Should I, a Hindu, Convert to Islam and Marry MY Muslim Lover?
17 Sep, 2008
Dear editor,
- Firstly may I say I found your website very very useful, the
information is very informative and basically breaks down every
fine point with examples from the book itself.
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Editor MA Khan's book (Feb 2009). Learn more here | Paperback: $ 24.95 | Kindle ed: $ 7.96 | E.Book: $ 6:00 |
I found it very disturbing to read some of the things written, I
am not a muslim, but just cannot believe the way women are treated.
The reason I am writing this to you is because I need some help and
guidance, I’ve sort of got myself into a dilemma, and before I turn
totally insane I though id ask for your guidance, and sincerely hope
that you can help me.
I’m a 32 year old male, married and I have one child, while my
wife was pregnant and during that time I had affair with a muslim
girl, whom I am still seeing, she is also married no kids and will
be getting divorced this year.
We have been together for almost 2 years and I am sincerely and
deeply in love with her, I know what I am doing is wrong, but the
heart is blind, I really want to be with her she’s not the strict
kind of muslim she’s the more up-to-date, with some freedom, we have
shared a lot together and she does feel real deeply for me 2.
I would really like to be with her, I fell in love for whom she
was not what she was likewise with her, the dilemma is that she
knows her family won't accept me because I’m not muslim, I don’t
intend to change what or who I am its my identity, and she accepts
that. Why wont they accept me, its not as if they know of me yet, to
marry her why should I change. Her parents forced her to get married
the first time, and look what happened, despite me telling her to be
with me.
To leave home is a major step which I’m willing to do, for her.
But so many major factors are in the way, bringing up of kids if we
have any, id like to share the culture if we got together, but I
don’t think this would happen. She’s recently told me that after she
is divorced her parents will eventually start looking for her again
to get married, I know she wants a family and kids eventually, I
don’t want to carry on seeing her then be told sorry I’m getting
married again, it F***D me up the first time enough.
Where do I stand in all honesty! Any guidance would be
I do not want to lose her, and its really messing with head, to
walk away from my family is hard I love them dearly, they will be
hurt, I made a mistake I admit that. We are only human after all but
his is really messing me up. Will I ever be able to be with her? You
know what the older muslim generation is like, mainly biased, she
loves her parents dearly and doesn't want to hurt them. They would
probably kill me if they were to know of me!
I am very disturbed at the moment and look too you for guidance,
and possibly any help you could me. It’s really beginning to take
it's toll on my life recently I’ve began cutting myself to relive my
tension and stress.
I await eagerly for help and guidance in this matter. Feel free
to use this letter on your site for possible guidance to others in
the same boat. Which I’m sure somewhere out there, there is someone.
Thanking you greatly and awaiting in anticipation.
Please make sure my email address is shown if you decide to use
this letter on your site.
Kind Regards
Mr. Rajesh
08 August, 2008
Dear Rajesh,
Let me apologize first that I could not respond sooner. I was editing a book and could not take time away for it.
I am writing this response to your request, assuming that, you are an Indian-origin Hindu.
This website I set up at a great personal sacrifice so that Muslims, who are within the fold of Islam, can see the dark side of this violent cult, make informed choice and leave it. So you should know well what my advice will be at the end of this reply.
I also acknowledge that, the kind of situation you are in, my guidance will help little. In matters of heart like this, what others say is totally irrelevant—at least, most often and at the most critical time! I have gone through this myself; everybody does!
Having said that let me tell you a bit from my learning from experience of 40+ years and from the philosophy of my life. I am personally a liberal, more of the classical leaning. My philosophy allows me to express my views on what you choose do, but does not allow me to force you against your choice of such doings that do not directly harm others.
For a liberal, the basic human rights—the liberty to choose amongst them, are the most uncompromising essentials of the human society. Right to love, to choose your partner, is basic a right too, in the context that, a third parson has no right to meddle in the sentimental affairs of two adults. However, the ‘right to love’ is not a guaranteed thing; your emotional feeling towards a parson can never be returned, quite rightfully. At the same time, in a well-developed relationship, the ‘right to love’ is not eternal either.
Familiarity breeds contempt, said the wise men; if not contempt, disinterest, apathy! You must be aware of this jolly well from your current marriage and other relationships (if you had any). The relationship you are building today may fall apart like a castle of sands tomorrow. Your love can be spurned by your partner tomorrow; you may tomorrow spurn the love of your partner you are choosing today. You may spurn others’ love many times in life; your love may be spurned by many others. This is ingrained in human instinct, human nature; it is integral of being human. What we need to learn is to manage those difficult situations well and move ahead.
In the relationship issue, let me tell you, as well, that I hold my bond with my parents, my siblings most valuable. My beloved wife may find life not interesting anymore some day; she might leave. Once, she is gone, I am nobody to her. I will probably be an annoyance around her in her new life. But my parents’ love, my siblings’ love for me will live until the end of their lives. But I do not mean that we should neglect our relationship with our beloved partner. For a satisfying life, it is very important too; probably the most important. But I will probably not compromise my bonding with my blood relations, in the way you are planning, for whosoever it may be. In a case like yours, they have done immense sacrifice for you; I will need an immense amount of convincing of why they deserve what you are planning for them. I am not a believer in soul-mate or marriage in heaven kind of stuffs. No relationship is a done thing for success; only working towards it makes it so. I also believe that there are more than one, probably many, persons with whom, I could make my relationship as successful as my current one is.
In liberal thoughts, the right to life is the central one. Without life, this world is nothing to us, humans. No body is [at least should be] allowed to get away with spurning your right to life. My philosophy is that every human being choose his/her action, decision keeping in mind, foremost, that it someday would not violate someone’s central right, the right to life, or any basic right for that matter.
Of course, people make mistakes in their decision-making; they probably do quite often. I will give a couple of examples of such mistakes some people, some Hindu ancestors of ours, made centuries ago. I will also outline the consequence their coreligionists later bore, have been bearing today and will continue to bear—don’t know until when, probably forever.
One example is Malabar. Muslim traders, some say, arrived at the Malabar Coast along the sea-route as early as in 629 when Prophet Muhammad was wrecking havoc on the kafirs of Arabia. Muhammad annihilated idolatry, the equivalence of Hinduism, from Arabia by giving them the choice between death and Islam [Quran 9:5]. The Hindu society of Malabar, the liberal and tolerant as it was since the antiquity, let those Muslim traders settle in. They allowed their women to marry the Muslim men [Muslims never allowed vice versa; if they ever did, the Hindu man had to convert]. They developed Muslim colonies. Some Hindus also probably converted, likely those who had taken up jobs with the Muslim traders—thanks again to the amazingly liberal and tolerant society that India was [Muslims always killed those who left Islam; they definitely tried their best]. Muslims came as traders, but preaching Islam and breeding to expand the Muslim populace was their more important goal.
By 17–18th century, they had become quite sizable in numbers; yet quite a minority still. That was good enough to unleash their Jihad; enslavement Jihad first. They used to kidnap the Hindus, particularly the children, and sell them to European traders and others.
By early 19th century, emboldened as they became, they could scale-up their Jihad to large-scale violence. The martyrdom Jihad—slay and be slain [Quran 9:111]—became popular. According to Francis Robinson, a pro-Islam author [Islam & Muslim History in South Asia, p247], they developed
‘a tradition of holy war and martyrdom… it has been manifest in outbreaks of religious violence—there were thirty-two, for instance between 1836 and 1919.’
The victims of their Jihad outbursts were the totally innocent Hindus. Blood of the idolaters, Hindus for example, is the most halal, the most assured means of gaining Paradise for Muslims. The worst happened in the Mopla Rebellion (1921). The Malabar Muslims [Mopla] in their rage for establishing a pan-Islamic caliphate, India included in it [Gandhi and Nehru had agreed to it], unleashed a heinous wave of violence against innocent Hindus. In recounting the horrific barbarity committed by the Moplas, notes Ambedkar [Writings and Speeches, Vol. 8, p163]:
‘The Hindus were visited by a dire fate at the hands of the Moplas. Massacres, forcible conversions, desecration of temples, foul outrages upon women, such as ripping (open the abdomens) of pregnant women, pillage, arson and wholesale destruction—in short, all the accompaniments of brutal and unrestrained barbarism, were perpetrated freely by the Moplas upon the Hindus… The number of Hindus who were killed, wounded or converted is not known. But the number must have been enormous.’
A three-judge panel that tried some of the leading culprits said in its verdict that
‘their tutored mind is particularly susceptible to the inflammatory teachings that Paradise was to be gained by killing Kafirs. They would go out on the warpath, killing Hindus no matter whom… no grievance seems to have been necessary to start them on the wild careers.’
According to Robinson, 10,000 lives were lost.
Over in Southeast Asia, an extended Hindu-Buddhist civilization of the medieval age, as tolerant and liberal as it was; Muslim traders settled there in the early 10th century in the coastal trading cities. As in Malabar, the tolerant culture allowed them to marry the local women, procreate and build Muslim colonies. Some conversions also probably took place, as it happened in India, through trade connections. By early 14th century, Muslims had created two small but substantial colonies to found Muslim sultanates. Ibn Battutah visited one of them in 1346, the Samudra sultanate—a small city state in North Sumatra.
Muslims were strong enough; they could go now on the Jihadi path. Ibn Battutah, a Sufi devotee and a Jihadi as he was, says of the reigning Sultan al-Malik az-Zahir of Samudra that he was ‘a most illustrious and opened-handed ruler,’ because,
He was constantly engaged in warring for the Faith [Jihad against the infidels] and in raiding expeditions… His subjects also take a pleasure in warring for the Faith and voluntarily accompany him on his expeditions. They have the upper hand over all the infidels in their vicinity, who pay them poll-tax to secure peace. [Ibn Battutah: Travels in Asia and Africa, trs. Gibb HAR, p274]
In fact, early Muslim travelers, such as al-Masudi (10th century), notes of many such Muslim colonies allowed to spring up in tolerant India through intermarriages and governed by Muhammadan laws. Ibn Battutah (1340s) saw a number of them, having thousands of Muslims, such as in South Indian coastal districts and creating all kinds of troubles. Ibn Battutah even inspired the ruler of one such tiny Muslim colony-sultanate to attack the Hindu king of Goa and Battutah himself participated in that holy war.
We can see how those few mistakes of our forefathers, out of their naivety or at the point of the sword, embraced Islam and allowed it to flourish in their midst; and how their offspring came to wreck havoc on their innocent Hindu coreligionists of the yesteryear. Tens of millions of Hindus—60 to 80 millions in an estimate of Prof KS Lal, perished to the sword of Islam; a much greater number were enslaved with the women being reduced to sex-slaves.
However, we cannot blame them; they were innocent people, could not foresee what would happen in future; they had no way to know (Indeed, that's how a civilized society should be—love and respect for all and malice for none. But here is a cult, born to destroy the rest of the world civilization in the most barbarous way). If they did know, they would never convert and let their women marry the the Muslim implants, not allow Islam flourish in their midst—so long, it was in their power. And we continue to bear the consequence, our future generations will continue to suffer without an end in sight. I wish I were wrong in saying that, in five decades; situation might get dire for India. Today, we have the means to judge, to make informed decision, in similar matters.
What I want to say in conclusion is that your choice to marry your Muslim lover by converting to Islam would unavoidably breed offspring, who in a few generations, would probably join the Jihadi trail. Probably it does not matter; there are 150 million Muslims already in India. That’s probably correct! But for a liberal as I am, every single life gets lost to this barbarous, perverted cult; there is bleeding in heart. Aiding that cult in the most negligible way causes me heartaches.
A couple of dozen innocent lives got lost in Delhi the other day with many more promising lives crippled forever. It has become a familiar scene in India. My whole life’s effort may not be able to shape a couple of promising lives. Their right to life is violated with the utmost zeal; that is the doctrine of Jihad—the foundational creed of Islam.
In this matter of yours, I can only express my views, which I have. The choice, of course, is yours.
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MA Khan is the editor of website.
Name: To Rajesh
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2008
Time: 22:52:04 -0700
I can understand your love for a woman when your marriage is not going smoothly. All married couples face this issue especially when his wife is pregnant. Muslims marry and divorce rather easily because they treat women as 2nd class. It would be very bad if you convert to Islam and marry this woman. What happens your love for her fades away? Divorce your wife if you find it unbearable to live with her but if this women love you she should leave Islam and marry you.
Name: The same thing happened to me
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2008
Time: 22:59:43 -0700
My wife was a moslem girl. I was forced to be a moslem too, just to be able to marry her. After I studied Islam, I found many bad things in Quran like killing other people. I also found that Mohammad marry Ayesha when she was 6 years old, and have sex with her when she was 9 years old. I consider myself a normal man, and don't get aroused by a small girl as old as 9 years, by girls above 20 years maybe. Fortunately, I found silly and bad things about Islam from web-sites like this. Slowly but surely, I told her the dark sides of Islam. Now, she is a Christian. Thank God she has been released from that evil cult named Islam. At least, this religion doesn't teach people to kill other people.
Name: To Rajesh
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2008
Time: 23:14:38 -0700
You Dolt! How can you be so dumb to willingly convert to a disasterous cult which takes away your freedom of conscience just to marry a muslim woman! Mind you ,there is no turning away from the mad and murderous cult of islam once you are enslaved by its dogma and bigotry - only way out is death! Dor that mad , psychopathic founder of this immoral cult has ordained that the only way out for an apostate is to come back to its fold or be slaughtered! There is no question of any individual rights or human rights - you are just a slave to this cult! Think rationally before you commit suicide by converting to this immoral and murderous cult! Instead why dont you ask your paramour to convert to hinduism,if you have any spunk left in you! What about your kids?? Do you want to sacrifice them at the alter of your selfish and blind infatuation? See the world around for yourself, see how backward , intolerant and violent these cultists are! See the conditions of these people wallowing in misery with lack of individual and human rights! You can see their conditions in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, etc. Dont throw away your life for a miserable existence. An existence of backwardness, intolerance, ignorance, superstitions and misery!
Name: Tom Jones
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2008
Time: 23:29:58 -0700
NO! Learn about Christianity, maybe accept Christ. But do not convert to Islam.
Name: Tom Jones
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2008
Time: 23:31:25 -0700
I mean, help her out of Islam.
Name: help her out of islam and make her a free thinker...dont embrace pig chrtistianity either !!!
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 01:26:17 -0700
liberate that woman from islam and also dont fall into trap of christianity equally bad as human [ hindu ].christianity is deadly like islam and as voilent read this site to know more :
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 01:54:57 -0700
Both Islam and Christianity have the same attitudes - one is blatant and violent and the other (Christianity) is more subtle and no less zealous in claiming followers for their respective cults by debunking all other beliefs as false ,heathenish or pagan. One claims all are at birth"muslims" ,the other says you are a "sinner" if you don't become a "Christian" and both claim that the only 2way to Heaven in the "Hereafter" is by adopting their cults. Both have a violent history of forced conversions. For example see the genocide of the natives of American continents, especially the USA.Christianity has eschewed a lot of violence in recent times, but Islam marches on with its mededvial barbarism ,especially the uncouth Arabian barbarism through their mafia manuals of Koran,Hadiths, Sharia - all medevial writings of arabian barbarism. While Christianity is the weapon of subjugation of the world by the Whiteman , Islam is the weapon for the Arabs to have unquestioned hegemony over the world with their brutal subjugation, oppression , repression and suppression of all kinds making non-arabs subservient to their will. Both aim to destroy indegenous culture and their peoples to impose their cult. You don't find any more the Egyptians ,Babylonians, Sumerians, Akkads ,Cartagians, etc. speaking their original languages - they have all been arabised totally. This is what the arabs aim to achieve with their cult of islam - a blatant and a bloody brutal way of colonisation of this planet Earth and take all of us to "Dark Ages" of ignorance, fear, superstition and ultimately destruction of humanity and its humane values with a barbaric and a savage mafia like Code of Sharia. All semetic cults are barbaric ,uncivilised and destructive with the3ir"God/Allah? Prophet/Son of God" fixation that stifles free-thinking and tramples individual and human rights in TOTO! It is just a totalitarian despotism given a "religious " colour! The sooner we are rid of all these semetic cults the better will it be for the peace and sanity of this world!
Name: proud infidel
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 02:44:59 -0700
Rajesh, if you are a man worth your salt,do not convert to this evil cult. It is better to die an infidel.Do not think that you will be a namesake muslim if you convert.Islam is a one way street.Ever heard Hotel California? Relax,said the nightman. We are programmed to receive.You can check in any time you like but you can never leave!!!
Name: proud infidel to MA KHAN
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 02:58:56 -0700
Sir, you said that the situation might get dire for India, in the coming five decades. That is very bad news. Everyone is taking note of India`s achievements and have started giving respect it deserves. That india is going to be a GREAT POWER in the coming decades a foregone conclusion.What makes you say such a gloomy thing for our children.We have not even recovered from the Delhi blasts, and here you are.Khan saheb, can you clarify? Waiting for your response.
Name: balam to Rajesh
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 04:06:00 -0700
Just imagine if your wife had an affair behind your back,how would you have felt.Muslim men have good time with non-muslim women,but never change their faith.On the HOLE all the women are the same but your precious family should be most important and specially your son who would grow up without a father.Have you ever thought,how you would have felt if your father had left your mother and you had no body to call father?.No body can advise you better than your own conscience,which is the quiet word of GOD,if you believe in one.If you did not stick with your family,you would live to regret in your old age.Then it will be too late.I admire Mr.M.A.Khans insight into Islam-which is :The absurd theology of an IMMORAL Beduine as descibed by Mutafa Kamal Ata-Turk,father of modern Turkey.
Name: Ibn Kammuna To: Khan and Rajesh
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 05:26:05 -0700
Well said brother Khan. Rajesh, you have a family that loves you. Do not ruin that for a fling man. I am like khan, blood relation is very important. You have kids man, and probably a wife who is peaceful and does not cause you much anguish. This is good brother. Plus, Islam is the vilest and most evil of religions..don't even go there or think about that. I hope by now you've read what khan wrote. Wherever Islam went, it was like a hurricane, destroying every civilised culture in its path. I wish you the best Rajesh. Peace
Name: Ionised Hindu
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 05:41:00 -0700
Rajesh you seem to have become slave of your desires. First you want to leave your family for women and on the top of that you are thinking about accepting Evil master as your guiding angel. If you ever heard of Ramayana then you are also chasing the golden deer, result will only be disaster, so stop chasing it. If your girlfriend converts to your way of life, then that’s fine, may be you could have some type of arrangement with your wife and kids, not to loose respect in there eyes otherwise if nothing works then just wank her off man! (Apna Hath JaganNath), believe me it works, keep wanking her off until you have no attraction left for her. Even after this heavy duty exercise, you still attracted to her then it means she is bit more involved with you deep inside, try to persuade her bit harder into your religion, and find some balance with which you can do justice with all parties involved. But changing to Islam is no option, if she says that she is uncomfortable with the idea of cow dung worship, then tell her it’s better than worshiping Human piss and shit. The moon which Muslims worship and are too proud about, infidel astronauts have already been on the moon and relived themselves over there. So when Muslims pray to moon, the only biological element in the moon, which can accept Muslims prayers is piss and shit of infidel astronaut left over there after their moon landing.
Name: Ionised Hindu : One after thought
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 06:05:31 -0700
Thanks God that no Muslim landed on the moon, otherwise they would also have start claiming it to be Muslim land and started bombing whatever place for its independence.
Name: Zombie fried chicken
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 06:35:17 -0700
Hey Rajesh, perhaps your muslim girlfriend is involved in Jihad. She is trying to convert you so there will be more Muslims. Then you wil be trapped, as would any children. Maybe she wants your money. This happened to a guy I know from Pakistan. He converted back to Christianity when he found his girlfriends true motives but he had to keep it a secret as he would persecuted or even killed. He even was a Pakistani special ops officer and he was not safe.
Name: love with married is not love it is lust
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 06:38:12 -0700
love with married is not love it is lust.How world is going!!!!!
Name: antimod
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 07:51:49 -0700
Rajesh, if you are worth the salt ask your muslim girl to convert to hinduism in some Arya samaj Mandir. If she gets ready first get her purified and made a hindu. If she refuses forget her and stay with your family. Soon you will realise your folly and kick out the mislim lady from your mind. Inspite of this if you are hell bent upon not loosing her the "chullu bhar paani mein doob maro", cowards deserve this.
Name: To Rajesh
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 08:30:25 -0700
If only you can feel the pain and sufferring of being pregnant and giving birth, you would not even think of leaving your wife and child for some disastrous cult followers..
Name: MA Khan
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 08:45:39 -0700
Proud Infidel, the writing is clearing on the wall, if you have the eyes to see (although I would love most to be proven wrong). India has only seen the beginning of a renewed phase of Jihad. Much to come. That's my reading.
Name: Rangeev
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 09:14:54 -0700
poor Rajash, stop winging and convert , and have the best of the both worlds, as Muslims snatch over 100,000 per year consider yourself lucky! Muslims grab 1 lakh hindu women each year in India By Sujesh 23/02/2003 At 15:01 Muslims grab 1 lakh hindu women each year in India The following is from israel, where 300 jewish women a year elope with muslim men and produce muslim offspring The israeli jewish population is 6 million, out of this 300 women a year are seduced by muslim men This inspite of the daily islamic terror In israel thanks to the smaller population , each islamic bomb blast has a higher impact and there is very bad relations between jews and muslims Despite this the muslims manage to snag 300 jewish women a year Muslims are 30% of the israeli district of Galilee and many of their villages are NO-GO riot prone muslim ghettos, right within 1967 israel India has 820 million hindus, by extrapolation we come up with a minimum of 50000 hindu women a year eloped to muslims Next this has to be multiplied by the bollywood khan factor, the Sultan Mian factor and the psec factor ( a lot of dumb psec women married muslims , teesta setalvad, mira nair, kavita ramdas ) So the VHP estimate of 100,000 hindu women a year lost to making muslim babies is very conservative
Name: Pillo
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 09:18:07 -0700
I salute the power of all the pious Muslim women , You son shine have to convert to have her.
Name: ARM - Jesus Loves you - Google and see Six Million Muslims convert to Christ
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 11:21:10 -0700
Hey Rajesh, Make her one more addition to the annual six million converts. Ask her the same question, "if she loves you more to convert to marry you". As much as she wants you to prove of your love you too needs to know she loves you the same way you love her. May God grant you wisdom,
Name: Ananda - to Rajesh
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 11:30:07 -0700
Don't convert to rubbish religions. There is a simple medical solution to your problem. Go to a surgeon and get your prostate removed. No more penis-related problem after that. If this simple procedure was available to sex-maniac Muhammad, he wouldn't have created the murderous cult which butchered 50 million Hindus.
Name: Akhter
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 13:33:31 -0700
Rajesh: By converting to islam you will achieve peace of mind in this life and salvation in the hereafter avoiding hellfire which all infidels will have to endure.
Name: Well Well
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 16:17:59 -0700
Well, Akhter is back with his loads of B.S wisdom. Mr. Akhter, how come you are never able to answer any valid criticism of Islam or pedo Mo? Keep putting your head in the sand and follow a lowly criminal and thief for a prophet. That will sure get you somewhere: the land of the evil ones.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 18:42:15 -0700
Akhter wants to join the sex-maniac Mohammad in hell, ha ha ha ..... Dreaming about the 72 houris, in fact he gets 72 angel-of-death who torture him in the deepest hell, ha ha ha ....
Name: nutan
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 19:24:38 -0700
Rajesh if she loves you, she will marry you with out forcing you to convert. If she forces you to convert it means that she loves her muslim religion more than you and in that case your choice is simple.
Name: Logical Thinker
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 01:53:13 -0700
My advice is get married, but both of you give up your faiths, so that it's equal sacrifice and become good secular human beigns. We don't need a religion these days to control our lives. We all conform to civilisation, unless you follow a barbaric religion.
Name: Rajesh
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 06:26:32 -0700
If you convert, you will not find the peace that akther says that you will. If he had a brain, heart, and soul, he would be looking at his religion with a critical eye, but he isn't. He is a souless, brainless person that is following orders of a cult. Christianity in the past wasn't any better than this cult, but the BIG difference is, it has evolved. This cult hasn't. Plus, if it doesn't work out, and you convert back to Hinduism, your life is in danger, because you left the "most perfect religion" (sorry, tried not to throw up while writing that). There is NO PERFECT RELIGION. PERIOD.
Name: caleb singh
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 08:35:49 -0700
reply to akther from caleb singh first of all mr akter tell the story of the quran properly muhammed did not write anything as claimed by you-the shit quran was established by the following chain pedo mo dictated verses which was remembered by his folowers claimming it was divine revelations from god now how much is pedo mo verses or the reciters verses is open to questions never convincingly answered by islamists-now did all receiters survive death and all verses written down on leaves, stones, scapula bones etc survive till abu bakr order the compilation of quran from these sources is a million dollar question now the editor abu zaid arranges the verses collected picking and choosing at will establishes a quran which no muslim at that time seems to know -the book is mysteriously given to hafsa to hide under a pillow now arrives a new caliph uthman who the does another grand editing to burn out variant copies of the quran and establish his own comforming quran and send it to all islamic lands till now the viewer will be wondering how can this piece of shit have any credibility any author claiming a book through this chain will be completely dismissed as a nut case another point to remember no muslim can produce an uthmanic quran from any place so much for its divinity claims. now whos quran is this paedo mo ,abu bakr, reciters, uthman ,abu zaids -this million dollar question has never been answered now this piece of shit is not arranged in any chronology, it mainly burs out commands threatening disbelievers with violence or everlasting hell fire and promising a life of debauchery for believers this hodge podge nonsense doesn't even explain islamic customs like hajj,fasting or no of prayers and needs commentaries to understand its context on top of that it contains grammatical, historical, archaeological and scientific blunders if this shit was scientifically of any piece of value how come the muslem world is so backward true science requires questioning of all parameters and concepts so no scientist can make any inventions if he does not follow this dictum now let me end this letter by saying you are a bloody hypocrite to the core muslim butcher terrorists claim their inspiration in performing theirs heinous crime in the name of this piece of shit and no muslim theologian has debunked their claims that such verses don't exist in your shit quran or the quran forbids violence to nonbelievers first go and preach to your terrorist maniac friends before babbling utter nonsense in your posts
Name: to M A Khan
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 10:46:52 -0700
Wherever there are large percentage of muslims there will be strife. No doubt about it.
Name: to moslems everywhere
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 11:26:29 -0700
Unlike most moslems, we have READ the koran and we know it's a pile of shit. If your religion is the truth, if it is a superior way of life, then why do you have to have the death sentence for apostates? That really gives the game away, doesn't it?
Name: About Christianity...
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 17:38:38 -0700
I saw a number of posts recommending that people accept Christ and consider Christianity over Islam and I have to wonder... why?! Christians don't practice these teachers in their writings they instruct to kill non-believers but their "God given" texts are just as horrible. Please, convert to NO religion... not just some other religion. There is too much known about the physical world for anyone to need religion. It's a crutch holding back society.
Name: Zombie Fried chicken
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 18:57:02 -0700
To About Christianity, Christianity's scriptures are not as horrible as Islam's. Brussels sprouts do not taste as bad as shit. Religion ,all religion, is evil. The scripture in their earliest form are not even known, and I doubt you have any idea what they say. You have no idea of the context. Man has relied on themselves in the last 100 years. Mankind has advanced technologically but has regressed morally. Mankind does what it wants and regards not the other. Secular inventions like communism have killed even more than Islam and Christianity combined. We treat each other like shit. Muslims do it because it is what Mohammad said, we the godless people do it because we do not give a shit about each other. The horrible Bible as you call it predicts and explains how we become this way. It is from a refusal to get to know our creator and ignore his invitation. That invitation is in those Horrible God given books.
Name: proud infidel to MA KHAN
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 19:56:32 -0700
Sir, my deep love for the motherland and her culture,made me react the way i did. After second thoughts i realised i was wrong. The writing is clear on the wall.It does seem we are heading for big trouble. When i see gory images in the media and hear the wailing of innocent people,it disturbs me no end. Even animals do`nt treat their own like this.Who`s responsible for this mess. Prophet Mo, or our spineless leaders who are afraid to call a spade a spade. Who? I just hope that you are proven wrong,like you said you would love to be proven wrong.Keep up the noble work you doing.Perhaps some day people will see the light of reason. My warm regards to you.
Name: To all Muslims
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 22:19:17 -0700
Open your mind! Cast the demons that control your thinking. It is not an easy struggle, say "Go away demons!" It will give you PEACE of MIND as you break free from these demons! Plan your move carefully as you move away from this darkness for great danger is lurking around you! Look at the example in yesterday's news about a Muslim teen-ager packed with explosives but aborted the plan to blow herself instead she turned herself to the Baghdad police! She had seen the LIGHT! She had liberated herself from the demons! She is a brave girl!!! Follow her example!!!
Name: Joan Shathu
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 06:33:46 -0700
Oh None Muslims. God has sent numourous warners to guide yourl to his path. Do not follow the devil who misleads you. Do you prefer heaven? Then follow Gods path. Or else you will dwell with the devil.
Name: Humanist
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 16:43:35 -0700
TO RAJESH!I,a born Hindu, have no religious rule to convert to other faiths. Hinduism has no ritual either to get other religionist to get coverted to Hinduism or permit a Hindu to embrace other religion.That is, Hinduism has no system of reward and punishment for conversion. No fatwa making religious body or heaven sanctioning church or mosque.To be a Hindu you have to apply your mind only.These mundane matters are no concern to Hinduism.Hindus are not playing the number game.So if you convert to Islam no Hindu will bother to raise his voice,or eyebrows,or finger leave alone sword like in Islam.Once you convert to Islam you can not convert again to any other faith to marry some other religion girl. Because Islam has Quoranic sanction to kill those who desert it.So think 100 times before going to Islam for the sake of your love? or infatuation? It is a pity that you do not understand the holy marriage vow that you have taken at the time of your Hindu marriage.The seven steps Hindus take with the spouse around fire is the holiest of Holy.One of those 'mantras' say "we shall stand by each other at all times to come either it is up or down."Now you want to break such a Holy vow. Do it and be happy killing your conscience.Atleast be loyal to your muslim wife.As a muslim you have sanction to marry 4 girls right hand two left hand two. Marry like that and help Islam to become the only religion availble on earth and go to Islamic heaven where you can get 72 young girls and 28 young boys and river of wine. Enjoy to your heart's content.If you do that, you will have rebirth in Bharath as a STRAY DOG. From there you can slowly build up to become a human.OKAY!What to do if Bharath matha gives birth to such weaklings like you!May OUR ESWARA GIVE YOU SANITY!!!!
Name: Right Wording for Islam
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 19:44:58 -0700
People in the forum should stop calling Islam as religion because calling Islam as religion is defamation of God and religion. Better name for Islam is Islamic Gang and better name for holy Muslims is Islamic Mafia. If a criminal gang is able to up its membership to a billion by hook or by crook, and regard crime as a religion, it still remains the criminal gang, it does not become religion.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 20:58:15 -0700
TO AKHTER & RANGEEV : O ye true jihadists. Akhter ISLAM is hate,jealousy, envious religion. A true Moslem has to wage war against infidels, kafirs, nonbelievers. Nonbelievers are enemies.A true Moslem has to hate kafirs,infidels &nonbelievers. ISLAM hates ( by uttering kaleema) all nonmoslems and do not respect or recognize nonmoslems or other religions. Moslems are in continuous war with all nonmoslems. Where is the peace in ISLAM ? you treat women as sex slaves , worthless like dust. Where is peace in ISLAM or for moslems? There is no spirituality in ISLAM. Moslems just follow some physical steps - turning to mecca 5 times & offering NAMAZ ( abusing, cursing nonmoslems ) - will it get you salvation ? what is salvation in ISLAM ? anyway ? Getting 72 Houris, wine for killing kafirs ? ISLAM is falsehood. ISLAM is demonic. No kindness & compassion in ISLAM. ISLAM is cruelty. You become a monster by practicing ISLAM . Umpteen examples to prove this. The ISLAMIC terrorists of OSAMA Bin LADEN type are waging war against SAUDI ARABIAN monster ISLAMIC rulers !!!! to dislodge them . In ALGERIA< in EGYPT , in IRAQ , in pakisatan and many other ISLAMIC countries - the Moslem thugs are waging wars !!!!!!!!!!! John walker became a Killer & terrorist after he converted to ISLAM - all before he attained the age of 25 years !!!!!!!!!!!!! This is truth. ISLAM is a plague ,cult , ebola virus ,poison.
Name: Repeat
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 21:11:29 -0700
TRUE Islamic rule = no usury, proper punishments for crimes (who would love to see a foul mouthed yob be whipped in public? I would). No alcohol, no porn, no homosexuality, no gays adopting kids, respect for parents paramount, all faiths tolerated and minorities protected, no drunken dickheads to cause fighting etc. Whats wud be wrong about TRUE Islamic rule? Muslims are allowed to retaliate against agression but they must use proportion. Muslims are not allowed to start agression, and if agressors want peace then Muslims have to incline towards peace too. If i had a fight with a Muslim in a war and i dropped my weapon, the Muslim has to wait until i pick my weapon up again to resume. Those bastard kidnap groups who capture people and behead them and post it on the Internet are Satan worshippers.
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 09:32:23 -0700
Hi to all viewers. Islam is a peaceful religion and it only gives the message of peace and all these people that have created this web-site how can you be sure they are muslims behinds those names could be JEWS! CHRISTIANS! and others whos books have 100 contradictions and not to forget CHANGED where as the Quran has not been changed and is not contradicted! who are trying to mis-lead young generation and leave Islam. I would say to all viewers please think twice before you make a decision and learn Islam from our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the one that stopped the burial of daughters he gave women an equal status compare to men. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) use to feed the poor, use to give shelter to the orphans no other religion is that loving and caring and please those who are looking for guidance please my advice to you is do not use this website its totally against islamic teachings. Message to womens in pakistan my sisters its all culture in your parents mind which is also happening in hindu culture am sure all hindus will agree with me on this. and in regards to terrorism. Terrorists have NO RELIGION if thats the case then americans are also terrorists and i.e GEORGE BUSH (you cant say hes caring can you and hes not muslim, may be is christian who follows the bible). So dear viewers internet is not the best way for guidance behind islamic names could be culprits agianst Islam. I know this message wont stay up for too long because I have spoken the truth whoever reads it please pass the message on to other viewers. Thanks take care I hope you find the right guidance
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 10:33:44 -0700
You are a willfully blind person!!!How can you say your pervert Islam is a peaceful religion! Maybe you had not read your own pervert Koran written by a pedophile, mass murderer, rapist, plunderer Mohammad. This evil book has instructions to "kill the unbelievers wherever you find them!" Even praise murder, "There is no shame in killing!", "Killing is a small matter to us!" This is what inspire your mindless Muslim fanatics to kill unarmed and helpless innocent people. What do these people get in return for blowing themselves to pieces? An imaginary "paradise of big bosom virgins(for sex-hungry Muslims), handsome young boys(for Muslim pedophile!), rivers of wine(ironically prohibited by maniac Mohammad!). Your imaginary paradise looks like straight from the pages of Playboy or Hustler magazines! Only people with sick mind believed that fantasy! No wonder you Muslim fanatics are brain-dead people! Islam is a threat to mankind! Take a look at your poor and impoverished Islamic countries with no significant contribution to the fields of science, technology, arts and music! Had the infidels not existed you Muslims will still be riding on the backs of camels! Islamic countries are living in 7th century technology! The only significant export of Islamic countries aside from oil is VIOLENCE!!! You poor people are deceived by a faith straight from Satan!!!Deceived people sincerely believed they are right! The end of Islam is already on horizon! The internet is the invisible sword that will deliver the final blow! These ex-Muslims who understand the Koran are your worst enemies! They are the true brave warriors of the Light that will bring the fight to the minds of Muslims blinded by this false and dangerous religion! If you had the guts take up the challenge of Dr. Ali Sina! As of now no one out of 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide dare take up the challenge! That shows you are all COWARDS!!!
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 13:11:42 -0700
You are wrong! In EVERY country islam dominates there is no freedom of speech, press, women and religious minorities. To other guy:Islam brought women's rights?! Is wife beating and being able to confine her to her room women's rights?! Is saying her testimony is already one-half the man's(sura 4:11) a woman's right?! NO! ISLAM IS THE WORST RELIGION TO WOMEN IN THE WORLD!
Name: RE Muslim Guide to Survival
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 20:05:07 -0700
If you reach a place with freedom of religion then if possible and safe, change your name and identity as well, otherwise one day Islamic Mafia will drop at your house and question you, “We don't see you at Mosque, Why”?
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 22:17:20 -0700
You are a true servant of Satan!!!
Name: R.R.
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 23:04:09 -0700
Regarding the person who calls himself "help her out of Islam and make her a free thinker": This person left a couple comments denigrating Christianity. He recommends a website called It's operated by atheists. They quote Bible scriptures out of historical context, are incorrect in their dissecting of Bible verses, and generally lie about the Bible to further their hate-filled atheistic jihad. I have seen this website advertised on a Middle Eastern website; it's possible these atheists are in collusion with radical Muslims.
Name: To R.R.
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 23:19:58 -0700
I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case. The islamist will allign themselves with anything no matter how bad it is. Like when an islamist organization gave money to a racist skinhead group in the US because of their mutual hatred of the Jewish people.
Name: BJP
Date: Sunday September 21, 2008
Time: 22:51:25 -0700
Dont you dare abandon your sacred hindu religion for that islam bullshit
Name: To all of you!
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 05:07:02 -0700
All of you here will go to hell one day!!!
Name: chal
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 05:33:36 -0700
You have made so many stories. Consider this, did your parents tell you that where the siiners go to when they die? Do your know what sins are?
Name: TO ALL
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 05:59:35 -0700
Thanking you greatly Mr MA KHAN for all your input and for finally getting back to me and replying to my email, i thank everybody whom have left a comment, wheather it be directed to me or to each other. I greatly appreciate all the help that you have given me through your guidence, and through your reply to me. Its a pitty some of the comments sway away from the advice i was after.Thanking you all for this great site!! And for your input, you have all given me alot to think about. Thanking you all kindly.I WILL NOT be converting thats for definate.
Name: To chal
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 07:34:56 -0700
All righteous and sinners alike will go to the graveyard when they die. But the righteous (those who overcome sinful nature) will inherit eternal life on Judgment Day. Sin is transgression of God's law. The Ten Commandments are God's Law.
Name: Congrats Mr. Khan - Kevin
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 10:59:14 -0700
Mr. M A Khan you have just saved the valuable life of a person. Your work is bearing fruit.
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 06:16:32 -0700
M A Khan is a devil in disguise. do we prefer Heaven to Hell? Whats the purpose of this life if you dont lead a good life and thank your creator. Just think, who controls all these commodities in this world? All these people want is Contro and profits. These people are monopolising this world. why are we servants to them? Remember, death comes to all, dont we all end thatway?
Name: Raj
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 19:58:41 -0700
Khan, There cannot be a better or candid advice, you had given to Rajeash.
Name: MA Khan
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 20:08:08 -0700
Thanks Rajesh for making a difficult but wise choice. It's, no doubt, tough on you. I believe, there are issues of much bigger concern in life than just the emotional aspect, which is always healable. You may still be able to make things work by trying to make her realize what it means for you if you convert. If she truly loves you and she has the least concern for the humanity -- it might still work.