The readers may remember my recent post, entitled UK Muslim Group Calls for ‘Political Jihad’ against ex-Muslim Imran Firasat, wherein I explained how a U.K.-based Muslim organization, namely Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK, was inciting violence against me and promoting what it called “political Jihad” against critics of Islam as well as Western societies. In order not to give any ground for these fanatic foots-soldiers of Muhammad, I pursued the matter in an attempt to put this fanatical violence promoting group to put in its deserving place.
On 20th August, I had an appointment with diplomats at the United Kingdom Embassy in Madrid, Spain. I formally lodged an official complaint with the British Embassy against the “Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK”, which will be forwarded to the British police and other security agencies of the UK. I have explained to the UK authorities about how this UK-based Muslim group is fomenting hate speech, provoking Muslims to fight in the name of Islam, and spreading jihad messages into Muslim communities of the U.K. and abroad, particularly of Spain.
In my complaint, I have asked the British authorities to declare this group a terrorist organization, and ban it immediately as its activities should be considered a criminal breach under the European and UK anti-terrorism law.
The British diplomats have promised me that they are going to have a serious look at this complaint, and necessary actions will be taken as soon as possible. On the other hand, the Spanish police are also studying this case. If they find this Islamic group guilty of committing hate-speech crimes and spreading violent extremism in Europe, then this group will be declared a terrorist organization under the Spanish law, and its representatives will never be allowed to enter the Spanish territory.
Through this action, I want to send a message to violent Muslims that it is not 2001 anymore. We are in 2012, much stronger, united and have woken up against the Islamic illusion and injustices. We are not going to tolerate their threats or violent acts anymore. We will fight back but never in a violent way like them. We will do it within the provisions of the rule of law, by adopting legal measures. If they attack us, we will hit back by bringing them to court or under surveillance of appropriate security agencies. We are modern, highly educated, peace loving and brave people, who will take this fight to them in full civility until we expose Muhammad and Islam’s false doctrine to the world and see its end days.
Attach is the scan of a copy of the documents submitted to the British officials in Madrid, stamped by them, as acknowledgement of receiving my complaint.
Imran Firasat is a Pakistani-born ex-Muslim based in Spain. His website: (World without Islam)