A Guide to the Qur’anic Contradictions, Part 6
07 Feb, 2009
Sura 19: Maryam (Mary)
When Zachariah requested for the appropriate sign, Allah told
him not to speak to people for three consecutive nights.
3:41 says three days.
An angel, as a man, appeared before Mary. (It was Gabriel; he
appeared to her complete and perfect in the shape of a man. Gabriel
is Allah’s Ruh—ibn Kathir.)
3:42, 45 say several angels visited Mary.
Ultimately, Allah will inherit the earth and all things in it;
and everyone will have to return to Allah.
2:116, 3:189, 20:6, 21:19, 57:2 say Allah is the owner of all things
in the heavens and on earth and under the soil.
Allah made Moses’ brother, Aaron (Harun), a prophet.
20:29-32 says Aaron was a partner of Moses.
25:35 says Allah appointed Aron a minister
28:33-34 say Allah made Aaron Moses’ assistant/helper.
Allah created a man out of nothing.
52:35 says humans were not created out of nothing.
Every soul (this includes all Muslim) must pass through hell at
least for some time; this is a decree from Allah.
3:169-171 says those Muslims who die in jihad will go to Islamic
Paradise immediately.
66:8 says if you repent and embrace Islam Allah will send you to
Islamic Paradise straight away.
Allah confiscates (inherits) all the property (wealth and
children) of the unbelievers; they will be alone on the day of
2:116, 3:189, 20:6, 21:19, 57:2 say Allah owns all things in heavens
and in earth and under the soil.
Sura 20: Ta Ha
Everything in heavens and in earth, and in between them, and
everything under the soil belongs to Allah.
Contradiction: In
3:180, 15:23, 19:40, 19:80, 21:89, 28:58 Allah says He will inherit
from the infidels/other creatures.
Moses requested Allah to make his brother Aaron to be a partner
of him to speak with Pharaoh.
19:53 says Allah made Aaron a prophet.
Allah granted Moses’ request (i.e., Allah made Aaron a partner
of Moses), and reminded Moses of His previous favor to him.
19:53 says Allah made Aaron a prophet.
Allah’s previous favor to Moses was the instruction to Moses’
mother to put him inside a wooden chest, and to let it float in
river. Allah did this to save Moses’ life from his enemy.
40:25 says Pharaoh ordered the killing of infants after Moses became
an adult.
When Pharaoh and his troops pursued Moses and his followers,
Allah closed the sea (Red sea) and he was drowned.
10:90 says Pharaoh submitted to Islam.
10:91 says it was too late for Pharaoh to submit to Islam.
10:92 says Allah saved Pharaoh.
Worship none but Allah; He has the full knowledge of all
12:100 says Allah allowed Joseph’s brethren and his parents to
worship Joseph by prostrating before Joseph.
Because of a previous promise of temporary respite, Allah would
have destroyed the unbelievers in an instant.
17:15 says Allah
does not punish a
population until He sends a messenger.
Sura 21: al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets)
Allah sends only men as apostles; Muhammad can confirm this by
asking those who follow the Torah and the Gospel.
27:82 says Allah also sends a beast as a messenger to mankind.
35:1 says Allah sends angels with wings as messengers.
6:130, 11:69, 11:77, and 22:75 say Allah also sends jinns and angels
as messengers.
All apostles were flesh-and-blood men, who ate food and were
subject to death.
11:69-70 says messengers sent to Abraham did not eat human food.
All that exists in the heavens and in earth belongs to Allah.
Contradiction: In
3:180, 15:23, 19:40, 19:80, 21:89, 28:58 Allah says He will inherit
from the infidels/other creatures.
Heavens and earth were joined together as one solid mass then
Allah rent them asunder. Allah made every living being from water.
41:11 says Heavens and the earth were separate; Allah joined the
heavens and the earth.
52:35 says Allah created humans out of nothing.
38:71 says Allah created Adam out of wet clay.
Allah listened to Noah’s cry, and saved Noah and his family from
the flood.
11:42-43 says Allah drowned Noah’s son.
Allah gave Solomon the capability to control and direct violent
and unruly wind.
38:36 says softly-blown wind.
Zakaria implored Allah for a son; Allah is the best of
2:116, 3:189, 20:6, 21:19, 57:2 say Allah owns all things in the
heavens and in earth and under the soil.
Unbelievers and their idols are fuel for hell; they will go to
6:108 says Muhammad must not disparage the idols of the pagans, lest
they disparage Allah.
3:45, 4:158 say Jesus will be close to Allah, even though the
Christians worship Jesus.
Sura 22: al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)
Allah will admit the believers in the gardens (many gardens in
paradise) beneath which rivers flow; they will be adorned with
bracelets (bangles) of gold and pearls and their garments will be
76:21 says they will wear bracelets of silver.
The unbelievers challenged Muhammad to hasten on to them Allah’s
punishment; a day for Allah is like a thousand human years; Allah
will hasten His punishment.
70:4 says one day of Allah equals 50,000 human years.
Allah chooses messengers from men and angels.
12:109, 21:7 say Allah sends only men as messengers.
27:82 says Allah also sends a beast as a messenger to mankind.
35:1 says Allah sends angels with wings as messengers.
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Name: really good one i am mailing to 10000 muslims tonite
Date: Saturday February 07, 2009
Time: 09:06:50 -0500
really good one i am mailing to 10000 muslims tonite
Name: Imaginary contradictions
Date: Saturday February 07, 2009
Time: 10:37:38 -0500
If there were these many contradictions in the Quran, many people would be running around pointing them out!! But since you are dump and blind you can not see and reason and you are taking segments of the Quran out of contest here and there making them look and sound like there are contradicting each other. (Quran 2:269 ) He grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and He to whom wisdom is granted receives indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the message but men of understanding.
Name: yes it should be mailed to all dailys in india
Date: Saturday February 07, 2009
Time: 11:22:10 -0500
yes it should be mailed to all dailys in india.Stupid islamists are glorifying the islam with their columns which is quite opposite the actual truth.
Name: to imaginary contractions
Date: Sunday February 08, 2009
Time: 00:59:12 -0500
You should check to see if what they are saying is true or not before saying that they are not. In fact, why don't you show that the author is wrong? I challenge you to prove he is wrong.
Name: Islam is over! (EVIDENCE)
Date: Monday February 09, 2009
Time: 12:52:05 -0500
Here a scientist provides genetical evidence for the evolution theory and the fact that humans are close relatives of gorillas and other primates: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5Fy9wCGZz4&feature=related
Name: TO>>Abul Kasem
Date: Tuesday February 10, 2009
Time: 05:50:56 -0500
Why do you keep posting the same contradictions overe and over again??? this getting a little bit boring now.
Date: Tuesday February 10, 2009
Time: 23:30:29 -0500
just small proof that u lie ..12:109, 21:7 say Allah sends only men as messengers...this sentance is true in translation and meaning ok ..lets see the rest of ur words ...27:82 says Allah also sends a beast AS A MESSENGER to mankind..the previous sentance isnot true u WANNA brain wash the mind Quran didnt say AS MESSENGER and it was just miracle ...35:1 says Allah sends angels with wings as messengers..the previous sentance is true in meaning but i just wanna tell u somethin prophet may called messenger but not all massengers re prophets ..for example messenger mean he transfer or carry message from one to other so both angels and prophet did that but prophet mean that allah sent him to ppl to invite them to worship allah the only god but angels were messenger from allah to the prophets so BE carefuul and stop propaganda ..by the way i dont know english well but i think u got wut i mean ..learn ARABIC before claiming .
Name: From this verses below you can there is nothing you guys can say or do which is not spected
Date: Wednesday February 11, 2009
Time: 04:16:29 -0500
39:45 When Allah, the one and only, is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the hereafter are filled with disgust and horror; but when gods other than he are mentioned, behold, they are filled with joy. 39:46 Say: O Allah, creator of the heavens and the earth. Knower of all that is hidden and open. It is you that will judge between your servants in those matters about which they have differed. 39:41 Truly we have revealed Al-Kitab to you in truth, for mankind. He, then, that receives guidance benefits his own soul: but he that strays injures his own soul. Nor are you set over them to dispose of their affairs