A Guide to the Qur’anic Contradictions, Part 9
13 Mar, 2009
Consult complete verses in Online Quran.
(A few readers wanted to know why I am repeating some contradictions. The answer is: I am not repeating; Allah is repeating many verses; I am just following what Allah had done in the Qur’an—Abul Kasem)
Sura 40: al-Mumin (The Believer) or Gafir (He who Forgives)
Pharaoh ordered that all the newborn sons of the believers of
Moses killed, but to spare their daughters.
20:37-39 says Pharaoh ordered the killing of infants when Moses was
born, and not when Moses turned into an adult.
He is Allah, the creator and the sustainer of everything,
worship none but Allah.
12:100 says Allah allowed Joseph’s brothers and his parents to
worship Joseph by prostrating before him.
Contradiction: 23:14, 37:125 say there are other creators besides Allah, but Allah is the best creator.
Allah is eternal; worship none except Him; all praise belongs to
12:100 says Allah allowed Joseph’s brothers and his parents to
worship Joseph by prostrating before him.
Sura 41: Ha-Mim or Ha-Mim-Sajda or Fussilat (Revelation well-expounded)
Allah created the earth (first) in two days (means Sunday and
Monday—ibn Kathir) and He is the Lord of all worlds
79:27-30 says Allah created the heavens first.
7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59 say six days of creation.
41:12 says Allah created the seven heavens in two days.
Allah designed the sky as a smoke; He rose towards the smoke,
asked the smoke and the earth (i.e. earth was already created)
whether they would come together willingly or unwillingly (the smoke
is the steam of water—ibn Abbas).
21:30 says heavens and the earth were joined together as one solid
mass, then Allah separated them.
Allah completed in two days (Thursday and Friday—ibn Kathir) the
creation of heavens in seven firmaments (first) and (then) earth
(that is; the total creation time for the earth and the seven
heavens were two days); assigned duties and commands to each heaven,
and adorned the lower heaven with lights.
7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59 say Allah created the heavens and earth in
six days.
2:117 says Allah creates instantly.
Ad people were unappreciative of Allah’s revelations, so Allah
destroyed them through a violent wind for several days and warned
that penalty for them in the hereafter would be more humiliating.
54:19 says Allah destroyed Ad people in one day.
69:6-7 says Allah destroyed Ad people in seven nights and eight
The angels are our protectors in this life and in the life
2:107, 29:22, and 42:28 say Allah is our only protector.
5:55 and 9:71 say messengers and the believers are our protectors
and helpers.
The sun and the moon are the signs of Allah, but do not worship
them; prostrate only to Allah who has created them.
12:100 says Allah allowed Joseph’s brethren and his parents to
prostrate before Joseph.
Sura 42: as-Shura (Consultation, Counsel)
Allah speaks from behind a veil, or through sending a messenger;
Allah never speaks directly.
53:11 says Muhammad saw Allah with his own eyes.
2:259 says Allah spoke directly to an ordinary person.
2:36 says Allah spoke directly to Adam.
4:164 says Allah spoke directly to Moses.
Sura 43: az-Zukhruf (Gold Adornments)
Pharaoh’s insolence greatly annoyed Allah, so He drowned
10:92 says Allah saved Pharaoh.
Sura 44: ad-Dukhan (Smoke or Mist)
On this night (that is, on the night of Laylatul Qadr), Allah
decides on all matters.
20:52 and 57:22 says Allah has predetermined our fate even before He
created us; everything is predetermined in the preserved tablet.
Sura 45: Jathiya (Bowing the Knees, Kneeling)
The believers are to forgive the unbelievers; Allah will decide
on their punishment and/or reward.
9:5, 9:29 say kill the unbelievers if they do not accept Islam or
pay jizya tax.
Sura 47: Muhammad (Prophet Muhammad)
Believers will be in gardens with rivers of incorruptible water,
rivers of milk, rivers of wine, rivers of honey, all kinds of
fruits, and grace from Allah. Unbelievers will dwell in fire; they
will drink boiling water which will tear their intestines.
5:90, 2:219 say wine is Satan’s handiwork.
Sura 51: az-Zariyaat (Winds that Scatter)
Allah created the Jinni and human only to worship Him.
3:97, 35:15 say Allah does not need humans and jinns; He is free of
all wants.
7:179 says Allah created many men and jinns destined for hell.
Sura 52: at-Tur (The Mount, The Mountain)
Allah challenged the unbelievers to compose a book similar to the
entire Qur’an.
2:23, 10:38 say Allah challenged the unbelievers to produce one Sura
similar to the Qur’an.
11:13 says Allah challenged the unbelievers to compose ten Suras
similar to the Qur’an.
Contradiction: in
17:88 Allah challenged the entire mankind and the jinni to produce
the entire Qur’an.
Contradiction: in
28:49 Allah challenged if the unbelievers could produce a book
better than the two other books (Moses and Aaron as well as the
Torah and the Qur’an—ibn Kathir) then Muhammad would have followed
that book.
Humans were not created out of nothing.
19:9, 19:67 say Allah created a man out of nothing.
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Name: vbv
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 01:42:19 -0500
Allah is an arabian spook ,imaginery like casper 'the friendly ghost' or Alladin's jinn. Quran was written by the barbaric hordes of arabs to be one better than the other two 'monotheists' jews and christians. A mix of an intolelant despotic spook with an equally despotic and criminal founder of that spook ,Muhamad the fake self-proclaimed prophet,you can expect only lunacy and incoherence in their "scriptures".
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Many Contradictions Mean Many Lies
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 03:44:15 -0500
It is the truth that will set you free, and not contradictions. Where is the truth if you see many contradictions? Certainly not in Islam, the religion of 72 contradictory sects. One of the 99 titles of Allah is: "The Best Deceiver." It's too bad that Muslims don't get it. I hope soon they will see the light and see that it is they who have been deceived by The Best Deceiver, i.e., Allah, the god of the Muslims. Besides being "The Best Deceiver" and god of the Muslims, Allah is also the god of torture, the god of Female Genital Mutilation, the god of legalized adultery, the god of polygamy, the god of legalized brothels, the god of legalized rape, the god of slavery, the god of ligalized wife beating, the god of Honor Killing, the god of Muslim chauvinists, the god of brutality.
Name: balam to vbvc
Subject: cotradictions of quran
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 11:16:59 -0500
If a criminal makes a statement,he is easily detected by his contradictions of the same story.Same is the case with Mohammad.Islam is nearer to Hinduism than the Jewish or Christian faith.Hence V.B.V is nearer to Mohammad than Moses or Jesus.Has he seriosly ever studied the Ten Commandments give by God to Moses or the teaching of Christ in earnest.He writes in the English language well.Thanks to the Christian school,he attended,but his thinking still remains poisoness like a Muslim,althogh the Muslims still respect the Jewish prophets.By the way Christ was Jewish.But V.B.V is an ignorant Scum bag,who will remain so till he dies.He is a hopeless case and a disgrace for Hindus,some of whom I have met are quite decent.Islam has no real connection with Judeo-Christian faith like Hinduism.Hidus worship many gods,some are lifeless and some are animals.The Muslims worship the pre-Islamic Moon - god Allah.That is one reason you see the Crescent on every Mosque.Both Hidus and Muslims are pagan,because they worship pagan gods.
Name: emaN
Subject: Bhola jab vhe Bola! Sach he Bola!
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 16:54:18 -0500
People are treating Islam like a bastard child; everyone is trying to prove that it got nothing to do with their religion and belief systems. But I think that this cult of the barbarians cannot grow and seed itself without taking bad ideas and conditions from somewhere else. Earth is not an isolated System, so information travel everywhere around the globe, unfortunately founder of Islam only absorbed bad ideas from everywhere because it can provide wealth and prosperity in the physical dimension which can be more tempting than morality for rag tag hungry camel herders. In simple words Islam is the shit hole where all major religions and groups have relieved themselves of the poisons in there religion and belief system. All of us have contributed to this pile of shit and thus its responsibility for all of us to clean it up. We should not be ashamed of what ideas Muslims have taken from us to fight against us, in fact we should acknowledge if there any loop holes and try to fix them. Food is taken by choice but shit happens, it’s the natural metabolism of life on earth we cannot stop it but at least we can make sure that we clean up the shit and make it fertilizer for crops of tomorrow. People should try to see Islam as an experiment where name of GOD is being used as a tool for selfish, greed and lust motivated Global dominance, observe it, learn from it and try to improve on any shortcomings of your own. I think at one point all non Muslims can agree and that is we don’t want to be like them, so work for it, make sure you don’t have same misguidance and superstitions and rigidity like them. I WILL BE BACK!!
Name: prince1
Date: Saturday March 14, 2009
Time: 03:45:35 -0500
muslims always justifies the errors and contradictions in quran by claiming bad translation . the truth is quran in arabic is more absurd and meaningless . muslims have improved the meanings of quran in the translated versions to make it more acceptable and suitable to the western culture
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday March 15, 2009
Time: 03:08:49 -0500
To the lowest scumbag and filthy idiot balam. Muhamad is closest to christianity. Both have the same spooky despotic ,narcissistic spook called Yahweh/Allah. Both have common descent . Muslims claim their ancestry to Ismael , a whoreson of another whoreson Abraham.That idiot Muhamad traces his genealogy to Abraham. Both have the same idiotic story of creation with Adam and Eve. Both ar intolerant: one wants 'crusades' and the other 'jihads'. Both have the same patriarchs: Moses/Moosa; Jacob/Yakoob; Joseph/Yusuf;Mary/Mariam; Aaron/Haroon; etc.We in hinduism do not have any of those bullshits! Christianity and islam are two sides of the same coin. Both are super-bigoted, hate-mongering, destroying civilisations, commiting massacres, practicing slavery, committing genocides(like in the Americas and Australia, by christians),usurping others lands and raping and looting and plundering everywhere. Well, with such affinity between you two I wonder why so much of badblood between you two? May be you are vindicating another bullshit from the Bible:the story of Caine and Abel!Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
Name: Kmgy
Subject: To vbv
Date: Sunday March 15, 2009
Time: 05:03:14 -0500
Islam purposely used Biblical stories, grossly distorted, and Biblical patriarchs to attain a sense of divine authenticity for its own agenda of deception. Nowhere in the Koran is even a passing mention of the Ten Commandments, the core belief of Judaism/Christianity or the command of Jesus to love your neighbor or even your enemy. In fact its eternal command by its supposedly holy prophet Muhammad is to slaughter the Jews and the Christians. Jesus foretold the coming of the Anti-Christ, whose personality is the exact opposite of His(Jesus) loving and merciful character. To personally experience the difference between Judaism/Christianity vis-a-vis Islam, go to a Christian/Jewish neighborhood FIRST and condemn Judaism/Christianity to your heart's desire and go next to a Muslim neighborhood and do likewise condemn Islam.
Name: vbv
Subject: To kmgy
Date: Tuesday March 17, 2009
Time: 04:39:59 -0500
I share your views but not entirely. My intemperate language wa only addressed to a nutcase who calls himself 'balam' or baloney!I do have respect for Jesus as a preacher who broke away from the hate cult of the books of Genesis, Deutronomy, Numbersetc..that is the first three or four books of the Old Testament and ushered in some humane values such as Love, compassion for all creatures etc which are there in Budhism , Jainism, Hinduism, and other Eastern religions. But what I get put off is the exclusivity of the so called christians who arrogate to themselves the authority to declare all Eastern religions as pagan,deficient, 'Devil-worshipping', a sure ticket to 'Hell', heathens,etc. The hindu generally has no biases against any religion or cult and he respects any 'holy man'. In India you have hundreds of Christian shrines and 'argas' of muslims sufis etc which are visited and venerated by thousands of hindus without leaving their faith. But a mslim and a christian will have none of it , and are bent on debunking and denigrating the indegenous beliefs and want to 'convert' the natives to islam or christianity. This is certainly not acceptable at all. Christians in India as arethe muslims prospering and no hindu has anything against it but when it comes to the fraudulents means to convert the hindus , sporadics incidents of violence do take place sometimes. The mischief is mainly by western evangelical christians and other preachers totally insensitive to local sentiments. I hope you understand my perspective.Thank you.
Name: Kmgy
Subject: To vbv
Date: Tuesday March 17, 2009
Time: 06:32:29 -0500
People are people. Paul McCartney (former Beatle) sings, " We all know that people are the same wherever you go. There is good and bad and in everyone. Learn to live, learn to give each other what we need to survive together alive". Mr. vbv there are bad Christians just as there are good. Please understand that the Book of Deuteronomy and Numbers were written in a violent period of ancient Israel's history when peace was almost non-existent and constant warfare with its hostile neighbors ( the same is true today with hostile Islamic neighbors) was the rule of the day, thus the presence of violent passages. Please don't condemn ALL Christians rather exposed those who are corrupt. The Bible says there will be wolves (bad people) disguised as sheeps (Christians) to deceive the unwary. We are all here in search of the truth and I hope we both AGREE to DISAGREE, meaning we are free to question our statements, arguments, or beliefs. A healthy argument is a sign of maturity. Thank you also and have a nice day.
Subject: think about it
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 06:09:13 -0500
islam flourished in the past and will continue to spread in future due to those factors : 1- terrorism and intimidation 2- ignorance and fanaticism 3- deceptive propaganda & media dominance specialy in islamic countries . 4- leniency and naivete from the west toward islam and their appeasement to muslims