1. A Guide to the Quranic Contradictions | E.Book Version (consolidated)
4. Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style
Synopsis | Introduction | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
7. Women in Islam: An exegesis
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
List of Articles
Review: 'Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery' [25 Feb, 2009]
Darwin and Those Great Muslim Scientists [23 Feb, 2008]
Moderate Islamic Beheading: Honor-Killing in Buffalo [21 Feb, 2009]
A Tribute to Faith Freedom International [04 Jan, 2009]
Articles 2008
Guess who is Defending Jihad Now? [13 Dec, 2008]
Racism in Islam: Allah’s White Faces [06 Dec, 2008]
Lessons from the Jihadi Massacre in Mumbai [01 Dec, 2008]
Allah Plays with His Souls: Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3
A Few Questions Related to Islam: Part 1 - Part 2 [11 Sep, 2008]
The Fatuous Mind of Allah [28 Aug, 2008]
The Demise of Islam? [17 Jul, 2008]
Non-Muslims: Worse than Animals [04 Jul, 2008]
The “Oppression” of Islam [26 Jun, 2008]
Women: Islam’s Domestic Animals [18 Jun, 2008]
The Left and Fitna [09 April, 2008]
Sharia Laws: Islam’s Warden [03 April, 2008]
Fitna and Appeasing Islam—Is It Worth Doing? [01 April, 2008]
Islamic Multiculturalism: Abul Kasem in Interview [12 Feb, 2008]
Abul Kasem in Interview: An “Apostate” Speaks [07 Jan, 2008]
2007 articles
Islamic Multiculturalism — the Endless Jihad [12 Jul, 2007]
Play Islam [18 Jun, 2007]
Reforming Islam: Dialogue with a Convert Islamist, Part 1 [08 April, 2007]
Challenging Islam: Is Islam Sexist? [15 Jan, 2007]
Letter: A Western Infidel writes from Oman about his experience on Islam [15 Jan, 2007]
2006 or earlier articles
The ‘Meat’ Imam and the Qur’an [08 November, 2006]
The Bewilderment of Qur’an-Only Muslims [05/02/2006]
Muhammad had Violated the Qur'an [9/12/2005]
Wine Drinking in Islam [14/04/2005]
Breaking the Manacles of Islam
Here is how the Islamist's mind works
Holy and Blessed Family: An Example to Emulate?
Islamic Cell Phone and the Next Islamic Invention
An Islamic Communist Writes to Karl Marx
More on Sex with Slave-girls and Captive-Women
Nights and Days of Pakistani Butchers
On the Making of an Unbeliever
Our Ubiquitous Garden Variety Bangladeshi Talibans!
A Pakistan Officer's Contrition
Psychotherapy a la Qur’anic verses
Reinventing and Redefining Islam
Still Searching The Real Islam
The Way of the Islamists: A Road to Perdition?
Westerners Find Science in the Quran!
Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at