Quran: A Reality or Fiction?
20 Nov, 2007
- According to Quran Allah (God) is Almighty. He is not only
Allah of the Muslims but Allah of all the human beings on the
earth irrespective of the faith, religion, complexion, etc. There
are lots of references but for the readers’ convenience only few
are mentioned
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 255:
Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursee extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great. (This Verse 2:255 is called Ayat-ul-Kursee.)
Quran: Chapter # 35, Verse # 1:
All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the (only) Originator (or the (only) creator) of the heavens and the earth, who made the angels messengers with wings, - two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Verily, Allah is Able to do all things.
Quran: Chapter # 15, Verse # 86:
Verily, your Lord is the All-Knowing creator.
Quran: Chapter # 36, Verse # 81:
Is not He, Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them? Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Supreme creator.
The following verses narrate that Allah’s authority is not infinite. He did not have control of his creatures even in the heaven where Satan refused to obey Him and acted against the will of Allah:
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 34:
And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves before Adam.". And they prostrated except Iblees (satan), he refused and was proud and was one of the disbelievers (disobedient to Allah).
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 36:
Then the Shaitan (satan) made them slip there from (the Paradise ), and got them out from that in which they were. We said: "Get you down, all, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be a dwelling place for you and an enjoyment for a time.
At many places in Quran Allah has been painted as Lord of the Alameen (the whole universe) the meaning of which is that He is not only Lord of the Muslims but Lord of all the human beings on the earth. See the following verse:
Quran: Chapter #36, Verse #81
All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the lord of the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
Now if we study the following verses we see that Lord of all the human beings (Quran: Chapter #36, Verse #81), irrespective of their religion, faith, etc., is declaring Himself as Lord of Muslims only and directing them that they should not take people of the other religions and faiths as their friends. It means that they should not be trusted upon and do not make any kind of relationship with them:
Quran: Chapter # 5, Verse # 51
Oh ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.¨
Quran: Chapt # 2, Verse # 120:
Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him) till you follow their religion. Say: "Verily, the Guidance of Allah (i.e. Islamic Monotheism) that is the (only) Guidance. And if you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him) were to follow their (Jews and Christians) desires after what you have received of Knowledge (i.e. the Quran), then you would have against Allah neither any Walee (protector or guardian) nor any helper.
When Muslims study the clear cut words of Allah in the light of
the above references, is it possible that they can deny the
commandment of Almighty and make friends with disbelievers or even
think good of them. I am unable to understand that the Creator of
all human kind is creating enmity among the peoples on the earth. It
can never be possible.
According to Quran, on the one hand no one can be guided (embrace Islam) unless Allah wills so. It means that Allah guides whom He wills. See the following verses of Quran narrating the authority of Allah in this respect:
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 142
The fools (pagans, hypocrites, and Jews) among the people will say, "What has turned them (Muslims) from their Qiblah (prayer direction (towards Jerusalem )) to which they were used to face in prayer." Say, (O Muhammad SAW) "To Allah belong both, east and the west. He guides whom He wills to a Straight Way ."
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 213
Mankind was one community and Allah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings, and with them He sent the Scripture in truth to judge between people in matters wherein they differed. And only those to whom (the Scripture) was given differed concerning it after clear proofs had come unto them through hatred, one to another. Then Allah by His Leave guided those who believed to the truth of that wherein they differed. And Allah guides whom He wills to a Straight Path.
See also:
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 258:
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 272:
Quran: Chapter # 3, Verse # 86:
Quran: Chapter # 6, Verse # 16:
Quran: Chapter # 5, Verse # 51:
Quran: Chapter # 5, Verse # 67:
Quran: Chapter # 5, Verse # 108:
On the other hand, it has been narrated in the Quran that it is
solely Allah who has the authority to guide some or not. Those who
are guided become Muslim and those who are not guided remain
disbelievers. In the following verse Allah admits that He makes
people do wrong acts:
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 15
Allah mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong-doings to wander blindly.
Now, for a moment if we accept the version of Muslims as narrated
in the above said references, it has become clear that it was only
Allah who has the authority to guide the people or not. Those who
were guided became Muslims and those who were not, remained
non-Muslims. My question is that where is the fault of those who
remained disbelievers? Whereas, according to Quran they remained
disbelievers because Allah wanted them so and did not guide them.
The following Hadith narrates that everything with regard to the
fate of a person is decided by Allah even before his birth when he
is in his mother’s womb:
Sahih Bokhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 315: Narrated Anas bin Malik
The Prophet said, "At every womb Allah appoints an angel who says, 'O Lord! A drop of semen, O Lord! A clot. O Lord! A little lump of flesh." Then if Allah wishes (to complete) its creation, the angel asks, (O Lord!) Will it be a male or female, a wretched or a blessed, and how much will his provision be? And what will his age be?' So all that is written while the child is still in the mother's womb."
The people who were guided by Allah became Muslims. Had Allah not wished so, it was impossible for them to embrace Islam. Therefore, there was no personal effort involved but Allah’s guidance and will.
The above references suggest that the people whom Allah did not want to guide, remained disbelievers and became infidels. So no one can accept Islam against the will of Allah. Therefore, in my opinion there should be no punishment for those who disbelieve Islam. The following verses describe clearly:
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 16:
These are they who have purchased error for guidance, so their commerce was profitless. And they were not guided.
Quran: Chapter # 2, Verse # 258:
And upon Allah is the responsibility to explain the Straight Path (i.e. Islamic Monotheism for mankind i.e. to show them legal and illegal, good and evil things, etc. so, whosoever accepts the guidance, it will be for his own benefit and whosoever goes astray, it will be for his own destruction), but there are ways that turn aside (such as Paganism, Judaism, Christianity, etc.). And had He willed, He would have guided you all (mankind).
From the above I am unable to hold the human being responsible of disobeying the orders or instructions of Allah. Does it not mean that all what has been happening all around is because of Allah's will? When Allah, in spite of having the power and authority to rightly guide the disbelievers/Jews/Christians etc., do not do so, then the question is that where is the fault of non-Muslims. Jews are Jews because Allah did not like to guide them and therefore they remained Jews. When it happened according to Allah's will, then why Jews are blamed for not accepting Islam? The day of Judgment/recurrence when the disbelievers or infidels would be punished for disbelieving Islam is not understandable.
REQUEST: Please be impartial and ponder with openness of mind and see the reality.
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The author is a Pakistan-born former Muslim. Read his testimony of leaving Islam: Logically Knowing Islam
Name: MG
Date: Monday November 19, 2007
Time: 19:05:08 -0700
Name: Bobby
Date: Monday November 19, 2007
Time: 20:39:13 -0700
All religions are man-made. The only true way to reach God is for each individual themselves to learn from life's experiences and make their own understanding of who God is. Relying on ancient crappy texts written by hateful people for their own benefit is stupid! The world's organized religions have only managed to divide people and brought violence and suffering to mankind. It is time people break free from the shackles of faith systems based on ancient "holy books"!
Date: Monday November 19, 2007
Time: 23:17:23 -0700
Name: ab
Date: Monday November 19, 2007
Time: 23:20:23 -0700
Mr.MG Please tink. How can a religion which tells you to go on jihad and kill fellow human beings make sense. How can a religion which gives wrong information about all creations make sense. How can a reigion which incites you to be cruel to wome and beat wife make sense. How ca a religion which tells you to be cruel to animal make sense. This list can go on endlessly. This is a 7th century cult not suitable today. Please make use of your brain.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday November 19, 2007
Time: 23:51:34 -0700
Allah is a fictional character created by the 7th century barbarian "Mohamed" to further his hold on illiterate arabian morons ,for ill-gotten wealth through plunder and brigandry,sexual perversion and rape with "quranic" sanction,including murder and massacre,enslavement all with Allah's(Mohamed,actually) authority and sanction! All religions are man-made ,but islam takes the cakes as it is sheer criminal and immoral idealogy in the garb of 'religion'.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday November 20, 2007
Time: 00:07:54 -0700
Of all the religions only islam thrives on hatred and unmitigated violence since its very inception in the 7th century, and still believes in the 7th century barbarity. There is nothing spiritually ennobling like in Budhism, Jainism,Hinduism,Zoroastrianism,Confucianism, Shintoism,or in the teachings of Jesus Christ(excluding its moronic followers like the evangelists,Jehova's watch-tower,etc.). It is rabbid ,frothing with sheer hatred calling for the blood of "infidels",if not subjugated or enslaved with severe restrictions and disabling edicts or "fatwas". Its contempt for women and womenhood is unmatched by any religion.It is a case of total 'sickness' of mind , a sort of terminal ailment. All this in the name of Allah and his madcap side-kick "Mohamed"! Allah and the Quran are fictional creation of Mohamed ,it has no truth in it .
Name: No Sharia
Date: Tuesday November 20, 2007
Time: 01:06:30 -0700
This kind of scholarship is important. It should be done at the universities but owing to PC,cowardness etc most don´t carry out this kind of critical research. What it shows is a lack of logic thinking typical of a highly intelligent but illiterate politician from the 7th century trying to formulate a doctrine which could give him power. However, we don´t know his psychologicala disposition so parts of that doctrine he m a y even think came from somebody outside himself. But we don´t know that. The evidence is overwhelming that so much of the contents of the quoran is just based on Muhammed´s immediate or long-term needs as a person and politician which means..... Regards,No Sharia
Name: Larry Houle
Date: Tuesday November 20, 2007
Time: 10:39:56 -0700
Larry Houle www.godofreason.com intermedusa@yahoo.com ALLAH never exist. There were no revelations from Allah to Muhammad. The immoral, irrational, evil Allah of the Koran was the creation of Muhammad. He created Allah. He created Islam. He created the evil LAWS OF ALLAH. MUHAMMAD WAS ALLAH AND ALLAH WAS MUHAMMAD.
Name: Bobby
Date: Tuesday November 20, 2007
Time: 20:29:02 -0700
If the ancient books impart some wisdom on spirituality and life it may be worth pondering over. But if most of what it says is to gang up on "non-believers" and impose illogical rules and other ugly stuff - it should be flushed down the toilet. Only blind faith resulted in the survival of these texts to this day. Most of other fancy ideas of pre-historic times have been discarded along the way.
Date: Wednesday November 21, 2007
Time: 05:09:08 -0700
Muhammad in Hinduism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJHbEWs-m_s
Name: Zakir N
Date: Wednesday November 21, 2007
Time: 22:57:05 -0700
How did Dr. Zakir Naik Managed to discover Muhammad in hindu scriptures!!!! http://muhammadinhinduism.tripod.com/id6.html
Name: Ex Muslim
Date: Wednesday November 21, 2007
Time: 23:52:11 -0700
Mr MG, Quran allows sex with captured women and slave girls (4.3,4.24,23.6,33.50,70.30). That is rape; Mohammed and his cronies enslaved women in their raids and raped them. Quran allows robbing of non muslims (8.1,8.41)and Mohammed and his cronies were robbers by profession and earned their living through pillage. You still believe that God wrote Quran? Quran allows any one refused islam or left islam to be killed and Mohammed and his cronies killed thousands. It does not take a rocket scietist to figure out that Mohammed wrote quran and all the self serving ayas to fool the fool hardy brainwashed muslims.
Name: Greg
Date: Thursday November 22, 2007
Time: 13:57:32 -0700
Good holiday reading. And sensible. Now we understand why muslims are not allowed to question their faith.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday November 23, 2007
Time: 10:13:23 -0700
Allah cannot possibly be the God of Love, i.e., the God of the Jews and Christians. After carefully reading the historical documents of Islam, I have come to the conclusion that Allah is the god of war, hypocrisy, lies, mayhem, deceit, confusion, discrimination, forcible marriages of little kiddies to lecherous long-bearded dirty old men, and cruelty. Allah is also the god of rapists, pedophiles, sex perverts, death by stoning mostly women, cutthroats, brutal whippings until backs and buttocks are bloody red and raw. Allah is also the god of honor killings, suicide bombers, greed, thieves and robbers, envy, jealously, hatred, lust, mutilatior of little girls' sex organs, the god of punishment by cutting off hands and feet, and gouging out eyes, the god of untimely deaths and destruction. That's Allah!!
Name: Jeff
Date: Friday November 23, 2007
Time: 12:41:30 -0700
Okay, everyone who hates Islam and consider it the cancer of the planet raise your hand. Well, that's just about all of us.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday November 23, 2007
Time: 12:56:32 -0700
MG, if Islam is the only religion that makes sense, why are there 73 contradictiory sects of Islam? Why do contradictions make sense? If Islam is the only religion that makes sense, why do the Muslim Sunnis war and murder the Muslim Shiites and vice versa? Since both sects are Islamic, why do the members of these sects call each other "infidels"? Why do the other sects also war against one-another? For example, the Kurds against the Wahabbis, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Friend, you're the one who doesn't make sense. Next time, think before you write again!!! You're now dealing with an intelligent Catholic. May God bless you.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday November 23, 2007
Time: 13:36:16 -0700
Dear Bobby, I don't like your "religion." For one thing, it is disorganized and, therefore, faulty. But that's another story. Right now, I'm trying to enlighten specifically the dear, confused Muslims. May God bless your dear, little heart.
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Friday November 23, 2007
Time: 14:39:44 -0700
If I'm not mistaken Islam is the only religion which was founded to destroy all other religions - I don't remember Moses or Jesus or Buddha or Zarathustra ever saying that the destruction of other's beliefs was the true path of enlightenment. Also, Mohammed was the only "prophet" of God to break all the 10 commandments, apparently with Al-Lah's blessing. something doesn't add up as God doesn't change his mind half way through the 7th century.
Name: Dr Premmalar
Date: Friday November 23, 2007
Time: 23:34:01 -0700
What is beyond my understanding is, after 500 to 600 years have passed before Islam came to existance how can history be rewritten differently but definitely imitating the Bible
Name: Olabowale
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Time: 05:17:14 -0700
There is a flesh in the body, known as the Heart, if its sound in faith, the whole body is sound with it. From your comment, you seem to be a person, who will find any means to justify your defiance, and not to obey God, your Creator. So, your whining, will not caught it, and you shhould grow up. The same applies to the Pakistan-born former Muslim. It points out to all that religion and true belief in One God, is not based on your family history or your overall cultural background, His heart is diseased, hence, Allah Almighty exposed him, for what he truly his, a disbelieving soul. He made it easy for him to leave Islam. Yet, in the West, people who have no root, (white and black and in between), as in heritage in Islam are today, establishing a dynasty in it. The being of Jinn, (Iblis, who later became Shaitan), the Devil, is from this group, and mankind, are given freewill. You have the option to accept or reject faith, (True belief). God knew the mischevious nature of the Devil, before the Devil, refused to bow down as commanded, yet the Angels, who have no free will, yet superior than him, prostrated their faces! Yet the prostration was a test to expose the evil and disobedient nature of the Devil, which Only God Almighty knew. Since Man was the last to be created, and the earth was his place anyhow, he must have to come down from Paradise where he was created and lived. Earth is where his test of freewill will take place. So you see, man has the choice here on earth to follow a singularly straight path without any crookedness. Or make his choices from the many crooked ways, that remain, eg, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism, etc. Hellfire, awaits any and all evildoers. None can save them against their Creator. The Bible even expresses paradise for doers of good and hellfire for doers of evil. It also expressed that 'Lucifer, the archangel,' revolted against God! And that the serpent deceived man,starting from his wife, and then the wife coarsed the husband, to eat the fruit forbidden to them. Even though, the Bible account is unacceptable to me and any true Muslim, but the outcome is the same. It seems to me that you, the host of this website and your supporters, are either atheists or lukewarm christians/jews. The reason is that you limit the power of God Almighty! He has appointed time for everything,and until the appointed time, there is still room for repentance, the time, in which true guidance does take place, in the life of the repented creature, eg man. So whosoever ends up in the fire of hell, has no one to blame but himself, alone. He had enough time on the earth to check himself, but chose to chart the course of perillous journey.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Time: 07:02:59 -0700
Dr. Prematar, I don't think people understand what you're trying to say. Will you please clarify your statement? And Mr. Olabowale, I don't believe you're a true Islamist. If you were a true Islamist, you would be like the false-prophet, pedophile Muhammad. Do you hate Jews and Christians? If you don't then you're going against the Qur'an. Do you believe that it's okay to marry a little girl of six years old and then rape her at the age of nine? If you don't believe this, then you're not like the pedophile Muhammad. There is much more to prove that you're not an Islamist. I'm sure you get the drift. In fact, if you're as nice as I think you are, you are more like Jesus Christ than like the slave owner, rapist, liar, child molester, hypocrite, chauvinistic, mentally deranged, psychopathic, narcissist, sex fiend, selfish, vindictive, false-prophet Muhammad.
Name: Marie
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Time: 10:10:10 -0700
MG I have two copies of the Quran. They do have some peaceful verses, but Muhammed revealed while he was living in Mecca where he many enemies. He said these verses in order to make peace with his enemies. But this changed when he fled to Medina. After Muhammed became successful in establishing a theocratic state, he revealed that if any verse seemed contradictory or was missing, that means that Allah has abrogated the verse and replaced it with a better one. In other words Allah can change his mind about something and abrogate the verse for a different one. That's when Muhammed began preaching Jihad and attacked the Meccans, the Christians, Jews, and etc. I do not know what you see in Islam that makes it a good religion. Also a peaceful god would not change his mind about peace and start saying that it is an obligation to make war against nonbelievers.
Name: Kelley an American Girl
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Time: 12:35:54 -0700
I have a copy of the Koran and some of it contradicts what is stated above. The Koran is no more evil than what is written in the Bible. I do not think nor believe that Islam is evil. The perception of it being evil is being spread by racists.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Time: 14:25:13 -0700
Kelly an American Girl, next thing you'll be saying is Muhammad was a saint. Girl, that false-prophet was evil to the core. If you are married, would you want your husband to emulate Muhammad? Now, be honest!! Would you want your dad to be like Muhammad? If so, you sure would have a bunch of mothers, and concubines as mothers. Would you like that? Girl, what are you hiding?
Name: Kelley an American Girl
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Time: 16:09:20 -0700
Philip Saenz you make no sense and come across as a racist in all your postings here. Even in Biblical CHRISTIAN times men had multiple wives so what is your point? You seem to have this prevailing obsession and pointed hatred - all people who read the Koran, are Muslim and/or observe the Islamic faith are BAD and EVIL. And it seems you don't like people who don't agree with your opinion. And btw God and Allah are one in the same. Get a life.
Name: tanis
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Time: 18:06:42 -0700
islam and christianity are two sides of the same coin. both can be, and often are corrupted
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Time: 19:06:45 -0700
Dear Kelly an American Girl, did you use the Muslim Taqiyya to attack me? The Muslim Taqiyyah says that it's okay to lie when trying to advance an evil agenda. Is that your only defense, that I'm "a racist." You're just like the American liberals when they are confronted with truth: "You're a racist." "You're a bigot." Et cetera, Et cetera, Et cetera. That's the liberals for you and also the real Islmanists. How they both hate truth! But we're going to bring it up often until you choke on it. So you think it's okay to do wrong today because thousands of years ago they were doing the same thing? That's silly. What do you think of the shariah law that they applied on that poor girl in Saudi Arabia recently? That poor girl received 200 whippings for getting raped. It was all her fault according to the evil Islamists. I know how evil people are. They attempt to justify their evil by pointing out the evil thousands of years ago: "They did it, so why can't we do it also?" Sure makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? What do you think how male Muslims look at women? To them women are second class. According to your boy pedophile Muhammad, "Women are inferior in intelligence." Could it be that Hammy is correct? Is that the reason you couldn't answer my questions? Do you like what that pedophile Muhammad said? Why? Why will you skirt the issues and call me a racist? Am I a racist because Islam looks down on women? Oh, I forgot, in this case I'm "an Islamophobe." That's right, skirt the issues so that evil people can continue committing evils against the helpless. Well Girl, good people will continue fighting against evil even if we are called "racists and Islamophobes." Do you know why sex craved, long-bearded, dirty old men marry little kiddies against their will in some Islamic countries? It's because they can get away with it!! That's right. It's their religion. So what if the poor young girls cry and hurt because of this injustice? Why should you care? Go ahead and call me racist again. But I and other good people will fight against these injustices whenever we can until you choke. Some evil people, women and men, cannot be converted, but we have converted many, nevertheless. I know that you don't care about that poor girl that got 200 brutal lashes, administered by men, until her buttocks and back were drenched with blood and cut to pieces recently. Why should you care? Instead I'm "a racist." But I and sensible people do care. And you're telling me "to get a life." How evil can you be? I hope God converts you. Will God succeed?
Name: Kal
Date: Sunday November 25, 2007
Time: 09:27:02 -0700
Phillip Saenz: RIGHT ON!! Kelley has obviously been brainwashed by the left. I love how she simply implies you are a racist because you know the Quran is full of evil. Funny, I didn't know Islam was a race. Those morons make the good fight all the easier for us. Keep up the good work.
Name: Kelley an American Girl
Date: Sunday November 25, 2007
Time: 09:44:35 -0700
Philip Saenz I believe in GOD and in no man-created religion. I also agree with Tanis in that "islam and christianity are two sides of the same coin. both can be, and often are corrupted" though this holds true for ALL religions as religion is MAN-CREATED. And, btw, Mohammad is not my "boy" and not "all" Muslims are "sex craved, long-bearded, dirty old men" who "marry little kiddies." I don't like torture and don't agree that the treatment of that woman was just nor right. So stop putting words in my mouth, so to speak. In fact I don't even have to justify myself to you. I think all you spew from your mouth is hatred...
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Sunday November 25, 2007
Time: 12:06:10 -0700
Dear Kelly an American girl, so you don't like a man-created religion? Fine. That's okay. However, I do notice that you do like a woman-created religion--your own. That's okay, too, so long as you behave yourself. I like people who behave themselves. I get along with well-behaved people quite well. But I know that I could never get along with crazies that are so blind, mentally sick, and obsessed with sex that they will strap a keg of explosives around their bodies, and then blow themselves to smithereens in a middle of a crowd of innocent people so that they can "live with 72 virgins forever and ever." Now, that religion, Islam, is really crazy, don't you think? Am I a "racist" for saying that?
Name: Murray
Date: Tuesday November 27, 2007
Time: 03:11:27 -0700
The God of the Bible reaches out to mankind. He has compassion for them. John 3:16,17(New International Version) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him.
Name: Chris T
Date: Tuesday November 27, 2007
Time: 08:33:45 -0700
When the lot of you realise that all religions are pure fantasy the world will be a much nicer place. Keep your imaginary friends to yourselves and let the rest of us rational human beings (who don't need made up gods to try and give their lives meaning) alone from your bigotry. Christian, jew, Muslim - you're all the same to me - fucking idiots
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Tuesday November 27, 2007
Time: 14:11:09 -0700
Regarding the question in the above heading 'Quran:A Reality or Fiction' The answer is clearly given on pages 145 through 147 in THE ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert Morey in which he wrote a section on the Quran with its self-contradictions. Just two of the many he cited are the following " The Quran differs on whether a day is a thousand years or fifty thousand years in God's sight" and "Who was first to believe? Abraham or Moses" [Sura ^:14 verse 7:143]? The above is inconsistent and illogical. Further, Morey wrote about "The fact that Judaism and Christianity broke up into different sects was used in the Quran To prove that they were not of God[Suras30:30-32; 42:13,14]. Yet Islam has itself broken up into many warring sects and there cannot be true if the Quran is right." Moreover, Morey in his book shows many more contradictions and absurdicies in the Quran there are, and how Muhammad incorporated extra Biblical and Jewish folklore along with pre- Islamic Arabian myth and parts of Zorastrian and Hindu stories into the Quran. furthermore, the Muslims claim that "The Quran is the direct literal word of God unmodified in any way by the Prophet who uttered them at God's bidding." Nevertheless, in the book UNVEILING ISLAM by Ergun Mehmet Caner and Emir Feti Caner had shown that the Quran was modified in the following account on pages 45. "Mudhammad felt the need to improve the words of Allah, since he changed Allah's wisdom for his own on several occasions. A hadith tells of the nonchalant emendations of Muhammad: 'On a number of occasions he had,with the Prophet's consent,changed the closing words of verses. For example, when the Propet had said, "And God is mighty and wise" Abdollah b. Abi Sarh suggested writing down "knowing and wise" and the Prophet answered that there was no objection. Having observed a succession of changes of this type, Abdollah renounced Islam on the ground that the relevlations, if from God could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe such as himself. After his apostasy he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites." Other witers reveal that later Muhammad and his people did go to war with the Qorayshites and Muhammad personally killed Abdollah. Obviously Abdollah knew too much and Muhammad wanted Abdollah's knowledge to die with him. In conclusion, the Quran is not not only fiction, it's also a hoax.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Tuesday November 27, 2007
Time: 16:26:54 -0700
Christ T, You must be very young. I see that you had nothing to offer to the world except diatribes. At that rate you'll never learn anything. You presented not one scintilla of intelligence for others to imbibe. Why don't you settle down and think before you write again? If you want to change the world, you must present a logical and wholesome philosophy. You seemed so very angry. Did you just break up with your girl friend perhaps? Are you angry with your teachers?
Name: Believer of ALLAH
Date: Thursday November 29, 2007
Time: 08:08:27 -0700
How Does The Heart Get Its Main Power ? Answer is: the loving soul that allah has breathed into us in the proccess of creation. Islam is peace, and we were only instructed to deliver the message. but not fight doing it. And if we were fighted against while deliver only, then to fight back. eye for an eye. I personally am enjoying the peace of mind and soul that i get by loving the reason why allah created me and thanking him for it, by praying to him and thanking him. and by being a good citizen on earth. "La Ilaha Ila Allah" ( all the letters of that Phrase come from the inside of your chest close to the heart)Say it and feel the tumbling close to your heart.
Name: salim
Date: Thursday November 29, 2007
Time: 08:11:32 -0700
pretty good bad if and when all are educated to an intelligent level islam will be the first to disappear best thing for humanity.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday November 29, 2007
Time: 12:55:04 -0700
Believer of Allah, if you are truly a very good and peaceful so-called Muslim, then, you're not really an authentic Muslim. I'm sure there is much confusion among people who call themselves Muslims. If you are as good as I think you are, you are more like Jesus Christ than like the pedophile, insidious Muhammad. The real religion of Islam is truly wicked. If you are not wicked, then, you're not an Islamist. I'm sure there is much confusion among the people who call themselves Muslim. Study the historical documents of Islam, and I'm sure you'll know what I mean.
Name: Dd
Date: Friday November 30, 2007
Time: 01:55:31 -0700
Dear Mg you do not true religion of True God. U just used these words here. Open with me Koran and read which Islam u believe. Islam, Aslam or salm, these three words used in arabic Koran for religion of "Islam" and translate in any other language "peace". which peace you believe? find answer of this question then give any comments.
Name: Dd
Date: Friday November 30, 2007
Time: 02:06:56 -0700
Mr MG you want to know the truth. you never find truth untill you "born again". U used words Allah bless you. do you know who Allah? give me the answer this is a name or a word? Truth is this you do not know what you worship. you do not know you worship one god or 360god and godess. my advice to you do not just receite the Koran morning and evening one time try to understand what you receite.
Name: Dd
Date: Friday November 30, 2007
Time: 02:59:45 -0700
For believer of Allah. How does the heart gets the main power? your answer is the loving soul that Allah has breathed into us in the proccess of creation. which proccess of creation you are talking here. In Koran you can read many proccess of creation. the main proccess is written in chepter2:V30 to 38 which one try to make similar as Bible. in this place no word of loving soul written and angels say front of Lord not front of Allah "will you place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood". How be you as a believer of Allah write here loving soul. Hope you have comment again according to koran writting loving soul.
Name: Allakaboom
Date: Wednesday December 19, 2007
Time: 11:14:41 -0700
This is addressed to Olabowale I read your post and I'm confused by your logic. I've included a quote below which indicates that people have time to learn to follow the direction of Alla, and it's they're own fault if they don't choose the right direction. Am I wrong? "He has appointed time for everything,and until the appointed time, there is still room for repentance, the time, in which true guidance does take place, in the life of the repented creature, eg man. So whosoever ends up in the fire of hell, has no one to blame but himself, alone. He had enough time on the earth to check himself, but chose to chart the course of perillous journey." What about the victims of 911? What about the young Christian girls beheaded on their way to school in Indonesia? What about the innocent rubber farmers in southern Thailand shot and beheaded? What about the commuters in London going to work blown to peices? Did they have their chance to choose?: or did you and your terrorist brothers take Alla's work into your own hands and make that decision for them? Have you and your religious clerics, imams, ayatollahs, etc., etc... been given divine authority to determine who should live and who should die? If not, why do we see it every day on the news. It would seems to me that you muslims all think that you're GOD and you can kill whom ever you please. Please show me where your authority is coming from. I would like to meet this divine creator that you refer to a "Alla". Why does everything he inspires seem more like satan than GOD. I pray that GOD will have mercy on you when you are required to answer these questions! I know that you will never answer them here, but the time will come when you and your ruthless murdering brothers will have a lot of explaining to do!
Name: Allakaboom
Date: Wednesday December 19, 2007
Time: 12:52:07 -0700
If I was GOD: and I'm not making any pretentions to having HIS authority, which you muslim seems to have, I would not punish you in the ways that Alla and Mohammad have devised . Like...skin burning off only to be replaces by a new skin to feel the pain again, and again, and again....for ever! Or scalding liquids poured down your throat while your scream asking for a forgiveness that never comes. My punishment to you Islamic Devils would be: 1. Eternal LONLINESS 2. Total absence of LOVE Once you understand that GOD IS LOVE you might have a chance of parole. Pain, of any kind would be much more lenient the the total absence of GOD and LOVE.
Name: Re: To Kelley an American Girl
Date: Wednesday December 19, 2007
Time: 14:02:25 -0700
How are Allah and God one and the same, where is your proof? The book of the Bible is taken from earlier texts found in Mesopotamia and the surround areas, from such digs that involved the civilizations of Babylon, Akkad, and Sumer. There is a definite reason for religion, but its purposes and underlying theme, to my knowledge, was for power, and/or control of a region. Many people don't realize there was a civilization well before the flood that did know of God and of the gods that existed in those days.
Name: Re: for Dd
Date: Wednesday December 19, 2007
Time: 15:29:44 -0700
written like a truly brainwashed individual, good luck with that entire 'kill the infidels' crap. I'll sit here with my freedom and knowledge of the past to draw my own conclusions about religion. I don't force my beliefs upon anyone, you shouldn't either.