Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

How Many Gods are There? Allah Says Many!

Muslims brag that they believe in one God! But is it really true? Why Allah Himself emphatically admitted in the Holy Quran (37:125; 23:72) about the existence of different Gods?

Islam claims to be a monotheistic belief system! The basic ‘mantra’ of Islam is that there is one God! The Kalima Tyyaba, the Muslim profession of faith, says: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.”

This is the basic teaching of Islam. According to this Islamic 'mantra’ there is only one God, who is Allah. In fact, Islam does not recognize any other God or Gods, period. That is the basic reason why the puritan Muslims do not respect any other religion and entertain the desire to eliminate all other creeds and establish Islam as the sole religion on Earth, which belongs to Allah alone. At least, this is what most pukka (real) Muslims (the al-Qaeda Jihadis) do believe!

This is the main reason why Muslims in the West can never integrate with the culture of their host nation. This is the basic reason why Muslims are causing troubles in almost every country on earth. In fact, Muslims in the western societies are basically a cancerous element in the cultural mix of any host nation. Truly speaking, pure Muslims (Jihadi varieties) can not mix with the gullible Muslims or general public even in their country of birthPakistan, Bangladesh, Algeria and Indonesia, for example.

For the same reason, Prophet of Islam had declared war against the polytheists of his birthplace and relentlessly fought at least 78 battles killing thousands of infidels and enslaved thousands of their men, women and children. Only crime those poor infidels had committed was their belief systems in polytheistic and other non-Islamic religions.

Muhammad forced them to believe in one sole God, namely Allah and None else! As per this belief system of Prophet Muhammad—there isn't a God other than Allah. Another verse in the Quran says:

3:18: There is no god but He…!

According to this verse alone, again we are to believe that Islamic basic teaching is just one God—which is Allah!

Surprisingly, however, one can find some Quranic verses which are telling the different story altogether! Let’s examine the following two verses:

Will ye call upon Baal and forsake the Best of Creators, [Quran: 37:125, Yusuf Ali]

Or is it that thou askest them for some recompense? But the recompense of thy Lord is best: He is the Best of those who give sustenance. [Quran: 23:72, Yusuf Ali]

In these two verses, Allah tells a different story. “Best of creators” means one creator who is better than some other creators. Therefore, Muslims believe there are multiple creators; Allah being the best of them all—whom Muslims must worship.

Similarly, “Best of those who give sustenance” means Allah is best giver of sustenance than the other Gods. In other words, Allah can give better nourishment or better livelihoods than the other Gods out there. Therefore, Muslims should worship to Allah alone, who can offer them the best of goodies. Allah is like a politician, who urges voters to give their allegiance to him offering them the best of goodies, if chosen.

In the above two Quranic verses Allah clearly admits the existence of multiple Gods; He being best of Them. Therefore, the Muslim claim that there is only one God is false and ridiculous in the least. Allah himself refutes this uneducated claim of Muslims.

Baal, the Moon God, whom Pagans used to worship was also another God but less powerful, weak and imperfect than Allah - may be! All those 360 idols kept in the Ka'ba and later destroyed by the Prophet of Islam, were also Gods of some quality, although inferior or less powerful than Allah.

The million dollar question is why then Allah called Pagans nonbelievers who may have believed in BAAL the Moon-God, or in other 360 different Gods?

Was Allah lying to Muslims? Why Allah asked Muslims (in Quran) to kill others who did not believe in Islam?

Could any Islamic scholar explain this Islamic puzzle?

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Syed Kamran Mirza is the author of Roots of Terrorism in Islam. He has also contributed in Beyond Jihad — Critical Voices from Inside Islam and Leaving Islam — Apostates Speaks Out. He can be contacted at


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Name: Monotheism is - what?
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 01:41:02 -0700


It´s a fool who thinks that we can count how many gods are out there! One. two, tree or four? Is it really that easy?

Name: moderationist
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 05:16:42 -0700


More proof that Allah is a false pagan moon rock god

Name: How many Allahs?
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 06:34:55 -0700


There are many places in the quran where "Allah" says "we" when talking about himself! While muslims are explaining this as an arabic habit, it still sounds strange to me since it may very well cause misunderstandings. Remember: Polytheism is the worst sin from islamic point of view!

Name: luc
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 06:48:31 -0700


So what are trying to say about Kamran , that he is an ex fool, claiming to be an author by fooling the poor Kafirs.

Name: akhter
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 07:10:06 -0700


The cultist , the most racist person on this website, the owner a pale face Hindu with a fake Muslim name is such a coward, and is afraid of dark so much that he leaves his Mrs alone as he is useless down there and sleeps with his mother. 

Name: Seek Truth and You Shall Find God
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 07:59:15 -0700


The Buddhists believe that God exists within the human heart and that realization of God exists within all of us. This isn't a God one prays to, but a God that gives our soul a mission of COMPASSION in life. God is LOVE. If Allah isn't LOVE, than Allah isn't God. This truth is simple and not complex. This realization of God comes from NIRVANA or the highest form of consciousness on EARTH. This is GOD.

Name: moderationist
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 08:04:30 -0700


If one has to commit suicide while murdering others to please Allah, is proof that Allah is a false god.

Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 08:06:13 -0700


you can keep this load of chaka chuck to your self,whoever budah phudha you are God with in yourself, go get to sleep in your temple.

Name: caleb singh
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 08:35:10 -0700


why is the lunar cresent present in almost all islamic countries flag further refferences

Name: mark from england
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 08:38:59 -0700


Praise God for your truth regarding Islam. I worked witha muslim Doctor and he was a hard liner for islam. He slagged my faith big time and showed no respect for my love for God. I pray to Yahweh for his heart to be changed and his veil removed from the chains of religion that bind him and millions of other lost souls. Keep up the good work my brother

Name: yeah it has become more vivid that pre-islamic religion in arabia
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 09:41:26 -0700


yeah it has become more vivid that pre-islamic religion in arabia is shaivism .Shiva is worshipped in rock square or elliptical form which is the shape of soul seen during deep meditation. moon is assumed as ornamnent of shiva.hahaa.....poor muslims do not know this

Name: :to aktar .
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 09:44:30 -0700


Aktar has shown his animal mind which Mo had.I.e slepping with daughter in law.The one which is followed widely by muslim faher in laws.These amoral activites are indused in Islamists alias Mohammadians due to mad and maniac MO.

Name: Evolutionist
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 10:00:13 -0700


Mind shrinking Creationism sucks. Evolution rocks. Bible and Quran are just literary entertainment, nothing more.

Name: Monotheism is - why?
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 12:52:11 -0700


There is no way to find evidence for or against monotheism nor is there any substantial need for it for our daily life. In my view this (mono-, poly- or any else -ism) is only a definiion made by humans and the truth has nothing elementary to do with it. And there are much more important subects with much more practical value than the question how many gods there are.

Name: Naieem
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 16:52:42 -0700


My god you are thick, good thing you've left islam, thank the lord. Obviously you have read the quran with an anti islamic intention, but your argument is so pathetic that it wouldnt make a blind bit of difference in even answering you because it is obvious out of your 2 brain-cells one is on vacation

Name: Reply to godless people are easily fooled by ex-Muslims
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 21:31:51 -0700


The evidence for a cult of a moon/war god in Southern Arabia immediately prior to the invention of Mohammedanism was generally accepted on archaeological grounds until questioned by a few revisionist scholars. Claims to have refuted Morey's thesis by Mohammedan apologists (they may think of themselves as scholars but are in fact incapable of original research) have been overtaken by further investigation of the evidence by genuine western scholars which reinforces the original theory of a moon/war god cult.see:

Name: Ananda
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 21:34:34 -0700


Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 264:---- Narrated Al-Bara bin Azib:---- Allah's Apostle sent a group of Ansari men to kill Abu-Rafi. One of them set out and entered their (i.e. the enemies) fort. That man said, "I hid myself in a stable for their animals. They closed the fort gate. Later they lost a donkey of theirs, so they went out in its search. I, too, went out along with them, pretending to look for it. They found the donkey and entered their fort. And I, too, entered along with them. They closed the gate of the fort at night, and kept its keys in a small window where I could see them. When those people slept, I took the keys and opened the gate of the fort and came upon Abu Rafi and said, 'O Abu Rafi. When he replied me, I proceeded towards the voice and hit him. He shouted and I came out to come back, pretending to be a helper. I said, 'O Abu Rafi, changing the tone of my voice. He asked me, 'What do you want; woe to your mother?' I asked him, 'What has happened to you?' He said, 'I don't know who came to me and hit me.' Then I drove my sword into his belly and pushed it forcibly till it touched the bone. Then I came out, filled with puzzlement and went towards a ladder of theirs in order to get down but I fell down and sprained my foot. I came to my companions and said, 'I will not leave till I hear the wailing of the women.' So, I did not leave till I heard the women bewailing Abu Rafi, the merchant pf Hijaz. Then I got up, feeling no ailment, (and we proceeded) till we came upon the Prophet and informed him."---- ALL Muslims, including allah & muhammad, have no compunction about lying.

Name: Re: Godless people are easily fooled by ex Muslims!
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 22:19:26 -0700


I've always doubted the Christian claim that Allah was the moon god Ilah. The moon is a female symbol and moon gods are, likewise, usually female. Moreover, it's painfully obvious that Yahweh was the inspiration for Allah. Mohamed borrowed from Christian and Jewish tradition to come up with his Allah. Islam plainly says that they're the same god. I think this theory became popular because Christians don't want to admit that Allah is the same as their Old Testament god, albeit on steroids.

Name: Hey Akhter
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 22:51:51 -0700


Islam had a violent birth so will be its death. Just mark time and wait for your end.

Name: Allah is supposed to be unfair - blaspehmy or not?
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 00:57:21 -0700


Imagine that there is Allah always looking at us and always becoming angry when watching people not observing the prayer times and - even much worse - believing that there is yet another god or even more! And then he is happy to punish such people by throwing them into hell. However, even muslims cannot read or even understand the quran, they totally rely on what the ulemas tell them, while there are billions of non-muslims who never have any contact to islam. This is so unfair, thus, muslims believe that Allah is unfair! But this is blasphemy, isn´t it? This is how muslims imagine Allah and this is

Name: Allah is supposed to teach wrong things - is he evil?
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 02:07:32 -0700


There are so many false allegations in the quran, errors concerning logic, mathematics, science, history and common sense. Thus, there are only two possible solutions: 1. The quran is not written by god, thus, we must regard the quran and all the islam as blasphemics. 2. Allah is a lying god, teaching wrong things to keep people stupid. This would mean that Allah aka god is evil and all his followers are evil too. Now you have the choice: Leave islam or go on following an evil cult!

Name: caleb singh
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 02:32:18 -0700


to hell with quran s origin why would the supreme almighty give a revelation through this chain allah-gibreel-mohammed-receiters who wrote on rocks,stones and bones-abu zaid(compiler)-uthman(grand editor).the divine chain should be god -direct to source all hadiths are redacted stories 300 years after muhammeds death. out of 600,000 hadiths -593,000 hadiths are considered false by muslim sources where is the integrity for relying on this material archaeological evidence totally discredits the qibla direction and mecca as place of importance in regarding abraham relics or abraham building such a thing earliest manuscript of koran-the kufic and samarkand codex& yemen leaves at odds with modern day quran early evidence of quran as muslims ultimate word of god not crystalised until 1000 ad mohammed as supreme source of islam not mentioned in archeological discoveries of 630 to 700 ad all these things add up to prove the faking of quran and islam

Name: vbv.
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 02:34:27 -0700


Allah is a bullshit , so are also other Gods/God. It is a trick played by conmen exploiting the insecurities and mental frailities of humans with a reward of a 'better hereafter' after one dies subject to the condition of absolute and unquestioning surrender to these 'conmen' who call themselves "Prophets" hearing voices in the ir halluciniated condition, which is rather contrived and conceited to capture absolute power and pelf in the name of a nonexisting "creator". These conmen who call themseles 'prophets', godmen,saints,etc are the most wicked and intolerant bigots ever cnning people and making an easy living and indulging in all their lewd pastimes ,of which Muhamad the fake 'prophet of islam typifies. Damn these punks , bastards, sons of bitches , who have led to so much turmoil , violence and human tragedy ,promoting their cult of death and disaster, cult of backwardness and superstition,cult of misery and fear - all of which typifies "Islam". Islam is the only cult ,just like a mafia criminal cult, prescribing death for those who apostate. It is the only cultwhere life is "cheap" ,valueless, and it is the only cult which enjoins its followers to "LIE" through their teeth to 'capture' more adherents and promote its miserable idealogy. It is fascist and totalitarian with the populace in the grips of wiked 'Mullahs',Imams ,etc who dictate everything to the hapless populace in their greed for power and pelf without putting in an honest day's labor. So , does it really matter if there is only one god or many , when religion/creed/cult is the bane of humanity!

Name: Dev: Probable mechanics after death (Holy Muslims must read!)
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 02:50:24 -0700


Holy Muslims keeps on talking about prepare for death but ‘do you really know what’s on the other side’? Let me try to explain the probable mechanism’ you can choose to disagree. As far as reason and logic is concerned I think existence with a body is a better situation then existence without a body. If say you are a driver and your body is a car then going around in car is better than going by walking. If body is not a better state of existence than evolution will not be wasting its millions of years in forming better body and brain, everyone could have stayed in the form of spirit/light and get everything. There must be some constraints in the spiritual state which can only be overcome by a body; I think the most logical thing which can only be done by having a body is communication with other spirits and assessing the environment by brain power. When you are dreaming there is no one inside you, everything is happening in you, experiences and emotional interaction of external world are projecting in you and you are God of this inside world because you are playing from all sides.

Name: Dev
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 02:51:01 -0700


As communication with other spirits is possible with body only, so we quickly use our body and brain to establish the hierarchy in external world. But doesn’t matter if you are considered God or Christ or Mohammad in external world, in the final journey, everyone is alone. Only food you have for this journey is your emotional memories, which will manifest as dreams in you, whenever your sprit is simulated by stimulant present in the external environment. But you can only dream about what your experiences where all your life, if right now you hate infidels and have a grudge to kill them, then in your dream as well there could be a scenario that “an infidel came before you and you run after him with a sword, you are running and running and suddenly you don’t know who is chasing and who is being chased” because the external brain to distinguish a logical situation is outside, its your dream, its happening inside you and also you got no way to figure out that it’s a dream, because from perspective of inside there is no outside, the whole world is playing inside you. Right now if you have a bad dream like this, you can wake up because you got a body to wake up and then a brain on the top to make you understand that, it was just a dream!!

Name: allah and the christian God cannot be the same
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 09:09:04 -0700


Muslims take great pride in believing that they are the only pure monotheists in the world and all the rest have deviated from pure monotheism. However the closeness of a religion to the truth does not rest only with belief in one God. Even if we agree that when muslims refer to Allah they are refering to the Almighty , the same God of JEsus, there must then be similarity in the messages of Jesus and Muhamed as according to the muslims they were both messengers of the same God. The message given by Jesus is starkly different from the one given by muhamed. They are as different as chalk and cheese. It is because of these differences that we christians do not believe that Allah is the same God as the God of the christians. This is what Allah says to Muhamed Sura (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" So according to quran allah is a god who terrorises. Jesus speaks of a compassionate God who answers prayers and gives refuge to those in need. Also quran says that allah is a deciever but God in christianity is a truthful God. Never in the bible does God encourage violence to convert people to judaism or christianity. But allah in the quran and hadith specifically allows muslims to use violence and coercion to convert non muslims to islam. Sura (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." If allah and the God of the christians were the same God there would have been similaririties in the messages. But the messages are entirely different. See what Jesus has to say: Gospel of Matthew 5 "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[g] 39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. Love for Enemies 43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[h] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[i] and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Because the messages are so different we christians can never believe that allah and the christian God are the same even if both terms mean The Almighty.

Name: Mo' Money Mo' Murder
Date: Thursday August 28, 2008
Time: 01:47:32 -0700


Mohammed himself admitted to the existence of other gods in the satanic verses (though of course muslims deny it ever happened)

 Koran 53:19-22 Near it is the Garden of Abode. Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong! For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest! Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza, And another, the third (goddess), Manat? Removed verse :These are the exalted cranes (intermediaries) Whose intercession is to be hoped for.

 Tabari VI:107 "Satan Cast a False Qur'an Revelation on the Messenger of Allah's Tongue."

Tabari VI:110 "When Muhammad brought a revelation from Allah canceling what Satan had cast on the tongue of His Prophet, the Quraysh said, 'Muhammad has repented of what he said concerning the position of our gods with Allah."

 Tabari VI:110 "Thus Allah removed the sorrow from his Messenger, reassured him about that which he had feared, and cancelled the words which Satan had cast on his tongue, that their gods were exalted high-flying cranes (goddesses) whose intercession was accepted with approval . He now revealed, following the mention of 'Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat,' the words: 'are yours the males and his the females? That indeed is an unfair division!"

Koran 022.052 Never sent We a messenger or a prophet before thee but when He recited (the message) Satan proposed (opposition) in respect of that which he recited thereof. But Allah abolisheth that which Satan proposeth. Then Allah establisheth His revelations. Allah is Knower, Wise;

Ishaq:166 "'You have recited to the people that which I did not bring to you from Allah, and you have said that which He did not say to you.' The Messenger was grieved and feared Allah greatly. So Allah sent a revelation to him, consoling him and making light of the affair [of worldly bargains and Satanic indulgences]. He informed him that there had never been a prophet or messenger before who desired as he desired and wished as he wished but that Satan had cast words into his recitation, as he had interjected them on Muhammad's tongue and into his desires."

Ishaq:166 "Then Allah annulled what Satan had cast, and established his verses by telling him that he was like other prophets and messengers. Every Messenger or Prophet before you recited the message Satan cast into his recitation. Allah abrogates what Satan casts. Then Allah established his verses.'"

Name: vbv
Date: Thursday August 28, 2008
Time: 03:37:13 -0700


Monotheist God is a stupid concept. Take Yahweh/Jehowa/Allah - have they ever come to rescue any innocent sufferer? No they only want blind belief and submission to their evil Diktats. They would say - "Believe me and you are in Heaven/Paradise/Jannah or else I shall shove you into the ever-blazing Hell/Jahanum forever" . Now this is very puerile,childish! It is even an insult to a child - it is sheer insanity! None of these monotheist gods come as saviour/protector and deliverer of an innocent person in their mundane existence on this planet Earth. They are narcissistic , want to be praised by the gullible lest they be thrown to the Hell in the "Hereafter". The Universe is so huge ,complex and illimitable, and yet we have these monotheist god peering down on this small insignificant planet in a remote corner of our Milky Way Galaxy craving for adulation, being pettyminded ,unforgiving to those who ignore them ,having all the weaknesses of several humans together, and yet we are to believe in the infallibilty of their"words"(which are actually the words put in their mouths by their founders ,be it Muhamad,Moses or Abraham! For these gods are fictional characters, nothing more!) These Gods are blissfully ignorant about our Cosmos - they have no idea of our Universe or our Galaxy , and there are billions of Galaxies and countless trillions of Stars and infinite number of planets ! These gods are Earth-centric. Why? Because the creators of these Gods lived in a primitive age when science and knowledge was either absent or in its very early infancy-stage!Therefore these gods have no relevence at all to the modern world ,which is all about peace,progress and prosperity and also understanding our mother-nature from which we draw our sustenance and to which we owe our existence! In the 21st century , when humans have progreesed so much in the frontiers of knowledge and science , it is time that we rubbish religion/creed/cult ,especially the monotheistic ones which are the most violent and intolerant ones, and consign them to the dustbins of history as just bad dreams or plain human stupidity!

Name: The Qur'an containing "we"
Date: Thursday August 28, 2008
Time: 12:20:12 -0700


<<<< There are many places in the quran where "Allah" says "we" when talking about himself! While muslims are explaining this as an arabic habit, it still sounds strange to me since it may very well cause misunderstandings. Remember: Polytheism is the worst sin from Islamic point of view! >>>> The "we" in the Qur'an refers not only to Allah (swt), but the obedient, wonderful angels that he has created, like Jibril (Archangel Gabriel) etc. If you had read the stories explaining the Heavens in levels and the trip to the seventh heaven you would understand that there is more than Allah (swt) dwelling there, not necessarily saying that the others are Gods.Oh, and I have a tip for you. No scholar would waste his/her time explaining things to you. You are too ignorant and impertinent to handle a decent conversation about Islam. Another tip: Instead of asking for a scholar to visit your sites (when they are so many others), why don't you visit one in a prominent Islamic university in a good Muslim country (if you don't know Arabic, get a translator). Many Christians or Atheists who are intelligent scientist do that to expand their knowledge in the correct way, why don’t you? Of course I will hear and listen to your ridicule to this religion, like so many others do to other religions. Religions always has believers and nonbelievers, it a fact. I will say that my knowledge in Islam isn't as big or good as others, but is a bit more than many. I always have an open mind to opinions. Thanks for reading.

Name: sultan
Date: Friday August 29, 2008
Time: 00:12:59 -0700


Reading this post was an exhausting task. Much like what a body goes through at the of the day when you do too much physical work! So we say the Holy Qura'n is false? (Well so far that seems to be popular belief in this post!) We (humans) can deny everything and Yet we NO ONE can say for sure what will happen when you die tomorrow? Anyone who chooses to rid his/her mind of mental personal bais may understand one another otherwise we will run in different directions (like in this post!). This post is like an idiom "I thought he said she was a he!"; To live this day an age and deny the fact that there is a Supreme Being (look at our Universe!), an intelligent design is at work! Name it what you must to justify it to yourself! Facts can not be changed! Every Religion in the world in one shape or form or another believes in a Higher Being. In a Muslim (my case) we call HIM ALLAH (THE ALMIGHTY), In Christianity God and Judiasm same! So, it does not matter where you grab your nose from! So if this world and everything that contains in it is an accident, then this a very ACCURATE accident! SO GROW UP AND LEARN THE FACTS EVERYONE! IF YOU DIE TOMORROW NO ONE WILL HAVE TO TAKE A STAND OTHER THEN YOUR OWN SELF! WHO WILL YOU BLAIM THEN? PEOPLE THAT LEAD YOU ASTRAY? MAYBE IT WAS THE MUSLIM LOOKING GUY NEXT DOOR? MAYBE IT WAS A BLACK PERSON? MAY BE IT WAS???? THEN YOU WILL FIND OUT WHAT IS THE TRUTH ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT, SO LETS ALL WAIT AROUND AND SEE WHEN THE LAST HOUR IS! I AM WORKING ON MY ALIBI WHATS YOUR? SEE YOU AT THAT DAY! INSHALL'AH

Name: Lyght
Date: Friday August 29, 2008
Time: 05:59:35 -0700


Are you stupid? By "best of Creators", it doesn't only pretain to Gods. It means that of ANY being, God (Allah), is the best creator. And of sustenance, God is the best sustenance out of ALL beings. The way you wrote your article really sounded like it was written by a 12 year old. I laughed.

Name: David
Date: Friday August 29, 2008
Time: 21:21:49 -0700


When I was a kid if you asked the satanists if they worshipped allah they would say "I'm not a muslim but I worship allah." There was a lot of devil worship and occultism where I grew up.

Name: gourav
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 00:29:30 -0700


Sir i am a hindu and salute your courage to debate about islam. which not many muslims do. I see muslims as highly religios people and some of who are doing only what is written in their holy book(kill all infedels) which in current senario is terrorism and not jihad and should be stoped.

Name: Mo' Money Mo' Murder
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 01:50:40 -0700


Mo even sacrificed a sheep to a pagan diety when he was a kid according to the book of idols Pg 17 THE BOOK OF IDOLS, THE KITAB AL-ASNAM,BY HISHAM IBN-AL-KALBI “We have been told that the Apostle of God once mentioned al-Uzza saying, "I have offered a white sheep to al-'Uzza, while I was a follower of the religion of my people.” though ofcourse im surem uslims would say that this is an "unreliable" source. Mohammed was raised a pagan, his uncle was the keeper of the Kaaba and his father was a pagan called Abdullah (slave of allah) something which muslims still call themselves today. Muslims dont realise that polythiests used the word allah to refer to the head pagan diety hundreds of years before islam.

Name: HOLY habits of Holy Islam Prophet..
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 08:45:08 -0700


Some Muslims please tell me ." WHY Muhammad rape 8-yr old child" It's Allah will or It's Muhammad sex-Maniac Madness.. Allah teach you to have sex with 8 yr old girl...Is that your GOD??? Please some muslims tell me the HOLY Purpose of Sex with 8 years old child.....Holy of Holiness Muhammad Pedophile Action, what an Awesome Psycho Prophet :P

Name: the GOD of allah
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 09:06:25 -0700


JEHOVAH is the GOD of allh ....Forever ...It cannot be changed by Muhammad or Qua'ran....JEHOVAH is Forever Living GOD, Allah is Something Unknown Alien god..

Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 10:49:54 -0700


When a verse is taken out of context you can convince others of an alternate meaning. To simplify and clarify your statement, Allah has many attributes (The Merciful, The Forgiver, The Protector, The Creator, The Wise, The Truth, The Light, The Guide, The Loving One) the word "the" signifies the supremacy of Allah over all else. We can all act in the capacity of the above stated attributes, but as creation we could not be "the" - supreme/absolute/definite attribute, but instead we are "a"/"an" example of his attributes.

Name: Sajid Ansari
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 22:55:28 -0700


Pls open the links below, which explain the REAL TRUTH about ALLAH & ISLAM, when a verse is taken out of context you can convince others of an alternate meaning. were any one can download and read the truth, most of the times peoples combine ISLAM with TERRORISM ( here any one know what islam says about terrorism. I hope and pray that Allah guides all of us towards the Truth (Aameen).

Name: Allah is the pagan moon god of Mecca!
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2008
Time: 23:09:21 -0700


Allah was the pagan moon god of Mecca before Islam! Mohammad's father was Abdullah meaning servant of Allah. So Muslims all over the world continue in the worship of Allah the pagan moon god! Today the symbol for Islam is the crescent moon! Mecca was the center of pagan pilgrimage. Today Muslims all over the world continue the pagan practice of pilgrimage to Mecca! Pagan Mecca had a white stone, a red stone, and a black stone. Mohammad kissed the black stone. Today Muslims all over the world continue their reverence to the black stone!

Name: Muslims wake up!
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2008
Time: 23:12:54 -0700


Muslims wake up! You are a deceived people. Look behind the mask of Islam and see its true ugly nature: PURE EVIL!!!

Name: Nanite
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 09:08:47 -0700


There was an asura named Tara whose son was Taraka. Tarakasuara went to a place named Madhuvana and began to perform very difficult tapasya. He gazed at the sun and stood there with his arms raised. He stood on one leg and only on the toes of his feet. A hundred years passed. For those hundred years, Taraka drank only water and had no food to eat. For the next hundreds, he gave up water also and lived only on air. A hundred years were spent in performing tapasya inside water, another hundred years on earth and a hundred years more inside fire. For a hundred years he performed tapasya upside down, standing on his hands. And for yet another hundred years, he hung upside down from the branches of a tree. The meditation was so difficult that Lord Brahma was pleased. He appeared before Tarakasura and said, I am pleased with your tapasya. What boon do you want? If you are pleased, replied Tarakasura, grant me two boons. The first boon should be that no one created by you should be as strong as me. The second boon should be that I should be killed only by Shiva’s son. Shiva at that point in time had no sons. Sati had died and although she had been reborn as Parvati, she had not yet married Shiva. Brahma granted Tarakasura the two boons. The demon went to a city named Shonitapura and began to live there. All the other demons made Tarakasura their king. Thanks to the boon, Tarakasura was so strong that the easily defeated his challengers, stealing all their belongings and employing them as his servants. Tarakasura had three asura sons named Vidyunmali, Tarakaksha and Viryavana (tripurasuras). These three began to perform tapasya. For a hundred years they meditated standing only on one leg. For a thousand more years they lived on air and meditated. They stood on their heads and meditated in this posture for yet another thousand years. Brahma was pleased at this difficult tapasya. He appeared before them and said, What boon do you want? Make us immortal, answered Tarakasura’s sons. I can’t make you immortal, replied Brahma. I don’t have the power. Ask for something else instead. Very well, then, said Viyunamali, Tarakaksha and Viryavana. Grant us the following: Let three forts be made. The first will be of gold, the second of silver and the third of iron. We will live in these forts for a thousand years. At the end of the thousand years, the forts will become one. This combined fort will be called Tripura. And if anyone can then destroy Tripura with only a single arrow that shall be the death destined for us. This rather unusual boon Brahma granted. There was a danava named Maya who was very good at building work. Brahma asked him to build the forts. The golden fort was built in heaven, the silver one in the sky and the iron one on earth. Tarakaksha got the golden fort, Viryavana the silver one and Vidyunmali the iron one. Each of the forts was a big as a city and had many palaces and vimanas (spaces vehicles) inside. The demons populated the three forts and began to flourish. The demigods did not like this at all. They first went to Brahma, but Brahma said he could not help them. After all, the demons had got Tripura thanks to his boon. The gods then went to Shiva for help. But Shiva said that the demons were doing nothing wrong. As long as that was the case, he did not see why the demigods were so bothered. They next went to Vishnu, who suggested that the problem was that the demons were doing nothing wrong, the solution was to persuade them to become sinners. Out of his powers Vishnu created a man. This man’s head was shaven, his clothes were faded and he carried a wooden water-pot in his hands. He covered his mouth with a piece of cloth and approached Vishnu. "What are my orders?" he asked Vishnu. Let me explain to you why you have been created, replied Vishnu. I will teach you a religion that is completely against the Vedas. You will then get the impression that there is no svarga (heaven) and no naraka (hell) and that both heaven and hell are on earth. You will not believe that rewards and punishments for deeds committed on earth are meted out after death. Go to Tripura and teach the demons this religion, which they are dislodged from the righteous path. Then we will do something about Tripura. The being did as he had been asked to. He and four of his disciples went to a forest that was near Tripura and began to preach. They were trained by Vishnu himself. Therefore, their teachings were convincing and they had many converts. Even the sage Narada got confused and was converted. In fact, it was Narada who carried news of this wonderful new religion to king Vidyunmati. King, he said, there is a wonderful new teacher with a wonderful new religion. I have never heard before. I have got converted. Since the great sage Narada had got converted. Vidyunmati also accepted the new religon. And in due course, so did Tarakaksha and Viryavana. The demons gave up revering the Vedas, they stopped worshipping Shiva’s linga. Vishnu and the other gods then went to Shiva and began to pray to him. When Shiva appeared, they told him that the demons had now become evil and should be destroyed. They had even stopped worshipping Shiva’s linga. Shiva agreed to destroy Tripura. Vishvakarma was the architect of the gods. Shiva called Vishvakarma and asked him to make a suitable chariot, bow and arrow. The chariot was made entirely out of gold. Brahma himself became the charioteer and the chariot was speedly driven towards Tripura. The gods accompanied Shiva with diverse weapons. By then a thousand years had passed so that the three forts had become a single Tripura. Shiva installed a divine weapon known as pashupata into his arrow and shot it at Tripura. The arrow burnt up Tripura into ashes in a split second. While the celebrations were going on, the shaven-heads religious teachers arrived. What are we supposed to do now? they asked. Brahma and Vishnu told them to go and live in the desert. The last of the four eras was kaliyuga and in kaliyuga, evil would reign supreme. When kaliyuga arrived, they were to come back and begin their teaching afresh. This is how islam originated, arabs arrived from the desert. Hinduism in officially 5000 year old. It is much older

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