seem to be ignorant. Allah controls everything in the universe, including every human actions. Allah is candeed about it. For example, Allah says in the Quran: ---Allah has sickened their hearts. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. 2:10 ---- Allah has blinded the disbelievers. 2:17-18 --- Allah seals the heart of disbelievers. (And then he burns them in the Fire.) 30:59
Name: Re: Is God...
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 06:40:59 -0700
Man is endowed with freewill. He is free to do good or evil. Man choose the path of disobedience. As a result the world is under a CURSE, death, diseases and decay. All the world's miseries result from man's own doing. Man's inhumanity to man resulted in untold human sufferings.
Name: To vbv
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 20:57:12 -0700
You seems to know or pretend to know all the riddles of the universe! Here is a simple question I'll bet you will never answer the rest of your life: "Which comes first the chicken or the egg?" All die hard evolutionists are also invited to answer this very simple question!
Name: To vbv
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 21:01:41 -0700
Your pretense of great knowledge is comparable to a little child in a seashore who digs a hole in the sand and attempts to transfer all of the sea into his little hole in the sand! You will never fathom the mystery of God!
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 21:43:56 -0700
I have no pretension of having any great 'knowledge" about everything. But I certainly see the wisdom of believing science and scientific facts as a layman. God is a nonsense , simply because there is no proof of his existence. I can also ask you a simple question: who created God? then who created the "creator" of that God , and so on ad infinitum? If God created the Heavens for himself ,where did he subsist/exist before that in the absense of space/time? So God, if he exists, is also bound by space and time.So this God has "his" limitations. So God was a male, since Bible and Quran always refer to that fictional character as "HE" /"HIM" ,etc. So he was a superman - why can't God be a Super Dinosaur? Why does God have a gender? God is a Male , a misogynist, a narrow minded, bullying ,selfish ,savage ,vengeful ,monstrous creature : this is what we can garner from the reading of Quran or the Bible. Do you have any anwers for that?? Ibet you will obfuscate and try to confuse me , but be assured I a will not be confused by you try what you will with your "chiken and egg" chicanry!
Name: To vbv
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 22:13:37 -0700
By definition, something must be eternal (as we have “something” today and something cannot come from “nothing”, so there was never a time when there was “nothing”). Either the universe itself is eternal, or something/someone outside of and greater than the universe is eternal. We know that the universe is not eternal, it had a beginning (as evidenced by its expansion). Therefore, God (the something/someone outside of the universe) must exist and must have created the universe. Einstein showed that space and time are related. If there is no space there is no time. Before the universe was created there was no space and therefore no concept of time. This is hard for us to understand as we are space-time creatures, but it allows for God to be an eternal being, completely consistent with scientific laws. The question “who created God” is therefore an improper/invalid question, as it is a time-based question (concerning the point in time at which God came into existence) but God exists outside of time as the un-caused first cause.
Name: To vbv
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 22:16:30 -0700
You have no answer to the simple question "Which comes first the chicken or the egg."
Name: To vbv
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 22:20:21 -0700
That question is not a deception or a trick! It is a plain and simple question nobody has the right answer. You simply evade the question!
Name: To vbv
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 23:48:20 -0700
Since you are an evolutionist please answer this question: "Why there is still one-celled organism in existence today despite millions of years of evolution?"
Name: To vbv
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 00:13:47 -0700
God (not fake god Allah!) is not vengeful, monstrous, savage, selfish, narrow-minded as what you believed. Read Psalm 136:26, "O give thanks to the God of heaven: for his mercy endures for ever." Deuteronomy 7:9, "Know therefore that the LORD your God, he is God, the faithful God, which keeps covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;" Micah 7:18, "Who is a God like to you, that pardons iniquity, and passes by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retains not his anger for ever, because he delights in mercy." Hosea 12:6, "Therefore turn you to your God: keep mercy and judgment and wait on your God continually.", 1John 4:7, "Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.", 1John 3:10, "In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whoever does not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loves not his brother.", 1John 4:8, "He that loves not knows not God; for God is love."
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 01:33:49 -0700
Why there are still one celled organisms and why they have not evolved? That is your question. I am not a biologist . Someone like Prof. Richard Dawkins , who is a trained Biologist, can answer that question appropriately. But as alayman I can infer only this: Since the Earth cooled off 600 millions years back ,the environment was becoming suitable for "life" ,so chemicals in due process combined to for what we call DNA and formation of cells- a countless myriad of them. It is not "Adam and Eve" of cells, mind you. Some combined to form complex organism , some did not, mutation was not absolute. Some progressed up to a certain point and some evolved much further and we are a product of such permutation and combination.We still have amoebas for 500 millions of years or so . Modern homo sapiens are not even 100,000 years old. We have had Homo erectus some 3.5 million years back - evidences are there in fossil records as deduced by scientists. Why did they disappear? While we still have cockroaches , grasshopers,bugs , centipedes , millipedes ,etc which have not evolved in a major way over 300 million years. Horses have evolved from the primitive hyracothiem to mesohippus... to modern horse. So also elephants' evolution has been traced to a primitive cousin of the modern elephants called moeritherim whic existed some 40 million years ago. Mustadons, the Woolly Mammoths are became extinct between 10000 to 20000 years back due to human s hunting them down and also due to climatic change : the end of the ice age some 20,000 years ago.Proofs and scientific facts are too many and encyclopediac to be highlighted in a short posting here. What is the proof of God and his "creation" : NONE , just stories from the so-called scriptures . Religion means stagnation , backwardness, superstition , fear of the unknown , false promises of a "Hereafter" which is just BOGUS. Science gave us modern comforts, aeroplanes, cars, gadgets of communocation,computers, internet ,economic progress to all without discrimination, science is above all race,creed or cult . Science is knowledge and progress: the antithesis of "religion". We will be riding Donkeys, horses, bullock carts, and leading a primitive existence of intolerance and bigotry if religion was allowed to prevail over science. Scientists are non-violent and Noble ,which you cannot say for religious leaders who are power hungry monsters who relish subjugating the masses under them to have unquestioned authority and unlimited pelf ,self aggrandising and ruthless in maltreating their "subjects".You can see this in any 'theocratic state ,be it Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Afghanistan under the Talibans , especially all islamic states professing 'Sharia' ; nd for history you can see the role played by the Christian Church in engendering wars to have power and control over the kings. Had not Henry VIII asserted his authority and weakened the Church's authority , they could have stalled Newton,Kepler,etc. and we would be centuries behind today with TV, Automobiles, mobilephones,computers,etc sill undinvented. Morality doesn't come from religion as the monstrous,arrogant religious heads themselves are the most corrupt and a moral hazard to the Society.There are umpteen number of evidences in history and the worst of them was probably Muhamad the founder of the cult of Islam - the most backward and destructive cult of all time!
Name: T vbv
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 02:22:56 -0700
You assume that chemicals combine by themselves since nobody was there to have witnessed it. The amazing thing is chemicals or more accurately nonliving amino acids joined by themselves to form organic proteins without human inter-action to form the genetic code DNA, a mind-boggling blueprint for any organism is to say belongs to the realm called miraculous or impossible! I might say Mr vbv that no scientist living today with all the ingredients (amino acids, organic proteins) available in the laboratory and all the technology available today, can concoct them to produce a DNA that will make even a single simple one-celled organism! Just think nobody was there when the earth began to cool and yet you believed that somehow these chemicals joined by themselves and formed the first DNA and yet today with abundance of intelligent minds nobody in the most advance laboratories can do it? This is my second question: Why no scientist with all the technology at his disposal and with a firm understanding of the genetic code DNA can make the necessary combinations of amino acids to organic acids to a living single-celled living entity?
Name: To vbv
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 02:32:09 -0700
The truth is amino acids will never formed by themselves to create organic proteins which in turn create the immensely complex genetic code DNA to create even the simplest of life, the one-celled organism! That's why belief in the Theory of Evolution requires a faith akin to a religious belief!
Name: To vbv
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 03:25:09 -0700
You praise man for such invention as airplane, cars, etc. But remember before man build the first airplane he was amazed at the grace, the agility and the ease with which birds fly. It was the birds that inspire man to build the airplane! Before man knows anything about aerodynamics birds already solved them! Before man invents GPS birds had been crossing continents during migration and return to their nests with such accurate navigation that even today scientist only guess how birds do it! Before man invented radar bats were already flying in total darkness using echo-location that is the principle of radar! Dolphins and whales also navigate around the world using echo-location! Do you know that the fastest production car was beaten by a cheetah in a 100-meter race! Even the most powerful computer today is no match to the 1.5 kg 100 billion-neuron brain! Why? Because the human brain designed them! Man had harnessed the nuclear energy but before man ever existed nuclear energy were the process responsible inside stars as well as our own star, the sun! Today's designer get their inspiration from nature!
Name: To vbv
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 03:31:06 -0700
Here is some facts to ponder: Cheetah, member of the cat family, and one of the fastest land animals in the world. A cheetah can accelerate to a running speed of more than 97 km/h (60 mph) in just two to three seconds, sustaining that speed for up to 300 m (1,000 ft).
Name: To vbv
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 03:44:29 -0700
Here is something to think about: Ecclesistes 1:9, "The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
Name: soul exists but that is not as proclaimed by the religions of desert
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 04:12:05 -0700
soul exists but tthat is not as proclaimed byt he religions of desert.One can easily and conciously obsereve soul during mediataition.///see this///
Name: The soul that sins, it shall die
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 07:53:41 -0700
Ezekiel 18:4, "Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sins, it shall die."
Name: Body and soul
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 07:56:25 -0700
Matthew 10:28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."