A Young Educated British Muslimah Challenges M. A. Khan's Book
10 Mar, 2009
[Note: Italicized and bolded comments in parentheses added at the time of posting]
I'm 22; I'm a student in the UK.
I have been brought up by mslim apostates like yourselves, and I have led a very comfortable and liberal life with no major hiccups. I am popular and loved, and I have never felt regret for anything I have done as it has always been in keeping with western values. I have always considered religion to be an "opium of the people". After reading so much on the Enlightenment period and the "death of Religion", and after recognizing the true nature of these very "intelligent" and "intellectual" western theories, i began to understand quite unwillingly that this "thing" Islam that I had always hated, that all my friends and family have always hated, is the truth. Whether you like it or not. Whether you can hack it or not. One day we will all hear that trumpet.
I can see that you are worried that Islam will dominate the world, I want to ask you whether you think that there are even more dangerous forces dominating the world? Have you considered the mess Afghanistan is in, maybe you don't blame america, then blame the heroin plantations. What about Africa? Does it not matter what the colonial powers did to this continent... I know it is a very ugly time we live in, but it is also a time where the good look like the bad and the bad look like the good... If that sounds like fuzzy logic, then why do we accept freely that quarks within an atom spin simultaneously clockwise and anticlockwise? Life isn't logical from the point of view you've been trained to think. Does the role of the Jews in the world today make you wonder?...Whilst you are all being very clever and calling religion "futile", there is a very powerful population that does believe in God, and that doesn't want you to believe. Why? Are you all so much cleverer than Einstein himself, a believer in God?
Tell me, apart from Islam. what will protect us from drugs, psychological diseases, consumerism? I can tell you as a woman, that my virginity should have been protected, and all the girls I know wish the same thing. In the west, we are not given a choice but to sell ourselves and turn to alcohol. Islam is the only thing that will protect us from oppression, and the only thing that gives us dignity.
To strive to live for and worship the God of the Worlds, instead of living a selfish life. There is no money involved here, nor ego, nor fame, nor claims of intellectuality that has brought us to ruins. This century has been the bloodiest and sickest. All thanks to MODERNITY AND WESTERN ENLIGHTENMENT. contra islamic teachings. islamic finance is what will sort out this recession. postmodernist theories even turn to islam.
What exactly do you want to achieve on this earth? we are all going to die soon, we believe in black holes in space, but we don't believe in an afterlife. Anything is possible but that. Why? Do you even know what true Islam is. Do not mix up the CIVILISATION with the RELIGION... I agree the muslim world has been corrupt, but please, this farce the UN the EU THE us, is that any better in terms of corruption and mass destruction? You know what is happening in Gaza has been predicted in the torah and the quran. How can you see this 60 yr ethnic cleansing, this holocaust that is legitimized by the powers against Islam and not be disgusted. If the people of Gaza were not muslim, they would not fight how they do. If the people of Afghanistan were not muslim, they would not fight so successfully, all they have is strength in their hearts, love for Allah, hate for the Devil, and the knowledge that this life is temporal, and but a test...
Why did I write you this? Because I know that your heart is black, it is very easy, you don't know that the shaytan is ruling you. For every argument against Islam, there is the satisfying answer. Why did Muhammad marry a n 8 yr old girl?... do you know that canonical law in England until the 12th century set the age of marriage at 7????? Do you anything? Everything you have said is false and if i had time i could prove it, you can find the right answers if you look in the right place. Reverse what you have done. why should you be led by the devil. You think you are doing good, but you are harming yourselves.
ask Allah to show you the truth, even if you don’t believe right now. just say surah al fatiha. just pray one more time. If you think I am crazy and ignorant and brainwashed, then if you have nothing to fear just pray one more time, all of you and see if you think the same. Ifyou pray and you still think you are right then I would like to know, i WOULD BE VERY INTERESTED. And you can perhaps prove me wrong.
Thank you for your time, salam.
Dear Sarah,
I regret that I couldn't reply sooner. It was interesting to read your ideas.
We don't believe in God that needs to be worshiped, prayed to. Indeed, there is no evidence that there exist a God at all. We definitely don't believe in praying to anything. We believe in working hard to earn a living and get favor, not by aping some useless rituals day after day, year after year.
Concerning your charge that Islam is the truth and that we are ignorant of Islam, we have left an open challenge to anyone (http://islam-watch.org/IW/Challenge.htm) to prove us wrong. We have promised to close this website. You are invited to take up the challenge.
Nonetheless, I have outlined all my ignorance, as you would call it, in this just-released book: Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery. I am attaching the soft-copy version of the book as a gift for your reading.
As it is filled with ignorance, as you will find, may I request you to point them out or write a criticism of it. We will be happy to publish it in our website. We will probably close the site too.
Look forward to your feedback.
MA Khan
Hello Mr. Khan
Thanks for getting back to me. I knew you don't believe in praying! I was just asking you to recite surah al-fatiha to yourself. It would be a good exercise because if you remember in the time of the Prophet (sws) said in the Quran that certain contemporizes of his would never convert to islam, and all they had to do to prove him wrong would be to say the shahada and he would have been proved wrong. I know right now you're cringing right?, but my point is that although I will happily read this book and take up your challenge on the website, you never took up my challenge!
I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the benefits of praying (gratitude, keeping out of trouble, ridding of the ego in line with any intellectual/spiritual path religious or not, besides the fact that it is the only point of our existence, and rightly so if u stop 2 think), you were of course muslim once before... or were you? Some of the challenges posed seem really quite basic, if you were once muslim I'm sure you'd know the islamic responses to them, unless you are completely out of the loop, i'm sure you can imagine what a muslim would say... It can't be the case that you don't think the muslims have a response to the "challenges", all the same I'll post my answer on the site... and I don't think there is a need to shut the site down, it certainly strengthened my faith to see the site existed, in fact the very rage I used to feel about Islam, was the thing that convinced me it was the truth. I certainly didn't get enraged about Christianity or Drugs or Liberal Capitalism in the same way.. As you know my e-mail was sent as duty to Allah (swt), I have to tell you what I know and think as someone who is aware of the anti-islamic mindset; your site invites this type of dialogue, so I couldn't ignore that.
I look forward to reading your book, it sounds very informative of the atrocities that have been committed... I would like to reiterate, that Islam embodied in the Quran (and possibly the Hadith) is not the same thing as the Islamic Civilisation. If Islamic civilisation, cultures or people have acted in ways not in line with Quranic teachings IN CONTEXT of the Quranic verses! Then we can't really completely academically term them "Islamic"… For that reason I think you would be better to challenge the contents of the Quran if you were really to challenge Islam, because everything outside of what is written, is between us and our maker, and no one said that any other men apart from the Prophets were the messengers of Allah (swt)... I wouldn't give men such undeserved credit, that is the beauty of knowing Islam, when you understand there is a God, only one, then yes you will have to make loads of rituals that may seem pointless, but you will never be a slave to anyone or anything else. I'd much rather my master was the creator of everything, as opposed to another man, a group of men, a system devised by men, a drug, a vice, money, sex, my ego… by the way I don't know how old you are, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with being wrong, in fact the longer time you've dedicated to being wrong, the nobler it will be if you were to admit it.
U said that you work to gain favour, but from who. Why? this is my only question to you and I better start reading!
Peace be with you.
Hi Sarah,
I have prayed until my university days.
You queried: "U said that you work to gain favour, but from who. Why? this is my only question to you and I better start reading!"
I work hard to get favor mean earning a salary or wage for living a comfortable and honest life, to give my children a good education. It is as much about contributing to the human society, to the betterment of the world as well. That's part of liberal theory, which, you said, you had embraced once.
If you have any disagreements on the content of the book or you are game on the challenge and a debate, write back. Else, I may not find time to respond to your next email. I regret about that; I have to attend to too many issues. I hope, you understand.
thank you.
MA Khan
Challenging Khan's book
First point to contest... I am a student at a top University in the UK, and my professor and many others laugh at the obscene stuff John Laffin has written. He is not respected amongst academics at all. I would not advise you to use him to gain credibility, as he has only been the subject of exemplifying exaggerated Orientalist attitudes. But that is up to you, as someone who is younger and more in touch with current theories to do with Anthropology and Cultural Studies i just thought I might tell you.
I find it curious how the chain of passing on knowledge and the production of hadith is often contested and dismissed as pretty unreliable!! I too am of this view sometimes. so why then would you tastelessly use ahadith claiming Muhammad to have an eunuch as hard core evidence? Immediately your point is degraded due to this methodology, although you could perhaps be right....
If we are talking about Islam. lets talk about the Quran. That is the definition of Islam... Hathal kitabu la rayba fii... islam is a religion, effectively a book. their is a civilisation called Islam but it is not always Islamic (adhering to the principles stated in the Quran in their correct context and interpreted by certain specific ways). If you are NOT WILLING to accept this as I have mentioned before, then indeed you are lying to yourself and everyone else to get across the point you want to get. Very subjective and highly academic.... Saying Islam has affected or caused this civilisation is a more specific argument and stance that is in keeping with your beliefs. I suggest you read up on your Foucault and Derrida to understand how this slightest play on accurate definition affects the credibility of any discourse.
Indeed you do talk about the Quran, and here I would like to say, I am sorry for you have been confused, but unless you re-edit this grotesquely inaccurate picture you have created pg 312-314, I don't know how you could be proud of your work, that in parts is indeed a farce. We don't have time in our lives to discuss this till the death but please answer me justly if what I am saying seems fair to you and if so consider re-editing, I will even find a means of funding this as it is a matter close to my heart.... The worst of crimes are ones that abuse our honour, our sexuality, even as an atheist woman I felt this very strongly, and your attack is only verbal but you have incorrectly sexualised and twisted something you should not have. And so many people will have your words imprinted in their minds, and only if they knew. Haraam on u my friend, if you do not rectify what you have perpetuated.
The sultans and their deviant sexual practices should indeed be exposed as you have done, but please, being so liberal and advanced mashallah, you should have learnt by now that a real unbiased understanding of matters is the name of the game! You have fallen into the trap of simply satisfying your ego at whatever cost...
The author of "Muhammad. leader of the world's most intolerant religion" has interpreted the ghilman of the Quran in another way. He states that the muslims stole this idea from the Zoroastrians, who as well made this analogy of little boys in paradise and pearls. The Vatican is covered in pictures of naked little boys. This imagery of paradise therefore applies to Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam... Are you really meaning to tell me that more than half the world has a repressed paedophillic nature expressed in their guides of morality? Why is the christian who paints these ghilman not a twisted sexual monster but the Muslim is???? Why would an otherwise completely homophobic religion insinuate such things? The insinuation my friend is in your head. The interpretation is personal. Your interpretation is reflective of your character and your mind. If the Quran wanted to say there are boys in paradise for the buggery it would have said it, why not? It bans things that otherwise available in paradise... U see, If we apply Freudian theory to everything we live in a very dark world, i could say the way you have understood it is just reflective of your own repressions projected onto The Other (Islam).... But why would we say things like that. Why do we not admit sometimes we are wrong, and we have been misinformed like you have here? Unless the world is full of paedophiles?
When I read this part of your book I cried, because I know what it means to go from darkness into light, and you have no idea, you were never a Muslim, because your stupid society was uneducated about itself, and now you help in that misguiding..
Like the child who is abused, he grows to abuse
Please consider what I have told you, the injustice in this analysis of Islam that is fundamentally racist... u also need to read up on orientalism, don't be an orientalist from the orient, they are the people who are laughed at the most
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for sparing your moments reading the book, as well as your comment.
Concerning Laffin, I didn't use his writing extensively, but only made a passing mention (In the whole book, the only mention of Laffin is: "According to John Laffin, black slaves were generally castrated ‘based on the assumption that the blacks had an ungovernable sexual appetite."). Why else the black male-slaves were emasculated in such stunning numbers?
I wonder if you have from the beginning or not, most importantly Chapter III, which makes the grounding for the rest of the book.
Concerning your complaints to "re-edit this grotesquely inaccurate picture you have created pg 312-314", I am willing to discuss with you in my Website and if you can establish your case against it, I will take it out with an unqualified apology; you don't have to pay.
However, your concern about Zoroastrian precedence, I have mentioned it somewhere that it might have been prompted by Persian precedence. I have also made it crystal clear in Chapter III that Muhammad did not create any new ideas, which has been made previously by others too. He collated whatever ideas from around the reason that came to his ear or he came across. Concerning houries (celestial virgins) in heaven, he incorporates the idea from Hindu thoughts, while ghilman from Zoroastrianism etc.
MA Khan
You completely missed my point, or pretended to. I was accusing you of calling the Prophet a homosexual who has eunuchs, based on a hadith in which you don't even believe in, or else you would believe in all other hadiths!...
You back this way of thinking up by a verse from the quran which in this context u have presented it to have homosexual pedophilic undertones.... I have explained myself clearly, u have ignored me, and given me indirect answers.
Admit that verse in the Quran has NO SEXUAL meaning.. The one about the ghilman. That's what I wanted. I don't care if you re-edit that book or not, I would love to see in this world that people are brave enough to tell the truth though.
Please, if you want to stick to "your ideas" on this matter, that is between you and Allah, and I think I have done enough on my part, and my time would be better spent doing more charitable works.
Thanks for your time.
Dear Sarah,
I did not say or indicate in any way that Muhammad had used eunuchs for homosexual engagement. I only meant that Muhammad was not averse to using castrated male-slaves, such as for domestic usage; he didn't condemn the practice for castration. A Quranic verse clearly points to its sanction. That's all was my point.
Not all male-slaves were ghilman. Muslim rulers, nobles and even qazis kept a select of the castrated young boys of great beauty as ghilman. The rest were simple slaves.
I request you to go through it again.
MA Khan
You have managed to evade telling the truth again. You say in black and white:
"The third reason for the high demand for eunuchs was homosexual infatuation of many Muslim rulers, generals and nobles. Eunuchs, kept for carnal indulgence, also called ghilman, used to be handsome young boys. They used to wear ‘rich and attractive uniforms and often beautified and perfumed their bodies in effeminate fashion.’ The concept of ghilman comes from the following verses of the Quran, which describes heavenly male attendants (ghilman) in paradise:
• ‘Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.’ [Quran 52:24]
• ‘Th ere wait on them immortal youths, with bowls and ewers and a cup from a pure spring.’ [Quran 56:17–18]
Anwar Shaikh in his essay Islamic Morality describes ghilman as follows: ‘Paradise is the description of the luxurious surroundings dwelt in by Houris and Ghilman. Houris are the most beautiful ever-young virgins with wide, flexing eyes and swelling bosoms. Ghilman are the immortal young boys, pretty like pearls, clothed in green silk and brocade and embellished with bracelets of silver.’clxxvii
The concept of ghilman in Islam may have been prompted by the dominant culture of sodomy that existed amongst Arabs during Muhammad’s time as discussed already."
I am glad that you do not think Muhamad (pbuh) engaged in the "dominant culture of sodomy" that existed... But let us just say that you set the scene for such an interpretation, and that indeed you think the Quran which is otherwise the most homophobic text you'll find, that the concept of ghilman is sexual. You say that loud and clear, and I put it to you again.. The naked baby angels that cover the inside of the Vatican (I have been there). The stereotypical depictions of boys with their willies out that you'll find on the roof of any cathedral in fact. Is this due to a dominant fetish of sodomy amongst Christian culture? Because in my culture thank God this is Haram.
Would we say today that in Europe there exists an increasingly dominant culture of sodomy?. No one would ever say that, because it a twisted perception of current affairs.. BUT, the amount of homosexuals getting married and the amount of children getting abused by their own parents in England alone... do you know the figures? Look at them. Do you remember what happened in Abu Ghairaib? I lived in fear of these horror stories of teachers and neighbours and friends parents sexually abusing me. But we never classify this as a defining factor of our European existence. I wonder if you are so naive to do so for the islamic culture you talk about in your book... I will tell you something my friend. There is no group of humans innately better than the other. As muslims we believe only 10% of muslims will even go to heaven.
You have no authority to say:
"The concept of ghilman in Islam may have been prompted by the dominant culture of sodomy that existed amongst Arabs during Muhammad’s time as discussed already."
Say what you will, re-edit what you will. Your book is a nice compilation of fact and fiction, a tapestry, a narrative mirroring your inner thoughts and beliefs (At the end of this discussion, I would request readers to ponder over whether she has been able to establish the most contested point of her concerning this book as fiction!!). I have read many books, and books are books my friend, the 20th century, the bloodiest and most savage of them all, has seen more books than ever. Whilst the muslim intellectuals of Iraq, Palestine, Africa and Serbia are slaughtered first and foremost. The women systematically raped, the family unit broken down... Your work is emotional in the guise of academia. You hate islam, you feel a burning in your chest, your book is a release of that hate. I may have written a book like yours too. But subhanAllah, rub il alaameen, glory to God, Lord/sould/cherisher of the Worlds, I have been given another chance. I don't know where you think this is all going, but if you think the universe is a miraculous accident and your life here is answerable to nothing, and that in the year 2009 you're going to discover a truth that hasn't been discovered. Fair enough. You are obviously ignorant until the day you admit this... The Jews for 5,000 years have been saying "there is one God", we live in a skeptical and psychologically diseased age, I wouldn't seek refuge in this awful world we live in. Day by day we worsen, there is absolutely no proof that we are improving, Nuclear weapons, pollution, crime, poverty, paedophilia, homosexuality, war, rape, swearing, hatred, anger, depression, drugs, genetic engineering, divorce, madness.... all these things are increasing, and never decreasing.
An infidel is someone who "conceals" the truth. By the very fact you are not muslim, you conceal the truth that you were born muslim like everyone else.
Insha'allah things will change, and you will use your efforts for good, you are a good writer and you have amazing things to say, your book in fact is in parts a testimony to the truth of Islam, the wrongdoers must always be exposed! Good luck in your life. I feel you have become like a friend and I appreciate your attendance to my e-mails. (take note of this and notice below how a friend quickly turn Abd-al-Shaitan (slave of satan).
Peace be with you.
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for your comment.
My anticipation that "The concept of ghilman in Islam may have been prompted by the dominant culture of sodomy that existed amongst Arabs during Muhammad’s time as discussed already" is actually linked to earlier discussion in pages 174–176. I am sorry to confuse you. I should've entered the page numbers in this sentence.
I, however, affirm that there is no compelling evidence that Muhammad had overtly engaged in sodomy unlike his indulgence his polygamy, slave-concubinage, incest (with daughter in law) and pedophilia. Nonetheless, we come across some references in Islamic literature suggesting that Muhammad, too, was not probably free from sodomy: Anal Sex Approved by Allah and Prophet Muhammad.
MA Khan
Peace, this is a never ending discussion!
I think I told you that Muslims define Islam completely by one literature- that of the Quran, and sunnah - (which is not the word from God like the Quran though), so I think it's unfair of you to call this filth "Islamic Literature"... It is homosexuality under the guise of Islam... You should know in Islam you can kill people for being homosexual... SO HOW CAN THE 2 THINGS EXIST AT ONCE?? is islam for or against gays?
1) Does the Quran or a book written by a homosexual define more the character of Islam? Why should we look to anything else if we want to slander muslims?
2) Again I've said this to you before. PUBERTY IS A SOCIAL CONCEPT THAT CHANGES WITH SOCIETY... up til the 12th century, under ENGLISH canonical law, marriage to a girl of 7 yrs of age was legal... Muhammad pbuh actually improved the international situation. Check out the facts of English Law in this link if you don't believe me.
Muhammad pbuh was not a pedophile. For full understanding, watch this documentary fully referenced.
Ok listen, I just went on your site to read that, and I think that really you are quite sick, I'm sorry, but you have got way too much time on your hands, because you're defending a heartless pointless world with no hereafter and no fixed moral guide lines. like I said, any culture can be described as homosexual the way you analyze it. But subhan ALLAH not one letter in the noble Quran defends these lies. I think it is better you do not write to me anymore, I am very uninterested now because I see from ur responses that you are not concerned with the truth. Please do not write to me, because i find your comments debased and disturbing that someone would go out of there way to do what you have done. thanks but no thanks, I’m young and carefree and muslim (to Allah, she should not be carefree but restrained and well-veiled, lest become become violated: "wives and daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed” [Q 33:59]) and happy and i don't want to hear your dark thoughts anymore. sorry.
Dear Abdalshaytaan (slave of satan)
I was not saying that Quranic laws should change with society. I agree with whatever is said in the Quran even if at first i do not agree, i am still learning, and I never said I was a good muslim. I was just informing you of something a lot of people do not know, the facts about puberty and marriage consent in the past. Like I told you, the hatred harboured in the heart of the non-believers, the one's who Allah makes blind, deaf and dumb, is the driving force behind which the truth is distorted in their vision, thoughts and speech. Did you ever consider you were brain washed. You don't believe in Allah, but what about the shaytaan. I suppose you believe in him even less! lol. Do you know that he is your god, and that he will never present himself to you in the form of a bearded horned red-devil! He is CUNNING, and you are his slave, and he will never protect you, you are not protected. You have gotten away with a lot, but do you think you will get away? Do you enjoy this life? Are you truly contented and happy? I can tell you are troubled. What a shame that someone so troubled, and perhaps living in hiding even! believes so much in this world. If I were you, I would enjoy yourself to the max! Because you definitely seem like you are depressed.... I say that because I told you not to e-mail me back! Islam teaches me peace, and I should not unnecessarily expose myself to darkness, or talk much to infidels.
Our discussion is over, because it is not a game, I was doing my part by defending my religion and educating someone who is publicly defending his religion, even though he doesn't know he has one!
You may not believe in the Quran, but how about the reality of biological evidence?
A girl can sometimes get her period at the age of 7 or 8. After this period she is ready to give birth, and marriage and sex come before this subhanAllah. I am a woman, and you are not. You have no right to assume a 7 year old girl today, if she had her period, would not want to marry or sleep with a man. Human beings masturbate as young as 2, so when they have their periods they are ready and willing to have sex, as long as CONSENT FROM THE GIRL AND PARENTS IS GIVEN and as long as it is within the institution of MARRIAGE (I thought Muhammad, the most perfect man ever came to set ideal example to be practised for eternity. Nonetheless, I ask Sarah's age father, like Muhammad, to have sex with a 7-8 year-old matured woman. She should know where her father would end up. Of course, he would get away with in Arabia, where Muhammad had sanctified such practice for eternity 14 centuries ago). I'm sure you have evidence where this has not happened or where "islamic" literature has defended it, or hadiths about supposed misconduct of the prophet, but I am not interested anymore. If you want to discuss things face to face I would meet you, typing is boring and I can't get my personality across to you, you would feel very small and ignorant in front of me even though I am only 23 yrs old (Muhammad was the greatest narcissist, says Ali Sina, which becomes clear from the reading of the Quran and Sunnah. A Muslim, following Muhammad, can not be but be a narcissist. Sarah is an ideal example in her own words) and a typical southern English girl!
I know for security reasons that would never happen, so please don't write back to me coz I'm not going to read your e-mail this time, I understand where you're coming from and I should not have e-mailed at all, coz Allah says not to worry about the disbelievers, but I thought maybe I could give you something you never had, but now I get it that you are how you are because maktub.
And Allah knows best. Allahu akbar. (This is the slogan scare me most: Muhammad used utter it before doing his starting his raids and wars and doing slaughter of the innocent people in Arabia).
(I have apologized to Sarah for emailing to her, although she initiated this exchange and I thought it was her responsibility to stop, not me... MA Khan)
Article has been slightly edited upon request from Sarah as she feel this conversation may endanger her life.
MA Khan is the editor of islam-watch.org and the author of Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery.
Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery -- by MA Khan | |
Purchase option: Paperback 17.95 | Kindle edition: $ 7.96 | E.Book: $ 6:00 | Also available at your nearby bookstores. Look for cheaper offers on print editions at Barnes & Noble etc. "I read
your book and found it fascinating. It is one of those few books
which everybody, Muslims and non-Muslims, must read." "With this book, M A Khan joins the ranks of luminaries like Ibn Warraq, Ali Sina, Bat Yeor and Geert Wilders". -- Objective Reader, Amazon.com |
Name: Leigh
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 00:15:54 -0500
If Sarah were trying to be a thoughtful Muslim (as opposed to a “good” Muslim) she would reflect upon the comments that the sometimes brave and skeptical Aisha did. She can find examples in the sunna. If she cant just ask readers to refer her to some. Clues: the words, dog/women; Mohammad’s desires being satisfied quickly by his “Lord” etc.
Name: No Alla
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 01:08:31 -0500
Iran,Sudan or Saudi Arabia are the Right Place for Sarah, What she is doing in UK?. Send that Bitch to Saudi to practice the Real islam.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 01:11:03 -0500
forget it..... its a waste of time trying to explain things to a braindead zombie.
Name: Re:Sarah
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 01:35:42 -0500
I had posted earlier that even if you are an apostate, by remaining a muslim and by holding muslim names, your descendants are in danger of becoming a radical muslim or even terrorist. This has happened in the case of a Kashmiri woman terrorist whose father was not at all a practicing muslim So if you had decided to quit Islam, change completely. Do not remain only an apostate. Change your name to anything but Islam.
Name: Question to MA Khan
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 02:01:19 -0500
Khan, one thing you completely missed is the DIRECT connection between Old Testament and Quran. I have read both the books and don't find any difference in the contents of the two. How come you missed this point altogether? No Ex-Muslim, except Sami Alibaba, has ever linked OT with Quran. Why dude? However, you are eager to say that Mo borrowed ideas from Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. Hinduism doesn't talk about copulating with virgin girls in the liberated state. Remember, heaven is not the ultimate goal of Hinduism but liberation is. If you are in heaven, you will come back and take life on lower platforms once your karma is exhausted. Also court dancers of Indra (he is just the heavenly King) are not virgin damsels as you imagine. Please be transparent when you present your ideas.
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 02:29:27 -0500
Name: i am ex-muslim from india but i never drank alcohol or did drugs....and i dont believe in imaginary allah
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 02:32:09 -0500
i am ex-muslim from india.i dont do drugs or alcohol i do yoga and i am vegetarian.i know so many hindus who r meat eaters but dont do drugs or alcohol also. so the falsehood that imaginary allah is necessary for staying away from alcohol is wrong.muslim emperiors who were muslim drank alcohol.even in saudi arabia in the king and other palace alcohol flows freely.same for pakistan etc.so sarah pls stop your nonsense and go back to saudi arabia.
Name: To sarah
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 02:32:27 -0500
i studied very extensively about the anal sex and its true position in islam. To the true intelectual honesty, anal sex with wife is undoubtedly allowed in islam. the proof is that the hadith which records hazrat ummar and muhammad in a mutual council as hazrat ummar having traversed his pennis into the anus of his wife instead of vagina laid it bare to muhammad and then allah sent down the verse proclaiming,,,, women are your tilth, go to it however you like is indeed the quranic legitimacy of anal sex with wife and the above mentioned hadith is most authetic even by the islamic criteria of assertaining the anuthenticity of hadith. That is another matter that in due course of time many weak and dubious ahadith cropprd up in which muhammad expresses his contempt for anal sex.muslim exgetes started to pronounce that by tilth mean vagina as vagina yield the produce just like tilling a land one get produce and by making a point of the habitual position of the sex muslims of madina and makka took, but the fact is that a cetain segment of companions of muhammad used to have anal sex with their women which muslim exgetes twist as having vaginal sex from behind. BY THIS CUNNING ANAOLOGY THIS IS HOW MUSLIM EXGETS DECEIVE BECAUSE THERE IS A LIMIT THAT THE WOMEN LIKE SARA CAN BE BRAINWASHED AND INDOCTRINED. i would say the whole hadith litrature is the making of the artifice of populist brain disabling of the power centres of islamic empire and their political motives to hold masses perpatually in the darknesss of islam and Bukhari , Abu harera etc were merely , though supposidly held to be unblemish, a very successfull tool in the hand of muslim ruling elite just like one can witness even in 21st century in the puritan islamic belt namely, saudi arab, pakistan and iran where reputed islamic scholars and muslim fundamantalists who have hundereds of million brain dead zombies like sara in thier vice like indoctrinal grip and can spill blood of thousands in a day just for their specific understanding of any issue of islam. As for sara,s claim that athiestic materialsam, consumerisam and disintegration of family and women being reduce to selling themselves , alcholisam and so on is the product of westren freedon and free society then she is direly mistaken. i can hold debate with here in most impartial, detached and honest way. but for now i would say that the huge void in westren society seem to be going to be filled by nincompoop idiots muslimahs like sara would be most unfortunate and it is a real possibility.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 02:36:08 -0500
Dear Sarah, to you I'm probably an infidel. I'm actually a Christian, a Catholic. I'm with you part way. Yes, I, too, believe in one God, and yes I do believe in an afterlife, not only because of my faith but because of the many occurrences that I have witnessed in the supernatural. Yes, like you I do pray. Before 9/11 I thought that Islam was a good religion. I was wrong. After studying Islam since 9/11, I can see that Islam is the antithesis of my religion. It is pure evil. My prophet was very unlike Muhammad. Jesus taught: "Love your enemies." "Love your neighbors." "Pray for those who persecute you." "Do good to those who persecute you." "Clothe the naked." "Cure the sick." "Feed the hungry." Jesus also taught many other nice things. Sorry, to say Sarah, Muhammad was the complete opposite of Jesus Christ, so I'll stick with Jesus Christ. Dear Sarah, I believe you are sincere, and I totally believe you are very sweet. You have a free will. You don't have to choose evil. There is one thing about you that I don't like. It is this: It seems that you have closed your mind. I wish you didn't do this. For your sake, and for the sake of humanity, remain with an open mind. As for Mr. MA Kahn, I know that he's an intelligent man. It's true, or at least it seems that way, Mr. Kahn doesn't believe in the Cause of all causes. However, there is something that I like about Mr. Khan and many other ex-Muslims. I truly believe that his mind remains open, and that he loves human beings. For what other reason would he try to convince others of the great evils of Islam? Dear Sarah, look closely and study Muhammad. Where for example did Muhammad teach: "Love your neighbor." "Love your enemy." "Do good to those who persecute you." "Clothe the naked." "Cure the sick." "Feed the hungry." Sarah, I wish I could call you sweetheart since I'm much older than you. Would it be okay if I called you "Sweetheart"? Take care and continue praying to God. And please keep your mind open for your sake and for the sake of humanity. If you'll do that, I'm sure that some day you'll see a greater Light, and when you do, you'll be much happier than now. You will be much more sure of yourself. As for Mr. MA Kahn, don't worry about him and many other nice ex-Muslims who have left a very wicked ideology. Since he and other nice Muslims have kept their minds open, they, too, will see a greater Light, and when they do they'll be much more sure of themselves. May God bless you, Sarah, and all other nice ex-Muslims, who are trying their best to make the world a little better. Thank you.
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 02:43:04 -0500
mohamed was lust he married 9 times plus he have sex with many slaves women
Name: PK
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 03:07:45 -0500
Is it "Sarah" or a Muslim chauvinistic "male" hiding under a woman's cloak writing? Sarah's arguments are very weak and ill-conceived. But this is what is expected from die-hard fanatics, who keep their eyes closed even light shines on them..
Name: To-Philip Saenz
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 03:11:54 -0500
I dont know where did you study about islam , 9/11 is not done in the name of Islam. You study Quran and Life of Prophet Mohamed(SAW) in a open mind through correct source. Do you blame Christianity for what Hitler or IRA is doing. How did you say you belive in one God , if you belive in Trinity , how come 3 in 1 be one.Jesus (PBUH) never said he is God or worship me.You cannot show me one word of evil witten any where in Quran , but I can show you bad words written in Bible .You dont take what these anti Islamic site says , these are paid agents.If you are intrested I can give you good web adress to learn about Islam.
Name: To MA Khan
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 03:33:11 -0500
You are mother of all stupid. A kid will know you are talking stupid , foolish , utter rubbish things. You worry about this world , dont worry about paradise.
Name: MA Khan
Subject: to 'Question to MA Khan'
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 03:34:35 -0500
Gentleman, don't get too excited. MA Khan is not an idiot. I have done extensive listing of influences of Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Arab Paganism (sparing Hinduism despite its own influence) etc. in my book. In this case, I wanted to keep the discussion limited on the topic of sex-objects in Islamic paradise, namely ghilman and hourie (virgins).
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 03:41:02 -0500
having spend long years in reading and deciphering the most authetic books of sunnah in urdu what startling revelation i get into that even urdu versions of bukhari hadith collections dont have 100% uniformity. barelvi school of thought vs deobadi scholl of thought and include vahabi school of thought in their mutual doctrinal bickering wouldn,t agree about the autheticity of ahadith which support or refute their respective viewpoints . the muslim objection against trinity would be trivial if you get to discover the true condition of the difference between barelvi and deo bandiislamic schools of thoughts.westren audiance is very naive to be taken in. Apart from it many ahadith has been deleted from the english versions of so called authentic hadith collections circulated by diffrent muslim missionary websites < so called correct sources > which are enough to betray the true trails of islam under one cloak or another. yes it is true that september 11 had nothing much to do with islam. To me it seems a conspiracy to get sanction from american people to embezzle billions of dollars in the name of fighting terror by neocon american christians headed by bush.
Name: Concerned
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 03:41:43 -0500
For people like Sarah Islam is a matter of sentiment than something to be analyzed and cast away as absolutely evil. It is similar to the loyalty a child feels for his mother even when she is an evil uncaring harlot. It is understandably painful when all you valued turns out to be just trash. No amount of sensible talk is going to change them. Maybe we can appeal to them in the following ways.1) Islam is only the religion you were born into. It was never your personal choice. No need to be sentimental there.2) Your culture is totally different form that of Islam. Islam has very little to do with culture and any cultural association is only accidental. You do have a cultural identity different from Islam.3) One associates sentiments with love, affection , forgiving, kindness and beauty. Islam fails miserably on these counts. Its predominant images are of beheadings, stonings, polygamy, suppression of women and violent jihad. It has no sentiments at all.4) Same goes for Mohammed, one of the most evil men who ever walked on earth. One has to be a pervert to be sentimental about Mohammed after learning about his barbarous life…..But if on the other hand you are feigning sleep, nobody can wake you up.
Name: To- Concerned
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 04:44:49 -0500
You dint read her article properly , this is the way you read all Islamic article , without understanding and with closed mind. You are the one who is sleeping , wake up buddy before its too late.
Subject: there is no agreement even among mainstream sunni
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 04:47:36 -0500
these are some of videos in urdu exposing the doctrinal differences in islam worse than that of christian trinity concept. if anubody thinks islam offers the truye concept of the oneness of god he lives in fools paradise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEWqjIdfLmE&feature=related muhammad eliciting worship like prostration from his companion hazrat umar, this brelvi scholar prove it without iota of doubt. With what face these muslim brain disabler say that trinity is against oneness of god ?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOseghFtUNg
Name: G.Ryan
Subject: sarah
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 04:55:40 -0500
did'nt take this silly girl long to get to gaza! how dare she compare the holocaust to the terrorists in gaza. the jews did nothing to the nazi's yet still they died in their millions. if muslims (who stole israel from the jews, read some history) stopped firing rockets, then they won't get attacked. you are in no way intelligent, you are blinded by islam!
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 04:58:12 -0500
Sarah is enjoying the fruits of a free society. She is ignorant of 'real islam'. She should be in Swat Valley to experience it: No education for girls, no jobs for women, ; but they can be beggars, concubine to a jihadists. The end of islam is 'jihad' , bring destruction on civilisation and also bring a quick extinction to human species.
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 05:01:37 -0500
Why are you going to Hadith first , learn about Quran , there is only one Quran , you dont have to go these sects to learn about Islam.These sects are basicalley originated from Indian Sub continent.Dont think what they say about Islam is correct.No body on earth can delete or add any thing to Quran and Hadith. Unlike Bible with lots of addition and deletion , Quran is pure without any human hand
Subject: The Truth behind the Al-Lah & Muhammad
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 05:10:46 -0500
Name: To-there is no agreement even among mainstream sunni muslims
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 05:20:02 -0500
Then please explain to me about Trinity. Lots of sects will say lots of things you see what Quran says , not all these Tom , Dick and Harry says . If then how many bible with different version christian have
Name: G.Ryan
Subject: quran
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 05:20:13 -0500
your right, quran is pure, pure crap! without human hands, what a drip!!
Subject: my answer to above
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 05:36:06 -0500
i have reached the understanding that all relegion are different angles to the realisation of god and they all could carry their fair share of evil one way or another . why i call all relegion other than islam perfectly compatible with modren secular life at collective level is that just go to any socio-economic milleue of any relegion along with other relegion you would find a perfect harmony, small negligiable squable notwithstanding. but islam is most dangerous deceptive faith system ever to have been injected into human blood and genom because it is a mind colonisation. i beleive in god but i dont believe that any one relegion has monopoly of the path to god i believe that humanity is in a crying need to have an anthropological humanistic perspective with full freedom and franchise to live a live of emancipation and justice as if across the board which can be precisely the case if islam is eliminated . but it is such a weird and morbid colonisation of mind that seem very difficult to unveil and unravel because it works under darkest< as dark as the ugly black stone of kaba > iron curtain which is immune to normal rules of human reasoning and rationality in the name of divine sanctions
Name: antimod
Subject: islamic economy
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 06:02:27 -0500
This is for Ms. Sarah. If islamic economics were to be such great Sudan, Somalia or Ethiopia would not have been a mess. So also see what islam brought for Egypt or Iran which before becoming islamic were great civilizations. Blaming colonial rule alone is misguiding. India prior to muslim invasions was a thriving economy and its wealth attracted such dacoits like Ghazni and Babar came who to loot this country. The economy was so strong that it remained so till the Europeans arrived. Whatever wealth that was generated during the moghul period was due to hindus. Moghuls were busy feeding their army, building forts and mausoleums. Current economic scenario is the best example where Pakistan, an islamic state , which has already been branded as failed state, and compare it with India where Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are entering clandestinely to eke a living. Forget Islam lady. Praying God has nothing to do with any religion. Dont try to argue islam is the best. Ali Sina has already shown how good is islam. What muslims need today is a thorough course in nonvilent life with motto that preaches live and let live.
Name: Amit
Subject: Listen to MA Khan
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 06:29:11 -0500
Dear Sarah, Please do not practice your newly achieved intelligence (supported by other Mullahs) on MA Khan, you are not logical as i find that you are not accepting answers to your query. Please study other religions older then islam e.g. Hinduism to know what religion is all about, you will find that many of the things have been copied from it. There comes a question as Why i should practice something which gives me shame, moreover which does not convince me to live a normal decent life......Please refer to Taliban's rule for Women behaviour in general society. Now Taliban is actively supported by Mullahs who are master in Islamic knowledge (they have been studying it day in and out) The major reason for spreading of islam was force, please go through history to find out how brutally it was done in India and some European countries. IF given a choice between leaving ur religion and ur life , everybody including YOU will do so..... In the end you have lost the debate and convinced more muslims to leave it
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Drug abuse only in the west?
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 06:34:11 -0500
To my knowledge Iran is the country with the highest drug-consumption worldwide. But even in Saudi Arabia there are many young people using Cannabis and Captagon and Kath, not to mention Yemen and Somalia, where almost anybody uses Kath which leads to exhaustion not only of the people but also of the water resources. Cannabis is widely abused in many islamic countries and in many of them there is a huge black market for alcohol. The only difference is that muslims are using drugs to escape from their muslim problems while westerners have western problems.
Name: To-Amit
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 06:40:48 -0500
A kid will not worship rat , cow and lingam , and you are talking about to learn Hinduism. A human with a little brain will not accept Hinduism from other religion. Dont worry I donr think any muslim will conver to Hinduism. First let me know if you know all your books or not.Then you talk about other religion
Name: To-Anti Clot
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 06:48:09 -0500
Everything is to your knowledge , no fact in what you said. Even if they are using drugs , what has Islam got to do with that, At least these countrys have strict law against drugs unlike western countrys. If muslims takes drugs nothing much islam can do, Islam is strictly against drugs and alcahol unlike other religion.
Name: Ina Bach
Subject: Our True Identity
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 08:22:10 -0500
Dear Sarah. I dont agree with Khan. I think you are absolutely right that the moral void we are facing in the west is a catastrofphe. However, I have come to realise that while secularistic materialistic culture dehumanises people and especially women, so does Islam. Muhammed did not respect the virginity of women. You know that. Be honest with your self sarah. Jesus promoted purity both of heart and mind. He was innocent and had no blood on His hands. He said: I have not come to condemn but to save the lost. The sinners. That means you and me, Sarah. I invite you to read the New Testament. Only there you will find true dignity as a whole wonderful individual. You are unconditionally loved by God our Father. Please come into the Light and don't settle for false security of Islam that only binds you with new chains. Salaam Meikum
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Subject: Debate - what debate?
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 08:37:02 -0500
Here we have a perfect demonstration of debating Islamic style. Tactics used: 1. Make wild accusations at everybody and question their motives. 2. Lose one's temper when unable to defend arguments used and resort to name-calling, insane insults and violence. 3. Run away when unable to defend anything. These tactics were used by their prophet and role model. If they cannot persuade someone - silence them with terror!
Name: Sarah
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 09:00:52 -0500
hahahahaha! I didn't know that was gna be published! M.A. Khan has got more time on his hands than me! that is sad, I like the way he's dominated all the little excerpts in italics, that's not at all manipulating the argument!... I think i can safely say he did definately evade a lot of questions i asked him,..this is what cowards do, and he even went so far as to call me narcisistic! plus he wouldn't even meet up with me to take this further... i suppose have to say I am actually so embarassed in partaking in such a discussion! what a looser! lol there comes a time of the month where i just feel like arguing, but I'm glad this was put up, and I definately agree, i should not be able to practice this kind of western freedom! I mean look what happened... all these people got fired up, called me names, women should just stay at home, eat, cook, have sex and have babies! I can't wait to live in suadi! ciao ciao
Name: Barney koch
Subject: Why do they hate islam
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 10:18:44 -0500
Why do they hate islam? Is it to justify israel? Or to promote misconceptions in their own religions.Have you considered the mess Afghanistan is in, maybe you don't blame america, then blame the heroin plantations. What about Africa? Does it not matter what the colonial powers did to this continent. Dont blame islam. blame these false promoters.
Name: advice
Subject: Sarah Why does someone set rules and demand us to follow it
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 10:19:29 -0500
Please check http://www.dhamma.org website and take at least one 10DAY vispasana meditation course. Then you will know you are the master as well as slave and with the daily practise you can become master. Even though this meditation is discovered by Buddha, it is completely RATIONAL and LOGICAL. It is great especially to the people you would like to come out of evil Islam.
Name: Philip Saenz
Subject: To The Persons Who Took Me to Task
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 10:29:40 -0500
Sirs, you said that Islam wasn't connected to 9/11. That crime on 9/11 had all the earmarks of a Muslim crime. The FBI and the CIA and other agencies came to the same conclusions. They presented the same Muslim names, the same pictures, and the histories of the Muslim criminals. Yes, the criminals were all Muslims PRACTICING THEIR RELIGION that they learned from The Islamic War Manuel, sometimes called the Qur'an. No way could the FBI, the CIA, and other agencies present the same conclusions without collecting the same data. NO WAY!!! But in case you are still unconvinced, allow me to present Suras taken from The Islamic War Manual to prove to you that the 19 criminal Muslims, who flew their lethel planes into the towers of World Trade Center, were practicing THEIR RELIGION: "I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, smite ye above the necks [behead] and smite all their [finger] tips off them,"(Sura 8 Verse 12). "And he made you [all the Muslims] heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land which ye had not frequented. And Allah has power over all things,"(Sura 33 Verse 27). "Infidels are your sworn enemies,"(Sura 4 Verse 101). "Be ruthless to the infidels,"(Sura 48 Verse 29). "Fight those who believe not Allah nor the Last Day,"(Sura 9 Verse 29). "Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends,"(Suras 5 & 61 and Verses 60 & 13). "Never be a helper to the disbelievers,"(Sura 28 Verse 26). "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them,"(Sura 2 Verse 191). Altogether there are 164 violent passages like the above in The Islamic War Manual, sometimes called the Qur'an. You're still not convinced? Okay, here's more proof: Do Hindus commit suicide in order to murder innocent people? NO! Do Catholics commit suicide in order to murder innocent people? Of Course NOT!! Protestants? Also no. Bhuddists? No. Jews? No. Yes sir, ONLY MUSLIMS COMMIT SUICIDE IN ORDER TO MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE. ONLY MUSLIMS ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO COMMIT SUICIDE IN ORDER TO MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE. ONLY MUSLIMS ARE FANATICAL ENOUGH TO COMMIT SUICIDE IN ORDER TO MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE. YES, ONLY MOOOOOOSLIMS. If these arguments don't convince you, then you are truly a stupid and fanatical Moooooooooolim.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Subject: Sarah's imminent departure for Saudi Arabia
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 11:02:27 -0500
Hohohoho > This is going to be fun to watch. A spoilt Muslima brat who is going to show the Wahabbis, those gentle souls, how Islam should really be practised. When the Muttawa, the kind enforcers of her beloved Islam, catch her showing even a bare toe without socks in the sweltering heat of Arabia and administer their customary gentle form of Islamic punishment on her, I know what will happen. She will come crying home to her apostate mummy and daddy and tell them they were right about Islam all along. Lets all chip in and raise funds for her airfare back to the 7th Century.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 11:09:37 -0500
How do we know "Sarah" is really a lady and not a Muslim man prentending to be one? Taking up one of "her" points: "A girl can sometimes get her period at the age of 7 or 8. After this period she is ready to give birth, and marriage and sex come before this subhanAllah. I am a woman, and you are not. You have no right to assume a 7 year old girl today, if she had her period, would not want to marry or sleep with a man."....Leaving aside this apalling defense of child molestation, the fact is Ayesha never got pregnant.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 11:22:57 -0500
Quote from "Sarah":"What about Africa? Does it not matter what the colonial powers did to this continent?"....What "colonial powers" is she referring to? The European ones or the previous Arab-Islamic ones?
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 11:28:14 -0500
Quote from "Sarah": "I certainly didn't get enraged about Christianity"....I am not sure Allah will be well pleased with "Sarah" not being enraged by what Allah himself is so mightily enraged about that he is going to burn all the Christians (except the "real" ones who accept Muhammad) in hell forever!
Name: duh_swami
Subject: current
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 11:45:35 -0500
Sarah was all over the board, jumping around like a 'cat on a hot tin roof'...But she got this part right: And Allah knows best. Allahu akbar. (This is the slogan scare me most: Muhammad used utter it before doing his starting his raids and wars and doing slaughter of the innocent people in Arabia). Sarah
Name: Ibrahim
Subject: Hello everyone
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 13:08:05 -0500
Hi! friends I wonder if there is someone from the Ad world in this Forum.
Name: amar khan
Subject: to sarah
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 13:23:44 -0500
i hope you may get a mullah as your husband. so that you may learn in your life what the real islam is.you muslims in european countries enjoys freedom and are not aware that what is happening here in islamic countries.......
Subject: SARAH and M.A. Khan
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 14:41:00 -0500
I am an ex-Christian and now believe strongly in Democracy, Science, Philosophy. I enjoy a passionate discussion and I like it very much when a Muslima defends her religion. We then can respond from our heart, in an honest, logical way. There are so many issues to discuss. I wonder if Sarah wants to look for the truth, or that she just doesn't care. I wonder why she believes in (primitive) people from 1400 years ago. And not in honest, intelligent, well criticized people of today, just because these ancient writers said to speak for "Allah", without any real proof? Just because she thinks it provides meaning to her life????!!! Does n't she see how many mistakes, contradictions, outright hate-speeches there are in the Quran + Hadith? And how does she respond to the sayings of the prophet that females are less intelligent than males, hell is mostly populated with women, mens testimony is twice as much worth as that of women??? Also I would like her to read about history a bit more, because I myself found in history that mankind really made much progress, contrary to what many religious people tell us, in order to make their "rescue" more necessary. I wonder if she really, really, wants to rationally discuss these matters or that she shies away from discussion when really challenged in her beliefs. Like most Muslims I know, who instead say that they are "insulted".
Name: kinana
Subject: Sarah
Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009
Time: 17:36:05 -0500
she says: 'Like the child who is abused, he grows to abuse'. sounds like Mohammed to me. also she says: 'lets talk about the Quran.' it is interesting to note that she does not do much of that. Come back Sarah and talk about the Quran! and 'possibly the Hadith' too. Then we can see what Islam you are talking about. thanks
Name: uSAMA
Subject: KUDOS
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 00:25:10 -0500
SARAH well said you nailed it!! although i dont have that kind of time to read the ponderings of Mr. Khan i beleive your answers were logical. as an agnostic i never go into the discussion of right and wrong but the hate mongering i find on this website is extra ordinary.although i do not agree or disagree with both of you for that matter, but if i have to choose i will choose sarah's side. thank you for sharing your thought. great read. Salam
Name: Kafir/infidel ( Ex. communist )
Subject: SARAH - you are playing Taqiyya - a classical JIHADIST- MUSLIMAH game
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 02:20:34 -0500
TO SARAH and uSAMA : U both are fake . If you want to discuss rationally,based on truth, facts, history- you have to talk about 3 options or examples . 1) From ISLAMIC (so called ) scriptures ( but in reality they are manuals for hate,fear, terror, discrimination, brutality, dogma, intolerance, killings ) like QQURRAN, HADITHS, SIRA , ...2) FROM THE history of ISLAM since it's inception .....3 ) From the examples, rule,social mores, cultural values, ethos of the contemporary ISLAMIC societies, countries, freedoms, democracy ,liberty, philosophy ,ethos - see for example AFGHANISTAN under TALIBAN/ Al QAEDA rule, SAUDI ARABIA , IRAN. IRAQ, SUDAN ,SOMALIA, PAKISATAN, Bagladesh and many ISLAMIC countries. .... SARAH (FAKE )you are living in UK which is one of the most liberal countries and you enjoy all freedoms, democracy, equality, equal laws, equality of women ,equality of religions. But the life in any Moslem country is a hell - vastly different from your own MOSLIMAH life in UK. and more over ISLAMIC countries are the most evil- theocratic countries, torturing, tormenting, terrorizing, discriminating against nonmoslems. Would you like to get the same demonism in UK, as nonmoslems are treated in ISLAMIC COUNTRIES ? ISLAM is the most primitive ,cruel,brutal, bloodthirsty filled with hatred ,dogma, intolerance . and your tactic is to accuse others of hate !!! to cover up all this demonism of ISLAM !!!!!!
Name: Ivi
Subject: Re: Sarah
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 06:43:40 -0500
You say "In the West we are not given a choice but to sell ourselves and turn to alcohol". That's a misrepresentation, a total lie. You have the freedom to choose how you live your life. I live in the West and I don't do drugs nor drink alcohol.
Name: balam to kafir/infidel
Subject: Muslims/Islam.
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 07:53:10 -0500
You have described Islam and Muslims beautifully. Islam is a cult of hate, disrimination, sexual pervertion and savagery. There is absolutely nothing good in Islam, which is reflected in Muslim societies and the Muslim countries. The Muslims seek refuge in the Christian West and then they go against the people who offer them shelter. What else can you expect from the Most poisoness snake called Muslims,who do not deserve the hospitality of the humane countries. To have a Muslim around is like having a deadly snake under your pillow and try to have peaceful sleep.You simply can not relax with Muslims around.Like the snake this Musalma Sara also has the qualities of a snake,who does not deserve to live in a civilised country. She should experience True Islam in Saudi Arabia, Afganistan or Waziristan in Pakistan and then share the beauty of Islm and Muslims, the most depraved people on the face ot this earth.Quran has nothing good to offer to the intelligent people. There is no wisdom in Quran, as one Maulana said in his Khutba in Broadway Mosque in England. The learned Maulana was absolutely correct, because Quran is the Incoherent words of an Illiterate man to satisfy his perverse desires.
Name: duh_swami
Subject: Sex symbolism in Islam
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 11:53:07 -0500
balam sez: Islam is a cult of hate, disrimination, sexual pervertion.......Actually balam you are on the right track, but it's worse than that. Islam is at it's roots a sex and violence cult. Sex symbolism is rampant everywhere. Many writers have touched on this, but I don't know if anyone has connected the dots on just what that is, and what does it mean, and how does it effect things now? That's almost a book or feature length article in itself...
Name: Rayhana
Subject: Muslimah denial
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 18:54:52 -0500
It is difficult to imagine how a woman raised in a Western society could possibly defend an adult male's sexual intercourse with a seven-year-old girl. That is a child in the first grade, just learning to read. How "consent" to molestation can be given by a such a child is equally mystifying. I suppose it can only be explained by the writer's need to defend this common Muslim practice, and the example of her prophet. I'd like to see her defense of Mohammed's rape and imprisonment of Rayhana and Saffiya immediately after his brutal murder of their families. Finally, her statements about Western women are yet another tired version of the Islamic whore-libel, promulgated by imams all over the world. "In the west, we are not given a choice but to sell ourselves and turn to alcohol. Islam is the only thing that will protect us from oppression, and the only thing that gives us dignity." This statement is not only ridiculous, it is a actual slander against the dignified, hard-working free women around her.
Name: mary
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 20:22:52 -0500
whistleblower. They're not listening to you, coz you're spaking sense, demonising the OT as well as the koran means that more than half the world is senile and perverted, not JUST THE MUSLIMS... We all need a scape goat. I am christian - but to be fair to the muslima, i looked at the link about her prophet, and it doesn't make sense that the fastest growing religion could entice people if muhammad was so atrocious... i think this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8M-t3GmwOc is helpful in understanding the "paedophile" issue.. I mean if a family is willing to let there daughter marry an old man coz they need the security, and the girl's on her period, maybe that's a culture we can't understand but go to afghanistan and see if you can make people see your point? They'll say, she works, she's physically ready to have kids, and she can get married...we're all from different worlds and in our society at one point as sara mentions 7 yr old girls got married in England around the same time muhammad came along and said they hav to hav their periods to consumate the marriage. I'm sure most muslim families that aren't living below the poverty line will not allow there daughter to marry someone older,but that is the luxury of living a modern life style, i think this link should really be examined before jumping on the muhammad-was- pedo bandwagon
Name: Gwawr
Subject: she may think
Date: Wednesday March 11, 2009
Time: 22:26:11 -0500
She may think that she is an educated young muslimah, but it is obvious by the way she started to back pedal, she knew he was right. And it scared her. She should spend 6 months to a year in a completely islamic country to get it first hand.
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Young educated Muslima
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 05:57:56 -0500
It is a new phenomenom to see young, intelligent women with headscarves on the streets in western countries. Unlike most other muslimas they are very interested in the quran and in muslim countries and they believe that they know anything better than others. I am not afraid of them. I think that they will change their opinion about islam earlier or later but this will depend on when they will really understand what is going on. It is a disillusion not easy to stand. And it is not easy to give up almost everything. But I think they will. At least the more intelligent ones.