After the successful foiling of the al-Qaeda terrorist’s
plot to blow-up passenger planes over the cities and towns of USA,
President George Bush used the term: “Islamo-fascism” to denote
Islamic terrorists. This was of course a total metamorphosis of
his own opinion about Islam—from “Islam means peace” and then
“evil ideology” to “Islamo-fascism. To this Islamists (western
living so called moderate Muslims) worldwide reacted angrily and
blame President Bush for incorrectly calling peaceful (?) Islam as
“Islamo-fascist”! The above scenario has warranted examining
carefully whether President Bush really made a mistake by calling
Islam as “Islamo-fascist”.
What is fascism?
The word “fascism” stands for: Dictatorship, one party government,
autocracy, totalitarianism, racism, Nazism, Hitlerism (Webster’s
NewWorld Thesaurus).
More precisely the word “fascism” stands for: A philosophy or
system of government that is marked by stringent social and
economical control headed by a dictator (The American heritage
Dictionary). Fascism is a form of government headed by a dictator
which involves total government control of political, economical,
cultural, religious and social activities (World Book). But the
question is why the president of America named those al-Qaeda
terrorists as the “Islamo-fascists”?
What is Islam?
Islam is a politically motivated Arab imperialism in the garb of
religion. Surprisingly
Islam does not possess much spiritualism in a real sense; rather,
Islam is a totalitarianism which attempts to control human’s mind
and body in its entirety. That is why Islam is widely known as the
so called ‘code of life’ which is strictly articulated and governs
by the ‘Islamic Shariaah’ the very constitution of Islamic state.
Islamic Shariaah was originally formulated by the strict
scriptural dictums from Holy Quran (the words of Allah) and
Ahadiths (Sunnah of the Prophet). Now, if we do the detail
analysis of the Shariaah-based state called Islamic state then
clearly we can learn that actually an Islamic state is more
dangerous then the all known fascist states of the world. Because,
Islam does not have any regard for human life or human freedom;
Islam only cares obligation of obeying Allah and His prophet.
A true Islamic Sharriaat or Islamic Hudud laws strictly controls
or dictate every single affair of human lives. Islamic Sharraiat
or so called Islamic ‘code of life’ is bound to control political,
economical, cultural, family-life, business, personal life, sexual
life, dress-codes, food habits, etc. etc. That is Islamic code
will dictate people—what politics they can do or can not do, what
they can eat or can not eat, how to greet or whom they can not
greet, how to dress or what they can not dress, when to pray or
what not to pray, how to do sex, how to wash their body or face,
how to do business, what to produce or not to produce, what man
can do or can not do, what women can do or can not do, what to
sing or not to sing, what musical instrument can or can not be
used, how to cry or not to cry, whom to marry or not marry, what
to play or not to play etc. etc. Islamic shariaah-based nation
will control almost every affair of citizen lives (from the day of
birth until the day of death/grave) by the strict rules prescribed
by the Islamic Allah and Prophet Muhammad.
A few examples will clarify this matter more vividly:
Religious practice: Only Islam will be allowed to practice
freely and all other religions will be strongly persecuted,
discouraged or allowed with very limited privilege. Because Islam
does not recognize or respect any other religion on earth
(Quran-3:85). Non-Muslims will lead the life of second class
citizens and will reside in the country as Dhimmis.
[Islam divides
human race into three main groups: 1. The believers
(Muslims-slaves of Allah); 2. The dhimmis (Christians, Jews,
Buddhists, Zoroastrians); 3. The kaffirs (all polytheists such as
Hindus, animists and atheists). The group-2 is considered
dhimmitude and can live with very limited opportunity; but group-3
must either be converted to Islam or be brutally killed]
Coercive imposition of Islamic rituals: Islam is the
only religion in which peoples are being forced/coerced to observe
Islamic daily rituals. In any Islamic paradise—like Saudi Arabia,
Iran, Talibani Afghanistan, or any other Islamic Arab
countries—Islamic police (Muttawalli) force general
citizens to observe daily rituals very strictly. Anybody who fails
to obey is punished by beating severely or even by imprisonment.
Even in the moderate Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan,
Indonesia, Malaysia etc. Clergies, general public or the elders
will repeatedly remind or even force younger people to join the
daily five time prayers/rituals of Islam. Anybody who do not join
or refuse to join will be cursed, looked down or insulted by the
People’s dress: Islam has a special dress code for both men
and women. Citizens of any Islamic nation can not choose their own
dress at will and they must obey Islamic strict dress code. State
will dictate what men can wear and what women can wear. Example:
Men will be compelled to keep long beard (giving them billy
goat’s appearance) and women will be compelled to wear black
burkha, hijab or Nikhab (Quran-33:59—giving them frightening
ghostly appearance). Violators will be punished by Islamic
beating/lashings or by imprisonment. Anybody from any foreign land
convert to Islam also needs to adopt/change his dress according to
Islam. A devout Bangladeshi, Chinese or a Burmese convert to Islam
will pretend to be a good Muslim by wearing Arab garb or hijab for
women, even though his/her own national dress is not at all
similar to Arab national dress.
Education: Islamic state will prohibit western style
education, i.e. anything that contradicts Islamic dictum will be
prohibited. Modern science in general and biological science in
particular such as evolution theory will be strictly prohibited.
Women will be barred from going outside for education, i.e. women
will not be allowed to go to school and college and they will only
be allowed to learn about religion (keeping them inside their
homes) and how to be obedient and submissive to their
Working outside/job: Only men will be allowed to work
outside and women will not be allowed to work outside. Women will
stay at home to serve men and to breed and rear
Treatment: Islam will dictate even treatment privilege of
general citizens. Male doctor will not be allowed to treat any
female patient and similarly no female doctor will see male
patients. Many of the modern treatments (surgical procedures
etc) will be prohibited for women and men.
Business or Industrial development: Islamic state will decide what
business is legal or what production is illegal. For example
productions like: Alcohol, musical instruments, music recording,
sports goods etc will be strictly prohibited. Violators will be
beaten severely by Islamic methods.
Sports and leisure: All sports like foot-ball, cricket,
bally-ball, basket-ball etc. will be prohibited. Islam does not
condone any types of sports and sport of any type is considered
the game of Satan. Praying five times a day is their main sports.
Banking or economic programs: Modern economic systems of banking
or monetary business like stocks, bears and bulls market, mutual
funds and bonds etc. will be prohibited. Islamic Banking without
interest payment will run the country’s economic transactions.
Drama/theater/Cinema: All forms of drama, theaters and
cinema are deadly illegal in Islam; hence will be strictly
prohibited by Islamic shariah. Islamic police for virtue (Muttawalli)
will roam the country to stop these vices of Satan and will punish
severely with Islamic beatings if anybody violates the code of
Islamic virtue.
Tourism/recreations: Tourist’s attractions will be almost
nil and only thing will be allowed is to pilgrimage some holy
places by the devout Muslims. Recreations like sun-bathing in the
sea-beaches will be strictly prohibited. Violators will be beaten
like dogs and cats.
Food and drinks: Muslims will follow very strict Islamic
food codes. Unlike other religious groups, Muslims can not eat
western most hygienically produced meat products. Muslims need to
eat so called un-hygienically produced halal meat from Islamically
slaughtered animals. Alcoholic drinks of all types will be
strictly prohibited.
Music: Under the Islamic Shariah laws—music is considered
weapons of Satan (Devil); hence music of all kinds are strictly
prohibited. Only vocal music of religious nature (commonly known
as Gazzal) is allowed. All instrumental music, i.e. all
musical instruments is strictly prohibited. Violators are punished
or imprisoned.
Arts and sculptures: Islam does not allow drawings or
sculpturing of any living beings (such as humans, animals and
birds) and only thing will be allowed is drawings of plants and
vines, because Islamic Allah thought plants and vines are not
living objects! Therefore, arts and sculpturing of any living
objects will be prohibited.
Punishments for the crime: Punishments for the crimes (like
stealing, adultery, killings etc.) will be cutting/chopping hands,
feet and even chopping heads, or stoning death and lashings one
hundred and one times. Today’s Islamic paradises like Saudi
Arabia, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan and many other Arab nations
randomly practice these above mentioned punishments according to
Allah’s laws (Islamic Shariaat or hudud laws).
Sexual life: Islamic shariaah laws will also control
people’s sexual life and marriage life. Shariaat will dictate
when, what and how to do sexual acts and birth control will be
strictly prohibited. Love acts of all types will be strictly
prohibited at the outside of the private home.
Family life: Even the family lives in the Islamic country
are controlled by Shariah laws. Family planning such as
birth-control will be thing of the past. Islam decides how to
distribute family wealth, how to divorce or not to divorce, who is
the leader of the family etc.
[The above mentioned Islamic
scenarios could be found 100% in the erstwhile Talibani
Afghanistan and can be found 90% now in the present day Islamic
paradises like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and 60% in Nigeria, Sudan and
In brief, according to the true Islamic state as per the
puritanical Islam preached by the Prophet of Islam, humans have
been created only to worship Allah and to praise and sing about
Allah and His prophet. Every Muslim is enslaved (submission) by
the Islam and Allah. Human race is nothing but the slaves of
Allah! In this mortal earth Islam will control almost everything a
Muslim will do or will not do. That is lives of all citizens of an
Islamic state will be controlled by Islamic shariah laws 100%.
Because, Islam is a super totalitarian divine system which
controls human’s life with iron-fist. Therefore, Islam is the
strictest form of fascism on earth and can not be compared with
any other type of known fascism.
On the other hand, a true fascist state or fascism (like
Hitlerism, Italian fascism or even communism) may only control
political, economical or rarely some religious events. The known
fascism will never control or dictate people’s freedom to lead
their lives just the way an Islamic state will control which I
have described above.
Therefore, it’s an obvious fact and reality that Islamic fascism
is hundred fold dangerous and brutal than the conventional fascism
like Nazi’s or Italian fascism that is known to the world today.
It can be safely concluded that naming Islamic terrorists as
“Islamo-fascist” by the American President George Bush was no
mistake at all. World must recognize that Islam is not just a
religion (like Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism etc) rather Islam
is a super fascist Arab imperialistic agenda inside the garb of
religion, which is about to engulf entire civilized world through
the terrorist’s campaign by the al-Qaeda Islamists. Western world
must better be serious about it!