Gutenberg and the Date Palm [21 Sep, 2007]
The Caliphal Emirate of Afghanistan―An Opportunity Missed? [29 Aug, 2007]
Islam and the West, One Enormous Razia [20 Jul, 2007]
Those Oppressed Muslims [16 Jul, 2007]
It’s the Ideology, Stupid!!! [12 Jul, 2007]
Putting the 'Islam Shoe' on the Infidels' Foot [03 May, 2007]
Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah [30 Apr, 2007]
Islam is a religion of……….WHAT? [04 Feb, 2007]
Warner MacKenzie is a resident of Sydney with a long standing interest in Islam and its impact on Western society.