Live and Let Live...
17 May, 2009
“Faith also has to be connected with how you treat your fellow human beings.” -- Catherine Hicks
Much has been written about Islam, its ethics, and its relationships
with other religions. Despite this large volume of work, there
appears to be something always missing, something even more basic
and important to people of all faiths. What is missing is the basic
need to study and understand the faith of Islam with regards to
governance and the laws that the Qur’an teaches, particularly
regarding its compatibility with what we call democracy. The goal of
this article is to fill the gap by providing investigations and in
presenting its findings.
Why should we choose this subject? The need arises because,
throughout the world, we receive starkly conflicting information
about the Islamic laws that govern people living under it...
Muslim apologists claim that Islam is a 'religion of peace'. They
also claim that our democratic traditions of religious tolerance
require us to respect the freedom of Muslims to practice Islam. At
the same time, we see Muslims practicing religiously motivated
intolerance around the world???
Now why did I put question marks at the end of the previous
sentence…? Well to my understanding, this intolerance of the
religion of Islam is often against their non-Islamic neighbors. They
range from Orthodox Russians to Sudanese Christians, Hindu Indians,
Catholic Filipinos, Buddhist Thais, to other such followers of
non-Islamic faiths. Additionally, Muslims also practice religious
intolerance against sects within Islam: Sunni Muslims persecuting
Shia’ite Muslims, Shia’ites persecuting Sunnis, Ismailies, Deobandis,
Barelvis, and Wahhabis persecuting everyone else.
Clearly, something is very wrong with this picture. Yet many
people fail to associate the violence committed by these Muslims
with Islam itself! They steadfastly seek alternative explanations,
such as colonialism, tribal tensions, racism, bigotry and poverty.
They refuse to even consider the idea that Islam may be inherently
aggressive and intolerant towards other religions or to those, who
don’t agree to its’ laws.
This self-deception cannot continue for too long now!!! Islam’s
presence and influence is growing throughout the world, and it
demands urgent attention. For example, Nigeria’s Muslim-dominated
northern states adopted Islamic Laws in 2002, which followed
sentencing of several women with stoning-to-death for adultery. In
2006, Denmark was terrorized by Muslims around the world, because an
independent Danish newspaper had published some political cartoons
of Prophet Muhammad.
An ever-growing cascade of violence tells us that we are approaching a time, when we will have no choice but to confront two disturbing possibilities:
Islam is fundamentally incompatible with democracy as we know it, because it opposes the individual freedoms and protections that citizens of democracies cherish.
Muslims are using our democratic institutions to subvert democracy, and to replace democratically determined laws with the Islamic Laws.
Before you dismiss these words as bigotry, please allow me to explain:
I talk about the United States, because the U.S. has embraced
principles of tolerance and freedom that may be described as “live
and let live.”
When it comes to religion, “live and let live” means that no one has the right to force their beliefs on others, nor may they prevent others from changing and challenging their beliefs!
While the Americans may not always live up to these principles,
we aspire to them, and use our freedoms to correct ourselves as we
Tolerance and freedom are essential part of what we call
democracy. Political theorists usually call this as the Liberal
Democracy or the Western Democracy.
Religious tolerance is an essential principle we live by. In the United States and throughout the Westernized world, this principle has evolved from centuries of futile religious battles that caused us to violate the very beliefs we claimed to fight for. It was codified in complete form by the Constitution of the United States. This has been an example and a beacon of hope for nations around the world. While these nations have created constitutions of their own to serve their particular circumstances, the U.S. Constitution has remained a guiding reference for progressive thinkers everywhere.
Why is this constitution so revered? This is because it exemplifies a framework for governance that grants unprecedented powers and freedom to its citizens. While newer civilized nations are modernizing with innovative technologies and ideas, and gradually progressing toward Western Liberal Democracy, there is a part of the world where Liberal Democracy has not flourished; its freedoms are not valued. Liberal Democracy just does not evolve there, despite a variety of working examples in other parts of the world. This infertile soil in the House of Islam just does not adapt to the lush green valleys of freedom and liberty, where every seed that germinates has its own freedom to grow and glow and bear sweet fruits.
Why this form of democracy, which we dearly cherish has, has
failed to take roots and not grow in the Islamic world??? The plain
reason is because, Islam ties religion and politics together in a
Gordian knot!!! Islam has its own body of laws, known as the Sharia,
and these laws are sharply opposed to Liberal Democracy. Islam and
Liberal Democracy are as opposed to each other as Communism and
Liberal Democracy, or Fascism and Liberal Democracy.
Many people refuse to consider the possibility that Islam and
Liberal Democracy are irreconcilably opposed to each other. After
all, the benefits of Liberal Democracy are obvious, and many Islamic
nations have worked diligently to adopt it. But the outcomes of
these efforts confirm that Islam and Liberal Democracy do not mix,
and never will.
Islamic nations like Turkey, Egypt and Algeria have histories of secular governments, but these governments have uneasy relationships with their Citizens... These nations have often found themselves resorting to warlike tactics against Islamic fundamentalists to preserve themselves. In Iran, Islamic mullahs won such a war, and they now use their authority to thwart the superficially democratic institutions they control.
What makes Islam different from other religions? Why is it so
hostile to Liberal Democracy? To put it plainly, it does not believe
in “live and let live.” Devout Muslims do not feel obligated to
convince others to convert to Islam through reason. Instead, the
Qur’an encourages them to use persecutions...
According to the holy Qur’an, people of other faiths are allowed
to continue in their practices only if they acknowledge that Islam
is a superior religion and that they pay extortion money to the
Islamic governments in the form of special taxes called ‘Jaziya’,
'Kharaj' and others. This exception, which is extolled by Muslims as
an example of tolerance, is actually designed to grind down other
religions over time. To people who are weak, or young in their
faiths, this persecution raises the question: “Why to pay extra
taxes and accept an inferior position in society when all I have to
do is convert to Islam?”
In a sense, these mercenary conversions are a saving grace. There
are many Muslims in the world, who are Muslim in name only. They
know that if they left Islam, their apostasy would be considered a
capital crime. They are prisoners of Islam. The apparent strength of
Islam can therefore be deceptive, and many nominal Muslims are far
more benevolent than Islam calls them to be…
Most Westerners grow up ignorant of Islam, and therefore, with few experiences and knowledge to contradict their democracy-inspired beliefs, which seek to accommodate different religions, including Islam… They have absorbed the notions that the world’s religions are merely different paths to the same goals? To these people, it may come as a shock that Islam violates these assumptions point-blank...
Islam is overtly hostile towards other religions! More
importantly, Islam is overtly hostile to non-Islamic governments; we
can witness it in the subterranean wars that Muslims are currently
waging against the world’s Liberal Democracies.
Right now, we need to lay out these issues, provide references to
back them up, and begin to discuss about measures that Westerners
must undertake to preserve Liberal Democracy for our future
From the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an (a compilation of recitations that Muhammad claimed were Allah’s) and the Hadiths (compilations of Muhammad’s other words and deeds), as well as the recent news articles and modern religious books written by Muslim scholars, one can arrive at two key points:
1. The portions of Islamic holy scriptures that carry disturbing messages are not merely stray quotes in otherwise benign books. They are essential components of Islam, and the Qur’an and the Hadiths emphasize them repeatedly. Faithful Muslims take these messages seriously as expected of them, and act on them.
2. The actions of Islamic terrorists around the world are not merely the products of a few deviant minds or some splinter groups but the commands come from the violent messages of the Islamic Holy Scriptures.
As long as Islam is treated as a respectable, benign creed like
all others, and not as a hostile political ideology bent on global
domination, Islam will forever continue to expand and sow seeds of
terror and hatred throughout the world. If allowed this to happen
without heeding to these warnings, the nations in the world that
currently embrace Liberal Democracy may one day find themselves
destitute and chaotic. These countries with their democratic
governance will ultimately to be replaced by Islamic ones.
I have read recently this book, “Islamic
Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery",
by MA Khan. Khan has detailed a very deep understanding that our
‘tomorrows’ world be like hell, as Islam will spread to four corners
of the world…
Islam deceives the world not just by its impressive population
growth or like the flowery fields in valleys, but in reality it lies
through its princely teeth. Portraying rosy garden with carnivorous
plants, Nepenthes mirabilis, disguised as beautiful flowery plant,
which grows in a carefree environment…
I would like to conclude by quoting great Ali Sina from his
recent article, The Illusion of Reforming Islam:
“Islam cannot be reformed. They tried it in every imaginable way. The Mu’tazelis tired it, the Sufis tried it, hundreds of old and new schools tried it and they all failed. If you cannot stomach the Sharia’h, why do you want to keep Islam at all? Islam belongs to the toilet of history. Dump it and flush. Get rid of it and don’t fool yourself with this nonsense. Accept the truth. Yes truth matters. Islam is a lie...”
Lennard James is a Pakistani-born writer.
Name: root of islam is not muhamed but judaism and he copied from there
Date: Sunday May 17, 2009
Time: 02:58:05 -0400
root of islam is not muhamed but judaism and he copied from there,how moses killed cannanites etc he learnt all the evil form judaism,jews left real judaism and embraced humanity but islam and muslims r still stuck on true judaism and so the blood lust of islam continues.adress the real and root issue and also fight islam.i am indian ex-muslim and see islam takeing over india by 2050 if hindus dont wake up and take care of india.
Date: Sunday May 17, 2009
Time: 03:44:42 -0400
It is, Die and Let all kaffur die. This is ISLAM's Mantra.
Date: Sunday May 17, 2009
Time: 04:43:43 -0400
The India conquers Pakistan and also brings Bangladesh into its’ folds… India will forever regret this mistake. The Muslims will over throw the government and make the Hindus pay in return. So what I believe that if the Jews have changed their menace of ‘Word of God” and modernized their ways of thinking by giving this world technology, we can let them rule over us. They will make this world a better place. As far as Islam is concerned, it only wants “STONEAGE”…..
Name: duh_swami
Date: Sunday May 17, 2009
Time: 09:04:04 -0400
Good article...As long as Allah is envisioned as God, and the Quran the immutable, for all time, word of Allah, and as long as Mohammad is envisioned as the perfect man, and his examples perfect behavior, there will be jihad...It's mandatory...8:39...'Fight them until all worship Allah'...'Until' has never happened and never will, so this is an impossible task laid on Muslims by Allah, and it means perpetual warfare. Seeing that his Muslims might balk at spending all their time fighting, Allah attempts to sell them a fake death insurance policy about jihadi's and the virgins...He also attempts to shame and bribe them into leaving their houses and signing on to jihad...Q 4:95/4:100...others....These thing exist today, and are reinforced every day, every minute. That's the bad news...the good news is that Islam will self destruct...With the various Islamic sects at odds with each other, the large number of hidden apostates, the various diseases that come with the rapid expansion of Muslim population such as hemophilia, and vit D deficiencies, and a generally lowering population IQ...If you think Muslims, as a group are stupid, you are right, and if you think they are getting stupider, you are also right...But these stupid people have a book, a religion, a mission and guns...A stupid jihadi with a gun, on a mission for a sight to behold, in some parts of the world, they are shot on sight...
Name: Kevin LePage
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 03:20:50 -0400
Succinct and to the point; I like that.
Name: jake the muss
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 04:48:19 -0400
Islam is the religion of the gutter and all its adherents need to be mass interned into a mental asylum to undergo corrective treatment to their mad craniums. There can be no excuse for ignorance, the stench of islam reaches to the heavens and its bloodstained history is laid bare for all who have eyes to see. Its time to lay the axe to the root. Muslims are the acid of the earth.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 13:39:27 -0400
The quote is "Islam cannot be reformed. They tried it in every imaginable way." This is true. Furthermore,the idea of reforming Islam is not possible, because it is written in the Bible "That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be nembered." Ecclesiastes 1:15. [KJV]
Name: seeker
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 14:00:49 -0400
The policy of live and let live... is an antithesis of the Quranic teachings which millions of Muslims blindly follow. There are so many passages in the Quran which call for violence and subjugation of the non muslims if they do not accept islam. This is supposed to be the word and command of `God`. Lennard James, do you think that someday there will be religious freedom for Non Muslims in Islamic countries. One small example is say, building of their places of worship in Saudi Arabia. No, Sir. That would be going againts the Prophet of Allah, and `Gods` decree. You are correct in saying Islam and liberal democracy do not mix.
Name: HT
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 17:38:07 -0400
At least Jews and Christians get to be tolerated a little bit... “The character and extent of traditional Muslim tolerance should not be misunderstood. If by tolerance we mean the absence of discrimination, then the traditional Muslim state was not tolerant, and indeed a tolerance thus defined would have been seen not as a merit but as a dereliction of duty. No equality was conceded, in practice or even less in theory, between those who accepted and obeyed God’s word, and those who willfully and of their own choice rejected it. Discrimination was structural and universal, imposed by doctrine and law and enforced by popular consent….the principle has always been adopted in Muslim law and usually in practice that Christians and Jews – but not atheists, polytheists, or idolaters – are entitled to the tolerance and protection of the Muslim state.” Bernard Lewis – ISLAM AND THE WEST
Name: HT
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 17:39:28 -0400
cont. “However, the principle has always been adopted in Muslim law and usually in practice that Christians and Jews – but not atheists, polytheists, or idolaters – are entitled to the tolerance and protection of the Muslim State.”... Iran: “The Zoroastrians, seen by secular nationalists as the custodians of the true Iranian national identity, are viewed with corresponding suspicion by devout Muslims and are in any case too few to matter. The Baha’is, followers of a post-Muslim dispensation, are as such excluded from the tolerance prescribed by the Shari’a. Under the shah, they flourished and achieved a palce of some consequence in Iran. Under the republic, those who persist in their faith are proscribed outlaws.”... “For Jews and Christians, followers of religions recognized by Islamic law, this status is one of protected subordination, with some but not all of the rights of the Muslim compatriots. For those who practice nonrecognized religions, like the Baha’is in Iran, the Ahmadis in Pakistan, and the followers of African religions in the southern Sudan, the strict application of shari’a law would give them the choice between conversion and death, with the latter possibly commuted to enslavement.” Bernard Lewis – The Multiple Identities of the Middle East – has a more in depth explanation of Dar al-Islam, Dar al-Harb, who gets to be Dhimmis and what happens to those who don’t get to be dhimmis.
Name: HT
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 17:40:40 -0400
cont.“Zimmi [dhimmi} A member of the Ahulu ‘z’Zhimmah, non-Muslim subject of a Muslim government, belonging to the Jewish, Christian, or Sabean creed, who, for the payment of a poll or capitation tax enjoys the security of his person and property in a Muhamadan country….Infidelity, however, admits of degrees. Its worst shape is idolatry, that is, the worship of idols instead of or besides the One true God; and this again is a crime most abominable on the part of Arabs, “since the Prophet was sent amongst them, and manifested himself in the midst of them, and the Quran was delivered down in their language.” Of an equally atrocious character is the infidelity of apostates, “because they have become infidels, after having been led into the way of the faith, and made acquainted with its excellence.” In the of neither, therefore is a compromise admissible; they must accept or re-embrace the faith or pay with their lives the full penalty of their crime. With regard to the idolaters of a non-Arabic or ‘Ajam country, which latter expression in the times of early Islam, particularly applied to the Persian Empire, ash-Shafi’i maintains that destruction is incurred by them also; but the other learned doctors agree that it is lawful to reduce them to slavery, thus allowing them, as it were, a respite during which it may please God to direct them into the right path, but making, at the same time, their persons and substance subservient to the cause of Islam. The least objectionable form of infidelity in the eyes of Muhammed and his followers, is that of the Kitabis or people of the Book (ahlu ‘lkitab), i.e. the Jews, as possessors of the Old Testament, or Taurat, and teh Christians, to whom, moreover, the Injil (Gospel) was revealed. As they are not guilty of an absolute denial, but only of a partial perversion of the truth, only part of the punishment for disbelief is their due, and it is imposed upon them in the shape of a tribute, called poll or capitation tax (jizyah), by means of which they secure protection for their property, personal freedom, and religious toleration from the Muslim government. The same privilege is extended to the Majusi or Sabeans, whose particular form of worship was more leniently judged by Muhammed and the Traditionalists than that of the idolaters of Persia.”Dictionary of Islam, Thomas Hughes
Name: H
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 17:41:57 -0400
“Shi’ah ‘(C) With regard to the persons who may legally be slaves, there seems to be little, if any, difference between the two sects [Shi'ah and Sunni]. According to the Shi’ahs slavery is the proper condition of the HARABIS, or enemies, with the exception only of Christians, Jews, and Majusis, or fire-worshipers, so long as they continue in a state of zimmah, or subjection, to the Musulman community. If they renounce their zimmah, they fall back into the condition of ordinary HARABIS…” Dictionary of Islam, Thomas Hughes
Name: HT
Date: Monday May 18, 2009
Time: 17:43:40 -0400
cont.“Dar A house, dwellin, habitation, land, country.” “Daru ‘L-Islam “Land of Islam.” According to the Raddu ‘l-Mukhtar, vol. iii, p. 391, it is a country in which the edicts of Islam are fully promulgated. In a state brought under Muslims, all those who do not embrace the faith are placed under certain disabilities. They can worship God according to their own customs, PROVIDED THEY ARE NOT IDOLATERS; but it must be done without any ostentation, and, whilst churches and synagogues may be repaired NO NEW PLACE OF WORSHIP CAN BE ERECTED. “The construction of churches, or synagogues, in Muslim territory is unlawful, this being forbidden in the Traditions; but if places of worship belonging to Jews, or Christians, be destroyed, or fall into decay, they are at liberty to repair them, because buildings cannot endure forever.” Idol temples must be destroyed, and idolatry suppressed by force in all countries ruled according to strict Muslim law. (Hidayah, vol. ii. p.219)” “Daru ‘L-Harb “The land of warfare.” According to the Dictionary Ghiyasu ‘l-Lughat, Daru ‘l-harb is “a country belonging to infidels which has not been subdued by Islam.” According to the Qamus, it is “a country in which peace has not been proclaimed between Muslims and unbelievers.” In the Fatawa ‘Alamgiri, vol. ii. p854, it is written that a Daru ‘l-harb becomes a Daru ‘l-Islam on one condition, namely, the promulgation of the edicts of Islam. The Imam Muhammed, in his book called the Ziyadah, says a Daru ‘l-Islam becomes a Daru ‘l-harb, according to Abu Hanifah, on three conditions, namely: (1) That the edicts of the unbelievers be promulgated, and the edicts of Islam be suppressed; (2) That the country in question be adjoining a Daru ‘l-harb and no other Muslim country lie between them (that is, when the duty of Jihad or religious warfare becomes incumbent on them, and they have not the power to carry it on). (3) That no protection (aman) remains for either a Muslim of a zimmi; viz. that amanu ‘lawwal, or that first protection which was given them when the country was first conquered by Islam. The Imans Yusuf and Muhammed both say that when the edicts of unbelievers are promulgated in a country, it is sufficient to constitute it a Daru ‘l-harb. In the Raddu ‘lMukhtar, vol. iii. p. 391, it is stated, “if the edicts of Islam remain in force, together with the edicts of the unbelievers, then the country cannot be said to be a Daru ‘l-harb…. …The Sunnis and Shi’ahs alike believe in the eventual triumph of Islam, when the whole world shall become the followers of the Prophet of Arabia; but whist the Sunnis are, of course, ready to undertake the accomplishment of this great end, “whenever there is a probability of victory to Musulmans,” the Shi’ahs, true to the one great principle of their sect, must wait until the appearance of the rightful Imam. [JIHAD]”Dictionary of Islam, Thomas Hughes
Name: CraigT
Date: Tuesday May 19, 2009
Time: 01:26:11 -0400
An adaptation I did of a famous poem about Nazis by Pastor Martin Niem?ller. Muslim outrage: At first, the Muslims were outraged by cartoons but I didn't speak up because I wasn't an artist. And then the Muslims were outraged by history books and news but I didn't speak up because I don't read much. And then the Muslims were outraged by women who weren't completely veiled but I didn't speak up because I'm not a woman. And then the Muslims were outraged by the practice of other religions but I didn't speak up because I'm not very religious. And then the Muslims were outraged by the existence of Infidels so when they came for me … there was no one left to speak up. The last line is the ultimate goal of Islam the rest are just steps towards that goal.
Name: Malek
Date: Monday May 25, 2009
Time: 07:20:12 -0400
I will be very happy if they did... We don't have Military Camps all over the world... what do you expect... they kill us and we shut up and die!... Sorry won't happen.. Peace is very simple to achieve... Give the Palestinian their land back... get out of Afganistan... retrieve your troups from Muslim Countries... The ball is in your court ! ... All three balls are in your court !... Wa sallam aleikum !
Name: Subjugated Land
Date: Sunday May 31, 2009
Time: 15:50:42 -0400
Perhaps Muslims should leave Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jewish, African native religions' lands that they so gleefully conquered, killing tens of millions. Perhaps Muslims should stop taking money from the West, Billions and Trillions of dollars, pounds, etc... in "aid," especially if you do not want the West in "Muslim" lands, lands that Muslims stole from everyone else.