Muslim Brothers of Indian Subcontinent: It's Time for Homecoming
09 Sep, 2008
Editor note: We are in favor of leaving religions altogether. However, this article is published here, because, a peaceful appeal to Muslims for their return to their roots, from which they were brutalized to accept Islam, deserves a place here and everywhere else.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4a –
Part 4b –
Part 5a –
Part 5b
In the darkness of a stormy night, it is not unlikely for a sailor to lose sight and get deviated from his original course. But after the calamity is over, it is natural for an intelligent sailor to strive hard to return to his own course. But even then, if he obstinately refuses to mend his way, it is needless to say that the wrong course would lead him to a wrong destination.
- The notion applies to the entire community of converted Muslims of the South-East Asian countries, including India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Before arrival of the foreign Muslim invaders in these countries, their ancestors were either Hindus or Buddhists, and since, in a broader sense, Buddhism is merely a branch of Hinduism, all of them were Hindus. Particularly for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, History tells us that during the days of Muslim onslaught almost all of them were converted to Islam, either by coercion and torture or by allurement. And before that, for past thousands and thousands of years, they were the children of this ancient Hindu country, nurtured in the lap of Hindu culture and breathed the air of this great nation of tolerance, liberty and spiritualism. Hence there is not an iota of doubt that that was their original course, their original way of life.
But it is really unfortunate that they are now denying their ancestral culture, or rather their root, by adopting Arabic or Persian names and by several other means, like eating beef and so on. But the question remains – Is it possible for them to disown their Hindu ancestry by such superficial means? In fact, Hindu culture is synonymous to Indian culture and hence every son and daughter of this great nation is a Hindu by birth and this is the harsh reality which each and every converted Muslim, irrespective of his or her personal liking or disliking, has to accept. So, the poet Rabindranath Tagore, in his essay Atma Parichay (Self Recognition), writes, “Every Muslim of this country should be called a Hindu-Mussalman and every Christian a Hindu-Christian, as they are Hindu by nationality and Mussalman or Christian by religion”. Rishi Aurovinda used to hold the same view and in his famous Uttarpara Address, said, “I say that is the Sanatana Dharma (i.e. Hinduism), which for us is nationalism. This Hindu nation has born with the Sanatana Dharma; with it, it moves, and with it, it grows.”
One may argue that, as Aurovinda and Rabindranath were Hindus,
they wrote all those rubbish simply to glorify Hindu Dharma. In the
mid-l990s, a controversy arose regarding the use of the word
Hindutva in an election campaign. The dispute ultimately went to the
Apex Court. On 11th December, 1995, the Special Bench comprising
three senior Judges of the Supreme Court, ruled that asking voters
to cast their votes for sake of Hindutva is not communal. To clarify
its stand, the Bench declared in its ruling that Hindutva is not
simply a religion like Islam or Christianity. In fact, the
significance of the word Hindutva is much deeper and pervasive, and
it really stands for the culture and civilization which is
continuing in this country for past thousands and thousands of
years, or from time immemorial. It is important to note here that
the said Special Bench included the then Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court and he was a Muslim.
It should also be pointed out here that not only Rabindranath and Aurovibda, even the Muslim clerics of Mecca call the Indian Muslims Hindus, when they go there to perform hajj pilgrimage. In early 1990s the renowned Muslim leader of Delhi, Maulana Abdul Bukhari, during his hajj pilgrimage, requested the clerics to discontinue the said practice, but his appeal fell on deaf ears. Another Muslim dignitary, Rasiduddin Khan, a retired professor of Jwaharlal Nehru University and a former Member of the Parliament (Rajya Sabha), went to Egypt as an invited guest of the Cairo University and spent two years there. Just before returning home, the faculty members of the Cairo University arranged a farewell meeting in his honour and the speakers started to say that they were enjoying the sweet company of a Hindu for past two years, but they would be deprived of that privilege due to Rasiduddin’s return to Hindustan. Professor Rasiduddin made strong protest and said that he was not a Hindu but a devout Mussalman. But the organizers paid no heed to his protest. Then he tried to draw their attention to his Arabic name, but they laughed and said that, if Jawahar Lal Nehru can remain a Hindu with his Arabic surname Nehru (derived from Arabic ‘nahr’, a canal or a river), then Rasiduddin has little difficulty to remain a Hindu with his Arabic name (Organiser, 19.04.98).
On 16th February, 1993, the Delhi edition of the renowned daily Times of India carried an article by Nawab Jafar Jung and Akhtalur Wasir. In that article the authors claimed that Sir Syed Ahmed, the founder of Aligarh Muslim University, used to maintain the view that – “All those who are born in Hindustan and live here, drink water from Ganga and Yamuna and rest in peace in the sacred soil of this land, are all Hindus”. Another Muslim dignitary M. C. Chagla, the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and a Central Minister, used to say that from cultural viewpoint he was a Hindu and by religion a Muslim (ibid, 19.04.98).
Another Muslim author Ansar Hussain Khan, went to Pakistan in the wake of partition, spent 37 years there and then returned to India and wrote Rediscovery of India. In that book he wrote, “Indian Muslims should accept the fact that Afghans, Turks and Mughals had heaped untold atrocities on the Hindus in mediaeval India. … Muslims should abandon their claim on the site of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, a very small price for Hindu-Muslim amity”.
In 1979, just after the so called Islamic Revolution, the Nobel Laureate author Sri V. S. Naipaul went to Iran to see the affairs there in his own eyes. Afterwards, he also traveled three more Islamic countries, namely Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia and narrated his experience in Among the Believers. In 1995, he again visited those four Islamic countries and wrote Beyond Belief. In the latter work he wrote, “Because of its origin in Arabia, Islam demands an imperial loyalty towards Arabia from all the scattered believers of all those Islamic countries”. To describe the Islamic psyche of these converted Muslims, he wrote, “A convert’s world-view alters. … The convert has to turn away from everything that is his own. The resulting disturbance is immense. … To a convert, his land is of no religious or historical importance; only the sands of Arabia become sacred”.
But Mr. Naipaul has missed another vital aspect. To a convert, the foreign Muslim invaders who oppressed their ancestors brutally and converted them at the point of sword, were saviors, not tyrants. And that is the reason Pakistan has named its long range ballistic missiles Ghauri and Babur, after the two despicable and barbaric killers Muhammad Ghuri and Babur. A similar attitude is being expressed by the Bangladeshi media. The Sufi fakirs and their tyrant masters, who, once upon a time, converted their ancestors through blood-bath, are now being portrayed as saviours by the Bangladeshi media. But these people fail to notice that by uprooting them from their own soil, Islam is turning them into pitiable dwarfs or rootless Japanese Bonsais.
While commenting on this aspect of the Indian converts, Anwar Sheikh, the non-resident Indian author settled in England, writes that the Indian converts, by way of isolating them from their ancestral Vedic culture and heritage, have invited their ruin. And the consequent Arabization, in the name of Islam, has done immense damage to them. They have been crippled in every sphere of life by Islam and, in fact, they have invited their doom by distancing them from their ancestral Vedic heritage.
Continued in Part 2
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Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 19:12:20 -0700
Thats fine, but what about Quadir Shiekh who wrote a testimonial titled (You opened my eyes). Can he be contacted. Quadir bhai, are you there?
Name: Wagamama
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 19:35:00 -0700
Truly amazing article... Muslims should reconsider returning to their roots...
Name: bobby
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 19:44:38 -0700
The Hindus forced to adopt the religion of their oppressor under different conditions - their menfolk killed and they became slaves to muslims invaders or living under heavy discrimination decide to profess islam to ward off the reason they are targeted. These first generation "muslims" might have been hated the cult so much. But this feeling could not be propagated to their offspring which would have grown up knowing only the evil religon and their duty to glorify it and oppose every other religion. So that explains the situation today where these descendants of the Hindus hate their countrymen so much. If only the message of their ancestors were carried down...
Name: Alamgir
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 23:07:00 -0700
Bobby, I correct you a bit. Their men, the adults, were killed; and the women and children enslaved, automatically becoming Muslims.
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 23:21:10 -0700
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 23:37:01 -0700
the muslim population is growing rapidly. Watch out. they are comig again.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 00:22:28 -0700
I have been writing in this forum umpteen number of times that islam is purely an arabian cult bent on establishing 'arabian hegemony' over everything and in the light of this the article vindicates my view that Indian muslims are just second class or even third class people in the eyes of the Arabs - I have come accross people working in Saudi Arabia who tell me that Indian muslims are looked down upon and if you are a nonmuslim Indian you are looked at with utmost contempt and disparaged by these unouth, barbaric ,filthy bedouins , the most backward and uncivilised bastards on the face of this Earth . This is pure "racial superiority" shown by the arabs, and Indian muslims meekly submit to these bastards because of the few rials they earn! Say anything bad about these arabian bastards , the Indian muslims get riled up and violent ! Why ? Because they are people from whom the so-called 'prophet' of the evil cult islam came from! These arabian arse-lickers have no self-respect- they would rather brutally, bomb, kill, their fellow citizens in India without even a tinge of remorse to please their arabian masters! Damned slaves of this evil cult! Some are paid to sing praise about this cult and the arabs by Saudi rials like Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes, Deedat,etc. Muslims of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh should inwards and revert back to their origins and I am sure that they would be a better denizens of this Earth ,contributing towards, peace, happiness and prosperity in their own lands!
Name: Wagamama
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 00:38:02 -0700
The Right-wing Hindus are becoming stronger and stronger day by day. Many educated muslims are learning that Islam is an evil cult. Muslims shall not be able to follow the dirty Arab culture in India.... All muslims eat the spices gifted to them by Hindus, dance to the tunes of Hindu music in movies n cultural festivals (music n dance is forbidden in Islam), and speak the language of India. 99.99% of them do not understand Arabic at all.... On the top of that the Arabs call these Muslims as Hindus.... What more do u want Mozies of India? Common come back to ur ancestors fold...
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 02:01:18 -0700
It is very nice article ...
Name: Produce hybrid religion .Marry msulim girls and help them to free from evil cult
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 03:18:53 -0700
Produce hybrid religion .Marry msulim girls and help them to free from evil cult. Follow Hruthic roshan and Sachin pilot style.Tis is very easy and peace practical way. Even if muslim men marry hindu gilrs, it is also welcome. Hindu girls can not accept macines of progency and bring their children to secular and even to rational thinkers. Their entire family may laso leave mad islam. Yes this truly happened. A muslim boy married hindu girls then both converted to buddhism.
Name: Christianity is also one good option for them
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 03:31:37 -0700
Christianity is also one good option for them. Let them encourage to convert to christianity so that they will not face any roits from muslim fascistsa after conversion. Vatican and many countries may come to their protection and defence. For hindus there are none .not even india can save hindu converted muslims
Name: balam
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 05:40:08 -0700
Most of the Muslims are the by-product of Muslim forced convertions. The history of Islam reveals that the marauding Muslims gave the vanquished people three choices. Accept Islam, Pay Jizya, or get your throat cut off. This is how Islam spread so rapidly.It is one way street and there is no turning back because the punishment is death. It is a death Cult.Then Mohammad ordered Muslims to produce as many children as possible. Although Mohammad was mad, he was certainly not stupid.He was well advised by the demonic spirit which controlled his mind.His followers are the unfortunate victoms of ISLAMO_MANIA. That is an incurable mental disease. May God help us all and keep Allah and Mohammad away from us. Islam is a Satanic cult of hate against non-Muslims.
Name: Incredible, how stupid Islam can be!
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 06:41:13 -0700
Did you know that printing was widely and strictly forbidden in almost the whole muslim world for around 300 years for only one reason? Because the quran was allegedly written with a pen! According to surah 96 and surah 68 (The pen) the quran was written by Allah with a pen-like instrument AL-QALAM, made from reed! This is by and large the one and only reason why almost the whole islamic world was forbidden to enjoy the progress of printing, leading to backwardness, wide-spread illiteracy, obscurantism and superstition! Without printed texts, people were unable to afford books and unable to learn anything! Without any doubt, even today the results of backwarded islamic thinking can still be seen in any muslim country!
Name: Ranjeet
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 09:37:26 -0700
Spam message deleted.
Dear Akhtar, aka, Raihan; please stop posting spams. I was told you are an educated man. A bit of civility could be added to that to be credible. - MA Khan, editor
Name: Indian Muslim
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 10:33:34 -0700
Completely absurd. If people in Mecca considered Indian Muslims Hindu they would not allow them to make the pilgrimage. It doesn't make any sense anyway since the Muslims of Mecca themselves are descendants of pagans who converted to Islam exactly like Indian Muslims. Anyone who knows the Arab world knows that Indian Muslim scholars are highly regarded there like Maulana Nadwi (whose books are taught to children in schools), Anwar Al Kashmiri, Maulana Kandhlavi, Mubarakpuri etc And anyone who knows Islamic scripture knows that Indian holds a very special place in it
Name: Vijay
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 10:34:24 -0700
Excellent article. The current hindu politicians are pussy footing islam instead of exposing it's ugly underbelly.
Name: Akhter
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 10:44:58 -0700
Radhaysham is a pale faced hindu whose thinking has warped because of dal eating. Under muslims India was a peaceful and prosperous country before britishers came and took over with the help of traitor hindu rajas and enslaved it for a hundered years.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 11:20:11 -0700
I am always urging Moslems of INDIA to convert back to their noble ancestry of sanatana DHARMA. This idea should be taken up on a firm footing in INDIA - along with the exposition of truths and facts about the evil and savage, brutal, inhumane, cruel ,fascist ,hateful cult ISLAM is . I am always under the impression that the EX.MOSLEMS from INDIA, PAKISATAN, B'desh are best equipped to bring about this change - see for example the case of late ANWAR SHAIKH - the intellectual and scholar who wrote several books to expose the evil ISLAM and tell truth to the world - who died recently ( as a HINDU ) in ENGLAND . But I AM disappointed to find some of the EX.Moslems - except probably ALAMGIR hussain - are not that enthusiatic to write favourably and truthfully - after good analysis - about HINDU DHARMA . Perhaps , they see INDIA still as poor, illiterate, backward country which makes them to hesitate or vacillate to go all out for HINDU DHARMA . In addition the people outside india must know that how MOSLEMS using their treachery ,perfidy divided INDIA on religious lines despite strong opposition from HINDUS. Morally, ethically, legally Moslems has no basis to divide INDIA on religious lines. It was Moslems who came from out side INDIA as invaders and marauding, murders, conquering and enslaving INDIA ,ruling for 800 years.This is followed by British (Christian ) assault on Hindus for another 200 years. Both ISLAM to a great extent and christianity are culprits for the unbelievable destruction and enslavement of INDIA and HINDUS. No other country, no other people , no other religion was so much victimized, brutalized, destroyed as Hinduism/Hindus in the annals of human history- This is particularly galling and sorrowful - considering the fact that HINDU DHARMA is supremely noble - diametrically opposite of the evil fascist cults ISLAM and christianity. At the end i would say thanks are due to the editor - MA KHAN for making it possible to post this article which is 100% true . He did a right thing - as an EX.MOSLEM from greater India................Hindu dharma is the most positive philosophy and value system and a tremendous life giving force on the surface of this earth . One day all people and humanity will come to it's senses ( if all are exposed to all the scriptures of HINDU DHARMA ) to realize that HINDU DHARMA is the gift to all humanity from INDIA - which sees divinity in all creatures and hence supremely noble.
Name: surjit.singh
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 13:56:15 -0700
Very will written and very inmormative, I wonder how many Hindus also Sikhs of India and abroad do know of the real facts about the impact of Islam on us? anxiously waitting for you next article. Best Regards.
Name: proud infidel
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 00:48:29 -0700
I urge my Indian muslim brethen, to come forwad and break the chains of Arab imperialsm. The Arabs, rich and arrogant with their oil wealth practice the worst kind of racism.India is on its way to become a world power in the coming decades.India can and it will. Be proud of the ethos and culture of your ancestors, who braved all odds.Be proud of the Indian story. Nothing pleases the fat sheikh more than you slavishly accepting his filthy culture. Stop bowing to his land 5 times a day out of fear of the afterlife. Believe in yourself for a change.
Name: lw1 to Akhter
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 08:46:59 -0700
If you have evidence that dal-eating warps thinking, you should present it here as well submit it to medical establishment. As for your claim that India was a peaceful and prosperous country, you should look up the records by muslims, kept for muslim rulers, where they proudly record destruction of temples, forcefully converting people on pain of death, otherwise killing them and for a short time imposing jizya. Claim is different from evidence. It was not a peaceful time for Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Budhists when there was a possibility of forced conversion at any time.
Name: caleb singh
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 18:57:26 -0700
to kunta, i will be forced to destroy u by all measures at my disposal if u r out to seek and impose by violence, threats and intimidation and conquest by sword or womb -a barbaric, false, fraudulent, supermacist, intolerant and asinine faith called islam on those who have logically, scientifically, historically and humanely exposed it
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 19:38:11 -0700
Stupid Moslem are abandoning their ancestral roots. With Islam, Mohammad colonialized the rich cultures of surrounding nations of Arab. The once rich culture of Iran, now replaced by islamic culture, so does people of Indonesia, so stupid leaving the rich culture of native Indonesia and replace it with Islamic culture. The beautiful garments of the tribes are replaced with jilbab. Girls/women have many ilbab, but no native garments anymore. Funny thing is, many unbeautiful women, are wearing jilbab. They have no physical beauty to be shown, then wear jilbab, as if they are saying: "I'm not beautiful, even bad looking, but I'm a moslem." Nothing to be proud of, only just being a moslem. Personally, I don't believe that women, with a proper dress, but uncovered her hair with jilbab, can make men's sexual desire aroused. Only men, like Mohammad, who have an extra ordinary high sexual desire, will be sexuallu aroused with uncovered women with jilbab, ha ha ha .....
Name: asif khan
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 03:08:15 -0700
this article should be spread widely, and should be read by every muslim so that they start to make their mind to come home, to adopt hindu dharm for enlightnment....everyone should do maximum effort for this great noble cause
Name: Jay
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 04:44:27 -0700
Dr. Radheshyam, It is too late for the Indian Muslims to come back to Hinduism. It is just impossible. Besides Hinduism has no TRUTH and POWER to attract the Muslims. Only the God of the Bible (THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST) can change the life and the mindset of any man whether he is a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Catholic, nominal Christian or an Atheist. Read some testimonies of Ex-Muslims in ://
Name: Kay
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 12:35:50 -0700
Interesting article.... However, I seriously don't know how many muslims will accept this seriously..... @ Jay: Please stop your crap about Christ. If you want some converts, this is the wrong place.
Name: To Anne Dexter
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 02:42:01 -0700
Your Koran used the Biblical prophets as props to give the false and dangerous religion Islam a sense of credibility and authenticity. Allah is the moon deity worship by pagans before Islam. No wonder the symbol for Islam is a crescent moon. Mohammad's father was Abdullah which means servant of Allah! So Abdullah was already a servant of Allah before Mohammad was born! The pre-Islamic Mecca was already the center of pagan pilgrimage before Islam. The pagan practice is perpetuated by all Muslims even today. Pre-Islamic Mecca had a white stone, a red stone, and a black stone. Mohammad kissed the black stone. Up to now all Muslims revered the black stone! Examine the character of your beloved Mohammad: He murdered 900 Jews in one day. He raped female captives. He married 9-year old Aisha. He plundered rich caravans. He took 20% share on all booties. He was engaged in kidnap for ransom. He released a murderer because the victim insulted the prophet. He had several wives. Consider his teachings: He advocated and promoted murder, "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them!", "There is no shame in killing!", "Killing is a small matter to us!" No wonder some of your people become mindless killers! He taught Muslims "Women are like toys!", "You can beat your wife!" What does Mohammad promised: "An afterlife imaginary paradise of big bosom virgins, handsome young boys (for the Muslim pedophiles), rivers of wine!" (which ironically he prohibited you to consume!). And an ejaculation that lasts 600 years! Only a sick mind would believed such a fantasy! No wonder Muslim countries are poor and miserable with no significant contribution to the arts, music, sciences, technology. And they blamed all of these to U.S.- Zionist international conspiracy. The only significant commodity Muslim countries export abroad is VIOLENCE!
Name: Kabul student sentenced to death for downloading internet article!
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 03:02:28 -0700
A Kabul student was sentenced to death for downloading internet article. The article is about why men had four wives and not applicable to women to have four husbands. This shows Islam doesn't value human life and fear the truth about the true nature of their doctrine. Islam fear the TRUTH! That's why they censure and imposes the penalty of death for even questioning their perverted doctrine of hate. Living in an Islamic country is indeed a living HELL!
Name: To:To Anne Dexter/student in Kabul
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 12:26:45 -0700
Wonderul comment! Aisha was 9 years old when her vagina was just big enough for mohammed's penis (he married her three years earlier) and mohammed said a woman is "a toy."/To the Kabul comment:how sad! Just for downloading an internet article! Reminds me of the saudi arabian dad who brutally cut his daughter's tongue out before murdering her calling it an "honor killing" because she converted to Christianity.
Name: Islam fears the TRUTH!
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 01:03:18 -0700
Islam fears the TRUTH that's why it is easily offended and passed on death sentence to a Kabul student for downloading an article in the internet! All freedom loving people of the world should do all legal means to defeat this evil Islam!!! You evil Muslims fanatics you are all COWARDS!!! Killing innocent unarmed people!!! Destruction would soon come back to you!!!
Name: Jay
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 22:02:20 -0700
It will be more than enough if the Muslims of India realize that their forefathers were killed/forcibly converted to Islam by the Islamic aggressors and live in peace, respecting their fellow Indians/Hindus. As I wrote earlier if at all the Muslims ever leave their religion to accept any other religion it can only be for True Christianity because JESUS, THE SAVIOUR IS ALIVE to save any one from any damn deception.
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 22:10:56 -0700
At least the Muslims dont go house to house and offer monitory rewards to those who get themselves converted. Only Cheap skates do that. Just because you have caste system, dont condemn other religions you cow dung sucker.
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 01:54:34 -0700
Condemning a false religion is different from condemning people. Read more articles of Dr.Ali Sina.
Name: To Kafir - Kevin
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 11:39:14 -0700
You say the british india is responsible for the destruction of hindus and India. Yes the british did exploit the people of the subcontinent. However India was not a politically united state when they arrived. In fact there was no India as we know it now. There were hundreds of princely kingdoms not just hindu but many muslim kingdoms. And the muslims dominated. The british broke the domination of the muslims on the subcontinent and united the subcontinent into a single political entity. If not for them we would have to get visas to vist most parts of the subcontinent. Other than that we adopted their systems of government, education, armed forces, technology (remember the industrial revolution started in england and europe) etc. So in the final analysis we benefitted from their rule. It is good that India is free but British played a part in shaping modern India. Also it was Gandhi who made the british face the fact that they were not following their christian values by exploting the Indian people. If it was muslim rulers instead of christian, Gandhi would have had his throat slit.
Name: Jay
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 00:13:41 -0700
I fully agree with you Kevin. The British were a blessing to India. They laid down the Highway/Roadways, Railways, Ports, Educational Institutions, Excellent Administrations, Business systems, Indian Army, Post offices, Proper government systems, etc,. They also abolished many evils of Caste systems, Sati, Child marriage etc. Above all they were never into religious conversions. One can imagine what the world have looked like if they were converting the natives to Christianity at the point of gun like the Muslims rulers did with their swords, considering the fact that the British were ruling almost the whole world. They never did that because they were Christians and Jesus simply said that My kingdom is not the kingdom of this world. The Lord Jesus Christ desires to establish His kingdom in the hearts of the people. The British were secular rulers who had laid the foundations of Democracy. Even now some old folks say that the British administrations did a better job in India than what the corrupt politicians are doing now. However it is good that India is free from British rulers.
Name: Jay
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 00:35:14 -0700
Correction: The British could not abolish Caste system of India. But they did introduce laws against injustice, crime and cruelties committed in the name of Caste. The old folks of India say that such crimes and cruelties were punished quickly and severely during the British times.
Date: Thursday September 25, 2008
Time: 08:16:40 -0700
What a perfect deception is Islam. Remove the violence/Sword from Islam it has nothing to survive. Millions of sane and honest Muslims will get out this religion of hatred and murder immediately if they have a choice. Tradition and fear has kept them in bondage of Islam. Vast majority are spiritually blind being brainwashed by lies. Anyway, not many will take the risk of losing their family and life for truth and eternal life. Islam spread though sword and it survives through sword, threat, hatred, murder, cruelty and falsehood. It requires forgiveness of God and holiness to go heaven. Jesus has the authority forgive sins because he died for everyone's sins. By obeying the teachings of Jesus we become holy. He gives eternal life because he has the authority to give eternal life.. Dear Muslims, Jesus loves you, he died for your sins also. He will save you if you accept that you have sinned against the Holy God and confess your sins to him and commit your life to obey the teachings of the New Testament. Islam will only confirm your place in Hell because no person with unforgiveness and hatred against another human can ever go to heaven. Jesus will give you the ability forgive others and love others and confirm your place in heaven.
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 09:00:05 -0700
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 18:10:28 -0700
Can the terrorist situation get worse than it already has?
Name: Indian Christian
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 01:59:04 -0700
BRAHMAChariji, assuming that Indian muslims return back to hinduism, which cast will they be absorbed in. Will you ( Brahmins) give them cast according to colour of their skin or because Muslims are beef eater you put them along with the low caste (shudras). Why should they return to hinduism in the first place after all you hindus believe that all gods are same. Obviously you really don't have a problem with Allah. You worship many idols and they worship only one idol (the black stone of kaaba). In fact some hindus are saying that that kaaba was a hindu temple before islam was formed. The muslims oppressed or killed the non muslims for centuries and the hindus oppressed and killed the low caste shudras for centuries. There are murderous muslim fanatics, so there are murderous hindu fanatics. Frankly, socially their status is better in India than the low caste Shudras. The hindus have some respect and fear for the Muslims but they don't have any such thing for the low Caste shudras. I have seen some kind and gentle hindu friends hating the low caste hindu shudras or buddhists for no reason. It is the biggest hypcrisy one can see among the hindus in India. I do admit that hindus generally are very kind, gentle and compassionate people. I have personally been blessed by my hindu teachers, friends and colleagues.
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 11:46:37 -0700
India is a land of great culture