Makes People so Stupid?
Syed Kamran Mirza
22, 2004
all these years after 9/11 tragedy I was always telling my peers that
though it was orchestrated by Osama's grand terrorist team al-Qaeda-there
must have been at least some sort of supports (Direct or Indirect) from
other Muslim countries, especially Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Why not?
The famous universally true proverb could not be untrue! Which is: "Enemy
of the enemy is my friend indeed". Undoubtedly, America
has humiliated Saddam's regime most, hence America has become the enemy
#1 of Saddam. On the other side, Osama Bin Laden already declared America
the enemy #1. Therefore, 1+1=2, Osama + Saddam= (become good buddies)
Great enemies of Kafiir America-the great Satan. Even a child of 10
year can guess this equation. Mysterious question is-why then
9/11 commission failed to understand this simple equation?
this above universally true perception, American public in general immediately
suspected Saddam and Osama for the 9/11 incident. This was the only factor
why the national poll on justification of Bush's Iraq invasion-poll
never came down below 70% even until a few weeks before 2004 election.
About a few days before the election when Bush was suffering heavily by
media's lambasting, his poll on Iraq invasion still remained above
50% surprisingly.
9/11 commission was formed mostly by some aggressive senators from Democratic
Party, some from Republican Party and a few non-partisan American citizen.
After almost year-long investigations the commission concluded that-al-Qaeda
was purely stateless and never had any connection with the American enemy
#1 Saddam's Iraq. But world knows for sure that al-Qaeda was operating
their heinous terrorism right from the lap of Taliban Afghanistan. Question
is how then al-Qaeda was stateless?
us judge some prudently relevant incidences:
According to intelligence relayed in the famous
Douglas Feith memo
to Congress revealed by the
Weekly Standard's
Stephen Hayes,
Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (now the Number 2 in the al-Qaeda hierarchy)
paid a visit to Baghdad and immediately met with Iraqi Vice
President Ramadan on February 3, 1998. According to the Feith
memo, "the [stated] goal of the visit was to arrange for the coordination
between Iraq and bin Laden and establish camps in Falluja, Nasiriya, and
Iraqi Kurdistan under the leadership of Abdul Aziz." This visit went
well - very well. Saddam's intelligence service in essence cut a
check directly to Zawahiri, for $300,000.
After he received Saddam's payout, Zawahiri
immediately folded up his tent and irrevocably merged his organization
with bin Laden's. "The merger was de facto complete by February
1998," the 9/11 Report states.
Zawahiri most
likely used it to fund the merger costs: to regularize the training
and indoctrination of jihad
recruits and to jump-start the new project initiatives of al-Qaeda.
Dr. Zawahiri had always enjoyed the reception Saddam gave
him. He had already met Saddam personally six years earlier, in 1992,
to plot terror. But in 1998, within a month of Saddam's payout and
Zawahiri's merger with bin Laden, Saddam suddenly started ramping up his
collaboration with al-Qaeda.
The 9/11 Report states, "In March 1998, after Bin Ladin's
[Commission spelling] public fatwa against the United States, two al Qaeda
members reportedly went to Iraq to meet with Iraqi intelligence.
In July, an Iraqi delegation traveled to Afghanistan to meet first
with the Taliban and then with Bin Ladin. Sources reported that
one or perhaps both of these meetings were apparently arranged through
Bin Ladin's Egyptian deputy, Zawahiri, who had ties of his own
to the Iraqis."
5) One way to exact the proper revenge was to keep the money flowing
to al-Qaeda and its affiliates. Former Iraqi intelligence officer
Abdul Rahman al-Shamari,
now in a Kurdish jail, told
Jonathan Schanzer
of the Weekly Standard that he personally was an aid conduit
Ansar al-Islam
on Saddam's orders. Ansar al-Islam is, of course, an al-Qaeda
affiliate that was badly bombed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. We
gave them money every month or two, Shamari recounted, noting that "on
one occasion we gave them 10 million Swiss dinars [about
$700,000]." Shamari's
immediate boss was high-ranking Saddam loyalist and Mukhabarat
officer Abu Wael. Saddam used Ansar al-Islam to make trouble in the
pro-Western Kurdish north of Iraq, Shamari explained. Mullah Krekar, the
spiritual head of Ansar al-Islam, while protected by the government of
Norway, actually admitted to ABC News that Abu Wael "is an Arabic
member of our shura, our leadership council also."
7) And, of course, there was always Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Zarqawi
is to this day writing letters to Osama bin Laden begging for cash
to fund his bombings of Iraqi and coalition targets inside Iraq. One
of these was intercepted en route via courier and published by Iraq administrator
L. Paul Bremer on the Web site of the Coalition Provisional Authority.
But Zarqawi didn't show up in Iraq out of a seething but justified sense
of outrage over the U.S. occupation. Before the Iraq War, Zarqawi
had his own camps in northern Iraq, where he made poisons. He
was a ricin specialist, according to Colin Powell in his February 2003
address to the U.N. Security Council.
One of these camps, searched by the Marines earlier this year, turned
up a 7-pound block of pure, ready-to-use cyanide. Saddam had
his own paid man working right under Zarqawi. When Zarqawi became
ill in May of 2002, Saddam put him up in Baghdad's best hospital
- used only by the loyalist elite - for two months. Zarqawi never
saw the tab. From his bedside, with Saddam's approval, Zarqawi held
court over perhaps 24 jihadis in his own group, which coordinated al-Qaeda
travelers in and out of the country to places like Saudi Arabia. In
case the world missed the point, Zarqawi and his group this week reportedly
declared their solemn allegiance to Osama bin Laden and merged with al-Qaeda.
He sent the deputy head of the Iraqi Mukhabarat, Farouk Hijazi,
on a secret mission through the high Hindu Kush mountains in wintry December
1998 to Kandahar to meet with bin Laden, according to the liberal British
newspaper The Guardian. Was Hijazi carrying money with him? Unfortunately,
the 9/11 Commission wasn't interested in asking. But one
remarkable thing immediately happened: according
to the 9/11 Report, bin Laden,
now confident in the backing of Saddam's Iraq, and "apparently at
[military chief] Muhammed Atef 's urging, finally decided to give al-Qaeda
planner Khalid Sheik Mohammed the green light for the 9/11 operation,"
the Report states.
10) Saddam used his Mukhabarat operative in Prague, Ahmed al-Ani,
to keep tabs on the 9/11 project through its ringleader, Mohamed Atta.
Saddam also employed Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, a lieutenant colonel in the
Fedayeen Saddam, to babysit some of the 9/11 hijackers in Kuala Lumpur.
As September 11, 2001, loomed, Saddam could hardly conceal his
anticipation. Two months before 9/11, the state-controlled Iraqi
newspaper Al-Nasiriya carried a column headlined "America,
An Obsession Called Osama Bin Ladin." In the piece, Ba'ath Party
writer Naeem Abd Muhalhal predicted that bin Laden would attack the U.S.
"with the seriousness of the Bedouin of the desert about the way
he will try to bomb the Pentagon after he destroys the White House."
Saddam's writer also insisted that bin Laden "will strike America
on the arm that is already hurting [i.e., the economy] and that the U.S.
"will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra every time he hears his songs"
- an apparent reference to the Sinatra classic "New York, New
12) A mere two weeks before the strike, Saddam put his entire military
on high alert, expecting the United States to bomb him in response. Only
a single news source, Con Coughlin of the British Daily Telegraph,
reported this fact, which has never since been disputed.
Headquarters of al-Zarkawi found in Fallujah. Command and
control center of Jordanian Terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been fond
in Fallujah. Bomb-making shop, documents, photographs, old computers and
copies of the Quran found. A large sign in Arabic read:
Organization" and "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his
it is very strange and utterly hypocritical why in the world that erudite
9/11 commission found no connection between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hossain.
Whatmakes the real connection between the two rogue groups? Does
it require a marriage ceremony to have connection?
was always the core factor for the al-Qaeda group to launch world-wide
terrorist campaign against America. In addition to those world wide Muslim
charities, Saudi Arabia and Saddam's Iraq were the two nations funneled
millions of dollars and moral boosting to this rogue al-Qaeda who vowed
to dedicate their life to hurt America anywhere in the world.
it be possible that the 9/11 commission was highly politically motivated
only to un-seat Bush for the second term in White house? Was it a dire
conspiracy? Only time will tell that.
wonder Bush-Cheney regime never agreed with 9/11 commission or with any
other party and they were beating their drum louder and clear that-Saddam
did have connection with al-Qaeda. George Bush was all along very adamant
and strong in his conviction. This forceful conviction of George Bush
brought him the jubilant victory on November 2, 2004 Presidential election.
No doubt about it!
Saddam, the ATM of Al-Qaeda
Christopher S. Carson
November 16, 2004
(Christopher S. Carson,
formerly of the American Enterprise Institute, is an attorney in private
practice in Milwaukee.)
2) Washington
Post, November
19, 2004 |