Islam: Dinosaur in the Age of Mammals
09 Apr, 2005
Tariq Ramadan, the famed "moderate” Muslim who has made deception
of non-Muslims into an art form, says
the 21st century will see a second role reversal between Islam
and the West: The West will begin its new decline, and the
Arab-Islamic world its renewal and ascent to centuries of world
Princeton historian Bernard Lewis told Die Welt that Europe
would be Islamic by the end of this century "at the very latest".
Robert Spengler of the Asia Times agrees. What if they are all
wrong? What if we state that Europe won’t be Islamic at the end of
the 21st century because Islam itself won’t be a force of any
significance a century from now?
There are few people of any stature who dare venture such a bold
assertion. Ali Sina, the Iranian ex-Muslim and founder of, is one of the few who do. Sina has
consistently claimed that Islam is “a house of cards that will
collapse if sufficiently pushed”, and that we may see the end of
Islam within the next few decades. He has compared Islam both to
Communism and Nazism, claiming that it will either collapse as the
former or be crushed as the latter. These analogies are imperfect,
and have rightly been criticized by some. Communism was a recent
invention, and a European, materialist ideology not concerned with
the hereafter. Islam carries 1400 years of history with it, and is
deeply tied to the cultural identity of hundreds of millions of
people in a way Communism or Nazism never were. However, Ali Sina
may be on to something.
I have earlier predicted that what we are witnessing now is an
era no less crucial to Islam than the Protestant Reformation was to
Christianity. The difference is that Islam may not be flexible
enough to handle the challenge, and will disintegrate as a result.
For instance, the entire foundation of Islam is based upon female
subjugation and male dominance. The movement to grant equality to
females will essentially destroy Islam. Islam is quite simply too
rigid to survive in a modern world.
It is true that the West at the onset of the 21st century shows
signs of weakness and lack of direction. However, it is likely that
the USA in particular will retain its leading position for a very
long time. Europe does have deeper lying problems, and considering
its many Muslim immigrants may indeed face a turbulent and violent
period. But even Europe is far from incapable of renewal in the
longer run. Perhaps this Islamic threat is precisely the slap in the
face we need to regenerate and regain our sense of purpose. It is
also true that our status as the leading civilization is not given
by nature. We will be challenged during this century, but not by
Islam. Our contenders are not Muslims, but Asian non-Muslims, who
display a dynamism far beyond anything the Ummah can produce. The
total nonfossil fuel exports from the entire Arab world amount
to less than the total exports of Finland, a tiny infidel country of
only 5 million inhabitants. A United Nations report warns that
a majority of Arab young
people want to leave their homelands in favor of the
West. Is that the hallmark of a culture at the brink of world
dominance, Mr. Ramadan?
Besides oil, the only thing Islam has going for it is extremely high
birth rates. This can be seen as an advantage as long as Muslims are
allowed to dump this excess population in non-Muslim countries and
dominate these through demographic jihad. If the non-Muslims should
decide to curb Muslim immigration, even the high birth rates would
turn into a curse. Islamic nations are already falling apart. At the
time when the oil revenues run out for Muslims states,
India and China may have had missions to the moon. The 21st
century will not be an Islamic century. Most likely, it will
continue with a Western lead. The alternative is some sort of power
sharing between Western and Eastern infidels. The Islamic world,
stripped of its oil revenues and no longer able to export its
population growth to non-Muslims countries, will hardly be a blip on
the radar screen.
Ohmyrus, a member of, has given a good description
of the Islamic predicament in his essay
“Once were warriors: Why Islam failed Muslims”. Islam is a
warrior’s creed that served its early followers well. It prospered
because its ethos makes it very successful as a medieval war machine
when men fought with swords, bows and spears. From impoverished
desert tribes, they rose to forge an empire in a short time that
stretched from Spain to India. The ethos it engendered – brotherhood
for believers, contempt and hatred for non-believers, belief in
heavenly rewards for fallen warriors, a high fertility rate (which
requires the subordination of women), blind obedience – created
formidable warriors. But these same qualities are handicaps for
Muslims in the age of the microchip. Islam’s ritualistic practices
inculcate blind obedience among its followers and not questioning
inquisitive minds. The way the Koran is taught in traditional
Madrassahs is by memorization. This leaves no room for asking
questions. Asking questions risks the student of being accused of
blasphemy or unbelief. Great scientists and philosophers do not come
from such a passive environment. Islam is specialized and
tailor-made for a society that no longer exists, and instinctively
wants to drag the rest of the world back to these “glory days”. It
used to be excellent for breeding soldiers, to plunder the lands of
non-Muslims. But even this gets increasingly difficult, in a world
of advanced technology.
Of course, even if Islam is collapsing as we speak, that does not
mean that it is nothing to worry about. On the contrary. There are
few things more lethal than a wounded beast, trapped in a corner.
And that is exactly what Islam is now. Worst case, it could be a
very violent collapse, if Islamic radicals manage to ignite a global
war. Islam is the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the 21st century. Once king
and feared by all, now sidelined by smarter and faster-adapting
creatures in a world it no longer understands. The old giant can
still be dangerous, lashing out with a vengeance against the new
breed. Mammals, they call them, these upstarters. It makes a lot of
noise and may even succeed in killing some of the ones unlucky
enough to be standing in its way. But terrifying as it may seem, it
is destined to fail. This is the age for big brains, not big but
slow limbs. It will end its days in museums, scaring kids of the
future hearing tales about this big monster which ones roamed the
earth. Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaida are but the last roar of a dying
beast, a dinosaur in the age of mammals.
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Wolfgang Bruno is a European blogger and author. He is writing a book about the Internet movement of ex-Muslims. All of Bruno's essays can be republished and reproduced for free by anybody who wants to, as long as credit is given to the author.
Name: Alf Janszoon
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 09:49:26 -0700
Islam is also built on murder, highway robbery, theft, slavery. I came to this conclusion after reading the English translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sira by Alfred Guillaume, The Life of Muhammad. How can a sane person convert to islam after reading Ibn Ishaq's book?
Name: Decline of Islam and reformation for Hinduism
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 10:03:39 -0700
Islam is indeed a tight slap in the face of the West. The West is getting irrational with the likes of Dawkinism, same-sex marriages, freedom for-this-and for-that. The West is declining except if she goes back to her roots in Christianity. No prizes for guessing that Asian powers of India and China would be a real challenge to the West. Both these countries have no history of imperialism and colonialism. Reformed Hinduism, ie Buddhism is the way to go for the Chinese and Indians. Hinduism, a form of religious apartheid, like Islam would not survive the 21st century. However, reformation for Islam is impossible but reformation for Hinduism has already taken place many years ago, we call it Buddhism.
Name: Well said
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 10:38:08 -0700
Despite all the prognostications of doom and gloom, I never really believed that Islam will succeed. Some Westerners may be apathetic and ignorant now but the more Islam encroaches on their society the more they'll wake up and there will come a tipping point when Islamic stealth jihad will have zero tolerance in their society. Islam is ill-fitted to face the modern world. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism we see today is the last roar of a dying beast fending off its impending demise.
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 10:56:33 -0700
islam is the only religion accorcing to ALLAH ALMIGHTY dear people you are doing a great sin by disgracing ISLAM i know you will realize it on the day of judgement what fool u were doing on earth when allah will announce heaven and paradise for muslims you people will be put in the lowest class of the HELL STILL U HAVE TIME SAY SORRY TO ALLAH and convert to islam
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 12:54:14 -0700
It is only when people openly talk about the evils of islam that its end will be near. Or it will keep survivng for a long time.
Name: Islam Is Growing
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 14:04:58 -0700
I can smell the fear of ISLAM in you when get infront of your computer and bite your nails in sorrow hoping that ISLAM will fade away. Fact is ISLAM is growing by the minute. As I am writing these words thousands of poeple are coming into ISLAM starting from America.
Name: loved the analogy of it!
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 14:08:02 -0700
And with the advent of the electronic age, information is abound. People can find out information like never before. Information is the key to anything. The key to the downfall of ignorance and arragance. And those that are living in countries dominated by this cult, are learning. There will be a battle, a final one, how bloody will depend on the people.
Name: Tanstaafl
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 14:16:37 -0700
I love your title!
Name: qwer
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 18:33:17 -0700
I'm glad finally we are aware with the poison of dying snake. Be carefull Westerner... moslem's Trojan Horse always trying to come to your home. After that, they will destroy contain of your home, include your lovely family. Their next goal is: trying to come to your neighboors ... and occupy your country.
Name: Infidel Indian
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 21:05:59 -0700
All Westerners (including Bruno) are totally clueless about dealing with Islam. They are all hoping that somehow this nightmare will go away. Indications are that with more education and more money in the hands of Muslims, things are going to become even worse. The only way to control (and eliminate) Islam in the West is to implement full Sharia for Muslims - with reversal of Muslim-Infidel interaction rules. One thing I cant understand is the compulsion of Europeans to give citizenship to foreigners. Why cant you learn from Saudi, Kuwait etc ? Even if 60% of Europe is Muslim you will still have very little problem if they are not citizens. Also, why dont you encourage immigration from China and India (non-muslims) to counter the growing Muslim population?
Name: seeker
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 23:24:19 -0700
A superb article by Wolfgang Bruno. Comparing Islam to T-Rex couldn`t be more apt. Ali Sina may be wrong about Islam going down in a few decades, but he does have a point. Islam is going down ,there is no doubt about about it. Muslims must realise that the glory days of subjugation, conquest are over. I feel that people are going overboard about Europe going down to Islam in this century. It is not going to happen. Nevertheless they have to be carefuL. Same applies to India. I recently was on a holiday across the length and breath of India. Hinduism is firmly entrenched. No sir. Hinduism is not going anywhere no amount of breeding by the muslims or jihadi acts by terroists. In all it will further alienate the Hindus. Though Islam is going down , be prepared for more attacks by T-Rex as it finally gasps before giving up.
Name: Azz
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 00:30:48 -0700
If Islam wants to dominate the world let it. But remember some will resist.
Name: The longevity of Islam
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 00:58:15 -0700
The longevity of Islam is coterminous with the supply of oil in the Middle East.
Name: Showan Khurshid
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 01:17:50 -0700
I agree with your analyses that Islam, as uncivilised creed, can never underpin a powerful political entity in the current circumstance, particularly when plundering by military conquest is not easy. I also agree that Islam will vanish. It is simply not fit for humans. However, it is possible that it will bring about the destruction of the whole human world along the way. However, the main problem currently is that Muslims are really poised to take over many European countries. Muslims know that this is their only chance of dominance and that is why they are working so hard to pour people into these countries. Moreover, while Islam is not an ideology that underpins civilisation, it is a very good ideology for parasitism. Someone embracing Islam in Europe will be happy living off the state, having more than one wife and cheating the system for his entire life. And instead of feeling inferior he will be feeling proud because he is harming the Kafirs. So he will be cursing and fulminating at the Europeans in the name of violating his human rights, which he does not believe in any way. Worst, he will have enslaved many gentle and highly educated Europeans, usually women, who will be demanded to work for the Muslim and Muslimah by their employers, the social services. So Islam is really a lucrative business still for those who make it into the West. My advice is unrelenting intellectual opposition to Islam.
Name: I feel AliSina is another Budha
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 02:17:27 -0700
I feel Ali Sina is another Budha. The great Budha then had no problems. He had everything right from enormous wealth, very vast kingdom ,obedient and faithful administrators and a loving family. He had no problems,pains and sufferings. He just wanted to eliminate the pain ,ignorence and sufferings of the people. He dedicated his entire life for that. He won very one on his way to truth. He said his Dharma (faith) is like an ocean which never dries up.He is the first person in the world to form organisations. He was a great thinker ,philosopher, meditator. According to historians he is the greatest Human being on the earth known to history. Ali sina has similar qualities. Alisina working for humanity and for spred of love and service with out carving for imaginery paradise. He taking risk of life, spending time, energy and money just fro love of humanity. He understood the the dnager of islam and daringly declared it is the cancer of humanituy. Let us all appreciate his struggle for truth and love for humanity
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 07:20:06 -0700
The problem with Europe is that it has lost its sense of direction. Like Indian politicians , in the name of secularism, who are apologetic to islamic fundamentalists and fanatics, Europe has become impotent towards rabid islamic extremism under the guise of multiculturalism. Its politicians , like in India see them as "vote banks". When the muslims are in sizeable minority they flex their muscles to get all undue favours and concessions in the name of 'minoritism'. Should they become a majority , life will be one hell of a misery and abject submission to Sharia and 'mullahdom'.Eurpoean culture will be soon wiped out and replaced with arabian barbarism. No more art,painting, sculpture, drama, dance, music, Shakespeare, Goethe, Victor Hugo,Charles Dickens, Wordsworth, Shelley, T.S.Eliot, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Movies,TV, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, etc. It will be just mullahs howling 'azan' five times a day and policing common people like in concentration camps of the Nazis. Infact we will all be back to the arabian barbarism of slave trade, plunder, paying protection money, rape of kaffir women and children , keeping sex slaves,etc. - all signs of islamic "progress"! Islam is a totalitarian ,despotic cult with a negative and criminal tendencies like their founder the 'madcap' psychopath and criminal Muhamad. If Europe fall to islam ,North America will not be far behind. I commend the author for this article and I share his views enitirely!
Name: Re: Infidel Indian
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 09:55:12 -0700
"Also, why dont you encourage immigration from China and India (non-muslims) to counter the growing Muslim population?" Interesting point about Hindu/Chinese immigration. Re. Britain, For a long time, it has been very hard the Chinese to emigrate to Britain. The impression I got was that the British were very tight about immigration and you need to be highly qualified to stand a good chance of being accepted. Imagine my surprise when I learned that they've been letting Muslims in like nobody's business and saying it's necessary because they need more foreign labour! Is there a double standard going on here? I also read recently how some Gurkha army veterans had to file a lawsuit just to receive British citizenship. Something is very wrong.
Name: Re: Islam is Growing
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 10:20:12 -0700
Islam is Growing? How do religions like Islam survive? By exploiting the vulnerability of a childs mind and addling it. Yes, Islam is so true it relies on minds of unweary kids!! If indoctrination did not exist religions would not exist!!
Name: Islam a fossil relic of the 7th century
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 11:43:56 -0700
The next century will offer no place for Islam. It will be remembered in the future as the most terrible thing that ever befell mankind and the darkest chapter in the pages of world history.
Name: Logical Thinker
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 15:33:42 -0700
Muslims are very ignorant. The only way to defeat Islam is to get muslims to read and understand the Koran and Hadith. It's only then, that they will realise what a load of crap there is in a book they so much think solves the problems of the universe. My advice is to get muslims to read the Koran, something that they trust. Also, don't criticise Mo before doing that.
Name: Islam the time machine
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 22:37:40 -0700
Islam is the time machine that propels civilization back to the 7th century.
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 23:15:19 -0700
islam is the true faith u are all bastards and ass-suckers....u are mother-fuckers inshahllah u will go to hell
Name: Uwe Hayek.
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 06:40:06 -0700
Ik keep wondering : are posters like Humayan real, or is it just a joke by some troll ?
Name: Philip Lowry
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 08:31:23 -0700
Liberalism could kill islam; Instead the liberals aid it and give it a place to grow.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 20:25:16 -0700
Islam is not the religion build ON murder and robbery, but Islam is the religion FOR murder, terrorism, robbery, rape, paedophilia, incest and anything bad you can think of. You want to marry your daughter in laws? Islam permits it, like their prophet Mohammad married Zainab, Mohammad married Ayesha, etc. Islam = lust, ha ha ha .....
Name: To Atir Bashir
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 00:34:47 -0700
No amount of abusive and filthy language can put down the Truth about islam. Islam is backwardness, and you know it, which is why you are using foul language to vent your frustrations at not being able to counter the facts about your destructive cult in a sane and civilized manner.
Name: Re: islam is growing
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 00:43:05 -0700
Growing where? In American prisons where it can find easy converts since islam condones the most heinous crimes against humanity made up of nonmuslims. What if all the world is islamised? You have to cut each others throats, which you are doing anyway even today in Darfur,Sudan, Iran,Iraq, Pakistan, et al.If this is what islam offers to humanity as a solution "for all its problems" (as Zakir Naik and his ilks in the Peace TV say), you will be only speeding up human species extinction in the chain of Natural Evolution ,all in a hurry to catch up with your imaginary Islamic Paradise with 72 "whores" of Allah and 28 cherubic boys for an eternity of sexual orgy, drinking and debauching and belching with overeating!. Heheheheha
Name: to Uwe Hayek
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 09:58:45 -0700
people like HUMAYUN are real.This is the sad truth.
Name: Snake Oil Baron
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 15:27:59 -0700
<i>"Sina has consistently claimed that Islam is “a house of cards that will collapse if sufficiently pushed”"</i> While it is not a popular view among critics of Islam, i actually agree with the assessment though the metaphor of a dilapidated old shack in a fierce and unrelenting wind might be more accurate. No one gust of wind knocks it down but each sway loosens more nails and causes more buckling. The total fertility rates of some Muslim nations are high but falling much faster than those of Western and Asian nations did. Iran is already below the replacement rate and its youth bulge is beginning to move through the system. Recent calls for regulating satellite TV channels broadcasting in the Arab world and even for the death of TV producers who create immoral programing are in response to the mostly unstoppable explosion of satellite channels bringing controversial debates, opinions, educational content, Christian evangelism, secular criticism of religious and political leaders even pornography into Islamic nations, much of it free to air. Cell phones, the Internet and tourism are poisoning the reservoir of Islamic orthodoxy and rising employment, literacy and prosperity (while still low) are all tearing Islam apart at the seems. Calls for tighter apostasy laws in Iran and other nations are not coming from out of the blue. Islam is splitting into a stagnant and increasingly militant orthodoxy and an increasingly impatient population of crypto-apostates. Every time there are massive terrorist attacks or cartoon riots, Islam looses credibility with the young and every day in which the young are exposed to the media, news and cultural practices of far away lands, the less alien and disturbing these practices appear. How many of the kids in the Arab world who were into Pokemon are going to take Imams seriously when they tell them that Pokeman is a tool of the devil?
Name: Snake Oil Baron
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 15:43:13 -0700
I should not that by mentioning the increase in employment, literacy and prosperity in certain Arab, specifically North African states, I am not promoting the "poverty and illiteracy = terrorist" clap trap. I am saying that it helps reduce the fertility rate, the pressure to migrate to Europe (which is already seeing Asians, sub Saharans and South Americans eclipse Muslim immigrants. It also erodes the "values" and beliefs within Islamic communities which are necessary to maintain Islam. Prosperity and education does not vaccinate people against terrorism but it does poison Islam over the long term.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 19:57:46 -0700
I think mostly Moslem consist of many under-educated people. They can easily be cheated with polished story of Mohammad and the glory of Islam in the past. The higher educated people, either they are brainwashed or too lazy to seek for the truth, never do any rational thinking about Islam. They accept it as it is, as it is been taught by their mullah/ustadz. Sadly, these mullah/ustadz are also of low education. They only learnt about Islam only. Their formal education is low. That makes polished stories about Islam and Mohammad accepted as the ultimate truth by them. Besides the teaching that Islam is the most perfect religion, and no questioning about their prophet Mohammad and Islam, made these people never want to seek the truth. Any truth spoken shall be considered as an insult to Islam and the prophet. In this modern world, where people are expected to do more and more rationalizing, still many people do not use their brain. They are like robots, ha ha ha .....
Name: ha ha ha ..... again .....
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 20:09:18 -0700
The problem in Islam is, these people consider their mullah/ustadz as holy persons. A moslem who has performed the Hajj pilgrimage has a higher status amongst them, as if he is hollier than other people. The mullah/ustadz are keeping and showing the "I'm a holy person" attitude in their daily life. Speak to them and you will find the "what I said is the truth, you cannot question it" attitude. They happy with that position, and will defend it at any cost. They use the religion to gain power among Moslems, and money. You asked them to pray for you, but with no money involved, there will be no prayer at all. So Islam is a mean to gain power and money amongst Moslem, ha ha ha .....
Name: Scott L.
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 20:21:38 -0700
do you really believe that islam will fade away without taking the whole world with it? once the armagedon against israel starts, its all over. and that means for everybody. so you guyz think the arab/muslim world is gonna let israel stand thru the century huh...? that'll be a neat trick. predictions? it ends when an antichrist comes and makes peace, then war against israel, and then divine intervention. 1john 2:22 is the antichrist that denies the Father and the Son. the king is coming. and his name is jesus the son of god.