The Prophet of
Islam was a most compassionate and most merciful human being
without any trace of doubt! And this is the most fundamental
belief of 95% devout innocent Muslims of the world. The assertion
by Qur’an confirms it even further: “Wammaa arsalnaaka illaa
rahmatal lil- aalameen! (21:107).” [O Muhammad We sent you
not, but as a mercy for all creature.” Allah asserted in clear
words—He created Prophet Muhammad as the mercy for not only just
Muslims, but for all the creatures of the earth. Prophet of Islam
was the true example of a perfect (having all the best qualities)
human being and Qur’an ordered all human being to emulate this
prophet ‘in Toto’ without any failure.
All Muslims are
required to accept and adhere to all of the teachings of Prophet
Muhammad. Allah told Muslims in the Qur’an-(8:24): “O you
who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and As His
Messenger (obeying him) when he calls you to that which will
give you life.” Therefore, pious Muslims should follow
Prophet Muhammad in every aspect of earthly life. Well, these are
only a few examples of instructions from Almighty Allah that I
have mentioned above. But one could find many more Qur’anic
verses and Hadiths, which will instruct all most the same order
again and again.
Upon the above
Quranic dictum all pure Muslims truly believe that Prophet
Muhammad was the sacred model to emulate by not only by
all Muslims but entire mankind. They honestly and sincerely
believe in their hearts that Prophet Muhammad never did anything
which is wrong or immoral by the civilized standards; hence
every good human being should follow the Islamic prophet as the
model on earth and they readily call it as the Islamic Code of
life. Let us examine if the Prophet of Islam was really a
perfect model or code of life (to be followed by mankind) as per
some available historical evidences below:
A. Prophet
Muhammad’s Personal life
According to Islamic code of “Shariah law” (which is
the nucleus of the Islamic Code of life) Muslim girls mature at
the age of 9 (Nine); that is at the age of 9 a Muslim girl can be
lawfully wedded. Why? Because, Prophet Muhammad married
Hazrat A’isha when she was only six (6) year old baby girl and
Prophet slept with her when she was Nine (9) year old. Today, in
this civilized world, anybody could be labeled as a pure
pedophile if he marries a girl of 6 or, even 9 year old girl.
But surprisingly, this utter pedophilic behavior of Prophet
Muhammad was no problem with the Muslims of all varieties (Pure
mullahs, general gullible or even highly western educated) and not
only that, these Islamic zombies take this ridiculous example of
Prophet Muhammad as the divine model for all Muslims to emulate.
Here are some sahih hadiths to support Prophet Muhammad’s
pedophilic wedding with Hazrat A’isha which was never disputed at
all by any gullible Muslims, western educated Muslims or pure
About Aisha’s age:
History as per Sahih Hadiths from the source of Hazrat Aisha Bint
Abu Bakr:
(a) `A´isha Bint
Abu Bakr
was Prophet
Muhammad's third wife. `A´isha herself narrated, "The Messenger of
God married me in Shawwal in the tenth year after of his prophet
hood, three years before the Migration as I was six years
old. I was nine years old when he consummated the marriage
with me.
(b) Ibn Hisham
narrated that,
"Muhammad (pbuh) married Aisha Bint Abu Bakr when she was seven
years old and consummated the marriage with her when they were in
Medina when she was nine years old (Sahih Hadiths)".
(c) Another Sahih
Bukhari Hadith:
Hazrat Aisha (RA) narrated, "when Prophet (pbuh) married me I was
only six year old at that time. After that we traveled to
where I got sick and my hairs were shed due to fever. After I got
rid of my sickness my hairs were grown back again. One day while I
was playing with my friends in a swing-sets (dolnas) I was called
on my mother and when I reached to her she (Mother) held my hand
and took me to the door. At that time I was breathing rapidly
because I was still tired of swinging with my friends. And I did
not understand why I was called here. Then, my mother took me to a
room where I saw three helping maids (ansars) who
immediately decorated me and handed me over to the Prophet (pbuh),
and they left the room. At that time I was only nine- year
old. Prophet (pbuh) consummated our marriage that day".
(d) Sahih Bukhari
According to
Muaallah Ibn Ashad, Hazrat Aisha narrated: "when I (Aisha) asked
why he married me? Messenger of Allah said, I saw you in dream
twice. I saw (in a dream) you are covered by a silk chaddar and
Angel Gabriel told me, here is your wife'. When I removed the
silk-chaddar I found you were the woman under the silk chaddar.
After that I (Messenger of Allah) said to Angel Gabriel, if this
is the wish of Allah then it is of course shall be fulfilled."
In the quest of rationalizing Prophet Muhammad's marriage to
A'isha some apologists like to claim that: "It was Hazrat
Abu Bakr who insisted the Prophet to have a permanent relationship
in the history of Muslims through his daughter."
In this essay, let us examine what the history actually tells
us, and how Hazrat A'isha Bint Abu Bakr was married with the
Sahih Bukhari
Uroowaa (ra) narrated, “Nabi Karim (Prophet Muhammad) himself
proposed to marry Aisha Bint Abu Bakr while Aisha was
only six year old girl. Then,
Abu Bakr said, O Messenger of God, I am your brother, how can you
marry my daughter?' On reply Nabi karim (sa) said, you are my
brother only in the religion. Therefore, Ai'sha is halal for me to
Sahih Bukhari
There is another tradition by `Atiyya (ra): "The Messenger of God
proposed to marry `A´isha Bint Abu Bakr while she was a little
girl. Abu Bakr said, 'O Messenger of God, can a man marry his
brother's daughter?' Muhammad replied, 'You are my brother in my
religion.’ Poor Abu Bakr (ra) had no other choice but to accept
the proposal and sacrifice his little girl of six in exchange of
the chattel of a house, fifty [dirhams] worth, or so.
Recent (2004) comments by Shaikh ibn Baz who was the Grand Mufti
Saudi Arabia - i.e. the top scholar of Islam:
“I advise the young ladies not to refuse a man because of his
older age. Even if he be ten, twenty or thirty years older, this
is not a valid excuse. THE PROPHET (PEACE BE UPON HIM) MARRIED
OLD. Older age is not harmful. There is no problem if the woman is
older than the man and there is no problem if the man is older
than the woman. The Prophet (peace be upon him) married Khadijah
when she was forty years old and he was twenty-five years old,
before he received his first revelation. That is, she was fifteen
years older than him (may Allah be pleased with her).
Many of those who talk on the radio or television and speak
against having disparaging ages between husband and wife are
wrong. It is not permissible for them to say such things. Instead,
what must be done, is the woman must look at the prospective
husband and, if he be pious and appropriate, she must agree to him
even if he is older than her. Similarly, the man must try to marry
a woman who is pious and virtuous, even if she is older than him,
especially if she is still less than mid life. In any case, age
should not be taken as an excuse. It should also not be considered
a shortcoming, as long as the man is pious or the woman is pious.
May Allah make the affairs good for everyone!”
We understand from early hadiths that Prophet Muhammad had a
special inclination to women. For example, he said, "Two things of
this world I cherish: women and perfume, prayer being the
comfort of my eye. Al-Hasan al-Basri narrated: The Messenger of
God said, "The only two things I cherish of the life of this world
are women and perfume.
The same thing has been narrated by Hazrat `A´isha in
different versions: "The Prophet of God liked three things of this
world: Perfume, women, and food; he had the [first] two, but
missed food (Sahih Bukhari)."
Prophet Muhammad's
Wives (polygamous behaviour)
in the Order in Which They Were Married to Him (According to the
books of Al-sira):
1. Khadija Bint
Muhammad's first wife. He married her in 595 A.D. (25 years before
the Migration); she died three years before the Migration and
ten years after he claimed prophet hood.
2. Sawda Bint
Muhammad married her in the month of Ramadan ten years after he
claimed prophethood, after the death of Khadija and before he
married `A´isha, or some months before the Migration, depending on
the sources. Opinions agree that she was Muhammad's second wife.
Yet the question is whether he slept with `A´isha first or Sawda.
Some believe that he married `A´isha first, but had intercourse
with Sawda first, as `A´isha was too young.
3. A´isha Bint
Abu Bakr: Muhammad married her in the month of Shawwal, three years before the
Migration, ten years after he claimed prophet hood, according to
the tradition of `A´isha herself. He had intercourse with her in
the month of Shawwal, eight months after the Migration. She was
nine years old at that time and the only virgin among Muhammad's
wives. Aisha was eighteen years old when the Prophet died.
4. Hafsa Bint `Umar: The Messenger of God married her in the month of Sha`ban, 31 months
after the Migration, or in the third year after the Migration, or
one month or two before Uhud.
5. Zainab Bint
Her husband died in the battle of Uhud, so Muhammad married her.
This was 31 months after the Migration.
6. Ummu Salama: One tradition says that Muhammad married her three
years before the Khandaq raid, in the sixth year after the
Migration and the wedding was performed in Shawwal four years
after the Migration, or three years after Badr.
7. Zainab Bint
Jahsh: It is not possible to determine when Muhammad married her. It was
either in Dsu al-Qa`da or Sha`ban in year 5 or 3 A.H. Zainab Bint
Jahsh was a beautiful women and the wife of Prophet Muhammad’s
adopted son Zaid. Her marriage with Prophet Muhammad seemingly
caused quite a scandal in the Muslim community as this was looked
upon as incest (the wife of the son). Therefore, it was necessary
for Allah to intervene (from the heaven) with Quranic verses which
exonerated Muhammad for his action. Quran-33:37: “We
joined her (Zainab) in marriage to thee; in order that (in future)
there may be no difficulty to the Believers in (the matter of)
marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter
have dissolved with the necessary formality with them. And Allah’s
command must be fulfilled.”
In this verse (Sura: 33:37) Allah stated a particular purpose
of this revelation and action of Prophet. It was not for himself
(Prophet), but it was for the future of the Muslim community,
so that in future there may not be a
if anybody wants to marry the divorced wife of his adopted son.
Quranic verse of the curtain
was revealed after Prophet Muhammad married Zainab Bint Jahsh.
8. Juwairiyya
Bint al-Harith:
She was taken captive during the raid of Banu al-Mustaliq and was
part of the spoils. No one knows when this battle took place
exactly. So the dates given for her marriage to Muhammad are the
fifth or the sixth year after the Migration. Ibn Hisham claims
that Muhammad bought her from Thabit Ibn Qais, set her free, and
later married her.
9. Safiyya Bint Huyay: She was among the spoils (Gani-Mater
Maal) of Khaibar (one of the famous Jewish tribes), which was
conquered in the sixth year A.H., and was chosen for Muhammad.
When the Messenger of Allah raided Khaibar, and Allah gave him
their possessions as booty, he (Prophet) chosen Safiyya Bint Huyay
and one of her cousins from al-Qumus. The Prophet offered her
freedom if she chose Allah and His messenger, so she surrendered
(adopted Islam), was freed by him, was married to him and her
dowry was her freedom. In that war, Safiyya’s father and her newly
wed husband along with all other relatives were killed.
According to
Bukhari (vol.2:68 and vol.4:143,280 and al-Tabari vol.39 p.185)
Safiya/Safiyya/Saffiya bint Huyai/Huyayy was a captive Mohammed
married after slaughtering her father, brother, newly-wed husband
and the men at Khaibar.
10. Ummu Habiba: Stories say that the Negus of Ethiopia gave her to
Muhammad as a wife.
11. Maria, the
al-Muqawqas, king of Egypt, sent four female slaves to Muhammad
and Maria was one of them. She reached Medina in the seventh year
after the Migration. Only Khadija and Maria gave birth to male
children among all of Muhammad's wives.
12. Maimuna Bint
Muhammad married her in the seventh year after the Umra of al-Qadha.
She was the last one the Messenger of God married.
13. Rayhana: She was not of the "mothers of the believers, "in
spite of her respectable position in the house of Muhammad. When
the Prophet attacked Banu Qurayza, he took her captive since it
was necessary for him to have a selection of each (Gani-mater
maal) spoil. Muhammad offered her Islam but she refused. Yet
it is said that she espoused Islam later.
In spite of the fact that the sources provide us with
contradictory information about the number of Prophet Muhammad's
wives, we can still say that they were thirteen women, plus Maria
the beautiful Coptic slave girl donated by the Christian ruler of
Egypt and
many other concubines. Muhammad married these various women and
lived with them for a certain period of time. Apart from these,
there were twelve or thirteen more women that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
married, but with whom he did not spend a long period of time.
There are still other women that he married, but with whom he
never consummated his marriage, plus the one who bestowed herself
upon him. It is said, that Prophet Muhammad married a total of
twenty eight (28) women.
Islamic apologists usually bring some ludicrous logic and
justification to defend Prophet Muhammad’s sexual/polygamous
adventures, and they mostly fail to bring any prudent scriptural
supports in favor of their assertion. We are dealing with the
history of more than thousand years old and nobody among us was
present there at the time of these happenings. Therefore, to claim
something about any happenings in the 6th or 7th
Century, we need to cite references. In this business of Islam, we
need support from: Quran, Hadiths and various books/biographies
written by Islamic scholars. History always consists of two
sides—positive and negative sides. We should judge both sides of
the history to know the actual truth.
Most apologists usually blame authors (who brought untold
stories of Islam on the discussion) by saying: (a) Lack of
knowledge/ignorance, (b) Misinterpretation or mistranslation of
scriptures or by (c) Some lame excuses, such as the Prophet had
to marry due to political reasons and not for sex, he was
forced to marry, or simply wanted to rescue widows etc.
Well, we got to believe this ludicrous logic that; if some
one wants to help any widow then he must marry her to render his
help to her! What a simplistic logic and shameful arguments by
some Islamic apologists! That means, if President Bush wants to
help some widows—he should first marry them all! Is it not a
fantastic idea? To help all the widows of
Bush will need to build thousands of giant-sized Harems throughout
the entire state of Texas. I wonder, was it possible that there
were only 7 or 8 widows (whom Prophet Muhammad married) in the 7th
century Arabia? What a hilarious logic!
There are sahih Hadiths available today to prove clearly that
Prophet Muhammad married many women for his personal lusts and
had sex daily with most of his wives who stayed with him.
Bellow are some Islamic gems from sahih Hadiths:
(a) Sahih Bukhari
Katadha'ha said,
Hazrat Anash Ibn Malek (ra) narrated, "Nabi Karim (pbuh) used to
have sex with all his wives
in the same night. At that time, the
Holy Prophet had eleven
Sahi Bukhari: Aisha used to scent Muhammed to have intercourse
with other wives...1.5.270; Volume 1, Book 5, Number 270:
Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Muntathir:
on the authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha about the
saying of Ibn 'Umar (i.e. he did not like to be a Muhrim while the
smell of scent was still coming from his body).
'Aisha said, "I scented Allah's Apostle and he went round (had
sexual intercourse with) all his wives, and in the morning he was
Muhrim (after taking a bath)."
Other numerous Sahih Hadiths:
In the Bukhari Sharif (recently translated in Bengali) there are
hadiths (dealing sexual life of Prophet) which could surprise all
readers, but to keep this essay reasonably short, I am not going
to describe them in this article. In those Sahih hadiths: one can
learn how Prophet Muhammad encouraged his disciples to marry
(young) virgin girls ; fact that, Prophet Muhammad was having
sexual strength equal to 50 or (according to some) 100 man ; Or.
How Angel Gabriel brought from heaven a "miraculous-drink" for
Prophet Muhammad, which made him so strong in sexual power, etc.
etc. We can find more interesting untold story by careful delving
of those existing Sahih Hadiths.
The above sahi
Bukhari hadiths have clearly disproved what most Islamic
apologists/scholars often try to portray with their futile attempt
of deception again and again.
We should declare
fatwa for those Islamists who intentionally and deliberately try
to distorting the real history of Islam!
B. The issue of
Marrying adopted son’s wife
Prophet Muhammad fell in love with Zainab (actual history
of this scandalous marriage--Critical (Orientalist) version)
daughter of Jahsh, while she was the wife of Zayd bin Harithah,
his own adopted son. Once, when he passed by the house of Zayd in
the latter's absence, he was met by Zainab wearing clothes which
exposed her beauty. Muhammad's heart was inflamed. It is reported
that when his eyes fell upon her, he exclaimed, "Praise be to God
who changes the hearts of men" and he repeated this expression at
the time of his departure from her home. Zainab heard him say this
and noticed desire in his eye. Zainab proudly reported this
happening to her husband. Zayd immediately went to see the Prophet
and offered to divorce his wife. Muhammad answered, "Hold to your
wife and fear God." Thereafter, Zainab was no longer a docile wife
and Zayd had to divorce her. Prophet Muhammad married Zainab Bint
Jahsh who was his daughter-in-law. That was definitely taboo in
Arabia, and the
Prophet of Islam lifted this taboo in order to satisfy his own
lust and fulfill his own desire. They also relate that when
Muhammad saw her she was half-naked, that her fine black hair was
covering half of her body, and that every curve of her body was
full of desire and passion. Others relate that when Muhammad
opened the door of the house of Zayd the breeze played with the
curtains of the room of Zainab, thus permitting Muhammad to catch
a glimpse of her stretched out on her mattress in a nightgown.”
from Allah
Immediately after this scandal of Prophet Muhammad marrying
his adopted son’s wife Merciful Allah did not delay to jump on the
business of helping out His favorite prophet. Allah’s Oohi
(revelation) started to arrive with some necessary Quranic
(Sura al-Ahzab 33:40): "Muhammad is not the father of any
of your men, but [he is] God's Messenger and the Seal of the
Prophets. God is Aware of everything!"
(Sura al-Ahzab 33:37): "We married her off to you so that
there would be no objection for believers in respect to their
adopted sons' wives once they have accomplished their purpose with
them. God's command must be done!"
There is a considerable moral problem with such a
self-serving revelation. It is quite clear that Prophet Muhammad
was attracted to Zainab before Zaid divorced her and it might well
have been the true reason for the divorce itself. And Qur'anic
verses do make clear that there was something going on before Zaid
divorced Zainab. Is it anyway a respectful or ethical practice to
marry the adopted son’s wife? Allah’s interference in such an
un-ethical/immoral practice of Prophet Muhammad was indeed
ridiculous to say the least.
Islamic apologists will try to bring weird logic that Allah
wanted to abolish the practice of adoption. Is adoption a bad
practice? Why Allah does not like such a universal noble practice?
Is it really very bad or harmful if an adopted son is given equal
status of a real biological son? Is it really immoral or unethical
by any standard? If I want to give my adopted son equal rights
just like my biological son then where is the problem? This is
utterly nonsense! This mentality of Allah and Prophet Muhammad
reminds me the famous ‘Fox-tail’ story. Readers perhaps
remember the story of that wicked fox that lost his tail while
stealing a chicken from the farmer’s house. After loosing his own
tail the cunning fox came to his peers to advise that everybody
should cut their tail since the tail is so ugly looking. Likewise,
as because Prophet had to marry Zaynab (by any means) to satisfy
his own lust; therefore Allah poked His holy nose with a noble
idea (?) that adoption should be prohibited. What a
merciful Allah!
The ridiculous
Zaid's divorce of Zainab, Muhammad's marriage with Zainab and
subsequent revelations of several Qur'anic Ayats from Allah to
purify this scandalous happening is something to ponder very
seriously. To summarize, the logical difficulty is that Allah (?)
or Muhammad himself causes a scandal and then Allah sends Gabriel
to officially justify the scandalous action of Prophet Muhammad
with Qur'anic revelations is ridiculous, morally incorrect and too
much of a coincidence. No wonder why Muhammad’s youngest wife
Aisha once teasingly said: “You (Prophet) are so lucky that
every time you are in a mess Allah immediately jumps on rescuing
you from the mess.”
C. Prophet
Muhammad’s Political life
From it’s inception the new religion “Islam” (created by
Prophet Muhammad) had been the most violent political ideology
spread throughout the Arabia and beyond in the garb of so called
“peaceful religion” of Allah. Prophet Muhammad himself waged more
than 100 battles (in many of them he participated himself) against
non-Muslims (Arab Pagans, Christians, Jewish etc.) and out of 100
battles; only one (battle of trench) was defensive war. And the
rests were offensive wars to conquer rival tribes or nations.
Islamic Jihad (Holy war for the cause of Allah) was the
ultimate inspiration to conquer, subjugate and convert peoples to
Islam. Readers are suggested to read the master piece article:
Root of Islamic Terrorism a la Islamic style”,
written by
Abul Kasem.
As there is no scope (in order to keep this essay within
limit) to describe Prophet Muhammad’s entire 23 years of long
political life, I would like to state very briefly that his
political life was full of wars, political deceptions,
plundering, pillages, murders, assassinations of opponents,
beheadings kaffirs, massacres, and sacrilege of the dead to
‘delight the hearts of the believers’ were all practiced by
Muhammad. His political life was full of killings (hundreds of
thousands of people were slaughtered) and hatreds between his
followers (Muslims) and non-Muslims (that includes infidels,
pagans, Christians, Jews etc.) in the
Arabian Peninsula.
Even in his death-bed (the last sermon)—Prophet
Muhammad asked his followers to make Arabian Peninsula completely
free from all non-Muslims by any means. Saudi Arabia the cradle of
Islam never allows practicing any other religion except Islam,
even today!
Prophet Muhammad’s Personal cruelty
Most gullible Muslims (almost 95% of Educated and illiterate
Muslims) in general and 100% of Islamic Mullahs in particular do
believe that Prophet Muhammad was most merciful, compassionate and
honest human being who never committed any crime or cruelty at
all. Let me ask the honorable readers: what is the definition of
Merciful? Who should be called a Merciful? To me a person who
killed just one human being in his entire life can
not be called a Merciful, period. Am I correct? Suppose
your father or your uncle killed one human being (does not matter
if that person was a un-believer or a bad guy) in their entire
life. Could you still call your father or uncle a Merciful or
compassionate man? Certainly not!!! Anybody whose hands were
stained with human blood can not be called merciful by any means.
Now let us examine how much merciful was our Prophet Muhammad.
Some samples of
Prophet Muhammad’s Merciful actions:
Readers please
consider if the following actions taken by the Prophet Muhammad
was anyway ethical and merciful by civilized standard. The
following are the historical events took placed during early
period of Islamic propagation in Arabia:
(a) Names of the 8 persons sentenced to death by the
Prophet on the victory day of
Mecca. Four of them were
executed, four were pardoned.
[Above facts are from the historical
records of Islamic scholars, and can be produced on request]
Prophet Muhammad killed a human being of flesh and blood by his
own noble hands:
Here is a
masterpiece from Imam Shafi:
Page 599-600- Quote:- “Details concerning Jihad are found in
the accounts of the military expeditions of the Prophet (SA),
including his own martial forays and those on which he dispatched
others. The former consists of the ones he personally attended,
some twenty-seven (others say twenty-nine) of them.
(Reference: From- “RELIANCE OF THE
TRAVELLER - A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law” of Imam Shafi’,
compiled by Ahmed Ibne Naqib, translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller. The
book contains 1234 pages and contains Al Azhar Islamic Research
of the Abdullah bin Sa’d:
Abdullah bin Sa’d bin Sarh was a secretary of Prophet
Muhammad. When Muhammad used to dictate to him the “revelations”
he, being a lettered man, used to suggest better versions of the
same revelation and Muhammad used to say yes that is okay you can
write that. After a while he realized that it is all a sham. “How
is it that Muhammad would prefer my Arabic to Allah’s”, he
questioned. And that was the reason that he left Islam and fled to
Mecca. When
Muhammad conquered Mecca, he (Sa’d) was one of the people that
Muhammad wanted dead despite the fact that he granted amnesty to
all the Meccans. Meccans got amnesty because they surrendered
without fight.
Abdullah bin Sa’d sought the protection of Othman ibn Affan
for he was his milk brother. Othman brought him to Muhammad and
begged him to forgive Abdullah’s life. Muhammad was a cunning man.
He did not want to displease Othman but at the same time he was
not a person he would forgive one who had made fun of him and had
unmasked his lies. So he remained silent for a long time and
finally consented. When Othman took Abdullah home, Muhammad turned
to his companions and complained why they did not jump to kill
Abdullah. They said, “but you did not ask us to do that”. Muhammad
replied “I did not want to displease Othman but I hoped that you
read my mind and kill Abdullah”. When asked why he did not make a
gesture, he said, “Messengers do not make gestures”.
Summary of the Assassinations happened by the direct request of
Prophet Muhammad. Every item (below) can
be substantiated by Sahi hadiths available today (to keep the
essay within limit I did not include hadiths):
1) Ibn Sunayna, a Jewish man who was murdered because he was
simply a Jew
2) Abu Afak, a 120-year-old man, murdered while he slept
3) Asma Marwan, mother of 5 children, murdered while she
4) A slave women, mother of two children, murdered while she
5) A one-eyed shepherd, murdered while he slept
6) A very old women, literally ripped in half by Muslims who
captured her on a raid.
7) A slave girl, who was murdered because she poked fun at
8) Abdullah bin Ubayy who was killed by a Shabi whom the
Prophet permitted to tell lie (“can I say something untrue, O
Prophet?”….”Yes, you may say that for Allah’s cause”) to win his (Ubayy)
confidence to become friend before killing.
9) Ka’ab bin Ashraf who was killed in sleep.
Many more people who suffered a similar fate can be added
here. I choose not to list them here because of space limitations.
(d) Banu Qurayza's Massacre
committed/supported by Merciful Prophet of Islam. Prophet Muhammad
emphatically encouraged Muslims to kill defeated non-Muslims and
to take women and children as booty (Ghani-maater maal).
Sahi Buchari Hadiths #143, page-700:
Sulaiman Ibne Harb...Aannas Ibne Malek (ra) narrated, "in the
war of Khaiber after the inhabitants of Banu Qurayza was
surrendered, Allah's apostle killed all the able/adult men, and
he (prophet) took all women and children as captives (Ghani
mateer maal).. Among the captives Safiyya Bint Huyy
Akhtab was taken by Allah's Apostle as booty whom He married after
freeing her and her freedom was her Mahr."
Sahi Buchari Hadiths (#149, page-704):
Ahmed Ibne Saleh...Annas Ibne Malek narrated, "....when we
told Apostle of Allah about the paragon beauty of Safiya Bint
Huyay (who was newly wed and the husband was killed in the
battle), then Allah's Apostle sanctioned her for himself..."
Above two Hadiths clearly and undoubtedly
have confirmed at least two things: (1) Prophet killed all those
surrendered unarmed Jews in cold blood (2) Prophet was attracted
by Safiyya's alluring beauty and he had sex with her (It does not
really matter much whether Prophet had sex with Safiyya after
marriage or before marriage).
Horrendous story of Banu- Qurayza massacre from "Sirat-A-Rasul"
(page 464):
"Then they
surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina in the
quarter of al-Harith, a woman of B. al-Najjar. Then the apostle
went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today)
and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off
their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him
in batches. This went on until the apostle made an end of them.
Among them was the enemy of Allah Huyayy b. Akhtab and Ka`b b.
Asad their chief, and they were brought with their hands bound to
their neck by a rope.
There were 600 or 700 in all, though some
put the figure as high as 800 or 900. Apparently Muhammad himself
worked on the digging of the trench into which the massacred Jews
were to be thrown. But he did not only take part in those
preparations, the formulation of the text states that HE sent for
them and STRUCK OFF their heads. This sounds like he
personally struck off at least the heads of those two mentioned
men and may be of more. We need to recognize that Muhammad got rid
of a large group that was challenging his sole authority and power
over Medina, and which was in particular refusing to believe him
to a true prophet from God. The elimination of the challenge to
his spiritual authority might well have been Muhammad's main
motivation. However, Muhammad also had had huge spoils (Maal-E-Ganimat)
from this "final solution".
Just one Sahi hadith that tells everything about mercifulness of our
Volume 8, Book 82, Number 797:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
A group of people from 'Ukl (or 'Uraina) tribe ----but I
think he said that they were from 'Ukl came to Medina and (they
became ill, so) the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch)
she-camels and told them to go out and drink the camels' urine and
milk (as a medicine). So they went and drank it, and when they
became healthy, they killed the shepherd and drove away the
camels. This news reached the Prophet early in the morning, so he
sent (some) men in their pursuit and they were captured and
brought to the Prophet before
midday. He ordered to cut off their
hands and legs and their eyes to be branded with heated iron
pieces and they were thrown at Al-Harra, and when they asked for
water to drink, they were not given water. (Abu Qilaba said,
"Those were the people who committed theft and murder
and reverted to disbelief after being believers (Muslims), and
fought against Allah and His Apostle").
E. Prophet Muhammad had sex with
concubines and slave girls
Like any other ordinary man, leader, or king of the 7th
century period, Prophet Muhammad also readily had sex with his
slave girls or concubines he got as reward from other kings, or
from war booty. These unethical sexual behaviors had been recorded
in the Quranic verses, sahih hadiths and Islamic history.
Prophet’s zeal of
having sex with captives owned from war booty:
Jewish young lady Shafiyya was captive (booty) from the
battle of Khyber. Shafiyya was paragon beauty and was very young
(in her teen) when she was forcibly married by Prophet Muhammad
(after killing her all relatives including her newly married
husband only to have sex with her same day in a hurry) in the
caravan tent while returning to
Medina. Shafiyya
was first distributed (booty from the battle of Khyber)) to
other Islamic soldiers, but when Prophet Muhammad heard about her
paragon beauty then he took her for his wife. Reyhana was another
very beautiful and young Jewish girl (Booty from Banu Quryza).
Of course, Prophet
of Islam had formidable license from Allah to have sex with slave
girls and concubines. Below I am giving the readers some “Gems”
from Holy Quran:
"Not so the
worshippers, who are steadfast in prayer, who set aside a due
portion of their wealth for the beggar and for the deprived, who
truly believe in the Day of Reckoning and dread the punishment of
their Lord (for none is secure from the punishment of their Lord);
who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and
their slave girls, for these are lawful to them: he
that lusts after other than these is a transgressor..."
This verse very
clearly stated that Quran allows Muslim men to have sex with their
wives (of course) and their slave girls too.
(QURAN - 23:5, 6):
restrain their carnal desires (except with their wives and
slave girls, for these are lawful to them..."
Again, Quran
allows Muslim men to have sexual relations with their wives and
slave girls.
(QURAN - 4:24): "And all
married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your
right hand possesses. It is a decree of Allah for you. (Muhammad
Pickthall's English translation of the Quran).
In this above
verse Allah clearly says Muslims to have sex with captives (Booty
from POWs) that they get from war booty.
(QURAN - 33:50):
"O Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives
whom you have granted dowries and the captive and
slave girls whom God has given you as booty; and the
daughters of your ’Amm (paternal uncles) and the daughters of your
’Ammah (paternal aunts) and the daughters of your Khâl (maternal
uncles) and the daughters of your Khâlah (maternal aunts) who
migrated (from Makkah) with you,…….”
This above verse
is for Prophet Muhammad only. Supposedly, Allah (SBT.) allows
Prophet Muhammad to have sex with his slave girls he got from war
booty and also can have sex with the daughters of his maternal
uncles and paternal aunts.
The above verses are only a few I have mentioned out of
numerous such verses scattered throughout the Quran.
What could be more unethical matter than
having sex with slave girls? Allah (SBT) graciously allowed
Muslims to have sex with slave girls and captives from the war
(POWs). Prophet Muhammad himself and his disciples
routinely used to have sex with their slave girls. Besides having
numerous wives, Prophet Muhammad had many concubines and slaves
girls with whom he had sex. This fact can be supported by ahadiths,
and by the book of “Sirat-A-Rasul" (life history of
Many Middle Eastern Muslims countries still follows Quranic
privilege of having sex with their slave girls. In
Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait and other Islamic paradises Arab Muslim masters are
routinely having sex with their maids even today. Frequently we
get to read many horrific cases of sex-scandals about maids in
Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. Very recently we read the news of
numerous (hundreds of) sex-scandals with Indonesian maids in Saudi
Arabia. This is the Islamic privilege (Allah SBT so graciously
sanctioned in the holy Quran) which is prevailing in the most
Muslims countries even today?
F. Evidences that Prophet Muhammad lied with his wife
The holy
prophet Muhammad used to lie with his wives to save himself from
the frequent sexual scandals he used to generate to fulfill his
carnal desire. The story of Muhammad having sex with Mariyah in
Hafsa'a bed is found in Muir's biography of Muhammad ('Life of
Mahomet' by Sir William Muir which is absolutely based on
authentic Islamic sources. Please refer to Vol.IV Ch.26 pp.
160-163). Also, I will give the readers some sahih Hadiths which
will surprise the readers.
This immoral story was narrated like this:
One-day Muhammad goes to Hafsa’s house and upon setting gaze
at her maid Mariyah, he finds her attractive and decides to get
laid. He sends Hafsa to Omar’s house, telling her that her father
wanted to see her (a lie). When Hafsa leaves, Muhammad takes
Mariyah to bed and had intercourse with her. Meanwhile Hafsa, who
finds out that her father was not expecting her, returns home much
sooner than expected, and to her surprise finds her illustrious
husband in bed with her maid.
She becomes hysteric and forgetting the station of the
prophet she shouts and causes a scandal. The prophet pleads with
her to calm down and promises not to sleep with Mariah again and
forbade her also not to divulge that secret to others.
Hafsa would not control herself and relays everything to
Ayisha who also turned against the prophet and jointly with his
other wives caused him much anguish. So the prophet decides to
punish all of them by not sleeping with them for one month.
At this
time he received a message from heaven (Sura- 66: At-Tahrim) not
to separate himself from Mary. Then he chided Hafsa and other
wives. He threatened to divorce all them for their insubordination
and disloyalty. He then withdrew himself and went into seclusion
for a whole month and lived alone with Mary.
That of course would have been too much hardship for the
beloved messenger of God. Therefore God in his mercy comes to the
aid of his prophet and reveals the Surah At-Tahrim (Banning). In
this Surah Allah gently rebukes Muhammad for being so hard on
himself and for depriving himself from what he really likes and
has been made lawful to him, in order to please his wives. As
usual, like the scandalous issue of marrying his adopted son’s
wife, Merciful Allah was always ready to rescue him from all kinds
of dangers. Allah (SWT) again extended his mighty hand to help his
comrade Prophet Muhammad. He sent Quranic dictums to protect His
comrade. The following is the text of this funny Surah: At-Tahrim:
1-5 (From Dr.
Ali Sina’s essay
“Immorality and lewdness”).
1. O Prophet! Why do you ban (for yourself) that which Allâh has made
lawful to you, seeking to please your wives? And Allâh is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2. Allâh has already ordained for you (O men), the
dissolution of your oaths.
And Allâh is your Maula (Lord, or Master, or Protector,
etc.) and He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise.
3. And (remember) when the Prophet (SAW) disclosed a matter in
confidence to one of his wives (Hafsah), so when she told it
(to another i.e. 'Aishah), and Allâh made it known to him, he
informed part thereof and left a part. Then when he told her (Hafsah)
thereof, she said: "Who told you this?" He said: "The All-Knower,
the All-Aware (Allâh) has told me".
4. If you two (wives of the Prophet SAW, namely 'Aishah and Hafsah) turn in
repentance to Allâh, (it will be better for you), your hearts are
indeed so inclined (to oppose what the Prophet SAW likes),
but if you help one another against him (Muhammad SAW), then
verily, Allâh is his Maula (Lord, or Master, or Protector, etc.),
and Jibrael (Gabriel), and the righteous among the believers, and
furthermore, the angels are his helpers.
5. It may be if he divorced you (all) that his Lord will give him instead
of you, wives better than you, Muslims (who submit to Allâh),
believers, obedient to Allâh, turning to Allâh in repentance,
worshipping Allâh sincerely, fasting or emigrants (for Allâh's
sake), previously married and virgins.“
Although Muhammad gave his word to Hafsa, not to have sex
with her maid, he could not resist the temptation. Especially now
that he had taken another oath not to sleep with all of his wives.
It was a difficult situation. On one hand he had to keep up his
word or risk losing face and on the other he was not the kind of
man that liked to deprive himself of pleasures. A solution had
to be found and no one but Allah could help him. Well, nothing
is impossible when you are the prophet of Allah. Leave everything
in the hands of the Almighty and let him take care of it. And that
is exactly what Muhammad did. Allah himself intervened and gave
his favorite prophet the green light to follow his heart's desire.
In the Surah Tahrim God licensed his beloved prophet to have his
fling and not pay attention to his wives. What can a prophet ask
more? Allah was so concerned about Muhammad's carnal pleasures
that he even allowed all his followers to break their oaths as a
bounty. Subhanillah. Isn't Allah great?
It is also worthy of mention that Muhammad who came to know
that Hafsa did reveal the secret to Aisha, lied to her by
pretending that it was Allah who told him so (verse 3) while he
actually learned it from Aisha. In reaction to the above verses,
Ayisha, who was not only young and pretty but also clever, is
reported to have said to Muhammad,
"Your God indeed rushes in coming to your aid!"
Pickthall’s version of revelation of Surah At-Tahrim (The
Meaning of the Glorious Koran, p. 405) was like this: “Hafsah
{one of Muhammad’s many wives} found the Prophet in her room with
Marya -- the Coptic girl – presented to him by the ruler of Egypt,
who became the mother of his only male child, Ibrahim – on a day
which custom had assigned to Ayesha. Moved by Hafsah’s distress,
the Prophet vowed that he would have no more to do with Marya, and
asked her not to tell Ayesha. But Hafsah’s distress had been
largely feigned. No sooner had the Prophet gone than she told
Ayesha with glee how easily she had got rid of Marya”.
Provoked by the clamoring of his wives, Muhammad vowed not to
eat honey or to sleep with his slave-girl any more. I doubt if
Muhammad had vowed not to eat honey, because it was not the smell
of honey that, his wives alleged, was causing his bad breath
(honey does not cause any bad smell), but the smell of Maghafir.
Therefore, it would be logical for me to conclude that Muhammad
had vowed either not to sleep with his slave-girls or not to drink
Maghafir in order to pacify his agitated wives. Since Allah has
made both sleeping with slave-girls (see 33: 50, et al) and
drinking of Maghafir halal (permissible) for the Muslims, Allah
challenged Muhammad, saying:
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ لِمَ تُحَرِّمُ مَا أَحَلَّ
اللَّهُ لَكَ تَبْتَغِي مَرْضَاتَ أَزْوَاجِكَ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ
Prophet! Why holdest thou to be forbidden that which Allah has
made lawful to thee? Thou seekest to please thy consorts. But
Allah is Oft-Forgiving, and Most Merciful” (Quran-66:1).
On the above Quranic verse Prophet’s wife Hazrat Aisha
remarked, "It seems to me that your
Lord hastens to satisfy your desire." Sahih Muslim
vol.2:3453-3454 p.748-749.
Some sahih
Hadiths in support of this immoral incident:
Volume 3, Book 43, Number 648:
Omar said, “The
Prophet did not go to his wives because of the secret which Hafsa
had disclosed to 'Aisha, and he said that he would not go to his
wives for one month as he was angry with them when Allah
admonished him (for his oath that he would not approach Mariyah).”
This story must have been embarrassing for Muhammad’s
followers even when they gobbled mindlessly everything he told
them. So they made other hadiths to explain those verses of the
Quran that were already explained by Omar (above hadith).
Sahih Muslim Book 009, Number 3496:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) narrated that Allah's
Apostle (may peace be upon him) used to spend time with Zainab
daughter of Jahsh and drank honey at her house. She ('A'isha
further) said: I and Hafsa agreed that one whom Allah's Apostle
(may peace be upon him) would visit first should say: I notice
that you have an odour of the Maghafir (gum of mimosa). He (the
Holy Prophet) visited one of them and she said to him like this,
whereupon he said: I have taken honey in the house of Zainab bint
Jabsh and I will never do it again. It was at this (that the above
Quranic verses were revealed): 'Why do you hold to be forbidden
what Allah has made lawful for you... (up to). If you both ('A'isha
and Hafsa) turn to Allah" up to:" And when the Holy Prophet
confided an information to one of his wives" (lxvi. 3). This
refers to his saying: But I have taken honey.
The existence of the above Hadith and its difference with the
one narrated by Omar reveals yet another fact that the companions
of Muhammad were willing to lie, (as Muslims are lying today) to
preserve the image of their prophet from blemish. Fact of the
matter is above lies are nothing if we compare them with his
biggest lie which is Allah talked with him (Muhammad) through
Gabriel. His lie started with his message that Allah started
to talk with him inside the cave Hira. And to cover up his one
big lie, Prophet Muhammad had to lie numerous times during his
entire prophet hood.
More Sahi hadith will support the episode described above
Sahi Hadis is from Tirmizi hadiths: Background to 66.4 and 33:28 ---
Muhammad did
not see his wives for a month; he slept with Mariyah in the
bed of Hafsa while lied to Hafsa that Umar wanted to see Hafsar...3.43.651
This hadis is very
lengthy. I am quoting only the relevant part:
[.................... 'Umar told the whole story (about his wife). "On
that the Prophet smiled." 'Umar further said, "I then said, 'I
went to Hafsa and said to her: Do not be tempted to imitate your
companion ('Aisha) for she is more beautiful than you and more
beloved to the Prophet.' The Prophet smiled again. When I saw him
smiling, I sat down and cast a glance at the room, and by Allah, I
couldn't see anything of importance but three hides. I said (to
Allah's Apostle) "Invoke Allah to make your followers prosperous
for the Persians and the Byzantines have been made prosperous and
given worldly luxuries, though they do not worship Allah?' The
Prophet was leaning then (and on hearing my speech he sat
straight) and said, 'O Ibn Al-Khatttab! Do you have any doubt
(that the Hereafter is better than this world)? These people have
been given rewards of their good deeds in this world only.' I
asked the Prophet. 'Please ask Allah's forgiveness for me. The
Prophet did not go to his wives because of the secret which Hafsa
had disclosed to 'Aisha, and he said that he would not go to his
wives for one month as he was angry with them when Allah
admonished him (for his oath that he would not approach Maria).
When twenty-nine days had passed, the Prophet went to Aisha first
of all. She said to him, 'You took an oath that you would not come
to us for one month, and today only twenty-nine days have passed,
as I have been counting them day by day.' The Prophet said, 'The
month is also of twenty-nine days.' That month consisted of
twenty-nine days. 'Aisha said, 'When the Divine revelation of
Choice was revealed, the Prophet started with me, saying to me, 'I
am telling you something, but you needn't hurry to give the reply
till you can consult your parents." 'Aisha knew that her parents
would not advise her to part with the Prophet. The Prophet said
that Allah had said:--
'O Prophet! Say To
your wives; If you desire The life of this world And its glitter,
... then come! I will make a provision for you and set you free In
a handsome manner. But if you seek Allah And His Apostle, and The
Home of the Hereafter, then Verily, Allah has prepared For the
good-doers amongst you A great reward.' (33.28) 'Aisha said, 'Am I
to consult my parents about this? I indeed prefer Allah, His
Apostle, and the Home of the Hereafter.' After that the Prophet
gave the choice to his other wives and they also gave the same
reply as 'Aisha did."]
Above descriptions
of Prophet Muhammad’s life style and deeds were collected from the
Holy Qur’an, Ahadiths, Al-sira, and other Islamic documents (books
and history) recorded by the famous Islamic scholars. Evidences in
this article were plenty but not exhaustive of the long list that
had been established by the prophet of Islam during his 23 years
of adventurous Prophetic life in the Arab desert. His ridiculous
behaviors and his Allah’s ludicrous assistance to his self-serving
purposes have no limits, and could be accommodated into several
big volumes of books. Nevertheless, I have cited in this article
more than enough to judge any human being to explore the very
character quite adequately.
If this world starts to imitate/follow the footprints of the
Prophet of Allah and do the job exactly like Prophet did in
(steps A to F described in this article)
how good will it look for the world? What are the minimum
standards of universal golden rules, or at least UN Chartered for
international humanity, and how could these be compared with
the code of principles that was set by the most compassionate
prophet of Allah?
As we have read at
the beginning of this article—Allah has asserted that the Prophet
has been sent as the mercy for all creatures and Allah also asked
(all Muslims) emphatically to imitate every footstep of Prophet;
should not all human being of this planet earth follow him in
toto? Muslims are repeatedly told (By Allah) that Prophet
Muhammad is the “ideal” person and all Muslim should pattern their
lives using his life as a blueprint. Muslims are required to
accept and adhere to all of "the Islamic Codes of Life"
that were set by the last Prophet Muhammad. As Allah told in the
Quran: “O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and
His messenger when he calls you to that which will give you life (8:24)”; should all modern humans, especially all Muslims emulate his
footprints? I am certain about one thing that is if all Muslim men
would imitate the Prophet’s footstep (to quench the organic
thirst), there would be scarcity of marriageable Muslim women in
the entire world. Sometimes I wonder - Why the so called perfect
person in the entire Ashraf-ul-Moklukat (Best amongst all
creatures) had to set up such horrendously bad example! What
is the difference between Prophet Muhammad and Hitler, Genghis
Khan, Halaku Khan, or any other warlords? Is that why, Muslims are
required to write/utter the phrase “peace be upon him”
every time they write or utter Prophet’s name, perhaps in order to
save him from hell fire?
If all the Muslims
in the present-day world follow Muhammad's inglorious example,
seduce theirs daughter-in-law, and then cause a divorce and then
to add insult to the injury marry her, what would happen then?
Just think the consequences, if any man or any famous leader does
today what Prophet Mohammad did with Zainab, with Maria the Coptic
slave girl, Ayesha the child bride etc. etc.; he would be looked
up as a lascivious lowly character and will be immediately
arrested and put into jail. Not even all the Qur'anic Ayats, all
the Islamic books (kowtowing Prophet Muhammad) of this
world will be able to change that.
Sadly, even these
above described dirty deeds of Prophet Muhammad hardly can change
the mind-sets of millions of devout Muslims throughout the world.
Of course, this is a very strange world indeed! Especially when
the subject of religion comes, humans behave very strangely. Go
discuss religion Islam and it’s Prophet with even highly educated
humans; discuss about these horrendously ugly characters of
Islamic Prophet; you will be amazed to find that these otherwise
sane humans will even fail to recognize abnormal characters of
Prophet Muhammad. The same human who usually talks so wisely
and logically (in other affairs) will argue with you like a robot
or zombie. This is simply because of their impractical belief
system in certain unseen/unproven divinity as well as their
illogical fear about after life’s hell fire or unlimited lustful
Islamic heaven—they will behave quite abnormally. Blind religious
belief system can make people utterly illogical, immoral,
unethical, and most of all impractical. In this arena of religious
stupidity, Muslims are the champion of all in this mortal world.
The most Muslim elites or so called moderate Muslims will
argue that “Islam is a religion of peace”! And same
people will try to believe that Prophet Muhammad was a perfect
human being whom all Muslims should emulate and Islamic God
“Allah” is really merciful, compassionate, omnipotent and
Faith does make
people a zombie and these zombies (believers) see the errors but
reluctant to admit the errors; so desperately attempt to justify
only when it is anything of Islam. Because blind faith is like a
dangerous narcotic which snatches people’s rationality, sense and norms and keeps sane people in the darkness of their religious
dungeon. Islam is one such darkest dungeon of all. The biggest
problem is the wishful ignorance about their own faith which they
cherish so much. All most 95% Muslims do not know their own
religion well. They simply opt to believea bunch of lies
deliberately spewed by hypocritical Mullahs.
Humanity is
just one family and no human should hate another because of their
beliefs in different Gods. God should never teach hatreds between
humans, but Islam does teach hatreds towards other religions.
Allah and Prophet of Islam taught Muslims (Quran and ahadiths) to
hate and kill kaffirs/ infidels randomly.
question is—should all Muslims today emulate Prophet Muhammad’s
A divine deity should never ask His creature to fight and to
kill. Rather divine deity will ask His creature to love everybody.
Our faith should be on the super power (if there is any?)
who would love the pious and sinners alike, never curse any
creature, never roast the sinners in the hell fire (ridiculously)
and do love every creatures of the earth all the time. Does this
make any sense to the readers?
1. The Holy
Qur’an, Translated by A. Yousuf Ali, Published by Amana
Corporation, Brentwood, Maryland, 1983
2. Buchari Sharif,
Bengali Translation by Maulana Muhammad Mustafizur Rahman, Sulemani
Printers and Publishers, Dhaka, Second edition-1999
3. Holy Qur’an, Bengali translation by Maulana
Muhiuddin khan, Khademu Harmain Sharifain, Saudi Arabia, Madina
Mannwara, 1413 Hijri.
Annals of al-Tabari 3:173
5. Ansab al-ashraf-1:407
6. Tabaqat Ibn Sa’d
7. Al-Sira al-nabawiyya 4:296ff.
8. Al-Nasai Khail 2
9. A-Tirmidsi, Janna
10. Muslim, Radha,59
11. The life of Muhammad By: M. H. Haykal, 8th
ed. 1982
12. ibid
13. Nisa' al-Nabi, 13th ed.
14. 'Life of
Mahomet' by Sir William Muir (absolutely based on authentic
Islamic sources); Vol. IV Ch.26 pp. 160-163.