Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Islamization of Europe and Policies to Prevent It, Part 4

Part 1: A theory of the Islamization process in European countries [07 Jan, 2007]

Part 2: A Theory of Policies and Laws That Prevents Islamization of a Country - An Integrated Approach [09 Jan, 2007]

Part 3: Reformation of Islam and Various Law and Policy Issues  [12 Jan, 2007]

Part 4: Policy Area 4:  Religious  Freedom  And  Its  Limits  [22 Jan, 2007]



BACKGROUND: The fourth area in the policy model regards the contents of the principle of religious freedom and what is allowed in the society in the name of religion. Religious freedom in European countries regards an individual's worship of a God, his private relation to his chosen God, and private behaviour influenced by religious rules. Religious freedom is a basic right, and belonging to a special religion, or having no religion at all, is a choice only for the individual. No group or collective is allowed to force a citizen to change, or belong to a special religion.

Religion should not constitute a strict code to impress on, or force on others. If members of a religion form a collective movement intended to gain influence and power over the society in order to promote rules that violate e g the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and/or the rights of a citizen or a human being defined in the Constitution of X-country, such activities and rules overstep the borders of religious freedom. A religious freedom that allows certain citizens to act in a way that infringes on the human rights of others, is not accepted. That is valid however strong the basis of the act is in the specific religious doctrine.

Many immigrants come from countries that have accepted The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam. That is just one sign that human rights in the European sense of the concept, are not accepted in these countries. The residents or citizens coming from these countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia therefore may have values that are very different from the values of ordinary citizens in X-county. The generally weak and inadequate integration policies in many European countries aggravate the situation.

Of all types of fanaticism, religious fanaticism is one of the worst. Because of the sometimes strong power of religion over people who are not assimilated in the country and who have another view of e g human rights and democracy, special rules are necessary for securing those rights long-term and prevent religious doctrines to threaten them. The history of Europe and its countries underline the importance of such measures. A repetition of the religious wars of the 16th-17th century in Europe shall be avoided during the 21 –22nd century.

(In Policy Area 10 of the integrated model is stated: “A church, mosque etc or an organization mainly intended for the worship of their God by believers is a religious organization. A faith organization is mainly concerned with other purposes than worshipping a God and which it tries to fulfill in order to further a specific religion. A religious school or a charity collecting money for members of a specific religion are examples of faith organizations”.)

(In Policy Area 11 of the integrated policy model is stated: “A crime against people because of their faith and/or caused by the religious rules and religious traditions of the perpetrators, is a religious hate crime. To advocate and apply religious rules (or rules inspired or supported by a religion) which break human rights, is a similar hate crime. Because of their special danger for the society, religious hate crimes shall be punished twice as hard as ordinary crimes of the same type. Every religious hate crime which is punished with a prison term, cause an examination of an resident's or immigrant's visa or citizenship in order to decide if it shall be revoked and the person deported. Three convictions for religious hate crimes of any types lead to a similar examination”.

The state, its constitution and laws which are based on ethics, reason and the secular concerns of the citizens, shall be separate from the various religions and religious organizations in the country. The goal for the policies of the country shall not be to further any specific religion.

The democratic system and its rules constitute a superior form of government compared with all alternative types, owing to its base of the will of the people. No laws of a God or a religion are more important in a nation's political life than human rights and the will of the people. The democratic system is a superior form of government also compared with a Caliphate which is the ideal and ultimate form of government in Islam, and which the political development in Muslim countries shall aim at according to their religious doctrine.

The nation, its constitution and democratic government have the right to fidelity and loyalty from every citizen of the country, and specially during crises, wars or warlike situations. This right exceeds the loyalty to the citizen's domestic or foreign brothers of the faith, if the loyalties are opposite to each other.

Political parties (or organizations with mainly political goals) intended to influence the laws of the country, are not allowed to exist if they are based on a religious doctrine which in any noticeable way contradicts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and/or the rights of a citizen or a human being defined in the Constitution of X-country.

The fundamental principle of complete equality between people of different faiths, or having no religious faith, is stated in Policy Area 2. Crimes against people because of their faith, and/or because of religious rules or religious traditions of the perpetrators, are hate crimes. To advocate or apply religious rules (or rules inspired or supported by a religion) in order to incite to or support a crime which violates human rights, is a hate crime.
No violence of any kind against people and based on a religious doctrine, performed by a resident or citizen of X-country is allowed in the country. All acts of so-called jihad and martyrdom are also forbidden in or against foreign countries which are democracies. Both types of crimes are hate crimes.

The issue of dresses, definitely or possibly prescribed by a religion, is treated in Policy Area 3 (see sect. 2).

Statements during public religious services promoting points-of-views or religious rules and principles violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and/or the rights of a citizen or a human being defined in the Constitution of X-country, are forbidden. The same rule apply to all fatwas. Such statements are hate crimes.

Public religious services are religious services which everybody or anybody (1) belonging to the specific faith, or (2) registered as a believer of that faith in a specific religious organization, can attend.

The issue of using a foreign language in public religious services will be subject to further research (see Policy Area 10).

(In Policy Area 10 is also stated: A religious or a faith organization which allows activities in its programs or on its premises where any type of hate crime is committed, is co-responsible for that crime. The organization shall then pay a fine amounting to: 25 000 – 2,5 milj Euro. Religious schools belong to the category “Faith organizations”.)

(The issue of a special religious education for priests belonging to Islam is treated in Policy Area 10. There we also deal with the policy issue if a European/Modern Islam shall be promoted. The abrogation rules in the traditional, real Islam which now gains ground all over the world, have eliminated e g the suras which advocate mercy, tolerance, and forgiveness and the possibility of a peaceful and nonaggressive coexistence with people of other creeds. The now accepted abrogation rules of the Quran help to transform Islam into an ideology which fulfills all criteria of a sect. Such a “religion” is a threat to all important European values.

Of course, states can not formulate religions, but they can create opportunities for reforming a religion. It is evident that all parts of the Islamic doctrine must be examined in order to determine which parts are obsolete today. A European or Modern Islam may be possible instead of today's Neanderthal Islam. It is far from sure but it is possible. Neanderthal Islam gains influence in the world also owing to the financing and support from e g Saudi Arabia. Why cannot a Modern Islam based on non-aggression, tolerance and observing human rights, be supported by democratic states?)

No person can have any matter that affects his human rights or freedom to act decided by a court where any member is chosen on religious grounds.

The Islamic Sharia laws contain a large number of unacceptable rules and are based on a view of different human beings that is unethical. The laws violate human rights in numerous respects. To promote Sharia generally is a hate crime. Promoting a specific Sharia rule may be a hate crime depending on its compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and/or the rights of a citizen or a human being defined in the Constitution of X-country.

Public statements of any kind and form and in any situation promoting a religious point-of-view based on a religious doctrine, and which violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and/or the rights of a citizen or a human being defined in the Constitution of X-country, are hate crimes. Jihad against non-Muslims, martyrdom acts, and other similar religious murders of women, children and others cannot be mentioned as positive acts.

The rule is valid regarding all day-care centers, educational institutions and educational activities, and commercial or non-commercial organizations registered or active in the country.

(In Policy Area 7 is stated: A religious school must carefully observe and maintain this rule. Its observance is a condition for the existence of the school. As a faith organization, the religious school is co-responsible for hate crimes committed on its premises or in its activities byits staff, invited guests or similar persons. The school must then pay a fine (25 000 – 2,5 mill. Euro.)

The representative on earth of a religion (according to its religious doctrine) has no rights above the rights of any citizen of X-country.

A so-called blasphemy or a heresy is allowed according to the rules of the Constitution of the country. An act against a person because of his real or alleged blasphemy or heresy and based on the rules of a religion, is a hate crime. Also apostasy is a fundamental human right.

(In Policy Area 10 is stated: Money transfers for any purpose to religious or faith organizations in the X-country from a foreign state, or from a foreign religious or non-religious organization, are not allowed if that state, or the organization, cannot show that its religious doctrine or charter, policies, and its performed work is in full compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and/or the rights of a citizen or a human being defined in the Constitution of X-country.)

The right to visit or immigrate to X-country by a representative e g priest, or teacher, scholar or student of a religion is treated in Policy Area 8. Special restrictive rules are also justified for: professional teachers and students of Sharia and Islamic jurisprudence; politicians and representatives for religious parties, managers and representatives for religious or faith organizations, financial organizations etc with charters, policies and/or record of earlier actions that violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and/or the rights of a citizen or a human being defined in the Constitution of X-country.


>>> Continued in Part 5


(A personal comment: Readers may say that the rules above are unrealistic in Europe of today. Well, perhaps, but tomorrow's Europe is not today's. Events have their own logic and specially during tumultuous times. For every year now, more and more Europeans gain insight in the true nature of real, traditional Islam. As shown in my description of the political development process regarding European countries (see sect.1), the offensive of political Islam will awaken Europeans. In reality, we are probably not so many decades or years, or terror acts, away from introducing rules like those above in many European countries. The patience of the average citizen is getting thin.

My development model for Europe describes an inevitable chain of events as long as strong countermeasures are not applied in early phases. The direction of Europe is set. The political establishment fights furiously and ruthlessly to keep up the illusion of a peaceful Islamic doctrine but the winds of reality will blow that illusion away. So-called political correctness, extreme multiculturalism etc have no strong popular basis and will be discarded soon after violence and terror acts clearly show the true face of real Islam.

The current situation is caused by the faulty ideologies of many of today's large political parties. They will pay a price for these policies that lead Europe to the brink of disaster. A new Europe will be born realizing the promises that totalitarianism and democratic socialism have so long prevented the continent from realizing.)


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