is Islamic Terrorism and
How Could It Be Defeated?
Syed Kamran Mirza
never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious
conviction." (Blaise
Pascal, mathematician, 1670)
would be nave to ignore in Islam a deep thread of intolerance toward
What is Islamic
Islamic terrorism is
the divine duty of pure Muslims for which they feel proud instead of feeling
remorse. Pure Muslims do not call it terrorism they only call it Islamic
Jihad against the infidel West. Killing non-Muslims are sacred duty
of every devout Muslim for which Allah repeatedly commanded (in Qur'an)
and declared unlimited reward in the after life. Muslims those who read
Qur'an and understand it well always believe in the Islamic 'global
agenda' that Islam has a sacred and mandatory God given duty to spread
Islamic message (Din-e-Islam) to all the inhabitants of the world.
Wars in Iraq or Afghanistan have nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.
In American soil 9/11 attacks did happen before Iraq or Afghanistan wars.
Please don't forget that.
Islam is the only religion
which divides the whole world into two spheres: Land of Warfare "Darul
harb" (non-Islamic nations) and "Darul Islam"
(Land of Peace), and encourages the Land of "Peace" to fight
against the Land of Warfare until it is completely "subdued"
and peace is established in the entire world. Islam is the only religion
that largely forbids the free practice of other religions in its midst.
Saudi Arabia, the cradle of Islam never allows religion other than Islam
to practice in their land. Their ulterior motive is to convert and bring
entire mankind under the fold of Islam, the "Only true religion of
Allah." To this end-two main groups are working very hard. These
two groups are: (a) Militant/radical Mullahs (whom we know as the terrorists),
(b) Educated/elite Western residing true believing Muslims (Muslims belonging
to the ummatic groups in the West such as: AMC, CAIR, ICNA, ISNA, NABIC
etc). Here we can exclude gullible God fearing innocent Muslims (group-C),
who do not read Qur'an and Sunnah). But because those gullible majority
Muslims also believe in the same religion Islam and do not object to pray
in congregations behind those militant mullahs-Islamic terrorists get
tons of support from all Muslims.
Causes of
Purely and solely-the
real motivation behind the terrorism (Islamic Jihad) is the teachings
of Qur'an and Sunnah. Western politicians erroneously and perhaps ignorantly
call it "evil or distorted ideology." This is absolutely wrong statement
by the politically correct western politicians. That ideology is nothing
but the ideology of pure Islam, which are the holy teachings of the Qur'an.
Therefore, Qur'an and Sunnah (prophetic instructions) are the true
foundations of Islamic terrorism. Palestinian problems, wars of Iraq and
Afghanistan etc. are only a plea to wage Islamic Jihad. Poverty or frustrations
are not the cause of terrorism, because poverty and frustrations also
exists amongst millions of poor people from other religions. Will any
poor Hindu or a Buddhist bother to commit suicide to kill innocent Westerners?
We know conversion
to other religion is a common phenomenon throughout the world. Many people
convert to Islam or Christianity. But only Muslim converts turn into terrorists
or Taliban. The Western born terrorists like John Walker Lindh, Zachariah
Moussawi, Jose Padilla or James Uzzama etc. were converts and happened
to be very pure and devout Muslims. If
these guys were converted to Hinduism or Buddhism, they would never be
the terrorists.
Poisonous tonic will
cause poisonous effect whoever drinks it. Should we not analyze the tonic
to determine the harmful ingredients, which causes the poisonous effects?
Or should we start blaming those drinkers (instead of the tonic) for the
ill effect of the tonic?
Likewise, whoever reads
Qur'an and try to follow with its literal (verbatim)
meanings, immediately becomes a bad human being (terrorist) for the society
and for the nations. Wherever and whenever Islamic Shariaat (Laws
of Qur'an and Sunnah) is being imposed, human misery ensues immediately.
Is it not the time to analyze to determine exactly what causes this misery?
Or, should we keep on blaming those hapless people who only try to follow
the Qur'an and Sunnah with its literal instruction? Time has arrived
to identify the real enemy of the Western civilization.
Western intelligence
must not overlook 'Mosques-Islamic centers-Madrashas' connections
to all Islamic terrorists in 100% time of their terrorists operation and
success. If those 'Mosques-Islamic centers-Madras' are the
so-called radicalized Islam then what is the real Islam? It's
true that all Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are pure
Muslims as per the Qur'an.
Quite obviously, the
cause of Islamic fanaticism and zealotry is rooted in the Qur'an and
Sunnah (Hadiths). Terrorists like Osama bin Laden and others are the victims
of Qur'anic scriptural teachings. Here are some Qur'anic teachings
(out of hundreds), which those devout Muslims swallow every day
(five times) so passionately only to become brainwashed in the
Mosques and Islamic centers for committing suicide bombings in the midst
of innocent gatherings.
Quran-5:51- "O ye
who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your
friends and protectors. They are but friends and protectors to each other-.."
Quran-4:78: "Where
ye are, death will find you, even if ye are in Towers, built up strong
and tall" (Perhaps Twin towers was meant here?)
"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission
to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter
He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good)."
Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that
forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge
the religion of Truth, (even if they
are) of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they
pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Lives of any human
are precious and human beings definitely love their own life more than
anything in the world. Nobody is ready to die or destroy his own
life even for millions of dollars (except perhaps by Prophet Abraham).
But a simple minded (otherwise a good man) but fanatically blind believer
of religion Islam can eagerly give his life with a smile on his face.
Why? Because he simply learned that if he dies for Islam, or killed others
(infidels) for Islam-he will be given a sure suite in heavens of Allah,
where he will enjoy plenty of hurries for unlimited sex, delicious foods
forever and ever with no interruption, what so ever. This may sound
silly to me or to any intelligent human being. But, this is the
one and only truth to a blind-faith believer of the so-called holy book
Qur'an, indeed! The Qur'an is the center of Jihadi
It's a greatest
lie to say that Qur'an prohibits suicide! That is the suicide (Qur'an
referring) to kill one-self only for no good reason or out of frustrations.
But to die (to kill the kaffirs) for the cause of Islam is mandatory good
deeds for the believers, which has been directed 100 times with plenty
of rewards in the Holy Qur'an.
In Amsterdam, Netherlands-Mohammed
Bouyeri, the killer of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh confessed his guilt and
showed no remorse for his dastardly act of Islamic slaughter. During court
trial he made following remarks: "I don't feel your pain",
he told the victim's mother. "Because
I was driven by my religious conviction." He
also said, "If I were released and would have the chance to do it
again-I would do exactly the same thing." At one point he said
to the victim's mother, "I have to admit I don't have sympathy
for you. I can't feel for you because I think you are a non-believer."
How could
we stop Islamic Terrorism?
Yes, Islamic terrorism
could be stopped if the west be united and take the right measures. West
must not weigh Islamic terrorism lightly. This is a more dangerous and
deadlier phenomenon than communism. It took fifty years to defeat communism.
But it may take only twenty years if the West takes the right course.
But the menace may continue to grow if the West follows the fruitless
policy of appeasing the Muslims, disseminating patronizing statements
like: "Poisonous or perverted interpretation of peaceful Islam".
Terrorists are not misinterpreting Islam; rather they are interpreting
Islam very correctly. Islam is like cancer and Qur'an is the
carcinogen, which causes cancer. We must know our enemy.
We must fight the cause and not the symptoms. Unless scientists can subdue
the HIV virus, the cause of AIDS, scientists can never control AIDS.
Spending billions of
dollars in strong security or democratization tactics will not help. Sweet
appeasing talks also will do no good. Almost 80% of world Muslims does
support Osama's ideology in their hearts. They only talk false sympathy
in front of Westerners to please Western govt. But when inside their house,
they sympathize with those suicide bombers very much. In every suicide
bombings when Western cities are in chaos, peoples die, and Western economy
is in shambles-most Muslims all over the world gloat in their hearts.
West must remember that as of now-no Islamic government, or any famous
Islamic Imams or Mullahs have ever issued fatwa condemning Osama's
barrage of suicide bombings. Just for writing a controversial novel Salman
Rushdie was sentenced to death. As of now no Muslim country sentenced
Osama to death. We must ask ourselves why?
Best way to
solve Islamic terrorism:
Supreme enemy Islamic
Arab imperialistic ideology must be fought in three fronts:
A. Enemy must
be defeated with iron fist by waging all out war against Islamic terrorists
all over the world. The West (Europe and America) must be united and declare
war against Islamists. President Bush must issue personal letters to all
government heads of Muslim world to cooperate, or face economic
embargo. The West must ask all Muslim Governments to cooperate honestly
and actively by issuing fatwa's against terrorists. It's not enough
to say, "We despise terrorism", but must act to stop
this madness by strongly disassociating with the Islamists, isolating
them, arresting them, and imprisoning them without any mercy. All governments
of the Muslim world must impose a strict ban on all Madrashas (religious
schools) and terrorist organization formed by Islamic mullahs.
B. All
Muslims living in the Muslim nations must condemn terrorists and they
must stop any association with those Mullahs and Islamic Imams who condone
Islamic terrorism. They must not pray behind those Imams/mullahs who incite
Islamic hatreds, and they must isolate them socially and politically.
All Western living gullible Muslims must cooperate with the Western intelligence
(like FBI, CIA) and provide them all sorts of information about militant
Muslim's activity. Or face the backlash of host country.
C. The West must
fight the Islam ideologically. That is the West must form a multi-national
committee to investigate, scrutinize, and extract the poisonous teachings
of Qur'an, which do transform a simple young human into a monster.
Those scholars must find out what those Muslim mullahs/Imams teach young
Muslim students in the Madrashas and other religious schools all over
the world. Their findings must be submitted to the governments and published
in the newspapers. Open criticisms and debates of Qur'an and Islam
must be permitted by all nations.
I am positive, within
10/20 years Islamic suicide bomber's madness will be evaporated for
good. If we fail to take positive actions narrated above-our civilization
will perish. Killing some terrorists, arresting and killing Osama bin
Laden or spending billions of dollars to establish democracy in the Middle
East will solve nothing. Because, to solve the terrorist problem, we must
destroy the ultimate machine (Islam), which do create terrorists.