Letter: A Western Infidel writes from Oman about his experience on Islam
15 Jan, 2007
Dear Abul,
My name is Dominic, I am from Perth. I have read several of your articles on Faith freedom with great interest, as well as reading Ali Sina's and others. I am currently teaching here in Oman.
Like many Westerners I was very naive and almost totally ignorant of Islam and its actual beliefs. Having now lived in a predominantly strong Muslim country like Oman, I can now appreciate what you and others are saying about Islam.
However, there is a problem. Most Omanis I meet are quite friendly and courteous, which seems to be an Arab custom. They often shake my hand (hand-shaking is big here), come up and talk to me and are generally (on the surface at least) friendly. Omani students are easy to teach and are also friendly and cooperative. Certainly this is the verdict of Westerners in Oman. Saudi Arabia is however, a different story having heard horror stories from teachers there. They say that compared with Saudi Arabia, Oman is a "liberal" country!! and the Omanis much nicer and easy-going people.
My question is this: Since Omanis are Muslim, why are they generally nice and friendly here?
This may sound like a naive question, but I would be interested in hearing your answer.
However, my suspicion is that they are nice to Westerners on the surface but very suspicious of us. They seem to have a love/hate relationship with the West and I suspect when they meet Westerners, they are genuinely curious about us (as if we were aliens from another planet). On the other hand, I have seen how contemptuously they treat their co-religionist Indian servants, one Omani likening them to "cattle" to be used and abused as cheap labour. Here in Oman (and the Gulf), most manual work is done by imported labour from the sub-continent and they work 6 and a half days a week and are paid a miserable salary (about 60 rials a month!). They still have a "master-slave" mentality as you and Ali Sina have correctly pointed out. I suspect they would make us (Westerners) slaves here too but they know they would not be able to get away with it.
My young adult students seem to be totally devoid of the notion of flirting and love. We looked at Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" and they just couldn't get it. They even thought that Romeo and Juliet deserved what they got (suicide) because they went against their families' wishes and should not have had an affair to start off with!! In their outlook they are more medieval than even Shakespeare who wrote the play 400 years ago. One gets the impression that a 400 year old play is just too modern and promiscuous for them!!!
They are convinced that all the inventions and technology created by the West all derive from the great Islamic thinkers and scientists a thousand years ago, so in their mind, Muslims invented the aeroplane, the mobile phone, the internet etc, because all these scientific principles were discovered by Muslims.
Their ideas are so whacky (like eating pork makes you less jealous of someone sleeping with your wife!!), their knowledge of the world and history so fanciful and convoluted and downright bizarre, they seem to live in a closed world. Their minds are filled with their own propaganda and half-truths which makes me worry that if this is what is the current thinking in the Islamic world, we are certainly heading for World War Three because there is an incredible gulf between what is the reality in the world at large, and what Omanis (and by extension perhaps the "Muslim World" Umma,) believe to be the case. There is a deep chasm between the West (including countries like Korea, Japan, etc) and the Islamic world that leads to incomprehension and misunderstanding that history has shown often leads to war.
Dear Abul, I want you to know that your message is getting through even here in Oman. I am now convinced that most Westerners are very naive to the threat posed by Islam and think it is just "another religion" like Buddhism. Ironically, it is the more fundamentalist Christians who understand the threat better than most because in some ways, fundamental Christianity and Islam have certain common features that they recognise in the other. You know the old adage: It takes one to know one. I say this because I used to be a fundamentalist Christian myself and can recognised in the Muslim mind where they are "coming from" because real faith requires no proof or evidence whatsoever. Faith is faith, and the more ardent you are, the less proof you need and the less rational you need to be. You also tend to live in an unreal "spiritual" world as I used to as a Christian full of phobias and suspicion of others because they are "Satan's unwitting agents".. (Perhaps you are a Christian yourself so I don't mean to offend you. What I got from the Bible is a hundred times more precious and wise to me than what I ever read in the Koran.)
Dear Abdul, I have rambled on. I would like to be part of your team and join your organisation and fight alongside you and Ali Sina. Can you tell me how I can help in my own small way?
Just an after-thought. I hope you don't get offended by my remark as I suspect you are an Arab and ex-Muslim yourself, but I have come to the realisation that the one great advantage we (the civilised world) have against the Muslims, our secret weapon which they themselves possess, is their inherent LAZINESS! I mean, I have noticed amongst the Omanis a general lethargy or laziness or indolence or languor. I do not claim to know other Muslim countries, but I would laugh at the suggestion that the Omanis could ever bring themselves to "Holy Jihad"; they find it hard enough to come to College by 8am and stay awake!! During the hot summer months, they are often snoozing away or smoking the shisha. They have no industry to speak off, no technology to boast about ands they lack discipline! Generally the Muslim world has a very poor industrial and technological base, which I suppose we should be grateful for. The only thing they can do is to blow themselves up with suicide bombers and generally, be an irritant to the West. But they can never challenge the West directly in terms of all out war. That would be suicidal on their part.
What are your thoughts on this?
As I said, I would like to join and be an active member of your organisation if I can.
Best wishes,
Dear Dominic;
Thank you for your e-mail. I am happy to learn that you are from Perth because I am also an Aussie.
You wrote: ???Like many Westerners I was very naive and almost totally ignorant of Islam and its actual beliefs. Having now lived in a predominantly strong Muslim country like Oman, I can now appreciate what you and others are saying about Islam.???
My response:
I am glad to know that you now comprehend Islam far better than most westerners. It is a great tragedy that almost all western people know next to nothing of Islam. They always consider Islam to be just another religion, such as Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism???and so on. At FFI and Islam???Watch (islam-watch.org) we are making a difference now. We are going to change this paradigm of the western mentality about Islam. Please keep reading our essays and invite other ???infidels??? to visit these web sites.
Comparing the amiable disposition of the Omani people with that of Saudi Arabia, you wrote: ???Saudi Arabia is however, a different story having heard horror stories from teachers there. They say that compared with Saudi Arabia, Oman is a "liberal" country!! and the Omanis much nicer and easy-going people.???
My response:
Please note that Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Islam. It is also the birth place of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. What you see, observe, hear and know about Saudi Arabia is what true Islam is all about. Saudi Arabia is one hundred per cent Islam???we should have no doubt on this. The reason why Omanis are better humans than Saudis is all because of Islam. Omani???s do not follow Islam exactly the way it should be followed; they are not good Muslims. A good Muslim is what you find in a Saudi.
A good Muslim cannot be a good human being. A perfect Muslim must not show any respect to an infidel. Read the Qur???an and you will find that is the real Islam. When an Omani shows love and respect to an ???infidel??? like you, he is actually breaking the Islamic laws, make no mistake on this.
I hope this has answered your question: Since Omanis are Muslim, why are they generally nice and friendly here?
You wrote: ???However, my suspicion is that they are nice to Westerners on the surface but very suspicious of us. They seem to have a love/hate relationship with the West and I suspect when they meet Westerners, they are genuinely curious about us (as if we were aliens from another planet). On the other hand, I have seen how contemptuously they treat their co-religionist Indian servants, one Omani likening them to "cattle" to be used and abused as cheap labour. Here in Oman (and the Gulf) , most manual work is done by imported labour from the sub-continent and they work 6 and a half days a week and are paid a miserable salary (about 60 rials a month!). They still have a "master-slave" mentality as you and Ali Sina have correctly pointed out. I suspect they would make us (Westerners) slaves here too but they know they would not be able to get away with it.???
My response:
The Arabs have a liking for the white???skinned people. Muhammad was an extremely fair???skinned person. He had a great disdain for people of black or off???white complexion. In fact, there is a sharia law which stipulates that whoever says that Muhammad was black must be killed.
If you have comprehended what I wrote above you should have no problem in grasping why the Arabs treat the Indians (or Pakistanis or Bangladeshis???the people of the sub???continent, even when they are Muslims) merely as slaves. This has a lot to do with the colour of their skin than with their ability to do work or their Muslimness. If you are in Saudi Arabia you might notice that a white???skinned European or American enjoys far better salary and perks than a dark???skinned European or American (again they are usually from the sub???continent, having acquired American or European citizenship through naturalisation or descent from the same racial stock) for the same job and having the same qualifications and experience. In the same vein I can also say that the Arabs show a little better treatment to the yellow???skinned people, such as the Chinese, the Japanese and the Koreans.
You might wonder why it is so. The answer is that this Arab racial discrimination, based on a person???s skin complexion, is entirely rooted in Islam. I shall request you to read the following essay to understand why the Arabs hate the dark???skinned people and treat them as slaves, even today:
Bismi Allah: Allah is dictatorial, Racist and Misogynist (part 8 (i, ii, iii, iv). I am still drafting this series. You can read parts i, ii here: http://islam-watch.org/AbulKasem/BismiAllah/8a.htm
You wrote: ???In their outlook they are more medieval than even Shakespeare who wrote the play 400 years ago. One gets the impression that a 400 year old play is just too modern and promiscuous for them!!!???
My response:
What you noticed is the real Islam in action. Pre???marital love/sex is completely forbidden in Islam. It is a grave sin/crime to be intimate with opposite sex before marriage. In Islam, pre???marital sex, even between two consenting adults is a massive offence, punishable by beheading (for adultery) or scourging (for fornication).
You see, in Islam, the concept of love and sex is totally different from the western/secular idea on this. In Islam, the idea of love between a man and a woman simply means: the man buys a woman???s private parts to have intercourse with her and beget children. The money paid for this sex is known as mahr or dower. No Islamic marriage is valid if a man does not pay this money to his prospective wife. Therefore, you must understand that love in Islam means injecting sperm into a woman???s vagina after paying her due dower (mahr). A couple does not need to know each other before such a contract of sexual intercourse (Islamic marriage) is solemnised. Therefore, the idea of love???marriage is totally void, Islamically speaking.
To learn more on the Islamic concept of love, marriage and sex, please read the following two essays:
You wrote: ???They are convinced that all the inventions and technology created by the West all derive from the great Islamic thinkers and scientists a thousand years ago, so in their mind, Muslims invented the aeroplane, the mobile phone, the internet etc, because all these scientific principles were discovered by Muslims.???
My response:
I am not at all surprised at this chauvinistic disposition of the Omanis. This absolute bigoted and prejudiced idea is again rooted in the Qur???an and hadis. Allah has made the Arabs the most supreme race in the world. Allah has destined them to rule the world. Muslims (read the Arabs) are the best creation of Allah. Naturally, with such ???Islamic Nazism??? the Arabs are completely drunk in racial superiority, pride and chauvinism. Please read the above essay (Allah is Dictatorial, Racist and Misogynist) to learn more about the Arab???Islam Nazism.
You wrote: ???Their minds are filled with their own propaganda and half-truths which makes me worry that if this is what is the current thinking in the Islamic world, we are certainly heading for World War Three because there is an incredible gulf between what is the reality in the world at large, and what Omanis (and by extension perhaps the "Muslim World" Umma,) believe to be the case. There is a deep chasm between the West (including countries like Korea, Japan, etc) and the islamic world that leads to incomprehension and misunderstanding that history has shown often leads to war.???
My response:
We are already at war. The Islamic world (Dar al???Islam) is already at war with the rest of the civilised world (Dar al???Harb). There should be no confusion on this. Like it or not, the Qur???an says that the Islam is at perpetual war with the infidels. Therefore, the Third World War or even the Fourth World War is already with us. The only trouble is that the Islamic world is not strong enough to annihilate the entire infidel population. But wait; once a few Islamic countries acquire the Islamic Bombs (Islamic Pakistan already has, Islamic Iran is on its way), they will surely drop them on infidel lands to kill tens of millions.
This historical enmity of Islam with the rest of mankind cannot be resolved through any treaty or negotiation. Islam does not respect any peace treaty with infidels, please bear this in mind. There is no such thing as negotiation in Islam. All so???called Islamic???peace treaties??? are simply a temporary mechanism to avoid complete defeat and buying time???to prepare for further attack. I am certain you will grasp this Islamic strategy of hide and seek, of false pretensions and deceptions when you watch what is going on around the Islamic world. The language of Islam is compulsion and complete submission.
Therefore, living with Islam in peace and harmony is just not possible. The civilised world must acquire a decisive victory in this eternal war. This victory need not necessarily be military alone. We must win intellectually, although military steps might be necessary, just to achieve this.
You wrote: Dear Abul, I want you to know that your message is getting through even here in Oman. I am now convinced that most Westerners are very naive to the threat posed by Islam and think it is just "another religion " like Buddhism.
My response: ???I am so pleased to know this.???
You wrote:
Ironically, it is the more fundamentalist Christians who understand the threat better than most because in some ways, fundamental Christianity and Islam have certain common features that they recognise in the other. You know the old adage: It takes one to know one. I say this because I used to be a fundamentalist
My response:
Funnily, you are so correct. In our fight against Islamists, I found that only a few devoted Christians are willing to call spade a spade. The rest of the world is in deep slumber, too polite, politically correct and oblivious to the danger of Islam. Only a few Christian groups could easily smell from afar the foul odour of Islam. They have the guts to confront Islam squarely. They have shown some courage and fortitude in the face of rampant ???political correctness??? and ambivalence by the rest of the world.
I am not a Christian. I am an ex???Muslim. You can read at FFI???IW web site my testimony as to why I left Islam.
You wrote: ???Dear Abdul, I have rambled on. I would like to be part of your team and join your organisation and fight alongside you and Ali Sina. Can you tell me how I can help in my own small way????
My response:
You are most welcome to be part of us. FFI???IW is a grass root movement to alert the world about the danger of Islam and how mankind can avoid the clash which might end in the loss of millions of lives from both the Islamic and the non???Islamic world. In contrast to the Islamist jihadists we do not fight with arms, bombs and swords. Our weapon is pen. We believe in the adage ???the pen is mightier than the sword.??? So please join us in writing incisive and penetrating essays exposing Islam, its hypocrisy and deception. Importantly, since you live in an Islamic country, you might wish to share with FFI???IW readers your experience in an Islamic Paradise. If you are familiar with the Islamic laws as practiced in Oman you may wish to enlighten our readers on the living and breathing Islamic laws.
Islam begets laziness. It is a fact. Muslims are exhorted to live on others???by subjugating the infidels, appropriating their lands, property and extracting jizya tax from them. The Qur???an does not encourage Muslims to be diligent, hard???working and meritorious. Instead, the Qur???an commands the Muslims to kill infidels and take their booty, to have an easy and sedentary life. Muhammad himself had worked very little. His biography tells us that he was never gainfully employed or has ever worked full???time to earn his living. After his marriage to Khadijah, he depended on the immense wealth of her. After her death, he squandered her wealth and then resorted to plunder and thuggery to sustain himself and his band of killers and looters.
So it is imperative that a hard???working, diligent and meritorious infidel world will always have the upper hand on the lazy, indolent and parasitic Islamic world.
Finally, please know that I am not an Arab; neither do I have any trace of Arab ancestry in me. When Islam invaded India, my forefathers, were perhaps forced to embrace Islam in exchange for their lives. I am now free from Islam and enjoy every breath which is Islam???free. I search my root and it is not Islamic, it is humanist.