True Islam prohibits adoption of human child
(orphans and destitute) and one can read my essay on adoption to learn why Islam prohibits the most noble practice of human
adoption. In my essay “Adoption in Islam and History of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) Marriage to Zainab Bint Jahsh” I have
categorically proved that that Islam prohibits adopting children.
Adoption in the technical sense is not allowed in Muslim Shriah
law. Islamic adoption is nothing but the system of orphan home/
house. This is because Allah does not like the noble gesture of
adopting orphan children. I have cited Quranic verses and some
support from two most famous Islamic scholars as Muhammad Rushed
Ridha and Dr. M.H. Haykal. Both of these Islamic scholars strongly
stated with their logic that, “Those who are Muslims and are
obedient to the Qur'an will not have adopted sons.” Readers can
learn more from my essay mentioned above.
Arguments made by the
Defender of Islam
Islamists living in the comfort-zone of
western paradise frequently claim that—adoption is not forbidden
as the Islam bashers sarcastically claim but Islam permits
adoption with some pre-conditions! Islamists do claim that Allah
did not prohibit adoption rather Allah asked human to not to make
any orphan child as their own child. Reason is Allah does not like
that any human calls a son of another human as his own son! Why?
Because that may cause some confusion of heredity! Not only that,
so called Islamic adoption does not provide any share of property
to the adoptee, i.e. adopted parents are not allowed to give any
share of his property (inheritance) to his adopted son. Because,
that practice of noble gesture will be un-islamic!
In the pre-islamic Arabia, adoption of
orphan/helpless child was a very popular and moral practice. By
adopting orphan/helpless child, they used to consider adopted
child as their own. And they used to pass onto them the adopter's
genealogy and name, his investment of them with all the rights of
the legitimate son including that of inheritance and the
prohibition of marriage on grounds of consanguinity. But
everything has changed when Allah’s best friend Prophet Muhammad
married his own adopted son’s beautiful wife Zainab Bint Jahsh.
Allah came to assist Muhammad and asked to abolish the most noble
gesture (adopting orphans) and historical custom of pre-Islamic
Arabs. Because, we know it very well that time after time, Prophet
Muhammad took his Allah’s help to legitimize his personal lusts
and greed.
Now, why these shameless Islamists brought
this ludicrous logic (to defend the best Prophet) is very clear.
Without any doubt this practice of adoption is most noble thing.
But because this Islamic prohibition of adoption sound utterly
immoral and unethical (at least in the eyes of civilized world of
today), western living so called moderate Muslims felt ashamed of
this Islamic truth which was established in the 7th century by
Allah only to protect Prophet Muhammad from social scandals and
humiliation. These so called moderate Muslims have devised some
ludicrous logic which they desperately want to feed the civilized
world, in order to save Prophet Muhammad, Allah and Islam from
shameful situation. Its really very unfortunate and laughable that
true defender of ‘Islam and Allah’ most of the times plays either
childish game or argues like a Zombie, i.e. they eat up their
normal human logic or sense and begun to make all sorts of
illogical and nonsensical arguments only to please/defend Allah’s
stupidity in order to earn Allah’s lustful heaven in their
afterlife. I will prove with irrefutable logic how silly are those
arguments by these defender of Islam are.
Many hypocritical Islamists claim that Allah
actually did not prohibit adoption. Rather Allah forbade Muslim to
call the adopted child as their own child. If one can not call a
child as their own then it is not adoption in the first place.
Islamic way of so called adoption is only a system of charitable
residence or orphan house. There those orphans may get food and
shelter but they never get love or parental care at all. This is
not the universal adoption or fostering of a child that mankind
know from the dawn of civilization.
What is adoption?
Adoption means to take and rear an orphan
child (child of others) as one’s own child. Who does practice
adoption? Answer is anybody, that is, any compassionate able human
being can adopt a child. But most commonly it is the childless
couples (Couple who can not give birth a child of their own) do
practice adoption. It is the only process they can ever rear a
human child as their own and call them as their son/daughter, give
them love and affections and in return they get love and
affections from the adoptee. Tens of thousands of American couples
or family do practice adoption. And they all do it for noble
Now, who are the children that are being
adopted? Mostly they are orphans due to: Natural calamities
(earthquake, tsunami, and tornado), wars, famine and other
children who have lost their parents. Among them there are many
children whose parent’s identity remains unknown, such as,
abandoned children (newly born children found in the road-sides,
drains, canals or in the garbage can) or during the tragic
devastation either due to wars or natural calamities—both parents
or entire family may have perished leaving the baby crying for
help. In this situation nobody really can discover the real
identity of that baby who needs care for the survival.
Now, in such tragic situation only survived
baby needs either to get a place in the orphan house, or be
adopted by some compassionate couple. In such situation baby needs
not just the nutrition and shelter but he/she also needs love,
care and parental affections for its survival. On the other hand
the childless couple needs to have some one whom they can call
their own son/daughter and give their parental love and
affections. What’s wrong in it?
By the universal natural instinct, every
human being (man and woman) wants to be a mother and father and
every human baby wants to call some one as father and mother, or
brother and sister. What’s the crime/wrong in that when an orphan
baby gets some one to be called his father? And what’s wrong when
a man is getting a human baby (having no identity) to call his own
son? What’s wrong if the baby gets exactly the same love and
affections (like biological baby) from his adopted father? What’s
wrong if I call some one my brother and love him just like my own
biological brother and give him same family rights like my own
brother? How in the world it could be harmful for anybody?
Islamists and Allah’s ludicrous argument that
in real adoption—the child may lose its hereditary (so Allah
dislikes true adoption) is a pure joke indeed! Is the hereditary
identity of the abandoned baby (whose identity is already lost for
ever) is more important than his survival? How the hereditary
identity can be more important than the very survival of the
orphan baby? And most importantly, what is wrong if a family wants
to give equal rights to a baby who has lost his parents or entire
family? Is not all divine deities asked human to treat all people
as their own? Why then Islamic Allah has prohibited true adoption
with the lame excuse of so called hereditary confusion? What the
hell that poor orphan baby will do with his true hereditary???
Fact of the matter is Islamic Allah came to
aid lascivious prophet Muhammad so that he can enjoy beautiful
Zainab and help Muhammad marry Zainab his adopted son’s
wife—breaking all norms, taste, logic, ethics and civility of
civilized society. And Allah has come to tell mankind that
adopting an orphan child as his own is a bad thing!
Merciful Allah the best friend of Muhammad
came to assist him with Qur'anic verses when he married his
adopted son’s beautiful wife Zainab Bint Jahsh.
(Sura al-Ahzab 33:40): "Muhammad is not the
father of any of your men, but [he is] God's Messenger and the
Seal of the Prophets. God is Aware of everything!"
(Sura al-Ahzab 33:37): "We married her off to
you so that there would be no objection for believers in respect
to their adopted sons' wives once they have accomplished their
purpose with them. God's command must be done!"
In the verse (33:37) Allah has stated a
particular purpose (ridiculous indeed) for this revelation and
action of Muhammad. It is not for himself, but it is for the
future of the Muslim community. It is so that in future there may
not be a problem if anybody (father-in-law) wants to marry the
divorced wife of an adopted son. “We permitted you to marry her so
that it may hence be legitimate and morally blameless for a
believer to marry the wife of his adopted son.” Good question is
why in the world, any father-in law will need to marry his adopted
son's wife. Is there any shortage of bride in this world?
Without adoption, there cannot be any adopted
son either. Therefore, the explicitly stated reason for the
revelation of this verse does not exist. Prophet Muhammad himself
dissolved the original adoption of Zaid (Zaid used call Muhammad
as his father) when the above revelation came, only to enable him
to marry beautiful zainab bint Jahsh.
Prohibiting adoption is no way a moral
action. Prohibitions of alcohol drinking, smoking, gambling,
sorceries, killing, etc., could be a moral action. But why was
there prohibition of adoption? Was it because of so called silly
confusion of baby’s heredity? I have already explained the valid
cause of this Islamic hypocrisy. This business of Allah and
Muhammad is self-explanatory to all those who have free mind and
thinking to judge the real issue of Islamic tricks. Only those
blind-faith Islamic zombies will still like to argue only to fool
the world. Finally, it is not only wrong to prohibit true system
of human adoption, it is also un-ethical, immoral, cruelest, and
most lowly human behavior, to say the least.