Islamic Voodoos
Chapter 16
The Women Voodoos
Strictly, the topic of treatment of
women in Islam, in itself, is massive. Please read other essays on
this issue.
Many such callous treatments are based upon superstitions,
archaic, and barbaric traditions. They are nothing but ‘voodoos’
in a modern society.
In Islam, a woman is truly problematic. From the moment of her birth until her death she endures much more Islamic tyranny than a male Muslim. All these Islamic torment is inflicted on her just because of her sex and biology. When we pursue this episode, we will understand why the Islamists encapsulate a woman with so much of ‘voddoo’ burden, and why it is just impossible to reform Islam, vis-à-vis women.
Allah Hates Menstruation
Monthly period of a woman is the basis of survival of human species. This natural phenomenon is prevalent in all mammals. There is nothing impure, ugly, reprehensible, or sinful in this biological cycle of a woman. We must respect, show understanding, and provide all assistance and care so that a woman passes this period with ease, comfort, and hassle‑free.
Unfortunately, in many religions this monthly period of a woman is treated as a disease, unholy, and impure. Islam is no exception on this. It appears that Allah Himself has a great dislike for the menstruation cycle of a woman, even when He Himself had designed this biological process, for the survival of His creation.
In verse 2:222 of the Qur'an Allah has declared menstruation as a disease, and has instructed men not to indulge in sex during this sickness of women. Embarrassed, many Islamists often twist the wordings and insist that this verse actually shows utmost respect for women’s period. This explanation by the crafty Islamists is just a fib. For the truth of Allah’s hatred for women’s period we must turn to hadis.
Sahih Bukhari (3.31.172) says that menstruation is a defect in
women, for they cannot fast and pray during their periods. Allah
has more hatred for women who have prolonged and heavy flow during
her period. In Sunaan Abu Dawud (1.1.0287) we read that excessive
blood-flow during a woman’s period is from Satan. To illustrate
the damaging effect of women’s menstruation, ibn Sad (p.1.22)
writes that the menstruating women and
unclean people touched the white stone (of Kaba), so it turned
Surprisingly, Benjamin Walker (p.47) writes that Kaba means female pudenda. In fact, the Black Stone is shaped like a vulva, while the shrine itself is set in an ovoid space. In a hadis in Sunaan ibn Majah (1.595, 596) Muhammad said that a sexually defiled man and a menstruating woman cannot recite the Qur’an.
Since Allah has declared menstruation a disease, defilement, here are a few Islamic methods to cleanse a woman when she is menstruating:
- After menstruation clean the private parts and apply musk (fragrance) there… (Sahih Muslim, 3.0647)
- Put a dish under a menstruating woman’s vulva while she is in prayer… (Sahih Bukhari, 1.6.306)
- Use saliva and nails to rub off bloodstains from period... (Sahih Bukhari, 1.6.309)
- Wash period blood with jujube leaves… Sunaan Nasai, 1.295)
- Period blood, clean with musk… (Sunaan Nasai,1.429)
Besides hating women’s menstruation, Allah insults them further in verse 2:223. In this verse, Allah considers women’s vagina as a sowing field, like a machine to produce babies. He says (in verse 2:223) that wives are tilths, sow in them in whatever manner you like. Ibn Abbas says that this verse means the vulvas of your wives are plantations for your offspring, and Jalalyn explains that it is the place where you sow [the seeds of] your children.
Islamic Penalty for Doing Sex with a Menstruating Woman
- If, by mistake, or by chance, a man has intercourse with his wife during her period, Islam prescribes financial penalty to expiate this infraction (i.e., violating verse 2:222).
There are a number of ahadith on this peculiar Islamic punitive measure. Here are a few samples:
- If you have sexual intercourse with your wife while she is menstruating then you must give one Dinar or half a Dinar in alms... (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 1.0264)
- Perform sexual intercourse during the start of menstruation, pay one Dinar; towards the end of menstruation—pay half a Dinar… (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 1.1.0265)
- Do sexual intercourse during a woman’s period, donate one Dinar or half-a-Dinar… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 1.640, 650)
- Do sex with a menstruating woman, pay a fine of one Dinar… (Sunaan Nasai, 1.292)
The above ahadith demonstrate the legal force of Islamic Voodoos.
Islamic Women Ejaculate Sperm
- In Islam, it is believed that during her orgasm, a woman ejaculates sperm, just as a man does. A few ahadith even suggest that as a man has nocturnal emission or wet dreams, a woman too discharges her sperm during her sexual dreams. Here are a few ahadith to marvel at Allah’s incredible biology.
- When a woman ejaculates sperm, she should take a bath…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.198, 199)
- If a woman has nocturnal discharge, she should take a bath…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.197)
- When a woman has wet dreams, she should take a bath…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.200)
- Men’s sperm is white; women’s sperm is yellow…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.202)
- Women has discharges during wet dreams, that is why the son resembles the mother...(Sahih Bukhari, 1.3.132)
Allah Dislikes Women; He has Made Women Crooked
- In the Qur'an Allah expresses His dislike for females. In verse 43:18 we read that the weak personality of females cannot be associated with Allah; Allah does not like daughters (women). Undeniably, in this verse, Allah openly disparages women. We might think that may be we are missing something good in this verse, may be Allah cannot be that hateful to women, who He had created from Adam’s rib.
To clarify that Allah does indeed dislike women, here is what ibn Kathir writes about this verse:
Women are regarded as lacking something, which they make up for with jewellery and adornments from the time of childhood onwards, and when there is a dispute, they cannot speak up and defend themselves clearly, so how can this be attributed to Allah?
In ahadith we read the reasons why Allah considers women crooked and reprehensible.
Sahih Bukhari (7.62.114) writes that Allah created women from Adam’s rib; that is why she is crooked. Sahih Muslim (8.3466) writes that a woman is like a rib, if you straighten it you will break it and if you leave her alone you will benefit by her; her crookedness will remain in her. In another hadis in Sahih Muslim (8.3467) we read that Allah created women crooked: if you try to straighten her you will break her and breaking her is divorcing her.
Imam Ghazali exposes more of Allah’s displeasure for women. He writes (Ghazali, p.2.41) that daughters are such burdensome that a man will go to paradise for having the burden of one or two or three daughters. This should not surprise us considering the truth that in many Islamic paradises ‘honour’ killing of women is not considered a serious crime. In Islam, women’s lives are indeed very cheap—Allah has rendered a woman nothing more than mere chattels in the hands of either her father, or her husband, or her son, or her brother, or her grandson, or her legal guardian. In Islam, it is compulsory that a woman must be always under the guardianship of a male or her Wali.
In Islam, a woman is viewed merely as a repository of sexual organs. Here is what Ghazali (p.2.43), the greatest of all Islamic scholars writes about women. Ghazali quotes Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son‑in‑law:
A woman has ten private parts. When she gets married, her husband covers one private part; when she dies the grave covers other nine private parts.
Allah’s hate for a barren woman has no bound. Ghazali (p.2.24) writes that Muhammad said:
A prison in the corner of a house is better than a childless woman.
Ghazali (ibid) writes further that an ugly woman with children is better than a beautiful woman without children.
Women, Dogs, Donkeys, and Pigs Annul an Islamic Prayer
- Please read the following ahadith to measure the Islamic Status of a woman:
- A woman, an ass and a dog disrupts the prayer; if you use the back of a saddle then that will guard against the disruption of the prayer… (Sahih Muslim, 4.1034)
- A passing woman, a dog, and a monkey annul a prayer. Aisha complained that Muhammad's companions had made women dogs... (Sahih Bukhari, 1.9.490, 493,498)
- A menstruating woman and a dog cuts off a prayer...(Sunaan Abu Dawud, 2.0703)
- A black dog is Satan; or a donkey or a woman cancels a prayer…(Sunaan ibn Majah, 2.952)
- An ass, a woman, and a black dog annuls a prayer…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.753)
I quoted from the five of Sahih Sitta (the authentic six) ahadith to demonstrate the importance of this hadis.
Women are Stupid; Devil Controls Women
- In Islam, a woman is an extension of Satan or devil. This might sound unbelievable to those who are accustomed to the secular (or non‑religious) treatment of women in un‑Islamic countries. There are plenty authentic Islamic sources where women are truly considered as devils. Let us consult a few such Islamic scriptures.
In Sahih Muslim (8.3240, 3242) and in Sunaan Abu Dawud (2.11.2146) we read that a woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil; so when one sees a woman, he should come to his wife and have intercourse with her. Truly, Muhammad did the same. Once after watching a beautiful and sexy woman, Muhammad hurried to have sex with Zaynab bt. Jahsh. Imam Ghazali (p.2.26) confirms this hadis by repeating the story. Another hadis in Tirmidhi (927) writes that after watching a charming woman Muhammad hurried to have sex with Sawda, another of his wives; then he said, ‘Your wife is the same kind of thing as the other woman.’
Ghazali (p.2.26) explains the devilish nature of woman in this manner:
If you see a woman in front (sic) she is a devil. After seeing such a woman, hurry to your wife because your wife also becomes a devil; have sex with your wife.
place of women under Taliban (nearly perfect |
Ghazali upholds the misogyny nature of Islam. He writes (ibid, p.2.43) that a woman is like a private part. When she comes out of her house the devil holds her high. Ghazali (p.3.87) even quotes Muhammad, ”A woman is the string of the devil.”
A hadis in Sunaan ibn Majah (5.4003) tells unambiguously that women are stupid; they lack intelligence, no matter how educated and scholarly she might be (remember, Ms. Banazir Bhutto is a Harvard and Oxford graduate). According to Islamic Sharia, a woman cannot be a judge, and she can never be a caliph or the head of an Islamic Paradise. In case we are thinking of Indonesia, Bangladesh, or Pakistan, please know that these countries are not real Islamic. Most Islamists will tell us that so far, there has never been a perfect Islamic country, since Muhammad had established such a paradise in Medina.
Let us consult the following hadis to ascertain why in a perfect Islamic society a woman can never be the head of state.
- People ruled by a woman will never be successful (a jihadist who fought in the battle of the camel remembered this saying of Muhammad)...(Sahih Bukhari, 5.59.709)
- If a nation is ruled by a woman then that nation will not succeed...(Sahih Bukhari, 9.88.219)
- A woman, a slave, and an unbeliever is not fit to be a moral police…(Ghazali, p.3.87)
Islam considers women truly evil. Numerous ahadith attest that as per Islam a woman is no better than a horse, a camel, a crow, or a house, because, in Islam, these objects are treated as signs of bad omen. Let us read the following messages of Islam:
- The evil omens are: the horse, the women and the house...(Sahih Bukhari, 4.52.110, 111)
- A house, a horse and a woman is an evil omen; a mat in a house is better than a barren woman…(Sunaan Abu Dawud, 3.29.3911)
- If there is a bad luck in anything then it is horse, the abode and the woman…(Sahih Muslim, 26.5528, 5529)
- No good fortune in a woman, a horse and a house…(Sunaan ibn Majah, 3.1993)
- Seek refuge from a woman, a servant and cattle—they are evils…(Sunaan ibn Majah, 3.1918)
- Miserliness, pride, and cowardice are bad for men but good for women…(Ghazali, p.2.32)
On the treatment of women in Islam here are a few more remarkable quotes from Ghazali:
- Muhammad said, “Fear unchaste women because she will make you old before you grow old”… (Ghazali, p.2.34)
- Women are like crows; only a religious woman is like a crow with white belly among one hundred crows…(Ghazali, p.2.34)
In Islam, women are such despicable that a man should never shake hands with a woman who is not his wife. It seems, in Islam, a leper’s hand is purer than a woman’s hand. Reportedly, Muhammad had never touched the hands of a woman, except his wives. Here are a few ahadith on Muhammad's great hatred for women who were not his wives.
- Muhammad never shook hands with a woman…(Sunaan ibn Majah, 4.2874)
- Muhammad never touched the hand of a woman except his wives…(Sunaan ibn Majah, 4.2875)
Allah Curses Women Who Attend to Her Personal Grooming
- Islam discourages women to beautify their looks to appear presentable and charming. Muhammad had the harshest words for those women who indulged spending time in beauty parlours. Further, it is the duty of a woman to sexually satisfy her husband no matter what. If a woman does not immediately respond to her husband’s call for sex she is doomed to face Allah’s wrath, until she surrenders her person to her husband.
Here are a few ahadith to demonstrate Allah’s wrath for women who attempt to beautify their appearances and do otherwise when her husband calls her for sex.
- Allah curses the women who wear false hair…(Sahih Muslim, 24.5295)
- Allah destroyed the Bani Israel people when their women wore false hair…(Sahih Muslim, 24.5306)
- Allah curses those women who practise tattooing and those women who get themselves tattooed or those women who manipulate their teeth to look beautiful…(Sahih Bukhari, 7.72.815)
- Allah gets displeased with the woman who does not immediately respond when her husband demands sex from her…(Sahih Muslim, 8.3367, 3368)
- The angels curse a woman for refusing to have sex with her husband…(Sahih Bukhari, 4.54.460)
- Gold necklaces and gold rings on a woman’s body are like fire put on her on the resurrection day…(Sunaan Abu Dawud, 34.4226)
- Women cannot wear bells on their legs. There is a devil along with each bell…34.4218)
- Men’s perfume should have an odor but no color and women’s perfume should have color but no odor. This means that she should not wear any perfume while going out but she can wear a perfume when she is with her husband… (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 32.4037)
- Allah does not accept a woman’s prayer unless she prays wearing a veil...(Sunaan Abu Dawud, 2.0641)
Majority of Women will be in Islamic Hell
Allah possesses so much hatred towards women that He has relegated most women to hell. Here are a few ahadith where Muhammad claimed that he saw that most of the inhabitants of hell are women.
- Majority in hell are women because they are ungrateful to their husbands... (Sahih Bukhari, 1.2.28)
- Majority of women are in hell because they are deficient in intelligence... (Sahih Bukhari, 1.6.301)
- Those women who are naked even in their dresses and lead their husbands to astray will go to hell…(Sahih Muslim, 24.5310)
- A naked woman tears down the curtain of Allah… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 5.3750)
- A woman should veil herself even from a blind man [note 3532, vol. iii, p.1147]… (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 3.32.4100)
Good Women, Bad Women
The most striking aspect of an Islamic woman is that she could never be independent. From birth to death she must be under the spell of Islamic Voodoos—under the control of her male owner, also known as Wali. This wali starts with the father, then husband, then son, then any other male relative who is eligible to be her mahram (a Muslim man who can meet her without having her to wear her veil, or with whom she could be alone in privacy).
a good woman (Islamic) must be obedient, and must never ever try
to set herself free to decide her life.
This lack of freedom of choice extends even to the extent of
choosing her marriage partner.
In verse 2:232 Allah advises a woman’s guardian not to prevent her from marrying her former husband. Many scholars indicate that this verse means that the woman is not permitted to give herself in marriage. Rather, she requires a wali—a guardian, such as her father, brother, adult son, and so forth, to give her away in marriage, for only the adulteress gives herself away in marriage. True to the spirit of the above Qur’anic verse, a number of ahadith say that a woman should never chose her marriage partner herself, if she violates this rule she is an adulteress. In Sunaan ibn Majah (3.1882) and Tirmidhi (934) we read that if a woman contracts her own marriage she is an adulteress. Sunaan Tirmidhi (35) even writes that only an immoral woman gives herself in marriage.
The most righteous Muslimahs |
Thus, the first quality of a good Islamic woman is for her not to seek her independence at any time of her life. She must remain a charge or a dependant until her death. Here are few ahadith which tell women how to be a good Muslimah (Islamic woman) or to enter hell as a bad woman.
- The best and the most righteous women among the Quraysh were the riders of camels… (Sahih Bukhari, 7.62.19)
- A woman should not ask a man to divorce his current wife to marry her, instead she should happily accept to be his another wife… (Sahih Bukhari, 8.77.598)
- A good Muslimah readily undergoes female circumcision (cliterodectomy); as that is better for a her and more desirable for her husband… (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 41.5251)
- For voluntary fasting a woman needs her husband’s permission… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 3.1762)
- A woman who asks her ugly husband to divorce her will not enter paradise…(Sunaan ibn Majah, 3.2054, 2055, 2057)
- A woman, alone cannot take a journey for more than a day… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 4.2899)
- During prayer at home women stand behind men… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 2.975)
- Women can pray in the darkness of a mosque…(Sunaan Nasai, 2.1365)
Men Will Enjoy Plenty of Women
- This is perhaps the most laughable of all Islamic voodoos. Statistics show that in virtually all the Islamic paradises there is shortage of women. In Arab countries, such as Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait there is severe shortage of women. But Islamic scriptures say in the days to come each Muslim man will enjoy between forty to fifty women. When we assume that male to female ratio to be 50:50, currently there will be around 600 million Muslim men and 600 million Muslim women around the globe. Now, according to hadis, during the last days (assuming it happens now) there should be around 30000 million (or 30 billion) Muslim women in the world. This figure does not include the natural increase in population. Please read the following ahadith to marvel at Muhammad's statistics.
During the last hour knowledge would be taken away and ignorance
would prevail, liquor would be drunk and adultery would be
rampant, there will be one man to look after fifty women… (Sahih
Muslim, 34.6451, 6452)
● Portents of hour are: religious ignorance, drinking, sex, and fifty women per men... (Sahih Bukhari, 1.3.80, 81)
will be scarcity of men; forty women for one man... (Sahih
Bukhari, 2.24.495)
● Each inmate of paradise will have 72 women; two will be from his wives on earth and 70 will be from the non-believers’ women; everyone with pleasant vagina; the man will have permanent erection; Muslims will inherit pharaohs wives… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 5.4337)
An Islamic Woman Can Breastfeed a Bearded Man
Recently, this topic has been of worldwide interest when an al‑Azhar academic proposed an Islamic solution to prevent the sex segregation in Islamic offices. He suggested that the lactating (or women who could produce milk, somehow or other) women in the office breastfeed their male counterpart, for the men to become their mahram. This meant that having suckled the breast of the women, these men will become haram to the women who had breastfed them, and therefore, these men will be permitted to visit these women in the privacy of their office rooms.
Please do not have a guffaw.
The al‑Azhar academic gave his recommendations based on a few ahadith. Deeply embarrassed, the al‑Azhar authority, subsequently, claimed that Muhammad had instructed this procedure only as a once off case. Later, the academic lost his job for indulging in hadis fabrication.
Was the al‑Azhar academic correct? He was, of course right in his assertion of the hadis. However, whether Muhammad made this one off or not is fiercely contested by opposing camps. There are controversial ahadith on this, so this has become a subject of fierce debate.
Let us read this interesting hadis.
A woman can suckle a grown up bearded man so that she becomes haram for him (i.e. they cannot get married; Hudhaifa, let his young wife suckle Salem, the freed-slave of him to make Salim sexually haram for her)…(Sahihh Muslim, 8.3428).
Because this is such an amazing hadis, let us read the full text.
Sahih Muslim, Book 008, Number 3428:
Zainab daughter of Abu Salama
I heard Umm Salama, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon
him, saying to 'A'isha: By Allah, I do not like to be seen by a
young boy who has passed the period of fosterage, whereupon she ('A'isha)
said: Why is it so? Sahla daughter of Suhail came to Allah's
Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Allah's Messenger, I
swear by Allah that I see in the face of Abu Hudhaifa (the signs
of disgust) on account of entering of Salim (in the house),
whereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Suckle
him. She (Sahla bint Suhail) said: He has a beard. But he (again)
said: Suckle him, and it would remove what is there (expression of
disgust) on the face of Abu Hudhaifa. She said: (I did that) and,
by Allah, I did not see (any sign of disgust) on the face of Abu
Sunaan ibn Majah narrates a similar hadis.
woman can suckle (breastfeed) a grown up (with beard) man to make
him unlawful to her for marriage… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 3.1943)
This event is better understood from the following narrations (Muhammad’s Companions, p.188‑189):
Abu Abdullah Salim remained a freed slave of Abu Hudhayfa. Salim married Hudhayfah’s niece Fatima bt. Waleed. Abu Hudhayfah’s wife was Sahla bt. Suhail When he became a bearded adult he was breastfed bySahla. He was not an Arab but an Iranian. Abu Hudhayfa, the son of Utba b. Rabiah, adopted him.
Abu Hudhayfa’s freed slave was Salim. Hudhayfa disliked the free entrance in his house of Salim, then a grown up adult with beard. Muhammad permitted Sahla to breastfeed a bearded Salim so that he became her foster son (ibid, p.415). Sahla bt. Suhail breastfed Salim. Muhammad said to Sahla, “Feed him the milk from your breast, and thus he will become your confidant and shall be able to be admitted into the women’s apartment (ibid, p.190).”
Muhammad, however, recommends that a man should not have sex with a lactating woman. In Sunaan ibn Majah (3.2012) we read that do not have sex with a woman who suckles a baby, if you do, her child will become a very weak rider, he will die falling down from the horse.
Islamic Protocol on the First Time with Your Wife/s
Here are two interesting ahadith to amuse the readers
If you marry a virgin woman then
stay with her for a week; if you marry a previously married
woman then stay with her for three days… (Sahih Muslim, 8.3443,
- Spend three nights with a previously married woman and seven nights with a virgin woman… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 3.1916, 1917)
Despite the enthusiastic claims by the crafty Islamists of today, that Islam is a religion of peace, rationality and scientific thought, it is quite clear that Islam is just the opposite of what these Islamists claim. From the founts of Islam, such as the Qur’an, ahadith, and Sharia we can demonstrate that Islam is deeply mired in superstitious, fallacious, irrational, unscientific, unhealthy, and sometimes simply dangerous voodoo practices and beliefs which might be mind‑boggling to those who are not familiar with the ‘true’ nature of Islam.
This ‘voodoo’ nature of Islam would not be a problem had Islam been like any other religion or voodoo cults of Africa, South America, or certain parts of Asia. As written in the beginning, the danger of Islamic voodoo emanates from the enforceable nature of Islamic irrationalities. Sharia laws give teeth to these Islamic mumbo‑jumbos, no matter how much the civilised world thinks them to be illogical, superstitious, barbaric and pure evil. In many Islamic societies, these Islamic ills are enforced with the might of legal power, and the Islamic courts mete out harsh punitive measures for violating them. Herein lays the reason/s why Islam cannot be reformed.
Before anyone attempts to reform Islam, he/she must reform the very sources of Islam, that is, the Qur’an, ahadiith, and Sharia. It is as simple as this. Except for Islam, most other religions have lost their teeth to enforce their ‘voodoos’ on gullible people. The exception is Islam.
Islam is the last frontier, which the humanity must conquer to ensure to live in a civilised society.
In essence, from this essay, we may conclude the following:
- Islamic Voodoos are simply the irrationalities, and superstitious beliefs of the Bedouin Arabs. The aim of Islam is to impose on the world this Bedouin Arabism, through terror and bloodshed, if needed.
- Islamic voodoos emanate straight from the Qur’an, ahadith, Sharia, and Sirah (Muhammad’s biography).
- It is compulsory for Muslims to believe in Islamic Jinns, Islamic Angels, and Islamic human Messenger (Muhammad).
- Muslims must believe that some animals and insects are Muslims too. Like it or not, Allah will send a beast as the final messenger.
- Islamic biology and embryology are the most unscientific, irrational, and superstitious. However, Muslims are forced to believe in such grossly corrupt, and ridiculous Islamic mumbo‑jumbo.
- Many Mullahs use the Qur'an to practice Islamic Black Magic. In many Islamic societies, Islamic Black Magic is a flourishing business.
- Non‑Muslims must endure Islamic punishment in their graves. Allah will not reprieve them even in their graves. This is a terror tactic par excellence, to coerce the non‑Muslims into Islam.
- Like it or not, Muslims must believe in and resort to Islamic Medicines and Islamic surgeries, no matter how dangerous they could be. This Islamic medicine might even include the drinking of camels’ and cattle urine.
- Equally dangerous are the use of Islamic medicines such as, human saliva, dust, and ash. Unfortunately, a true Muslim must believe in the healing power of such potentially harmful materials; he must not doubt what Muhammad had prescribed as Islamic medicines.
- A mosque is a potentially dangerous place for the non‑Muslims. Allah has permitted His adherents to use mosque as a planning centre to conduct jihad, that is, to murder non‑Muslims. A mosque is also a potential Islamic voodoo centre.
- Islamic personal hygiene practices are absolutely, unhealthy, impractical, and potentially dangerous.
- Islam is Arab/white racism. Islam advocates the superiority of the Arab white‑complexion people. Islam detests the black Muslims. Even on the day of resurrection, Allah will not admit into paradise a pious Black Muslim, until Allah has changed his skin to white. This should be strong a message to all the African/American Black Muslims.
- Islamic Voodoo is grossly enmeshed with the Islamic penis. An Islamic penis is very dear to Allah. Every Muslim man must be meticulous in taking care of his penis.
- Islamic concept of human souls is the most unscientific, grossly untrue, and potentially harmful to those who undertake Islamic Black Magic.
- Islamic toilet practices are crude, shameful, embarrassing, and have the potential to spread many life‑threatening epidemics.
- Islamic Voodoos have the most damaging effect on women. Islam treats women as devils, stupid, impure, and less than human.
Internet resources
The following websites are useful to read online versions of the Qur’an and ahadith. Please note that only about fifty percent of all ahadith are available in the Internet version of Sunaan Abu Dawud. Note that not all ahadith of Sahih Bukhari are available in the internet version of it. Currently, as far as the author is aware of, the only source of the English translation of Tirmidhi ahadith is Alim CD ROM.
Abu Dawud, Sulayman b. al-Ash’ath. Al-Sunaan, a collection of Hadith Translated in English by Prof. Ahmad Hasan:
al-Bukhari, Muhammad b. Ismail. Sahi Bukhari. Translated in English by Dr Muhammad Muhsin Khan: [ ]
Ibn Kathir’s
Tafsir (exegesis) of the Qur’an
Tafsir ibn Abbas
and Jalalyn
Muslim, Abu al-Hussain b. al-Hajjaj al-Qushairi. Sahi Muslim. Translated in English by Abdul Hamid Siddiqi: [ ]
Malik’s Muwtta.
Translators: Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley and Ya’qub Johnson:
The Holy Qur’an. The internet version of three English translations can be read at:
The Noble Qur’an Transliteration in Roman Script And English Translation of the Meanings.
Printed Books
Abu Dawud, Sulayman b. al-Ash’ath. 2001 Al-Sunaan, a collection of Hadith,vol.iii. Translated in English by Prof. Ahmad Hasan. Kitab Bhavan, 1784 Kalan Mahal, Daraya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 (India).
Abu Dawud, Sulayman b. al-Ash’ath. 2001. Al-Sunaan, a collection of Hadith, vol.i. Translated in English by Prof. Ahmad Hasan, Kitab Bhavan, 1784 Kalan Mahal, Daraya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 (India).
Abu Dawud, Sulayman b. al-Ash’ath. 2001. Al-Sunaan, a collection of Hadith, vol.ii. Translated in English by Prof. Ahmad Hasan, Kitab Bhavan, 1784 Kalan Mahal, Daraya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 (India).
al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid al-Tulsi. 1993. Ihya’ Ulum al-Din (Revival of Religious Learnings). Translated in English in four volumes by Fazl-ul-Karim, first edition. Darul Ishat, Urdu Bazar, Karachi, Pakistan.
Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas. 2004. Translated in English by Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley. Madinah Press Inverness, Paper Edition. ISBN 0710303610
al-Tabari, Abu Ja’far Muhammad b. Jarir. 1988. Muhammad at Mecca, Translated and annotated by W. Montgomery Watt and M.V. McDonald, State University of New York Press, Albany.
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Yazid ibn-i-Maja Al-Qazwani, Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad b. 2003. (with Arabic Text), Sunaan Ibn-i-Majah,vol.iv. 2nd Ed. Translated in English by Muhammad Tufail Ansari. Kitab Bhavan, 1784 Kalan Mahal, Daraya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, India.
The End
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Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at