The Decrees of Islam III : Jihad in India
12 Jan, 2008
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4
Jihad in India
As soon as Islamic invaders set their foot in India, the brutality of jihad began to take place: harrowing acts of cruelty, mass-massacre and bloodshed ensued. A few examples will be sufficient for the reader to understand the horridness of those acts. In 1194 AD, Mohammad Ghori launched a military campaign against Raja Jaichand of Benaras. On their way to Benaras, they occupied the fortress at Koll and to describe the Incident, Hassan Nizami in his Taj-ul Ma'asir writes,
“By the edge of the sword they (more than 50,000 Hindus) were despatched to the fire of Hell. Three bastions were raised, as high as heaven, with their (slain) heads and their carcasses became the food of the beasts of prey. …They destroyed nearly one thousand temples and raised mosques on their foundations”.[1]
In 1196 AD, Kutubuddin Aibak invaded the fort at Gwalior. To describe the incident, Minhaz Siraj in his Tabakat-I-Nasiri writes, “In compliance with the divine (i.e. Koranic) injunction of holy war (jihad), they drew out their blood-thirsty swords before the enemies of religion (i.e. Hindus)”.[2] Hassan Nizami describe the same incident as,
“The army of Islam was completely victorious and one lacks Hindus were swiftly dispatched to the hell of fire. … He (Kutubuddin) destroyed the pillars and foundations of idol temples and built their stead mosques, colleges and precepts of Islam”.[3]
In 1197, Kutubuddin invaded the fort at Naharwala in Gujrat. On the way, a battle was fought with the king Karan Singh. Describing the incident, Minhaj Siraj writes, “Nearly fifty thousand infidels (Hindus) were dispatched to the hell by the sword and from the heaps of the slain, hills and the plain became one level”.[4] Regarding the capture of the Kalinjar Fort by Kutubuddin in 1202, Minhaz notes, “… fifty thousand men came under the collar of slavery and the plain became as black as pitch with the blood of Hindus”.[5]
After capturing the fort of Chittor in 1568, Emperor Akbar ordered a general massacre. Vincent Smith writes of the incident that “The eight thousand Rajput soldiers, who formed the regular garrison, having been jealously helped, during the siege, by forty thousand peasants, the emperor ordered general massacre, which resulted in the death of 30,000”.[6] Abul Fazl in his Ain-I-Akbari wrote that on that day 40,000 Hindus were killed. But it was an impossible task to count the dead-bodies and hence to ascertain the exact number of victims. So the emperor commanded his soldiers to collect the scared threads of the dead Hindus. When the sacred threads were accumulated they weighed 74 and 1/2 maunds (nearly 2.8 metric tons). So it becomes evident that more than 200,000 Hindus were massacred on that day.
Ulugh Khan (later on Sultan Ghiasuddin Balban), when he was serving sultan Nassiruddin (brother of Sultana Rizia) as a commander, went to the Gahrwal and promised his men that he would reward them with one rupee for bringing the head of a slain Hindu and two rupees for bringing a Hindu alive. Like hungry dogs his army set out for the hunt of kafir Hindus. The massacre went on for three long weeks and several hundreds of thousands of Hindus were slain. Ulugh Khan then built high-rise bastions with the heads of the slain Hindus.
In 1360 AD, Firoz Shah Tughlaq invaded Orissa and desecrated the temple of Lord Jagannath and threw the idol in the Bay of Bengal. On his return journey, when he was passing through Jajnagar, it was brought to his knowledge that nearly 120,000 Hindus had taken shelter at an offshore island. Firoz Shah then went to that island with his men and butchered those 120,000 Hindus in a single day.
When Maharana Sangram Singh was defeated in the battle of Khanau, Babar ordered general massacre, and his chief commander Mohammadi and other commanders massacred 1,00,000 Rajput prisoners of war and another 1,00,000 civilian Hindus. Such killings of Hindus wet on unabated during the entire period of Muslim rule that lasted for about 700 years.
Regarding these killings of Hindus, Swami Vivekananda writes, “When the Muslims first came to India, there were, according to their historical records, 60 crores (600 million) Hindus in India. This calculation suffers from under estimation than exaggeration; for lots of people perished slowly through the persecution of the Muslims. Therefore, it is obvious that the number of Hindus was even more than 60 crores—in no account less than that. But today the same Hindus have dwindled into 20 crores (in 1897-98)”.[7] So, according to the estimate of Vivekananda, the brutal Muslim invaders wiped out 40 crore Hindus during their period of rule. Not only that, we have to add the number of Hindus who were born within that period.
When the Muslim invaders came to India, our Hindu rulers took into account their military might alone. To fight this new enemy they followed the same strategy their ancestors used to follow---the eternal rules and traditions handed down to them from the days of Mahabharata, and they failed to discover the element of jihad, the kafir-killing motives of Islamic invaders. Being guided by their age-old civilized tradition that the prisoners of war were to be set free and not to be harmed, Hindu kings after winning a victory over the Muslim army, used to set the prisoners free. But on the contrary, victorious Muslim rulers, being guided by their kafir-killing doctrine of jihad, used to massacre the entire regiment of Hindu prisoners of war.
As opposed to Indian civilization values and tradition as it was, Indian kings were astonished to see killings of civilians, innocent farmers, burning villages and standing crops by the Muslims invaders; they were more shocked by horror act of enslaving the women and children and dishonoring the women. There are many instances where their age-old civilized code of war was the cause of their defeats in many wars. For example, Prithviraj Chauhan took Mohammad Ghori prisoner when the latter attacked India in 1191; but he set the aggressor free in accordance to Hindu tradition of dealing with prisoners. Mohammad Ghori regrouped and attacked Prithviraj again and defeated the Hindu monarch in a treacherous night-time attack. The civilized codes of war brought Prithviraj's defeat and death.
Allah versus Hindu God
Besides the three decrees of Islam as mentioned above, a few other aspects of Islam deserve a discussion here. Hindus have composed the song, “Ishwara Allah Tere Naam”; as if, there is no difference between the Hindu God and Allah. But those Hindus do not know that, there are profound differences between Ishwara (Hindu God) and Allah. The true Ishwara (God), the creator of this universe and everything within it, should treat every human being equally. The Hindu God lord Krishna, for example, says, “In my eye, every human being is equal—no one is my favourite and no one is detestable to Me”. (Bhagavad-gita 9.29).
But in the eyes of Allah, all human beings are not equal. He is kind (Rahamanir-Rahim) to Muslims alone; to the non-Muslims, he is an extremely cruel despot, a cruel brute. Allah undoubtedly is extremely biased to His children, unfitting of a true God. Swami Dayananda Saraswati in his Satyartha Prakash rightly says, “ If the God of Quran had been the protector of all creatures and dispenser of forgiveness and mercy to all, He would not have commanded the Muslims to kill the people of other religions”. This factor led him to the natural conclusion that “The Quran does not appear to have been made by God”.(Ch. XIV).
It is doubtless that Allah is a God only for the Muslims and not for the entire humanity. A closer look at the word Allah, indeed, reveals such as case. It has been derived from two Arabic words, ‘al’ stands for ‘the’ and ‘ilah’ for a local God in Arabia at the time of Muhammad. The word 'Allah', therefore, literally stands for a local god of Arabia, not for creator of the Universe. The behavioral pattern of Allah, as reflected in the Koran, reveals Him as a partisan Deity, similar to a mafia don or the leader of a criminal gang, who seeks to gain control over the entire world to establish Himself as its sole ruler through bloodshed and terror.
Namaz, a Regular Military Exercise
Many kafirs, including Hindus, admire Muslims for their regular prayers, five times a day. They consider this prayer (namaz) by Muslims as their sincere, humble and devotional submission to God. In this context, it should be mentioned that the ultimate spiritual attainment for Muslims is their entry into Allah’s paradise and it has been pointed out earlier that for the sheer merit of taking the oath through the ‘LA Ilaha Illallah’ kalema each and every Muslim, even the most vile ones, would be allowed to enter Allah’s paradise. Why then Muslims pray five times a day and observe fasting (roja) for a whole month in an ostentatious display? To find an answer, we have to delve into the matter a bit.
Hindus believe in praying to God in solitary privacy away from crowds. But Islamic theology demands ostentatious display of their piety in order to earn real merit; praying in congregations in full view of the public earns them much greater merit. The merit of a prayer in a grand of congregation at Islam's holiest shrine, the Ka'ba at Mecca (Masjid-ul-haram), is 100,000 times higher than praying in privacy.
So it becomes evident that the ultimate purpose of namaz is not an humble submission to Allah, but to gather people as much as possible with the aim of forming a regiment. The view gains ground when one observes the method by which a prayer is conducted in a mosque. First of all every Muslim has to stand in perfect rows and ranks and they should stand up and sit down at the same time according to the command of the Imam (who conducts namaz). All these gestures show that Islamic prayers is more like a military exercise. Congregational Namaz also aims to enhance intimacy and bonding amongst Muslims to strengthen their regimentation. That is why Prophet Muhammad always held a congregational prayer just before launching a Jihad attack on the kafirs in Arabia. Such raids often took place just after the completion of the early morning (fazar) prayer to catch the enemy unawares, Muhammad's attack of Khaybar in 629 being an example. This Sunnah is being practised by Muslims even today. Whenever they organise a communal riot against the kafirs, they normally begin it just after completing a congregational prayer, usually the congregation mid-day prayer on Fridays (Jumma). In Indian context, it may be recalled here that the ‘Great Calcutta Killing’ in 16th August, 1946—that kicked off the Muslim Jihad for creating Pakistan—took place on Friday; Muslims started massacring the Hindus just after the mid-day prayer.
The Muslim prayers, therefore, has an obvious military importance, it is intimately connected to organization of jihad against the infidels; it is not so much about personal devotion to their God. In this context, a few other aspects of the namaz deserves special attention. As Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder for a congregational prayer like a military, the Imam—starting with Surah Fateha (the First Chapter) from the Koran—progressively recite three more verses, usually choose violence-inciting chapters of the Koran. This normally follows the Imam's violence-inciting sermons (khutba). So a portion of the khutba, which Imams deliver on the day of Id-ul-fitr, the holiest day of Islam, is quoted below:
“…Oh Allah, make your religion and your faithful followers always victorious and bring defeat for the unruly, ill-behaved and disobedient kafirs. Oh Allah, the servant who is obedient to you, whether he is a son of a king, or slave of a slave father, or the lord of two oceans, if he is a servant of Mecca and Medina or a warrior in the cause of Allah, if he is a Muslim king, Oh Allah, protect his kingdom, make him and his Muslim subjects prosperous. O Allah, bring slavery for the kafirs, ruin their states and bring disunity among their unity”.
It shouldn't be difficult for readers to grasp why Muslims can easily be roused to Jihadi violence against the kafirs following congregational prayers. Furthermore, Muslim boys are to be taught how to pray when he is seven. One can easily imagine the kind of anti-Kafir feeling Muslims would harbor if given such lessons violence-inciting lessons five times a day from his childhood.
In addition, one should take into account of the animal-killing ritual (Korban) on Bakr-Id (Eid al-Ajha, on the 10th day of Arabic month Jilhijja). While namaz provides psychological training, the sacrifice of animals acts as a kind of practical training for shedding the bloods of living beings. According to the psychologists, if a man is taught such lessons day after day, year after year, he loses his thinking power and acts according to said teachings instantly, which they call the ‘motor action’. That is why, Muslim can be roused to violence against the kafirs so easily. The practise of animal killing, widely prevalent in Muslim societies, also condition them into shedding blood of animals, which can easily extend to human beings, who are being portrayed as their enemies in sacred Islamic scriptures. The fact that the Quran teaches killing of unbelievers in the name of Jihad as a most meritorious act, deserving of gaining Paradise, Muslims can most easily engage in cruelty and violence against the Kafir utter nonchalance; this is so evident amongst global community of Muslims. For this reason, a peaceful, timid infidel, after converting to Islam, can instantly turn to kafir-killing Jihad; we have seen many example of it in recent years.
Interestingly, like the namaz, the other major Islamic ritual, the fasting in Ramadan (roja), also carries jihad significance. Prophet Muhammad carried out his major Jihad expeditions in Arabia—from the famous battle of Badr (624) to the conquest of Mecca (630)—in the fasting month of Ramadan. Incidentally, the major 20th-century Jihad in the subcontinent, the violent movement for creating Pakistan, was purposefully inaugurated by Jinnah-led Muslim League on 16 August 1947: it was the 18th day of Ramadan, the same day, the most significant Jihadi battle of Badr took placed in 624.
(1) H. M. Elliot and J. Dowson, The History of India : As Told by its Own Historians (in 8 Volumes, Low Price Publications, Delhi (1996), II, 224.
(2) H. M. Elliot and J. Dowson (ibid), II, 227.
(3) H. M. Elliot and J. Dowson (ibid), II, 215.
(4) H. M. Elliot and J. Dowson (ibid), II, 230.
(5) H. M. Elliot and J. Dowson (ibid), II, 231.
(6) V.A. Smith, Akbar The Great Mogul, Oxford Clarendon Press, 76.
(7) Rules and Regulations of Ramkrishna Math (1987-98), 19-20.
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Name: Vinod
Date: Sunday January 11, 2009
Time: 12:38:39 -0500
Islam = Barbarism
Name: Dr Omar Zia
Date: Sunday January 11, 2009
Time: 23:37:51 -0500
An excellent analysis Dr Radhasayam. Although I knew the backbround of barbarity of muslim conquests it still made my proverbial heart cry. Your perceptive portrayal of the need for namaz roza and slaughtering is also superb and should be widely read and distributed, to safeguard our future from further barbarity's of Islam.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Sunday January 11, 2009
Time: 23:40:57 -0500
Wonderful piece of research. Thank you Dr. Brahm.
Name: continuum
Date: Sunday January 11, 2009
Time: 23:55:53 -0500
I request some of the ex-Muslim/other authors to explicitly write what the Muslims recite in namaz or other prayers. It will be helpful in understanding Islam even better. Do all the Muslim sects in different countries recite the same verses in prayers or do they differ ?
Name: islam should be eliminated quckly
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 00:31:57 -0500
islam should be eliminated quckly.It is ma dulema which is producing terrorists.but indian govt is giving salaries and money for their brutal activities.
Name: To Dr Omar Zia from Ashfaq
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 01:25:56 -0500
Dear Dr Zia, it is nice to see that X-Muslims like you have realised the danger posed by Islam. I would like to know why and how you became an apostate. I am an Indian Muslim from a place called Belgaum in Karnataka. Although I know Islam is unfit for humans, yet I cannot convince my relatives (especially parents) and friends about the nature of Islam. If I stand by the truth and leave Islam, then will I not miss my relatives and friends who will see me as enemies. If I keep quiet then I am shutting my mouth for the rest of my lifetime, thus allowing my future generations to fall into the same trap. So many senior members in our family know surahs of Quran by heart. It is a tauba to even raise questions about hadith and Quran to them. I have a good job (luckily unmarried) but I have been spending many sleepless nights from last 6 months. Your advice will be appreciated...Ashfaq
Name: To Ashfaq from humanist
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 02:18:13 -0500
Please follow your conscience and if you are convinced that islam is bad leave it but handle your parents and relatives slowly and tactfully. By being in islam against your will suffer personally.
Name: To Ashfaq from Dr Zia
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 02:25:02 -0500
Dear Ashfaq, I understand your predicament as I went through it myself. Rather then I tell you what to do I think it might be better if I explain what I did and modestly succeeded in planting the seed of doubt in people around me. In some cases that seed paid great dividents. First of all you must understand that your own safety is of paramount importance. Islamic drug is very dangerous. Luckily in India you are not in as much danger as in some other barbaric Islam dominated country. First of I familiarized myself with the Islamic scriptures. I read and re-read these scriptures from every angle and made sure that I am completely aware of all contradictions and amoral, medieval edicts. Then in a very gentle fashion, I started posing questions to my near and dear ones. Obviously nobody could answer them for two reasons. Firstly most muslims are illiterate in their own scriptures. They have never read them to any extent except to get brainwashed every Friday by the local demonic mullah. Secondly Islam like any other religion is unanswerable in a logical manner. That it is the most suppressive and vile of all religions goes without saying. Anyway once they fail to answer then I urge them to read the Quran, Ahadiths and Siratunnabi. This creates a bonafide and also shames them to think they have never read their own scriptures. Wish you success in safety.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 05:19:02 -0500
Islam is a mafia cult falsely proclaimed a religion when there is so much brainwashing and indoctrination involved to keep the 'believers' in check and herd them as cattle to do the biddings of mullahs and imams. All religions are false. True spirituality is where there is scope for free inquiry, freedom of thought ,to explore the mysteries of Nature, see the vast illimitable Universe and understand what a minutest of mintute thing is our solar system in the Universe and how minute we are in our own solar system. Sure this is not a handiwork of an imaginary spook called Allah/Yahweh/Ishwar or whatever living in Cloud 9 in the sky above ,which is absolute nonsense, bullshit, complete trash! The god of islam or Talmud are no better than despots like Mao, Stalin, Aurangazeb, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun,PolPot, and Muhamad himself being the worst of all! This Allah and Yahweh discriminate amongst humans as believers and infidels ,promising believers a vulgar, lewd "heaven" and the infidels a place of eternal torture "hell". What can be more stupid than this. And yet this false deity is supposed to be the epitome of love and forgiveness! This deity is supposed to be a 'creator' - some 'creator' who 'created' most of humanity who are oblivious of him ,while he 'reveals' himself to some madcap in the arid deserts calling him the lunatic a messenger/prophet? And what kind of men are these prophets? They are frauds ,power hungry schemers, charlatans ,evil,wicked , overbearing maniacs who take people for granted as fools with promises that are impossible to fulfill, that is if you like to believe in fairies and gnomes!They are extremely despotic, intolerant and bigoted ,these socalled prophets ,just like the deities that they have created. Surely ,humanity will be better off without these charlatans, pretenders, prophets, messengers, sons of god, godmen or whatever!
Name: Religion and the Human Psyche
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 05:55:24 -0500
Religion is part and parcel of the human psyche.
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 07:34:20 -0500
The entire world is suffering because three Semitic religions are fighting amongst themselves. All of them invented by uncultured tribals have been fighting since centuries to establish their imaginary god as the truth. In the bargain they have destroyed cultures (Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Egyptian, African, American Indian etc.). They are destroying economies. When will be able to establish god as false and humanity as truth?
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 11:36:55 -0500
I wish to thank you Dr. Radhasyam Brahmacheri, Dr. Omar Zia and Ali Sina for the fine work you have done to enlighten us. It was Ali Sina who first enlightened me. In the beginning I thought Islam was a good religion because I had met decent Muslims. I now see that these fine Muslims are not authentic Muslims. What they are doing is obeying their God given conscience to the best of their ability. After 911, I began studying Islam through the work of Ali Sina. Later, I studied on my own. I could almost immediately see that Allah, the god of the Muslims, isn't the God of the Christians and Jews. Whereas Allah teaches, for example, "Be ruthless to the infidels,"(Sura 48 Verse 29), the God of the Christians teaches, "Thou shalt not kill." I now know that there are many passages in the Qur'an, I call it The Muslim War Manual, that are completely opposed to the teachings of the God of Christians and Jews. So like yourself I could never embrace Islam. I'd rather live and let live, and I'm glad that you, Dr. Omar Zia, and Ali Sina hold the same philosophy. Killing others doesn't make sense to me, and why true Islamists take the opposite view is beyond my comprehension. I guess that's what happens when a child is brainwashed with hatred beginning at a very early age. Since Allah is, in reality, an evil, evil entity, I have renamed him also. I now introduce Allah as Allah/Satan or Satan/Allah since Satan is the god of cruelty and untimely deaths and destruction. Of course, as you yourself know, that's Islam also. Well anyway, keep up the good work, and promise that you'll never quit doing good work. May the True God bless you.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 11:55:01 -0500
to vbv,why can't you write like this all the time?
Name: Nalanda University destroyed by Muslim Barbarians
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 11:56:15 -0500
In 1199 muslim barbarians destroyed Nalanda University, with 1000 teachers and 10 000 students the largest university of the ancient world. Thousands of scholars were killed during this massacre. While buddhism disappeared from India after this act, it continued to enlighten the world in far east asia, which belong to the most advanced today with most sophisticated technologies. In contrast, the muslim world is still suffering from highest illiterate rates, dictatorships, corruption and backwardness. It is time to stand up against islamic obscurantism and barbarism. No Nalanda any more!
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 00:13:02 -0500
The reason islam is hated so much, cause we are brainwashed. let me explain, In 1933, when Germany refused to surrender to the world conference of Jews in Amsterdam, the conference broke up, and Mr. Samuel Untermyer, who was the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference, came to the United States and went from the steamer to the studios of the Columbia Broadcasting System and made a radio broadcast throughout the United States in which he in effect said, "The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged Protecting the truth about Germany.
Name: jai
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 01:54:28 -0500
I also make same request "I request some of the ex-Muslim/other authors to explicitly write what the Muslims recite in namaz or other prayers. It will be helpful in understanding Islam even better. Do all the Muslim sects in different countries recite the same verses in prayers or do they differ "
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 04:37:52 -0500
To G Ryan- I am an atheist or non-theist, but given a choice in a world of "religions", I still prefer Hinduism ,because hinduism allows atheism . It is not rigid ,exclusivist and intolerant like the semetic cults of Judaism, Christianity and Islam , where it if you are not one of them you are against them. It is like Bush's philosophy post 9/11 that if you are not with us you are against us , and Bush was a staunch fundamentalist christian. Hinduism may have its drawbacks in terms of castism, animal worship or even idol worship, but at the same timew it allows atheism . Talking of idol worship no cult or creed is above idol worshipping be it islam or christianity ,or even judaism . We have upanishads like Mandukya Upanishad which renders 'God' totally irrelevant. In Rig Veda hymn No. 129, in Book 10 is skeptical about "God", yet it finds aplace in the collection. Budhism and Jainism are atheistic systems , so also the Charvakas who are atheists and materialists. There are others like Samkhya philosophy or even advaita philosophy ,especially the 'Karika' by Gaudapada is non-dualistic and consequently atheistic. I need not conform to anything, I respect among others Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins (I have read their books God is not Great , and God Delusion) . What irks me is some Christians proselytsing through this site as the sole way to'salvation', which is difficult to stomach. And I am not promoting hinduism either, and hinduism is not a proselytising creed like Christianity or Islam looking to 'harvest' more followers for itself. India has never looked for 'conversion' in its entire history - the concept of conversion arises only in montheistic cults which are exclusivist and cannot tolerate any other idealogy calling it heretical, blasphemous or whatever. However ,the best way for all humanity is to reject all creeds and cults and be rational human beings ,encouraging science, knowledge and wisdom ,not superstition ,fear and bigotry.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 07:52:51 -0500
to vbv, thanks for the reply it was well written.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 12:27:27 -0500
to vbv,who's to say that worship of nature is wrong,not me!as you, i would rather worship an animal or the moon,the stars or anything else,i think we got off on the wrong foot(still think your history needs to be debated),but hope to talk to you soon!!
Name: neo
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 02:46:05 -0500
islam is evil ,everyone knows that ,it is even written in the quran that you must kill non muslims if they dont convert and the funny part is muslim male children undergo a crazy religious ceremony in which their dick is cut off lol ,that means every muslim male has a half cut dick lol
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 05:43:27 -0500
To G Ryan: Irespect Nature as we are all a part of it. To deify and worship it is another thing I cannot reconcile myself. All animals have evolved just like us humans(from primates) and it is important to realise that we are not "superior" to other species looking down upon other species/animals or taking it for granted that we have a right to exploit or decimate them. Even snakes play a very important role in maintaining ecological balance by consuming rodents. We spend huge amounts of money on pesticides and chemicals to kill these rodents which consume/destroy millions of tonnes of food grains and the use of these toxic chemicals takes its toll not only on environment but also us humans creating a lot of health hazards. Animal worship per se is not demeaning ourself ,but it is better than arrogating to ourself a sense of superiority complex over other species of animals blind to the fact we owe our existence to them and in the cycle of evolution we are also doomed to extiction one day. It is not required to worship them but have a healthy respect for all the species as all of them have a role in this vast ecological system. The fact that we humans are a part of the anomal kingdom was recognised in India thousands of years ago ,which is why you find animals find an important role in our mythologies and even in the Pachatantra ,which is the firstand the earlest book in the world of animal stories for morals and wisdom far older than Aesop with animal characters talking like humans . As for history I cannot agree with you as someone had said that "history is generally fable agrred " upon by certain powerful and politically correct individuals.
Name: The Uniqueness of Man
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 10:48:31 -0500
Of all creatures on planet earth only humans have the power of reason, wisdom, and creativity. Humans are an entirely unique creatures and have power and dominion over all creatures of the animal kingdom. Man is designed to be master of all creations.
Name: The Superior and the Inferior
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 10:57:51 -0500
A master cannot worship a slave. The superior cannot be dictated by the inferior. The strong will determine the fate of the weak.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 13:10:06 -0500
to vbv ,yet again,well wrote(never thought i'd say that to you vbv).let people worship who they want as long as it does not affect you or for history,you are correct in what you say,it is written by the victors.but if we read many sources we can find the you and i both agree that islam is dangerous can we stop annoying each way of saying sorry for the insults to you.
Name: John Dow
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 15:16:13 -0500
See: Islam: What the west needs to know
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 03:08:09 -0500
To G Ryan : Thanks for the response. I concur with you that Islam is the most dangerous disease to free mind , infact to all free thinking persons. We in India have suffered 700 hundred years of this dreadful cult and have survived all the attrocities perpetrated on us. But we still have a perenial source of nuisance on either side of our borders ,namely Pakistan and Bangladesh. This is like an interminable disease . That's why most Indians have support Israel's action against Hamas in Gaza.. I wish will Israel all success in eliminating the menace of Hamas and other mad muslim fanatics.
Name: VP
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 14:21:02 -0500
I am more an more enamored with India and India Vedic and Ancient history. I love the Hindu dynasties and kingdoms. I like the idea of Sadhus traveling around India and great Rishis who lived in the Kashmir region. The many branches of Hinduism like Jainism, Buddhism all lived peacefully. Zoroastrians and Jews lived in India peacefully. There were moral codes of honor. Fighting was done by a code. Rich architecture and courageous Kings and queens. Rich in arts and culture, music and dance. Hindus need to become united and help their poor and educate the rich history of Hindu India. Also publish the truth about the evils perpetrated by Islam and move forward by making the Indian government accountable and use the power of vote to bring about the changes and pride in Hindu culture.
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 14:40:41 -0500
to all the people on this site.watched the news tonight and watched with horror the demonizing of israel by the so called u.n.we ,all of us need to do something about this islamic more petty disputes between us!let's talk about what we can do to stop this.israel can be wrong some times,but islam is a killer!!
Name: G.Ryan
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 17:21:12 -0500
to vbv,well said mate.wether we agree with israel or not,it's a U.N and arab attack against non islamic countries.god(or what ever you belive in people of the world)help all of us in the future.must re-affirm,don't worship any faith but have hope we can all live together not matter what colour, race or creed.
Name: jon
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 03:42:37 -0500
The world must eliminate muslims and islam through conversion , WMDs, education, or a combination thereof. Without Muslims the world can progress environmentally and economically.
Name: Excellent Article!
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 04:50:56 -0500
The so-called Religion of Peace is the true and only Religion of War. And it is pure superstition with no thinking allowed at all. But there is hope. Even in KSA the age of marriage was raised and the Grand Mufti is struggling with his crazed fatwas against stronger and stronger resistance from Human Rights Activists. Perhaps, with increasing education levels, the gulf countries could even become the vanguards in the fight against islam.
Name: About Praying
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 05:23:24 -0500
Even in ancient times there were people who raised doubt that praying is good for anything. According to the Gospel of Thomas Jesus teached that everybody is free to pray or not to pray whenever he wants and even the Gospel of Matthew teaches, that people should not pray only to be seen by others. Marc Aurel, who was a Caesar and also a stoic philosopher, teached that nobody needs to pray at all; but if somebody prays, he should do this in a spontaneous manner. Last but not least, Confucius is quoted in the Analects that he questioned the need of any prayer, even when he was ill. To be honest, I would feel silly if I pray. If god already knows eversthing, why should I pray to him? Is he a sadist?
Name: Why do we pray?
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 13:19:04 -0500
Do you not talk to your earthly father? Praying is a form of talking to our Heavenly Father. If you are a parent you will find joy with your child talking to you.