Lemmings on Prozac – an Eurabian Tale
19 May, 2005
The leaders of the European Union have put together a
proposal for a European Constitution. Already today,
80% of new laws passed in Europe are “federal” European laws
made in Brussels. If passed by all member states, this Constitution
will intensify EU integration in the direction of statehood. How
do you unite 500 million people who have fought each other for a
thousand years? The obvious
model is Otto von Bismarck, who united the fractious German
states in 1870: You need a common enemy. For Germany the necessary
enemy was France. Today, European elites are trying to cast the USA
in that role.
Robert Spengler thinks
the founders of the US broke away from Western civilization
to found something quite different, a throwback to the Hebraic
notion of a Chosen People. That is overstating the differences
between Europe and the USA. It is true that the United States is not
made up of European impulses alone. However, the foundation and
creation of the Union was done by people of European descent. They
wanted to create a nation based upon the best of Europe’s cultural,
philosophical and scientific traditions, but without its religious
intolerance and political instability. A Europe without Europe’s
flaws. From a European point of view, the USA thus isn’t “the
Other”, it is an improved version of ourselves. What logic is there
in rallying against an improved version of yourself? Practically and
geopolitically, it is extremely dangerous. The Islamic world knows
it can never defeat a united and confident West. What they need is a
fractured West, and
the EU elites seem hellbent on giving them just that. By playing
the appeasement-instinct in Europe and the isolationist instinct in
the US, both internally weakened by the ideology of
multiculturalism, Muslims can go on the offensive and assert their
own agenda. By forwarding the idea of the EU opposed to the USA, the
EU Constitution is thus playing into the hands of the Jihadis.
Massive immigration, too, plays an important role in this set-up. It
is necessary in order to break down the old structures, to replace
them with a new, pan-European identity. The nationalities of Europe
are being dissolved in a historically meaningless collectivity,
united neither by language, nor by religion, nor by customs, nor by
inherited sovereignty and law. This is much to the dismay of
British thinker Roger Scruton, who argues that the nation state
is the best guarantee we have of peace, prosperity and respect for
human rights. He coins the term 'oikophobia', or 'hatred of home',
to describe intellectuals who hate nations or regard them as
outdated. Oikophobia can reach absurd levels.
A senior European Commissioner accused those skeptical of the EU
Constitution of risking a new Holocaust. Europe seems so scared of
its own demons that it doesn’t comprehend that demons can come from
the outside, too. The Islamic world senses the weakness and goes for
the kill.
The old identification with nation and culture has become subdued
and discredited, although by no means erased. But there is still
nothing new to replace it. Europe is left in limbo, unsure of itself
and drifting in a cultural and religious vacuum. Is that why we hate
the Americans and the Israelis so much? Because they dare to express
pride in their nations and their religious culture, something we are
no longer allowed to do? All we are left with is some talk about
creating a “new superpower”. But a superpower by any definition is
one that projects its influence far outside its own borders. Europe
these days has a hard time influencing even its own Islamic suburbs.
The EU elites are lemmings on Prozac, happily jumping off the
multicultural cliff while Muslims chase them out of their own
cities. Europe should worry less about rivaling the Unites States
and more about not rivaling Kosovo.
We do need European cooperation and solidarity, now more than ever.
The murder of Theo van Gogh wasn’t just an attack on Holland, it was
a declaration of war against Europe. By some, this will be used as
an argument in favor of further EU integration. That is a mistake.
This new Constitution embodies an utopian project. The goal is not
just to create a new European superstate, but a New Man to go with
it, free of the constraints of the past. The New European Man, just
like the New Soviet Man, is bound to fail. The text contains no
reference to Europe’s Judeo – Christian heritage, after strong
insistence by the French. Symptomatically, the French Justice
Minister has called the
EU Constitution "an enlarged France." That makes absolutely no
sense. It was its cultural and religious roots that enabled the
continent to repel earlier Islamic invasions, and thus ensured the
very survival of European and Western civilization. What is required
now is cold realism and courage, to fight the twin trolls of
Defeatism and Denial. Yes, Muslim immigration is a real threat that
will destroy the continent if allowed to continue. No, Europe isn’t
lost yet. Europeans in the past sometimes managed to put their
national differences aside, to hold the line against Islamic
aggression. This may be needed once more. We must ignore the
American mock enemy our media are putting up, and concentrate on
creating European unity in the face of the real enemy: Islam.
The American Constitution consists of 12 pages, plus another
nine pages of amendments added over the past two centuries. The
proposed European Constitution is 511 pages long, or 800 including
various additions. At best, it is unnecessary complicated and
unsuited as the foundation for any democratic system. At worst, it
is deliberately made to be that way. The more incomprehensible it is
to the common man, the more leverage it leaves to the specialists
and the ruling elites. Former Belgian
Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene openly admitted this: “We know
that nine out of 10 people will not have read the Constitution and
will vote on the basis of what politicians and journalists say. More
than that, if the answer is No, the vote will probably have to be
done again, because it absolutely has to be Yes."
The EU elites are basically smiling to European citizens and saying:
“Trust us, and let us think for you”. Thanks, but no thanks. First
of all, we greatly dislike being treated with the same condescending
contempt medieval peasants were subject to by their feudal
overlords. Second of all: We don’t trust you. This Constitution will
give even more power to
the Hamas-kissers and
the mullah-appeasers. And to the groupings that want the
enlarged EU to include Turkey, and thus 100 million Muslims and
counting. This is a
Constitution written by bureaucrats for bureaucrats. It gives
enhanced powers to the elites who alienate our best friends, the
Americans, and court our worst enemies,
the Islamic world. It is a marriage made in hell between the
Eurocrat oligarchy and the latest utopian fads. It will further
weaken European democracy at a time when detachment between the
people and their leaders
is already reaching dangerous levels, and while Islamists are
watching from the sidelines, like hungry kids outside a candy store.
That’s why the Constitution proposal has to be rejected. If the
French don’t do so in the upcoming referendum, then the British, the
Dutch and the Danes need to do so in theirs. It is absolutely
crucial if Europe should remain a civilized, democratic continent.
The struggle to derail Europe’s path to Eurabia starts with blocking
the latest schemes from Brussels and Paris.
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Wolfgang Bruno is a European blogger and author. He is writing a book about the Internet movement of ex-Muslims. All of Bruno's essays can be republished and reproduced for free by anybody who wants to, as long as credit is given to the author.
Name: robert a
Date: Monday July 02, 2007
Time: 22:52:12 -0700
Why hasn't a list of these members of the EU elite been published so the light of day can be shined on them. Let's get personal with these pricks.
Name: Christian who knows what the Quran teaches.
Date: Tuesday July 03, 2007
Time: 09:18:34 -0700
This is what the Europeans call multiculturalism?
Name: Death to Islam
Date: Monday July 16, 2007
Time: 14:03:20 -0700
You want to know what Islam means? It means sticking a rod in people's rear ends and saying hee-haw. It is about urinating on civil liberties. http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSBLA66590320070716 Islam is about making a mockery of freedom. It makes fascism look glorious.
Date: Thursday November 01, 2007
Time: 07:35:14 -0700