A Guide to the Qur’anic Contradictions, Part 8
06 Mar, 2009
Readers may consult the complete verses in
(A few readers wanted to know why I am repeating some contradictions. The answer is: I am not repeating; Allah is repeating many verses; I am just following what Allah had done in the Qur’an—Abul Kasem)
Sura 29: al-Ankabut (The Spider)
Parents and children are not to obey each other if either party
worships other than Allah.
Contradiction: in
17:23, 31:15 Allah asks the new converts to respect their biological
parents and siblings even if they remain idolaters/unbelievers.
Unbelievers are to bear the burden of their own sins, as well as
the burdens of deluding others.
11:110 says Allah intentionally creates controversy.
Contra diction:
17:15 says whoever goes astray is due to his detriment; no one can
bear another person's burden.
20:129 says Allah would have destroyed the unbelievers instantly,
but He didn’t.
Allah gave Prophethood to Isaac (younger son of Abraham), Jacob
(Isaac’s son, i.e., the grandson of Abraham) and Abraham's progeny (Ismail,
the eldest son of Abraham).
16:36 says Allah gave prophethood from among every community.
When Lot admonished his people for their sinful acts of sodomy
and highway robbery; they challenged Lot to bring to them the wrath
of Allah.
7:82, 26:167, 27:56 say Lot’s people wanted to banish Lot from their
Sura 30: al-Rum (The Roman Empire, The Greeks)
Allah had destroyed many powerful and resourceful nations of the
past; Allah did not wrong the unbelievers, but they wronged their
souls themselves.
35:8 says Allah guides who He wishes to guide.
Sura 32: as-Sajdah (Adoration)
The Qur’an is not forged; it is a warning to people who had no
apostle before Muhammad (that is, Qur’an is for the people of
Arabian Peninsula. The Qur'an is for the Quraysh to whom no
messenger came before—ibn Abbas.)
10:47, 16:36, 35:24 say Allah sent messengers to every people.
Allah created the heavens (first) and (then) earth and (then)
all between them in six days; (then). He is firmly established on
His throne; He is the only protector and helper.
41:9-12 says Allah created the heavens and the earth in eight days.
2:117 says Allah creates instantly.
5:55 says Allah’s messengers are the protectors and helpers.
Contradiction: in
13:11, 41:31, 50:17-18, and 82:10 Allah says angels are our
Allah rules all affairs from heaven to earth; it takes one day
(one thousand years) for any affair to reach Allah’s attention; so,
a day is one thousand human years to Allah’s reckoning.
50:16 says Allah is closer than the jugular vein.
57:4 says Allah is on His Throne.
70:4 says one day of Allah is 50,000 human years.
Allah fashioned the first man (Adam) in due proportion, breathed
His soul into him and gave him faculties of hearing, sight, and
15:29 says Allah breathed into Adam a soul especially created for
Sura 34: Saba (The
City of Saba)
Before the Qur’an, Allah did not send any religious books to the
Arab pagans, nor did Allah send any prophets to them before
10:47, 16:36, 35:24 say Allah sent messengers to every people.
Sura 35: Fatir (The Creator) or Malaika (The Angels)
Allah created the heavens and the earth (out of nothing—Yusuf
Ali), and added to His creation as He pleased. He appointed angels
with up to four wings of two or three or four as messengers.
verses 12:109, 21:7, 2520-21 say Allah sends only men as
27:82 says Allah sends a beast as a messenger.
Whoever wants to go astray Allah will lead him there, and
whoever wants to be guided, He will guide him (whatever he admires
and sees as good in his own desires becomes his religion—ibn Kathir).
30:9 says an individual wrongs his own soul, not Allah.
There is no community on whom Allah did not send a messenger.
28:46, 32:3, 34:44, 36:6 say before Muhammad Allah did not send any
messengers to the Arabs.
The believers will be in Gardens of Eternity; they will be
adorned with bracelets (bangles) of gold and pearls.
39:73 says there is one garden in Islamic Paradise.
76:21 says bracelets/bangles of silver, and their garments will be
of silk.
Sura 36: Ya-Sin
The Quraysh received no apostle before Muhammad.
10:47, 16:36, 35:24 say Allah sent messengers to every people.
Sura 37: as-Saffat (Those ranged in Ranks)
In Islamic hell unbelievers will eat the bitter Zaqqum fruit.
88:6 says the unbelievers will eat only Dari tree.
69:36 says the unbelievers will eat only pus and filth.
Elias admonished his people for worshipping Baal (a sun god)
instead of Allah, the best of creators.
39:62 says Allah is the only creator.
Allah made the fish throw an emaciated Jonah into a desert.
68:49 says, to show mercy, Allah kept Jonah inside the fish’s belly;
He did not throw Jonah into a desert.
Allah sent Jonah (Yunus) to more than a hundred thousand people
to believe in him. (After his rescue from the fish’s belly Allah
sent him to the people of Nineveh, in the region of Mosul—ibn Kathir).
14:4 and 30:47 say Allah sends His messengers only to their own
Sura 38: Sad
Allah informed the angels that He was about to create a man from
wet clay.
3:59 says Allah created Adam out of dust.
15:26 says Allah created Adam out of black burnt clay.
19:67 says Allah created human out of nothing.
21:30 says Allah created all living beings from water.
Allah has two hands; He created Adam with His two hands; so why
did Iblis refrain from worshipping Adam?
3:59 says Allah says ‘be’ and it is.
Sura 39: Az-Zumar (The Crowds, The Throngs)
If willed, Allah could have chosen for Himself a son out of His
6:101-102 says Allah could not have children because He has no
Just like any other men, Muhammad will surely die.
4:157 says Jesus did not die; Allah raised him up.
The idols have no power or intelligence (i.e., the idols are
dumb); so they cannot intercede; only Allah can intercede.
6:108 says Muhammad must not disparage the idols of the pagans, lest
they disparage Allah.
Allah is the creator of all things; He is the guardian and the
disposer of all affairs.
23:14, 37:125 say besides Allah, there are other creators.
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Name: rrs
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 03:41:47 -0500
The opening sentence is a nice one. The questions are apart from contradictions why Allah has to repeat itself. First of all why does He need a prophet. Since he is a god he can make His people understand by creating ideas in their minds. Why does he need a prophet to torture and kill his subjects. Even after killing why should he roast them in the hell fire and enjoy the scene. After all this He is called most merciful . May be mercy seems to be having a different meaning in Allah's dictionary. That is why His prophet who killed, raped, maimed and tortured innocent citizens are said to have been sent as a mercy to all human beings.
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 05:57:34 -0500
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 06:05:12 -0500
It's the contradictions in Islam that get Muslims into a lot of trouble. Since Muslims cannot agree what Islam teaches, they will end up fighting, killing each other as they do every day.
Name: Excesayces
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 07:47:29 -0500
If allah is so powerful then why does he allow existence of freethinkers . Why does he allow website like islam-watch.org. Thats why i left islam.
Date: Friday March 06, 2009
Time: 11:18:05 -0500
What can you expect from an Illiterate self professed so called prophet of Arabia with no moral credentials? He was the greatest deceiver, this world ever produced. He is matchless in deception. To cover his lies, he had to tell so many lies and that produced contradictions, which Muslim mind can not see.
Name: RE: Abul Kasem
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 01:28:29 -0500
This bloke Abul is a champion in Arabic fairy tales, Islam, and Muhammad's biography. You can wake him up at night to ask any questions on Islam. He won't disappoint you. I read something like this in an article "Abul goes to bed at night reading Arabic night stories and gets up in the morning to find his characters in all religions". Well done Abul Kasem
Name: Andre de Kock/South Africa (earman@telkomsa.net)
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 05:58:52 -0500
Dear Abul, Thank you so much for exposing these contradictions in the Koran. I contend for my faith (Jude 3+4) on a daily basis with Muslims and everything I can use to show them the error of their beliefs is really welcome. Is there a complete file of contradictions that you could recommend to me, or possibly even email to me? I would really appreciate your help with this as the strongest claim that Muslims use against Christians is that the Koran has NO contradictions and therefore HAS to be from God. I have found a few contradictions on two other websites, but this is the most that I have ever seen in one article and would love to have them all in a digital format on my pc for easy reference when I need them. Thank you so much again. Yours in Christ, Andre de Kock.
Name: prince1
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 06:06:56 -0500
i just want to ask how many people have killed because of islam ? the answer is if the islam never exist there will be no wars because of religion like crusades and the islamic invasion to north africa and europe and minor asia . and no vectims of islamic terrorism around the world also no muslim vectims because of jihad bacause also the jihadi people are vectim of islam . if any one calculate the number of muslims and christian and jew and the non believers how died because islam the number will be overwhelming
Name: Sharon
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 16:15:37 -0500
I'm sorry, but I failed to see how any of the phrases are contradictory. You need to do some homwork my dear.
Name: William Bryant
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 19:45:13 -0500
This is a start in "higher criticism" of the Quran. Since some of the "surahs" were allegedly given during Muhammad's time in Mecca and others during his time in Medina, this may (or may not) explain some of the contradictions. It might also be helpful to know at what point in his life he claimed to be a prophet or nabi to the Arabs.