It’s the Ideology, Stupid !!!
12 Jul, 2007
- The West’s propensity for ignorance is nothing short of
astounding when one considers that, in this first decade of the
21st century, a veritable gold mine of information, on any topic,
is available at one’s fingertips via the internet. Never before
have books on the subject of Islamic history and terrorism been so
prolific, yet the same old dangerously erroneous opinions on the
causes of Islamic violence remain as popular, uninformed and
widespread as ever.
- Seemingly unwilling to make the effort to research the true causes of modern Islamist violence, many in the West, including the media, are ever ready to proffer an autoethnophobic (cultural self-loathing) root-cause as to how “We Westerners must have, somehow, caused the problem and therefore deserve what we are getting”. The apologists, propagandists and appeasers continue to confidently promote the view that Islamic terrorism is born of, and nurtured by, poverty, social marginalisation, and Islamophobic bigotry. A raft of other exculpatory justifications for the current global violence is put forward with the one common theme that, in one way or another, the West is to blame and its chickens are simply coming home to roost. So when the recent revelation emerged that a number of medical professionals were involved in two failed terrorist attacks in Britain, the naively deluded went into a confused tailspin, scratching their, cognitively dissonant heads. Their beloved paradigm of the disempowered, impoverished and alienated Muslim now had more holes than a lace tablecloth. No doubt they are busily readjusting their theories to explain how these privileged, intelligent, middle-class professionals could be driven to their wits-end, and forced to lash out with such blind destructive fury at the “evil” West.
- The number of medicos involved indicates that the Hippocratic Oath appears to be held in the same contempt as oaths of citizenship or, for that matter, any other. Of course, as emulators of their Prophet Muhammad’s example-- an obligation incumbent on all Muslims-- it’s little wonder that the dishonouring of one’s sworn oath is regarded so carelessly “By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else better than that. then I do what is better and expiate my oath” Sahih Bukhari 7:67:427.
- True patriots and loyal citizens they can never be, as no sworn undertaking, irrespective of how solemn or binding, is capable of trumping a Muslim’s primary loyalty and overriding obligation to the “cause” of Islam. Nor is there anything novel in the involvement of medically trained jihadis in radical Islam.
A few prominent extremist doctors include:- • Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri--Al-Qaeda mastermind and number two
man, a surgeon.
• Dr. Mohammad Rabi Al-Zawahiri--Ayman's father and a Muslim Brotherhood enthusiast, pharmacologist and professor.
• Dr. "Abu Hafiza"-- Moroccan psychiatrist andAl-Qaeda master planner.
• Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-Rantisi--Late HAMAS leader, pediatrician;
• Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahar--HAMAS co-founder and leader, surgeon and lecturer at the Islamic University in Gaza;
• Dr. Fathi Abd Al-Aziz Shiqaqi- physician -Late founder of Islamic Jihad and active in Fatah.
Another widely accepted myth is that Islamic radicalism is merely an understandable and predictable response to post WW II Western foreign policy, particularly that of the United States due to its support for Israel and involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. This simplistic explanation totally disregards the inflammatory effect of the radical Islamic ideologues of the 1920s, ‘30s and ‘40s, before America had any involvement with the Middle East and well before Israel even existed. The inescapable historical truth is that influential thinkers such as Hassan al Banna, Sayeed Qutb and Mualana Sayeed Abul Ala Maududi were the modern revivalists of an ideology as old as Islam itself ; an ideology founded on the belief of Islamic superiority with its dream of world domination. It was the later Saudi and Iranian windfall oil wealth that allowed those countries to promote, finance and export radical Wahabbi and Khomeinist armed jihad to countries both within and outside the Middle East, Hizbollah being a prime example. Hassan al Banna’s al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun (Muslim Brotherhood) is indisputably the progenitor of all modern radical Islamist groups.
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Maududi's Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan sought to restore the Islamic theocratic ideal, namely the union of religion and state, whilst conveniently blaming the decline of Muslim societies on the contrary secular Western idea of the separation of church and state. Qutb and Maududi inspired a whole generation of Islamists, including Ayatollah Khomeini, who developed an Iranian version of their works in the 1970s.
Despite the gullible Westerner’s certitude that terrorist attacks are “all to do with Iraq and Afghanistan”, they are, in fact, all about Islam's desire to rule the world as a borderless Caliphate. Whenever the willfully deluded Westerner or duplicitous Muslim seeks to explain away these terrorists attacks as reactions to U.S or British foreign policy, simply ask them what it was that precipitated the first world trade centre attack in 1993 - ten years before Iraq and eight years before the U.S. became involved in Afghanistan!
What was it in Khomeini 's revolution , if not expansionist ideology, that refused to be satisfied with their stated objective of ridding Iran of the Shah and Western influence, but then, going on to spread Islamic revolution to the rest of the world ?
Khomeini tells us that:
“Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword! People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! The sword is the key to paradise, which can be opened only for holy warriors!
There are hundreds of other [Koranic] psalms and hadiths urging Muslims to value war and to fight. Does all that mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.”
“Islam grew with blood . . . . The great prophet of Islam in one hand carried the Koran and in the other a sword . . . . Islam is a religion of blood for the infidels but a religion of guidance for other people.”
---Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
But of all the ideologues whose works were a source of radical inspiration to tens, if not hundreds, of millions, Maududi is the most direct and unambiguous in his description of Islam’s ultimate aspirations:
“Islam is not a normal religion like the other religions in the world and Muslim nations are not like normal nations. Muslim nations are very special because they have a command from Allah to rule the entire world and to be over every nation in the world.”
"Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it. The purpose of Islam is to set up a State on the basis of its own ideology and programme, regardless of which Nation assumes the role of the standard bearer of Islam or the rule of which nation is undermined in the process of the establishment of an ideological Islamic State."
“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in a better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who owns the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power that gets in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy. In order to fulfill that goal, Islam can use every power available every way it can be used to bring worldwide revolution. This is Jihad.”
---Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi, ‘Jihad in Islam’
The following comments, by other prominent Muslims, leave us in no doubt how widely these views are held.
“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.”
---Former Algerian President Houari Boumedienne’s prophetic warning to Europe in a speech at the U.N. In 1974. Thirty three years later, his prediction is in the process of unfolding.“Soon we will take power in this country. Those who criticize us now, will regret it. They will have to serve us. Prepare, for the hour is near.”
--- Belgium-based imam in 1994. “De Morgen”, Oct. 5, 1994. Cited in Koenraad Elst, "The Rushdie Rules", Middle East Quarterly, June 1998.“The Quran should be America's highest authority”. “Islam is not in America to be equal to any other religion but to be dominant.”
--- Omar Ahmad, CAIR's (Council on American-Islamic Relations) chairman of the board."I would like to see the Islamic flag fly, not only over number 10 Downing Street, but over the whole world,”
--- Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, (former leader of the extremist Al-Muhajiroun movement in Britain) in an interview with Reuters."I want to see the U.S become an Islamic nation.” ----Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR.
"We are not fighting so that you will offer us something. We are fighting to eliminate you."
---Hussein Massawi, the former Hezbollah leader behind the slaughter of U.S. and French forces 20 years ago."Jihad and the rifle alone. NO negotiations, NO conferences and NO dialogue."
---Sheikh Abdullah Azzam--- (Osama bin Laden’s late mentor.)“Allah revealed Islam in order that humanity could be governed according to it. Unbelief is darkness and disorder. So the unbelievers, if they are not suppressed, create disorder. That is why the Muslims are responsible for the implementation of Allah's Law on the planet, that humanity may be governed by it, as opposed to corrupt man-made laws. The Muslims must make all efforts to establish the religion of Allah on the earth”
---Muhammad 'Abdus Salam Faraj, “Jihad: The Absent Obligation”, p43
And finally, Anjem Choudary, Omar Bakri Mohammed’s successor,
claim Islam’s sovereignty in the U.K. and U.S.A.
What is it in these clear statements of intent that Western people find so hard to comprehend and come to terms with?
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Warner MacKenzie is a resident of Sydney, with a long-standing interest in Islam and its impact on Western society.
Name: Atul Mathur
Date: Wednesday July 11, 2007
Time: 21:42:41 -0700
Great insight - have been waiting for the west to get it. What are your views on the US's cosy relationship with the state of Pakistan, where terrorism is state policy?
Name: Gabrielle
Date: Wednesday July 11, 2007
Time: 22:51:57 -0700
Warner MacKenzie -- so good to see another Sydneysider who's 'got it' about the totalitarian threat of Islam I hope the truth is slowly spreading about this cult of death
Name: Death to Islam
Date: Thursday July 12, 2007
Time: 04:16:58 -0700
I am just freaking tired of Islam. I can't take it anymore.
Name: Scourge of Islam
Date: Thursday July 12, 2007
Time: 04:23:51 -0700
Ayatollah Ali Meshkini: Islam is a religion that wants to run the world. It has done so before and eventually, will run it (again)....Islam came and abrogated all (other religions)....Its high time Iraq established a Just Islamic regime under the supervision of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani...
Name: Daniel Mark
Date: Thursday July 12, 2007
Time: 07:21:03 -0700
Excellent article that ought to be made mandatory reading for all westerners and those who live in and enjoy the benefits of western civilization-it's liberty,economic vitality,opennessand committment to human rights-attributes that islam has never realized and will never given its wickedly false and retrograde theology. Praise God's Holy Name for the blessings of western society however imperfect they may be.
Name: Muhamed
Date: Thursday July 12, 2007
Time: 11:34:59 -0700
Today, many non-Muslims regard Islam as a religion that promotes violence, terrorism and war. Unfortunately, they rely in their view of Islam on the general media, which is not always accurate in reporting the news. Many media outlets, such as TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, are influenced by their investors or owners who have certain agendas and who want to promote certain values and points of view. Other media outlets are simply after the "big story", in order to make more money and more profits. Others are simply "followers", who only gather news from other sources, re-package it and try to sell it again purely as a business. In all these cases, the news reporting is not accurate, but is driven by ulterior motives or simply by profits. Only very few media organizations are committed to providing accurate and true information, regardless of financial gain. Therefore, people today should be very careful in what they take from the media. Before blindly accepting what the TV, radio or newspaper is reporting, one should think critically about what is being reported. Is this being reported accurately, or is it being exaggerated or even completely fabricated? Who are these people reporting the news, and do they have vested interests to report the story in a certain way, or are they completely objective and fair? Critical thinking is very important in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to accepting the media reports about important and controversial issues. Islam is in fact a religion that promotes peace and understanding among people of all faiths, and it strongly prohibits all forms of violence and aggression against all people regardless of their faith or race. 2. Islam Prohibits Violence and Aggression, and stands for Peace and Justice. Islam clearly prohibits all kinds and forms of aggression and violence against anyone, except in self-defense. Islam is a practical religion, meant to be implemented in every aspect of our life. Therefore, it realizes the fact that a person who commits aggression and violence against others will not cease these actions unless they are deterred by similar actions taken against them. Islam also places very high importance on justice, and allows for aggressors and unjust people be punished accordingly, unless they repent before they are brought to justice. At the same time, Islam encourages people to forgive those who have wronged them whenever possible. Evidence of these ideals can be found in the Holy Qur'an, which is the word of God revealed to the messenger of God, Mohammad peace be upon him. It can also be found in the Hadeeth, the sayings of Mohammad peace be upon him, and in his teachings to Muslims. A few examples of this are shown below from the Holy Qur'an: "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, and do not transgress; for Allah loveth not transgressors." [Quran 2:190]. "But if they cease (fighting you), Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Quran 2:192]. "But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah: for He is the One that Heareth and Knoweth (all things)." [Quran 8:61]. "The prohibited month, for the prohibited month, and so for all things prohibited, there is the law of equality. If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him. But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves." [Quran 2:194]. " ... and let not the hatred of some people in (once) shutting you out of the Sacred Mosque lead you to transgression (and hostility on your part). Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: fear Allah: for Allah is strict in punishment." [Quran 5:2]. "Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is better: then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate!" [Quran 41:34]. "O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do." [Quran 4:135]. "God advocates justice, charity, and regarding the relatives. And He forbids evil, vice, and transgression. He enlightens you, that you may take heed." [Quran 16:90]. "And if ye do punish them, punish them no worse than they punished you: but if ye show patience, that is indeed the best (course) for those who are patient." [Quran 16:126]. The first three verses above instruct Muslims to fight those who fight them, and not to commit aggression first, as God does not like transgressors. They also instruct Muslims to stop fighting those who wish to cease fighting them, and to accept peace with the enemy who becomes inclined towards peace. The fourth verse mentioned above instructs Muslims that if someone transgresses against them, they should respond to them likewise, and it reminds Muslims to fear God and to restrain themselves to this limit. The fifth verse reminds Muslims not to let hatred of some people for past reasons to lead them to transgress against those people or be hostile towards them. It also instructs us to help each other in good and righteous actions, and not to cooperate in aggression and sin, and it reminds them finally of the strict punishment of God to encourage them to abide by these principles. The sixth verse reminds us that goodness and evil are never equal, and that we should repel evil with good actions. This means that when someone is unjust to us or commits evil against us, we are encouraged to respond with kind and good actions, so that the hatred between us and that person will evaporate and will become an intimate friendship! The seventh verse mentioned reminds us to stand up for justice, even if it is against ourselves or our family, and even if it is against those who are rich or powerful, because justice applies to everyone. It also reminds us that God knows everything we do, and so if we act unjustly even in our hearts, God knows what we did and we will be accountable for that. The eighth verse informs us that God enjoins us to follow justice, and that God forbids us from committing evil, vice and transgression. The ninth and final verse reminds Muslims that if they are punished, that they may only respond with the same punishment and not to go over this limit. However, they are reminded that forgiveness and patience is the best course of action. These are the wonderful ideals of Islam: To pursue peace with everyone including past enemies, except when they fight the Muslims and refuse peace, then Muslims are allowed to fight in self-defense. To ensure that we always apply justice and never transgress against others even if they are our enemies. To repel evil actions with good actions, in order to replace hatred with an intimate friendship. To respond to punishment with the same punishment, but that forgiveness and patience is even better than retaliation. 3. Islamic Principle: Living Peacefully with All Nations and Peoples. The verse mentioned below informs us that we were created and made into various nations and tribes so that we may get to know each other, and not so that we may despise and hate each other. Then we are reminded of the the fact that the best of us in God's eyes are those who are most righteous. "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full Knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all things)." [Quran 49:13]. This wonderful principle of Islam makes it clear that there is no single people, race, or nation that is better than others. God created us all equal. In God's eyes, the best of us are the most righteous and most kind. God created mankind as different races and nations although He could have created us all with as one nation, with one language and one religion. However, as stated in the verse mentioned above, God created these different nations and tribes so that we get to know other each other, and not to hate each other because we are different. This tells us that we should celebrate our differences and not hate each other based on them. Islam also teaches us to realize that no single race or people have supremacy over others, and that we are judged solely based on our actions. This verse also teaches us that we should live peacefully with other nations and tribes and we should respect each other and our differences. We should learn to live together and to get to know each other, and to engage in dialogue amongst all nations and treat every human being as being equal. 4. Islamic Principle: There is no Compulsion in Religion The verse from the Qur'an which states this principle of no compulsion in religion is the following: "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things." [Quran 2:256]. The holy Qur'an reminds us that there must not be compulsion in religion. It states that the truth stands out clear from error, and that those who reject error and believe in God are the saved ones. This means that Muslims are not allowed to force people to convert to Islam. Muslims should only seek to make the truth clear to others, and talk to them about Islam, then let them decide for themselves. In fact, most people who study Islam without having made a decision to hate it first come to love its message and convert to Islam after learning about it's values and principles. Another verse that also states this principle is the following: "If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge." [Quran 9:6]. This wonderful verse instructs Muslims to grant asylum to non-believers, and make them safe, and allow them to hear the word of Allah. Then they are to be escorted to whatever place they will be safe and secure in. This is because these non-believers simply have no knowledge of Islam, and no knowledge of the word of Allah. What a wonderful religion Islam is! How can this be compared with the way that Christians spread their religion? They spread it by genocide, mass murder, kidnapping of children and wiping out of entire nations and civilizations! Ask the natives of the Americas, Australia and Africa about it! 5. When are Muslims Permitted to Fight a War? As stated earlier, Islam is a very practical religion. It is not just about fake ideals that do not work. It is a religion that is meant to be implemented 100% in all actions of the Muslims life, and it is meant to promote peace and justice in the world. Therefore, Islam does allow Muslims to go to war, as mentioned earlier, in certain circumstances. This includes self-defence, and to remove aggression and injustice that has befallen people and to save them from their oppressors. The verses that tell Muslims to fight those who fight them were mentioned earlier. Below is the verse in the holy Qur'an that allows Muslims to fight against injustice. "Permission [to fight] is granted to those who are being persecuted, since injustice has befallen them, and God is certainly able to support them [with victory]. They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, "Our Lord is God." If it were not for God's supporting of some people against others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques - where the name of God is commemorated frequently - would have been destroyed. Absolutely, God supports those who support Him. God is Powerful, Almighty." [Quran 22:39-40]. This verse gives permission to those Muslims who fall under oppressive, unjust rule, and those Muslims who are being persecuted to fight to remove this oppression. 6. Does Islam Permit Killing Civilians? Even in times of war, the Muslim must respect his adversaries’ humanity. Brutal and barbaric atrocities are prohibited in Islam. Islam condemns barbaric killing of any human being. Therefore, Islam does not permit the mutilation of the bodies of the dead enemy soldiers. Also, Islam prohibits the targeting and killing of all civilians, especially women, children, the elderly, and religious clergy. Enemies, even at time of war, must be treated justly. Prisoners of war have basic human rights, as stated in the Shariah (Islamic Law), and must be provided and cared for and not humiliated in any way. The following verses touch on some of these issues: "O Prophet! say to those who are captives in your hands: If Allah findeth any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what has been taken from you, and He will forgive you: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Quran 8:70]. And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive, (Saying), We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks." [Quran 76:8-9]. In addition, the following were the instructions of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) to Muslims who are forced to fight a war: "Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people or religious people,'' and he mentioned priests, nuns and rabbis. And He said, "Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees and do not poison the wells of your enemies." There are many more sayings and teachings of Prophet Mohammad that instruct Muslims on these issues. In addition to all this, Islam prohibits oppression, revenge or injustice to the people of the enemy in case of victory against them. Nor must there be control over the sources of the wealth of the nation or people, or even establishment of colonial regimes. Justice and freedom must be established. Tolerance towards cultures and peoples is to be respected at all times. 7. Conclusion: This is the Islamic point of view on war, peace and justice. We hope that after reading this article, people will have a clear understanding that Islam promotes peace and justice, and stands against aggression and violence. It is very sad that some people who want to give a wrong impression of Islam, simply select a few words from the Qur'an and distort them and put them in the wrong context, all in order to prove that Islam supports violence. They ignore all the verses we have mentioned in this article. Therefore, we hope that people will be more careful about what they may hear or read on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines or on the internet. Make sure that you do not blindly believe anything that is being said. Try to get both sides of the story, by listening to all points of view on any issue before coming to a conclusion. And finally, we greet everyone with the greeting of Islam: Assalamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you!).
Name: Y.M.
Date: Thursday July 12, 2007
Time: 15:55:22 -0700
Excellent article praise God that the people like,W.Mackenzie exited in the West.The simple fact is that Islam has not given any thing to humanity other than hate,violence,killing,and destruction.Sooner or later the American and Europeans will be come known as dhimmies(second class citizen)in theire own countries until a large number of Muslim immigrants are not expelled or deported from America and Europe.People of U.S.A and Europe should note that their coming generations would become Dhimmies and history will hold them responsible for this destruction and would eventually lead to killing of their own generations.
Name: Inua
Date: Thursday July 12, 2007
Time: 20:20:53 -0700
Muhamed's comments on this article are an excellent example of the practice of the ideology of Islam. His words are the Islamic practice of Taqqiya, or the big lie to the Infidel.
Name: allat
Date: Friday July 13, 2007
Time: 11:29:49 -0700
It's not only ignorance, but that the powers that be, are bound and determined to institute a global gov.- one way or another, even be it, islam. In this re. they're given to and encouraged the West to dream on, with the cell phones, ipods and shopping malls. Once they populace is with these opiates ( which yes, effects the brain) - there's no getting them out of it. And the public just DOESN'T CARE! Perhaps they'll wake up, when they're knocking their heads against the ground?
Name: Vivi Andersen
Date: Saturday July 14, 2007
Time: 06:18:44 -0700
Muhamed - You can write from now on till the Hell is frozen : you and other muslims are brainwashed . Look at the islamic countries . Look at the non-islamic countries . Where DO you live ?
Name: Vivi Andersen
Date: Saturday July 14, 2007
Time: 06:19:53 -0700
Muhamed - You can write from now till the Hell is frozen : you and other muslims are brainwashed . Look at the islamic countries . Look at the non-islamic countries . Where DO you live ?
Name: Tina
Date: Saturday July 14, 2007
Time: 15:02:19 -0700
Muhamed, People like you try to convince people of other faiths that Islam is Peace, supports interfaith dialogue, and is understanding of all religions. In fact, Islam does none of these things. Perhaps not in the US or OZ but other Muslim countries of the "Ummah" have a little difficulty expressing their love and tolerence for other religions. They tend to show this daily by killing Christians, Jews and Buddhists, not because they are opressing muslims, or stealing from them, or even trying to kill them.. No, muslims kill faithful people from all other religions merely because they serve a different God. God and Allah are the same you might say? I say differently. Believe me when I tell you, the God I worship does NOT tell his prophets and followers to KILL those who don't follow HIM. Perhaps that is why we don't see Christians and Jews (*and other faiths) rise up and protest and murder for every little thing that offends us. Perhaps there is a mindset among Christians that God is more understanding and powerful than to simply be bothered with namecalling or ridicule. I'm sure God doesn't like it, but I'm also sure that He will address it with every individual on earth when it is time to meet their Maker and answer for their actions. Yea, I know what comes next. It's The moral equivalence rule! Timothy McVeigh was a Christian killer! Christians kill all the time, and the troops in Iraq are Christians too. Except there is a big difference. NONE of these so called christians killed in the name of God, Jesus, the Trinity or even the devil himself. I've yet to see one Christian or Jew strap on a bomb and go kill himself and a bunch of muslims shouting "I do this for Jesus!" Why? Because I'm pretty sure that's not what Jesus would want his faithful followers to do. And the troops? They do what their government tells them. If that government lives by the seperation of church and state, then even said government cannot kill in the name of God. You see, I consider myself a very tolerent person. But it seems the more tolerent other religions are of Islam, the more Islam expects of those tolerent faithful religions. It started getting out of hand when Pakistans Muslims decided they had a right to "demand" cooperation from the Queen of England on who she can or cannot Knight simply because it was a man who "insulted" their prophet. I doubt very seriously that Pakistan, Iran, or Saudi Arabia would care one bit if a group of Christians started demanding churches be built in their lands. So why should the Queen bow down to the demands of countries or individuals who are not her own subjects? You can claim all you want that Islam is peace, but until Muslims start acting peaceful toward other religions and start showing tolerence to other faiths, I simply don't share the "peaceful" muslim claim.. Sorry.
Name: sheri
Date: Sunday July 15, 2007
Time: 02:09:58 -0700
Name: End Islam
Date: Sunday July 15, 2007
Time: 09:24:28 -0700
Islam is a disease that has plagued humanity.
Name: my goodness
Date: Sunday July 15, 2007
Time: 10:28:11 -0700
I stopped reading muhammad post after this sentence "one should think critically about what is being reported". Critical thinking? Islam rejects critical thinking. So it's the usual muslim crap possibly copied and pasted. You guys think our IQ is below 80 like yours?
Name: Hans
Date: Monday July 16, 2007
Time: 04:58:16 -0700
Sick and tired of this ideology, getting it's balls sucked on a weekly basis because of western "acceptance" and the blue eyed left-wingers ... When are people going to realize that this is not a religion, but a political ideology constructed by madmen?
Name: DH
Date: Monday July 16, 2007
Time: 05:06:06 -0700
Just to inform people that the words posted by Muhamed Date: Thursday July 12, 2007 Time: 11:34:59 -0700 as his own are in fact a piece by the atrocious Islam apologist Karen Armstrong, who I have described elsewhere as the "David Irving of Islamic pseudoscholarship".
Name: johnathon kell, usa
Date: Monday July 16, 2007
Time: 10:07:21 -0700
everyone needs to read this.
Name: Death to Islam
Date: Monday July 16, 2007
Time: 13:59:00 -0700
You want to know what Islam means? It means sticking a rod in people's rear ends and saying hee-haw. It is about urinating on civil liberties.
Name: Marie
Date: Tuesday July 17, 2007
Time: 10:40:52 -0700
To Muhamed, I am a Christian who used to believe that Islam was a religion of peace and tolerance because because of what Muslims in the media have said. I believed until I found out about International Christian Concern and about the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries. After supporting this organization for severel months, I became confused about what the Media was saying about Muslims and about the information about Islam I was receiving from this organization, I read the Quran and the study guide to the Haditha and I drew my conclusion based on the information presented in these books. So therefore Muhamed you can say whatever you want about your religion because I know that truth about Islam, which is the religion of hatred, violence and intolerance.
Name: AlFatonah
Date: Tuesday July 17, 2007
Time: 11:43:33 -0700
brothers and sisters of Islam.. don't be scared.. just pray to Allah S.W.T.. and to Him only.. let them ( non Muslim ) say whatever they want as long as we ( Muslims ) obey to Him only.. and to all non Muslim, don't just read Quran.. but try to understand it.. Insyallah, you will understand that Islam is not a hatred, violence and so on, religion.. Islam is the most divine religion in this whole universe.. Wallahualam.. =)
Name: islamblowsuppeople
Date: Friday August 03, 2007
Time: 12:10:34 -0700
To Muhamed and AlFatonah, The sad truth is that you two actually defend islam and its teachings when 4 out of 5 people in this world do not, will not, and have never called god allah! How very presumptuous to think that islam should govern all of humanity. I cannot accept a faith that has shown time and time again to support suicide bombings, honor killings and stoning to death people accused of apostasy. Fact: more Muslims have been killed by Muslims than any other people of other faiths! If islam is so perfect, and is god's word as you two claim, why do Sunnis and Shiites continue to blow each other(and everyone else) up? Riots, intimidation, and fear is no way to honor god! (whichever god you choose) It is time for good Muslims to question the religion that they are so ferverent about. Perhaps by asking the one little question: why? may true reform and acceptance of all faiths become the normal way of islam instead of lunacy and jihad. Peace be to ALL!
Name: islamisbad!
Date: Monday August 06, 2007
Time: 13:41:35 -0700
Warner, Great article! I enjoyed reading truth for a change. I feel islam is precisely what you have described so very well. I find it amusing when muhamed posted all the rosy and peaceful statements from the koran. Unfortunately I have read all of the book and have come to the same conclusions as Marie. Until islam and muslims learn to practice tolerance and acceptance of other faiths, and perhaps outlaw jihad, it will always remain a faith of hate and pejudice. I feel it is more vitriolic than Hitler and the nazi's! There are many similarities between nazis and jihadis. They both preach intolerance, they both burn books and movies. They both think that there way is the only way. They both are bent on global domination.
Name: Willy
Date: Saturday September 15, 2007
Time: 02:35:52 -0700
Just nuke all Muslim nations and exterminate all muslims in western nations Nazi style... that will take care of them.
Name: gayle parker
Date: Monday September 17, 2007
Time: 11:22:31 -0700
Could you have made it any clearer? Will Americans only believe this when Hillary Clinton, Barbara Pelosi, and Ted Kenneday agree? Will those of us who have spoken out against Islam finally be heard? Are we to be called racist because we criticize a movement that threatens all human beings whatever their color, nationality, culture, and gender? Is all of this denial similar to the fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes?" I, for one, have done my homework;I have read my books including the Koran. I know you have written the truth. I applaud you.
Name: Gayle Parker
Date: Monday September 17, 2007
Time: 13:24:02 -0700
Muhamed, I want to tell you directly that I have two shelves of books about Islam, books written by Muslims and non-Muslims, and most importantly, I have the The Holy Koran with English Translation and Commentary by Maulana Mulammad Ali. As I am sure you know, Ali is considered the leading Koranist of the 20th century. I have read this book carefully. Therefore, to have someone tell me that I rely on only on the media for my informatin is insulting. To have someone tell me that I cannot distinguish between biased and non-biased information is insulting. Furthermore, I am one of those people who read everything--pros and cons, ups and downs, insides and outsides. I hope that makes my point. Lastly I will say that Islam is a patriarchial, misogynistic, backward religion that began in warfare and has continued with its blood letting to this very day.As you know very well, if one is not a Muslim, then one belongs outside the "peaceful" umma and in that part of the world at war with Islam! At war! Hardly. America took years of attacks from Islam to wake slightly from its slumber. In short, 22 Muslim countries are among the most technologically backward in the world with the worst rates of illiteracy, health care, female castration, honor killings, etc., and most have always had their hands open for aid from the U.N., Europe, and of course, the Great Satan, America. But I ask you, what exactly has Islam given to the world in the last century? Attaturk brought Turkey into the 20th century when he separated Islam from the state. I ask you where are Islam's advancements in science, medicine, and government? It seems to me that the only Islamic accomplisment is to have thousdands of madrassas in which students memorize the Koran. Rote parroting. No critical thinking. To say venture into areas of critical thinking and speaking might mean death approved by some white robed cleric. I often think how ironic it is that Muslims repeat the greeting of peace among themselves, when they kill one another as easily as they boil rice. I find it interesting that if a non-Muslim should kill a Muslim, the Islamic world portrays this through their media outlets as another example of the West's hatred of Islam. And if a Jew kills a Palestinean, the outcry is loud enough to burst eardrums. Oh, the cry is heard around the world to defend their Muslim brothers. But within the Islamic world, Sunnis and Shias can butcher one another, rape women, behead each other, torture each other, and then leave body parts to rot on the ground. The Islamic world is silent about this. There is no wailing and gnashing of teeth. I, however, do wail and gnash my teeth that I live in this world of Islamofascism and will fight against all of my life.
Name: Stan Kern, USA
To: Warner MacKenzie
Please permit me to express my sincere appreciation for your website.
Through the American Congress for Truth, I read your article "It's
the Ideology, Stupid!!!".
My compliments to you, Warner for your superior command of the
English language. Your articulation is extraordinary, not to mention
your common sense adds icing to the cake. Despite your superior
linguistic skills, I find it so perplexing that in dealing with
Islamic reasoning, words are never enough. When confronted with the
truth, their only response is to hate more, and threaten to kill.
I hope you will someday share notes with radio talk show host, Dr.
Michael Savage.
With thanks and hope for continued success at exposing the truth
about Islam.
Name: blzgbhpi
Date: Tuesday October 30, 2007
Time: 01:01:06 -0700
gtohcdeq qgfwvqki vfvrfbmz [URL=]lcymjpwh[/URL <a href="">oouyesff</a>
Date: Thursday November 01, 2007
Time: 07:33:01 -0700