Islam and the Clash of Civilizations
04 Mar, 2009
Nobel Laureate Francis Fukuyama’s 1989 thesis that with the fall the
Marxist Communism, the world will converge towards nonconflictual
liberal-democracy as its final destiny, Samuel Huntington proposed
his Civilization Clash theory in 1993. Contradicting Fukuyama’s
optimism of a more peaceful world-civilization ahead, Huntington
emphasized that conflicts in the world were not over, but future
conflicts will be fought along civilizational fault-lines over
cultural or religious differences, not between states over
ideological (political) or economic reasons. “The clash of
civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between
civilizations will be the battle lines of the future,” he predicted.
Huntington identified eight major civilizations—Indian, Chinese, Asian, Islamic, and Western etc.—and emphasized that instead of converging towards universal liberalism globally, human consciousness within these civilizations is accentuating; people are becoming increasingly parochial and conscious of their cultural, religious or civilizational values and differences.
Huntington analyzed how these civilizations would likely interplay in reshaping the emerging world-order. His thesis gets significant space for Islamic resurgence, simply because, in recent decades, religious revivalism in an intolerant and violent form amongst Muslims much outweighs the rejuvenation of civilizational or religious consciousness amongst other peoples.
On the ongoing civilizational clash of Islam with the rest of humanity, Huntington wrote: “The overwhelming majority of fault line conflicts, however, have taken place along the boundary lopping across Eurasia and Africa that separates Muslims from non-Muslims”. He added: “wherever one looks along the perimeter of Islam, Muslims have problems living peaceably with their neighbors.” Islam has “Bloody Borders”, he asserted.
His analysis vis-à-vis Islam in his thesis has become a bone of contention; he came under intense attacks over this from his critics, led by Edward Said.
One likes it or not, Huntington’s thesis is already becoming a reality. Even the followers of Hinduism and Buddhism—both apolitical and pacifist creeds in principle and historically—are becoming increasingly jingoistic, political and even militant. There have been attacks on Christians and churches by Hindus in India and Buddhists in Sri Lanka in recent years. This trend, in all likelihood, would heighten over coming decades.
Despite the denials of his critics, Huntington’s analysis regarding Islam’s clash with its neighbors is based on undeniable ground reality, which has greatly heightened since his theory was proposed in 1993, most prominently after the 9-11 attacks.
A cardinal fact that one may miss in Huntington’s book is that the civilizational clash of Islam is not new; it is as old as Islam itself: fourteen centuries old. Islam was founded by Prophet Muhammad as a “totalitarian and globalist creed” in the 7th-century Arabia at the cost of his non-Muslim neighbors: Pagans, Jews and Christians. The Prophet himself had cleansed Arabia of the Pagans. On his deathbed (632), he had ordered his followers to cleanse Arabia of remaining few Jews and Christians, whom he had allowed to live as ignominious dhimmi subjects in peripheral areas. The second caliph Omar (d. 644) put Muhammad’s last wish to action, denuding Arabia of non-Muslims. He expelled the Jews of Khaybar in 638, for example.
The clash of “Islam versus the rest of humanity”, initiated by Prophet Muhammad at its founding, was widened against all humanity and perpetuated by Muslims over the centuries. It could not be otherwise, because Islam was born in Arabia as Islamic God Allah’s master-plan, His politico-military tool, for creating a global Islamic state by making Muslims His “agent and inheritor of the earth” [Quran 6:165] and promising to make Islam victorious over all peoples and places [Quran 8:39]. Since then, Muslims, including its classical scholars, have divided the humanity into two houses, two civilizations: Dar al-Islam (House of Islam) and Dar al-Harb (House of War).
Islam’s central mission over the centuries has been to turn the non-Muslim Dar al-Harb into Dar al-Islam through Jihadi wars to realize Allah’s global imperial dream. Classical Islamic literature is very candid about this. And Islam’s history reflects exactly that. Islam has achieved stunning success in this mission. Where is the great pre-Islamic civilization of Coptic-Paganic Egypt, Zoroastrian Persia, Eastern Christianity of West Asia, Paganic-Animist North Africa, where Islam reached quite early by the sword. They have all vanished. Estimated 120 million human lives were lost to Islamic swords in Africa and 80 million in India. Some 60 million Christians and millions of Buddhists also perished. Readers may consult my just-released book, Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery, in order the grasp the whole picture of Islam’s historical and ongoing clash with the rest of humanity.
It should be pointed that Judaism and Christianity had their own problem. If the account of the Old Testament is to be believed, at the founding of Judaism, Moses led his enslaved, oppressed Hebrew people out of Egypt to Israel, which was to become their G’d-given homeland; the indigenous people there suffered. But Judaism’s clash with its neighbours theoretically ended there; it was not supposed to spread out of Israel. In reality, they soon became victim of harrowing persecution at their very homeland; their right to live there has been under constant threat, which continues today. Most of all, they have mended their ways: they live in complete harmony with people of all faiths: from India to North America.
Christianity had problems somewhat similar to Islam’s: it dreamt of taking over the world through the instruments of force until the days of Renaissance. Then came the Age Enlightenment, which pushed Christianity out of politics. It has distanced itself from political spheres and violence for long.
The same cannot be said of Islam. It has changed little from what it set out to be at its birth. Its clash with global humanity in its age-old violent form continues to this day. Muslims continue to use the instrument of violence and intimidation. The conflicts in Kashmir, Mindanao, Southern Thailand, the Balkans, Chechnya and parts of Africa, plus the violent campaigns of Islamist Al-Qaeda and like-minded terror groups, are a continuation of that. The same applies to Muslim immigrants’ clash with their host societies in the West: their refusal to integrate, open disobedience to respect Western laws and persistent efforts to introduce Islamic laws even in public spheres—social, political and financial.
One agrees with Huntington or not, the clash of Islam with the rest of humanity, amongst his theorized conflicts amongst various civilizations, is obviously in the act and will undoubtedly intensify in coming decades. Whilst achieving stunning success in its clash with greater humanity over the past 14 centuries, Islam is most firmly placed than ever to finish off the job—that is, take over world and institute the governance of the Quran and prophetic tradition—the ultimate ambition, it was born to accomplish.
MA Khan is the editor of and the author of Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery.
Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery -- by MA Khan | |
Purchase option: Paperback 17.96 | Kindle edition: $ 7.96 | E.Book: $ 6:00 | Also available at your nearby bookstores, Barnes & Noble etc. "I read
your book and found it fascinating. It is one of those few books
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Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 20:31:32 -0500
please read my blog, read how islam will win the clash of civilization.
Name: Unnikrishnan
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 21:22:10 -0500
@above poster That was simply hilarious. I didn't know wearing proper clothes was so crucial to spirituality. It displays your gross ignorance about spirituality. I hope you read some dharmic eastern philosophy to get an idea of what i'm talking about. This judeo-christian-islamic crap has turned man into a less intelligible species.
Name: rk
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 23:01:00 -0500
The blog of the first poster is hilarious. I would be sure to visit it frequently so I can get my latest porn from there. if the 13th stage of nudity is so hot, imagine the 20th stage :-) But more seriously, as long as people reduce religion to a series of "dos and donts" we will never be able to go much beyond petty affiliations, quarrels and consequent cultural clashes which we bombastically allude to as clash of civilizations. Islam's trouble is not a different set of "dos and donts" but an ideology that just cannot co-exist with others.
Name: From a Buddhist
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 23:29:05 -0500
MA Khan mentions about Buddhists getting agitated, and the attack on the churches etc. Why doesn't he mention about the abnoxious policies of Christian missionaries? Is he on a payroll from the Pope? Why hasn't he mentioned about the Christian atrocities? You want to know how they are involved in destroying our Buddhist temples in Korea? Tell me what was the mistake of Buddists here? The missionaries want us to give up our faith and accept Jesus as our savior. I personally don't believe in any savior. To them Buddha is just a pagan and a misguided person. Why do Pope talk about interfaith dialogue when his hidden agenda is to plant cross throughout the globe? These missionaries come with some local converts and set fire on our pagodas. In Southern Thailand, Muslims are creating havoc in Buddhist community by beheading Buddhists. Although we are peaceful by nature and religion, we will be forced to take up arms to save our heritage. These evil missionaries have caused problems all over the world. There cannot be any peace until Christianity and Islam stop believing that their path alone will lead to God. If I have written anything harsh, pardon me. But it is a reality.
Name: Law of Nature
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 23:53:54 -0500
The Strong will rule over the Weak. This Law of Nature is evident in the animal kingdom as well as in human affairs. This applies also to religion, the principle of survival of the fittest.
Name: the mutually exclusive ideology inherited from jews by islam and christanity is the cause of destruction
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 00:08:57 -0500
the exclusive ideology inherited from jews by islam and christanity is the sole cause of destruction of all native faiths.This destruction on name of jesus (whom christians never understood), allah (whom mummamad and muslims never realised)is the sole cause of brutal murders and wiping civilisations be it hindus, buddhist etc.For understanding jesus read case of south korea read this artical how on evangelism is wiping out buddhism on the name of christanity, at Infact both jesus and Lord Buddha have achieved the same state buddhist called it nirvana , hindus called it moksha through samadhi. Practically there is no difference between what buddha taught and Jesus. However the imperialist attitude inherited from jenes is the sole cause of destruction and ridiculing of other faiths is inherent in islam and christanity.Further read how hindus are restricted to just bali island in malaysia, by islam. Truth is always consistent and not one sided.The truth is both chrisatanity and islam are extremely violent, though jesus's gurus were indian and he taught eternal dharma of God, he himself was a jew(read Did Jesus travel to India).My christian friend an army officer on this discussion confirmed he has visited jesus's cave in kashmir.
Name: Excesayces
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 01:02:25 -0500
Christians missionaries are good at spreading lies about other cultures at their own land. According to christian churches the ancient india was culturally developed because of romans like alexander.and vedic people are fire worshipers.another infamous lie they like to spread is st thomas came to india and he wap killed by brahmin although there is no evidence of st thomas being in india. And coming to islam, they never talk about islamic invasion,their atrocities, thousands of temples brought down during their regime.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 01:26:47 -0500
While christianity has come out of the middle ages ,islam thrives in its dark intolerant idealogies. Islam wants to take humanity to the barbaric times of its founder Muhamad. All it can think of is the barbaric sharia. See the recent case of mayhem in Lahore where Sri Lankan players were fired at because 'sports' is considered 'haram' as are other civilised human activities in the areas of art ,music and entertainment like cinema,pop-music,athletics, painting,literature,poetry, dance,drama,etc. what is left ,except 'talibanisation' . Islam is not to be counted as one of 'civilisation' as the term is normally used but a sytem of barbarism ,lack of civilisation and human values.
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 01:32:43 -0500
Name: SK Jain
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 02:00:41 -0500
I am from India and belong to Jain community. Our community is in perfect harmony with Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahais, and Pharsees. However, Islam has been the root cause of terrorism in India. These cowards plant bombs in public places and commit cold-blooded murder. On the other hand, the Christian missionaries are engaged in another type of vicious attack on Indian faiths, including Jainism. They visit our locality and distribute bad literature on our religion, culture, and ethos. On one occasion they had the audacity to call our Mahavir as a charlatan. One of our Gurus smiled and asked them to explain their problems. They explain verses from Bible and say it is the eternal word of Jesus. So we should accept him. When we denied their request, they started ridiculing our meditation techniques, rituals, and even food habits (vegetarian). I have started to feel that these two religions viz Islam and Christianity are highly intolerant in their approach and practice. I have nothing against having a Church or mosque beside my Jain temple, but their very uttempt to uproot our culture nauceates me. The clash of civilizations through religions is only because of Islam and Christianity. Having said this, I have nothing against Jesus. I have just started to realize about Muhammad's characteristic through this website. However, Christianity and Islam should mind their own business instead of destroying other cultures and religions.
Name: ab
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 03:15:00 -0500
Just look at the record in India. You have Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and a very small portion of Jews in India. Hindus clash only with Muslims and Christians. Why? Because only these two religions are hell bent on converting people from other faiths, Muslims by sword and Christians by money. Hinduism precedes Judaism, Christianity or Islam by ages. Hinduism is essentially pagan by nature and paganism was spread throughout the world before the advent of the Semitic religions. Probably India is now the only country which Hindus can call their homeland. If the xenophobic Muslims and Christians call Hindu gods as false and try converting by any means foul, what do you expect Hindus to do to protect their faith? Distribute sweets and invite them for a dinner at their place?
Name: ab
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 03:29:02 -0500
It is said in our scriptures that Truth or Dharma prevails ultimately. Any religion which follows this principle is the one which will prevail ultimately. Meaning religions which follow a violent ideology might seem to be winning for a period of time but in the end game they will be losers. This is true for any religion even Hinduism. There is definitely a power above us and events are supposed to happen in a way that we cannot really fathom. Man is the greatest fool because what he cannot fathom he terms as impossible. Even animals follow the law of nature when it comes to mating or killing for food. But mankind seems to be on a suicidal path destroying the environment and each other. So if we call ourselves the most intelligent beings on earth, I will just laugh my head off. I sincerely feel that people should become more spiritual, accept a higher power who ever that may be and stop calling their god as the most supreme. If mankind does not do it, very soon we will all return to the Stone Age and start hunting for food with clubs and knives.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 04:27:37 -0500
This short letter is only for nice Muslims. It is not for bad, arrogant Muslims. So stay away, bad Muslims. Dear nice Muslims, no doubt many of you are very confused. You see contradictory and warring factions within Islam. You see many contradictory Islamist sects. You don't know where to turn because you have been taught that you can't save yourselves unless you're an Islamist. But you can see that to be an Islamist, you belong to a so-called religion that is contradictory. Are you worried about your salvation? Your prophet Muhammad said that only ONE Islamist sect would remain true, that only one Islamist sect would save you. Muhammad said that members of all other Islamist sects would go to hell. There are more than 5 dozen Islamist sects. Are you worried that you don't belong to the Islamist sect that will save you? Even you admit that Muhammad was a sex maniac. He had many wives and even whores. That man Muhammad was a false prophet who taught much violence and false doctrine. Let me put your minds at ease. God Almighty isn't a God of Vengeance. God is more loving than any dad. God is more loving than any mother. God loves you. God created you for Himself. Even though you call yourselves Islamists, even though Muhammad said that only ONE of the many Islamist sects would be saved, none of you will be lost if you try to please God to the best of your ability. Be very careful. Try your very best to be kind to your children and to others. Don't forget that other human beings were also created by God. God created them for Himself. So be kind to everyone, to God's created human beings. Do not listen to bad advise that Islam teaches. It teaches that "Muslims are the best of people." Be careful. Some Muslims are not the best of people. Islam teaches that it's the true religion despite of the fact that Islam is composed of many contradictory, warring factions. If you are thinking, I am sure that fact confuses you. But don't forget my advice. Even though I am not a Muslim, I'm giving you advise to try your very best to please your Creator, and you will be saved. First pray, then be nice to all neighbors, no matter their religion or race. May God bless you. P.S. In case you're wondering about my religion, I am a Catholic. I hope you are more at ease.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 04:38:14 -0500
Hey, wait a minute you wild atheists who blame religion for all the mayhem in the world. You sure have a short memory. Have you forgotten what atheistic Nazism and atheistic Communism has brought into the world? Those two idiologies alone brought early deaths to 120,000,000 people. So look inside your own closet before you condemn others. Okay?
Name: Who Will Be Victorious?
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 04:39:50 -0500
In the end Christianity will win. It is the bearer of Truth. The truth shall set you free. Even violent Islam cannot overcome Christianity.
Name: ibrahim
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 04:50:30 -0500
Christianity, just like islam will end up in the dustbin of history. Eatern religions will survive longer and maybe evolve into something even better. Till Christianity & islam are not vanquished, there be no peace in this world.
Name: Eastern Religions
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 05:08:48 -0500
Eastern religions are mostly confined in their native countries and some even die a natural death.
Name: How Britishers destroyed India and infilled inferiority in them
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 06:44:31 -0500
In fact this site will make very intersting reading for all the people who are searching for truth, digging their roots , what modern biased man is suffering from .When you have time read how white skinned europeans esp britishers destroyed india especially Mr M A Khan becoz you should widen your horizon regarding India being an indian and scot free from the clutches of Islam, many racist white europeans who ridicule india for its poverty and hunger, see how you people are good at conning, destroying civilisations, this happened with indian subcontinent and is continued till day. Read this site of infinity foundation a research work of another european throughly "It is important to note that amongst all the conquered and colonized civilizations of the Old World, India is unique in the following respect: Its wealth was industrial and created by its workers' ingenuity and labor. In all other instances, such as the Native Americans, the plunder by the colonizers was mainly of land, gold and other natural assets. But in India's case, the colonizers had a windfall of extraordinary profit margins from control of India's exports, taxation of India's economic production, and eventually the transfer of technology and production to the colonizer's home. This comprised the immense transfer of wealth out of India. From being the world's major exporting economy (along with China), India was reduced to an importer of goods; from being the source of much of the economic capital that funded Britain's Industrial revolution, it became one of the biggest debtor nations; from its envied status as the wealthiest nation, it became a land synonymous with poverty; and from the nation with a large number of prestigious centers of higher education that attracted the cream of foreign students from Eurasia, it became the land with the highest number of illiterate persons. This remains a major untold story. The education system's subversion of India's TKS in its history and social studies curricula is a major factor for the stereotyping about India. Even when told of these things, few westerners and elitist Indians are willing to believe them, as the prejudices about India are too deeply entrenched." Seroiusly i feel Indias ancient texts her technology developed by sages , systematic research into vedas needs to be done without bias, it will be fruitful for entire world and humanity. I fail to understand how till 2000 years back india was richest.Science says earth is billion years old, vedas estimate age of earth as 1 Arab 96 crore years.
Name: MA Khan
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 07:02:49 -0500
I'm being at pains to explain to readers that the Clash of Civilizations only recounts a new trend, an emerging fact and nothing else. Huntington, or I for that matter, never judge whether rising militant attitude amongst Hindus or Buddhist---historically non-militant on religious counts---is good or bad. The fact is that Islam, and even Christianity, used much worse tools for conversion of the same people in the past over centuries. But these people did not react in the same way as they do today, which would undoubtedly heighten in future. Pointing to this inescapable fact is the business of the theory of clash of cultures or civilizations and nothing else.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 09:45:20 -0500
I have good news for all truly humble people. Because of inside information, I know that the Holy Catholic Church, the first Christian church, will be victorious in the end, and it will be victorious through miracles in the supernatural order. At present, there is a miracle in the supernatural order at a place where I have been. But I will not tell you where it is, nor will I tell you why it is there at this time. This miracle has converted thousands of people. Strange as it sounds, the miracle does not convert the very proud. Some people are very calloused and very foolish. Although this miracle is there now, there will be another miracle, a bigger miracle, in the supernatural order sometime in the future that will convert nearly the whole world. HOWEVER, I DO NOT KNOW WHEN THE WORLDWIDE MIRACLE WILL OCCUR. If you are humble, remain that way. If you are not humble, become humble.
Name: Finding Scapegoat
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 11:28:08 -0500
Some people ALWAYS blame others for their miserable state.
Name: Q&A for hindutva sex-perverts!
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 12:35:19 -0500
Q: Which religious devotees are sex-hungry and jealous of 72 virgin myths? A: Hindutva devotees!
Name: To: the christian fanatic Philip Saenz!
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 14:04:46 -0500
Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God and Mary was the Mother of Jesus! They also believe that Jesus was God! Therefore: (1) Christian God committed the greatest incest and had His mother impregnated! (2) Christian God was the greatest pedophile for all times as He had impregnated a young girl Mary who was infinite times younger than her Husband, i.e. God!
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 15:35:09 -0500
To the silly fanatic who answered me: God CANNOT sin. God Almighty gave you life. Some day God Almighty will take your life. Does that mean that God will MURDER YOU? NO! God is your Creator. He can take your sight, hearing, speech, anytime He wants. And don't tempt Him because He might do that. I've known it to happen at a moment's notice. Rest assured that you will give your Creator an account about what you say about Him. Nothing about your body belongs to you. It belongs to your Creator.
Name: To: Philip Sanez
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 18:23:08 -0500
When you say Catholic Church will win, what do you mean? Is it going to win over other religions? Or through some miracles everyone in the world will become a Catholic? I have never seen Christians respecting other religions and belief in coexistence? Did you see how Catholicism is bringing religious terrorism in Buddhist countries? You see, even the most peaceful religions such as Jainism and Buddhism are complaining about your ill-deviced tactics. You got to accept that such semitism comes from your Bible. You guys think that pagans go to soul for worshipping something other than Jesus, whereas pagans don't see Christians with that faulty angle. Please stop being hypocrites and stop imposing Jesus on everyone.
Name: To: ab
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 18:52:45 -0500
Do you know, in India, Christian and Muslim organisations are the best buddies. They will remain so until they get a fare share of souls from pagan religions. After that India will become another Nigeria/Kenya/Somalia. The Pope will enjoy his blow-jobs in Vatican, allowing Christiandom west to utilise the natural resources. Ultimately, the converted Indians will fight amongst each other in the name of Jesus and Muhammad. Children will be taught voilent Quran and unscientific Bible, which the western intellectuals have discarded long ago. THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATION IS ONLY DUE TO ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY.
Name: Rationalist to MA Khan
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 19:16:20 -0500
MAK, it is good that you said Christianity and Islam have been the root cause terrorism through deceptive and offensive means, respectively. Was there any clash of civilization before the advent of these two semitic faiths? No. For example, Alexander invaded India, got badly wounded, and returned. But he didn't impose his Greek religion on us. The fact that many pagan religions existed in Europe for ages before the arrival of semitic religions itself shows there was no clash of civilization amongst them. Muslims and Christians impose their 786 and cross by telling all sorts of deceptive stories shows there is some sort of egocentrism in them. When some pagan religion opposes and reacts to their follies, immediately it is dubbed as a terrorist religion. In our neighbourhood, we have Hindu, Sikh, and Jain temples located almost 100 m away from each other. When a Church was built about 5 yrs ago, they started all sorts of false propaganda against us in the name of Jesus. Tell this to any Christian; he will say Jesus didn't preach that. It is just an excuse to shift the blame. When Christians and Muslims start showing our heritage and culture in bad light, we will be forced to retaliate. Do you know Communists are the best buddies of the Church and mosque in India? These two faiths become friends when it comes to fighting pagans. However, when the work is done, they fight like cats and dogs. I am yet to see a Hindu group attacking Jains, Pharsees, Bahais, Jews, and Buddhists. Why then only Christian and Muslim groups? We lost Kashmir to Muslim fundamentalists. Look at the North East states in India. Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura--they have been converted to Xnity by sheer force. Now they want Independence from India. It is even difficult to remain there as a Hindu. Only few days ago, Goddess Durga temple was set on fire by evil missionaries. Why? It is because they think other than Christ and Jesus, everything else is devil. Was it highlighted in the western media? No. However, if in retaliation a Hindu group attacks the culprits, the entire Hindu community is branded as terrorists. Where is justice then? If they think that Hindus are fundamentalists, OK fine. But why are Christian missionaries creating havoc in South Korea, Thailand, and Sri Lanka ? If the western media thinks these Buddhist nations are also fundamentalists, then there will be no justice. So my friend, I feel it is most important for Muslims and Christians to change their outlook, or even for that matter make changes to their scriptures, to be able to live in harmony with the rest of the civilization: Rationalist
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 19:34:31 -0500
Maybe you are serious, maybe not. But I read extensively and I have never heard that Catholics attack other religions. On the contrary, the Muslims and Hindus attack Catholics and Catholic churches. Even the editors, ex Muslims, of some of these sites have claimed that Hindus and Muslims attack Christians. I do know that some Protestants can get rather pushy, but even here I have not heard of Protestants attacking Mosques or Hindu temples. Myself, I would have the greatest respect for Hindu temples. I'm a very peaceful Catholic unless attacked. Catholics are not Protestant, and they are not like the Muslims. Next time, if there is a next time, alert me if you find something in the internet that claims that Catholics are or have attacked Hindus. At the moment, I'm sorry, but I have to doubt you simply because I have never read anything, anywhere, of Catholics aggressively attacking other religions. Thank you. P.S. If or when I see something about Hindus attacking Catholics or Protestants, I will alert you, but don't get angry. If you do, then I know that you're not a good person.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 20:13:18 -0500
To the person who asked about Catholic miracles. Yes, there have been many, many, many miracles in the supernatural order in the Catholic Church. I have witnessed many of them. Yes, there is a very big miracle going on now that came through the Catholic Church. Many people have converted. If God extends this miracle, only then will I reveal what and where it is. Yes, someday the Holy Catholic Church will triumph. By "holy" I mean that the doctrine is holy, and not necessarily the members. SOME MEMBERS ARE ACTUALLY EVIL. And I'm actually a very honest person. Are you? I face facts, good or bad. Do you? Judas Iscariot, one of the apostles, was evil. Some of the other apostles were saintly. How about yourselves? Do you hide the atrocities committed by bad Hindus? I DO NOT HIDE THE ATROCITIES COMMITTED BY BAD CATHOLICS. Can you be that honest? If not, then, you're not worthy to be called an honest person. May God bless you. P.S. Yes, it is a historial fact that St. Thomas was in India almost 2,000 years ago. I don't know where some of you get your history. Again, let me remind you, if anytime you hear of a Catholic doing damage to one of your temples, let me know. Don't tell me anything about Protestants. Although Protestants believe in Jesus Christ, some of their doctrine is askew. I have never studied Hindu. That's why I haven't said anything about it. I have studied Islam on and off since 9/11. That's why I say much about Islam. I never condemn the nice Muslims because in reality they are not following the wild passages contained in The Islamic War Manual, sometimes called the Qur'an. Thank you.
Name: To the posters who wrote about Christian expansionism
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 22:54:55 -0500
That's why I find it hilarious when Christians exclaim theirs is the most tolerant religion in the world.
Name: To "Eastern Religions"
Date: Wednesday March 04, 2009
Time: 22:56:31 -0500
What are you saying? Might is right?
Name: To Philip Sanez
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 01:21:38 -0500
It is hard to believe that you don't know how Christian missionaries target pagan faith. Have you heard of Goa inquisition perpetrated by Catholic Church? They uprooted hundreds of Hindu temples in Goa and built churches on the same temples. Go through this website. Just a month ago, in Nagaland Christian missionaries set fire to a Hindu temple: ; Buddhist temples are also demolished ( When Hindus or Buddhists retaliate, immediately the western media dubbs it as an attack on Christianity. But, it doesn't cover the prior attacks from Xian missionaries. The fightback from Hindus and Buddhists will happen after a prolonged assault from Christian missionaries on their culture. Have you ever seen a single Hindu organisation attacking churches or mosques or synagogues in Europe, America, and elsewhere? But Christianity has done that in the past and can't do in the west because of the strict laws there. In Kerala, last year some Christian missionaries stole Goddess Durga's idol from the temple and broke it into pieces. The real culprits, when caught, were found to be Catholic missionaries along with some local followers. These missionaries were sent back to US after giving a strong warning. You see, the laws are not strict as they are in US. Why Hindus are not attacking Jain, Sikh, and Buddhist temples? Christians and Muslims take the concept of idol breaking from Dueteronomy and Quran. As long as Christians and Muslims do not reform themselves, the clash of civilization shall not stop
Name: To Philip Sanez
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 01:24:09 -0500
Philip, after finding the proofs for missionaries attack on other faiths, please don't say "Jesus didn't preach us like that." In fact, missionaries are charlatans who use Old testament (Duetoronomy) to attack pagan temples, and then apply soothing balm with the message of Jesus. Hypocrisy!
Editor: Brother Philip, can you please reduce the frequency of your comments. It looks a bit odd with too many comments from the same person.
Name: ab
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 04:21:37 -0500
This is hilarious,man. Samuel Huntington's prophecy is actually coming true. After every post in this website, we Hindus, Christians and Muslims start a verbal fight against each other. This is why I said we human beings are worse than animals. At least they don't have an intellect. If they fight it is okay.
Name: A Constant
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 07:42:34 -0500
Conflict is a constant in all of man's history.
Name: John
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 07:53:06 -0500
Khan said that Christianity "dreamt of taking over the world through the instruments of force until the days of Renaissance." This is not true. Can you name any such use of of force before, say, AD 200?
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 08:00:55 -0500
AB said: "Hindus clash only with Muslims and Christians. Why? Because only these two religions are hell bent on converting people from other faiths" AB, you obviously don't live in the West. Ever since 1896(?) when there was a meeting in Chicago for the world's religions, Hinduism made it no secret that they wanted to spread Hinduism in the West. Every week or so we have this or that guru coming to the West spreading such fables as reincarnation, karma etc. We've had Maharishi (haven't you ever listened to The Beatles?), Rajneesh, Maha Devi, Sai Baba (once)...the list is endless. So don't remain an ignoramus and think Hindus don't proselytize.
Name: MA Khan ------ >> John
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 10:16:48 -0500
I think I should have been specific about dating Christianity's desire to convert the world with the instruments of force. At 200 CE, Christianity was powerless secret society-like organization, often persecuted by rulers. It's illogical to ask a powerless person to conquer a nation by the sword. But the truth is, as soon as Christianity gained political power, use of force for conversion began. Nonetheless, I must agree that Islam and Christianity were not the same in this regard.
Name: Wagamama to nameless chap
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 18:16:14 -0500
Ever since 1896(?) when there was a meeting in Chicago for the world's religions, Hinduism made it no secret that they wanted to spread Hinduism in the West.>>> Well well, in 1893 there was a world religious meeting in Chigago. The West INVITED someone from India to represent Hinduism. Upon invitation, Swami Vivekananda went there and addressed the Congress with the statement "Dear brothers and sisters...", which was uncommon in Judeo-Christian beliefs. Listen to his great speach: Much before that British, Dutch, Portuguese, and French had colonised India. WITHOUT HINDU'S PERMISSION, the western Indologists had translated all Hindu scriptures into English, German, French, and other European languages. As a result of that many INTELLIGENT philosophers and scientists from the west were influenced by Vedanta philosophy. In the west, church is separate from state. It has no business in everyday affairs. Pope, Imam, Pundit, or Rabbi are restricted to their places of worship. When Hindus build temples and perform religious duties (Freedom of faith or worship) they don't go around all suburbs asking westerners to give up Jesus or Yehwa or Allah and submit to our religion. We don't distribute false literatures on other religions. Yoga is universal and has become extremely popular in the west. It is a gift by Hinduism. The Church has become so paranoid of yoga that it has started its own 'Christian yoga' (google it). We dont attack places of worship of others in western countries. Don't consider west to be the puppet of Church. The west was in DARK AGES due to Christianity until Renaissance. That is why Church is separate from the state. If you are intimidated by a religion, it should be ISLAM. If you are paranoid about the popularity of a religion, then it is HINDUISM/BUDDHISM. I hope it is clear to you.
Name: Rehman (Christ loves balls)
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 20:09:29 -0500
I found that Biblical God loves to play with Balls. Deutoronomy (25:11-12): If men get into a fight with one another, and the wife of one intervenes to rescue her husband from the grip of his opponent by reaching out and seizing his genitals, you shall cut off her hand; show no pity.
Name: Wagamama
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 20:28:17 -0500
Another reason for clash of civilization is due to the primitive ideas of semitic religions. They are not compatible with modern science. Many educated Christians have used Frankenstein science to prove that the earth or universe is around 6000 yrs old. ## huh i cant believe such backward thinking Christians exist in US and Europe. How can they not believe in the carbon-dating of excavated items? I also heard that a Mufti of Mecca or Medina mosque issued a fatwa to not to believe that earth is more than 6000 yrs old. Christians use pseudo science to prove their claim, whereas Muslims use their texts to uphold the 'young earth' theory. People are cheated in the name of religion. If there is any problem with religious scriptures, then better update them or discard them for good.
Name: To Wagamama
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 23:29:53 -0500
--"In the west, church is separate from state"--In UK the Church and the State is one. The British monarch is also the Titular Head of the Church of England. UK is one of the most progressive, democratic, and tolerant societies in the whole world. In the USA, the US President takes his oath of office with his left hand on the Holy Bible.
Name: To Wagamama
Date: Thursday March 05, 2009
Time: 23:34:35 -0500
The Bible is basically not a scientific journal containing all the secrets of nature and the universe. It is a guide for mankind to the path of righteousness. To dispute the authenticity of the Bible vis-a-vis scientific discoveries is fruitless.
Name: To the above from wagamama
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 00:02:27 -0500
Comment See what Christian scientists have written? The President takes oath on Bible only for namesake. If he were to follow the ridiculous laws of the Bible, then US would plunge back into Dark Ages once again. Do you know the concept of Separation of Church from the State? As far as UK is concerned, compare the democratic laws with those in the Bible. There is a sea of difference. If western countries were to apply Biblical laws, then there wouldn't be any scope for building temples, pagodas, and other places of worship. Do you know what Dueteronomy (7:5-6) states- "But this is how you must deal with them: break down their altars, smash their pillars, hew down their sacred poles, and burn their idols with fire. For you are a people holy to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on earth to be his people, his treasured possession.". SO IT IS UNWISE TO GIVE CHURCH ANY POWER IN WESTERN COUNTRIES. THE RULE OF CHRISTIANITY SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO THE PREMISES OF THE CHURCH.
Name: To Wagamama
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 02:47:43 -0500
Ancient Israel was at war with seven nations the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites. Thus the command to destroy the possessions of the enemy. It is not a command binding for all time. Are you in search of the truth or just out to discredit Christianity?
Name: To Wagamama
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 02:59:39 -0500
--"Another reason for clash of civilization is due to the primitive ideas of semitic religions."--Hinduism is the real primitive religion: Sati or the burning of widows, had it not for the British who introduce democratic laws in India this practice would continue unabated until today. The existence of Dalit, the so-called untouchables or low caste only in your Utopian Land where beggars numbered in the millions.
Name: The Real Primitive Religion
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 03:04:43 -0500
Brahmin scholars of the second millennium justified the practice (Sati or the burning of widows), and gave reasonings as to how the scriptures could be said to justify them.It was deemed an act of peerless piety, and was said to purge the couple of all accumulated sin, guarantee their salvation and ensure their reunion in the afterlife.
Name: Re: The Real Primitive Religion
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 06:19:19 -0500
Burning of widows started with the arrival of your Arab Jihadi brothers. It is not supported by Hindu scriptures. To understand how advanced our scriptures are, watch this video of Carl Sagan, American cosmologist: ... Learn something from it.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 17:08:55 -0500
The threats of violence by the jihadists may and can be countered with both fortitude and vigilance. This may be put in an other way, by the words of the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, which are worth remembering. They are "Fortitude... teaches us to met and surmount difficulties; not to fly from them." and "Let the eye of vigilance never be closed."
Name: Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 22:14:44 -0500
This 'Wagamam'mories is a typical hindu chauvinist who does not know anything about xianity. The fact is that he doesnot know any thing about hinduism either. The junkhead said that caste heirarchy in hinduism is of a recent origin and there is no mention of caste distinctions in Manusmriti, the great manual of what to do and what not to do in hinduism. The author of this manual, Manu was a great chauvinist par excellance and this idiot is his worthy successor. He is all out to denigrate xianity only. That is his pastime. There is no use arguing with him. According to him. his vedant-ass, yoga-ass and his great and ancient sacred lingums are the seat and reservoir of all knowledge the world has ever known. When millions of Indians are languishing in utter poverty, what is the use of these bullshit, this s-o-a-b does not know. Let him wrap all this bullshit in a 10 amgulam long stinking kaupeen (the hallmark of hinduism) and steam it and shove it into some cow asshole! This pervert also believes that Indian xians are all imitating hindu names. There is nothing but what copied, adopted, borrowed and imitated from the christians in his country and on his body. May be his stinking kaupeen is an exception!
Name: To Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 04:46:08 -0500
You have exposed your intolerance using abusive language that is typical of a christian when he finds his 'ideas' cannot be 'sold'. All christians are fanatics and extremely chauvinistic when it comes to imposing their cult on others by showing other cultures in bad light , when their own cult is soaked in the blood of millions in their crusades of conversions around the globe. What happened to the natives of North American continent? They were all decimated systematically, their culture destroyed without a trace and their lands grabbed by the christians, the remaining lots were all forcibly converted to christianity. In India they could not do the same because of enormous population and also the earlier invasions by muslims had failed in the similar endeavour, so decided to use 'caste' as a stick to denigrate hinduism. They conveniently forget the enslavement of blacks, the practice of 'apartheid', racial discrimination still going on everywhere. Even you are only a converted christian from hindu fold. Do you mean to say that you are above castism? In Goa ,for instance, christians still trace their ancient hindu caste when it comes to marriage, like GSB christian, or in Tamil Nadu christians still trace their origins to vallalar or nadar community. There are innumerable instances. A dalit christian cannot hope to marry from a non-dalit christian or vice versa. Why are the Churches in India wanting the "reservation" on the basis of 'caste' to be extended to christians also.? This shows that christianity is as hollow as the dead ,emaciated corpse of Jesus Christ on a wooden cross in a pathetic state!
Name: To Clear Some Misconception
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 06:10:25 -0500
--"They conveniently forget the enslavement of blacks, the practice of 'apartheid'.."--In good land USA ( a predominantly Christian nation by the way), blacks have as much fair chance to succeed in life as whites. Take a look at Obama, first US black president, or successful and prominent blacks in America such as Oprah Winfrey, Micheal Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Willy Smith, Steve Wonder, and many others. The native Americans in the USA are better off than many millions of Hindus languishing in poverty.
Name: Wagamama to Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 06:45:23 -0500
Ramesh Fernandez, what type of hybrid name you have got! Ramesh in Sanskrit means 'beautiful God' and it is a HEATHEN name. You have given up Hinduism for a pound of rice. So you should stick to Biblical names for good. Fernandez is some Spanish surname that might have been forcibly enforced upon you during the time of Portuguese rule in Goa. Firstly, you got to change your first name. Otherwise you will be called a hybrid Christian. dobhi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka..samja..... Everyday, you eat Daal, chapati, roti, sabji, puri, or anything that is heathen in origin. You do not think about Pizzas, pastas, or other items from the menu preferred by your Pope--the hanging bridge between Christian God and Catholic Christians (other sects of Xnity don't care about this Pope). In marriages, you take your Pope's name but the rest of the ceremony is typically heathen in nature. What sort of hybrid christianity you practice. I am sure you are going to name your son as Sharat, Ajay, Rohit, Pradeep etc. Your daughter will be named Megha, Sahana, Saumya, Alka etc. Buddy you can't give up heathenism for sure! Take care and think twice before you reply
Name: Wagamama to Ramesh Fernadez
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 06:47:22 -0500
Should I call you Ramesh or Fernandez, or a hybrid boy. Anyway, I found this video link on FFI discussion forum. Watch it carefully--
Name: To: To clear some misconceptions...
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 12:22:18 -0500
Obama, Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey,et al are people of late 20th and 21st century. However , you cannot sweep under the carpet that prison population in the USA is predominantly "black", as though the whites and hispanics are more morally upright than the blacks. Don't tell me that there are no 'ghettoes' in the USA and also thousands homeless streetdwellers in the USA. You make it sound as though all people in the USA are living in plush luxury apartments and villas, which is hogwash. With loss of 7 million jobs recently due to economic downturn, you have already added 7 more to the millions unemployed already in the USA living on doles, and crime .Look into your own dirty backyard before you insult the unfortunate and suffering poor in India. We atleast are not hypocrites like you. Take the old hag looking like one of the hideous witches of Shakespeare's Macbeth: namely 'mother' Teresa who gave the maximum negative publicity as though entire India is languishing in poverty and squallor and used to see "Christ" in the faces of a few begars she used to pick up for her propoganda and collecting 'money' for her 'cause' ,which is nothing but self-enrichment and publicity stunt to be in the limelight. All hogwash and hypocrisy. And you whitemen gave her the Noble Peace Prize! Noble Prize is another gimmick where Unworthies are rewarded while really great historical personalities like Mahatma Gandhi or Leo Tolstoy are ignored! So much for "christian" morality!
Name: Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 13:49:03 -0500
The whacking mammories is an ignoramus having watery cowdung where his brains are supposed to be. He has not yet realised that hinduism is no religion as such and it is only the sumtotal of 5000 year old Indian pagan beliefs, rituals, customs etc. Otherwise there would not have been sungod, windgod, serpent god, monkeygod, halfhuman halfelephant god, and another special god born out of homosexual union of two powerful male gods etc. in hinduism. What is more, even the phallus of one of these gods is reverentially worshipped by these pagans. Nobody has any objection to all these things. But when these idiots claim superiority over other faiths and insult and rubbish all others one can only sympathise with them. And this idiot again shamelessly claims that Ramesh is a hindu name. According to him the meaning of the word is beautiful god. I am no scholar of Sanskrit, but the meaning of the word appears to me as God of beauty. Whatever it is, in which scripture it is said that it is a hindu name? It is actually an Indian name and any person who respects and loves Indian culture and values(not the pagan beliefs) can adopt that name. This idiot has no right to question my Indian origins. Inside out he is plagiarising the christian west and he is bullshitting them. Such is his hypocracy. All brahmins in India are endowed with a king size superiority complex and these rascals are hiding the fact that their centuries long exploitation of the poor and hapless majority of the sons of the soil is the sole reason for the backwardness of this great country. He is equating racism with castiesm. This fool doesnot see the difference between the two also. The racism is skin deep only. The fundamental rights of anybody is not violated. But castiesm as practised in India is deep rooted, steeped in superstitions and the centuries old negation of the very existence of a large section of the society. Even when a lower class person dies, the caste system willnot leave him. It will visit upon his future generations. In other words, it is perpetual. This fool does know all these things. But he is pretending he doesnot know and whitewashing hinduism. His rubbishing xianity will only make him a laughing stock in the eyes of sensible people.
Name: Wagamama to Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 18:36:25 -0500
I know you are getting screwed here. Your mussie brothers tried to destroy our religion for 1000 yrs and yet they couldn't do it. European colonists, whom you guys pray for (you keep Pope between yourself and the stinking corpse on the stick). We Hindus don't keep Biblical names. The culture and tradition of India is due to Indian-born faiths (HInduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism). Whether we worship cow or nature or n number of Gods, it is still respected by people all over the world. Our Vedas, puranas and vedanta is appreciated by all intellectuals. Did you see Carl Sagan's video? OTOH, Christians, Jews, and Muslims believed that the earth was created some 6000 yrs ago. My goodness, what sort of dickhead you guys are! Hey did you offer Jalebi, puri, gulab jamoon to your God who is a Dead Corpse? If not do it asap. He will get resurrected as soon as he smells those delicious HEATHEN dishes, throw away the remaining piece of cloth on his boy, and run like a mad-man. Anyway boy, Ramesh Ferndandez is a funny bastardised name. Take care
Name: Wagamama to Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 18:42:58 -0500
The reality about Christians in India: A catholic Christian will never marry a person from Protestant, Pentacostal, Jehohva's witness, or any other sect of Xnity. A Bengali Protestant will not marry a kerala Protestant. Reddy Christians will only marry another Reddy Christian. Konkani Christian will have nothing to do with Punjabi christians.. Oh so much for casteism in Christianity. If you visit Kerala and Tamil Nadu, so called UPPER CASTE christians have separate burial grounds that are separated from lower caste ones. The lower caste Christians are made to stand separately in any Church. Lower caste christians don't marry with upper caste christians. These people are supposed to have left caste, creed, and culture for the sake of Jesus, the dead corpse. How come they are tracing their lineage when it comes to marriage? It is the same with Muslims. There are lot of intercaste marriages in Hindus now-a-days. I am not sure that is going to happen in Xnity.
Name: to Ramesh Fernadez
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 20:35:01 -0500
READ THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS WITH OPEN EYES Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries.- Julius Robert Oppenheimer, Scientist and Philosopher. Vedanta is the most impressive metaphysics the human mind has conceived.- Alfred North Whiteland, British Mathematician The conception of the world as deduced from the Veda, and chiefly from the Upanishads, is indeed astounding – Max Mueller, German Indologist We owe a lot to Indians who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made- Albert Einstein, Scientist I go into the Upanishads to ask questions - Neil Borh, Nobel Laureate, 1922 The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still – Carl Segan, Astrophysicist Land of religions, cradle of human race, birthplace of human speech, grandmother of legend, great grandmother of tradition. The land that all men desire to see and having seen once even by a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for the shows of the rest of the globe combined – Mark Twain, American author India is the mother of religion. In her are combined science and religion in perfect harmony, and that is the Hindu religion, and it is India that shall be again the spiritual mother of the world – Annie Besant, Social Activist In the family of religions, Hinduism is the wise old all-knowing mother. Its sacred books, the Vedas, claim, 'Truth is one, but sages call it by different names.' If only Islam, and all the rest of the monotheistic 'book' religions, had learned that lesson, all the horror of history's religious wars could have been avoided.- Robert Zaehner, British historian of religion Whenever I have read any part of the Vedas, I have felt that some unearthly and unknown light illuminated me. In the great teaching of the Vedas, there is no touch of sectarianism. It is of all ages, climes and nationalities and is the royal road for the attainment of the Great Knowledge. When I am at it, I feel that I am under the spangled heavens of a summer night.- H.D Thoreau, Philosopher It is true that even across the Himalayan barrier India has sent to us such questionable gifts as grammar and logic, philosophy and fables, hypnotism and chess, and above all our numerals and our decimal system. But these are not the essence of her spirit; they are trifles compared to what we may learn from her in the future.- Will Durant, American Historian The Indian air surrounds us, the original thoughts of kindred spirits.....And O! how the mind is here washed clean of all its early ingrafted Jewish superstition! It is the most profitable and most elevating reading which is possible in the world. – Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher
Name: Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 05:36:51 -0500
As usual the whammy sagging mammories is at it again- digressing from the subject. This time he is sitting at the rooftop and shitting through his filthy kaupeen about the merits of his vedant-ass. Like a train beggar, he has some certificates also with him -christian and jew scientists and philosophers. Of course, there are some figments of truth and ancient knowledge in the vedas and upanishads. Some scientists or philosophors may have wondered at this storehouse of primitive knowledge. It does not mean that these texts contain only undiluted or pure knowledge. There are many stupidities, in fact stupidities galore in these texts. As any other wretched brahmin, this fool can also indulge in self-praise and hang his ved-ass along with his stinking, filthy kaupeen in front of his house.So much so for his vedant-ass. This idiot has no reply whatsoever to the oft repeated opinion that hinduism is no religion at all. The primitive, pagan concepts that every phenomenon in nature has a god and all these gods together control the human life itself shows that this is only paganism. The Indian paganism so to say. What all absurdities are there in the great and primitive sacred literature of these idiots! Male god having sexual intercourse with another male god and lo, a baby god emerging from the thighs of the latter! Another god in his childhood was stealing butter and ghee from the households and taking and hiding the dresses of village belles when they bathe, was his hobby. No wonder he naturally grew into a Casanoa who had 16008 wives. Such idiotic imaginations you will not find in any other religious texts.Still this idiotic imbecile is hiding all these facts and deriding christianity. The greatest man who lived on earth, Jesus Christ who is venerated all through out the world is just a corpse to him. So, what is this bastard, other than a worm in the wet cowdung pit? He is asking whether I am getting screwed? This rascal only who scuttles all arguments and digressing into new subjects every time, is the one getting screwed. I steadfastly adhere to my initial opinion. This first class first rate idiot does not know anything about xianity and anything about hinduism either!
Name: Wagamama to Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 06:45:28 -0500
Hybrid boy Fernandez, world knows Hindu philosophy. BTW, did you read the comments on Hinduism by the greatest western thinkers? You will be labelled as a Dead Corpse Worshipper. BTW did you offer gulab jamoon to your Dead Jew? You are a nice little rascal. Hey, your bible says earth is 6000 yrs old. You don't believe me? Here is the proof Now, the greatest Biblical scientists want to prove that earth is indeed 6000 yrs old. Yes they are all from the great USA. Common idiot, what can u learn from a Dead Jew? Fix the problems in your bible Okie donkie. I can't believe you guys rely on dead scriptures. Hey did you eat curry, chapati, idli, wada, pakoda etc or do you depend on Pizzas and Pastas? Ramesh Fernandez is a nice bastardised name! Ramesh is from Hinduism and Fernandez is from Christianity. Thus was born the bastard Ramesh Fernandez. Poor guy, doesn't even understand how his forefathers were forced to accept the Dead Jew's religion. Take care and pray more until the dead jew gets up soon.
Name: To Fernandez
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 06:47:38 -0500
AMERICAN AUTHOR MARK TWAIN SAYS ABOUT INDIA "Land of religions, cradle of human race, birthplace of human speech, grandmother of legend, great grandmother of tradition. The land that all men desire to see and having seen once even by a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for the shows of the rest of the globe combined – HYBRID BOY FERNANDEZ, STOP WORSHIPPING THE DEAD CORPSE
Name: Sorry To Dispute You
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 12:44:02 -0500
--"AMERICAN AUTHOR MARK TWAIN SAYS ABOUT INDIA, Land of religions, cradle of human race, birthplace of human speech, grandmother of legend, great grandmother of tradition..."--Here are the facts. The Sumerian civilization is the earliest civilization in recorded history. Examples of Sumerian technology include: the wheel, cuneiform, arithmetic and geometry, irrigation systems, Sumerian boats, lunisolar calendar, bronze, leather, saws, chisels, hammers, braces, bits, nails, pins, rings, hoes, axes, knives, lancepoints, arrowheads, swords, glue, daggers, waterskins, bags, harnesses, armor, quivers, war chariots, scabbards, boots, sandals and harpoons. The sexagesimal system, the zodiac sign and the 360 degrees calibration of a circle also came from them. Sumer is the Cradle of Civilization NOT India.
Name: Re: sorry to dispute you
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 18:25:48 -0500
The indian civilization is wrongly stated to have begun in 1200 BC by westerners. Many great western thinkers such as Einstein, Mark Twain, and Will Durant knew this. Here is an astronomical work to prove that Mahabharat war happened in 3129 BC: ; Further read the details of the archeological work on Bet Dwaraka. Read this journal article: http://www.ias feb252009/ 547.pdf -- It proves that the scales of measurements from Harappan civilization (3000 BC) to the medieval ages were one and the same! I think you need to look at current state of facts.
Name: Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 20:55:23 -0500
I thought the whammy saggy mammories is an incorrigible ignoramus only. Now he has proved he is a 'nuts' case also. His changing subjects, filthy and foul outbursts(these brahmin bastards know only to make sound and fury, no substance in their talk) and his cheap jingoism, all point to only one inescapable conclusion, that he is mentally retarded. What he badly needs is medical attention. May this torchbearer and carrier of decadent , rotten Indian pagan beleifs spread his dirty, filthy and stinking kaupeen in the sun and lie on it. subham.
Name: Wagamama to Ramesh Fernandez
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 22:22:10 -0500
Hybrid boy Ramesh Fernandez, I laugh at your name. If you are so paranoid about Hindu paganism, you should avoid everything that comes from it--name, language, food, mannerism etc. BTW I am not a Brahmin. Did you read what your European creams have told about Hinduism? Watch this video to find our how your forefathers were forced to accept Xnity: RAMESH FERNANDEZ--what a stupid hybrid name. Please change it to Moses or Abraham Fernandez. There shouldn't be any element of heathen name attached to your surname. You have one leg in Heathen pagan Hinduism and the other leg in Vatican. This will not work! LOL LOL
Name: Greeks reverting to Hellenism
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 22:59:26 -0500
Comment ......This is a slap on the face of Christianity. Greeks are fed up with Church.
Name: John to MA Khan
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 02:51:56 -0500
MA Khan wrote: "I think I should have been specific about dating Christianity's desire to convert the world with the instruments of force. At 200 CE, Christianity was powerless secret society-like organization, often persecuted by rulers. It's illogical to ask a powerless person to conquer a nation by the sword. But the truth is, as soon as Christianity gained political power, use of force for conversion began. Nonetheless, I must agree that Islam and Christianity were not the same in this regard." This is a sterling example of special pleading. That is, something which refutes your case is ignored and some arbitrary excuse is raised to still maintain your original argument. Surely, one could return, surely the closer one was to the time of Christ, the more Christian the Christianity was. That it the "Church" which strayed from its traditional and proper way as what Christ said (e.g. I say unto you 'Love your enemy, do good' etc etc) was not demonstrating Christ's love, if it be the case that they were doing these things. My original point stands: show me in the first 200 years where Christians as a group did anything like what Islam did in its first 200 DAYS.
Name: Archpagan to Ramesh Fernandes
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 04:49:00 -0500
Christians have no Goddess. So, they must have been born either through masturbation or sodomy. What is your case?
Name: To Archpagan
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 07:21:41 -0500
Adam was a male and Eve was a female, is that difficult for you to comprehend? Or are you out to discredit Christianity through false and malicious accusations?
Name: To: To Archpagan from Quest
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 19:48:07 -0500
1. Mary, though born as a human, occupied the position of Goddess, right? In the genesis chapter, there is no mention of Goddess at all. Catholics worship Mary. Accept that the concept of Goddess in Xnity came from pagan religions. Say thanks for saving Mary! 2. In the genesis chapter, we find that Adam and Eve eat forbidden fruit and talks about the birth of Cain and Abel. Abel and Cain grow up and marry a woman each. WHERE DID THOSE WIVES COME FROM? WHOSE CHILDREN WERE THEY? Why there is no reference in the Bible? Or did some Goddess create them elsewhere? Anxiously waiting for your reply
Name: Sunny: To Mr.Khan
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 20:34:25 -0500
Mr. Khan, you might not be aware of this, but Roman Catholic Christian missionaries come to India with the sole purpose of conversion. They convert poor Hindus by hook or crook - either by offering them handsome amount of money or forcefully. They exploit the caste system in the Hindu society and often deceive the poor tribal people by convincing them with false logic. These conversion activities are funded by Churches in the Western countries. In Orissa (India), Christian militants killed Swami Laxmanandji who was quite popular in the tribal regions and who was a big hurdle in conversion activities. So, obviously, Hindus will be outraged. Hindus never attack anybody without any proper reason. They just retaliate (and of course, they should). At many places in India such as Goa, missionaries send their slaves to houses of Hindus to forcefully accept Christianity. There are so many Islamic and Christian countries in the world, and there is not even a single Hindu country, specially devoted for Hindus. Still, Hindus are noble in that they do not have problem being secular and do have respect for all religions. But if other religions try to attack and dominate us, obviously, we cannot remain silent. Hope this clarifies your doubt to some extent.
Name: Sunny
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 20:39:02 -0500
There are only two religions that want to dominate the entire world - Christianity and Islam. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs do not have any agenda of dominating the world. Hence the clashes.
Name: To Quest
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 02:52:32 -0500
Mary the mother of Jesus is not a goddess. If people worship her as such that is wrong. Mary, the mother of Jesus is the personification of the perfect woman and Jesus is the personification of the perfect man since Adam and Eve fall to the Devil in the Garden of Eden. All women must emulate Mary, the mother of Jesus just as ALL people must emulate Jesus Christ, the perfect man. As regards to the children of Adam and Eve where they get their husbands or wife we could only speculate but for God that is no problem at all. The Bible basically is a guide to the path of righteousness and not a scientific journal containing all the secrets of nature or the universe. BIBLE - Basic Instructions Before Living Earth.
Name: To Sunny
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 03:00:16 -0500
The commission Jesus gave to His disciples is to proclaim or preach the Gospel or the Good News, the coming Kingdom of God under Jesus Christ. To PROCLAIM or PREACH is not to DOMINATE or SUBJUGATE other people or culture. The Gospel has been proclaimed in Europe and the Americas and some parts in Asia. The last frontier for this commission is Africa, India, China, and ALL Islamic countries. When the Gospel is proclaimed or preached throughout the WORLD then the END shall come as Jesus said.
Name: A Big Question Mark
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 03:09:53 -0500
--"Hindus are noble?"--Is Sati, the burning of widows to the delight of village onlookers, a noble act? Is Dalit or the untouchables or the social outcasts in India, economically and politically deprived people, a noble act?
Name: Insider
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 08:48:42 -0500
To Sunny: You are accusing xian missionaries of converting poor hindus, taking advantage of their poverty, backwardness etc., etc. Anyway you will admit that this is not a new phenomenon. Xian missionaries have been doing it for a very long, long time in your opinion. Now, do you have any idea of the demographic composition of India, as revealed by the census taken evry decade? For your kind information, the xians in India constituted 2.7% of the population as per the 1971 census. Do you know their demographic representation in the 2001 census? It is a mere 2.3% i.e a decrease of 0.4%. If your allegation is correct, where have all the Christians gone? In fact, after Parsees, the lowest growth rate in India is among the xians. Compared to this, you just find out the demograhic percentage of some other religion. You will be wonder struck. Your favorite political party, the BJP was in power for more than 10 years during the last 20 years. what steps they have taken to curtail the growth rate of this religion? You think about these things with a cool head. Another thing. Swami Lakshmananda was not killed by xians. Killing is not in xians' agenda. As to who killed Swami Lakshmananda, you please go by the Investigation reports of Orissa Police. That would be ideal. Before slinging mud at xians, would it not be right to verify the facts? I hope you will do that, since you appear to be a sensible person.
Name: Sunny: To - A Big Question Mark
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 21:45:36 -0500
I have clearly mentioned the broad-mindedness of Hindus in being secular. I have not claimed that Hinduism is a perfect in all respects. As you have mentioned, there are some evil social customs that were/are prevalent in the Hindu society. But with education, they will go away eventually. We had many social reformers that have reformed our society. But at least we do not thrust our ideology forcefully or deceitfully upon other religion followers.
Name: Sunny: To - Insider
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 21:51:54 -0500
Well, I have expressed my discontent at the conversion activities by missionaries, not on Christians. I don't have any problems with Christianity or it's other regular followers. I don't mind if some one converts to other religion at will. But that should NOT be by force or deceit or threats. I come from a state where there is a lot of conversion activities going on. That's what i am against. But on the whole, Christianity is far better than islam.
Name: Archpagan
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 03:46:10 -0500
Strategic monotheism as practised by the Jews, Christians and Muslims is the root of all evils, the original sin. Existence of three monotheistic faith conclusively proves that monotheism has failed as a theory suitable to bind together the entire humanity. Let all the Abrahamites come together and agree that Truth rather than God is one. That is the only way to world peace.Hindu polytheism is nothing short of pluraism the world is hankering for.
Name: Insider
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 04:57:23 -0500
To Sunny. I appreciate your viewpoint. I am also of the opinion that any conversion by force, co-ercion, threat or deceit should be prohibited by law in India. I think there is some legislation in force in India already, prohibiting forcible conversion. It should be enforced in letter and spirit. Nobody is against such moves. But what the VHP/ RSS combine and its cohorts are doing is simply creating a smokescreen and spreading unfounded, baseless and completely false propaganda against xian missionaries and xians in India and resorting to harassment and persecution. These are the people who get maximum funds from abroad. It is an open secret that their coffers are filled by remittances from America and Europe. Not only these agencies, but a no. of fraudulent swamis are show- casing Hinduism and selling it in these countries. And mind you, there isn't any law prohibiting conversion of any form in these countries. They are operating there as though they are the paragons of virtues and claiming that they are a very tolerant society. What is the fact? Anyway, nowadays the whole world is watching the goings- on in the name of religion, caste, creed etc. In India the operations of VHP/ RSS combine, particularly in the context of Gujarat, Orissa genocides, give an account of themselves and the world is taking note of it. Malegaon blast was only the proverbial tip of an iceberg. I don't think they will be able to hide their crimes under the carpet for a very long time. The day is not very far when these killers also will be exposed. So, my request to people like you is: don't fall prey to the malicious propaganda unleashed by the VHP/ RSS criminals against the Christians in India.
Name: MA Khan -------> To John
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 10:09:42 -0500
John, Muhammad started using the sword only when he got power. Christianity started violence as soon as it got power. I was only pointing out a historical fact. I definitely did not mean that Christian theology incite violence; that's a different topic. Your argument may stand, but asking a powerless person to conquer a nation is still illogical.
Name: MA Khan -------- > Sunny
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 10:30:33 -0500
Sunny, missionaries ovbiously go around the world to convert people. There are accusations I have come across--from Muslims in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Hindus in India--against Christian missionaries: like offering money, torturing, defaming Islam/Hinduism, for converting the people. Probably these accusations are true. What is not acceptable in civilized conscience, in civilized society, is the use of violence, which is a mark of barbarism. If Christian missionaries are doing that, they must be put through legal process. Defaming/criticising an ideology, culture, tradition, creed is within one's right to freespeech, freedom of expression---a central element of civilized society. It should be confronted by counter-criticism, the civilized way.