Reforming Islam: Dialogue with a Convert Islamist, Part 2
11 April, 2007
In response to Part 1 of this series, Hamza Mohammed the convert has sent the following letter. Abul Kasem's response followed it:
From: Hamza
To: Abul Kasem
I respect your decision to leave Islam. I would fight for you to defend your right to do so.
I've lived in Egypt, Sudan, Palestine and am now working as an advisor to the UN in Jakarta. I have studied at Al-Azhar and Beir Zeit. The bottom line is this, Islam can be whatever Muslims make it to be. They are only constrained by the words of ulema who have relied on man made tools and rejected principles like itjihad.
You wrote:
"Living in democratic societies such as USA or New Zealand, it is quite fashionable to criticise and yearn for a reformation in Islamic laws (Sharia) and hoping that somewhere there is a good brand of Islam. Most of these reformers think that Islam is similar to Christianity, Hinduism..., reformable".
Well, I’m not that gullible or stupid. Islam is not Christianity, Judaism or any other religion. Islam is capable of reformation, because more than half of the doctrines and texts have been created by men. Islam as we know it, is more than Al'Qur'an it is Sunnah and usul al fiqh, which has changed very little because scholars thought it would be a good idea to prevent bid'a by allowing itjihad to continue. I never said there was a good brand of Islam. One is capable of emerging however. Open your eyes. While you may criticise countries like Indonesia, there are broad based reform efforts at high levels currently taking place which address many of Islam's core problems, particularly around respect for human rights. Tell, scholars like Ahmed Mansour that Islam is irreformable. He has already demonstrated how it is.
I never said that what you wrote didnt occur, or were not accepted by some ulema. Of course they are. Islam has been misguided for 1400 years. Islams problems didnt commence with wahabbism or the way of the salaf. Islam is problematic in every sect from Sufi to Shia. I argue however, and others would as well, that the legal methods of decision making are wrong in their methodology. The positivist and black letter approach to Islam is partially to blame. A new tafsir which de-emphasises literalism, through contextual analysis, would be tremendously helpful.
Your wrote:
"All most all the reformers you have mentioned live and work in infidel lands. If they are really serious about reforming Islam they should go to the Islamic lands and practice what they preach. I would be interested in knowing what fate awaits them there". The same fate as Mohammed Taha, Kassim Ahmed and Farog Foda. So what is your point? That reformers face an uphill battle? Really, I had no idea.
Islam will be whatever Muslims want to make it. The tools are there for us to change. Takfir is a big reason why we are so afraid. But many Muslims are beginning to break this mold. But its not enough. Muslims need to develop a project approach to Islam and reform, it has to be systematic and realistic.
I consider many Islam practices barbaric. I'm not sure where to begin, but here is a small sampling:
Islam's criminal procedure laws which prevent women from effectively laying a complaint for rape based on teh fact that four witnesses are required
The dhimmi laws
The killing of "apostates"
The abject mistreatment of women in Islam
The acceptance of paedophilia in Islam based on Sunnah
The understanding that contact with non-Muslims is najis
The enforcement of hudood
Islam's good practices?
Rituals, ie, zakat, salat, etc.
Belief that racism is inherently wrong
Defensive jihad to pursue al'adl. However I cant think of any real examples of this.
Islam has not been misunderstood by non-Muslims, but by Muslims. Muslims have an obligation to fight for Islam, and eradicate its problems. What are your views on the St Petersburg Declaration? I know a great deal of Muslims, devout Muslims who support its principles.
I have to get back to work, but your questions warrant better and more comprehensive responses. I admire what you are doing, I have actually referred Muslims who wish to leave Islam to your site and Faith Freedom. You are doing a great service.
I hope to discuss this with you further.
Yours sincerely
Hamza Mohammed
Abul Kasem's reply:
Dear Hamza;
Thank you for your prompt reply. I am sorry that it has taken me a
few days to write back. As promised, here are the details of my
You wrote:
I respect your decision to leave Islam. I would fight for you to
defend your right to do so.
My response:
Thank you. Unfortunately, Islam calls for the murder of apostates.
For this reason, I have to resort to a pen name, hide my
whereabouts, and remain secret, just to save my life, so that the
Islamist killers do not track me down and kill me a la jihadi
style. Evidently, you are not a true Muslim. A true Muslim, can
never congratulate a deserter of Islam.
Hamza, do you realise that by congratulating an apostate like me
you also have become an apostate/hypocrite? You committed a grave
Islamic crime when you declared that you are ready to fight for me
to protect my right to apostasy. The Qur'an emphatically says that
whoever associates himself with an unbeliever, he himself becomes
a non‑Muslim. You are simply lucky to be alive because you live in
an infidel land (New Zealand).
You wrote:
I've lived in Egypt, Sudan, Palestine and am now working as an
advisor to the UN in Jakarta. I have studied at Al-Azhar and Beir
Zeit. The bottom line is this, Islam can be whatever Muslims make
it to be. They are only constrained by the words of ulaema who
have relied on man made tools and rejected principles like
My response:
It is good to learn that you have spent some time in a few Islamic
societies. Mind you, most Muslims are hopelessly unaware of the
draconian provisions of Allah’s laws (Sharia). I am certain
you had met very nice, amicable, friendly, and kind people in
those countries. What made them good is not Islam. It was the
absence of real Islam in them which has made them good people.
They are good human beings, but not good Muslims. That was why you
liked them. You will not like a true Muslim. He is duty bound by
Allah to kill infidels and apostates. Allah has a contract with
such true believers (9:111‑112).
Although you did not mention what was your field of study at Al‑Azhar,
I assume it must have been Islam. This means you must be fully
aware of what Islam is all about. You claim that Islam can be
whatever a Muslim makes it to be and that the Ulamas have made
Islam perfidious.
Mr Hamza, I must disagree with you on this matter. You see, Islam
is not what you, Ulamas, or any Muslims construe it to be. Islam
is what is contained in the Qur'an, Sunna, Sirah and Sharia. Prove
me wrong, if you still believe that real Islam’s fount is not the
four sources I just mentioned.
Real Islam is not what you think Islam should be. Real Islam is
what Muhammad preached, practiced and enforced. Prove me wrong
here too.
So, you see, Hamza, if you are not following the contents of those
four sources and if you are not imitating the actions and deeds of
Muhammad you are not a Muslim in the first place; you are at best
a wishy‑washy Muslim, a sinner, or an apostate/hypocrite, at
worst. The Qur'an says clearly that Muhammad's actions are Allah’s
actions and every Muslim is duty bound to follow Muhammad's
example. Do otherwise, and you become an infidel.
You wrote:
Well, Im not that gullible or stupid. Islam is not Christianity
Judaism or any other religion. Islam is capable of reformation,
because more than half of the doctrines and texts have been
created by men. Islam as we know it, is more than Al'Qur'an it is
Sunnah and usul al fiqh, which has changed very little because
scholars thought it would be a good idea to prevent bid'a by
allowing itjihad to continue
My response:
Thanks for agreeing with me that Islam is not like just another
religion. Your claim that half of Islamic doctrines have been
created by men is simply astounding. I assume you are saying that
half of the Qur'an, Sunna, ahadith, Sharia are man‑made. I agree
with you on this except that it is not half, it is full,
one-hundred per cent of these scriptures are man‑made. Allah never
wrote that Qur'an, He had never sent Muhammad as His messenger and
He made no Sharia laws. Period!
Having said this, I must tell you that as per Islamic law, what
you wrote about fifty percent of Islamic texts being forged or
man‑made, is complete blasphemy. In many Islamic countries you are
liable to be prosecuted for uttering such insolent words and if
found guilty might be sentenced to jail or even executed. So be
mindful of what you say. If you are a true Muslim, you must not
utter those few words.
You wrote about ijtihad. I must write that you are yet to learn
much about Islam and its history of persecution of the dissenters.
Ever since Ghazali, the path to ijtihad has been completely
closed, forever. There is no way Islam can be reformed or
modified. Islam, for eternity, is fossilised in the seventh
century Bedouin Arab customs and religious laws. No one can ever
think of changing Islam. Those who dare to think of reforming
Islam usually do this from the safety of infidel lands. This is a
dream, which I am not sure will ever come true.
You wrote:
I never said there was a good brand of Islam. One is capable of
emerging however. Open your eyes. While you may criticise
countries like Indonesia, there are broad based reform efforts at
high levels currently taking place which address many of Islam's
core problems, particularly around respect for human rights. Tell
scholars like Ahmed Mansour that Islam is irreformable. He has
already demonstrated how it is.
My response:
It is good to learn that you realise there is no ‘good’ Islam. I
would like to move one step further and say that entire Islam is
bad, rotten, pugnacious, and acrid.
You mention that an Indonesian Islamic scholar, Ahmed Mansour is
reforming Islam there. I am curious to learn about his activities.
How does he want to reform the Qur'an and Sunna? It will be quite
interesting to learn from him.
Now, please tell me what are the foundations of Islamic laws in
Indonesia? Are they not based, one‑hundred percent of them, on the
Qur'an, Sunna, Ahadith, and the eternal Sharia, the four core
scriptures of Islam I mentioned earlier? This being the case, how
could Indonesia reform Islam without reforming these four basic
sources of Islam? To reform Islam means, broadly speaking, to
reform the Qur'an. Precisely, in the first place, this means
editing or re‑writing the Qur'an or to abandon it. One cannot
simply pick and choose from Qur'an. How are you going to deal with
the rules of abrogation? How is this possible, Hamza? Please
enlighten me on this. How could one think of modifying Islam
without modifying these Islamic sources? Who dare to modify the
Qur'an and hadis?
The bottom line is: it is just a wishful thinking that Islam can
be changed without changing the fundamental sources of Islam. The
latest victim of this innovation is the poor Rashad Khalifa. He
invented a new brand of Islam—Islam minus Ahadith, the
Qur'an‑only‑Muslims. He paid dearly for his insolence. He was
assassinated by the jihadists for having the gall to challenge the
age‑old, true, pristine Islam. Rashad Khalifa thought that the
putrid smell of Islam emanates from the Ahadith. He discarded all
hadith, insisting that Islam is only what the Qur'an says. He even
had the impudence to slightly modify the Qur'an, inserting his
names in a few places.
So what do these examples teach us? Please do think this over,
You wrote:
I never said that what you wrote didnt occur, or were not accepted
by some ulema. Of course they are. Islam has been misguided for
1400 years. Islams problems didnt commence with wahabbism or the
way of the salaf. Islam is problematic in every sect from Sufi to
Shia. I argue however, and others would as well, that the legal
methods of decision-making are wrong in their methodology. The
positivist and black letter approach to Islam is partially to
blame. A new tafsir which de-emphasises literalism, through
contextual analysis, would be tremednously helpful.
My response:
Why is it that Islam has been misguided for 1400 years? Did you
ever ponder on this, Hamza? Why, since its inception, Islam has
been deeply fossilised in the desert of seventh century Arabia?
While other religions/faith have been constantly evolving,
modifying and adapting to the time, why is it that there is no
change in Islam?
Again, the answer is quite simple—Islam is fossilised because the
Qur'an and all other sources of Islam are fossilised. Once these
core scriptures are changed or ignored, Islam will change, believe
me. Of course, the new Islam will be no Islam at all. It will be
man‑made‑Islam. It will not resemble the Islam of Muhammad/Allah
but the Islam of human being. Except for the word ‘Islam’, there
will be noting left of the ‘real’ Islam. This will be similar to
the reformations of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism…and so on.
The question is: who is to bell the cat? Who dare to abandon or
modify those sources of Islam?
I wrote:
"All most all the reformers you have mentioned live and work in
infidel lands. If they are really serious about reforming Islam
they should go to the Islamic lands and practice what they preach.
I would be interested in knowing what fate awaits them there".
Your reply:
The same fate as Mohammed Taha, Kassim Ahmed and Farog Foda. So
what is your point? That reformers face an uphill battle? Really,
I had no idea.
My response:
Here is what happened to some of those reformists of Islam:
Mohammed Taha: He was executed by the then Sudanese president
Gaafar al‑Nimery for advocating a liberal view of Islam. According
to the Islamist rulers of Sudan, Mohammed Taha was a heretic, an
apostate, and therefore, deserving the death penalty.
Farog Foda: The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt murdered him for his
reformist views on Islam.
Kassim Ahmed: Strictly speaking, he is a Malay novelist, not an
Islamist reformist. He lives in Malaysia. I do not think he is a
serious reformer of Islam. He is still alive.
So you see, Hamza, the price one pays to reform Islam is truly
terrible. Even then, having paid such a high price for liberating
Islam from the Bedouin soil of 1400 years ago, nothing has changed
in Islam.
You wrote:
Islam will be whatever Muslims want to make it. The tools are
there for us to change. Takfir is a big reason why we are so
afraid. But many Muslims are beginning to break this mold. But its
not enough. Muslims need to develop a project approach to Islam
and reform, it has to be systematic and realistic.
My response:
Are you really serious, Hamza? Have not you read the Qur'an? What
does it say? Read verses 6:115, 7:156‑157, 10:15, 10:64, 18:27,
27:6, 33:45.
These verses, tell us unambiguously that the Qur'an is from Allah,
none, even Muhammad, can change the words in it. This is the only
book the Muslims must recite, understand and enforce in totality.
Therefore, how is it possible that Islam could be whatever the
Muslims want it to be? Do you mean the Muslims must compile a new
Qur'an? You mentioned that the tools are there. Please tell us
what those tools are and how Muslims can successfully use those
tools to write a new Qur'an. You also mentioned a project‑approach
in reforming Islam. I am really confused. Please do enlighten me
on this.
You wrote:
I consider many Islam practices barbaric. I'm not sure where to
begin, but here is a small sampling:
Islam's criminal procedure laws which prevent women from
effectively laying a complaint for rape based on teh fact that
four witnesses are required
The dhimmi laws
The killing of "apostates"
The abject mistreatment of women in Islam
The acceptance of paedophilia in Islam based on Sunnah
The understanding that contact with non-Muslims is najis
The enfocement of hudood
My response:
Thank you so much. I must admire your honesty in identifying the
barbarism inherent in Islam. Islam is barbaric. It is not
compatible with a civilised society. You have admitted this
candidly, because you are still a human being. Even though you
have converted to this barbaric faith, you have not yet become a
true Muslim. I must congratulate you on this.
You wrote:
Islam's good practices?
Rituals, ie zakat, salat, et al.
Belief that racism is inherently wrong
Defensive jihad to pursue al'adl. However I cant think of any real
examples of this.
My response:
What you consider as Islamic good practices is not Islamic at all.
Such rituals, as five daily‑prayers, zakat are not Islamic, to
begin with.
For example, the system of five prayers is from the desert
Christian monks of Arabia. You will find more information on this
in the book: The Foundations of Islam by Benjamin Walker.
So is the case with zakat. Zakat was an old custom of the pagan
Arabs. They used to collect money from the residents of Mecca to
assist the pilgrims. Even the eminent tafsir writer ibn Kathir
admits that zakat was a pagan practice which Muhammad readily
adopted for his new religion.
In verse 41:7 Allah cursed those Meccans who refused to pay zakat.
This verse was revealed in Mecca, when Muhammad has not yet
institutionalised the zakat system. In fact, Muhammad established
this pagan practice after migrating to Medina. To remove the
problem, ibn Kathir writes:
…”because the obligation of Zakah was instituted during the second
year after the Hijrah to Al-Madinah, according to what is stated
by several scholars. Yet this Ayah was revealed in Makkah. However
it is not unlikely that the principle of giving charity and Zakat
was already in place and had been enjoined at the beginning of the
Prophet's mission”—ibn Kathir.
So you see, there is nothing Islamic in Islamic prayers and zakat.
Muhammad simply borrowed from the infidels those age‑old customs
and passed them as Islam.
You tend to believe that there is no racism in Islam. You must be
quite unaware that Islam is basically Arab racism—a deceptive ploy
to establish Arab imperialism around the globe. To learn about
Arab racism and Arab bigotry I would like you to read my essay
Bismi Allah (In the name of Allah), part 7 (Allah’s Countenance)
and part 8 (Allah is Dictatorial, Racist and Misogynist). In
essence, this elaborate essay demonstrates that:
Allah is a white Arab supremacist.
Allah made the white Quraysh Arabs the best of His creation.
Allah is a white supremacist; He does not like black faces; He likes white faces.
Allah had created Muhammad to be the best of His creations.
Allah accepts only Islam as His religion; other religions are invalid
Sunnah (Muhammad’s words and actions) is from Allah.
Arabs are the chosen people of Allah; Allah resembles an Arab.
Allah speaks Hebrew.
Please comment on the above Islamic
assertions. You may read the above essays at
You wrote:
Islam has not been misunderstood by non-Muslims, but by Muslims.
Muslims have an obligation to fight for Islam, and eradicate its
My response:
Please tell me what do the non‑Muslims think of Islam—a religion
of peace and moderation, perhaps? This is simply hilarious. They
have not read the Qur'an, and have not experienced Islam. They
simply gulp whatever the Islamist apologists offer them. Much of
what these Islamist apologists write/tell are simply artificially
sweetened version of Islam, if not utter lies and deception—the
Islamic techniques known as Taqiyya and Kitman.
Please tell me where in the world can we find this non‑Muslim
version of Islam? Please tell me why, in all the Islamic
Paradises, their Islamic laws comply one hundred per cent with the
Qur'an, Sunna and Sirah? Here I am not talking about the Ulamas,
distorting the pristine, peaceful, merciful, and kind Islam. I am
alluding to the state laws (Sharia) passed by the elected Islamic
members of the Majlis (Islamic Parliament). Do you mean these
impeccably qualified Islamist jurists are wrong?, they do not
understand Islam?
If these Islamist law‑makers do not understand Islam, who
understands Islam, please tell me.
You wrote:
What are your views on the St Petersburg Declaration? I know a
great deal of Muslims, devout Muslims who support its principles.
My response:
It is heartening to note that a few Muslims, having been exposed
to the ‘real’ Islam, are now yearning for a change. This is
certainly good. I wish best for them.
Having said this, I must emphasize that nothing will be achieved
as long as the Qur'an is there and the Muslims seek guidance from
it. To reform Islam, the reformist Muslims must abandon the
Qur'an, Hadis, Sunna and Sharia—the works, all of them.
Any way, the St Petersburg Declaration will remain as a milestone
in history. Its success will depend on how many Muslims are
prepared to do what I wrote previously.
I must congratulate the signatories of this historic declaration.
I came learn that a few of these intrepid fighters received death
threats (phone calls) from the Islamist jihadists. Their staid
stand, despite this mortal threat, is really admirable.
Abul Kasem