The Decrees of Islam, Part 4
19 Dec, 2008
Part 1 –
Part 2 –
Part 3 –
Part 4
Two Faces of the Koran
It is a common practice amongst Muslims to fool Hindus and other non-Muslims by various means. They say that Islam means peace, kafir means an atheist, jihad means a war between forces of good and evil and so on. They also deceive the kafirs in another ingenious way: they quote those few verses of the Koran, which are not violent, but tolerant and innocent in spirit. A few such verse are:
“Allah does not love the oppressors” (3.140),
“Allah has prepared painful punishments for the oppressors” (14.22),
“Allah does not love them who creates indiscipline” (5.64),
“Allah does not like jealousy and aggressiveness” (57.23),
“Allah loves patience and forgiveness” (42.43),
“Your religion (is dear) to you and my religion (is dear) to me” (109.6),
“The Prophet has no other duty but to propagate the message of Allah” (5.99)
When these verses are parroted before the kafirs, including
Hindus, many are fooled and admit that the Koran has tolerant,
humane and innocent verses too. In this context, it is very
pertinent to mention that Muslims quote the verse, “Your religion to
you and my religion to me”, most frequently to fool the naive
The Koran contains over 6 thousands verses (ayats) under 114 chapters (suras). These verses can be broadly divided into two categories: Makki and Madani verses. Those verses, revealed in the early phase of Mohammad's prophetic mission at Mecca, are called Makki verses. The remainder, revealed after his migration to Medina, are called Madani verses. Before his migration (hijrat) to Medina, the Prophet was a humble servant of Allah and a good husband to his only wealthy wife Khadija; his community was weak; he had no economic, political or military power. Understandably to suit the circumstances, Allah revealed tolerant and innocent verses during this period.
After his migration to Medina, the Prophet became the Chief administrator, powerful military commander of his Jihadi Muslim army; he became the supreme dictator of Medina. Having acquired such power, the idea of spreading Islam by the sword came to his mind and Allah complied by inventing the doctrine of jihad.
Thus, so long Muhammad lived in Mecca as a weak community, Allah
refrained from commanding Muslims to engage in Jihadi war. But after
the hijrat to Medina, Allah could read the mind of the
Prophet and gave Muslims the permission to fight and, subsequently,
made fighting obligatory for every able Muslim. From that time
onwards, Allah began to reveal cruel, violence inciting verses of
jihad, the verses of bloodshed for wiping out the kafirs to
establish an empire of Islam in the Arab Peninsula.
That is the reason why the Muslims, whenever talk about Islam in a civilized forum, they, to hide the bloody sword of Islam, always utter the Makki verses of the Koran. It should be pointed out here that, after the September 11 attacks, many television channels broadcast interviews with Muslim reporters, intellectuals and religious leaders. The print-media also published similar interviews. On these platforms, Muslim journalists, clerics and political leaders, to fool the unsuspecting kafirs, quote the Makki verses alone: "Your religion to you and my religion to me" is the most quoted one.
In countries, where Muslims are still a minority, they always
make use of the Makki verses. But as soon as they become the
majority or strong in military power, they chuck the Makki verses in
the junkyard and turn to the Madani verses—the
verse of violent jihad. In India, when Muslims come to Hindu areas,
they never utter a Madani verse, but in Muslim-dominated areas, they
propagate the Madani verses, such as from mosques, often with the
help of loud-speakers, to scare the minority Hindus out. Thus, even
today, Muslims make use of the Makki or Madani verses as
circumstances permit as did Muhammad-Allah duo in the 7th-century
Mandir (Temple) versus Masjid (Mosque) in India
Most Hindus, when they undertake a religious discussion, usually
utter mandir-masjid (temple-mosque) in the same breath, as if, there
is no difference between the two. Broad minded Hindus generally
think that mandirs are abode of the Hindu God as masjids are abode
of Muslim God, Allah. To them, there is no difference between Allah
and the Hindu God; so they hold the abodes of the two respective
Gods, mandir and masjid, in the same light. In reality, there is a
gulf of difference between the two. Presently, a common difference
is that Islamic terrorists, such as in Kashmir and elsewhere, make
masjids their shelter, their hiding-place. Hindus have no terrorist
gangs like do Muslims everywhere, nor any necessity of hiding in a
As mentioned already that Islam is unlike what Hindus consider
Dharma (religion). In fact, Islam is a political institution that
aims to establish an Islamic empire globally and the masjids play
the role of branch-offices of the political party, called "Islam".
As said already that Islam wants to conquer the world by means of
jihad, and that many masjids act as centers, where the jihadis or
mujahids prepare blueprints for jihad. Additionally, masjids often
function as armories of weapons to be used in jihadi wars.
During the days of Mohammad, these weapons included swords,
daggers, scimitars, spears, shields and so on. Today, there has been
modernization in this weaponry: you will find AK-47 rifles,
machine-guns, rocket launchers, grenades, dangerous explosives like
RDX and so on. According to intelligence reports, some masjids along
the Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Pak borders, as well as the Indo-Nepal
border, are presently being loaded with such weapons. Even in
Kolkata, the police reports say that there are 14 main masjids where
automatic weapons and explosives have been dumped in huge
quantities. However, there is no record anywhere in the world that
Hindus have stocked up weapons in temples or used them for military
When Mohammad became the supreme military commander and
administrator of Medina after immigrating there in 622 CE, he used
to discharge all his duties, including his planning and operations
of Jihadi wars, from his masjid at Medina. The prophet's masjid at
Medina, therefore, was his chief administrative office, military
headquarter and the apex court. Hindus have never used a temple for
any such political purposes. The Prophet lived 10 years in Medina
before he died. During those 10 years, he organized 82 jihads raids
(ghazwa); the blueprints of all those raids were prepared in
his masjid in Medina.
Mohammad loved absolute power and never tolerated any criticism.
There were many eminent people in Medina, mainly poets, who earned
ire of the Prophet for criticizing his creed and activities. To
avoid the foiling of assassination bids if conducted in broad daylight, he
sent his assassins to dispatch his critics in the darkness of night:
poetess Asma, poet Adu Afak and Kaab-bin-Asraf were amongst such
victims. These poets served the job of journalists of today by
criticizing, in their writings, the inequalities and murderous
activities of Muhammad and his militant community.
And the blueprints of all these murders were prepared in the Prophet's masjid of Medina. Moreover, the Prophet used to see his assassins off from his masjid and greeted them in it after they returned from committing the crime. Most importantly, Muslims, even today, use masjids for such criminal activities to emulate the Holy Sunna (Tradition) of the Prophet. A prominent example being the President Musharraf's Lal Masjid operation in Islamabad when Jihadis had made it the head-quarter of their operation in 2008. Hindus have never used a temple for such mean purposes.
It has been said earlier that Muslims began the Great Calcutta Riots from the masjids of Kolkata after completing the Friday congregational prayer. In Islam, the Prophet is the supreme guide and every Muslim has to follow him without any question. The Prophet used to lick his fingers after taking meals and every Muslim should ideally lick his fingers in like manner for the eternity. The Prophet disliked dogs; so Muslims hate dogs; they are not permitted to have dogs as pet. The Prophet used to shave moustaches and keep beards as did his followers, so that they could be easily identified and distinguished from the kafirs of Arabia; Muslims throughout the world blindly follow the custom. Allah repeated commanded to “follow Allah and his Prophet”. So Muslims worldwide are replicating the deeds of the Prophet, including what he used do in his masjid in Medina.
The Imams of masjids are pronouncing fatwas,
indoctrinating young Muslims for recruitment to Jihad, preparing
plans for Jihad attacks on kafirs, including for the occupation of
kafirs' homes and lands and plunder their wealth and other riches.
Friday congregation prayers have becomes the major event when Jihad
operations are launched from mosques from all over the world. Not
only that, there are umpteen instances, in which Imams of masjids
Bangladesh and Pakistan brought false allegations against innocent
housewives for not complying with their dirty proposals, accused
them of committing adultery and pronounced fatwas to kill
them by pelting stones (rajam). Hindus have never used their
temples or priests for organizing such reprehensible, vile acts.
Evidently, there is a huge gulf between a mandir and masjid. The Prophet used his masjid in Medina for another unique purpose. After a jihad raid, the war-booty were dumped in the courtyard of his masjid and divided among the mujahidin; the Prophet used to acquire one-fifth share of the booty as sacred khum. The captured kafir women, considered God-sanctioned war-booty, were also assembled there and the Prophet used to choose the most beautiful and charming catches of women for himself. The Hindus would never contemplate on committing such foul deeds within a temple compound. They use temples for offering devotion to God and perform puja rituals for what they see as spiritual uplift, never for criminal or foul activities.
From this discussions, it becomes evident that Islam as a religion is quite opposite to what Hindu Dharma (Hinduism) stands for. Islam is evidently an inhumane political institution based on savage violence and brutal criminality. Islam, in reality, is an asylum for criminals, who can used Islam's fundamental precepts to validate their criminal aims. Islam is a dreaded enemy of all non-Muslims and the most dreaded for the idolaters, such as Hindus as well as their civilization and culture. So those, who, knowingly or not, propagate the view that Islam is a peace-loving faith, that the Koran does not inspire violence, are committing an serious crime against humanity.
If Muslims gain political supremacy in India, they will, most
likely, pull down all temples and other non-Muslim places of
worship, or convert them into mosques, burn books that does not
agree with the Koran as Muslim rulers and invaders did in the past.
Humanity will evaporate from this land, which had distinguished
itself as a civilization for its tolerance and humanity over the
ages; it will be turned into a land for the cruelty and oppression
of its non-Muslim population. It is, therefore, essential for Hindus
to understand these fundamental aspects of Islam, particularly its
creed of aggressive and kafir-killing Jihad. Only then, they will be
able to build an effective defense to neutralize the impending treat of
Islam against their life, culture and Dharma.
Likewise, the global community of non-Muslims should understand that the present upsurge in Islamic extremism is not only a threat to Hindu India or America alone, it is a threat to entire civilized world, to all non-Muslims. The war launched by America against Islamic terrorism, therefore, should not be seen as America's war alone; it is a war of the civilized humanity against a brutal creed, with 1.3 billion blind-folded followers, hell-bent on creating a global Islamic kingdom at the expense of all else. If Islam wins this war, it will be catastrophic for the progressive, civilized humanity. Hence, every sensible government and individual, who believe in humanity, progress and prosperity, should extend his moral and material support and do their part in this battle brought upon by the dark forces of Islam upon the human race. They must do every thing, they can, to strike a mortal blow at the root of this conflict, the creed of Islam, which turns otherwise good people into mass-murderers like bin-Laden.
Let me conclude this essay by quoting the opinions of two eminent authorities on Islam. Sir Jadunath Sarkar in his History of Aurangzib (Orient Longman, 1972, III, p. 168) writes,
The murder of infidels is counted as merit in a Muslim. It is not necessary that he should tame his own passions or mortify his flesh; it is not necessary for him to grow a rich growth of spirituality. He has only to slay a certain (non-Muslim) class of his fellow beings or plunder their lands and wealth, and that act in itself raises his soul to (Islam) whose followers are taught to regard robbery and murder as a religious duty, is incompatible with the progress of mankind or with the peace of the world.
Sir William Muir in his The Life of Mahomet (Voice of India, New Delhi, 1992, p. 522) writes,
The sword of Mohammad, and the Kor’an are the most stubborn enemies of Civilization, Liberty, and Truth which the world has yet known.
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Name: Evils of the Koran
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 02:10:19 -0500
Can't be any more closer than the truth. Thank you for enlightening humanity.
Name: jon
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 03:48:29 -0500
Mein Kampf becomes a non violent book in comparison to koran. The world must have one standard, be it the Vedic or the UN. All nations must follow the UN principles and charter. The very fact Muslim countries can't means something is wrong with their religion (if it is one).
Name: jon
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 03:54:48 -0500
The only way forward is thru prpoer educaiton from childhood. Otherwise Muslim children will become defective by the time they are adults.
Name: islam is the most pissful religion piss be on islam
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 07:00:52 -0500
islam is the most pissful religion piss of pig be on islam and all muslims.
Name: Jairam
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 11:00:00 -0500
As Hindus we must be self critical. And i must say that many of our Swami's and Guru's are quite pathetic and idiotic when they say that all religions are the same. Clearly Islam doesn't see itself as the same as Hindu Dharma. So we must CORRECT our Swami's and Guru's when they keep on saying idiotic stuff like: all religions are the same, because they are NOT. This is a speech by a Swami who clearly states why it is WRONG for Hindus to claim that all religions are the same. It is a wonderfull speach please listen to all (2 parts) of it carefully:
Name: To jon
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 14:28:55 -0500
Mr.Jon UN as of late has become UN of Islam because UN has 57 Islamic countries as their members. These Islamic countries had formed a formidable block to counter genuine Human Rights. As an example in Saudi Arabia carrying a religious book or symbol other than Islam is a crime and it is punishable, all women irrespective of their faith should put hijab on the roads. Now they have brought a UN Human rights law that no religion can be criticised for whatever reason and it shall be punishable. Only the west, Israel and the US opposed this law.
Name: Raja Coventry
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 19:46:35 -0500
It is eye opening article. Thanks
Name: Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 22:46:07 -0500
I fully agree with Mr Jairam. Among all the religious institutions in India, the Ramakrishna Mission is playing the leading role in propagating the idiotic propaganda that 'all religions are same'. A couple of months ago,Udbodhan, a monthly organ (in Bengali) of the R K Mission carried a dirty article, full of lies, titled "Jagat jurey udaar surey aananda gaan bajey" (The song of bliss, in generous tune, is ringing across the globe). In that article the author claimed that the contents of the Vedas and the Upanisads and that of the Koran are same. I countered that despicable effort by writing 6 articles under the title "A stupid Article in the RK Mission's Organ Udbodhan". I request Mr Jairam to go through those articles just gauge what type of vile propaganda these Hindu sadhu gurus can unleash and thus misleading the Hindus. I ask him to get in touch with me, if he fails to locate those articles in the Net, at
Name: Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 22:48:36 -0500
I fully agree with Mr Jairam. Among all the religious institutions in India, the Ramakrishna Mission is playing the leading role in propagating the idiotic propaganda that 'all religions are same'. A couple of months ago,Udbodhan, a monthly organ (in Bengali) of the R K Mission carried a dirty article, full of lies, titled "Jagat jurey udaar surey aananda gaan bajey" (The song of bliss, in generous tune, is ringing across the globe). In that article the author claimed that the contents of the Vedas and the Upanisads and that of the Koran are same. I countered that despicable effort by writing 6 articles under the title "A stupid Article in the RK Mission's Organ Udbodhan". I request Mr Jairam to go through those articles just gauge what type of vile propaganda these Hindu sadhu gurus can unleash and thus mislead the Hindus. I ask him to get in touch with me, if he fails to locate those articles in the Net, at
Name: The message to satan worshippers- Your Time is up
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 23:08:46 -0500
Mohammad Followed Gods law and never tolerated any criticism of God. Only satan who refused to follow God, was given a chance to misguide humans if he could, till the world ends. The followers of satan are now ruling this world. There were many people in Medina and Mecca durin the prophets days , mainly poets, who earned their livelihood by praising and encouraging criminals in order to survive. Since Mohammad encouraged the worship of the creator of the worlds, the criminals who only survived by creating mischief in the land had to get out of Medina and Mecca or face the music by getting kicked out. Nowadays the The People who want this generation to serve under deception and plan to send our children to the ghettos sends assassins to kill critics. And the blueprints of all these murders were prepared in the Head Quarters of the Mossad. The Zionistt used to see his assassins off from every masjid and greeted them in it after they returned from committing the crime. Most importantly, Zionist have infiltrated masjids for such criminal activities to emulate Satan, their leader. The innocent Jews throughout the world blindly follow the Zionist custom. The Zionist who mislead Christians are trying to destroy Islam by infiltrating masjids and are pronouncing fatwas, indoctrinating young Muslims for recruitment preparing plans for Jihad attacks on kafirs, including for the occupation of kafirs' homes and lands and plunder their wealth and other riches. True Islamic Rule = proper punishments for crimes (even rulers are not exempted from punishment). No alcohol, no porn, no homosexuality or lesbians, no gays or lesbians adopting kids, respect for parents paramount, all faiths tolerated and minorities protected, no drunkards to cause fighting, no speculation in trade or cheating in any form etc. Whats would be wrong about TRUE Islamic rule? Muslims are allowed to retaliate against agression but they must use proportion. Muslims are not allowed to start agression, and if agressors want peace then Muslims have to incline towards peace too. If i had a fight with a Muslim in a war and i dropped my weapon, the Muslim has to wait until i pick my weapon up again to resume fighting. Those who kidnap, who capture people and behead them and post it on the Internet are Satan worshippers. God bless the world and Continue to guide all of us to the strait path to Heaven.
Name: RE:The message to satan worshippers- Your Time is up
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 23:56:24 -0500
"Mohammad Followed Gods law and never tolerated any criticism of God." exactly how many Gods did Muhammad believe in, my friend? This is the problem with those who believe in reveiled religions. Everything that is not in conformity with their own religion is Satanic. Your stupid religion will soon be in the dustbin of history. Just wait and watch.
Name: re satan worshipping
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 00:02:46 -0500
You can be religious or an atheist but you are still a Jew and your loyalty is based on that first and foremost. It’s ‘us vs. them’ to the extreme and anybody who tells you differently is either a liar, a fool or both. The rabbis are like God and you don’t question them or what they say, no matter how awful or illogical it is. That’s what Jesus did and look how it all ended. They play for keeps and can’t stand criticism or open debate, which is why they concentrate so much of their energies on controlling what the Gentiles see and hear in the media. Hostility towards others, and especially Christians is not the exception but the rule, and by that I mean 90%.’ Despite the fact that Muslims are very vocally opposed to the Zionist agenda unlike other faiths who have been infiltrated, Most muslims feels pity for the other faiths because The other faiths live in a prison and don’t know it. Zionist become psychiatrists and psychologists because they are lost. They are the most neurotic people on earth because of their rejection of Jesus and because they insist upon clutching to their racial narcissism. They have big brains and intellects but spiritually and psychologically they are empty and lost. It’s no mystery why they are the biggest users of prozac–It is the Zionist Eucharist. Their reason for being is their own supposed ‘ethnic superiority’. Even the so-called ‘Anti-Zionist’ Jews–they are still elitists, even if Jews say they oppose the state of Israel. Same with the Messianics, they are Jews, first and foremost and like the Neturei Karta guys they are just there to confuse Christians and keep them in the dark about what Israel really is. When asked about the history of Jewish persecution, he is equally forthright–‘It’s no mystery why this has existed, Zionist have done things that have caused people to dislike them. Take for example all those centuries of ‘persecution’ by the Christians–Well, let’s not forget that this relationship began with the Jews persecuting the Christians, something no one ever talks about, but a fact nevertheless. In almost every case, the Christian countries drove them out for good reasons, whether it was their business practices or their ritual murder of Christian children, something proved true by Jewish professor Ariel Toaf in his recent book. The Talmud and the behavior it produces has been the source of all their troubles…It’s a book of racism and hatred of gentiles, pure and simple. A black is only slightly above a monkey. Gentile women–even children–can be raped and it’s ok…What other religion teaches stuff like this? Certainly not Christianity. The Jew is on a hell-bent collision course of justifying himself and cannot get on his knees and say ‘I’m sorry’ to anyone, and especially not to God.’
Name: RE:re satan worshipping
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 00:44:03 -0500
The Jews can believe whathever they like. I dont give a rats ass to what the Jews or the Christians believe in, as long as they dont come to my house and make me convert to their religion on the pain of death. Nor do I give a damn to what someone belives in as long that person does not have evil designs on me and land. People believe in all sorts of stupid things in this world. Every one does, however as long as your belief is not harmful to some one else, it just does not matter.
Name: RK mission hasfailed or not succeeded in its mission
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 00:52:18 -0500
RK mission has failed or not succeeded in its mission .THe great genious swamy vivekanada has dreamed of RK mission to transform india into great nation by his teachings to youth.He ordered his disciples to go to every youngster in the country just like Bhagawan buddha to awaken the truth and patriotism.But these monks stayed safely in 4 walled rooms and say god will take care of the nation.But this had not happened.things will not get done by themselves.partition happened on the religious lines with killed millions.THis is all due to the failre of these RK misiion to envoke patriotism and truth.Suppressing truth is like suppressing cancer.Vivekamda has never said islam is a peacefull reliogion.He even said "mohammad might have suffered from madness or mental disorder.Mohmmad teachings lead to great disaster in the humnanity which destroyed many nations and millions of mothers have lost thier sons.Mohammad fanatism is all due to his misunderstanding of god or no idea of god at all.Quron is a mixture of some truths(copied from old religions like christianity )and many more superstitions."THis is all give in his Raja yoga book last chapter .But all these facts are suppressed by the RK mission swamys after his death just to maintain so called national integration and tolerace to other religions.THis lead to great disaster of partition and even strngthening of mad islam.Islam is like cancer to humnanity.It should be diagnised and accepted as a problem.It should be eliminated as soon aspossible.
Name: RE RE:re satan worshipping
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 02:10:26 -0500
If thats the case, why cant Muslims believe of a One God? Muslims dont go convertig their religion on the pain of death. From where the rats ass did you get this?
Name: "Swami Vivekananda on Islam" - Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 06:18:59 -0500
Re: Islam, Swami Vivekananda said, “Now, the Muslims are the crudest in this respect, and the most sectarian. Their watch-word is: there is one God (Allah), and Mohammed is His Prophet. Everything beyond that not only is bad, but must be destroyed forthwith, at a moment’s notice, everyman or woman who does not exactly believe in that must be killed; everything that does not belong to this worship must be immediately broken; every book that teaches anything else must be burnt. From the Pacific to the Atlantic, for five hundred years blood ran all over the world. That is Mohammedanism (Islam)!” “The more selfish a man, the more immoral he is. And also with that race which is bound down to itself has been the most cruel and the most wicked in the whole world. There has not been a religion that has clung to this dualism more than that founded by the Prophet of Arabia (Mohammed), and there has not been a religion (Islam) which has shed so much blood and been so cruel to other men. In the Koran there is the doctrine that a man who does not believe these teachings, should be killed; it is mercy to kill him! And the surest way to get to heaven, where there are beautiful ‘houries’ and all sort of sense-enjoyments, is by killing these unbelievers. Think of the bloodshed there has been in consequence of such beliefs! (Islam).” “One religion may ordain something very hideous. For instance, the Mohammedan (Islam) religion allows Mohammedans to kill all who are not of their religion. It is clearly stated in the Koran, “Kill the infidels if they do not become Mohammedans.” They must be put to fire and sword. Now if we tell a Mohammedan that this is wrong, he will naturally ask, “How do you know that? How do you know it is not good? My book says it is.” “In this line the Mohammedans were the best off; every step forward was made with the word the Koran in the one hand and the sword in the other” Take the Koran, or you must die; there is no alternative”. “Mohammedans talks of universal brotherhood, but what comes out of that in reality? Why anybody who is not a Mohammedan will not be admitted into this brotherhood; he will more likely to have his throat cut.” But it is really shocking that the desciples of Swami Vivekananda or the monks of the R K Mission are propagating that all religions are same.
Name: DH
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 09:38:01 -0500
Re supposedly "tolerant in spirit" Qur'an verse 3.140 “Allah does not love the oppressors”....."Oppressors" is just an English rendering of the Arabic "Zalimeen", which covers just about everybody who is not a Muslim. It is more accurately translated into English as "wrongdoer". The use of "oppressor" merely reflects the Muslim belief that Kafirs are "oppressing" the Muslims by disbelieving in their so-called prophet Muhammad and the divine origin of a;-Qur'an.
Name: ??????????????
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 12:17:09 -0500
Name: Reply
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 01:55:48 -0500
All your quotes are from disbelievers of Islam. I suggest you to read ur religious books like Mahabharata which is based on fights, war & terrorism.Also ur religion supports indiscrimination & racism. Your religion dont have equal rights for men and women.
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 01:58:46 -0500
The "Jews" are, after all a captive army for the last 3000 years and boy have they suffered and so have Hindus, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists along with everyone else. But they would have to see what has been done to them and reject it. Not one single "Jew" I have come across will denounce the Talmud's hatred. They never condone what happenning in Palastine. What I am tring to expose is the hate that is being wielded upon the whole World. That in itself is not hating, it is opposing hate. Generally those who call people who expose this material haters are those who wish to hide Jewish supremacism from the World. Their law WILL be used to subjugate everyone and they will reduce World population to below 500 million. And there will be no rapture. Maybe the elite going into underground bases to escape a global cull, but no rapture. They wrote that for you.
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 19:03:39 -0500
How do we go from the flaws of islam to conspiracy theories about the jews?
Name: The Knight
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 07:34:05 -0500
It appears Dr that you have wasted your life pursuing a doctorate degree .'Hindus have no terrorist gangs like do Muslim'. Please what is the RSS and Shiv Sena? Hinduism regards widows as an ill omen. They are supposed to shave their heads and never get married and not wear coloured clothes. Infact they are supposed to jump into the funeral pyre with their dead husbands and burn alive to become Sati. Isn't that true?? What are you talking about Dr? How many wives did your Ram have? apparently it was in the thousands. The Muslims ruled India for about 900 years yet the Muslims are still a minority. Don't you think that if they really wanted to convert everybody to Islam they could have done that in 900 years or atleast become a majority. I mean .. COME ON !!! Didn't they teach you to think in your doctorate or research properly. My GOD!! (or in your case hundreds of them)